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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


彭允華 Unknown Date (has links)
89年1月5日立法院通過「國防法」,「全民國防」乙詞正式從概念轉換成法律,94年2月2日制定公佈「全民國防教育法」,「全民國防」更從理念落實成政策作法。確立「全民國防」係以國家安全為依歸,以軍事安全為核心,凝聚愛國衛國意識,建立全方位及全民參與的國防。教育是最廉價的國防,要提升全民國防教育成效,就須從學校教育做起。經由合適的課程設計,採取適切的教材教法,提升學生學習情緒,自可獲得較佳的教育成效。 本論文以我國高級中等學校全民國防教育中,學生防衛知能教學之研究為題,區分文獻分析與調查研究兩種方法進行研究。先探究全民國防教育中有關防衛知能的時代意義,並就法律面、歷史沿革與現況、防衛知能與國家社會關聯、防衛知能與民防結合等部分予以探討,以期明瞭防衛知能在前述內容所扮演的角色與功能;高中職學生在民防組織青年動員服勤的編組中,所應具備之防衛知能,平時應以協助搶救災害為主,戰時則以支援軍事勤務為目的。基此,提出處於火災、震災、水災(土石流),核生化時之自保應變作為,輔以極具應用價值之簡易急救醫療課目補強平戰時期皆適用的基本防衛知能。 在調查研究當中,對新竹地區學生實施1500份問卷,及10位資深教官與專業教育人士之訪談內容,以探究己公告之全民國防教育課程綱要(草案)各課程之安排是否妥適,若有需要時如何予以調整,以及就學習動機與教學實務中,運用何種教學方法較易獲得學生共鳴。以冀在有限之授課時數中,能達成全民國防教育提升防衛知能之教育目標為最終目的。經由上述之分析研討,交叉比對後,歸納出包含在法規探討、組織體系、課程調整、教學方法及教學實務等五方面之研究心得提供有關單位參考。 全民國防教育為我國現階段重要之國家政策,在高中職校之全民國防教育部分,舉凡師資之培育認定、課程之設計擬定及其相關宣教活動之規劃訂定,均影響本項教育工作之推展成效,如何結合各種資源及適當因應,將課程導向適用於平戰合一的知識與技能,全民國防教育提升防衛知能之教學目標方可期其有成。

國防檔案開放應用之評估研究:內部使用者的觀點 / The Evaluation Study of Access of National Defense Archives: The Internal Users Perspectives

