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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potřeby neformálně pečujících o dítě s poruchami autistického spektra / The needs of informally carers for a child with autism spectrum disorders

Lejčková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The topic of the diploma thesis is the needs of people who informally take care of their close autism spectrum disorders. The aim of the work is to find out whether informal carers are systematically disadvantaged, whether the current system of help and support for these people is sufficient, accessible and clear and what would work differently from the point of view of these people to continue caring for their loved ones in the natural environment. The work defines the basic concepts, describes the specific care of people with autism spectrum disorders. It also presents available services and support for these informal carers and performs at some systemic disadvantage of these people. The practical part of the work contains a quality survey with informally caring people. This survey can show the specific needs of these people, how to change these personal orientations in the system of services and support, what from their point of view it would be good to do differently, what would help them situation, from the beginning of caring for a loved one with autism spectrum disorders. All this focuses on informally caring people from the Central Bohemian Region and Prague.

Vem har Svarte Petter? : Samverkan mellan socialtjänsten och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin gällande barn i behov av stöd / Who´s got Black-Pete? : Cooperation between social services and child and adolescent psychiatry regarding children in need of support

Henriksson, Jasmina, Eriksson, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Barn och unga i Sverige mår idag allt sämre, anledningarna är många såsom psykiska och fysiska övergrepp samt högre krav i skolan och den framtida arbetsmarknaden. För att råda bot på barn och ungas psykiska ohälsa krävs många gånger samverkan mellan region och kommun. Samverkan mellan myndigheterna är lagstadgad och syftar till att skapa förutsättningar samt att myndigheter och verksamheter ska arbeta mot samma mål. Syftet med studien var därmed att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom dessa verksamheter såg på samverkan dem emellan samt hinder och framgångsfaktorer i den. Studiens syfte undersöktes genom kvalitativ metod där tre yrkesverksamma inom socialtjänstens fält barn och familj, och tre yrkesverksamma inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin intervjuades. Resultatet tolkades med hjälp av teorierna och begreppen fält, doxa och symbolisk makt, samverkan samt maktperspektivet enligt Foucault. Resultatet visade att samordnad individuell plan (SIP) gav tydlighet kring ärenden men inte alltid användes rätt. Olika lagstiftningar gav olika perspektiv, varav syn på innebörden av barnets bästa skildes åt i flera fall, därmed var verksamheterna beroende av samverkan och varandras kompetens för att barn inte skulle falla mellan stolarna. Ingen av verksamheterna ville tillskriva den andre mer makt, dock fanns förväntningar på den andre verksamhetens kompetens och handlingsutrymme. Känsla av maktlöshet uppkom då förväntningarna inte uppfylldes. Slutsatsen blev att det krävdes strukturella förutsättningar såsom gemensamma rutiner och transparens för att samverkan skulle förbättras, även rutinerna kring SIP behövde förtydligas. Samtliga respondenter efterfrågade forum för att nätverka och skapa kontakter för att stärka samverkan men med anledning av resursbrist saknades detta. / Young people in Sweden are feeling worse, due to reasons such as mental and physical abuse as well as higher demands at school and in the future labour market. In order to remedy young people's mental illness, cooperation between authorities is required. Cooperation between authorities is statutory and aims to create good conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate how professionals in these authorities perceive cooperation, also obstacles and success factors in cooperation. The purpose of this study was examined through qualitative method, three professionals within social services and three professionals in child and adolescent psychiatry were interviewed. The result was interpreted using the theories and concepts of field, doxa and symbolic power, collaboration and the power perspective according to Foucault. The results showed that coordinated individual plan (SIP) provided clarity about cases but was not always used correctly. Different legislations gave different perspectives, thus were the concept of the best interests of the child separated, therefore the authorities depended on cooperation and other's competences. None of the respondents wanted to attribute the concept of power, however, there were expectations of other´s competence and room for maneuver. A feeling of powerlessness arised when expectations were not met. The conclusion showed that in order for cooperation to be complete, structural conditions such as common routines and transparency were required, also the routines around SIP required clarification. All respondents requested forums to network and create relationships to strengthen cooperation, but due to lack of resources this failed.

Podnikatelský záměr na založení centra sociálních služeb pro seniory / Business Plan for Establishing of Social Services Center for Seniors

Lukášová, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the processing of a business plan for establishment of Social Services centre for seniors situated in the city of Brno. Business plan is based on theoretical knowledge from the introductory part. There is proposed the proper solution of the specific problem in the form of a real business plan through the analysis of the external and internal environment of the company. Besides the aim is an economical evaluation of the plan and assessment of project feasibility.

Posouzení rizik chráněného bydlení / Sheletered Housing Risk Assessment

Knotek, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the risks associated with secure living made available by the company Senior Sen, s.r.o., which provides social services and offers solutions for people's unfavorable social situations. In the theoretical part the problematic areas, threats and risks will be examined, with a focus on security risks. In the practical part the risks will be analyzed, evaluated and ways to reduce them will be suggested.

