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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kulturmorphologische, biochemische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Differenzierung Koagulase-negativer Staphylokokken, isoliert aus Hälftegemelksproben von Ziegen und deren Bedeutung für die Eutergesundheit

Ehrenberg, Andrea 20 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Alle laktierenden Ziegen aus 12 hessischen Milchziegen-Betriebe wurden über einen Zeitraum von 2 Jahren beprobt. 83,6 % der 2038 Hälftegemelksproben waren kulturell negativ. 10,7 % der bakteriologisch positiven Proben waren Koagulase-negative Staphylokokken. Zur KNS-Differenzierung wurden Kulturmorphologie, ID32 Staph-Test, in-vitro-Sensitivität gegenüber Antibiotika und die t-DNA-PCR angewandt. Keines dieser Verfahren konnte alleinig zur Identifizierung der KNS-Isolate erfolgreich angewandt werden, nur die Kombination der Verfahren war zielführend. Nachgewiesen wurden die Spezies S. caprae, S. epidermidis, S. simulans, S. hyicus, S. saprophyticus, S. chromogenes, S. lentus, S. xylosus und S. hominis. Weiterhin wurde nach Methoden gesucht, um die subklinische Mastitis der Ziege diagnostizieren zu können. Hier erscheint der Vergleich der Zellzahl beider Euterhälften einer Ziege geeignet, um eine subklinische Mastitis abgrenzen zu können. Aufgrund der erhöhten Zellzahl, der Erregernachweis in Reinkultur sowie des Vergleichs mit der kultur-bakteriologisch negativen Euterhälfte erscheint die ätiologische Bedeutung der nachgewiesenen KNS-Isolate als Mastitiserreger der Ziege wahrscheinlich. / All lactating goats out of 12 hessian Dairy-goat-farms were being tested over a period of 2 years. 83,6 % of 2038 half-milk-samples were bacteriological negative. 10,7 % of the bacteriological positive samples were Coagulase-negative staphylococci. For KNS-differentiation morphology of culture, ID 32 Staph Test, in-vitro-sensitivity against antibiotics and t-DNA-PCR were evaluated. None of these methods could be used alone to identify the CNS isolates, the combination of the methods led to results. The species S. caprae, S. epidermidis, S. simulans, S. hyicus, S. saprophyticus, S. chromogenes, S. lentus, S. xylosus and S. hominis were found. Further it was searched for methods to diagnose subclinical mastitis of goats. The comparison of cell amount of both udder halfs of a goat seems to be adequate to diagnose subclinical mastitis. Because of increased cell amount, proof of agent in pure culture and comparison with the bacteriological negative udder half the etiological impact of the detected CNS-Isolates as causative agents of goat-mastitis is likely.

大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標建構之研究 / Study on Constructing Expected effectiveness and Indicators of the Enrollment's Total Amount Control of Higher Education

