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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ethanol and glucose tolerance of M.indicus in aerobic and anaerobic conditions

Abtahi, Zohreh January 2008 (has links)
Over the last few decades, ethanol production from renewable resources has been of interest as an alternative fuel to the current fossil fuel, due to the unstable oil market and in order to decrease net emission of carbon dioxide which leads to global warming. According to analyses of DG Transport and Energy (TREN), it is not possible to reach the current biofuels directive promoting 5,75 % biofuel by the year 2010, due to the markets and technologies, but by the year 2020 achievement of 6.9% is expected. This new law will increase biofuel demand by 3,1 %.Lignocelluloses materials, which are relatively cheap and plentiful, are considered to be the main source of feedstock’s for low-cost bio-ethanol production. The general procedure to convert lignocelluloses material to bioethanol is hydrolysis of the hemicelluloses and the cellulose to its monomer sugars, fermentation and distillation.Bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi are able to ferment hydrolysates from different plants and convert it to bioethanol.Mucor indicus is a filamentous fungus; it is able to utilize a wide range of hexoses, phentoses and disaccharides (cellobiose) in order to produce ethanol. The Ethanol yield and productivity of this microorganism from hexoses are as same as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. But the reason that it is one of the candidates for ethanol production is the fungus ability to utilize xylose. The cell wall of M.indicus contains significant quantity of chitosan/chitin which can be easily extracted. Chitosan is the deacetylated products of chitin. They have many applications in chemistry, biotechnology, medicine, veterinary, dentistry, agriculture, food processing, environmental protection, water purification, cosmetic and textile industries.The results of the current work show that the glucose concentration in the medium had a great impact on the lag phase, glucose consumption and ethanol production in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The lag phase increased as the initial concentration of glucose increased. While the glucose concentration increased above 190 g/l in the medium the glucose consumption and ethanol production decreased in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The glucose tolerance of M.indicus in both aerobic and anaerobic condition is about 190 g/l and in the anaerobic condition the ethanol tolerance of this fungus is around 70 g/. / Uppsatsnivå: D

High rate biogas production from waste textiles

Rajendran, Karthik, Balasubramanian, Gopinath January 2011 (has links)
Textile is a global product used by all people in the world. These textiles after the use are thrown into the trash for incineration or land filling. However an efficient way that can be used to produce more energy, in an environmentally friendly process is anaerobic digestion. Waste textiles which contain cellulosic fibers (e.g. Cotton and viscose) can be converted to biogas. In this study, the performance of a two-stage anaerobic digestion process for biogas production from four different materials, including untreated jeans, treated jeans, cotton, and starch was studied. Starch was used as an easy-to-digest material to compare its digestion with that of cellulosic materials.The two-stage processes were composed of a CSTR (for hydrolysis) and a UASB (for methanogenisis) which were investigated in two different configurations, namely (closed and open systems). In the closed system, the outlet of UASB was completely returned back to the CSTR, while in the open system the UASB outlet was sent to sewage. In a stepwise progress, the OLR was aimed to increase from 2 to 20 g Vs per L per day along with reduction in hydraulic retention time from 10 days to 1 day.The results showed that the closed system was more stable when compared to the open system. The pre-treatment of jeans by NMMO helped to produce methane as that of cotton. The hydraulic retention time was decreased to less than 9 days for treated jeans and less than 5 days for starch. The overall methane yield at OLR of 4 gVS per L per day for starch and treated jeans was 98.5% and 97.4% in the closed system, whereas in the open system the yield was 77.0% and 35.5%, respectively.Another experiment was conducted to compare the performance of two-stage process with that of a single stage process of anaerobic digestion of textiles containing polyester and cotton or viscose. Viscose textiles produced more gas compared to the cotton textile; it may be due to the higher crystalline of cotton which makes it hard to be degraded by the microorganisms. Furthermore, two-stage process could able to produce more methane than the single stage process.The parameters like total solids, volatile solids, pH, gas production, gas composition, concentration of nutrients, and COD were also analyzed for both of the experiments.

