Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda social services"" "subject:"ando social services""
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Sociální péče jako podpora soběstačnosti ve stáří / Welfare to support independence in old ageGabrhelová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses the seniors living in their own homes. Specifically, it is the elderly who use social care services. Thanks to these services, some may remain in home care. The text of the thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the author describes concepts such as old age, quality of life, home, living in old age, social services and other essential concepts. The practical part contains the research, which was compiled from interviews with seniors. The aim of this thesis is to find contentment in the life of seniors living in their own homes who use social care services.
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"Det hade varit roligt att se hur hon ser ut i alla fall..." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av långvarigt ekonomiskt utsatta barnfamiljerOremo, Johanna, Åbom Sundin, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
In this study, we have examined if and how parents who receive financial support from the social services experience that their children are being affected by financial stress, as well as whether the parents experience that they are given satisfactory support from the social services. Empowerment and Sense of coherence were used as a theoretical framework to analyze the results. Interviews with three informants who all were receiving financial support at the time, and have at least one child below the age of 18 in their custody were performed. The parents were devising strategies attempting to give the children the experienced of a better financial situation, in order to protect them from being adversely affected. The conclusion is that all informants experienced a lack of support from the social services. Further results show that the parents experienced that their children were adversely affected by financial stress, especially when comparing themselves with other children. Further the results show that the parents develop their own strategies in order to protect the children from being affected by financial stress. These strategies are for example to draw the children’s attention away from the family’s economic issues and to ignore their own basic needs to be able to give the children more varied opportunities. / I denna studie har vi undersökt hur föräldrar som uppbär försörjningsstöd upplever att barnen påverkas av den ekonomiska utsattheten. Vidare undersöktes på vilket sätt föräldrarna upplever att de får stöd från socialtjänsten till att förändra den ekonomiska situationen. Empowerment och KASAM har använts som teoretisk referensram för att analysera resultatet. Studien har genomförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 3 informanter som alla uppbär försörjningsstöd och har barn under 18 år i hemmet. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna upplever att barnen påverkas negativt av den ekonomiska situationen, främst i relation till andra barn då barn jämför sig mycket med varandra. Resultatet visar även att föräldrarna skapar egna strategier för att skydda barnen från att påverkas negativt, dessa är bland annat att avleda uppmärksamhet från den ekonomiska situationen samt att föräldrarna bortser från egna basala behov för att istället erbjuda barnen fler möjligheter.
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Predictors of Health Care and Social Service Utilization and Perceived Need Among the Disabled Elderly in CanadaDietz, Tracy L. 08 1900 (has links)
The world has experienced a tremendous growth in its elderly population. With the aging of the population, policy makers are concerned about the health of these elderly as well as their utilization of health care and social services and perceived need for additional services. The Canadian elderly population is similar to other elderly populations in that a few tend to be the heaviest users of the available services. The predictors of this utilization behavior and perceived need primarily include need variables, such as the number of limitations of daily living -- both ADLs and IADLs, and functional limitations. In addition, enabling variables, such as income, work activity and geographic region of residence were also found to be significant.
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Experiences of unaccompanied minors: an exploratory study conducted with refugee childrenMagqibelo, Lungile January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium (Child and Family Studies) - MA(CFS) / The main aim of this study was to explore lived experiences of unaccompanied foreign minors in South Africa from a social work perspective. An important goal was to also explore the lack of guidelines on how to assist these young people. This study was conducted in a Children's Shelter, which is situated in the North-Eastern outskirts of Polokwane, where a group of unaccompanied refugee children from Zimbabwe were living. This study was qualitative and explorative in nature. Non-probability sampling was used to select participants for the study. Ten children were selected, ranging from age 14 to 18 years. Semi-structured interviews with the children and a focus group discussion with five care workers were held. Thematic analysis was used. The findings of this study revealed that services by government social workers are limited compared to those from social workers employed with nongovernmental organisations. It is hoped that this study will assist government and other role players in planning, advocacy and policy development related to the issues affecting unaccompanied refugee children. / South Africa
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Kvalita v sociálních službách / The Quality in Social ServicesBeňová, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evaluation of the quality of social services, particularly services Sheltered Housing. For this evaluation of quality were selected four non-profit organizations focused on service housing in the region of South Bohemia. In this thesis we determined comparative areas according to the criteria of qualitative standards of social welfare, in accordance with those standards organizations are compared mutually and evaluated. For comparison of those organizations, focusing on social services, I have used the benchmarking method. The aim of the thesis is,on the basis of the lesson learned in comparing those organizations, identify potential improvements of provided social welfare and processing specific proposals and recommendations. These recommendations, can be used by those organizations to improve and enhance the quality of social services.
