Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda social services"" "subject:"ando social services""
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Entre o princípio da emancipação e o fardo da institucionalização: dilemas do projeto ético-político profissional na busca de caminhos para intervenção / Between the emancipation principle and institucionalization burden: ethical-political dillema in the search for interventionJonatas Lima Valle 17 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo é refletir sobre questões pertinentes aos limites e às possibilidades que permeiam o exercício profissional de assistentes sociais comprometidos com o que se convencionou chamar, no meio profissional, de Projeto Ético-Político do Serviço Social brasileiro. O que, em nossa compreensão, requer considerar os impactos da intervenção profissional em relação aos diferentes projetos societários. Para a realização desse estudo, retomamos debates que consideramos centrais para pensarmos a intervenção do assistente social, enfatizando os dilemas e pretensões postos a esse profissional, partindo dos interesses burgueses que conformaram o Projeto institucional que lhe traz requisições. Buscamos pensar a tensão presente entre esse Projeto Institucional e o referido Projeto Ético-Político, considerando as relações de oposição e poder, e possíveis negociações estabelecidas entre ambos, pois, assim, pudemos mergulhar nesse universo e avaliarmos o conceito de autonomia profissional, em busca de possibilidades interventivas pertinentes à materialização (ainda que relativa) do Projeto Ético-Político do Serviço Social brasileiro. Para enriquecer esse debate, realizamos uma pesquisa empírica que recorreu instrumentalmente a questionários e a entrevistas. O primeiro teve a finalidade de contribuir para a escolha dos profissionais a serem entrevistados e enriquecer alguns dados de análise. A entrevista foi realizada com assistentes sociais que atuam na área da saúde, empregados pelo Estado, em processo de formação continuada e que alegaram compromisso com o referido Projeto Ético-Político Profissional. / The aim of this study is to discuss issues pertinent to the limits and possibilities that permeate professional practice of social workers committed to what is called, in a professional, Project Ethical-Political Brazilian Social Service. What, in our understanding, requires consideration of the impacts of professional intervention in relation to various corporate projects. To conduct this study, we resumed discussions that we consider central to think the intervention of a social worker, emphasizing the dilemmas and claims made in this work, starting from the bourgeois interests that shaped the institutional design that brings requests. We seek to think the present tension between this project and the Institutional Ethical-Political Project said, considering the relations of opposition and "power", and possible "negotiations" between both established because, well, we dive into this universe and evaluate the concept of professional autonomy in search of relevant interventional possibilities for realizing (albeit relative) Project Ethical-Political Brazilian Social Services. To enrich this debate, we conducted an empirical research which used instrumentally to questionnaires and interviews. The first aimed to contribute to the choice of professionals to be interviewed and enrich some data analysis. The interview was conducted with social workers who work in health care, state employees, in continuous formation process and argued that commitment to that project Ethical-Political Professional.
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Sociální péče o seniory / Social care for the elderlyTřešňáková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Social care for the elderly Abstract The thesis deals with the issue of social care in the Czech Republic with regard to persons in retirement age. The main aim of this diploma thesis was to summarize the basic facts about this care and to provide the reader with a clear list of possible improvements or alternatives of social care for the elderly in various social security areas. In the introductory part, the paper first examines whether there is a need to address this topic and whether the Czech population is really getting old. These hypotheses have been confirmed on the basis of statistical data. This analysis also showed that resolving aging in the Czech Republic can solve support for family care. This form of care is the cheapest and easiest form of care in the Czech cultural and social environment. For this reason, the second chapter examines specifically family care in the Czech Republic. It deals first with the advantages and disadvantages of family care, then mentions the issue of gender imbalance in providing this care and the contemporary phenomenon of the sandwich generation. In one subchapter, the work mentions also the disproportionation of the old-age pension benefit of a family care provider where this care is provided for more than 15 years, and how this benefit could be proportionally...
