Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda loyalty"" "subject:"ando loyalty""
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Development of a Causal Alumni Loyalty Model: Cross-cultural and Cross-gender investigationsIskhakova, Lilia 29 October 2020 (has links)
Alumni loyalty is a relevant research field, which includes different possibilities for investigation. This dissertation focuses on the particularly relevant research gaps in the AL literature. Specifically, this thesis adds to the AL research by developing a more accurate conceptual IAL model for the explanation and prediction of AL. This model includes main internal and external factors (i.e., gender and culture) and could serve as a basis for further theoretical research or could be applied in practice as it is.
The findings of this thesis provide deeper insight into the mechanism of alumni university interactions and help to implement an effective, pragmatic plan of AL by taking into consideration cross-cultural and cross-gender differences of alumni. Specifically, the dissertation could be beneficial to educators, researchers, and managers. Educators could integrate the pertinent information into their teaching materials for courses in non-profit marketing and management. Researchers could use the provided reference tool and obtained findings to identify colleagues with similar research interests, to recognize directions for future investigation into the subject, and to develop a deeper and more detailed understanding of AL. The managers could use the results of this dissertation to determine areas which need to be stressed to enhance AL. Additionally, the derived ideas and strategies of AL could assist managers in better analyzing nonprofit organizations and developing an in-depth understanding of the commonalities across various types of alumni groups, “and patterns in the differences among them” (Pettit, 1999, p. 105).
The author of this thesis believes that the dissertation can bring “a new era to alumni research” by developing a body of research-based knowledge about a variety of important issues related to AL (Pettit, 1999, p. 105).
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Blue skies or dark clouds for the pilots and flight attendants? : Loyalty, self-loyalty, commitment and motivation in the flight industrySingh, Rahul January 2020 (has links)
While worldwide the flight industry was increasing in the last decade, little is known about the working environment of pilots and flight attendants. This paper aims to develop a deeper understanding based on the theories of loyalty, self-loyalty, commitment, and motivation for pilots and flight attendants in the low-cost segment and the carrier segment in the flight industry. A qualitative study with a semi-structured interview is provided. In total, three pilots and three flight attendants who work for a low-cost airline and carrier airlines from all over the world were interviewed. The findings show that a differentiation between before the COVID 19 pandemic and during COVID 19 has to be made. Before COVID 19, pilots were almost satisfied with their working conditions whereas flight attendants felt their working conditions could have been improved in terms of better wages. However, during the COVID 19 time, both the flight attendants and pilots are afraid of losing their job. Due to COVID 19, many flights were cancelled which might have an impact on the flight industry in the future. My studies open up possibilities for new research in the future about the transformation of the flight industry after COVID 19.
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To Forgive But Never Forget : A qualitative study of why customers choose to return to companies within the fast fashion industry they have previously boycotted due to a scandalÖhrner, Elin, Kerimova, Amina January 2022 (has links)
With the growing role of social media in society today, a more accessible dissemination of information between customers through eWOM is also growing. Especially the negative eWOM can have a huge impact on customers and get devastating results. Scandals in the fast fashion industry are getting more and more attention, which has contributed to consumers boycotting companies. It is still a relatively unexplored area where researchers mainly have been looking at boycott motivations. These purposes can be both social and ethical and customers can take different measures to show that he or she is against the scandal. It is common today that a scandal gets a lot of attention during a limited period of time where the customer chooses to participate in a boycott for a while and then returns to the company. Based on this research gap, the research question was further formulated as to; Why do customers choose to return to companies within the fast fashion industry they have previously boycotted due to a scandal? The study focuses on customers who have been loyal to fast fashion companies and where they have been active in a boycott and then returned. The main purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of why boycotting consumers choose to go back to fast fashion retail companies that they have boycotted previously. Based on this, the interviews explored factors in relation to customer loyalty and eWOM that affect customers' view and perception of the company. By conducting this study and examining factors by using a qualitative approach, customer loyalty and eWOM's impact on customers' propensity to repurchase were examined, considering the theoretical framework. The theoretical framework included customer loyalty, boycott and motivations for boycott as well as social media and more specifically eWOM. Based on the framework, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with people who participated in a boycott and then returned to companies. Furthermore, the empirical data was analysed by using the theoretical framework based on a thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in findings that customers are affected by negative eWOM and a high exposure of information which then decreases, which leads to customers forgetting the scandal and no longer associating the company with a negative feeling.
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FlyDeal: 活動通訊會員紅利APP / FlyDeal: Mobile Loyalty App楊金金, Yu, Kim Veronica Unknown Date (has links)
The FlyDeal Mobile Loyalty App business plan communicates the business model to the readers, as well as provides relevant information on FlyDeal’s services, markets, start-up costs, capital investment, and financial forecasts.
The FlyDeal Mobile Loyalty App is a complete loyalty marketing solution that allows consumers to download the FlyDeal app via the Apple App Store or via the Android Market. The FlyDeal app will enable them to consolidate all their loyalty and membership reward cards into one application that is accessible via their smartphones. They can then earn points to claim rewards from merchants who have subscribed to the service, at their convenience. For merchants who have subscribed to the service, the FlyDeal Online Platform will enable them to create and manage their loyalty programs online, and get real-time analytics at a low cost.
