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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

KUNDVÄRDE INOM TJÄNSTEFÖRETAG : En studie som belyser likheter och skillnader inom kundvärde utifrån kunds och företagsperspektiv / Customer value in service companies : A study that highlights the similarities and differences in customer value from a customer and company perspective

Shehla, Mohammad, Melda, Duru January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens titel: Kundvärde inom tjänsteföretag – En studie som belyser likheter och skillnader inom kundvärde utifrån kunds och företags perspektiv  Datum: 8 Jan 2016  Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng  Instution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST, Mälardalens Högskola  Författare: Melda Duru & Shehla Mohammad  Titel: Kundvärde utifrån kundens och företagets perspektiv  Handledare: Magnus Linderström  Nyckelord: Tjänstemarknad, kundvärde, kundlojalitet, illojalitet, kundorientering, marknadsmix.  Frågeställning: Hur skiljer sig kundvärdet mellan en advokatbyrå och en mäklarbyrå?  Vilka är likheterna och olikheterna?  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka likheter och olikheter det finns på kundvärde mellan en advokatbyrå samt en mäklarbyrå. För att kunna få svar på detta kommer uppsatsförfattarna även att undersöka vad som ger kundvärde för kunden utifrån kundens och företagets perspektiv.  Metod: Material samlades in genom att söka på olika begrepp som redovisas i teoriavsnittet. Kurslitteraturer samt högskolans databas var två viktiga verktyg som uppsatsförfattarna arbetat med för att samla in teorier. Vidare kontaktades respondenterna och därefter genomfördes totalt åtta intervjuer som redovisas i bilagan. Åtta intervjuer, varv två med respondenterna och två kompletterande intervjuer med respondenterna samt fyra med kunderna.   Slutsats: Det finns både likheter och olikheter på kundvärde inom advokat samt mäklarbyrån. / Title: Customer value in service companies- A study that highlights the similarities and differences in customer value from a customer and company perspective  Date: 8 Jan 2016  Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University  Authors: Melda Duru 930521 & Shehla Mohammad 921015  Tutor: Magnus Linderström  Keywords: Service marketing, customer value, loyalty, disloyalty, customer orientation, marketing mix.  Research questions: How does the customer value differ between a law firm and a real estate agency? What are the similarities and differences.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to inspect the similarities and differences of customer value between a law firm and a real estate agency. To be able to answer this, the article author will also inspect what gives the customer a customer value from the customer and companies perspective.  Method: Material was collected by looking up different concepts that are shown in the theory section. The course literature and the universities database were two major tools that the article author worked with for the theories. The respondents were contacted and after that eight interviews were completed that are shown in the appendix. A total of eight interviews were two conducted with respondents, two complementary with the respondents and four with clients/customers.  Conclusion: There are similarities and differences when it comes to customer value at both law firms and real estate agencies.

Evaluating value differentiation in the South African polymer market / Joao Gabriel Fernandes Neri

Neri, Joao Gabriel Fernandes January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value differentiation in the polymer industry in South Africa by rating the polymer customers’ experience in this regard. This study is important in the light of increasing polymer competition worldwide. No records of similar studies in this industry in South Africa have been found. As such this study could make a contribution that could spur polymer manufacturers and suppliers in improving their competitive advantage by offering value-added services to enhance the customer experience and, as a result increase customer satisfaction levels. The type of research conducted was a descriptive research applying the quantitative research methodology. The non-probability quota sampling method was employed. The study population consisted of a select group of customers from a South African polymer manufacturer and supplier. A questionnaire was e-mailed to the select group of polymer customers, many of whom purchase polymer locally and abroad. A response rate of 74% was obtained from a sample of 68 customers approached. The survey results show statistically that a positive satisfaction level was attained, but also highlighted some areas where certain value drivers such as company image, supply and distribution, and information lack attention. Polymer suppliers could gain the competitive advantage by focusing on the drivers that many customers value to ensure that customer satisfaction levels are sustained or improved on. More importantly, polymer suppliers should focus on the low scoring satisfaction levels recorded from the survey, from which they could build by enhancing the total value proposition. Limitations of the study were identified. Recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The effect of a customer-centric approach towards doctors in a private hospital / Mario van der Westhuizen