莊清寶, Chuang, Ching-Pao Unknown Date (has links)
我國自83學年度推動教育改革以來,至94學年度為止,學士班人數已由30萬2,093人增加為93萬8,648人、碩士班人數由3萬832人增加為14萬9,493人、博士班人數則由8,395人增加為2萬7,531人,可見近年來大專校院學生數可謂急遽地增加。而我們由94學年度大學考試分發入學錄取率高達89.08%,更顯示進入大學就讀已絕非難事。然而鑒於我國2005年的出生人口數已從2000年的30萬5,312人降至20萬5,854人,在此少子化的趨勢形成影響前,93學年度大專校院的缺額數卻已高達6萬471人,顯現出大專校院的招生呈現出明顯供過於求的現象。研究者於是對中央主管教育行政機關以「總量管制」方式核定大專校院招生名額的機制產生濃厚研究興趣。   本研究採用「文獻分析法」及「問卷調查法」等兩個研究方法進行研究,其中旨在探討此大專校院招生名額總量管制之政策沿革與現況,並以更多元、開放的角度探討大專校院招生名額總量管制應達到哪些預期效益且嘗試建構其因素模式,接著依據前述預期效益建構出適當的大專校院招生名額總量管制指標,最後則探討不同背景變項(如性別、年齡、最高學歷、身份、學校體系、學校性質等)的受試者對大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標看法之差異。   本研究以李克特六點式量表、網路問卷形式設計成「大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與其指標調查問卷」來作為研究工具,並以「兩階段取樣」的方式來廣泛蒐集大專校院教師、職員與學生等研究對象的同意程度看法。其中第一階段係分別藉由函請各校轉寄E-mail通知該校教職員及學生上網填答、至各校bbs發表文章進行問卷施測通知等兩種途徑,獲得回收樣本數8,473份,扣除無效問卷317份後,總計有效回收問卷為8,156份,並據以建置為樣本資料庫。第二階段則採分層隨機抽樣方式分別於大專校院教師、職員及學生等三層各抽出336個樣本,總計獲得1,008個樣本。 此1,008個樣本將分別以SPSS 13.0及LISERL8.72等兩套統計軟體進行資料分析,其中將採用次數分配與百分比、算術平均數與標準差、t檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、驗證性因素分析等統計方法進行分析,並經專家效度、聚合效度、區別效度及交叉驗證效度、Cronbach’s α係數、潛在變項的組合信度、個別觀察變項的信度等檢定過程中證實本研究具有良好的研究效度與信度。   本研究總計建構出13個大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益,其同意程度平均數(M)介於4.48∼5.28之間,同意百分比(P)則介於81.5%∼96.4%之間;至於此預期效益之因素模式則也獲得相當良好的適配結果,並據以證實大專校院教師、職員與學生對於大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益的同意程度看法,會受到「保障大專校院教學品質」、「符合學生性向與需求」「符合就業市場人力與專業需求」、「大專校院競爭力之維持與提昇」等4個潛在因素構面(或稱構念)的影響。接著,並依據前述預期效益建構出26個大專校院招生名額總量管制指標,其同意程度平均數(M)介於4.30∼4.94之間,同意百分比(P)則介於79.0%∼93.9%之間。 此外,本研究亦發現,在性別、年齡、最高學歷、身分、專兼職情形、學校體系與學校性質等7個不同背景變項的受試者對大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標之同意程度看法的差異中,除了不同「學校體系」變項的受試者對指標看法沒有顯著差異、但對預期效益看法有顯著差異外,其餘6個不同背景變項皆在預期效益與指標的看法上有顯著差異。 最後,本研究並依據研究成果,提出下列具體建議: 一、總量管制預期效益不宜只考量「維持教學品質」,應進一步關注學生   需求、就業市場需求、以及學校競爭力等方面的預期效益之達成情   形。 二、總量管制指標不宜只考量到生師比、師資結構與校舍面積等指標,應  以多元觀點發展出更多指標,以充分掌握招生管理資訊。 三、總量管制不應侷限在「每年成長總量的管控」,而應納入「減少招生  名額」的情境條件。 四、宜適度減少各校擴增招生名額的誘因。 五、宜研議總量管制業務整併之可行性。 六、總量管制資料的蒐集宜化被動為主動,以掌握客觀審查資訊。 / When Taiwan setting into education reforms from 1994 school years till 2005 school years, the students at classes of bachelor degree increase to 938,648 from 302,093, the students at classes of master's degree increase to 149,493 from 30,832, the students at classes of doctor's degree increase to 27,531 from 8,395. It is perceived that students of higher education increasing rapidly. Furthermore, the admission rates of universities' enrollment paths by entrance examination grades reaches 89.08%, it appears that entering into universities is not hard anymore. However, since population of births had reduced to 205,854 at the year of 2005 from 305,312 at the year of 2000, and before the impact of trends of few-children, the vacancies of enrollment of higher education had reached 60,471, we can find a obvious phenomenon that the supply of enrollment of higher education exceeds the demand. So I have a strong interest in the mechanism of how Ministry of Education ratifying the enrollment of higher education by the method of "Total Amount Control".   The study adopts two approaches, that is "literature review" and "questionnaire survey", and it explores the policy's developing progress and current situation of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education. Furthermore, it explores what expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education should be reached with the diverse and liberal viewpoints, and tries to construct its factor model. Then according to the expected effectiveness, we establishes appropriate indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education. Finally, we explore if subjects with different background variables, such as sex, age, degree, identity, full/part time, system of school, character of school, will have significant differences about opinions of expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education.   