Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda GDP"" "subject:"ando GDP""
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Real estate as an investment alternative in an environment with low interest rates and inflation – A comparison between Japan and Sweden / Fastigheter som investeringsalternativ i en miljö med låga räntor och inflation – en jämförelse mellan Japan och SverigeRoihjert, Samuel, Åhlander, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
Today’s market situation for real estate and property developers in Sweden is very unique. It is characterized by low to negative interest rates and low to no inflation. However, many of the existing economic theories are based on positive interest rates and a positive inflation. This has resulted in uncertainties for investors and market players how to assess this new situation and be able to adequately predict how this will affect the real estate market. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate how a low interest rate and inflation environment affects real estate, as an investment alternative. The thesis looks closer on the Japanese market since they have had a low interest rate and inflation environment from the middle of 1990’s. The thesis has investigated what kind of relationship that exists between the return but also the prices from real estate and different macroeconomic variables such as the interest rate, the inflation and the GDP growth. The thesis has been performed at Vasakronan, a leading property company in Sweden. Vasakronan management has provided valuable guidance and assisted in making prioritizations of the very extensive data material. Real estate can be considered a good investment alternative and that they still generate a rate of return over time in a low interest rate and inflation environment. Furthermore the findings show that the interest rates and the inflation do not have any direct effect on the real estate returns in a low interest rate and inflation environment. However, we have found that it exist other variables that affect the real estate returns which in turn are affected by the interest rates and the inflation meaning that the returns for real estate are indirectly influenced by the interest rates and inflation. One of the most important variables is the GDP growth, which has an influential impact on the real estate returns. The demand and supply for real estate as well as the expectation concerning the future is also variables that influence the real estate market and returns. As long as the economy is growing as well as the demand is high and future expectations is positive, real estate can still be considered to be a relative secure and good investment. / Dagens situation på fastighetsmarknaden är väldigt unik. Den är präglad av låga och negativa räntor och låg inflation. Många av de existerande ekonomiska teorierna är baserade på positiva räntor och en positiv inflation. Detta har resulterat i osäkerheter på marknaden hur denna situation kan komma att påverka fastighetsmarknaden i framtiden. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur fastigheter som ett investeringsalternativ uppför sig i en miljö med låga räntor och inflation. I arbetet undersöker vi närmare Japans fastighetsmarknad eftersom de har haft låga räntor och inflation enda sedan mitten av 1990-talet. Vi kommer vidare undersöka vad för relation som existerar mellan både avkastningen på fastigheter och fastighetspriserna gentemot olika makroekonomiska variabler. De makroekonomiska variablerna är räntan, inflationen och ekonomisk tillväxt i form av BNP. Detta arbete har skrivits i sammarbete med Vasakronan, Sveriges största fastighetsbolag där de har assisterat oss I nödvänding vägledning under arbetsprocessen. Beträffande hur fastigheter uppför sig i en miljö med låga räntor och inflation som är observerat idag har vi funnit att de fortfarande genererar en avkastning över tid och kan anses som ett bra investeringsalternativ. Vi har funnit att räntorna och inflationen inte verkar ha samma direkta effekt som kunde förväntas gällande avkastningarna för fastigheter i en miljö med låga räntor och inflation. Däremot har vi funnit att det existerar andra variabler som påverkar fastigheters avkastning, vilka är direkt påverkade av räntorna och inflationen. Det betyder att räntorna och inflationen ändå indirekt påverkar fastigheters avkastningar. En av de viktigaste faktorerna är den ekonomiska tillväxten som har en tydlig påverkan på fastigheters avkastning och priser. Utbud och efterfråga tillsammans med framtida förväntningar är också viktiga variabler som påverkar fastighetsmarknaden och deras avkastningar. Så länge det existerar ekonomisk tillväxt tillsammans med optimistiska förväntningar på framtiden och en hög efterfrågan så kan fastigheter betraktas som en god och ett säkert investeringsalternativ
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The Effects of Austerity on the Sustainability of the Greek Public DebtJain, Sandeep January 2013 (has links)
The current Greek debt crisis has forced the Greek government to adopt austerity measures. In this paper, the most favourable debt reduction strategies among all the other strategies, for both Greece and its creditors will be examined. These strategies have been recently suggested in the economic world, to help achieve deficit reduction and enhance the growth rate of Greece. This is very important for the economic world - to avoid the insolvency of Greece and to find the best debt reduction strategy which is favourable for both the parties, so that the Greek public debt-to-GDP ratio can reach a level of sustainability within a reasonable timespan. In an endeavour to answer the research question, a simulation framework has been carried out based on the economic model as given by Cline, (2011). When using this economic model, g has been made endogenous and it is dependent on the extent of austerity. This has been taken into consideration while carrying out the simulation exercises for this paper. Furthermore, three different debt reduction strategies (the lowering of interest rates, debt write-off and increasing the primary surplus) have been implemented, considering the different scenarios of the economy, when executing these simulation exercises. After carrying out the simulation framework, it has been concluded that the further reduction of the interest rate would be the most favorable debt reduction strategy for both Greece and its creditors. This interest rate strategy would not only lower the Greek public debt-to-GDP to a sustainable level within a reasonable time period, but will also keep the growth rate positive in the long run during this period of weak economic recovery.
