Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda goetic"" "subject:"anda apoetic""
581 |
Poetic Leadership, A Territory of Aesthetic Consciousness and ChangeKasten-Daryanani, R. Amrit 07 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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A Collection of 20 Poems: Using Poetic Inquiry in Response to Literature on Race, Work Policy, and Social and Cultural TheoryMitchell, DeAvin Anthony 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Form and Meaning in Benjamin Britten's Sonnet CyclesStroeher, Vicki Pierce 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between sonnet form and musical form in Benjamin Britten's sonnet cycles with a view toward identifying the musico-poetic form how the musical form interprets the poetry. Several issues come to the fore: 1) articulation of the large-scale divisions of the poetic form in the music; 2) potential of the musical setting to make connections between lines of the text ; 3) potential of the musical setting to follow or imitate the thought processes of the poem; and 4) placement of the departure and return.
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[pt] Esta tese explora a potência da noção de quase-acontecimento no campo dos estudos literários. Buscando tal noção na esfera do perspectivismo ameríndio, soma-se a investigações contemporâneas que, comprometidas com o imperativo de não presumir vantagem epistemológica nos encontros com os povos indígenas, vêm se interessando em pensar a experiência artística sob o impacto desses encontros. No universo ameríndio, o quase acontecer é um evento recorrentemente associado ao trânsito ontológico (viagens aos mundos dos mortos, dos espíritos, dos animais, das coisas etc.), sendo a quasidade um vetor crucial em narrativas míticas e práticas xamânicas. Em contraste com estados de fusão ou anulação, a experiência com a quasidade só pode se manifestar em termos suspensivos. A disposição para habitar, assim em suspensão, zonas de vizinhança entre mundos humanos e não humanos já foi muitas vezes evocada e convocada em conexão com a experiência artística em contextos ditos ocidentais: tomando parte nesse movimento, as reflexões de Deleuze e Guattari são, de modo geral, uma influência importante nos materiais etnofilosóficos aqui em foco, notadamente, os trabalhos de Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Tania Stolze Lima e Manuela Carneiro da Cunha. Dois aspectos do pensamento da dupla de filósofos franceses importam em especial para este estudo: por um lado, mais teórico, está a insistência no devir feiticeiro do artista; e, por outro lado, mais metodológico, está o caminho que abrem ao construir seu pensamento por meio da invenção de séries heterogêneas de intercessores. Compondo-se de um conjunto eclético de materiais poéticos capazes de perturbar certo modo ocidental de conceber a imaginação, esta tese dedica-se a investigar vínculos possíveis entre imaginação poética e quase acontecimento. Apresentando-se e discutindo-se modos singulares com que poéticas ameríndias e ocidentais mobilizam o quase acontecer, mostra-se que o diálogo com práticas interligadas da vida ameríndia abre caminhos férteis para (re)pensar e (re)viver a potência do corpo na imaginação e os vínculos entre práticas teórico-críticas e práticas artísticas. A tese reflete em sua própria escritura este último ponto: os exercícios de leitura aqui realizados fazem transbordar entre si minhas atividades como pesquisadora e como escritora. Por este viés e num recorte que bastará aos interesses deste estudo, tais exercícios respondem à natureza paradoxal das imagens xapiri na narrativa xamânica de David Kopenawa em A queda do céu; à atmosfera mítico-ritualística de contato dos Ikpeng e dos Yanomami com a morte; e ao desordenamento de corpos que infestam o mito Pu iito – práticas e poéticas ameríndias que ponho em fricção com as seguintes experiências artísticas ocidentais: os livros O imitador de vozes, de Thomas Bernhard e Amada, de Toni Morrison; o poema Qvasi , de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira; e o conto O sofredor do ver , de Maura Lopes Cançado. / [en] This thesis explores the potency of the notion of the quasi-event in the field of literary studies. By locating this notion within the sphere of Amerindian perspectivism, it makes use of contemporary investigations that, committed to the imperative of not assuming an epistemological advantage in encounters with indigenous peoples, have been interested in considering the artistic experience under the impact of these encounters. In the Amerindian universe, a quasi-event-taken is an event recurrently associated with ontological transit (i.e., trips to the worlds of the dead, spirits, animals, things etc.), in which quasidade is a crucial vector in mythical narratives and shamanic practices. In contrast to states of fusion and annulment, this experience with quasidade can only manifest itself in suspensive terms. The willingness to inhabit (thus in suspension) neighboring zones between human and non-human worlds has often been evoked and summoned in connection with the artistic experience in so-called Western contexts: taking part in such movement, the reflections of Deleuze and Guattari are, in general, important influences on the ethnophilosophical materials in focus, most notably the works of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Tania Stolze Lima and Manuela Carneiro da Cunha. Moreover, two aspects of the French philosophers thinking are especially relevant to this study: on the one hand, a more theoretical approach is the insistence on the becoming sorcerer of the artist; and, on the other hand, more methodological, is the