羅偉豪, Luo, Wei Hao Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關檔案的開放與應用是當代民主政治運作的磐石,良善且完備的應用制度與開放管道,將能深刻機關檔案的價值及資料開放的深度。由於政治環境及歷史遺緒使然,我國國防檔案開放應用的過程是在相對保守及封閉的情境中所進行。隨著我國民主政治的穩定發展,國防檔案在管理及實務層面歷經了多次的轉變與調整,循序漸進的推展檔案開放應用的進程及範圍。本研究以政策評估理論中的評估指標,來觀察及解析國防檔案開放應用過程的影響與箝制因素,並聚焦於國防部內部使用者在實務過程及現實層面所提出的觀點與問題,嘗試進一步分析及詮釋國防檔案在開放應用時所面臨的困境及挑戰,並提出研究建議。 研究發現在效能性及效率性指標層面,因組織降編與整併、業務移轉與承接、人事精簡與離退及檔案審查行政流程等現實,肇生了國防檔案開放應用在政策效能、資源配置及行政效率等問題。在充分性及回應性指標層面,檔案開放應用的現行內容、範圍及數量未能充分滿足使用者的需求,而檔案管理人員的知能未能有效傳承,形成了執行面向與政策價值之間的落差。在公平性及適當性指標層面,檔案開放應用的管道、主題徵集作業停止及國防組織本質與法規層面的特性限制,使得政策目標的價值受限,並出現了目標偏失的困境。 本研究提出的改善建議可分為政策及實務執行二個層面。在政策層面的改善建議有三點:國防部應重視檔案管理及檔案應用的人力配置與預算資源,避免落入員額精簡或單位裁撤的謬誤循環之中;國防部可積極研擬將非機敏性業務,進行業務委外辦理的推動工作;另外可就現行法制規範層面進行適度的修正及開放等。而實務執行層面的改善建議則有四點:建議國防部在業務流程應積極推動簡化,並以作業管理的資訊化作為輔助;再來應在檔案審查准駁的作業流程進行效率化工作,以提升行政服務的效率;同時應關注檔案管理人員在專業知能上的培訓,以及機關內部和外部的進修訓練;另外建議國防部可以嘗試建立並整合檔案應用的網絡機制,透過多元行動者的互動參與及資訊的垂直和水平整合,來提升檔案開放與應用的實質成效。 / The access of government archives is the cornerstone of modern democracy. Due to the political environment past decades, the access of the national defense archives in Taiwan has been conducted in a conservative and confined manner. With the steadily democratic development in Taiwan, the management of the national defense archives has experienced much improvement and has gradually been stimulating processes and scope of public access. This study, using evaluation indicators adopted from policy evaluation theories; try to analyze the impact and limitations of accessing national defense archives, with a focus on opinions and suggestions made by internal users from the Ministry of National Defense (MND) in Taiwan. Further, this study aims to further analyze the issues and challenges faced and propose some recommendations. The study found that the access of national defense archive has difficulties in policy effectiveness, resource allocation, and administrative efficiency that caused by organizational downgrades and downsize, job assignment and adjustment, personnel reductions, and the archives reviews process. In terms of adequacy and responsiveness indicators, the content, scope and quantity of the archives accessed could insufficiently meet the demands of users, and the knowledge of the archivists not been transferred causes a gap between the practical implementation and the value of the policy. In terms of equity and appropriateness indicators, the access route, stop of theme acquisition and the nature of MND had limited the value of the policy. The suggestions proposed in this study are for policymaking and practical implementation individually. Three suggestions were for improving the policy making process. The MND should pay more attention to archive management, human resource and budgets reallocation in archives division. The MND could outsource some non-classified archive management work. In addition, current public access regulations should make some appropriate adjustments in accordance with reality. There are four suggestions for further improvements of practical implementation. First, the MND should actively promote process reengineering and use information technology as an aid in operation. Second, simplifying the workflow of access of national defense archive should be implemented. At the same time, archivist professional training should be enhanced. Last, the MND should establish an archive-access network; through it the effectiveness of access can be improved.


張舜華 Unknown Date (has links)


李政德, Lee, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包括三篇有關「國防經濟」相關議題之研究。此三篇研究建立隨機的內生性成長模型,進行國防經濟的成長與福利分析,整個論文的主軸及行文順序如下: 第一篇文章為「國防支出、隨機成長與福利」,本文主要係延伸Barro (1990)、Turnovsky (1999) 與Gong and Zou (2003) 所提政府支出具生產力的概念,建構一個隨機的內生性成長模型,探討國防支出對於長期經濟成長率與福利水準的影響。我們發現國防支出與長期經濟成長率的關係是非線性的,並且得到使得長期經濟成長率最大時的最適國防支出比例。此外,我們也證明國防支出會透過兩種管道影響福利水準:第一種管道為國家安全效果,第二種管道為經濟成長效果。最後,本文首先提出國防支出波動程度對長期經濟成長率以及福利水準的衝擊會受到生產與國防支出干擾項的共變數以及代表性個人的風險偏好程度所影響。 第二篇文章為「軍事威脅、隨機成長與福利」,本文係延伸第一篇文章的架構,加入軍事威脅的隨機過程,並建構一個隨機的內生性成長模型,除了得到第一篇文章的結論外,更得到外國軍事支出的成長與本國長期內生成長率成反比以及外國軍事支出的波動程度與本國長期內生成長率成正比的結果。此外,本文亦首先證明外國軍事支出的成長與波動程度對於福利水準與長期經濟成長率的影響是相同的。換言之,若外國軍事支出的成長與波動程度導致長期經濟成長率增加,則福利水準也會增加;反之亦然。 第三篇文章為「軍事威脅、成長與福利:小型開放隨機成長模型」,本文建構一個小型開放的隨機內生性成長模型,探討外國軍事威脅對於本國長期經濟成長率與福利水準的影響。本文首先證明外國軍事威脅未預期的干擾對於本國長期經濟成長率的影響與本國是否為債權國或債務國有關。我們也首先證明外國軍事威脅的波動程度對於經濟成長率隨機過程變異數的衝擊會與本國是否為債權國或債務國以及消費的跨期替代彈性有關,即我們證明如果本國為淨債權國且消費的跨期替代彈性大於1或者如果本國為淨債務國且消費的跨期替代彈性小於1,此時若外國軍事威脅的波動程度愈大,則本國經濟成長率的隨機調整路徑愈平穩。

