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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dare to Daydrem : A creative exploration of inner sustainability in relation to childhood- and adulthood norms and how it can benefit mental wellbeing

Edström, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to explore the concept of inside-out change and inner sustainability in the context of societal norms through the process of how they change from childhood into adulthood. What are they and how do they affect our wellbeing and quality of life? To challenge the societal norms and become aware of its negative effects on the individual and collective, we need to allow ourselves space to acknowledge the importance of our inner life. The design aims to create a physical (and psychological) space with the help of video art and design, where the audience is given time for the mind to wander, to hopefully inspire and motivate for improved inner sustainability and change from the inside-out.

Borderlove : An artist book featuring collaborative storytelling, poetry, and visualisation, offering a glimpse into the lived experience of a woman with borderline  personality disorder / Borderlove : An artist book featuring collaborative storytelling, poetry, and visualisation, offering a glimpse into the lived experience of a woman with borderline  personality disorder

Kubbi, Lauretta January 2023 (has links)
We live in a normality that benefits a culture of patriarchy and despite resistance it's still over powering and oppressing others by placing concerns of men first in aspects of all important fields of life like social, economic, cultural, academic and medical. The norms of a patriarchal society tend to have specific expectations towards gender, and people who do not follow them are prone to feel invalidated, rejected, and oppressed. This is especially true for those who do not fit into these norms or who want to challenge that discrimination. Border/ave is a project formed in a close collaboration between Lauretta Kubbi and Jaanika Malla whose intent is to make a change with narrated poetry, visualisation and materialisation as an artist book that presents difficulties experienced by a woman with borderline personality disorder. The project questions to which extent Border/ave can make a change by showcasing that our current patriarchal norm in a society suppresses physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally many, but especially women with mental disorders.

Shame to cool? : An empirical study on how Flygskam has affected demand for domestic flights in Sweden

Eriksson, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
Throughout the last few years, Flygskam, a norm against air travel, has grown steadily in Sweden due to its emissions. Flygskam is a Swedish word referring to the shame that follows air travel since it runs counter to the norm behavior. This thesis investigates the effect of Flygskam on demand for domestic flights in Sweden using synthetic control and panel data for 2003-2019. The results indicate that Flygskam seems to affect the domestic passengers in Sweden, estimated to be approximately 22% lower in 2019 than the counterfactual, significant on a 1% level.

TheRole of Mentalizing in Coordinating Cooperative Behavior and Social Norm Cognition:

Deutchman, Paul January 2023 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Katherine McAuliffe / Thesis advisor: Angela Johnston / Human cooperation is unparalleled in the natural world and is a defining feature of human social life—it shapes nearly every social interaction we experience, from geopolitical conflict, to collective bargaining, to team collaboration. However, cooperation also presents a challenge—it is often personally costly or risky to cooperate. How are humans able to overcome these costs and risks in favor of the interest of the group? To address this question, it is important to investigate the cognitive abilities that allow us to successfully cooperate with others. One important ability for cooperation is mentalizing—the ability to represent other agents’ beliefs, knowledge, desires, and intentions. The ability to think about other agents’ minds in order to predict how they will behave (e.g., whether they will cooperate or free-ride) is an important component of our own cooperative behavior, particularly in the context of coordination—a type of cooperative interaction where cooperation is mutually beneficial but risky. I test the idea that our ability to represent the beliefs of others plays a critical role in successful cooperation. Studies 1 and 2 examine one cognitive ability for representing others’ knowledge—common knowledge—that underlies cooperation by reducing uncertainty about others’ cooperative behavior. Studies 3 and 4 investigate how we make inferences about others’ beliefs from how they behave and how that influences our own cooperative behavior in the context of social norms. Studies 2 and 4 take a developmental approach to investigate how early emerging mentalizing is for cooperative behavior to better understand how foundational it is in social cognition. Altogether, the results of these studies suggest that the ability to represent other agents’ beliefs in order to predict their behavior plays a fundamental role in supporting successful cooperation. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Psychology.