Van der Westhuizen, Mario January 2014 (has links)
Globally, trade and industry has shifted its focus from the traditional service delivery approaches to various alternative practices to be more successful, cost efficient, customer orientated, flexible and innovative. This shift in focus has lead to organisations applying a customer centric approach in their business. In order to understand customer centricity, it is necessary to be familiar with the term customer service. Customer service is the offering of services to customers before, during and after a purchase. It is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction, i.e. the feeling that a product or service has met the customer’s expectations. Although it seems to be difficult to create and maintain a positive service culture, the implementation and upkeep of service excellence hold numerous advantages for organisations in both the short and the long term. Excellent customer service leads to an increase in profits as well as assist organisations in achieving a competitive advantage. Organisations with a customer centric approach can expect to experience a 30% higher return on investment on their marketing efforts compared to their peers not embracing customer centricity. Moreover, exceptional customer service will lead to customer satisfaction, which in turn, may well lead to customer loyalty which is crucial in the current volatile economic market. Recent economic instability triggered financial uncertainty in trade and industry. This causes difficulties for organisations to gain a competitive advantage and predict consumer behaviour. The organisations that will survive and outlive these uncertain circumstances will be those that maintain a customer centric focus. A customer centric focus implies that organisations place their customers first by concentrating on their needs and behaviours. These organisations will also attempt to eliminate internal factors that constrain service offerings to customers. Furthermore, customer centricity includes the alignment of resources of the organisation to successfully respond to the ever-changing needs of the customer, while building mutually profitable relationships. The main difference between customer service and customer centricity appears to relate to meaningful changes that customer centric organisations make in addressing their customers’ expectations and providing reciprocal support. Customer centricity seems to take customer service thus a step further with regards to service delivery. The healthcare environment forms an important part of trade and industry and economic instability also affects this sphere. In this study, the focus filters to the healthcare industry in South Africa and the role and importance of a customer centric approach to doctors. The South African healthcare environment consists of two sectors, namely large public (managed by government) and smaller, higher quality private healthcare. The South African healthcare system is unique to those of other countries as it is dynamic and multifaceted. The legislative framework within the healthcare system gives South African citizens the right to access healthcare services. Due to a skewed financing system in healthcare, this framework has a major impact on both the public and private sectors. The private healthcare industry in South Africa has grown dramatically with the number of beds doubling between 1988 and 1993. This was mainly due to the international trends toward privatisation and advanced by government's policies for privatisation. This resulted in the migration of doctors from public service to private practices. Specialists play an integral part in providing healthcare services. The private hospital industry provides admitting and treating facilities where doctors prescribe the care that hospitals should deliver to patients. This interplay between private hospitals and specialists emphasises that specialists are important customers of private hospitals. The importance of obtaining and retaining doctors is also highlighted in the vision and mission of the top three private hospital groups in South Africa, namely Mediclinic, Netcare and Life Healthcare. Many challenges exist to grow and maintain patient volumes for the private hospital sector. One thereof is to establish doctor (and their practices') support by building an optimum mix of loyal specialist and general practitioner (GP) networks for the hospital. The management and nurturing of relationships with doctors through these networks could lead to a competitive advantage for private hospitals. A study was therefore conducted to gain insight as to how specialists define customer centricity as well as their expectations of private hospitals when applying a customer centric approach towards doctors. The research was of qualitative nature. An experimental research design was applied and included 11 participants. Semi-structured interviews with specialists from one of the top three private hospital groups were conducted in order to gather relevant data. The interviews were transcribed and coded. Results were analysed and interpreted via thorough content analysis. Participants highlighted the following elements as important when defining customer centricity: customer focus, satisfaction, facilities and resources, accessibility, safety and cost effectiveness. In addition, participants confirmed that the following aspects marked their expectancies of a customer centric organisation: quality patient care and services, facilities and resources, effective communication, support and cooperation, provision of sufficient and well trained staff, mutual financial gains, appreciation, resolving of problems, involvement in decision making and respect. Conclusions and recommendations pertaining to future research were also provided. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Factors influencing loyalty intention behaviours of online social buying consumers in South Africa