The study designs the "questionnaire of expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education" with Likert six point scale and network questionnaire, and broadly collects samples of teachers, officers, and students of higher education by the methods of "Two stage Sampling". At the first stage, I use two survey ways, that is e-mail informing and bbs informing, and I get 8,473 returned samples, and finally get 8,156 valid samples after reducing 317 invalid samples. At the second stage, I gains 1,008 samples from three layers of teachers, officers, and students of higher education with "stratified random sampling".   The 1,008 samples will be analysed by two software of SPSS 13.0 and LISERL8.72. The ways of analysis include frequency and percentage, average and standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, after the examining of expert validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, cross- validity, Cronbach's α, composite reliability, and individual observed variables' reliability, we have confirmed the study has good study validity and reliability. The study finally constructs 13 expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education, and its average of agree extent between 4.48 to 5.28, its agree percentage between 81.5% to 96.4%. Furthermore, the factor model of that expected effectiveness has good fit results too, it confirms that the opinions on expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education will be influenced by the latent factors of "Ensure the teaching quality of higher education", "Matching with students' aptitude and needs", "Matching with manpower and specialty's needs of job market", "keep and promote the competitive ability of higher education". Then according to the expected effectiveness, we establishes 26 indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education, and its average of agree extent between 4.30 to 4.94, its agree percentage between 79.0% to 93.9%.   Furthermore, the study find among the opinions' difference of agree extent on expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education from 7 different background variables, such as sex, age, degree, identity, full/part time, system of school, character of school, beside the "system of school" haven't significant difference on indicators but have on expected effectiveness, other 6 different background variables all have significant difference on expected effectiveness and indicators.   Finally, according to the results of this study, I propose some suggestions as follow: 1.The expected effectiveness of total amount control shouldn't be restricted within "maintain teaching quality", we should consider the expected effectiveness' implement of students' need, job market's need, and school's competitiveness further. 2.The indicators of total amount control shouldn't be  restricted within the indicators of student-teacher rates,  structure of teacher, superficial contents of school  buildings only, we need more indicators with diversified  viewpoints to get information for enrollment's managing. 3.The total amount control shouldn't be restricted by "the  amount control of every years' growth", we need to add the  conditions of "reducing enrollment". 4.We should try to appropriately reduce the "inducing factors"  of universities increasing enrollment. 5.Ministry of Education should try to merge the affairs of  total amount control from different departments. 6.We should collect the data of total amount control actively  instead of passive, so that we can get objective information  to examine.

