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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A constructivist study of the family preservation program in Riverside County, California

Crisanto, Jaime Antonio, Eldrige, Russ 01 January 1995 (has links)
Using a structural approach, this study addresses the issues surrounding direct service delivery of the Family Preservation program in Riverside County.

Socialtjänstens förebyggande åtgärder mot utmattning : En kvalitativ undersökning om socialtjänsten i Sverige

Borg, Robert January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to highlight the existing measures of Swedish governmental social services against burnout among social workers. Social services around Sweden are reported to have social workers with high workloads and stress. The purpose therefore was to look at all the different measures the social services in Sweden take to combat and prevent burnout. Thus, head managers of social services in four different municipalities were interviewed about what measures they take against burnout in their workplace. Results were presented with Braun & Clarkes thematic analysis (2006) in six different themes. The results showed social services using many different preventive measures against burnout. Measures that were found showed collegial and manager support, supportive conversation and therapy as well as creating a positive organizational culture. In conclusion, the social services had a wide range of measures and preventions to reduce the risk of burnout among its social workers. / Studiens syfte är att belysa de aktuella åtgärderna som socialtjänsten har på plats för att förebygga och hantera utmattning. Socialtjänsten I Sverige rapporteras ha socialarbetare som har hög arbetsbelastning och stress. Därför är syftet att titta på de olika åtgärderna som socialtjänsten har på plats för att motverka utmattning bland sina socialarbetare. Enhetschefer för fyra olika kommuners socialtjänst har intervjuats kring vilka förebyggande åtgärder som de använder sig av för att motverka utmattning på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet var presenterat med Braun & Clarkes tematiska analys (2006) i form av sex olika teman. Det resultaten visar är att socialtjänsten använder många olika preventiva åtgärder mot utmattning. Bland dessa åtgärder finns stöd från kollegor och chefer, stödjande samtal och terapi samt utformandet av en positiv organisationskultur. Sammanfattningsvis har socialtjänsten en stor och bred variation av förebyggande åtgärder för att minska risken för utmattning bland sina socialarbetare

Ole, dole, doff - Barns våld mot barn går bort : En kvalitativ studie kring socialsekreterares uppmärksammande av och arbete med barn som utsatt barn för våld / Eeny, meeny, miny, moe – Violence between children is excluded

Stjärnskog, Amanda, Åhlund, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Den tidigare forskning som finns kring barn som utsätter barn för våld är begränsad och det saknas forskning kring hur dessa barn stöttas upp av socialtjänsten. Studiens syfte är därför att undersöka hur socialsekreterare uppmärksammar och arbetar med barn som utsatt barn för våld. Detta undersöks genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där det empiriska materialet inhämtas genom tio strukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare. Studiens resultat presenteras genom en tematisk analys och analyseras med hjälp av Bourdieus perspektiv. Senare diskuteras resultatet i relation till tidigare forskning. De främsta slutsatser som dras från resultatet är att barns våld mot barn inte alltid uppmärksammas och att socialsekreterares bedömningar av barn som utsatt barn för våld påverkas av faktorer som ålder, kön, allvarlighetsgrad i brottet samt socioekonomi. I resultatet framgår att socialtjänsten har ett flertal insatser att tillgå, men att utbudet av dessa varierar mellan kommuner och vissa socialsekreterare upplever därför en brist i insatser. Risk- och skyddsfaktorer som uppmärksammas extra mycket är närmiljön som omfattar familj, skola och umgänge. / Previous research on children exposing children to violence is limited and there is no research on how these children are being supported by social services. The purpose of the study is therefore to examine how social workers pay attention to and work with children who have exposed children to violence. This is conducted through a qualitative research method, in which the empirical material is obtained through ten structured interviews with social workers. The studys’ result is presented through a thematic analysis and analyzed with help of Bourdieus’ perspective. Later on, the result is being discussed in relation to previous research. The main conclusions drawn from the result are that violence between children are not always noticed and the social workers’ assessments of children who has exposed children to violence are affected by factors such as age, gender, severity of crime and socioeconomics. The result shows that the social services have a number of interventions available, but the range of these vary between municipalities and some social workers therefore experience a lack of interventions. Risk and protective factors that are given extra attention are the immediate environment that conclude family, school and social life.

