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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vårdnadsöverflyttningar vid långvariga placeringar i familjehem : Initiering, argument för och emot samt dilemman och svårigheter / Custody transfer when long-term placement in foster care : Initiation, arguments for and against and dilemmas and difficulties

Ljung, Frida January 2018 (has links)
The statistics shows low quantity of custody transfer while it shows a high number of children in long-term foster care placement in Sweden. This qualitative study examines how social services work with custody transfer and the challenges that comes with it. Questions under study were; Which factors makes social services initiate a custody transfer? What argument stands for and against custody transfer after three years? Which dilemmas and difficulties are related to a custody transfer?   The aim of the study was to study what obstacles and possibilities a custody transfer contains according to social workers, and to try to understand the social workers process in working with custody transfer. The group under study consisted of five social workers with a variety of experience within the field. The material from the interviews was analysed by two steps using a phenomenological method. The result shows that many actors can make application of custody transfer difficult. The perspective of the placed children seemed to have a low value when deciding about the children’s staying and what’s best for them. Furthermore, the informants described social services today as in constant change, the staff has less experience and the guidelines is deficient. In accordance with earlier research, the result indicate however that custody transfer means many advantages for the children in foster care. Based on research and theoretical perspectives along with the findings of this study, the discussion is about the importance of children attachment, stability and participation in decisions about their own lives. Further, social services experiences of children worry and other emotions in foster care when custody transfer is discussed. There were also various dilemmas and difficulties according to the informants when assessments of custody transfer were made.

Komparace financování pečovatelské služby na území správního obvodu obce s rozšířenou působností České Budějovice / A comparison of day care funding in an administrative district of municipality with extended competence of České Budějovice.

ZÍBAROVÁ, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis compares funding of domiciliary services in the administration district of České Budějovice, the municipality with the extended scope of performance. In the theoretical part I focus on the history of the development of domiciliary social services provided on site and I define the social service at first. Then, I identify the different specifics of social services and their characteristics. Attention is also devoted to funding of social services in the Czech Republic and European countries. I also show the differences in management in the non-profit sector. The most important section of the thesis analyzes domiciliary service and gives its definition. Further, the thesis contains practical part, which compares the collected data on the domiciliary services. It specifies services provided within the domiciliary services, funds granted for the service, number of clients, basic information on providers and their pricelists. The data were collected as of the last quarter of 2011. The target of the thesis was to compare the income and expenditures of the domiciliary services provided in the administration district of České Budějovice, the municipality with the extended scope of performance. For the applied methodology I selected qualitative research and the secondary analysis of data as the applied method. The conducted research analysed four types of services provided in the administration district. The original hypothesis of the thesis that the assessed providers have identical average cost per 1 user proved to be invalid.

Návratnost příspěvku na péči do systému sociálních služeb na území správního obvodu obce s rozšířenou působností České Budějovice / Rate of return of grants for care into social service system in the area of administrative district of municipality with extended sphere of action České Budějovice.

STEIDLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
During our life, there comes a lot of situations which we have to deal with and which need to solve. Such situations as decease, invalidism, health disability, poorness, job loose or loneliness. Some of these situations we are able to handle ourselves, some of them with help of family members or friends, but we are not able to handle all of the events and we are not able to secure basic life needs. In such situations, help of the state in context of its social politics, is needed. Social politics in Czech republic is divided in three branches ? next to social insurance we have state and social support and social help which is mentioned as the third branch of social protection. System of social help constructs certain standard where its basic part is about individuals rights to live his life. Social help is realized by services and social benefits. Between social benefits is also included contribution for social care that is served to individuals dependent on help of another physical being and that is topic of this dissertation. Person is considered as dependent on help from another person in four grades ? from light to full dependence. In order of dependence level and the dependent person age the amount of benefit is derived. Between the receivers of social benefits are included seniors and disabled people. By providing the benefits, the state participates in social service realization that are administered at home or in social service institutions.