Riksdagens Socialtjänst : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur socialtjänsten framställs i Sveriges riksdag och hur det kan förstås utifrån Foucaults maktbegrepp / The Riksdag's social services : A critical discourse analysis regarding how the social services are being discussed in the swedish Riksdag and how that can be understood using Foucaults concepts of power

Lagercrantz, Hjalte January 2021 (has links)
Using two reports from the The Riksdag’s Social Affairs Committee, this essay has examined and analyzed discourses that are expressed in how the Riksdag describes the social services. The material has been analyzed using critical discourse analysis and Foucalts terms Power/knowledge to see what can be said about how the social services are described and constructed.   The dicourses I could identify in the material was a legal discourse where the social service is defined based on legislation where the words used to describe the goal of the social services is not being discussed. Knowledge-based discourse where the social service is mainly described in terms of a flawed organization and where the solution is more knowledge, a discourse I chose to call unity where a consensus is manifested regarding the social services and finally the formalized discourse where there is indications of a discursive change towards a higher level of formalized language-use that affects how the Riksdag constructs the social services.     This essay also discusses the importance of examining how the Riksdag constructs the social services through the use of language and that how they use the language affects how the social services is understood which impacts the social work. Lastly I argue that an examination of how power/knowledge is expressed is needed to, among other things, make it possible to introduce alternative and new discourses. / Den här uppsatsen har genom två betänkanden från riksdagens socialutskott undersökt och analyserat de diskurser som kommer till uttryck i hur riksdagen framställer socialtjänsten. Genom kritisk diskursanalys och Foucaults begrepp makt/kunskap har materialet analyserats för att se vad Foucaults begrepp kan säga oss om hur socialtjänsten framställs.     Diskurser jag kunde identifiera i materialet var en juridisk diskurs där socialtjänsten definieras utifrån lagstiftning där betydelsen av begrepp som beskriver socialtjänsten inte diskuteras. En kunskapsdiskurs där socialtjänsten främst beskrivs i termer av en organisation som brister och vars lösning är mer kunskap, en diskurs jag valt att kalla enighetsdiskursen där det manifesteras en enighet och där konflikter inte synliggörs, och till sist formaliseringsdiskursen som indikerar en diskursiv förändring mot ett mer formaliserat språkbruk kring bland annat socialtjänsten som påverkar hur riksdagen yttrar sig angående socialtjänsten.     Vidare diskuteras vikten av att rikta fokus mot hur riksdagen använder språk för att konstruera socialtjänsten och hur det påverkar förståelsen av socialtjänsten samt hur det i sin tur påverkar det sociala arbetet. Dessutom menar jag att processer kring hur makt/kunskap utövas behöver synliggöras, bland annat för att möjliggöra introduktionen av nya och alternativa diskurser.

Tänk på barnen : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare arbetar och samverkar för att efterleva FN:s barnkonvention. / Think about the children : A qualitative study of how social secretaries work and collaborate to comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Adler Henke, Simon, Glöersen, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Barnkonventionen ratificerades i Sverige för 31 år sedan och inkorporerades i svensk lag den 1 januari 2020. Barnkonventionen betraktar barn som rättighetsbärare. Syftet i denna uppsats var att undersöka hur man inom barn och unga i socialtjänsten arbetar med barn i olika åldrar med anknytning till barnkonventionen samt att undersöka hur socialtjänsten uppfattar samverkan med andra professioner i förhållande till konventionen. För att besvara syftet intervjuades fyra socialsekreterare. Materialet från intervjuerna har analyserats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet tolkades med hjälp av det barndomssociologiska perspektivet och samverkansteori. Resultatet visade att bilden av barn som rättighetsbärare var förankrad inom socialtjänsten med fokus på att barnet skulle höras och vara delaktigt. Vidare framkom att information gällande hur barnkonventionen skulle omsättas i det praktiska arbetet var efterfrågat. Det fanns brist på resurser i förhållande till det arbete som barnkonventionen krävde. Slutsatsen är att synsättet på barn som rättighetsbärare överensstämde med barndomssociologin. Bristande utbildning, rättspraxis och organisatoriska förutsättningar såsom budget riskerade att minska barnkonventionens inflytande i ärenden. Inom samverkan riskerade även resursbrist för professioner att minska barnkonventionens inflytande i ärenden. Korrekta förväntningar på varandras professioner och deras handlingsutrymme betraktades öka barnkonventionens inflytande i samverkan. / The Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified in Sweden 31 years ago and incorporated into Swedish law on 1 January 2020. The convention considers children to be rights holders. The purpose of this essay was to investigate how the social services work with children of different ages in connection with the convention and to investigate how the social services perceive collaboration with other professions in relation to the convention. To answer the purpose, four social secretaries were interviewed. The material from the interviews has been analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The results were interpreted with the help of the childhood sociological perspective and collaboration theory. The results showed that the image of children as rights holders was rooted in the social services with a focus on the child being heard and involved. Furthermore, it emerged that information regarding how the convention was to be implemented in the practical work was requested. There was a lack of resources in relation to the work required by the convention. The conclusion is that the view of children as rights holders was in line with the sociology of childhood. Lack of education, case law and organizational conditions such as the budget risked reducing the influence of the convention in matters. In collaboration, a lack of resources risked reducing the influence of the convention in the matter. Correct expectations of each other's professions and their scope for action were considered to increase the influence of the convention in collaboration.