我國「全民防衛動員」之研究 / A Study of Civilian-Based Defense Mobilization

許偉仁, Hsu, Wei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
當前我國國防政策的基本目標為「預防戰爭、國土防衛、反恐制變」,為確保目標之達成,現階段之各項國防整備措施及建軍備戰作為,須仰賴國軍推動必要的轉型,建立一支彈性快速、高作戰性能,以及能夠滿足多元國防任務的現代化軍隊,以期能「以革新提升實力,以實力確保和平」,有效保障國家安全與國民福祉。自國軍推行「精實案」、「精進案」後,兵力結構改變,台澎防衛作戰仍以三軍聯合作戰為主要型態,但最後成敗關鍵,動員整備工作的落實與否成了很重要的因素;現行組織之編組與做法,仍有若干問題存在,亟應朝法制化、常軌化發展,建立全民防衛動員工作之正常體制與良好運作環境,方能切合時代潮流,有效發揮全民防衛戰力。 全民防衛動員成功關鍵,必須以「全民國防」的意識及作為支撐,才能夠將「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」的戰略構想賦予具體內容。其所追求的目標是:「全民關注、全民支持、全民參與」,平時透過「全民國防教育法」的各項積極作為教育民眾,支持政府從事各項國防建設,喚起民眾憂患意識,落實全民心防,端正社會風氣;進入戰時狀態即依據「全民防衛動員準備法」,整合軍民之力量,建構生命共同體,擴展愛鄉、愛國之心胸,消弭統獨族群爭議,建立正確敵情觀念,以因應威脅國家安全的各種狀況。這些重點工作,個人期望能在全民防衛動員戰略規劃中,具體將國家整體資源及社會民物力運用,做深入探討,以試圖提出今後對建軍備戰的具體建議。 / At this time point, the fundamental goal of our policies of National Defense is “Prevent the war from, the national territory defends, anti- perhaps system changes”. In order to accompolish this goal,two transitions need take place: The national defense reorganizes and outfits the measure and sets up the armament war conduct and actions.To meet the expecfation of " Promote the strength with the innovation, insure the peace with the strength" a modern troop with high flexibility and high performance,which cancomplete National Defensive mission is requined. Although the army Structure has slightly changed after the national army started “Solid case, aggressive case of the main form of Taiwan Pon Hoo Denfensive war is The armed forces consociation battles.The key to success still depends on the execution of Mobilize to reorganize and outfit the work in order to demonstrate National Defensive Force. The key to the success of All the people defends to mobilize must be supported by the concept of Civil national defense in order to materialize the strategy of Deter, defend to keep without change effectively.The aim is All the people pays attention to, all the people support, all the people participates,the Bureau of National Defense edvcates the citizens to support National Dofease and rectify social trend. Arouse the people the disaster realizes, carrying out the civil mental defence.When at war, All the people defends to mobilize to prepare the method will be activated to integrate forces of soldiers and people,construct Common body of life,demonstrate patriotism,solve the dispute of The is only the ethnicity controversy,and develop the cornect Condition of the enemy idea,in order to cope with any condition that could thneateu national security.These issues will be discussed in my All the people mobilizes the strategy programming and I will also discuss about how to fully utilize National Resources and social Force Social people's material resources in order to give specifiz suggestions on Set up the soldier general quarter .