A study on commercial property pricing in Uganda

Mirembe, Rachael Daisy 30 March 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Property developers and investors seek to understand the drivers of prices for office and retail space. Through literature, we learn that size and age, locational attributes, physical features of the properties, and economic variables are significant determinants of commercial property prices. However, previous work has narrowly focused on aspects akin to formal structures and ignored the role of institutions, especially conventions and social norms incredibly, and what influences the behaviour of the property developers and investors while making the pricing decision. Therefore, the goal of this study was to understand how prices for commercial properties are determined in Uganda. The objectives of the study were to understand the role of conventions and social norms found in the property market environment on price determination and to explore the behaviour tendencies/heuristics exhibited by the players during the pricing decision-making process. The study was qualitative in nature. The researcher interviewed property owners, developers, institutional investors, and key informants to understand the conventions and social norms that exist in the property market and how they ultimately influence the pricing decision of commercial buildings. This study reveals that conventions exist in the Ugandan property markets. The conventions signal a price to the players in the property environment. However, due to information asymmetry and irrationality, each player interprets the price signals differently, using heuristics to develop the final price. This study helps researchers understand the role of individual behaviour/heuristics in advancing our understanding of institutions and the effects of the two on commercial property pricing, the economy at large and its consequences on economic policy.

Replacing the "Raise Your Hand to Speak" Rule with New Social and Sociomathematical Norms in an Elementary Mathematics Classroom

Brooks, Lisa 01 January 2014 (has links)
This qualitative study documents the establishment of new social and sociomathematical norms in a second grade classroom. The teacher allowed students to speak directly to one another without having to raise their hands first during whole group mathematics instruction. Reform efforts in mathematics and the standards for mathematical practice contained in the Common Core State Standards call for students to discuss their reasoning with each other. Data were collected through interviews with the teacher and students, field notes, and video-recorded lessons over the course of 23 days. An online survey tool was utilized to share selected video of the teacher's instruction. Initial professional development topics were chosen from research in mathematics education related to the social construction of understanding. Ongoing professional development was responsive to what occurred during instruction. The literature suggests that teachers often utilize traditional teaching methods and struggle to deviate from established patterns regardless of their desire to implement change. The teacher in this study learned that allowing students to talk openly provided him with insight into their mathematical conceptions and misconceptions. The students initially viewed mathematics as a set of rules to follow and exhibited the role of passive recipients of information. This changed as students were provided opportunities to participate in discussions and in doing so developed a new understanding of their role during mathematics lessons. Mathematical errors became a catalyst for communication and were viewed by students as opportunities for assisting their peers.

Walking the Rainbow: Using the environment as a catalyst for the dissolution of gender norms in the preschool

Lynch, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Studier har visat att barn påverkas av den miljö de befinner sig i. Den fysiska världen talar ett språk som berättar om samhällets krav, förväntningar och värderingar på individen, inklusive förväntningar angående kön/genus. Könsnormer har visat sig vara inbäddade i hur rum utformas och därför kan det sägas att rum har möjlighet att påverka skapandet av kön. I denna studie undersöks hur pedagoger på en HBTQ-certifierad förskola i Sverige använder rummets språk tillsammans med det talade språket för att minska ”gender salience” i förskolan. Syftet är att ta reda på hur förskolemiljön utformas av pedagogerna för att ge alla barn möjlighet att skapa sin identitet bortom förgivettagna föreställningar om kön. Data har samlats in genom fotografier, fältanteckningar, observationer och intervjuer, samt från förskolans litteratur och styrdokument. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är feministisk poststrukturalism och queerteori, med särskilt fokus på Butlers teori om genus som performativt görande. Analysen av empirin visar hur förskolan använder färg, lekmaterial, rumslig organisering, litteratur och bilder, det talade språket, samt mat för att ifrågasätta samhällets könsnormer och öppna dörren till fler positioner än de könsstereotypa. Resultaten har implikationer både för pedagoger och också andra som är ansvariga för att skapa rum för barn och deras familjer.