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How did the financial crisis of 2008 and the Covid-19 pandemic affect the Swedish consumer price index?Svensson, Ellen, Henrysson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
This study analyzes how the financial crisis of 2008 compared to the Covid-19 pandemic affectedinflation, measured by the consumer price index, in Sweden. This study aims to give moreprofound knowledge of how two crises affect the consumer price index and therefore preventpotential future economic crises. Data from Statistics Sweden and Statistics Denmark was analyzed by using a quantitative methodto statistically investigate how different periods of crisis vary and their effect on the consumerprice index compared to non-crisis periods of the data. The study observes data from 2000 to2022. The financial crisis had its starting point on the housing market in the US, and the pandemic wascaused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Both crises have and may continue to affect the consumerprice index. Results from previous research are mostly aligned with the results and conclusion from this studyregarding how the financial crisis in 2008 and the Covid-19 pandemic affected the Swedishconsumer price index. In conclusion, both crises affected the consumer price index. During thefinancial crisis, it dropped, increased, and dropped again. Two peaks in the consumer price index,before and after the financial crisis, suppress the visual effect of the high peak at the beginningof the financial crisis. During Covid-19, the consumer price index increased largely, and the peakwas not reached during the period of the collected data.
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Business and Real Estate Cycles The Kuala Lumpur Office MarketHussein, Siti Almafahaza January 2011 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to apply the concept of business cycle and real estate cycle in term of their characteristics, period and sequence of the cycle to the Kuala Lumpur’s office market. Design/methodology/approach - The paper is based on previous literature review, facts, reports, and data in arriving at the conclusion of the study. Findings - This paper revealed the characteristics, period and sequence between business and real estate cycles to Kuala Lumpur’s office market. Research limitation/ Implications - The framework and flows of this paper act as an introduction for the paper. Lacks of literature and attention on the business and real estate cycles in Kuala Lumpur’s have created difficulties to gains information and data on this paper. Practical implications - This paper is important for the students, government and policy maker in order to further a research and develop a foundation for business and real estate cycles in Kuala Lumpur.
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Sanya-Chinese Hawaii : -through one phoenix to see the big picture / Sanya-Kinesisk Hawaii : En överblick genom fenixens ögaXin Erixon, Ren January 2012 (has links)
As the world’s second economy, China has been developing at breath taking pace over the last 30 years. City development planner are blindly seeking to be big, for example, a small city should become middle size city, a middle size city should become a big city, a big city should become a metropolitan city, and a metropolitan city should become an international mega city. City municipalities seek higher GDP year by year. City mayors will do whatever as long as they could make the most profit and build their city’s profile. Today, real estate is the highest profit industry in China. In order to bring in more financial support, urban planning is done in favor of those with power and capital instead of consideration of equality and fairness. There are increasing conflicts for the different classes of people in the city because the social gaps between the classes are growing.