Harris, Anthony Craig 28 June 2011 (has links)
Social buying is a recent marketing innovation in which provides Pareto-improving welfare gains to merchants, consumers, and brokers. Consumers benefit from access to significant discounts on advertised products and services, the broker benefits from taking a significant cut in each transaction with very low fixed costs, and merchants are able to reduce their advertising costs, gain access to new markets and drive traffic to their stores. The phenomenal growth of social buying carries commensurate risks for brokers, including increased competition due to a lack of service differentiation and low entry barriers. The complete social buying transaction is completed over two stages: the initial online e-commerce transaction and the subsequent fulfilment transaction where the voucher is redeemed with the merchant. In order to explore the sustainability of the social buying business model, it is necessary to identify the factors which drive loyalty behaviours in social buying, as well as the interrelationships between the factors. This research proposes from the marketing literature Oliver’s (1980) expectancy-disconfirmation theory (EDT) as the main theoretical framework on which to model these relationships. EDT is then successfully synthesised with DeLone and McLean’s (2003) information systems success model to create a framework which can appropriately model both the online and traditional stages of the social buying transaction. This study contributes to the marketing literature by establishing EDT as a suitable framework for investigating social buying. It is believed that this study is the first to do so. Furthermore, it is believed this is the first study examining the social buying innovation in the South African context. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBA

Commitment as a factor to facilitate change in the workplace

Struwig, Anton 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today's economy demands that organisations' continually change the way they do business. The agility and efficiency with which organisations can implement change are vital in ensuring their continued competitiveness. Unfortunately, people's fear of the unknown results in a natural propensity to resist change. This presents significant challenges that management must overcome in order to implement desired changes to improve organisational efficiencies and overall stakeholder value. This study investigates the importance of employee commitment in implementing workplace change through a review of related literature and the analyses of primary data collected. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire that was sent to all employees within Media24 IT. The findings indicate a strong relationship between commitment and change. Especially one type of commitment displays significant importance with respect to workplace change, i.e. commitment that deals with an employee's emotional attachment to, identification with and involvement in the organisation. Additionally, certain drivers of commitment are investigated and conclusions presented. However, it is recommended that further research might be necessary. This is mainly due to the fact that the primary data collected could be seen as merely a reflection of the situation within a single organisation at a certain period in time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vandag se ekonomie vereis dat organisasies vooortdurend die wyse waarop hulle besigheid doen, moet verander. Die tempo en doeltreffendheid waarmee organisasies verandering kan implementeer, is van deurslaggewende belang vir hul voortgesette kompeterendheid. Ongelukkig veroorsaak mense se vrees vir die onbekende 'n natuurlike geneigdheid om verandering teen te staan. Dit bied aan bestuur aansienlike uitdagings wanneer gewenste veranderings om organisatoriese doeltreffendheid en belanghebberwaarde te verbeter, geimplemenleer moet word. Hierdie werkstuk ondersoek die belangrikheid van werknemers se toegewydheid ten opsigte van die implementering van verandering by die werkplek deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie en die analise van primere data wat ingesamel is. Die data is deur middel van 'n vraelys wat aan al Media24 IT se personeellede gestuur is, ingesamel. Die bevindings dui 'n sterk verwantskap tussen toegewydheid en verandering aan. Veral een tipe toegewydheid wat handel oor 'n werknemer se emosionele verbintenis tot die organisasie, asook identifikasie met en betrokkenheid by die organisasie, toon 'n sterk invloed op verandering in die werkplek. Addisioneel word sekere drywers van toegewydheid ondersoek en afleidings gemaak. Daar word egter aanbeveel dat verdere navorsing moontlik nodig mag wees. Dit is hoofsaaklik weens die feit dat die primere data wat ingesamel is, gesien kan word as 'n blote weerspieeling van die situasie binne 'n enkele organisasie op 'n gegewe tydstip.

Att vara eller icke vara lojal? : En studie om varumärkeslojalitet inom Generation Y / To be or not to be loyal? - A study of brand loyalty among Generation Y