Samverkan som prinSip - en studie av interprofessionell samverkan genom SIP

Kristensson, Hampus, Perry, Elias January 2020 (has links)
The professionals active in the Swedish health and welfare system have in recent years become less holistic and more specialised in their professions. This has resulted in complications due to the complex nature of some cases they work on. The focus on expertise the individual professional possesses has a tendency to blind them of relevant aspects of the clients case outside their own field of expertise. Due to this there has been a noted tendency of clients” falling between the cracks” and not receiving the help they are entitled to. By performing a directed qualitative content analysis, the authors of this paper aim to investigate aspects of the interprofessional collaboration that either benefit or harm the work they do. To do this the authors of this paper analyse different evaluation reports made by Swedish municipalities and regions on their interprofessional collaborations through what is known as a coordinated individual plan, and compare these reports to previous research and also analyse these results with the aid of Domain theory. In this paper we discover that boundaries set up between professionals both benefit and harm the work that is done in Swedish welfare organisations. We also discover how the Swedish social works professional identity affect their relations with other organisations and professionals.

"Alla hatar mig" : En lärares tvekan till anmälningsplikten

Grindebäck, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
With this degree project, I want to show that there are contradictions between the duties the teaching profession is committed to following. Duties as in the duty to report, compulsory schooling, or the assignment written in the school's governing document, Lgr 11. I have analyzed the concept of duty through ethics and moral thinking where I have tried to show that it can depend on how one as a teacher values the duties. The analysis and reflection are based on my own experience. To highlight my dilemma, I have formulated three questions based on my story, to investigate in this essay. What does the obligation to report mean for my actions towards students in a vulnerable family situation? How can I understand my reluctance to follow the law regarding the obligation to report? How is my professionalism affected by my reluctance to comply with the obligation to report? I have written a story which gets the reader involved in different situations where my professional knowledge as a teacher at after-school center is challenged. With the help of literature and research, I try to see the events in my story from a distance to get closer to an answer to my questions about the conflict between my duties as assigned by the governing documents and as a fellow human being. An important part of the analysis is to question whether we as teachers need to take into account what actually can happen to pupils as a consequence of our professional action and how we can understand different views that different teachers have about such action. I also discuss a number of difficult emotions accompanying my actions in the story. I want to highlight the importance of being self-critical to be able to see what is at the root of my own feelings when I hesitate to follow the law and the duties the teaching profession is committed to follow. / Med detta självständiga arbete vill jag visa att det finns motsägelser mellan de plikter läraryrket är åtagna till att följa. Plikter som anmälningsplikten, skolplikten eller det uppdrag som står skrivit i skolans styrdokument, Lgr 11, och även lärarens plikter som medmänniska. Jag har analyserat pliktbegreppet och försökt visa hur våra handlingar som lärare kan bero på hur vi värderar plikterna.  Analysen och reflektionen utgår från en egenupplevd berättelse. För att synliggöra mitt dilemma har jag utifrån min berättelse skapat tre frågeställningar. Vad innebär anmälningsplikten för mitt handlande gentemot elever i utsatt familjesituation? Hur kan jag förstå min motvilja att följa lagen när det gäller anmälningsplikten? Hur påverkas min professionalitet av min motvilja att följa anmälningsplikten. Med hjälp av litteratur och forskning försöker jag se händelserna i min berättelse på distans för att komma närmare ett svar. En viktig del av analysen är om vi som lärare behöver ta i beaktning vad som faktiskt händer med den elev som påverkas av våra handlingar samt hur vi kan förstå skillnader i lärarnas olika uppfattningar om sådana handlingar. Jag diskuterar även ett antal svåra känslor som uppstår i samband med mina handlingar i berättelsen. Jag vill lyfta fram vikten av självkritik för att verkligen kunna se vad som ligger som grund för dessa känslor när jag tvekar att följa lagen om anmälningsplikten när det gäller ett barn i utsatt familjesituation.

Hemlöshet som konstruktion : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys / Homelessness as a construction : A qualitative content analysis

Wegestål, August, Hesselberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the social services' guidance document for assistance to residents in the city of Malmö and its impact for the social work with homelessness in Malmö. The study based its empirical data on a qualitative content analysis of the social services' guidance document for assistance to residents in the city of Malmö. In the analysis, the guidance document was encoded and thematized according to a code frame. Through this we saw how homelessness was constructed in the document. We found similarities and differences in how the document constructed homelessness and how previous research described the phenomenon. By applying organizational theory and social constructivism to these differences, possible consequences for the practical social work with homelessness in Malmö appeared. Our main results show that the guidance document seen as an act of instrumental rationality can lead to social workers ending up further away from the clients problems and closer to the organization's way of working. Furthermore, the social services' use of compelling categories can lead to the social work with homelessness creating power structures and maintaining unequal conditions in society. Finally, the social work is at risk becoming a normative practice where the social services maintain assumptions and interpretations about the concept of a home as something linked to a fixed geographical point. As a result of this, homelessness could be perceived as something deviating in relation to this concept and the social services are involved in maintaining this perception.