Investigations on the nitrogen inhibition during an anaerobic co-digestion process

Ravikumar Gopinath, Mitta Mohana, Kumar Gopalam, Kiran January 2011 (has links)
Nitrogen Inhibition during an anaerobic co-digestion process was studied in this work.The substrate and inoculum used were obtained from a thermophilic biogas plant Sobacken,situated in Borås, Sweden. The batch experiments have been carried out in triplicate reactorswith different concentrations of ammonia ranging from 2400mg/l to 3400mg/l. The batchexperiment was working well for the all the concentrations of ammonia investigated. Theaverage methane yield was around 0.65 Nm3 CH4/kgVS for all the reactors. The laboratorywork has been further proceeded with a continuous process having two reactors working inparallel. Reactor 1 containing only substrate and the Reactor 2 contain substrate with surplusammonia added to make final concentration of 3400mg/l. The reactors were operated atorganic loading rate (OLR) of 3.3gVS/l/day and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 days.Both reactors worked well for 29 days. During a period of an initial stable operation, theaverage methane production of Reactor 1 was 0.59 Nm3CH4/kgVS/day and for Reactor 2 theproduction rate was 0.56 Nm3CH4/kgVS/day. Then Reactor 1 showed a steady decrease in pHand methane production, while Reactor 2 showed stable operation for a few days longer withdecreasing pH and methane production only from day 36. The composition of substrate wasnot optimal; therefore the inhibition level of ammonium could not be determined.

Modélisation des processus de transformation de l'azote en digestion anaérobie : application à l'optimisation de la valorisation des digestats / Modelling nitrogen transformation processes in anaerobic digestion : application to the optimization of digestate valorization.

Bareha, Younès 20 December 2018 (has links)
La valorisation des déchets par digestion anaérobie conduit à la production d’un résidu, appelé digestat, qui est composé de la matière organique non biodégradée et présente une forte teneur en azote ammoniacal et organique. De par cette richesse en azote, les digestats présentent un intérêt grandissant pour la substitution aux engrais minéraux. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre les transformations de l’azote en digestion anaérobie afin de prédire la qualité azotée des digestats. Cette compréhension des processus de transformation de l’azote ouvrira la possibilité de dimensionner et piloter le procédé de digestion anaérobie pour une substitution optimisée des engrais minéraux par les digestats. Pour cela, deux approches ont été développées: (i) une approche compréhensive centrée sur la compréhension de la bioaccessibilité de l’azote organique en lien avec sa biodégradabilité, et la compréhension des transformations de l’azote en digestion anaérobie en conditions de laboratoire et pilote; et ; (ii) une approche numérique où les processus identifiés ont été intégrés à des outils de modélisation à bases statistiques et biocinétiques permettant de prédire les propriétés azotées des digestats en fonction des cocktails de substrats et du temps de séjour dans le digesteur. / Energetic recovery of waste by anaerobic digestion leads to the production of a residue called digestate, which is composed of non-biodegraded organic matter and has a high content of ammoniacal and organic nitrogen. Due to this high nitrogen content, digestates are growing interest for the substitution of mineral fertilizers. The objective of this thesis is to understand the transformations of nitrogen that occur during anaerobic digestion in order to predict the nitrogen quality of digestates. This understanding of nitrogen transformation processes will allows the design and management of anaerobic digestion plants aiming at the optimization of the substitution of mineral fertilizers by digestates. To this end, two approaches were used in this work: (i) an experiment approach focused on the understanding of the bioaccessibility of organic nitrogen in relation to its biodegradability, and the understanding of the transformations of nitrogen in anaerobic digestion under laboratory and pilot conditions; and; (ii) a numerical approach where previously developed knowledge has been integrated in statistical and biokinetic modeling tools to predict the nitrogen properties of digestates according to substrate cocktails and residence time in the digester.