Karlsson, Louise, Wettéus, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats inom företagsekonomi berör ämnet varumärkeslojalitet och hur Generation Y, generationen född mellan år 1980-2000, förhåller sig till fenomenet. Studiens övergripande syfte är att undersöka huruvida Generation Y är lojal eller inte och vad anledningarna är till varför de blir lojala eller väljer att byta varumärke. Det finns ingen bestämd definition av begreppet varumärkeslojalitet, men man kännetecknar det bland annat som återkommande köp, benägenhet att rekommendera och en positiv attityd till varumärket. Tidigare forskning inom området påstår att Generation Y är en illojal generation som ständigt är på jakt efter det senaste på markanden och utan eftertanke byter varumärken. Vi upplever att forskningen som berör ämnet är begränsad och att de egentliga orsakerna till varför Generation Y beter sig som de gör i sitt konsumtions- och lojalitetsbeteende inte tydliggörs. Vår studie har syftet att fördjupa sig i frågan och ge en ökad förståelse för Generation Y och deras beteende.Studiens tre forskningsfrågor är: Är Generation Y en illojal generation? Vad krävs för att Generation Y ska vara lojal? Varför slutar Generation Y konsumera ett varumärke? För att möta studiens syfte har en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod valts och för att besvara studiens frågeställningar har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts. 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer i olika åldrar, födda mellan år 1980-2000 gjordes. Därmed kunde vi täcka kvoten för Generation Y. Till intervjupersonerna ställdes frågor angående konsumtion, lojalitet och byte för att få en övergripande bild av hur deras konsumtionsbeteende ser ut.Från intervjuerna och den teoretiska referensramen har vi sammanställt ett resultat som ger en övergripande bild av Generation Y och generationens förhållande till varumärkeslojalitet. Resultatet som framgår av studien visar att Generation Y är benägen till återkommande köp av varumärken, rekommendation och har en god attityd mot varumärken. Med detta kan slutsatsen dras att Generation Y är lojal. Dock finns en skiljelinje. Om lojalitet kräver exklusivitet, att man bara konsumerar från ett varumärke ur en bransch, är generationen generellt sett illojal. Om man istället utgår från att lojalitet kan vara multipel, att man regelbundet konsumerar ett antal varumärken ur en bransch, kan man dra slutsatsen att Generation Y är lojal. Ur studien framgår vad som påverkar varför en person ur Generation Y blir lojal. Det faktorer som främst leder till lojalitet hos Generation Y är bra service och god kvalitet. En kombination av de två faktorerna förstärker lojaliteten och ökar chansen för att den ska uppstå och bestå. Studien redovisar även de främsta orsakerna till varför Generation Y byter varumärke. Byte beror främst på olika typer av missnöjdhet. Byten utan upplevd missnöjdhet beror främst på ett stimuleringsbehov, viljan att testa något nytt och rekommendationer från betrodda personer i omgivningen. / This business bachelor thesis deals with the subject of brand loyalty and investigates how Generation Y (born 1980-2000) relates to this phenomenon. Conducted in Gothenburg, Sweden and published in Swedish the overall purpose of this study is to investigate whether Generation Y are loyal or not and identify the reasons for why one remains loyal or chooses to change to a different brand. There is no specific definition for the term brand loyalty, but it is commonly characterized as a tendency to recommend, to repurchase and having a positive attitude towards a brand. Previous research in this area states that Generation Y are disloyal and constantly on the lookout for the latest product on the market and that without reflection change brands. The research on the subject is limited and the root causes for this behavior within consumption and loyalty are not clearly explained. The aim of this study is to complete further research and provide a better understanding of Generation Y and their behavior with regards brand loyalty.The research questions of this study are: Are Generation Y disloyal? What is required for Generation Y to become loyal? What are the reasons for Generation Y demonstrating disloyalty towards brands? To this end a qualitative method was chosen along with the conduction of qualitative interviews. 15 semi-structured interviews were completed including people of different ages, born between 1980 and 2000. This allowed us to cover the full age spectrum of Generation Y. Questions asked to all respondents were focused towards consumption, loyalty and the switching of brands.From the interviews and the theoretical framework we have compiled a result which gives an overall picture of Generation Y and its relation to brand loyalty. The results of this study show that Generation Y are prone to repurchase, recommend brands and also show a good attitude towards brands. It can therefore be concluded that Generation Y are loyal. However, there is a dividing factor. If loyalty requires exclusivity, consuming one brand per industry, Generation Y are generally not loyal. If we instead assume that loyalty can be multiple, to regularly consume a number of brands within an industry, it can be concluded that Generation Y are loyal. This study documents the factors that influence whether a person from Generation Y is loyal. The main influencers that lead to loyalty among Generation Y are good service and good quality. A combination of these two reinforce loyalty and increase the chance for it to occur and persist. The study also summarizes the main reasons Generation Y switch brands. Switching is most often caused due to a form of dissatisfaction. Switching without perceived dissatisfaction is mainly influenced from a stimulation need, the willingness to try something new and alternative recommendations from a trusted advisor.