Využívání příspěvku na péči v rodinách s dětmi s dlouhodobě nepříznivým zdravotním stavem / Using care allowance in families with children with long term unfavourable health condition

Janáčová, Pavlína January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on problems with purpose and use of care allowance in families with children with long term unfavourable health condition. The work is divided according to its content into a theoretical and empiric parts. The theoretical part deals with a development of an approach towards people suffering any health disability throughout history, it explains terms such as family, health handicap or the situation of a caring family, furthermore the work describes specific systems of social care and help. The empiric part analyses legislative scope of care allowance including comparison of similar social allowances abroad. It also works with accessible statistic data. The solution of the above mentioned case is complemented by case studies of five caring families with children with long term unfavourable health condition, where the author of this work gathered the data on the basis of qualitative sociologic research - through semi-structured interviews.

Uppfattningar om betydelsefulla signifikanta andra i skolkontexten : En socialpedagogisk analys av intervjuer med professionella och ungdomar kring ungdomars problematiska substansbruk

Sonninger, Emmie, Atanasoski, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att analysera skolan som skyddsfaktor för elever med problematiska substansbruk. Vidare ville vi identifiera professionellas och ungdomars upplevelser angående vilka aspekter som anses vara betydelsefulla för dessa ungdomars lärande, identitetsutveckling och förändring inom skolkontexten. Det omfattar även identifiering av hindrande dimensioner som professionella och ungdomar upplever i relation till skolans roll vilket omfattar resurser, aktörssamarbete och tillämpning av olika strategier för dessa ungdomar. För att djupgående kunna åstadkomma studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metodansats valts. Fyra personer från tre olika professioner inom skolkontexten har intervjuats, en elevkoordinator, två skolkuratorer och en specialpedagog. Dessutom har två ungdomar som brukar alkohol och/eller narkotika medverkat i studien. Den metodologiska utgångspunkten i studien är den fenomenologiska vetenskapsteorin. Den teori som analyserar studien är den symboliska interaktionismen. Informanterna som har medverkat i studien har kunnat bidra med ett resultat där identifiering av vilka komponenter som anses vara mest betydelsefulla för denna målgrupp har kunnat fastställas. Studiens resultat har kunnat påvisa att meningsfulla relationer med signifikanta vuxna inom skolkontexten anses vara den största framgångsfaktorn för elever som har ett problematiskt substansbruk. Genom att vara en signifikant vuxen skapar de professionella en trygg, meningsfull och lärorik miljö där dessa ungdomar upplever ett givande skolklimat och ökad motivation till förändringsprocesser.

Měření výkonu v sociálních službách / Measurement of performance in social services

Kotmelová, Bedřiška January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on measuring performance in social services, specifically in contributory organizations. The theoretical part deals with the definition and history of performance measurement as such, the description of the legal form of the contributory organization. Furthermore, the author deals with the definition of indicators, the description of their qualities in terms of the theory of performance measurement and models of performance measurement. In the practical part of the work, the author focuses on measuring performance in the field of care service and focuses on three possible and used indicators in the care service, namely the number of minutes / hours of direct work, the number of working hours and the number of clients. It analyzes these indicators in terms of the demands of performance measurement theory, describing the pitfalls associated with them in measuring performance in the care service and suggesting possible solutions. Keywords Performance measurment, social services, indicator, performance measurement models, balanced scorecard, benchmarking,

Informovanost osob bez domova o dostupných sociálních službách / Awareness of homeless people about available social services

Petrová, Angelika Nelly January 2021 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis focuses on the awareness of homeless people about available social services that could help improve their current life situation. The main goal of this work is to find out what social services for the homeless these people know, which of them they have used, what is their experience with them and whether these services can lead to a return to the majority society in their opinion or whether they only help the homeless to survive. This is a case study that took place in the capital city of Prague. Data were collected in the form of semi- structured in-depth interviews directly with homeless people. A total of 29 interviews took place. The diploma thesis first describes the definition of homelessness in the theoretical part, possible causes of homelessness and the social system of the Czech Republic. In the methodological part of the work, I describe the target population, the technique of selecting informants, the method of data collection, the advantages and disadvantages of semi-structured interviews, the method of data processing and analysis, and the ethics of research. This is followed by a presentation of the results, their analysis, answering research questions, discussion of the methods used, reflection on the shortcomings of my own work, and recommendations...

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