郭嘉範, Kuo , Hia Fan Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球化時代國防安全的多元挑戰,國軍長期以來始終秉持憲法所賦予的使命,不斷精實壯大,期能確保國家利益與安全的終極目標。我國國防已逐步藉由「國防轉型」邁入現代化的新紀元,無論是國防理念、軍事戰略、建軍規劃與願景,都是以「預防戰爭」為依歸,以「有效嚇阻,防衛固守」為戰略構想。國防政策仍以確保國家利益與安全目標為最高準繩,透過施政方針,來達成「預防戰爭」、「國土防衛」、「反恐制變」的基本目標。 本研究目的在於探究恐怖主義相關定義與組織概況和發展趨勢,並檢視國際、區域反恐公約及法令制定與我國參與之情形,另藉由各國反恐軍事特種部隊現況,藉以提供我國修訂反恐專法之參考,補充我國反恐怖行動法第五條之內容。 本研究發現:由於各國政治立場不一,對於恐怖主義的定義亦不盡相同,導致國際恐怖組織發動攻擊之事件頻傳,而各國反恐行動亦以設置反恐特種部隊為主。當然,國際反恐公約之合作趨勢,反映出各國修訂反恐專法的必要性,以收國際反恐法與國內反恐法之成效,惟我國應儘速通過反恐專責法令,以符合法律保留與比例原則。 另方面,我國政府在反恐行動架構中面臨實務操作上之窘境,導致地方政府與中央機關在反恐成效上難保統一行事;而以國軍參與反恐之角色與定位來說:在國防政策基本目標下之國防組織再造,國軍反恐怖協調體系呈現出組織扁平化之架構,且各特勤隊需具備學習型組織之性質,突顯出我國軍事部隊終生教育之必要。 / As the challenges of national security are being more globalized, the Ministry of National Defense of ROC has achieved remarkable success in benefiting the nation and people based on the responsibility under the Constitution. All these improvements and changes carried out in the national defense system are to keep the nation away from war and guard the homeland safely. The main policy still upholds the safeguarding of national interests and security targets as the highest criterion in order to achieve the basic objectives of “war prevention”, “homeland defense”, and “counter-terrorism and contingency response” through policy implementation and directives. The main purpose of this research is to find out the definition and development of terrorism around the world, the international counter-terrorism cooperation, and the role of the R.O.C. in the international counter-terrorism system. Furthermore, this research also provides the patterns of the counter terrorist forces around the world that derives some useful adjustments for the ROC Anti-Terrorism Law. This research discovered that since the political standpoint and the definition of terrorism of each country are different, the special forces of each country are still the main counter-terrorism power. Of course, the international cooperation of anti-terrorism brought each nation to revise its anti-terrorism law. On the other hand, our government has been facing several challenges in bringing our anti-terrorism mechanism into practice. What should be improved now is to put our Anti-Terrorism Law into effect. In addition, as anti-terrorism is a very important issue around the world, further organizational transformation such as organization flattening and continuous education must be accomplished to improve the national defense system.


潘建華 Unknown Date (has links)
在後911時代,世界各國體認到國家安全的領域已從過去單純國防方面轉移到全方位的整體安全。單純的軍事力量已不足已維護國家安全,在面對各式挑戰和衝突時,必須以更全面的思考來應對。生物戰劑,在過去大多是在教科書和軍事準則上提到的可能威脅之一,但真正威脅到國家安全則是在911之後的炭疽信件。世人瞭解到我們是處於多麼真實且危險的世界。生物科技的進步一方面提昇人類的生活品質和生命長度,另一方面則是直接威脅到人類的生存。生物戰劑的運用方式可以相當多樣且多變,正是製造恐怖的最佳武器。 生物戰劑的目標可以從個人的暗殺、殺傷大量人員、影響農牧業及糧食供應、破壞經濟和社會秩序、影響政治選擇到製造動亂。而各種疾病和生物戰劑的散佈很難區分,更是增加防疫和應變上的困難。 我國在防疫措施上雖然在SARS之後已經有應變機制,但面對多樣的生物戰劑攻擊,仍然顯得捉襟見肘。吾人應分析可能的生物戰劑威脅並擬定相關應變措施,建立有關國家安全生物防護網,發揮全民國防之功能,維護整體國家安全。 關鍵詞:生物戰劑、應變機制、國家安全生物防護網、全民國防 / After 911-terrorism attack, nations all over the world finally realized that the national security field have transformed from national defense to full-spectrum national security. Military force cannot defense national security alone. When face kinds of challenges and threatens, we should think and concern more complete. Biological warfare threat, in past, just only text on textbook and field manual. But after 911 anthrax envelope events, people realized that the biological warfare threat have come to the real world and what dangerous world we live with. Biological science and technology have improved people's quality of life and prolonged our length of life, in the other hand, it also threaten human being's survival. Biological warfare can be use in many different ways and can be the best weapon to make terror. The target or strategic goal can be used to assassin, cause mass casualty, bloke or disturb food supply, destroy economics and social order, influence political choose and make chaos. It is not easy to find the difference between distribution of disease and biological warfare. Moreover, that made counter insurgence more difficult. We have counter insurgence mechanism to deal with biological warfare attack and disease distribution, when face kinds of biological threat, it shows insufficient. We need to improve our anti-bioterrorism capability continuously. Analysis possible threat and get counter insurgence plan, build national bio-shied framework and all-out defense system to protect national security. Keyword: biological warfare, insurgence mechanism, national bio-shied framework, all-out defense system