The business will require a capital investment of 150,000 USD, where 60% will be funded by the founder, and 40% will be funded by investors. FlyDeal will have a projected gross revenue of 7,184,825 USD and a net income of 4,126,607 USD and payback within the first quarter of Year 3. FlyDeal’s exit strategy is in a form of acquisition either by local or international companies.
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Корпоративное волонтерство как фактор формирования организационной лояльности : магистерская диссертация / Corporate volunteering as a factor in the formation of organizational loyaltyИльин, А. А., Ilyin, A. A. January 2023 (has links)
В данной работе проводится разработка рекомендаций по внедрению элементов корпоративного волонтерства, создающих условия для развития организационной лояльности. / In this work, recommendations are being developed for the introduction of elements of corporate volunteering that create conditions for the development of organizational loyalty.
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Leverantörens varumärkesstrategi : En studie om hur konsumenters beteende kan påverka leverantörers varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands / The supplier's brand strategy : A study of how consumer behaviour can affect a supplier's brand strategy regarding private label and national brandsAndersson, Amanda, Danielsson, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsens titel: Leverantörens varumärkesstrategi – En studie om hur konsumenters beteende kan påverka en leverantörs varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands Kurs: Examensarbete, Civilekonomexamen, Marknadsföring, 30hp (4FE62E) Lärosäte: Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar Författare: Amanda Andersson och Rebecca Danielsson Handledare: Christine Tidåsen Examinator: Bertil Hultén Datum: 2014-05-26 Nyckelord: Private Label, National Brands, Varumärkesstrategi, Leverantör, Konsumentbeteende, Attitydslojalitet, Beteendelojalitet Bakgrund: Varumärkesutbudet på hyllorna i dagligvaruhandeln har förändrats. Denna uppsats fokuserar på hur en konsuments beteende gällande varumärkena private label och national brands ser ut. Vidare utgår uppsatsen från hur konsumentens beteende kan påverka leverantörens varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands. Syfte: Examensarbetets syfte är att beskriva hur konsumenters köpbeteende och tankar kan påverka en leverantörs varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands. Vidare avser uppsatsens författare generera slutsatser gällande hur leverantörer kan hantera sin varumärkesstrategi. Slutligen ämnar examensarbetets slutsatsers ligga till grund för rekommendationer till samarbetsföretaget och leverantören Nordic Stream. Metod: Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie där konsumenters beteende och tankar beskrivits utifrån fyra fokusgruppintervjuer. I uppsatsen har även intervjuer genomförts med leverantören Nordic Stream och detaljisterna ICA och Bauhaus. Uppsatsen bygger på en abduktiv forskningsansats. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på särskilda författare och teorier inom marknadsföring. Slutsats: Attitydslojala konsumenter det vill säga de konsumenter som har en positiv attityd till en detaljists butiksvarumärke utryckte en mer positiv attityd mot private label. Beteendelojala konsumenter det vill säga de konsumenter som åter besöker en detaljist oberoende av attityden till detta butiksvarumärke utryckte en mer negativ attityd mot private label. Leverantörers varumärkesstrategier kan påverkas av konsumenters beteende både direkt och indirekt. Det som identifierats som intressant och påverkar leverantören är attityden och förväntningen på de olika varumärkena innan ett köpbeslut. / Titel: The supplier's brand strategy-a study of how consumer behaviour can affect a supplier's brand strategy regarding private label and national brands Course: Master Thesis, Business Administration and Economics, Marketing, 30 ETCS (4FE62E) Institution: School of Buisness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Kalmar Authors: Amanda Andersson and Rebecca Danielsson Supervisor: Christine Tidåsen Examiner: Bertil Hultén Date: 2014-05-26 Keywords: Private Label, National Brands, Brand Strategy, Supplier, Consumer Behaviour, Attitude loyalty, Behaviour loyalty Background: The brand range on the grocery shelves in the stores has changed. This thesis focuses on describing consumers behaviour regarding the brands private label and national brands. Further more the thesis focus on how consumer behavior can affect the suppliers brand strategy regarding private label and national brands. Purpose: This thesis purpose is to describe how consumers behaviour and thoughts can affect a suppliers brand strategy regarding private label and national brands. Furthermore the thesis generate conclusions regarding how suppliers can manage their brand strategy. Finally the thesis conclusions intends to be the basis for recommendations to the the supplier Nordic Stream. Method: This thesis is a qualitative study where consumer behaviour and thoughts is described in terms of four focus group interviews. The thesis has also conducted interviews with the supplier Nordic Stream and the retailers ICA and Bauhaus. The thesis is based on an abductive research approach. The theoretical framework is based on specific authors and theories in marketing. Conclusion: Attitude loyal consumers are consumers who have a positive attitude to the retailers store brand and are those who expressed a more positive attitude toward private label. Behaviour loyal consumers are consumers who revisits a retailer regardless of the attitude to this store brand and are those who expressed a more negative attitude toward private label. Suppliers brand strategies can be affected by consumer behaviour, both directly and indirectly. Consumers attitudes and expectations of different brands before making a purchasing decision affect suppliers brand strategy.