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Coronapandemins effekter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden : En studie av bostadsrättspriser i Uppsala kommun.Ström, Julia, Bernhardsson, Molly January 2021 (has links)
Den 11 mars 2020 klassades Coronaviruset som en pandemi och har sedan dess kommit att påverka såväl den svenska ekonomin som arbetslöshet och bostadsmarknad. Till följd av Coronapandemin sköts allt fler jobb på distans och efterfrågan på större bostäder har ökat. Likaså har efterfrågan på utbildning växt och antalet studerande ökat. Den lågkonjunktur som förväntades drabba ekonomin har lett till beslut om slopat amorteringskrav och att behålla reporäntan på noll procent. I uppsatsen analyseras data från Svensk Mäklarstatistik, som inkluderar bostadsrätter sålda under perioden 1 mars 2019 till 31 december 2020, samt kompletterande data från Booli för perioden 1 januari 2019 till 28 februari 2019. I syfte att fokusera på unga förstagångsköpare som riskerar att bli utkonkurrerade när efterfrågan på bostäder ökar, inkluderas endast bostadsrätter mindre än 50 kvadratmeter i studien. Genom metoden difference-in-difference analyseras prisförändring på bostadsmarknaden i Uppsala kommun perioden före och efter att Covid-19 etablerat sig. Som jämförelsegrupp används bostadsrätter sålda under samma period ett år tidigare. De huvudsakliga resultaten visar att effekten av Covid-19 på priserna för bostadsrätter under 50 kvadratmeter var positiv. Statistiskt signifikanta resultat fås när kontrollvariabler för BNP och ränta inkluderas. / March 11th, 2020, the Coronavirus was classified as a pandemic and has since come to affect the Swedish economy, unemployment and the housing market. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, more jobs are being managed remotely and the demand for larger homes has increased. Similarly, the demand for education has grown and the number of students has increased. The recession, which was expected to hit the economy, led to a decision to abolish amortization requirements and to maintain the repo rate at zero percent. The thesis uses data from Svensk Mäklarstatistik, which includes condominiums sold between the period March 1st 2019 to December 31st 2020, as well as supplementary data from Booli.se for the period January 1st 2019 to February 28th 2019. Only condominiums under 50 square meters are included, in order to focus on first-time buyers who risk being outcompeted when the demand for condominiums increases. Through a difference-in-difference study, the aim is to analyze price changes in the housing market in Uppsala municipality, analyzing the period before and after Covid-19 established. As a comparison group, condominiums sold during the same period one year earlier are used. The main results show that final prices for condominiums under 50 square meters increased. Statistically significant results are obtained when control variables for GDP and interest rates are included.
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Okun’s Law in the Nordics / Okuns lag i de nordiska ländernaVang, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
Okun´s law describes the empirical observation first made by Arthur Okun relating changes in an economy’s unemployment rate to changes in output. Where many earlier research papers since then focus on comparisons between countries, this paper attempts to assess whether Okun’s law is demonstrated in the five Nordic countries and analyse the relationship between unemployment and output in welfare states. The results show a significant statistical relationship and hopefully present an interesting opportunity for further research.
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Influential Economic Sectors and Factors of Economic Growth in Bangladesh: A Non-spatial and Spatial Econometric StudyKhan, Solaiman January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Voter Turnout based on Income : Investigating Voting Behavior in the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016Tapper, Ellen, Maras, Emma-Louise January 2022 (has links)
To be able to see if voter turnout can be enhanced, studying income is of interest. This researchpaper attempts to answer the following thesis question: “How can voter turnout in the 2016 presidential election be explained by income?” The conclusion drawn is that income, measured in GDP per capita, does affect voter turnout, however the exact influence is hard to determine.This research paper agrees with Wolfinger & Rosenstone (1980), that income rather plays a role until a voter has received a point where they can attain a “modestly comfortable standard of living”. Beyond this threshold, there are other variables and preferences that determine voter turnout. Therefore, COVI, that studies the cost variable within the utility hypothesis model, cannot explain voter turnout in relation to income. To better address voter turnout based on income, one would have to use a more extensive index and include other variables andpreferences.
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Förtjänar migranter rättigheter? : En komparativ studie om de kontextuella faktorer som påverkar européers attityder gentemot migranters förtjänst till sociala och legala rättigheterGreen, Fardosa, Glas, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Immigration has been a topic of interest for a very long time in Europe and it is currently a highly debated topic in today's politics. Previous studies on the attitudes of Europeans towards migrants have shown that Europeans apply different conditions and criteria to assess migrants' deservingness of social and legal rights. In this study we investigate Europeans' attitudes towards migrants using the concept of deservingness. Using data from the 2014 ESS survey we operationalize deservingness using the CARIN (control, attitude, reciprocity, identity and need) model to find the differences between the 21 different countries that are included in this study. The study utilizes multi-level analysis, with deservingness as the dependent variable and Integration legislation, the extent of the welfare state and gross domestic product (GDP) as our independent variables. The results showed that all three of our independent variables have a significant effect on deservingness towards migrants in Europe. Europeans from countries with more generous Integration legislation, a larger welfare state and a higher GDP have on average a lower deservingness, which means that they have lower demands on the migrants in their countries wishing to access social and legal rights. In conclusion, we establish that Europeans have different views on how many social and legal rights migrants in their country deserve.
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