The Influence Of Discourse And Journal Writing On Second Graders' Acquisition Of Multidigit Addition Concepts

Hensley, Elizabeth 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how second graders use writing and language when they are learning to add multidigit numbers in mathematics class. Second grade students were taught addition conceptually with a focus on sharing their strategies and thought processes with each other during the mathematics lesson. Two social norms were established with students so that sharing information and asking for clarity when they did not understand would be natural and expected. Students kept a daily mathematics journal to answer the class's Problems of the Day. Patterns found in student journals indicated three stages of multidigit learning. In Stage One, students used little or no words to explain their solution, illustrations show students using counting by ones strategies. Stage Two represents students using appropriate mathematics strategies and vocabulary to explain their solutions in detail. Lastly, Stage Three consists of students solving multidigit problems with little or no word explaining their solution process and illustrations are few. Results of the study indicated that students' oral explanations of solutions to addition problems included more detail compared to students' written justification of similar problems.

Social Norms And College Dating Violence Among Gay Bisexual Transgender And Queer (gbtq) Students

Rivera, LaShawn 01 January 2009 (has links)
There is minimal research on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (GBTQ) dating violence on college campuses. This qualitative study was facilitated using focus groups that included students that identified as being GBTQ at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The focus group questions were open ended in a discussion format. Participants were recruited from student organizations like the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Student Union (GLBSU) and Knight Allies on campus. There were a total of 10 students that participated in 2 different focus group sessions. Student's attitudes, thoughts and opinions about dating violence on college campuses in GBTQ relationships were collected. Additionally, participants provided their own definitions of the term dating violence. The students were most comfortable discussing dating violence among heterosexual couples, but did provide their thoughts about this issue in the GBTQ community. The results show that students had differing ideas on what constitutes a dating relationship, and behaviors that are positive and acceptable in GBTQ relationships, but are not considered socially acceptable. One example of this was public displays of affection. In addition, students identified negative behaviors in violent relationships that seem to follow some of the common themes that were found in the current literature. Participants were not aware of current efforts at UCF to address college campus dating violence from a prevention standpoint, but were familiar with intervention services offered on campus. They provided ideas on social messages that would be effective on campus to raise awareness about dating violence in the GBTQ community.

Engaging Students in Mathematics Conversations: Discourse Practices and the Development of Social and Socialmathematical Norms in Three Novice Teachers' Classrooms

Grassetti, Mary T. 01 February 2010 (has links)
Research on learning to teach mathematics reveals that mathematics teaching is a complex process (Lerman, 2000) and classroom teaching and learning is a “multifaceted, extraordinarily complex phenomenon” (O’Connor, 1998, p. 43). Moreover, research reveals that the mathematics reform agenda has had an impact on what happens in the mathematics classroom, however, the impact has been superficial (Kazemi & Stipek, 2001) with teachers often retaining their pre-reform habits and attitudes in regards to mathematics teaching and learning (O’Connor, 1998). This study examined the reform discourse practices that three novice teachers, who had been enrolled in a reform based methods course during their preservice teacher education program, adopted, adapted, or ignored as they attempted to engage students in mathematical conversations. Data sources included interviews, field notes, artifacts, and transcripts of videotaped classroom lessons. The primary research questions guiding this study included: 1) What reformoriented discourses practices do novice teachers, who participated in a reform-based mathematics methods course adopt? What practices do they adapt? What practices do they ignore as they engage students in mathematics conversations? and 2) What issues and challenges surface as novice teachers begin to enact reform-oriented discourse practices? Results indicated that despite holding beliefs that reflect the basic tenets of mathematics reform, theses novice teachers represent a continuum of practices ranging from traditional to reform. Evidence suggests that adopting the reform-oriented practice of eliciting different solutions was critical in the development of social norms that reflect mathematics reform. Eliciting different solutions served to focus classroom conversations on meaningful student generated explanations and justifications. Moreover, evidence suggests that enacting the practice of eliciting different solutions was instrumental in enacting other reform-orientated practices associated with the development of reformoriented socialmathematical norms. Lastly, results indicate that the pressures of teaching in an underperforming school, as defined by state standardized high stakes tests, can impact a novice teacher’s ability and willingness to adopt mathematics reform practices.

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