Kvalita života seniorů v pobytových zařízeních sociálních služeb / Quality of Senior´s Life in Residential Facilities of Social Services

MATLASOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Today´s society starts to be intensively interested in life in general and old people´s quality of life, therefore I decided to focus this diploma thesis on seniors´ quality of life in social service facilities. The given goals were to map and assess the quality of seniors? life in chosen social service facilities in a former Jindřichův Hradec district, to compare the quality of seniors´ life in three facilities of the same social services in the frame of the former Jindřichův Hradec district and also to compare the seniors´ quality of life in different social service facilities. The research of this work was made due to a qualitative form. A semi-standardized (semi-controlled) interview survey method and a qualitative observation method, which was used to get the assumed goals of the whole work, were used. To get the aims I used an interview method which was done in Senior Apartment in Jindřichův Hradec, České Velenice and Budíškovice as well as in an apartment with day care in Jindřichův Hradec. It was also used a scale questionnaire called WHO DAS II as a complementary technique in all the social service facilities. The following hypotheses were made out in keeping with the given goals of this diploma thesis. The first hypothesis ? the more social active actions were offered in the frame of provided social services, the higher is the users´ quality of life of this service. The second hypothesis ? users of this service have higher quality of life in the district town than users of this service provided in a municipality with inhabitants less than 10 000. The third hypothesis ? users? quality of life in day care facilities is higher than users´ quality of life of a senior apartment. The given hypotheses were confirmed. We can say old people´s quality of life has been improved in the comparison with last years. I would recommend solving this problem with good communication and feedback which is necessary to find out how seniors are satisfied with services in facilities. It is also very important to keep each client´s private which leads to the feeling of certainty and safeness.

VYUŽÍVÁNÍ PŘÍSPĚVKU NA PÉČI NA TRHOVOSVINENSKU / Use of Care Allowance in District of Trhové Sviny

KOPRNOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Abstract An allowance fot the care is rather a new institute which is the main implement of the model of social services established 1/1 2007 on the basis of the law 108/2006 Statute Book about social services. This contribution relates to providing social services. The creation took 13 years and brought many amendments to this sphere ? not only a new conception of social services, their kinds, forms and conditions of providing, it also introduced a new approach to financial source for persons who need it in their unfavourable situation. Current allowance in the process of the care for a close or other person was replaced with an allowance for the care. The aim of this work is a mapping of offers of the social services in the territory of Trhové Sviny and to find if beneficiaries of these allowances for the care use more an assistance providing by the close person or by a registered provider of social services. The results of this research point out that in most cases the assistance of the close person is used. This dissertation could be used for a community planning and as an information material for Sviny´s inhabitants and providers of the local social services.

Implementace supervize sociální práce do nestátních neziskových organizací / Implementation of Social Work Supervision in Non-governmental Non-profit Organizations

VOŠVRDOVÁ, Vanda January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of social work supervision in non-governmental non-profit organizations. Supervision is a staff support tool, a form of learning; it ensures the quality of provided services and is also a very important measure against burnout syndrome. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of supervision, its origin and development. The implementation of supervision to organizations is influenced by various factors, which are addressed in this thesis. Supervision is one of the ways for promoting an independent qualified expert for social workers, as imposed by the Social Service Quality Standards. The aim of this thesis is to determine what entails the implementation of social work supervision to non-governmental non-profit organizations providing social services in the district of Chrudim. The practical part presents results of qualitative research. Hypotheses are defined in the conclusion. The research questions are: - What are the obstacles to the implementation of supervision to non-governmental non-profit organizations providing social services? How is supervision accepted by workers of non-governmental non-profit organizations providing social services? How is supervision accepted by directors/managers of non-governmental non-profit organizations providing social services? The research was carried out in the form of interviews, using the technique of semi-standardized interview with directors and workers of selected organizations. The section Results shows results of the interviews with directors and workers. In the discussion I deal with the results and focus on the areas I wanted to explore in particular?that is, I am looking for answers to the research questions. The answer to the first question is that the obstacle to the implementation of supervision to non-governmental non-profit organizations providing social services is represented by the lack of financial resources. The answer to the second and third questions is that the staff as well as the directors of non-governmental non-profit organizations providing social services accept supervision positively. At the end of the discussion, I provide three hypotheses based on the answers to the research questions.

Etická dilemata při poskytování sociálních služeb rodinám s dětmi v neziskovém zařízení / Ethical dilemmas by providing of social services to families with children in a non-profit-making institution.

NECKÁŘOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to form and to reflect individual dilemmas and to search possible approaches and methods of their solution. The task of this dissertation is to describe and sum up possible dilemmas by providing of socials services to families with children in a non-profit-making institution. The dissertation is divided in six chapters where I describe apart from other things a family and social work with it. At the same time a stabilization of the family as one of the most effective form of help to dysfunctional families is introduced here. Further chapters are devoted to ethic and ethical dilemmas. A part of the dissertation is qualitative research realised in form of structured interview with social workers who provide social works to dysfunctional families in a non-profit-making institution. On conclusion of the dissertation there is the analysis of the dilemma from the practice of interviewed workers with help of three ethical theories deontology, utilitarism and ethic of the care. The social work is so connected with ethic in the practice.