Feminist Statements in Fashion Marketing : and Their Affect on Brand Image

Ward Gustavsson, Julia, Wollbeck, Maximilian January 2016 (has links)
Sweden is moving towards a society where not being a feminist is considered unmodern and conservative. People are fighting for women's rights and equality between the sexes. This feminist movement in Sweden is starting to show in more and more businesses. The fashion business has recently adapted the same movement and feminism has been used in different types of marketing, such as gender neutral merchandising or statement advertisements. The focus of this thesis is statements on products and the purpose is to investigate how Swedish consumers’ brand image of a high end fashion brand is affected by the brand using symbols of feminist statements on their products. The theoretical framework has been separated into three categories; Brand Image, Consumer Behaviour and Politics in Fashion, which sums up in a conceptual model. The model is tested in the empirical findings that were discovered through two focus groups. Consumers critical minds and high awareness of companies advertising techniques results in the conclusion that consumers demand more political effort in order to trust and accept the statement, apparently an important factor when it comes to change of brand image.

En kvalitativ studie om hur företag använder content marketing för att skapa lojala kunder

Sirén, Jennifer, Persson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Abstract  Titel: Content Marketing - A study of how companies work with content marketing to create loyal customers  Authors: Emma Persson and Jennifer Sirén  Supervisor: Navid Ghannad  Examiner: Hélène Laurell  Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, focusing on  International Marketing (15 ECTS), Spring-2016  Keywords: Content marketing, storytelling, customer loyalty, relationship marketing  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding of how businesses use content marketing to create loyal customers.  Frame of References: This section begins with storytelling and content marketing, followed by relationship marketing and customer loyalty.  Method: The thesis is a qualitative method with a deductive approach  which includes three cases with interviews. All companies has knowledge and working actively in the area.  Empirical Data: In this part the results of the interviews with the three case studies are presented.  Conclusion: In this study, the authors concluded that all the investigated case companies use content marketing to a greater extent in order to maintain loyalty among its already existing customers / Sammanfattning  Titel: Content marketing - En studie om hur företag arbetar med content marketing för att skapa lojala kunder  Författare: Emma Persson  och Jennifer Sirén  Handledare: Navid Ghannad  Examinator: Hélène Laurell  Nivå: Kandidatuppsats inom företagsekonomi med inriktning på internationell marknadsföring (15 HP), VT-2016  Nyckelord: Content marketing, storytelling, kundlojalitet, relationsmarknadsföring  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få bättre förståelse om hur företag        använder content marketing för att skapa lojala kunder.  Teoretisk referensram: Detta avsnitt inleds med storytelling och content marketing,  följt av relationsmarknadsföring och kundlojalitet.  Metod: Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats i vilken tre fallföretag intervjuats. Företagen är kunniga inom content marketing och arbetar aktivt med metoden.  Empiri: I denna del presenteras de intervjuer som genomförts med de tre fallföretag.  Slutsats:  I denna studie har författarna kommit fram till att alla de undersökta fallföretagen använder content marketing i högre utsträckning för att bibehålla lojalitet bland sina redan existerade kunder.

CEMenting Growth : Customer Experience Management as a driver of Growth

Sundström, Gema, Kashyap, Guha January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is the purpose of this study is to gain a more in-depth understanding of customer experience management and how it enables growth within an organization. Background: Customer Experience Management has been described as a process where the entire experience of a customer with a product/service and a company is strategically managed. It has been highlighted as a key area for organisations to focus on, yet, CEM is continuously being researched both by researchers and business practitioners as there is still a vague understanding on the topic. Nonetheless, CEM has been displayed as a successful process, however, very little research has gone into showing that it could enable organizational growth.