"Avaliação ergoespirométrica em pacientes com esclerodermia" / Ergospirometric assessment in scleroderma patients

Oliveira, Natália Cristina de 09 March 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Já é sabido que a capacidade funcional é reduzida nos pacientes com doenças reumatológicas. Entretanto, há poucos estudos que avaliam a capacidade funcional em pacientes com esclerodermia, uma doença rara com manifestações vasculares, músculo-esqueléticas, e viscerais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade funcional de pacientes com esclerodermia do sexo feminino. MÉTODO: Treze pacientes sem limitação pulmonar (matriculadas no ambulatório de esclerodermia da Disciplina de Reumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo) e 13 controles (funcionárias do mesmo Hospital), todas sedentárias e pareadas por idade e índice de massa corporal, foram submetidas à um teste de esforço máximo em esteira. RESULTADOS: O consumo máximo de oxigênio das pacientes foi estatisticamente mais baixo do que o apresentado pelo grupo controle (p=0,0395), assim como a porcentagem atingida do consumo máximo de oxigênio (p=0,0383) e a intensidade máxima de esforço alcançada (p=0,0395). O tempo entre os limiares ventilatórios também foi mais baixo no grupo esclerodermia (p=0,0271), porém não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos em relação ao consumo de oxigênio medido nos limiares (p=0,6021 para o limiar anaeróbio e p=0,3387 para o ponto de compensação respiratório). CONCLUSÃO: As pacientes com esclerodermia, mesmo sem comprometimento pulmonar, apresentam uma capacidade mais baixa de desempenhar um esforço físico de moderado a intenso quando comparadas à mulheres sedentárias da mesma idade e índice de massa corporal. / INTRODUCTION: It is already known that funcional capacity of patients with rheumatic diseases is reduced. However, there are few studies that evaluate functional capacity in patients with scleroderma, a rare disease with vascular, skeletal muscle and visceral manifestations. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate functional capacity of scleroderma female patients. METHOD: Thirteen patients without pulmonary impairment (registered at Scleroderma Service from Rheumatology Discipline from Clinicas Hospital from University of São Paulo School of Medicine) and 13 controls (employees from the same Hospital), all sedentary and paired by age and body mass index, undertook a treadmill exercise test. RESULTS: Maximal oxygen consumption of patients was statistically lower than control group (p=0,0395), as well as the percentage of predicted VO2 max (p=0,0383) and maximal attained exercise intensity (p=0,0395). Time between ventilatory thresholds was also lower in scleroderma group (p=0,0271), but there was no statistical difference between groups in oxygen consumption measured in thresholds (p=0,6021 for anaerobic threshold and e p=0,3387 for respiratory compensation point). CONCLUSION: Scleroderma patients, even without pulmonary disease, present a lower ability for a moderate to intense physical effort when compared with sedentary women of the same age and body mass index.

Determinação do limiar de anaerobiose ventilatório no exercício físico dinâmico em indivíduos sadios: comparação entre métodos obtidos por análise visual e modelos matemáticos. / Determination of ventilatory anaerobic threshold in dynamic exercise of healthy subjects: comparison among methods obtained by visual analyses and mathematical models.