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Komunikace obcí a měst: aktuální problémy a východiska / Communication of local governmentsMlčkovská, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with communication between public administration and local stakeholders. Main attention is concentrated on communication between local governments and citizens. Communication is one of the tools of local development, the effective communiaction makes decisions of local governments rightful and transparent. Theoretical framework is dedicated to definitions connected with ommunication and communication of an organisation, the internal and external communication. In this work there is also descibed forms of the communication tools that organisations use in a relation to target groups. Special attention is paied to specifics of communication between public administration and local stakeholders and to participation processes in the public sector. The role of communication is presented in the framework of concrete example of participation proces - in preparation of community plan of social services - in Praha 13.
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Naplňování komunitního plánu sociálních služeb ve vybraném městě / Fulfilling a Social Services Community Plan in a chosen TownKopřivová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the fulfilling of community plan of social services in Olomouc. The theoretical section provides basic background of social policy, there are characterized social services with emphasis on services for children and seniors, and are given the legal documents that affect the provision of social services. In the practical part are compared the targets for selected groups with their implementation. If problems were found, there were proposed activities, actions and processes which should help at effective implementation of community social services plan.
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Naplňování komunitního plánu sociálních služeb ve vybraném městě / Fulfilling a Social Services Community Plan in a chosen TownDundáčková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of the I. Social Services Community Plan in the town of Havlíčkův Brod in the period 2005-2007. Individual activities are evaluated according to the degree of fulfillment. After which is pointed out the impact on the development of social services in the city. First, the plan is evaluated according to the target areas and finally the matter is viewed as an integrated whole. Furthermore, the thesis deals with one of the unfulfilled aktivity and updates information using a questionnaire analysis of the community plan. The work also contains proposals for action that could lead to more efficient implementation of the plan.
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Specialisering inom Socialtjänsten : En kvantitativ studie om klienters parallella kontakter inom IFOFisli, Jiyan, Göransson, Kathrin January 2019 (has links)
Socialtjänsten i Sverige har blivit alltmer specialiserad, vilket har lett till att klienter med komplexa behov är aktuella på olika organisatoriska enheter och har kontakt med flera socialsekreterare samtidigt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomsten av parallella kontakter inom socialtjänsten och hur det hade förändrats över tid. Undersökningen antog en kvantitativ ansats och utgick från statistiskt material hämtat från en IFO-organisation i en större svensk stad. Materialet visade att andelen klienter med parallella kontakter hade ökat med en tredjedel på de fyra undersökta enheterna mellan 2014 och 2018 och att vissa klientgrupper uppvisade parallella kontakter i större utsträckning än andra grupper. Diskussionen behandlade klienters komplexa behov, fragmentisering och socialarbetares överlappande arbete för klienter med parallella kontakter. / Swedish social services have become increasingly specialized, with the result that clients with complex needs are in contact with several organizational units and social workers simultaneously. The purpose of the present study was to examine the degree to which such parallel contacts occur within social services and how their incidence has changed over time. We have employed a quantitative method and drawn on statistical material collected from a personal social services organization in a large Swedish town. The material revealed that the extent to which parallel contacts occurred had increased by a third between 2014 and 2018 among clients at the four units that were chosen for the study, while certain client groups had a greater incidence of parallel contacts than other groups. In a concluding section of the study we discussed clients’ complex needs, fragmentation and the overlapping responsibilities of social workers with regard to clients with parallel contacts.
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A constructivist second year study of the social and educational needs of homeless childrenKelly, Gloria Katherine 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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