所得與政府教育及國防支出之長期關係分析 / The Long-Run Relationship between Income and Government Expenditure of Education and National Defense

林胤豪, Yinn-hau Lin Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 本文主要是檢定內生成長模型之下,政府的國防以及教育支出行為與經濟成長的關係。我們發覺以往的文獻探討,對於教育對經濟成長關係的探討大多著重在人力資本對經濟成長之影響,而多持正面的看法;學者對國防支出有持正面;亦有持負面之看法。根據本文所做的實證檢定則發現,長期之下,我們所欲檢定之變數,國民所得、教育支出以及國防支出皆具有單根之關係,顯示三個數列在長期之下,不具有穩定之狀態;亦即是呈現一個隨機漫步的情形,此正和我國經濟成長、國防支出、教育支出不斷增加的事實相吻合。而教育支出和國民所得亦有具有共整合的關係存在,這顯示了在長期之下,國民所得和教育支出的一階差分會呈一穩定的線性關係,即長期之下,國民所得和教育支出會有相同成長趨勢,而國民所得和國防支出間,因為國防預算支出的比例不斷降低,所以我們無法得出該支出與國民所得有共整合關係,顯示國民所得和國防支出長期下並無相同的成長趨勢。 而就因果關係檢定之結果來看,我們發現,國民所得對教育支出有一領先的關係,解釋了長期之下,國民所得的資訊可以用來預測教育支出成長的事實,同時也可以說明我國符合華格納法則中所提到之現象。 而就國防支出和國民所得而言,本文得出國民所得和國防支出存在雙向因果關係。當以國民所得作為被解釋變數時,可能因國防支出使用的效率,或者國防的支出確實提高有效需求並促進現代化,因而使國防支出對國民所得有顯著之影響。至於國民所得對國防支出的影響方面,我們就國防支出需求面來看國防預算的制定,是必須考慮所得的經濟因素。且依據華格納法則,隨著我國國民所得不斷增加,對於政府國防支出的需求,亦會相對提升。因此,吾人可以說國民所得增加會影響國防支出。  目    錄 第一章 緒論……………………………………………… 1 第一節 經濟成長與政府支出……………………….. 1 第二節 研究方向……………………………………….. 5 第三節 本文架構……………………………………….. 6 第二章 相關探討及文獻回顧…………………………… 8 第一節 相關公共支出對經濟成長的文獻回顧……… 8 第二節 教育投資、支出及國防支出對經濟成長之影響… 11 第三節 國民所得對政府支出的影響………………… 23 第三章 計量方法………………………………………….. 29 第一節 單根檢定………………………………………… 29 第二節 共整合檢定………………………………………... 32 第三節 修正誤差模型…………………………………….. 34 第四節 因果關係檢定………………………………… 36 第四章 模型設定及實證結果…………………… . 41 第一節 模型的設定…………………………………… 41 第二節 單根和共整合檢定…………………………… . 42 第三節 修正誤差及因果檢定………………………….…. 47 第四節 實證結果之探討…………………………………. 55 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………… . 63 第一節 本文結論……………………………………….… 63 第二節 本文之建議…………………………………….…. 65 參考文獻……………………………………………………. 70 / We are going to dicuss the long-run relationship between income and govnernment's education and national defense expenditure in Taiwan.We start at testing wheather income ,education expenditure ,and national defense have unit or not. We find all the series have the characteristic of unit root.It shows that they are not stationary.Then we use Granger's cointegration test,and see that the series of income and education got the relationship of cointegration,instead that of income and national defense. Finally,we test long- run relationship by Granger causality.Due to the existence of cointegration between income and education expenditure,we can use two-steps OLS to test whether there exist Granger causality between them,and we find income will affect education expenditure ,however education expenditure will not affect income.And we use F test to find the Granger causality between income and nation defenseand we get the conclusion that there exists a bilateral Granger causality.It means that they will affect each other.