Crescencio, Julio César 24 October 2002 (has links)
Os avanços tecnológicos ocorridos na última década trouxeram enormes benefícios, no sentido de possibilitar o uso de equipamentos computadorizados, que permitem a aquisição, processamento e armazenamento de um grande número de variáveis respiratórias e metabólicas em exercício físico, em tempo real e de ciclo a ciclo respiratório. Dentro deste novo cenário, o estudo realizado com esta nova geração de equipamentos, nas respectivas áreas de conhecimento, pôde ser direcionado, usando-se métodos matemáticos e estatísticos computadorizados, os quais possibilitam a aplicação de procedimentos automáticos e/ou semi-automáticos na solução de problemas específicos. É dentro deste contexto que se insere o presente estudo, que tem por objetivo comparar, em indivíduos sadios do sexo masculino, o limiar de anaerobiose ventilatório, durante o exercício físico dinâmico, usando-se métodos visuais gráficos e métodos baseados em modelos matemáticos, automáticos e semi-automáticos. Foram estudados 24 voluntários sadios do sexo masculino, com idade média de 33,8 ± 9,25 anos. Todos eles se submeteram a um ou dois testes de esforço físico dinâmico, segundo um protocolo contínuo do tipo rampa, na posição sentada, em cicloergômetro eletromagnético, acoplado a um sistema ergoespirométrico computadorizado (CPX/D – MedGraphics), que possibilita o cálculo de múltiplas variáveis cardiorrespiratórias, como: ventilação pulmonar (VE), produção de CO2 (VCO2), consumo de O2 (VO2), equivalentes ventilatórios de O2 (VE/VO2) e de CO2 (VE/VCO2), frações parciais do O2 (PETO2) e do CO2 (PETCO2) no final da expiração, quociente de trocas respiratórias (RER), freqüências respiratória (RR) e cardíaca (FC), além dos valores de potência aplicada e da velocidade de pedalagem no cicloergômetro. Os valores do LAV em exercício foram calculados por quatro diferentes métodos, que usam como critério de medida deste parâmetro, a mudança de inclinação da VCO2, da VE e do PET O2 em relação ao tempo ou da VCO2 em relação ao VO2. Estes métodos foram os seguintes: 1- método Visual VCO2 (M. VISUAL VCO2); 2- método Visual PET O2 (M. VISUAL PET O2); 3- método Automático, usando algoritmo, incorporado ao sistema MedGraphics (M. AUTOMÁTICO); 4- método semi-automático, implementado em nosso Laboratório, baseado no uso de modelos bissegmentados Linear-Linear (M. L-L VCO2) e Linear-Quadrático (M. L-Q VCO2) na condição de resposta da VCO2 em relação ao tempo e em relação ao VO2 (M. L-L VCO2 - VO2 e M. L-Q VCO2 - VO2). Os modelos bissegmentados se basearam na aplicação da soma dos quadrados dos resíduos, quando o conjunto de dados é ajustado pelo método dos mínimos quadrados, para uma reta inicial e final ou uma reta inicial e uma curva quadrática final. Após análise qualitativa e quantitativa apropriada ao conjunto de dados, chegou-se às seguintes conclusões: 1- os valores de LAV calculados pelos métodos visuais VCO2 e PET O2 foram significativamente superiores (p<0,05) aos obtidos pelos métodos Automático e L-L VCO2; 2- o método Visual VCO2 mostrou melhor desempenho do que o método Visual PET O2; 3- os valores do LAV calculados pelos métodos Automático e L-L VCO2 não foram estatisticamente diferentes e ambos subestimaram os valores do LAV, comparativamente aos métodos visuais VCO2 e PET O2 (p<0,05); 4- os métodos baseados em modelos bissegmentados L-L e L-Q mostraram que somente o M. L-L, para o caso da resposta da VCO2 em relação ao tempo, foi útil para medir quantitativamente o LAV; 5- o método semi-automático bissegmentar L-L VCO2 mostrou melhor desempenho do que o método Automático, quando ambos foram comparados qualitativa e quantitativamente (maior porcentagem de casos em que foi possível aplicar o modelo e melhor comportamento dos parâmetros das regressões lineares do LAV, relacionando potência e VO2); 6- o método semi-automático bissegmentar L-L VCO2 se mostrou promissor, no sentido de que possa ser aprimorado e usado, em futuro próximo, como método totalmente automático de determinação do limiar de anaerobiose ventilatório durante o exercício físico dinâmico. / The technological achievements in last decade made possible to use in laboratory facilities digital computerized equipments that allowed the acquisition, storage ande processing of cardiorespiratory variables during exercise on real time basis. Also, as a consequence of these advances, it was possible to apply mathematical models to represent physiological responses under experimental conditions. The present study must be understood in the context above described. It had the the purpose to compare the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT) during dynamic exercise, by four different methods. Two of them are based on visual analyses made on graphic plots of computer monitor, and two others are based on application of mathematical models. Twenty four active and sedentary healthy men were studied in the present project (mean age 33.8 ± 9.2 years). All of them were studied in seated position using an electronic braked cycle ergometer (CORIVAL 400 – Quinton), that allowed the application of ramp powers using a computer software incorporated to the ergoespirometric system (MedGraphics – CPX/D). This system allowed the recording and processing of all cardiorespiratory variables usually needed in exercise physiology, as follow: O2 uptake (VO2), CO2 production (VCO2), minute respiratory ventilation (VE), respiratory equivalent ratio (RER), VE/VO2, VE/VCO2, and end tidal expiratory values of O2 (PET O2) and CO2 (PET CO2), as well as, power and rotation speed cycle ergometer values. The exercise protocol included a four minute period at a minimum power (3 - 4 Watts) followed by a ramp (15 – 35 Watts) adjustable individually on the basis of sex, age and weight of volunteers – the peak power was limited by the occurrence of unpleasant symptons or when the heart rate reached a target age value. The VAT values during exercise were measured by using four different methods: 1- visual loss of linearity related to time (VCO2 VIS. M.); 2- visual response of PET O2 at lowest value before the progressive increase in exercise; 3- automatic detection using MedGraphics algorithm; 4- semiautomatic method using bisegmentar mathematical models (Linear-Linear and Linear-Quadratic) applied to VCO2 and VE in relation to time (VCO2 L-L M.; VCO2 L-Q M.; VE L-L M.; VE L-Q M.) and to VCO2 in relation to VO2 during exercise (VCO2 vs. VO2 L-L M.; VCO2 vs. VO2 L-Q M.). The bisegmentar models were based on the measure of the square sum of residual values related to fitting of two functions, Linear-Linear and Linear-Quadratic, appling the least-square method. After qualitative and quantitative analyses of data, it was possible to reach to the following conclusions: 1- the VAT values measured by VCO2 and PET O2 visual methods were higher (p<0.05) than the ones obtained by Automatic and semi automatic methods; 2- the Visual VCO2 compared to PET O2 method, presented a better performance when VO2 and power values are represented by regression lines; 3- the VAT values obtained by Automatic and semiautomatic methods were not statistically different and have shown lower values when compared to visual methods (VCO2 and PET O2); 4- comparing the performance of the all bisegmentar methods tested, only the VCO2 L-L related to time was useful for measuring the VAT; 5- compared to Automatic method, the VCO2 L-L method could be applied in higher percentage of cases and presented parameters of regression lines (inclination and intercept) closer to visual methods; 6- the semiautomatic method applied to the response VCO2 in relation to time has shown a promising method that if fully automatic may be useful to calculate VAT in men.

