Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda loyalty"" "subject:"ando loyalty""
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Investigating E-servicescape, Trust, E-WOM, and Customer LoyaltyTran, Gina A. 08 1900 (has links)
Old Spice cleverly used a handsome actor to play the Old Spice Man character for a Super Bowl commercial in 2010. After the game, this Old Spice commercial was viewed more than 13 million times on YouTube, a social media video-sharing site. This viral marketing campaign, also known as electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM), propelled the Old Spice brand into the forefront of consumers’ minds, increased brand awareness, and inspired people to share the video links with their family, friends, and co-workers. The rapid growth of E-WOM is an indication of consumers’ increased willingness to convey marketing messages to others. However, despite this development, marketing academics and practitioners do not fully understand this powerful form of marketing. This dissertation enriches our understanding of E-WOM and how e-servicescape may lead to E-WOM. To that end, stimulus-organism-response theory and the network co-production model of E-WOM are applied to investigate the relationships between e-servicescape, trust, E-WOM intentions, customer loyalty, and purchase intentions. Two forms of E-WOM were examined, namely emails and social network postings. E-servicescape is defined as the online environmental factors of a marketer’s website. E-servicescape is composed of three main dimensions, including aesthetic appeal, financial security, and layout and functionality. This study used cross-sectional customer data from a single e-tailer. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the responses. Customer reviews was added as an additional sub-dimension of e-servicescape. The findings suggest e-servicescape positively impacts trust, which in turn positively influences E-WOM and customer loyalty. Moreover, two groups of customers were compared using multi-group analysis, where one group of users received emails and the other group received social network postings from the same e-tailer. Overall, the results indicated emails had a stronger impact on e-servicescape, E-WOM, and customer loyalty. Social networking site postings had slightly greater influence on trust, and two sub-dimensions of e-servicescape, i.e., interactivity and ease of payment. These findings contribute to the marketing research on E-WOM theory and electronic commerce shopping behavior. In particular, the sub-dimension of customer reviews is added to e-servicescape. This study yields practical implications for marketers in understanding consumers’ perceptions of websites and how to better design sites. In addition, these findings add to knowledge on how to engender consumers’ trust and customer loyalty online. Finally, this research provides suggestions for firms wanting to create marketing campaigns that will lead to E-WOM.
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Exploring Perceptions of Brand Loyalty and Consumer Identity among Millennial Males Living in Central OhioOates, Blake A. 05 1900 (has links)
Brand loyalty is a common theme throughout consumer and market research, yet it has not been a major topic among anthropologists. The research presented here is an anthropological exploration of the social and cultural influences on how a unique demographic - millennial males - view their own loyalty to brands. Through the use of qualitative interviews and online surveys, participants provided insight in to how they viewed their favorite brands and how those brands fit in to their lives. After analysis was done on these interviews a number of themes and degrees of attachment were identified and discussed.
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Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků společnosti Deloitte Belgium a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Deloitte Belgium and Recommendations Regarding its ImprovementKašová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou analýzy spokojenosti zákazníků společnosti Deloitte Belgie. Srovnává teoretické poznatky s praktickými dovednostmi získanými během stáže ve společnosti Deloitte. Metoda osobního dotazování byla použita za účelem získání cenné zpětné vazby od klientů a k provedení analýzy spokojenosti zákazníků. Na základě vyhodnocení bylo identifikováno několik oblastí vyžadujících zdokonalení a navržena opatření vedoucí ke zlepšení zjišťování spokojenosti zákazníků a zvýšení stávající úrovně spokojenosti zákazníků.