path they open when constructing their thinking through the invention of a heterogeneous series of intercessors. Composed of an eclectic set of poetic materials capable of disturbing a certain Western way of conceiving the imagination, this thesis investigates possible links between poetic imagination and quasi-event . Hence, introducing and discussing the unique ways in which Amerindian and Western poetics mobilize quasi-event-taken, it is shown that the dialogue with interconnected practices of Amerindian life clears the path for alternative ways to (re)think and (re)live the potency of the body in the imagination, as well as the links between theoretical-critical and artistic practices. This last matter is reflected in this work s writing process: the reading exercises carried out here make my activities as a researcher and as a writer to overflow with each other. By this bias and in a cut-off that will be enough for the interests of this study, such exercises respond to the paradoxical nature of xapiri images in David Kopenawa s shamanic narrative in A queda do céu; the mythical-ritualistic atmosphere of Ikpeng and Yanomami contact with death; and the disorder of bodies that infest the myth Pu iito – Amerindian practices and poetics that I put in friction with the following Western artistic experiences: the books O Imitador de Vozes, by Thomas Bernhard and Amada, by Toni Morrison; the poem Qvasi , by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira; and the short story O sofredor do ver , by Maura Lopes Cançado.
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[pt] O foco principal desta dissertação consiste em apresentar aspectos fundamentais da inventividade poética de William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) cujas fecundações em diversos sistemas poéticos ocidentais se fazem notar desde, pelo menos, o meio do século XX. Com base em levantamentos de dados, considerações críticas, análises textuais e traduções comentadas, a pesquisa é organizada em sete partes: (I) à guisa de introdução; (II) sobrevoo biográfico; (III) mapeamento da recepção de Williams no Brasil; (IV) fundamentação teórica; (V) a busca por uma nova forma, a formulação do Verso Livre Novo e primeiras traduções; (VI) a estética de objetos williamsiana e outras traduções; (VII) comentários finais e apontamentos futuros. O que se busca, ao longo de todas as etapas da investigação, é a formulação de ferramentas teóricas, críticas e tradutórias para abordar a obra em questão. Do mesmo modo, e consequentemente, o trabalho procura apontar caminhos para o enriquecimento do repertório da poesia brasileira, na medida em que visa preencher importantes lacunas de informação e tradução em relação a toda uma linhagem poética cujo ponto de inflexão, a obra de Williams, é iluminado em seus aspectos mais produtivos e fecundantes. / [en] The aim of this master s thesis is to present fundamental aspects of the inventiveness of William Carlos Williams poetry that have fertilized Western poetry since at least the middle of the 20th century. Based on critical considerations, textual analyses and commented translations, the research is organized in seven parts: (I) introduction; (II) biographical sketch; (III) a mapping of Williams reception in Brazil; (IV) theoretical foundation; (V) the struggle for a new form, the formulation of the New Free Verse and first translations; (VI) Williamsian aesthetics of objects and other translations; (VII) final comments and future research. The material intends to provide theoretical, translational and critical tools to approach the work in question, as well as to enrich the repertoire of the Brazilian poetry, since it seeks to fill in major gaps concerning information on and translation of an entire poetic lineage, and illuminating some of the most productive and fruitful aspects of its turning point, the poetry of William Carlos Williams.
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[pt] A tese tem como objeto os cursos ministrados por Roland Barthes no
Collège de France (1977-1980) tomando como guia a enunciação barthesiana,
explicitada no título desta pesquisa, de que estes cursos são por ele
experimentados como um caminho associado à palavra chinesa Tao (cf. Barthes:
protocolo da colheita). Esta concepção de caminho se oferece a Barthes como
uma metodologia para a realização de uma nova prática de escritura que ele
intitula como Romance. Na tese, a observação projetiva deste suposto método em
operação é designada em termos de um mal-estar do método. Essa terminologia se
justifica a partir de outra enunciação pessoal, esta proferida em Cerisy-la-Salle
(1977), em que Barthes defende que a paixão do medo tenha o valor de método
pois dela parte um caminho iniciático. Em outro eixo de desenvolvimento da
pesquisa, há a simulação de uma poética do tempo que faz para corresponder a
uma virada na naturalidade que Barthes designa como uma terceira volta do
parafuso e que no curso A preparação do romance I está vinculada à prática do
haicai. E, por fim, em um último eixo de abordagem, os cursos são trabalhados na
perspectiva de um manual de escritura para destacar uma pedagogia suscitada
pelo próprio texto barthesiano, ou ainda, pela singularidade de uma escrita que
explicita seus procedimentos em um duplo registro: um dizer crítico-reflexivo
associado a um mostrar poético-performativo. Nesse registro há uma reunião de
considerações barthesianas relacionadas aos atos de abordar, anotar, apontar,
burlar, captar, classificar, comentar, definir, descrever, escutar, fichar, flutuar,
interpretar, observar etc. Barthes diz que um ponto de fuga do Curso seria a
realização de um romance: passar da preparação para uma práxis de escritura.