Developing Anaerobic Fungi As a platform for Efficient lignocellulose hydrolysis

Casey A. Hooker (5930663) 04 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Lignocellulose is an ubiquitous source of fixed carbon that is presently underexploited for renewable energy technologies. Currently, producing enzyme cocktails that robustly degrade these feedstocks is a significant economic bottleneck. Anaerobic gut fungi native to the digestive tracts of ruminants and hindgut fermenters are widely understudied despite their inherent ability to degrade a significant portion (~50%) of the lignocellulose in herbivorous animals. Challenges in cultivation due to their strict oxygen sensitivity, and the lack of a central repository to maintain axenic stocks substantially impede the progress with anaerobic fungi. Yet, these microbes have evolved elegant strategies and may harbor novel biomass degrading enzymes that could be used to more efficiently hydrolyze lignocellulose. Developing these organisms through characterization and genome engineering will yield significant contributions to the bioenergy community by improving hydrolysis technologies.</p> <p>In this work, we report the isolation of four novel species of anaerobic gut fungi. A more complete characterization of one of our four fungal isolates is investigated, whereby the effects of substrate composition and the corresponding fungal growth rates are compared. I also explore the growth of one of our fungal isolates on transgenic poplar to understand how fungal growth and enzyme secretion adapt to variable lignin composition. Notably, no significant reductions in growth were observed highlighting the ability of anaerobic fungi to degrade diverse feedstocks regardless of lignin composition. I have additionally included preliminary work intended to identify what epigenetic regulational strategies exist for anaerobic fungi, and how they relate to carbohydrate active enzyme expression. We hope to leverage this knowledge to engineer base enzyme cocktails that release significant portions of the fermentable sugars in untreated or mildly treated plant biomass as a means to make bioenergy technologies more efficient.</p>

Análise das respostas fisiológicas em mulheres submetidas a diferentes protocolos de inclinação na esteira / Analysis of physiological responses in women undergoing different protocols of treadmill inclinations