Intervenções fiscais em uma economia monetária: um estudo do caso brasileiro

Wang, Henrique Yu Jiunn 25 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Henrique Yu Jiunn Wang (henriqueyjw@gmail.com) on 2015-09-21T21:41:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Intervenções fiscais em uma economia monetária- um estudo do caso brasileiro.pdf: 13075665 bytes, checksum: 460672073307c2ae8ff746ee1b17f376 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Henrique, Será necessário fazer alguns ajustes na formatação das primeiras páginas de seu trabalho, pois não não está de acordo com as normas da ABNT. Encaminharemos as orientações por e-mail. Att on 2015-09-21T22:15:38Z (GMT) / Submitted by Henrique Yu Jiunn Wang (henriqueyjw@gmail.com) on 2015-09-21T23:15:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Intervenções fiscais em uma economia monetária- um estudo do caso brasileiro.pdf: 13079987 bytes, checksum: 7b8cba8ba1620901c7863edbd398d23c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2015-09-21T23:18:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Intervenções fiscais em uma economia monetária- um estudo do caso brasileiro.pdf: 13079987 bytes, checksum: 7b8cba8ba1620901c7863edbd398d23c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-22T13:56:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Intervenções fiscais em uma economia monetária- um estudo do caso brasileiro.pdf: 13079987 bytes, checksum: 7b8cba8ba1620901c7863edbd398d23c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-25 / In this study, we consider an economy where the determination of fiscal and monetary policies are subject to the budget constraint of the government, seen as a consolidated agent that incorporates the executive and the central bank. We study how changes in the growth rate and composition of government liabilities (currency and governmental bonds) affect prices, interest rates, and economic activity. We are particularly interested in analyzing how these effects are affected by changes in the relative liquidity of government bonds. A central result of this work is that increases in the degree of liquidity of government bonds positively affect economic activity and the financing of public debt. We describe this last aspect with an example reflecting the case of the Brazilian economy. / Neste estudo consideramos uma economia onde a determinação das políticas fiscais e monetárias estão sujeitas à restrição orçamentária do governo, visto como um agente consolidado que incorpora o executivo e o banco central. Nós estudamos como mudanças na taxa de crescimento e na composição do passivo governamental (moeda e títulos) afetam preços, juros, e atividade econômica. Estamos particularmente interessados em analisar como estes efeitos são afetados por mudanças na liquidez relativa dos títulos públicos. Um resultado central deste trabalho é que aumentos no grau de liquidez dos títulos públicos afetam positivamente a atividade econômica e o financiamento da dívida pública. Descrevemos este último aspecto com um exemplo refletindo o caso da economia brasileira.

Mochila existenciais e insurgências curriculares: etnocurrículos instituindo interações em cenários das pedagogias culturais do tempo presente

Teixeira Neto, José 14 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jose Teixeira Neto (zelosmegatrend@uol.com.br) on 2015-11-04T02:48:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_JTN_PDF Final_para publ.pdf: 2106191 bytes, checksum: 9790c137a6b1b0bd5dd02863abc60a36 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2015-11-04T15:12:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_JTN_PDF Final_para publ.pdf: 2106191 bytes, checksum: 9790c137a6b1b0bd5dd02863abc60a36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-04T15:12:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_JTN_PDF Final_para publ.pdf: 2106191 bytes, checksum: 9790c137a6b1b0bd5dd02863abc60a36 (MD5) / A ação movente desta pesquisa é a conceituação de mochilas existenciais e insurgências curriculares como um etnocurrículo instituinte nas tramas existenciais, em formação na heterogênese e com mediações de diferentes campos da existência nos seus espaço/tempo de pertencimento. Num esforço de compreensão do contemporâneo definido como existência líquida, tensionei as interpelações das pedagogias culturais do tempo presente, que operam um tipo de formação para o consumismo de significados culturais e epistemologias que incluem e excluem, tentando modelar aquilo que temos sido nas contingências. Como rotas de fuga e desgoverno das totalizações da sociedade de controle, o currículo aqui forjado é articulado na produção teórica pós-crítica com a potência dos etnométodos dos atores curriculantes que interagiram neste processo de pesquisa com suas narrativas, instituindo epistemologia multicentrada em saberes experienciais e conhecimento. Fiz opção pela abordagem qualitativa e servi-me da etnopesquisa crítica, multirreferencial e implicada, produzindo, portanto, uma ciência implicada no social e nas novas racionalidades em multiplicidade de saberes. A pesquisa responde a como educadores refletem sobre mochilas existenciais e insurgências curriculares para interações com as pedagogias culturais do tempo presente como vibrações instituintes de etnocurrículo, por atribuírem políticas de sentido aos seus etnométodos como práticas de não-aderência e escape do consumismo de significados hegemônicos da existência líquida. Este estudo intencionou compreender/explicitar como tais educadores, implicados no segmento do Ensino Médio e da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, plasmam/forjam essa forma de currículo-vivo, (des)arrumando a escola nas contingências do espaço/tempo. Problematizou subjetivações produtoras de sujeitos e efeitos de verdades forjadas nos engendramentos dessas pedagogias culturais, criando possibilidades da escola tornar-se campo de profusão de etnocurrículo. Por fim, esta pesquisa configurou as mochilas existenciais e insurgências curriculares como empoderamento de práticas significativas que provocam rizoma formativo compósito, ampliando a noção de currículo/formação. / ABSTRACT The action that drives this research is the concept of the experienced knowledge amount and the curricular insurgencies as an ethnocurriculum establishing in the existencial plots in heterogeneous formation and with mediations of various fields of existence in their space/time of “belonging”. As an effort of understanding of contemporary defined as liquid existence. I tensioned cultural pedagogy interpellation of present time that causes a kind of formation to the consumerism of cultural meanings and epistemologies that include and exclude trying to shape what we have been in the contingencies. As escape routes and misrule of the aggregation of the society of control, the curriculum when forged is articulated in theoretical production pos-critique with the power of ethnomethods from those who interacted in this research process with their narratives establishing multicentered epistemology in experiential knowledge and knowledge. I made a choice on the qualitative approach and I used the critical multireferential and involved ethnoresearch producing thus a social compromised science and new social rationalities in multiplicity of “knowledges”. The survey answers how the educators reflect about the experienced knowledge amount and curricular insurgencies for interactions with the cultural pedagogies of the present time as ethnocurriculum former vibrations because they assign sense policies to their ethnomethods as practices of non – adherence and consumerism escape of hegemonic meanings of liquid existence. This study intended to understand/make clear as such educators involved with high school segment and education for youth and adults are forging this form of “live curriculum” disarranging education in contingencies of space/time. It rendered problematic subject producing subjectification and forged truth in engendering these cultural pedagogies creating possibilities of school becomes the ethnocurriculum profusion. Finally, this research has configured the experienced knowledge amount and curricular insurgencies as empowerment of significant practices that cause formative “composite” rhizome extending the notion of curriculum/formation