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Socialtjänstens samverkan med Polisen i ärenden angående våld i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelse av samverkan.Ström, Harriet January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate social workers experiences about collaboration with the police in domestic violence issues. About how social workers felt about abilities to improve collaboration in their work. The empirical data consists of qualitative interviews with 11 social workers within the social services in Sweden. In Härnösand, Sundsvall, Gustavsberg och Malmö. The social workers recognized theoretical benefits with collaboration. The social workers also recognized major dificulties in their practice. The practical dificulties caused feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction and insufficency among the social workers. They showed major pessimism about their current work situation. Nevertheless they expressed good-will in their work. All social workers expressed that improvements were necessary. The results of the interviews were analyzed using qualitative content-analysis, and the new institutional theory of organization. The conclusions of the study are: The dificulties were mainly caused by circumstances within the social services organisation rather than between the social services and the police. / <p>2018-05-21</p>
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Ekonomiskt bistånd : En studie om handläggarnas upplevelse av införandet av robothandläggning i socialtjänsten / Social welfare : A study on the introduction of robotic techniques in social servicesAndersson, Mimmi, Lindberg, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Social welfare - A study on the introduction of robotic techniques in social services We have studied how administrators in social services experience the new work method with robotic techniques. Based on a focus group interview and two deep interviews, the finding shows that it is important to provide information and time when making a reorganization. The new work method has caused concern among the administrators about the future of social work. They are critical of how the implementation process has been addressed. The results we gained show that the administrators look forward to the future regarding robotic techniques, even though their attitudes have been negative. Based on our findings we have concluded that the decision of implementing robotic techniques has been made at higher level and that the administrators lacked influence in the decision-making process. We have also made observations of what have been published in the media to see how the attitudes of the administrators were influenced by what is written. Keywords: Social welfare, robotic techniques, attitudes, mass media, social services
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”Jag skulle önska att det inte var så byråkratiskt” : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheterna av bemötandet från socialsekreterare, ur perspektivet av en grupp personer med bipolär sjukdomSvanberg, Carolina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur en grupp personer med bipolär sjukdom upplever att de blivit bemötta av socialsekreterare på socialtjänsten samt undersöka om det fanns något enligt dessa personer som kunde förändras i bemötandet. Den insamlade datan är från fyra fokuserade, semistrukturerade chattinterjvuer, där urvalet bestått av personer med bipolär sjukdom som har haft kontakt med socialtjänsten. Det viktigaste resultatet som framkommit från den insamlade datan i relation till syfte och frågeställningar, är att stigmatisering gentemot vissa intervjupersoner förekommer i deras möten med socialsekreterare. Dock har en del intervjupersoner också upplevt ett professionellt bemötande där en öppen dialog har funnits. Intervjupersonerna tycker att bemötandet kan förändras genom bättre lyhördhet, förberedelser, mer personlig stöttning och bättre individanpassade åtgärder. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how a group of people with bipolar disorder finds that they have been treated by social security officers in the social services and investigate if there were any things that could change in the treatment. The collected data is from four focused, semi structured, chat interviews, where the selection consisted of people with bipolar disorder who have had contact with social services. The most important result from the collected data in relation to purpose and questions is that stigmatization towards certain interviewees occurs in their meetings with social security officers. However, some interviewees have also experienced a professional response where an open dialogue has existed. Those who have been interviewed think that the response can change through better responsiveness, preparation, more personal support and better individualized actions.