Využívané metody sociální práce u pacientů hospitalizovaných v Psychiatrické léčebně Červený Dvůr / Used Methods of Social Work by Patients Hospitalized in the Psychiatric Hospital Červený Dvůr

DOLEŽALOVÁ, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of social work conducted in the Psychiatric Institution Červený Dvůr, which specializes in the treatment of addiction to habit-forming substances. The social work in this institution is part of the therapeutic process and it is an important tool for dealing with social consequences. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the issues of social work, social worker's role in health service and social services for the target group of people addicted to habit-forming substances. This part is also marginally devoted to the issues of addiction and social work with persons who have problems with habit-forming substances. The practical part is realized using qualitative research, the method of questioning. Data was collected using the technique of a semi-structured interview. The first research group was composed of 3 social workers. The method of total selection was used for the construction of the group. The other group consisted of the patients currently hospitalized. A research sample of 12 patients was selected from this group using the method of quota selection. All the interviews conducted were processed; the data was categorized and tabularized. The objective of the thesis was to map the methods and techniques of social work used by social workers in their work with the patients and which social assistance is used by patients most frequently. Another objective was to find out whether the patients are adequately informed about the potential of social work and whether they are satisfied with the provision of social assistance. The research has shown that social work has its fixed place in comprehensive treatment and that it is supported by all the members of the treatment team. The research has shown that the social workers used frequently the methods of working with individuals, groups, families and communities, the using the techniques of interviews, active listening, role play and visual instruction. They mainly apply the task-focused approach. The social workers cooperate most frequently with the members of the treatment team, with the patients, their families and staff of many other institutions. The research has also shown that the patients use social, legal and professional advisory most of all. They use most commonly some assistance in the procurement of new personal documents, when dealing with their debt problems, with finding suitable housing and employment, in resolving family problems and the consequences of crime. The research results have also shown that the patients are well informed about social assistance and they are very satisfied with its provision. I believe that the objectives of my thesis have been met and that the research questions have been answered. The thesis could serve to provide information about how social work is conducted in such specific institutions. The results could be an incentive to make the working conditions for the conduct of social work and improvements in the provision of social assistance more efficient.

Představy studentů sociální práce o budoucí profesi / Ideas of Social Work Students about Future Profession

MACKOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with the ideas that social work students have of their future profession. The theoretical part defines and characterizes social work, its mission, objectives and methods. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes the history of education of social workers in the Czech Republic, where it examines in detail the beginnings of this type of education, areas of work of social workers and the development of social work in connection with education from the World War Two to the present. The following chapter is engaged in the education system regarding social work at present. The last chapter looks at social work as a profession. This chapter further depicts and defines ancillary professions, identifying areas of self-realisation of graduates from social work studies, and finally, it describes ethics in social work. The objective of our thesis is to ascertain the ideas of social work students of their future profession, for example, the thesis identifies the kind of workplaces such students would prefer to work at, the target group they would be interested in, and, in point of fact, if such students want to find thein jobs within the field of their study. The practical part uses the quantitative research method, which was conducted by means of a questionnaire technique. The research group consisted of social work students at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies and Theological Faculty of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The research based on questionnaires was carried out both in Bachelor's and Master's study programmes. Only full-time students participated in the research. Pre-research was conducted before the research per se. The following hypothesis was set forth: ,,Students of social work want to work within their field of study." The above hypothesis was tested statistically by means of non-parametric testing in the SPSS programme. McNemar's test was used, which proved that the values ,,he/she wants to work within their field of study" and ,,he/she does not want to work within their field of study" do not show significant mutual differences and their probability is the same. Based on the test, a sufficient difference was identified between the resulting signification at the significance level of 0,5; accordingly, the zero hypothesis ,,Students of social work do not want to work within their field of study" was declined, and the hypothesis set forth was confirmed. The findings imply that students have different plans as to their future professions. In particular, this regards workplaces and target groups with which students would like to work, and the query if students want to work within their field of study. For most part, students want to work in the state administration, in nongovernmental non-profit organizations, and chiefly with children. In addition, a part of students emerged that do not wish to find their jobs within the discipline they currently study. Other considerable differences were identified in particular categories that were examined regarding the aspect of student's willingness or unwillingness to work as social workers, the reasons why they want or do not want to work within thein fields of study, practice in the social area (outside their school practice), search for a job during studies, and the key activities of social workers. These differences are further described in the discussion part. The conclusion gives a description of the research findings and assesses the complex problems of ideas that social work students have as regards their future profession; in particular, the problematic self-realisation of this group in the employment market. The author outlines possible solutions to these problems. Moreover, other issues related to the theme discussed are considered. Options of possible utilization of the present thesis are delineated towards the end of the thesis.