Mon Roland. Mon Roman. E, aqui, o retorno em espiral à problemática inicial do
curso A preparação do romance I: como passar da anotação ao romance, do
descontínuo ao fluxo, do fragmento ao não-fragmento. Ou ainda: como escrever
um romance? / [en] This thesis analyzes the courses given by Roland Barthes at Collège de
France (1977-1980), drawing on his utterance cited in the title of this work in
which he claims to experience the courses as a way, alluding to the Chinese word
Tao. Barthes draws on this conception of way as a methodology for undertaking a
new practice of writing, which he calls the novel. In the thesis, the projective
observation of this supposed method in operation is designated in terms of
methodological malaise. This terminology is justified by another personal
utterance, this one proffered in Cerisy-la-Salle (1977), in which Barthes argues
that the passion of fear has methodological value, because it is from it that an
initiating way begins. Elsewhere in this research there is the simulation of a poetic
of time in the making to correspond to the natural turn that Barthes calls a third
turn of the screw and which, in the course The preparation of the novel I, is
associated with the haiku. And finally, in the last branch of the approach, the
courses are observed from the perspective of a writing handbook to highlight a
pedagogy brought about by Barthes text itself, or indeed by the singularity of a
writing that explicates its procedures on two levels: reflexive and critical
discourse alongside poetic and performative demonstration. In this register,
Barthes considerations about the acts of approaching, noting, indicating,
misleading, capturing, classifying, commenting, defining, describing, listening,
listing, floating, interpreting, observing, etc. are combined. Barthes said that a
vanishing point for the course was the writing of a novel: moving from the
preparation to the praxis of writing. Mon Roland. Mon Roman. And here we
spiral back to the initial inquiry of the course The Preparation of the Novel I:
how to progress from notation to novel, from discontinuity to flow, from
fragment to non-fragment. Or else: how to write a novel?
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A Frayed Edge: A Qualitative and Poetic Inquiry Analysis of White Antiracist Protest in 2020Katt, Emily 01 December 2022 (has links)
This multiphasic study explored the narratives of five first-time Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrating during the historic confluence of conflicts in 2020 America. After positioning the liminal 2020 circumstances within an antiracist research lens, the author analyzed, first through grounded theory and then secondarily through poetic inquiry, how these five participants described their protest experiences. The grounded theory phase yielded an overarching theory that first-time protestors experienced a dual process of unsuturing and of calling-out, with three subthemes categorized within each of these two processes. The author moved into analysis with the poetic inquiry phase, crafting poems guided by six subthemes of empathy, silence, permission-seeking, identity, story uncertainty, and direct action, and yielding six total poems produced from participant words. The author concluded that poetic inquiry has promise as a tool toward a functioning antiracist identity, while advising on reflexive antiracist future directions for such work.
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Intuition of an Outsider: From Nothing to Voice in George Scarbrough’s PoetryMoore, William 01 May 2021 (has links)
Long acknowledged as a committed poet of place, this thesis examines tones of outsiderness and alienation that characterize George Scarbrough’s poetry. Scarbrough draws on familiarity with his childhood in southeast Tennessee, and from an outsider’s outlook, a perspective veritably prompted by the rejection he suffered as a homosexual and lover of language, Scarbrough’s poetry addresses the daunting themes of fear and nothingness. Analysis of his poetry also reveals qualities of hope and endurance, a commitment to received forms, and Modern innovation. Through his poetic voice, culminating in the alter ego of Han-shan, Scarbrough provides vital insights into the human experience.