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A critical analysis of the employees' tax implications of loyalty points awarded to employees in South AfricaPretorius, Luzaan 21 July 2011 (has links)
Since the introduction of frequent flyer miles (e.g. Voyager miles) in South Africa, the concept has evolved in a number of ways. Currently, loyalty programmes are widely used in the consumer industry. Despite the fact that these programmes have been in place for several years, the South African Revenue Service (hereafter referred to as SARS) has failed to issue any legislation or guidance with regard to the treatment of these miles from an employees’ tax perspective. The fringe benefit implications of frequent flyer miles have been the topic of research both in South Africa and abroad. However, little research has been identified on the tax implications of loyalty programmes. This study re-examined past studies and literature identified on frequent flyer miles and analysed the impact these have on loyalty points earned on personal and corporate credit cards from an employees’ tax perspective. The study also extended past research and investigated loyalty points awarded to employees as an incentive from an employees’ tax perspective. The study had three specific objectives. The first objective was to analyse past research studies, court cases and other literature in order to establish the theoretical construct of this study. Secondly, it compared the treatment of frequent flyer miles earned by, or awarded to, employees in South Africa to the treatment of these in Australia and Canada. The third objective was to analyse the employees’ tax implications of loyalty points earned by, or awarded to, employees in specific scenarios. These scenarios were limited to loyalty points earned by employers on corporate credit cards and which are awarded to employees for personal use; loyalty points earned on personal credit cards as a result of business expenditure incurred by employees; and loyalty points awarded to an employee, as part of a loyalty programme operated by the employer, as an incentive. The concluding argument of this study was that loyalty points earned on corporate or personal credit cards, which are used for the benefit of employees, may be considered not to be taxable and that consequently, no employees’ tax obligation will arise. However, this argument is plagued by uncertainties and it is questionable as to whether this view will be supported by the South African courts and SARS. In the scenario where loyalty points are awarded as an incentive to employees, it may clearly be argued that these should be taxable with the result that an employees’ tax obligation will arise. However, the nature and value of the benefit, as well as the point at which the tax event occurs, may create inequities and is therefore uncertain. All these uncertainties highlight the need for guidance in this area from SARS. AFRIKAANS : Sedert gereelde vlugmyle (bv. Voyager miles) in Suid-Afrika in plek gestel is, het hierdie konsep in verskeie vorms ontwikkel. Vandag word lojaliteitsprogramme algemeen in die verbruikersbedryf gebruik. Ten spyte van die feit dat hierdie programme vir baie jare reeds in plek is, het die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (hierna verwys na as SAID) steeds geen wetgewing of leiding uitgereik oor die hantering van hierdie myle uit ’n werknemersbelastingsoogpunt nie. Alhoewel die byvoordeelimplikasies van gereelde vlugmyle die onderwerp was van navorsing in Suid-Afrika sowel as oorsee is min navorsing geïdentifiseer oor die belastingimplikasies van lojaliteitsprogramme. Hierdie studie heroorweeg bestaande studies en literatuur oor gereelde vlugmyle en analiseer die impak daarvan op lojaliteitspunte verdien op persoonlike en sakekredietkaarte uit ’n werknemersbelastingsoogpunt. Die studie sal ook bestaande navorsing uitbrei deur lojaliteitspunte, wat as ’n aansporing aan werknemers gegee word, uit ’n werknemersbelastingsoogpunt te analiseer. Die studie het drie spesifieke oogmerke. In die eerste plek is dit om bestaande navorsingstudies, hofsake en ander literatuur te analiseer om ’n teoretiese basis te vestig. Tweedens is dit om die belastinghantering van gereelde vlugmyle verdien deur of toegeken aan werknemers in Suid-Afrika te vergelyk met die hantering hiervan in Australië en Kanada. Die derde oogmerk is om die werknemersbelastingimplikasies van lojaliteitspunte toegeken aan of verdien deur werknemers in spesifieke scenario’s krities te analiseer. Hierdie scenario’s is beperk tot lojaliteitspunte verdien deur werkgewers op sakekredietkaarte en toegeken aan werknemers vir