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Entre o princípio da emancipação e o fardo da institucionalização: dilemas do projeto ético-político profissional na busca de caminhos para intervenção / Between the emancipation principle and institucionalization burden: ethical-political dillema in the search for interventionJonatas Lima Valle 17 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo é refletir sobre questões pertinentes aos limites e às possibilidades que permeiam o exercício profissional de assistentes sociais comprometidos com o que se convencionou chamar, no meio profissional, de Projeto Ético-Político do Serviço Social brasileiro. O que, em nossa compreensão, requer considerar os impactos da intervenção profissional em relação aos diferentes projetos societários. Para a realização desse estudo, retomamos debates que consideramos centrais para pensarmos a intervenção do assistente social, enfatizando os dilemas e pretensões postos a esse profissional, partindo dos interesses burgueses que conformaram o Projeto institucional que lhe traz requisições. Buscamos pensar a tensão presente entre esse Projeto Institucional e o referido Projeto Ético-Político, considerando as relações de oposição e poder, e possíveis negociações estabelecidas entre ambos, pois, assim, pudemos mergulhar nesse universo e avaliarmos o conceito de autonomia profissional, em busca de possibilidades interventivas pertinentes à materialização (ainda que relativa) do Projeto Ético-Político do Serviço Social brasileiro. Para enriquecer esse debate, realizamos uma pesquisa empírica que recorreu instrumentalmente a questionários e a entrevistas. O primeiro teve a finalidade de contribuir para a escolha dos profissionais a serem entrevistados e enriquecer alguns dados de análise. A entrevista foi realizada com assistentes sociais que atuam na área da saúde, empregados pelo Estado, em processo de formação continuada e que alegaram compromisso com o referido Projeto Ético-Político Profissional. / The aim of this study is to discuss issues pertinent to the limits and possibilities that permeate professional practice of social workers committed to what is called, in a professional, Project Ethical-Political Brazilian Social Service. What, in our understanding, requires consideration of the impacts of professional intervention in relation to various corporate projects. To conduct this study, we resumed discussions that we consider central to think the intervention of a social worker, emphasizing the dilemmas and claims made in this work, starting from the bourgeois interests that shaped the institutional design that brings requests. We seek to think the present tension between this project and the Institutional Ethical-Political Project said, considering the relations of opposition and "power", and possible "negotiations" between both established because, well, we dive into this universe and evaluate the concept of professional autonomy in search of relevant interventional possibilities for realizing (albeit relative) Project Ethical-Political Brazilian Social Services. To enrich this debate, we conducted an empirical research which used instrumentally to questionnaires and interviews. The first aimed to contribute to the choice of professionals to be interviewed and enrich some data analysis. The interview was conducted with social workers who work in health care, state employees, in continuous formation process and argued that commitment to that project Ethical-Political Professional.
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Analýza vybavenosti sociálními službami v regionu Příbram / Analysis of facilities of social services in the Region of PříbramSLEZÁKOVÁ, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
In choosing the subject of this degree work I was led by the effort to give an exhaustive integral report on the development in the sphere of the social and health care and to analyze the facilities for social sevices in the region of Příbram. As it is not possible to evaluate the facilities for social services without the description of basic historical events, of current demographic indexes and without the indication of the future development, the historical part together with the specification of particular groups threatened with social exclusion (seniors and handicapped people) forms an indispensable chapter of the theoretical part of this degree work. In connection with the fact that the region of Příbram is a specific industrial locality with signs of changes in the original structure of the population, it is possible to state that the people moved herein show less family solidarity and unity with each other. For that reason more facilities for social services are at disposal in this region. It is the unity care service rendered not only in own homes but directly in the houses of the clients as well, that has the oldest tradition among all providers The family nursing care rendered by one of two organizations has already the tradition of more than 15 years too. As to the care of seniors, the most significant provider that is the allowance organization "Pečovatelská služba města Příbram". This organization offers field care service and runs the home for seniors.The service, that supports especially the security of the seniors in their households, that is AREÍON-Život 90 with about 50-60 clients.A great advantage is also the fact that a part of providers of social and associated services have the seat at the same place, in the Community Centre. As to the care of handicapped people the strongest point are the family care CHOPS and SANCO, the field care service and other services rendered by "Pečovatelská služba města Příbram", the activities of unions and organizations associating handicapped people, assistance services and consultancy, community centre Příbram VII, day centre in the town nursery school and in the rehabilitation short stay hospital It is not simple to prognosticate further development as to rendering social services a relatively active social policy on the local level and a large extent of collaboration among particular groups of those, who provide social services, are promising and hopeful for the future.An important role will play the fact whether these organizations will obtain sufficient financial means needed for ensuring the services, they offer, within the sphere of multisorce financing. The demand for services and staffs meeting the requirements fixed by the Act on social services will be of great importance too.