Tavano, Jaqueline 10 March 2010 (has links)
A caminhada e a corrida são formas de exercício físico que promovem mudanças no estilo de vida, mas, existem muitas controvérsias dos possíveis benefícios e riscos a respeito da caminhada ou corrida quando realizada em diferentes inclinações. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar o limiar anaeróbio bem como avaliar e comparar as respostas fisiológicas durante exercícios contínuos (45 minutos) com intensidade correspondente ao limiar anaeróbio executados na esteira rolante nas condições de inclinação positiva (+10%), plano (0%) e inclinação negativa (-10%). Participaram deste estudo 9 mulheres com idades entre 21 e 31 anos, fisicamente ativas. Primeiramente elas realizaram testes crescentes para determinação da intensidade correspondente ao limiar anaeróbio em cada inclinação. Após essa determinação foram realizados os protocolos contínuos na intensidade correspondente ao limiar anaeróbio por 45 minutos. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que o valor médio (\'+ OU -\' desviopadrão) da velocidade correspondente ao limiar anaeróbio no plano foi de 6,56 \'+ OU -\' 0,53 Km/h, na inclinação positiva foi de 5,44 \'+ OU -\' 0,53 Km/h (com redução percentual de 17,07% em relação ao plano) e na inclinação negativa foi de 7,22 \'+ OU -\' 0,67 Km/h (com elevação percentual de 9,14% em relação ao plano). Nos protocolos contínuos foi observado que os valores das variáveis ventilatórias apresentaram-se mais elevados para o protocolo com inclinação positiva, já a freqüência cardíaca apenas apresentou diferença até o 15º minuto do exercício entre os protocolos com inclinação positiva e o protocolo com inclinação negativa. Mas apesar disso, as voluntárias não relataram dificuldade do gesto motor na realização dos exercícios. Conclui-se que mesmo com a tentativa de se trabalhar na velocidade ideal para cada condição imposta, as respostas cardiovasculares e metabólicas são diferentes, ) principalmente entre o protocolo com inclinação positiva e o protocolo com inclinação negativa. O presente trabalho mostrou pontos importantes que devem ser levados em consideração, quanto à escolha do protocolo aplicado nos treinamentos físicos em indivíduos com diferentes condições físicas quando se propõem diferentes velocidades de corrida e inclinações da esteira. / Walking and running are forms of exercise that promote changes in lifestyle, but there are many controversies about the possible benefits and risks regarding the walking or running when performed at different slopes. This study aimed to determine the anaerobic threshold and to evaluate and compare the physiological responses during continuous exercise (45 minutes) with intensity corresponding to anaerobic threshold run on the treadmill in terms of positive slope (+10%), level (0%) and negative slope (-10%). The study included 9 women aged between 21 and 31 years old, physically active. First they performed increasing intensity tests to determine the intensity corresponding to anaerobic threshold on each slope. After determining these parameters the continuous protocols were performed in intensity corresponding to anaerobic threshold for 45 minutes. The results showed that the speed average (\'+ OU -\' standard deviation) at level the anaerobic threshold was 6.56 \'+ OU -\' 0.53 km/h, atthe positive slope was 5.44 \'+ OU -\' 0.53 km/h (with a percentage reduction of 17.07% over the level) and the negative slope was 7.22 \'+ OU -\' 0.67 km/h (with high percentage of 9.14% over the level). In continuous protocols was observed that the values of ventilatory variables were more elevated for the protocol with positive slope and the heart rate showed only significant difference until the 15th minute of exercise between protocols with positive slope and with negative slope. But despite this, the volunteers reported no difficulty in motor gesture in exercises. It was conclude that even with the attempt to run at ideal speed for each condition the cardiovascular and metabolic responses are different, especially between the protocol with positive slope and with negative slope. This study showed important points that should be taken into account in the choice of protocol used in physical training in individuals with different physical conditions when they propose different running speeds and inclinations of the treadmill.