民主化與中華民國國防人力資源規劃 / Impact of Democratization on ROC’s Human Resource Planning of National Defence

賀華 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是從民主化權力重分配的角度觀察我國國防人力資源規劃之轉變,並透過一般人力資源理論印證國防人力資源策略性規劃的重要性。民主化改變了國內政治、經濟、社會面的生態結構,同時也解構了國防人力資源的強制力,使得我國的國防人力資源規劃從徵兵制為主的規劃構面,朝向募、徵併行制發展。在「精實案」與「精進案」的過程中,國防人力資源規劃在價值性、內隱性、複雜性、專屬性、稀有性、不可替代性、、、等人力資源特性方面,是否能有效兼顧並給予良好的發展,將對我國兵役制度發展有深刻長遠影響。 在民主化的過程中,權力重分配牽涉到民主化與文人統制的關係,以及國防人力資源規劃背景條件改變的成因,對國防人力資源核心競爭力與核心價值的保存與發揚均有直接或間接影響。因此,本論文也針對此部份進行比較性研究及探討,以論證國防人力資源維繫核心價值之重要性。 本篇論文係藉由民主化的演變以人力資源理論串連現行國軍人力資源規劃模式進行分析,在觀察的角度上主要以總體面及法規制度為主,希望藉由整體性角度的探討,提供國防人力資源規劃時的參考。 關鍵詞:民主化、人力資源、人力資源策略、文人統制、兵役制度、核心競爭力、核心價值

運用資料包絡分析法評量行政法人經營績效之研究-以 A 法人為例 / A Study on Performance Evaluation of the Administrative Institution by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method – An Example of A Administrative Institution

周達敏 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,「新公共管理」及「政府再造」已蔚為世界潮流,公共政策以民意為依歸,施政方向取決於民眾的滿意度,因此績效的衡量成為提升行政績效的基礎。我國自2002年始制定科技組織績效評鑑制度,作為各研究機構訂定評估作業之參考,對研究機構評估機制的重視可見一般。A法人為以國防科技研究發展為主的研究機構,自2014年轉型為行政法人,究竟其轉型前後其經營績效如何? 乃為本研究主要動機。 本研究以A法人所屬9個單位為績效評估的對象,運用資料包絡分析法評估各研究單位之間的相對效率,分別以專業計畫支出、服務支出、用人費用及資本支出作為投入變數;以計畫產值、營業收入、專利權等三項作為產出變數,探討行政法人化對A法人績效變動情形,以瞭解績效差異的原因,並提出改善績效之建議。 經過實證研究發現,A法人轉型後整體規模提升,究其原因主要為規模效率變動所導致;此外,相對無效率單位普遍有規模效率值較純技術效率值高的情形,顯示無效率單位應提高其純技術效率,才能提高其生產效率;再者,差額變數的分析顯示,無效率單位效率不佳的原因主要為資本支出投入資源太多,及計畫產值的產出太低,由於計畫產值涉及國防兵力整備計畫及年度預算編製等因素影響,較無法透過營運管理加以控制,因此相對無效率單位應優先考慮降低資本支出等投入資源。 / Along with the conception of "new public management" and "government reengineering" thrive around the world, every country starts to negotiate about public opinions. As important roles of satisfaction of the general public, the measurement of public policies performance has become the basis for enhancing administrative performance. We had formulated a performance appraisal system for scientific and technological organizations in 2002 as a reference for evaluating research assignments by research institutes. It means that evaluation mechanism for research institutes has become the global trend. This thesis examines the impact of administrative corporation on operating performance, not only evaluating the achievement rate of organization goal, but also promoting resource utilization efficiency. In order to evaluate the performance of the administrative corporation, this study uses data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency among research institutes. Through the empirical result, the change of scale efficiency led to an increase in the size of the organization. Moreover, the scale efficiency is generally higher than the pure technical efficiency among relatively inefficient units. We found that inefficient units should increase pure technical efficiencies to improve their productivities. Eventually, we did confirm that there are too many resources invested in capital expenditures and output value is too low. Therefore, as output value is subject to the country budget, inefficiency units should give priority to reducing capital input to improve performance.

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