persoonlike gebruik; lojaliteitspunte verdien deur werknemers weens sake-uitgawes aangegaan op persoonlike kredietkaarte; en lojaliteitspunte, wat deel vorm van ’n lojaliteitsprogram wat deur die werkgewer bedryf word, gegee aan werknemers as ’n aansporingsbonus. Volgens die studie se bevindinge kan daar aangevoer word dat lojaliteitspunte verdien op sake- en persoonlike kredietkaarte vir werknemers se persoonlike gebruik nie belasbaar is nie en gevolglik geen werknemersbelastingverpligting teweeg bring nie. Nietemin gaan hierdie siening gepaard met baie onsekerhede en word bevraagteken of dit deur die Suid-Afrikaanse howe en SAID ondersteun sal word. In die scenario waar lojaliteitspunte aan werknemers as ’n aansporing gegee word, kan dit duidelik aangevoer word dat hierdie voordeel belasbaar is en dus ’n werknemersbelastingverpligting teweegbring. Daar is egter onsekerheid oor die tydstip waarop die voordeel belas moet word, asook die aard en waarde van die belasbare byvoordeel. Hierdie onsekerhede onderstreep die behoefte aan leiding op hierdie onderwerp vanaf SAID. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Taxation / unrestricted
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Destinationslojalitet i Stockholm : En studie om det strategiska arbetet mot internationella marknader ur ett destinationslojalitetsperspektivAkkaya, Adam, Åberg, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Over the past several years destination loyalty has begun to take up an increasing amount of focus within the tourism research field. While there are still a number of question marks of its different aspects and true value to the destination, the subject has been described as prioritized. On that account, the purpose of this study has been to seek understanding of how Stockholm relate to this, and how their expressed strategies towards the international market can be understood within a destination loyalty perspective. Furthermore, the DMO Visit Stockholm’s marketing and communication strategies towards foreign followers on digital platforms have been examined. To reach knowledge of this, a document study of Visit Stockholm and Svensk Turism was carried out, whereafter three interviews took place with representatives from these two organizations. Lastly, a netnographic examination was carried out of Visit Stockholm’s official webpage and their accounts on Facebook and Instagram. The results showed that strategies have yet to be expressed formally regarding destination loyalty, but that there is an awareness of the issue and that it most likely will play a bigger role in the future. In addition to that, there have been empirical findings which show that marketing and communication in fact is conducted, which can relate to destination loyalty. A challenge for Stockholm in the future will be to further take advantage of the possibilities that the digital channels offer. An active approach will be required in imposing new relations to followers and visitors, and in the retaining of existing relations. / Under de senaste åren har destinationslojalitet börjat ta upp alltmer fokus inom den turistiska forskningen. Medan det ännu finns kvar flera frågetecken över dess olika aspekter och egentliga värde för destinationen, så har ämnet beskrivits som speciellt prioriterat. Med anledning av det har syftet med denna undersökning varit att söka förståelse för hur Stockholm förhåller sig till detta, och hur deras uttalade strategier mot den internationella marknaden kan förstås utifrån ett destinationslojalitetsperspektiv. Vidare har undersökts hur DMO:n Visit Stockholms faktiska marknadsföring och kommunikation till utländska följare förs på digitala plattformar. För att nå denna kunskap utfördes en dokumentstudie av Visit Stockholm samt Svensk Turism, därefter ägde tre intervjuer rum med representanter från dessa två organisationer. Till sist utfördes även en netnografisk undersökning av Visit Stockholms officiella hemsida, samt deras konton på Facebook och Instagram. Resultaten visade att det ej i dagsläget finns några uttalade formella strategier kring destinationslojalitet, men att det finns en medvenhet kring frågan och att det troligtvis kommer att bli mer aktuellt i framtiden. Utöver detta har empiriska fynd gjorts som visar på att det faktiskt förs marknadsföring och kommunikation på sociala medier som kan kopplas till destinationslojalitet. En utmaning för Stockholm inför framtiden blir att ytterligare ta till vara på de möjligheter som de digitala kanalerna kan erbjuda. Ett aktivt arbete kommer att krävas inför skapandet av nya relationer till följare och besökare, samt bibehållandet av existerande relationer.