Produção de biogás a partir de glicerol oriundo de biodiesel / Biogas production from glycerol generated on biodiesel industry

Viana, Michael Barbosa 29 April 2011 (has links)
Com o aumento da produção de biodiesel para atender à legislação brasileira, está ocorrendo um aumento considerável na geração de glicerol, um resíduo líquido contendo cerca de 46 g\'CL POT.-\'/L e com elevada concentração de matéria orgânica (DQO média de 1.260 g/L). Apesar de ser bastante utilizado na indústria química, o teor de impurezas do glicerol oriundo de biodiesel limita o seu processamento industrial. Buscando agregar valor à este resíduo, utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), em escala de laboratório (14,85 L de volume útil), para produzir metano visando geração de energia, tendo o glicerol residual como única fonte de substrato. Este glicerol residual foi obtido a partir da transesterificação de uma mistura de óleos de algodão e soja (2:3, v/v) em uma usina de biodiesel pertencente à Petrobrás S.A. Durante a operação, a COV foi aumentada gradualmente de 2,0 a 10,0 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'.d e a diluição de glicerol residual no afluente foi reduzida de 1:1.500 até 1:5. O reator UASB foi capaz de remover, em média, 97,5% de matéria orgânica, apresentando 59% de \'CH IND.4\' no biogás, e relação AGV/Alc\'H\'CO IND.3\'POT.-\' abaixo de 0,3, mesmo com 14 g\'CL POT.-\'/L no interior do sistema. No entanto, foi necessário adicionar nutrientes em concentrações adequadas para evitar que o sistema entrasse em colapso. Os ensaios de toxicidade mostraram que o glicerol residual não é tóxico ao lodo anaeróbio, mas apresenta uma limitação inicial da metanogênese. O teste de biodegradabilidade anaeróbia indicou que o glicerol residual foi 65,9% biodegradável e o potencial de produção de metano alcançou 0,220 \'M POT.3\'CH IND.4\'/kg Glicerol. / The Brazilian legislation demands the use of biodiesel mixed with diesel in an increasing rate. This raise on biodiesel production implies also on an increase on generation of glycerol, which is a liquid or semi-solid waste with high concentration of salts (approximately 46.1 g\'CL POT.-\'/L) and organic matter (1260 gCOD/L in average). Despite being widely used in chemical industry, the residual glycerol contains impurities that limit its industrial processing. In order to add value to this residue, an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) at laboratory scale (14.85 L of working volume), fed with glycerol generated on biodiesel industry, was used to produce biogas, which can be used for power generation via methane. This wasted glycerin was produced by the transesterification process of a mixture of the cottonseed oil and soybean oil (2:3, v:v) in a Petrobras S/A biodiesel plant. During operation, the organic loading rate (OLR) was gradually increased from 2.0 to 10.0 kgCOD/\'M POT.3\'.d., and the dilution of residual glycerol in the influent was reduced from 1:1500 to 1:5. The UASB reactor was able to remove 97.5% of the organic matter, producing biogas with 59% of \'CH IND.4\', and VFA/Alk\'H\'CO IND.3\'POT.-\' ratio below 0.3, even with a very high concentration of chloride in the bulk liquid (14 g\'CL POT.-\'/L). However, it was necessary to add nutrients in adequate concentrations to prevent the system from collapsing. The toxicity tests showed that the residual glycerol used in the research was not toxic to the anaerobic sludge. The anaerobic biodegradability test indicated that the residual glycerol was 65.9% biodegradable and the biochemical methane production potential was 0.220 \'M POT.3\'CH IND.4\'/kg Glycerol.

Degradação anaeróbia de fenol sob diferentes condições nutricionais / Anaerobic degradation of phenol in different nutritional conditions