The progress of developmental social welfare : a case study in the Vhembe district, Limpopo

Ntjana, Ngwanamontjane E. January 2014 (has links)
In 1994 the new democratic South Africa called for the shift in legislation and policies. Social welfare service delivery post-1994 has to be aligned with the principles and key themes of developmental social welfare heralded by the RDP (1994), the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, as well as the Copenhagen Commitments to Social Development (1995). In the social welfare sector, the White Paper for Social Welfare of 1997 was adopted as social welfare policy for South Africa. The White Paper for Social Welfare is embedded in a developmental approach and charted a new path for social welfare in the promotion of national social development. Developmental social welfare is a pro poor strategy which strives to promote a welfare system that facilitates the development of human capacity and self-reliance within a caring and enabling socio-economic environment. The goal of this study was to determine the progress of social welfare service delivery towards a developmental social welfare approach in the Vhembe district, Limpopo. A qualitative research approach was used for this study and the research design was an instrumental case study. The sample for the study was selected purposively and included 28 social workers and four supervisors from four sub-districts in the Vhembe district. Data was collected through four focus group interviews with social workers and one-on-one interviews with the supervisors. Research findings indicate that developmental social welfare service delivery in this district has progressed in terms of protective services to families and children. However, in terms of poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods, the social service sector still lags behind. The overall conclusion is that the progress of social welfare service delivery towards the developmental approach is slow and unsatisfactory. The recommendations of this study are captured in strategies that social workers could use to promote progress in developmental social welfare service delivery, strategies suggested for supervisors to promote progress in developmental social welfare service delivery, and lastly strategies on the creation of an enabling environment. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Social Work and Criminology / MSW / Unrestricted

Individualizace při zajišťování dietního stravování v domovech pro seniory / Individualization in providing diets in homes for the elderly

Pechušková, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the individualization in providing diets in three homes for the elderly in the South Bohemian region. The main goal of the qualitative research was to uncover what the options of the homes in providing the diets are, where the boundaries and the limits of the individualized care are and what the clients' attitude toward individualization is. Results of the research show that the homes for the elderly can accommodate just to the basic requirements of the client, such as replacing unpopular dish or side dish for another one. Medical restrictions of the clients in preparation and serving their food are taken into account. The homes don't have the capacity for greater individualization. Another problem is the lack of staff. The homes are limited by legislation rather than by their financial budget. Clients' conservative and conformal attitudes are not empowering managers to expand some options or to change the system. The concept of the individualization is interpreted by the homes for the elderly in different ways. In practice, they rather just try to individualize the diets, than truly doing it. It turned out that individualization is a complex phenomenon and the extend of its fulfillment depends mainly on organizations' overall approach to the clients and on the clients'...

Možnosti rozvoje služeb v oblasti péče o osoby s demencí a osoby pečující na Ústecku / The potential for development of services in the area of care around the region of Ústí regarding dementia patients and their carers

Mercová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
5 ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on examining quality and range of care services for people with dementia and their family carers in the region of Ústí. Through the testimony of nine respondents provides a view of social awareness about this diagnosis. It also focuses on providing information of possibilities of prevention, medical treatment and social care that is currently available. Last but not least it deals with possibilities of development of the services within this area. Key words: Alzheimer disease, dementia, social services, healtcare services, family care.

Analýza dokumentů tlumočnické služby Centrum zprostředkování tlumočníků pro neslyšící / The Analysis of Documents of the Interpreting Service Interpreting Mediation Center for the Deaf

Zajíček, Karel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis focuses on organization for the deaf, its development and specifics. The theoretical part presents in the first chapter the basic terminology of hearing impairment and a summary of the findings from social work (focusing on the disadvantaged). The second chapter deals in more detail with the different types of interpretations, followed by the third chapter, which is an interpreted interpreting organization - Centrum zprostředkování tlumočníků pro neslyšící (CZTN). The theoretical part ends with a chapter on the ways of funding of social services. The empirical section provides a more detailed description of the database - the location where the document analysis was performed. It follows the formulation of the goals of the work, as well as the presentation of a quantitative research methodology related to the study and analysis of documents and a description of the sample itself. Further, the chapter presents research assumptions and research questions, which are presented on the basis of the analysis of the documents with tables and subsequent comments. Research presents development of a service determined by time intervals after 10 years and the statistical results of the use of this service in connection with its funding. Keywords interpretation, the deaf, social services,...

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