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"En av de stora drakarna" : En netnografisk studie om kundlojalitet hos researrangörer på FacebookHallberg, Fredrika, Palm, Jacob, Mrridol Waliullah, Shan January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka följares attityder mot Ving, TUI och Apollos inlägg på Facebook och hur de tolkas utifrån kundlojalitet och e-lojalitet. Det undersöks även hur researrangörer uttrycker lojalitet via deras facebooksida. Kundlojalitet baseras på Olivers (1999) teori och e-lojalitet baseras på “8C’s” som har tagits fram av Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). Studien grundar sig i en netnografisk analys för att få en översikt och grundläggande kunskaper om researrangörernas kommunikation på Facebook. Analysen visar att de inlägg som publiceras har skillnader och likheter när det gäller den typ av lojalitet som researrangörerna uttrycker. TUI och Apollo fokuserar mest på konativ lojalitet till skillnad från Ving som fokuserar på affektiv lojalitet. Studien baseras även på semistrukturerade intervjuer vilket anses lämpligt för att få djupare förståelse. Teorierna tillämpas genom en mängd frågor som ställs till respondenterna under intervjuerna. Det framkommer att följarnas attityder gentemot Apollo verkar annorlunda till skillnad från attityderna mot Ving och TUI. När det gäller e-lojalitet verkar Ving och TUI uppfylla flera av de "8C" baserat på följarnas attityder. Apollo har inte visat sig lika starka på den fronten. Denna studie visar liknande resultat som tidigare forskning men de överensstämmer inte helt i alla aspekter. / The purpose of this study is to examine the follower's attitudes towards Ving, TUI and Apollos posts on Facebook and how they are interpreted based on the customer loyalty and e-loyalty. It also examines how the tour operators express loyalty through their facebookpage. The customer loyalty are based on Oliver’s (1999) theory and e-loyalty is based on the “8C’s” that have been developed by Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). The study is based on a netnographic analysis to get an overview and basic knowledge of the tour operators communication on Facebook. The analysis shows that the posts have differences and similarities in terms of loyalty to the tour operators’ words. TUI and Apollo mostly focus on the conative loyalty, unlike Ving where the focus is on affective loyalty. The study is also based on semistructured interviews which is appropriate in order to gain a deeper understanding. The theories are applied through a variety of questions that have been asked to the respondents during their interviews. It appears that customers' attitudes towards Apollo appear to be different from the attitudes towards Ving and TUI. About e-loyalty, Ving and TUI seem to fulfill several of the "8C’s" based on the customers attitudes. Apollo has not proved that they are as strong as the other two. This study shows a similar result as the previous studies but they don't fully agree in all aspects.
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Märkeslojalitet inom svensk dagligvaruhandel : En kvalitativ studie om hur aktörerna i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln skapar och underhåller kundlojalitetÖstling Gran, Niklas, Milenov, Petar January 2021 (has links)
The grocery trade is part of the food industry, which is Sweden's third largest industry. It is obvious that it is an industry with a high market concentration where the market share of the three largest companies corresponds to almost 87%. In addition to the high concentration in the market, the industry is undergoing a structural change in new store formats that are more adapted to the customer's needs, among other things through geographical location, opening hours, service, price and design. Each individual has their own preferences when it comes to where to shop. At present, the supply of grocery stores is large and there is a tough level of competition throughout the country. It is therefore important for the various chains in the grocery trade to create and maintain a loyal customer base in order to remain relevant but also to survive the tough competition. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of which marketing techniques the various chains in the Swedish grocery trade use to create and maintain a loyal customer base. To be ableto investigate this, a qualitative study was conducted consisting of four interviews with three different chains. The respondents who have participated have either had a central and high-ranking role within the chain or in the stores. This is because it is important for the study that the respondents have insight into how the organization works. The chains that have participated are: ICA, Hemköp and Coop. Based on the theoretical framework and the empirical evidence that has been collected, ananalysis has been carried out in order to be able to draw a conclusion. The conclusion that is drawn is that there are many and important factors that come into play to maintain and create aloyal customer base. But the marketing technique that stands out and that is of utmost importanceis loyalty programs followed by customer relationship management, relationship management and corporate store image.