Maintinguer, Sandra Imaculada 27 July 2004 (has links)
A tecnologia anaeróbia tem sido utilizada com sucesso no tratamento de água residuária contendo compostos fenólicos. Recentes pesquisas incluem tais compostos entre aqueles que podem ser degradados através desse processo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a degradação do fenol em diferentes condições nutricionais, com ênfase na redução do sulfato. Os experimentos foram realizados com meio de cultura específico para esses microrganismos anaeróbios. Foram realizados ensaios de degradação em reatores em batelada alimentados nas seguintes condições: (1) fenol e sulfato, a diferentes concentrações, com inóculo previamente enriquecido; (2) fenol, sulfato e co-substratos e; (3) fenol, sulfato e extrato de levedura. Todos os ensaios foram realizados em temperatura de 30 graus Celsius, sob agitação de 150 rpm. Foi avaliado o consumo de fenol e sulfato e, produção de metano, em função do tempo, para diferentes concentrações iniciais de fenol e sulfato. Nos ensaios com reatores alimentados com fenol (329,3 mg/l); fenol (307,3 mg/l) e sulfato (160 mg/l); fenol (322.3 mg/l), sulfato (160 mg/l) e lactato (478,16 mg/l); fenol (332,1 mg/l), sulfato (150 mg/l) e etanol (129,76 mg/l), a remoção foi de, respectivamente, 99,8%, 98,2%, 98,8% e 98,8%. Os reatores alimentados com fenol (239,7 mg/l) obtiveram 100% de eficiência na degradação em apenas 11 dias e, os reatores alimentados com fenol (234,3 mg/l) e sulfato (162,5 mg/l) e fenol (256,0 mg/l) e sulfato (500 mg/l) tiveram eficiências de degradação de, respectivamente, 98,8% e 99,3% com 17 dias de operação. Tais eficiências foram obtidas pelo acréscimo de extrato de levedura nos reatores, no início dos ensaios. A caracterização morfológica foi realizada através de microscopia óptica. A diversidade microbiana referente aos Domínios Bacteria e Archaea, além do grupo de bactérias redutoras de sulfato foi avaliada através da técnica de PCR DGGE, onde foram observadas alterações nas populações microbianas, em função das condições nutricionais. Para o Domínio Archaea não foram observadas diferenças nos ensaios realizados. Para o Domínio Bacteria e Grupo das BRS essas diferenças foram, mais facilmente, percebidas com relação ao inóculo e entre os diversos reatores. A alteração na diversidade microbiana pode ter sido decorrente da composição do meio que, nesse caso, foi específico para BRS e a composição do inóculo que continha parte previamente adaptada às BRS. Essas condições adequadas puderam propiciar surgimento e desenvolvimento de populações microbianas capazes de degradar fenol, utilizando sulfato. / The anaerobic technology has been successfully used to treat wastewater containing phenolic compounds. Recent research includes such compounds among those that can be degraded through this process. The goal of this project was to assess phenol degradation in different nutritional conditions, focusing on sulfate reduction. The essays were carried out in a specific culture mean for these kinds of anaerobic microorganisms. Degradation essays were carried out in a batch reactor fed in the following ways: (1) phenol and sulfate, in different concentrations, with previously enriched inoculum; (2) phenol, sulfate and co-substrates and; (3) phenol, sulfate and yeast extract. All the essays were carried out at 30 Celsius degrees, under 150 rpm agitation. The consumption of phenol and sulfate and, methane production, in function of time, for different initial concentrations of phenol and sulfate was assessed. In the essays the reactors were fed with phenol (329.3 mg/l); phenol (307.3 mg/l) and sulfate (160 mg/l); phenol (322.3 mg/l), sulfate (160 mg/l) and lactate (478.16 mg/l); phenol (332.1 mg/l), sulfate (150 mg/l) and ethanol (129.76 mg/l), the removal was of, respectively, 99.8%, 98.2%, 98.8% and 98.8%. The reactors fed with phenol (239.7 mg/l) obtained 100% degradation efficiency in only 11 days. The reactors fed with phenol (234.3 mg/l) and sulfate (162.5 mg/l) and phenol (256.0 mg/l) and sulfate (500 mg/l) obtained degradation efficiency of 98.8% and 99.3%, respectively, in only 17 days of operation. Such efficiencies were obtained by the increase of yeast extract in the reactors, in the beginning of the essays. The morphological characterization was carried out by optical microscopy. The microbial diversity regarding the Bacteria and Archaea Domain, besides the sulfate reducing bacteria group was assessed through the PCR DGGE technique, where alterations were seen in the microbial population, due to nutritional conditions. For the Archaea Domain, no differences were seen in all the essays. For the Bacteria Domain and the SRB Group these differences were easily seen, noticed by the inoculum and the diverse reactors. The alteration in the microbial diversity might have occurred due to culture mean composition that, in this case, was specific for SRB and also due to inoculum composition that contained a part previously adapted to SRB. These adequate conditions could promote appearance and development of microbial population capable of degrading phenol, using sulfate.

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