Risk management a zvládání rizik spojených s podnikovou činností / Risk management and risk management associated with business activities

PETRŮ, Soňa January 2009 (has links)
Work deals with risk management of selected company. Risks are described in the company based on the three phases of crisis management. The first phase is to identify risks, the second valuation and risk quantification and the third control and risk financing. The work is focused mainly on prevention and company insurance. Furthermore, there are raised two fictitious crisis situations and its solutions.

Řešení protierozní ochrany na modelovém povodí - Malče Budský potok. / Solution of soil protection from erosion in model catchment - Malče Budský stream.

RADA, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess and evaluate the erosion phenomena at the model catchment of Malče Budský stream. This site is located on the cadastral areas Besednice, Soběnov and Malče. This survey was conducted in aspects of pedology, hydrogeology and climate. Further evaluations were rain amount for the nearest meteorological station, which is located in Soběnov. To evaluate and calculate erosion parameters for a given locality the methods of universal soil loss equation by Wishmeier and Smith and modified universal soil loss equation by Williams and Berndt have been used. The CN method was used for calculations and following evaluation of soil loss. The result of this thesis is designing, generalization and refinement of individual factors in solved area.

Uma metodologia de binarização para áreas de imagens de cheque utilizando algoritmos de aprendizagem supervisionada