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Branding and consumers in the kitchen appliances industry context : An exploratory study with a focus on customer experienceMantellina, Nicola, Solvas Navarro, Rosendo January 2019 (has links)
Researchers have shown that strategies focused on building long-term competitive advantage tend to be more profitable for businesses. Further, companies have traditionally put their focus on strategies and on marketing tangible attributes of products and services such as quality, price and so on to differentiate from the competitors (Mascarenhas et al, 2006). Nonetheless, researchers have studied that consumers do not put any more emphasis in those characteristics when purchasing product or services underlining the needs to put the consumer as central aspect of a firm’s strategy (Morrison & Crane, 2007). In addition, it has been found that focusing on customer experience and use of correct brand management techniques and marketing initiative nowadays drives the company to have a competitive advantage and long-term economic sustainability. All being said it is true both generically speaking and in the specific context of kitchen appliances. In fact, market research suggests that in the kitchen appliances industry companies have begun to compete along new dimensions, whereby putting the consumers and their experiences as a central aspect of the business has become increasingly important for actors who wish to stay and be competitive in the business. However, in the existing literature, there is not accordance on how to define customer experience and scholars identified that it depends on the context, which makes it difficult and confusing when marketing experts and firms want to identify the key aspects to improve the experience of their customers. On top, it has been found that brand identities are more or less relevant depending on the context, country culture and such, where the brand market its product and services. In according to what said, the purpose of this study is to explore and identify the most important dimensions and touchpoints in the specific kitchen appliances context that has more impact on the customer experience, with the aim to better define customer experience in the kitchen appliances context that could give indication to companies operating in the market how to address to some extent those problematics. The research adopted an exploratory qualitative study design. Interviews were used to gather primary empirical data that together with secondary empirical data and insight from the literature review had allowed the researchers to explore and address the research questions and state conclusions that however cannot be considered conclusive according to the nature of the study. In addition, the research reveals that consumer experience is a broad topic that accounts for and depends of many different aspects all interconnected one to another. In addition, it has been found that the aspects around brands, consumer experience and its touchpoints vary not only in relation to the context in study, but as well according to different stakeholders that deal with them. In addition, in the consumer journey, critical aspects reside in both tangible attributes of products and services and intangible attributes that together become critical and in the specific context shape how people think about the brand, and consequently their experiences. Finally, a possible definition of customer experience according to what found was given
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Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur långsiktiga kundrelationer skapas på en tjänstemarknadHyytiäinen, Josephine, Braatz, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The study aims to, from a companys point of view, describe how strategic work with customer loyalty is done.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Another possible way to try to create loyalty is to exceed the expectations whether the customer is a member of the loyalty program or not. A strong brand with a good reputation can also contribute to a stronger loyalty. Reward systems gradually reward the customers since they first need to collect points, or in this case miles, to be able to use them later on. The staff is often educated in service to be able to interact with the customer in a professional manner. One way to interact with the members of the loyalty program is through profiles on the internet. To work with loyalty programs is a way for companies to get loyal customers.</p>
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Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur långsiktiga kundrelationer skapas på en tjänstemarknadHyytiäinen, Josephine, Braatz, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The study aims to, from a companys point of view, describe how strategic work with customer loyalty is done. Conclusion: Another possible way to try to create loyalty is to exceed the expectations whether the customer is a member of the loyalty program or not. A strong brand with a good reputation can also contribute to a stronger loyalty. Reward systems gradually reward the customers since they first need to collect points, or in this case miles, to be able to use them later on. The staff is often educated in service to be able to interact with the customer in a professional manner. One way to interact with the members of the loyalty program is through profiles on the internet. To work with loyalty programs is a way for companies to get loyal customers.
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Reaktioner på en organisationsförändring : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas upplevelse av förändringZezovska, Viktoria, Rizvanovic, Mirsada January 2012 (has links)
Vi har kommit fram till att chefernas reaktioner inte beror på omorganisationen i sig utan hur förändringsprocessen har gått till. Deras reaktioner speglar ett motstånd mot sättet som förändringsprocessen har genomförts på. Det är personerna i organisationen och inte organisationsformen som är det viktiga för cheferna. Vi tycker att de faktorer som påverkar en lyckad förändringsprocess är medarbetarnas delaktighet, möjlighet till en bra dialog innan beslutet är taget, kommunikation samt känsla av sammanhang. / In our thesis, we concluded that the managers' reactions are not due to reorganization in itself but how the change has happened. Their responses reflect a resistance to the manner in which the change has been implemented. There are people in the organization and not organizational form that is important for managers. We think that the factors that influence a successful change is employee involvement, the opportunity for a good dialogue before the decision is taken, communication and sense of coherence.
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