Store loyalty and the total retail experience

Sanderson, Karin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEcon)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With heightening competitive pressures in the retailing environment, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have become barometers of retailer performance. Determining the relationship of all the controllable elements that encourage or inhibit consumers during their contact with a retailer, defined as the Total Retail Experience (Berman and Evans, 1998: 19), with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, formed the basis of this study. The dimensions ofTRE that were applied in this study were five controllable components, namely personal interaction, merchandise value, internal store environment, merchandise variety and complaint handling. The empirical study was applied specifically to a retailer dealing in health, home and beauty products. Data for this study was gathered via questionnaire from 34 000 of the most loyal card holders which participated in the loyalty program offered by the health, home and beauty retailer. The results of the data study indicated that the TRE instrument was a valid instrument to measure the success of providing a positive TRE for their consumers. Further, the instruments used to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty were deemed highly reliable. Of the five elements of TRE, enhancing the quality of personal interaction should be the primary focus in improving customer satisfaction, and it is significant that this retailer's management need only focus on improving these five dimensions of TRE to enhance customer satisfaction, given that almost three-quarters of customer satisfaction was accounted for by the five TRE dimensions. Results indicated that in contrast to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty was primarily driven by product related issues, with merchandise value being the strongest predictor of loyalty. Again, it was noted that more than half of the retailer's customer loyalty could be accounted for by the five TRE dimensions. Thus, efforts to improve any of the five TRE dimensions would enhance customer loyalty within this retailer's cardholder base. The varying importance of the specific TRE dimensions to both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty allow this retailer to identify the driving forces behind each of these concepts and allow for prioritizing strategies to optimize satisfaction and loyalty within their consumer base. By analyzing the responses of the individual items (questions) that measure each of the TRE dimensions as they appeared in the questionnaire, this study enables the retailer to focus on very specific aspects that influence each dimension of the TRE experience. Overall, it must be noted that respondents had positive experiences at the health, home and beauty retailer, which provides the retailer with a useful indicator of current satisfaction and loyalty levels and a point of comparison in determining the impact of the strategies employed to heighten satisfaction and loyalty. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toenemende druk van mededinging in die kleinhandelomgewing veroorsaak dat klientsatisfaksie en -lojaliteit barometers van kleinhandelprestasie word. Die basis van hierdie studie is daarin gelee om vas te stel wat is die verwantskap tussen al die beheerbare elemente wat verbruikers se gedrag tydens kontak met 'n kleinhandelaar aanmoedig of inhibeer, gedefinieer as die Totale Kleinhandelervaring (TKE) (Berman en Evans, 1998: 19), en klientsatisfaksie en -lojaliteit is. Die dimensies van TKE wat in hierdie studie toegepas is, is vyf beheerbare komponente, naamlik persoonlike interaksie, handelsware waarde, interne winkelomgewing, handelsware verskeidenheid en klagte hantering. Die empiriese studie is spesifiek toegepas op 'n kleinhandelaar wat handel dryf in gesondheid-, huis- en skoonheidsprodukte. Data vir die studie is ingesamel met behulp van 'n vraelys wat aan 34 000 van die mees lojale kaarthouers wat lid is van die lojaliteitsprogram van die gesondheid-, huis- en skoonheidsprodukte kleinhandelaar, gestuur is . Die resultate van die studie toon dat die TKE instrument 'n geldige instrument is om die sukses te meet indien 'n positiewe TKE vir kliente aangebied word. Voorts is ook bevind dat die instrumente wat gebruik is om satisfaksie en lojaliteit te meet, hoogs betroubaar is. Die verbetering van persoonlike interaksie tussen kliente en personeel blyk die primere fokus te wees indien klientsatisfaksie verbeter wil word. Die vyf dimensies van TKE is verantwoordelik vir byna driekwart van kliente se satisfaksie. Die kleinhandelaar se bestuur behoort dus slegs te fokus op die verbetering van die vyf dimensies van TKE. In kontras met satisfaksie, blyk lojaliteit primer veroorsaak te word deur produk verwante kwessies, met handelsware waarde as die sterkste voorspeller van lojaliteit. Meer as die helfte van die lojaliteit aan die kleinhandelaar word teweeggebring deur die vyf dimensies van TKE. Dus, pogings om enige van die vyf dimensies van TKE te verbeter, sal lei tot 'n verhoogde klientlojaliteit onder die kleinhandelaar se lojaliteit-kaarthouers. Die varierende belangrikheid van die verskillende TKE dimensies vir beide klientsatisfaksie en -lojaliteit stel die kleinhandelaar in staat om die dryfkragte agter elkeen van hierdie konsepte te identifiseer en maak die prioritisering van strategiee om satisfaksie en lojaliteit te maksimeer, moontlik. Die ontleding van die response op die individuele items (vrae) wat elkeen van die TKE dimensies meet soos wat dit in die vraelys voorkom, maak dit vir die kleinhandelaar moontlik om op spesifieke aspekte wat elke dimensie beinvloed, te fokus. Globaal gesien is bevind dat respondente positiewe ervarings by die gesondheid-, huis- en skoonheidsprodukte kleinhandelaar gehad het en hierdie kan as 'n nuttige indikator gebruik word van bestaande satisfaksie- en lojaliteitsvlakke en ook as 'n punt van vergelyking vir die bepaling van die doeltreffendheid van strategiee wat aangewend word om satisfaksie en lojaliteit te verbeter.

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