Alves, Rafael Félix 23 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:38:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL FELIX ALVES.pdf: 2156088 bytes, checksum: a82e527c69001eb9cee5a989bde3b8dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-23 / The process of image binarization consists of transforming a color image into a new one with only two colors: black and white. This process is an important step for many modern applica-tions such as Check Clearance, Optical Character Recognition and Handwriting Recognition. Improvements in the automatic process of image binarization represent impacts on applications that rely on this step. The present work proposes a methodology for automatic image binariza-tion. This methodology applies supervised learning algorithms to binarize images and consists of the following steps: images database construction; extraction of the region of interest; pat-terns matrix construction; pattern labelling; database sampling; and classifier training. Experi-mental results are presented using a database of Brazilian bank check images and the competi-tion database DIBCO 2009. In conclusion, the proposal demonstrated to be superior to some of its competitors in terms of accuracy and F-Measure. / O processo de binarização de imagens consiste na transformação de uma imagem colorida em uma nova imagem com apenas duas cores: uma que representa o fundo, outra o objeto de interesse. Este processo é uma importante etapa de diversas aplicações modernas, como a Compensação de Cheque, o Reconhecimento Ótico de Caracteres (do inglês Optical Characterer Recognition) e o Reconhecimento de Texto Manuscrito (do inglês Handwritten Recognition, HWR). Dado que melhorias no processo automático de binarização de imagens representam impactos diretos nas aplicações que dependem desta etapa o presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia para realizar a binarização automática de imagens. A proposta realiza a binarização de forma automática baseado no uso de algoritmos de aprendizagem supervisionada, tais como redes neurais artificiais e árvore de decisão. O processo como um todo consiste das seguintes etapas: construção do banco de imagens; extração da região de interesse; construção da matriz de padrões; rotulação dos padrões; amostragem da base; e treinamento do classificador. Resultados experimentais são apresentados utilizando uma base de imagens de cheques de bancos brasileiros (CMC-7 e montante de cortesia) e a base de imagens da competição DIBCO 2009. Em conclusão, a metodologia proposta apresentou-se competitiva aos métodos da literatura destacando-se em aplicações onde o processamento de imagens está restrito a uma categoria de imagens, como é o caso das imagens de cheques de bancos brasileiros. A presente metodologia apresenta resultados experimentais entre as três primeiras posições e melhores resultados em relação a medida F-Measure quando comparada com as demais.

Správní delikt provozovatele vozidla / Administrative delict committed by vehicle operator

Šudoma, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Administrative Offense of the Vehicle Operator The work deals with one of the specific institutes of administrative punishing in traffic which is the administrative offense of the vehicle operator. In addition to general questions of administrative punishing or to the concept of administrative offenses under the current valid and effective legislation the thesis also includes a description of the development of the institute, its characteristics, legal base and the way it works. The interdependence of the institute with the institute of the call to the payment of the determined amount is clearly shown and graphically indicated. The thesis deals with potential interventions to certain fundamental rights and freedoms and evaluates their adequacy. The aim of the work is a detailed legal analysis of the institute of the administrative offense of the vehicle operator and also pointing out its strengths and weaknesses. The main objective of the thesis is the legal analysis for compliance of the legislation with the constitutional order of the Czech Republic. After the introduction, in which the description of methods and objectives of the thesis are, follows a general section on administrative offenses. Its purpose is to introduce the topic of administrative punishing and pointing...

Účetní a daňové konsekvence zákona o obchodních korporacích / Accounting and tax consequences of the Business corporation act

Šindelář, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the new legal regulation of trading companies. The aim is to present the legal regulation of trading companies and so to connect the Business corporation act with the accounting and tax regulations. The first part presents the basic aspects of the regulation of trading companies in the system of the new legal regulation. It deals with the mutual position of the new Civil code and the Business corporation act and occupies itself with the general reglation of legal persons, that applies to trading companies. This part is being followed with the presentation of general requirements of the Business corporation act. The second part analyses the personal companies, where the special attention is dedicated to deposit duty, that can be paid for by doing work. The last part presents the capital companies and the special attention is dedicated ty paying of prepayments on share on profit (dividends) in these companies. The thesis is completed with a lot of practical examples and diagrams.

Stanovení výše pojistného plnění / Assessment of Claims

Holomčíková, Hana January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to determine the insurance payment that should be paid to the insured person in case of fire of a detached house in Louka. The theoretical part defines basic terms related to valuation of real estates and insurance industry. The following practical part focuses on the valuation of the immovable property in Loučka using the cost approach in three different periods of time. Subsequently the expenses for repairs are determined by using the method of itemized budget, using BUILDPower S. Lastly the determined insurance payment is compared to the insurance contract.

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