Pobreza e serviço social: diferentes concepções e compromissos políticos / Poverty and social service: different conceptions and politic commitments

Luana de Souza Siqueira 11 August 2011 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o trato teórico dado à categoria pobreza pelo Serviço Social. Para tanto, após caracterizar os fundamentos do fenômeno em questão, discutimos as diferentes concepções nas diversas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas e suas propostas de enfrentamento. Sustentados nessa análise, estudamos a abordagem da pobreza no debate do Serviço Social, partindo da hipótese que as formas de concepção da pobreza e seu enfrentamento vinculam-se às perspectivas e compromissos que os profissionais têm assumido. Organizamos o trabalho em três partes. A primeira que trata brevemente dos fundamentos do Modo de Produção Capitalistas e das determinações da sua fase imperialista/monopolista, considerando as particularidades da industrialização no Brasil, para entender a gênese da pobreza e suas manifestações nesse contexto. A segunda parte apresenta as perspectivas teórico-metodológicas liberal, marxista, pós-moderna , através de alguns autores que são referências para a compreensão do fenômeno; a partir do qual analisamos o que entendemos como equívocos nessa discussão. Finalmente, na terceira parte, nos dedicamos ao estudo das formas com que se debate a pobreza e seu enfrentamento no Serviço Social. A análise da produção do Serviço Social foi realizada a partir de um duplo caminho. No primeiro consideramos a bibliografia produzida no âmbito da profissão, onde a pobreza é vinculada a conceitos como: subalternidade, carência, exclusão, popular, risco social, cidadania (invertida, ou não-cidadania), ou referênciada na Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista. No segundo caminho analisamos os 235 artigos que tratam da questão da pobreza, na Revista Serviço Social & Sociedade (da Cortez Editora). Por fim, reforçamos a importância de repor o debate sobre a pobreza no Serviço Social como resultado da contradição inerente à sociedade capitalista: socialização da produção e apropriação privada da riqueza produzida. Trata-se de uma resistência à substituição dessa categoria, dessa relação e desses fundamentos, por conceitos como a exclusão, subalternidade, vulnerabilidade e risco. Contudo, mesmo considerando que estes ampliam as determinações diversas das manifestações da pobreza, reafirmamos que não esclarecem os fundamentos e causas daquela. / This thesis aims to analyze the theoretical treatment given to poverty category by Social Services. For this purpose, after characterizing the foundations of the phenomenon in question, we discussed the different conceptions in the various theoretical and methodological perspectives and their proposals of confrontation. Supported in this analysis, we studied the approach of poverty in the discussion of the Social Service, assuming that the forms of the poverty conception and its confrontation are linked to the perspectives and commitments that the professionals have assumed. Therefore, we organized our work into three parts. The first treats briefly about the foundations of the Capitalist Way of Production and the stipulations of its imperialist/monopolist phase, considering the particularities of industrialization in Brazil, to understand the genesis of poverty and its expressions in this context. The second part presents the theoretical and methodological perspectives liberal, Marxist, post-modern through a number of authors who are references to the understanding of the phenomenon, from which we analyze what we understand as misunderstanding in this discussion. Finally, the third part, we dedicated to the study of the ways in which are discussed poverty and its confrontation in the Social Service. The production analysis of the Social Service was carried out using a double way. At first we consider the literature produced within the profession, where poverty is linked to concepts such as subaltern, lack, exclusion, popular, social risk, citizenship (inverted or non-citizens), or referenced in the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation. In the second approach we analyzed the 235 articles that address the issue of poverty in the journal Social Work & Society (from Cortez Editora). Finally, we reinforce the importance of restoring the discussion on poverty in the Social Service as a result of the contradiction inherent to the capitalist society: socialization of the production and private appropriation of wealth produced. It is about a resistance to the replacement of this category, of this relationship and of these foundations, for concepts such as exclusion, subalternity, vulnerability and risk. However, even considering that they extend the determinations of the various poverty manifestations, we reaffirm that they do not explain poverty fundamentals and causes.

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