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Тексты песен Ивана Алексеева (Noize MC): стилистические особенности и аксиологическое содержание : магистерская диссертация / Lyrics of Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC): Stylistic Features and Axiological ContentОвчинников, Ю. Е., Ovchinnikov, I. E. January 2021 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации исследуются тексты песен Ивана Алексеева – лидера одной из популярных рок-рэп-групп. Целевая установка исследования, связанная с выявлением аксиологических и стилистических особенностей текстов песен И. Алексеева, последовательно реализуется во введении и двух основных главах. В первой главе проанализированы определения поэтического языка; изучены труды по стилистике и лингвоаксиологии; систематизированы опорные понятия лингвоаксиологии, позволяющие осмыслить авторскую стратегию, ориентированную на целевого коллективного адресата. Во второй главе выявлены векторы влияния текстов на целевую молодежную аудиторию; реализован опыт системно-смыслового анализа отдельного текста; отмечены эстетически и аксиологически значимые речевые единицы; описаны тропы и фигуры; сконструирован фрагмент аксиологического лексикона популярной группы; установлены аксиологические предпочтения автора, отстаивающего константы национальной культуры, отвергающего главенство утилитарных ценностей. / The master’s thesis explores the lyrics of Ivan Alekseev – the leader of one of the popular rock-rap groups. The study aims at identifying the axiological and stylistic features of I. Alekseev’s lyrics. This purpose is consistently realized in the introduction and two chapters. In the first chapter, the definitions of poetic language are analyzed; works on stylistics and linguoaxiology are studied; the basic concepts of linguoaxiology, allowing to understand the author’s strategy focused on the target audience, are systematized. In the second chapter, the vectors of the influence of texts on the target youth audience are identified; the systematic semantic text analysis is carried out; aesthetically and axiologically significant speech units are found out; figures of speech are described; a fragment of the axiological lexicon of the popular group is constructed. There are also distinguished the author’s axiological preferences: he defends the constants of national culture and rejects the primacy of utilitarian values.
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Autour de Le Retour d’Andrei Zviaguintsev ou l’énigmatique matière dans l’édification du spectateur de cinémaCurtenaz, Xavier 05 1900 (has links)
En quoi l'expérience des images permet-elle une certaine autonomisation de soi ? Vaste question d'où gît derrière le désir ambitieux de démontrer à l'heure de la diffusion pléthorique des informations visuelles les voies édificatrices d'un spectateur à la rencontre d'images. Nous supposons que les agencements fictionnels capables d'entrouvrir la voie d'une reconnaissance du monde dans une complexité omise dans nos habitudes inconscientes et dans les manifestations quotidiennes de la pensée reposent sur le caractère indéterminé des images de cinéma. Notre étude se découpe en deux mouvements, à savoir l’immersion fictionnelle – l’accès – et la réorganisation des perceptions de représentation en promesse du savoir – le destin du voir.
Après avoir exploré, au moyen d’une posture cavelienne, en quoi le cinéma est-il un procédé moderne qui ouvre des espaces perceptifs qui relayent le regard ordinaire de l’Homme à une appréhension cinématographique du réel, nous proposons d’étudier comment les ressorts expressifs confondants des images du cinéaste Andrei Zviaguintsev produisent-elles un jeu des images qui inquiètent le voir empêchant le témoin à s’adonner à une perception littérale de la réalité.
Dans un second temps, par souci d’approfondir les analyses soumises précédemment, nous avançons l’idée que les écueils disposés à toute perception littérale d’une simple illustration de la réalité ambiante, sont le produit d’un regard défiant le nôtre dans un face-à-face où la façade des choses se dévoilent dans un voile obscur qui déshabillent les objets de toutes significations socialement appliquées pour mieux stimuler l’activité mitotique des images rappelant le témoin à reconstituer de ses propres sens une seule image du monde. / In what way does the experience of the images allow a certain autonomization of
on e self ? Vast question from where lies behind the am b itious desire to demonstrate at the time
of the plethoric diffusion of the visual information the edifying ways of a spect ator to the
meeting of images. We suppose that the fictional arrangements able to open the way of
recognition of the world in a complexity omitted in our unconscious habits and in the daily
manifestations of the thought rest on the indeterminate character i stic of the cinema images ;
Our study is divided into two movements, namely the fictional immersion the access and
the reorganization of the perceptions of representation in promise of knowledge the destiny
of seeing.
After having explored, by means of a Cavellian posture, in what the cinema is a modern
process which opens perceptive spaces which relay the ordinary eye of the individual to a
cinematographic apprehension of the real, we propose to study how the confoundi ng expressive
motives of the images of the director Andrei Zviaguintsev produce a play of the images which
worries the “seeing” preventing the witness from indulging in a literal perception of reality.
In a second phase, by concern to deepen the analyses submitted previously, and this,
always with reference to Zviaguintsev’s images, we put forward the idea that the pitfalls
disposed to any literal perception of a simple illustration of the surrounding re ality, are the
product of a gaze that questions ours in a face to face encounter where the façade of the
projected things reveals itself in an obscure veil that strips the objects of all socially applied
meanings in order to better stimulate the mitotic ac tivity of the images that call for the sensitive
reconstitution of a unique image of the world.
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