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Digitaliseringens påverkan på kundretention i dagligvaruhandelnGhebresilassie, Thomas, Matar, Jonathan, Merhay, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt hur digitaliseringen påverkar kundretention i dagligvaruhandeln vilket är ett intressant och aktuellt ämne. I dagens samhälle där det råder mycket osäkerhet kring världsekonomin vilket markant påverkar konsumenters privatekonomi och livsmedelsindustrin, har det varit intressant att undersöka konsumenters köpbeteende och reaktioner till ekonomikrisen. På grund av hur dagligvaruhandeln ser ut har det varit relevant att undersöka hur konsumenter svarar på företags tillämpning av digitala verktyg för att optimera kundretention. För att besvara undersökningens syfte utfördes en empirisk studie. En litteraturstudie har utförts för att undersöka det studerande fenomenet samt vad tidigare forskning har resulterat i. Efter litteraturstudien tillämpades en enkätundersökning som vidare sammanställdes för att analyseras i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS. I SPSS skapades bivariata analyser i form av korstabellsanalys, korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys för att skapa och identifiera korrelationer och samband mellan de undersökta variablerna. Studiens resultat visar att kombinationen av pris, geografiskt läge samt erbjudanden och rabatter är betydande faktorer för kundretention. Studien visar även att digitaliseringen har en betydande effekt på kundretention. Teknologins ständiga utveckling bidrar till implementering av nya verktyg som effektiviserar hanteringen av kunddata för att stärka kundrelationer och öka kundretention. / This thesis has studied how digitization affects customer retention in the grocery trade, which is an interesting and relevant topic. In today's society, where there is much uncertainty surrounding the world economy, which significantly affects consumers' private finances and the food industry, has it been interesting to examine consumers' buying behavior and reactions to the economic crisis. Due to the circumstances in the grocery trade, has it been relevant to study how consumers respond to companies' application of digital tools to optimize customer retention. In order to answer the purpose of the survey, an empirical study was carried out. A literature study has been carried out to investigate the studied phenomenon and what previous research has resulted in. After the literature study, a questionnaire survey was applied which was further set to be analyzed in the statistical program IBM SPSS. In SPSS, bivariate analyzes were created in the form of cross-tabulation analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to create and identify correlations and connections between the studied variables. The results of the study show that the combination of price, location, offers and discounts are significant factors for customer retention. The study also shows that digitization has a significant effect on customer retention. The constant development of technology contributes to the implementation of new tools that streamline the handling of customer data to strengthen customer relationships and increase customer retention.
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Sambandet mellan country-of-origin och svenska konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet och priskänslighet : En kvantitativ studie om huruvida svenska konsumenters associationer till Sverige kan påverka deras lojalitet och priskänslighet mot svenska livsmedelsvarumärken.Nordin, Julia, Tušetić, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Sambandet mellan country-of-origin och svenska konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet och priskänslighet – En kvantitativ studie om huruvida svenska konsumenters associationer till Sverige kan påverka deras lojalitet och priskänslighet mot svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Julia Nordin & Emilia Tušetić Handledare: Blanca Astrid Moreno Datum: 2023 – maj Syfte: I tider då matvarupriser stiger ändrar svenska konsumenter ofta sina köpbeteenden. Tidigare studier har dock visat att varumärkeslojala konsumenter generellt är mindre priskänsliga. Andra studier har även diskuterat om ett varumärkes ursprungsland kan ses som en betydande faktor som gör kunden mer lojal och därmed mindre benägen att byta till ett billigare varumärke då priserna stiger. Få studier har däremot gjorts i svensk kontext, varför denna studie finner ett stort intresse i att undersöka vilket samband country-of-origin har med svenska konsumenters lojalitet och priskänslighet för svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Studiens frågeställningar blir således: Vilket samband har country-of-origin med svenska konsumenters lojalitet för svenska livsmedelsvarumärken, samt vilken effekt har country-of-origin på valet av svenska livsmedelsvarumärken när dessa ökar i pris? Metod: Studien grundar sig i den positivistiska forskningsfilosofin med en hypotetisk-deduktiv forskningsansats. Studien åtar en kvantitativ strategi med en surveydesign som bidragit med data från 135 respondenter. Datamaterialet har sedan analyserats i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat & Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att country-of-origin inte har något signifikant samband med svenska konsumenters lojalitet för svenska livsmedelsvarumärken men att det finns ett positivt signifikant samband mellan country-of-origin och svenska konsumenters val av svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Studien kunde också fastställa att svenska konsumenter med positiva attityder till Sverige, svenskar och människor som köper kött från svenska varumärken, är mindre priskänsliga beträffande svenska livsmedelsvarumärken än konsumenter med negativa attityder. Examensarbetets bidrag: Examensarbetet har bidragit till det företagsekonomiska forskningsområdet såväl teoretiskt som praktiskt genom att visa vilket samband som finns mellan svenska konsumenters associationer till Sverige och deras lojalitet och priskänslighet mot svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Kunskapen om de prisrelaterade konsekvenserna av ett varumärkes ursprungsland kan komma till användning när prissättningsstrategier eller strategier för marknadskommunikation ska utformas, framför allt då prisnivån stiger och konsumenternas köpbeteende förändras. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna undersökning har gjorts på ett begränsat urval av respondenter. Av denna anledning föreslås att framtida forskning tar del av ett heterogent sannolikhetsurval med ett större antal respondenter. Det finns även möjlighet att utvidga studien till att omfatta andra dimensioner av varumärkeslojalitet, andra produktkategorier och produktklasser, konsumentens grad av etnocentricitet, samt andra länder. / Title: The relationship between country-of-origin and Swedish consumers' brand loyalty and price sensitivity – A quantitative study on whether Swedish consumers' associations with Sweden can influence their loyalty and price sensitivity towards Swedish food brands. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Authors: Julia Nordin & Emilia Tušetić Supervisor: Blanca Astrid Moreno Date: 2023 – may Aim: In times when food prices are rising, Swedish consumers often change their purchasing behavior by buying less or by switching to cheaper brands. However, previous studies argue that brand loyal consumers are less price sensitive. Other studies have also discussed whether a brand's country of origin is a significant factor that can make the customer more loyal to a brand, and thus less inclined to switch to a cheaper brand as prices are rising. However, few studies have been done in a swedish context, which is why this study finds great interest in investigating the relationship between the country of origin of a brand and Swedish consumers' loyalty and price sensitivity for Swedish food brands. The research questions are: What relationship does country-of-origin have with Swedish consumers' loyalty to Swedish food brands, and what effect does country-of-origin have on the choice of Swedish food brands when these increase in price? Method: The study is based on the positivist research philosophy with a hypothetical-deductive research approach. The study adopts a quantitative strategy with a survey design that contributed data from 135 respondents. The data has then been analyzed in the statistical program SPSS. Results & Conclusion: The results of the study show that country-of-origin has no significant relationship with Swedish consumers' loyalty to Swedish food brands, but that there is a positive significant relationship between country-of-origin and Swedish consumers' choice of Swedish food brands. The study was also able to determine that Swedish consumers with positive attitudes towards Sweden, Swedish people and people who buy food from Swedish brands, are less price sensitive regarding Swedish food brands than consumers with negative attitudes. Contribution of the thesis: This thesis has contributed to the business economics research area both theoretically and practically by showing the connection between Swedish consumers' associations to Sweden and their loyalty and price sensitivity towards Swedish food brands. The knowledge of price-related consequences of a brand's country of origin can be used when pricing strategies or marketing communication strategies are to be designed, especially when the price level rises and consumers' buying behavior changes. Suggestions for future research: This survey has been conducted on a limited sample of respondents. For this reason, it is suggested that future research includes a heterogeneous probability sample with a larger number of respondents. It is also possible to include other dimensions of brand loyalty, different product categories and product classes, the customer's level of ethnocentricity, and other countries.
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The Privacy Club : An exploratory study of the privacy paradox in digital loyalty programsJohansson, Lilly, Rystadius, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Background: Digital loyalty programs collect extensive personal data, but literature has so far neglected the aspect of privacy concerns within the programs. The privacy paradox denotes the contradictory behavior amongst consumers stating privacy risk beliefs and actual behavior. Existing literature is calling for a dual perspective of the privacy paradox and digital loyalty programs to find the underlying reasons for the contradictory behavior. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore (1) if and when privacy concerns existed in digital loyalty programs and (2) why consumers overruled their privacy concerns in digital loyalty programs. Method: A qualitative method with 18 semi-structured interviews were conducted through a non-probability purposive sampling of consumers within digital loyalty programs. The findings were then analyzed through a thematic analysis to finally construct a model based upon the given research purpose. Conclusion: The findings suggest that consumers experience privacy concerns in digital loyalty programs from external exposure to privacy breaches and when consumers felt their mental construct of terms and conditions were violated. Four themes were found to influence why consumers overrule their privacy concerns and share personal data with digital loyalty programs, relating to cognitive biases, value of rewards received, and digital trust for the program provider. The findings were synthesized into a model illustrating the consumer assessment of personal data sharing in digital loyalty programs and the interconnection between the influences.
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