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Zhodnocení výkonnosti a efektivity poskytovaných služeb v nízkoprahových zařízeních pro děti a mládež / Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Services Provided in Low-threshold Facilities for Children and YouthZELENÁ, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
Low-threshold facilities for children and youth are a relatively new and still evolving service. The efficiency and effectiveness of this particular service have not been significantly surveyed yet. Therefore, in this thesis Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Services Provided in Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth, I tried to outline theoretical aspects of this issue and to compare them with practice. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of services in selected low-threshold facilities for children and youth with regard to proven facts and to suggest proceedings that would lead to an overall improvement and higher effectiveness of social services. Based on the research conducted by a questionnaire survey in clients of selected low-threshold facilities for children and youth, and by the secondary analysis of the data obtained in these facilities, I tried to suggest ideas that would lead to more effective provision of services in individual facilities surveyed. In the theoretical part emphasis is placed on the issue of efficiency and effectiveness in facilities providing social services. Furthermore, attention is focused on the description of low threshold facilities for children and youth as an organization providing social services, the legislative base of these facilities, the mission, goals and services through which the mission has been carried out. The main outcomes of the thesis are based on a detailed elaboration of the issue of efficiency and effectiveness of low-threshold facilities for children and youth, and a proposition of procedures which could be used to improve services in surveyed facilities to get closer to clients to meet their needs. The outcomes of the thesis presented in practice can also serve as an inspiration for other facilities of a similar character to evaluate and improve the efficiency of services provided.
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Služby pro osoby se znevýhodněním a jejich transformace po roce 2007 / "Services for people with handicaps and their transformation after 2007BARVÍNKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The services for handicapped people and their transformation after 2007 The present graduation thesis deals with screening the situation in the area of social services for persons with different handicap, especially regarding the transformation of social services after 2007. In the theoretical part, I am describing particularly the characteristics of the previous and the current systems of social services. When characterising the previous system of social services, I concentrate on the legislation, governing this system. Further I am presenting the characteristics and status of the consulting services, and socially activating service, as in the further chapters I am dealing with the latter when presenting the services of the KONÍČEK, o. s. association. When presenting the new system of social services, I am describing in particular the basic principles of this system, changes it brings to the users, legislation and quality standards of the social services. A big chapter is devoted to the Social Services Act. Further chapters describe the financing of social services, education of workers in social services, and work of volunteers in social services. The practical part presents my hypothesis and the aims of the present work. Further chapters present the target group and describe the data collection. Data was collected in the form a guided interview, the questions were answered by the representatives of the given non-profit organization. This chapter includes also a presentation of the activities of the KONÍČEK, o. s. association before 2007, when the services were not registered. Further I am presenting the activities of the association in 2008, when the association was already a registered provider of social services. I am presenting, in the Discussion chapter, the screening of the transformation of social services after 2007, the obtained data, and I am offering their comparison with the outputs found out in the KONÍČEK, o. s. association, or with literature data.
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Zdravotní a sociální služby nabízené obyvatelům sociálně vyloučených lokalit v Českých Budějovicích / Health and social services offered to residents of socially excluded localities in České BudějoviceSÁDOVSKÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
My diploma thesis focuses on finding out what health and social services are provided to the inhabitants of socially excluded localities in České Budějovice. Social exclusion is a process within which the access of individuals, groups of individuals or a community to sources, positions and opportunities enabling the involvement into social, economic and political activities society, is substantially impeded or completely prevented. The seriousness of the situation is illustrated by the fact that the year 2010 was declared the European European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. One of the possibilities to deal with this situation is to provide health and social services, such as field programmes, social counselling, low-threshold services for young people and crisis assistance. My thesis aims at finding out whether health and social services provided to the inhabitants of socially excluded localities in České Budějovice are available, sufficient, oriented in the right direction, and whether they are used. At the beginning of the theoretical part, I made a brief definition of the terms social exclusion and poverty. Further, I described the main problem spheres of socially excluded citizens to which health and social services should react, and I also added a description of the current situation in individual socially excluded localities selected and of the specification of health and social services that the thesis deals with. The end of the theoretical part contains a summary of the theoretical part and subjects for my own research. The objective of my thesis was to survey the availability and sufficiency of services, especially in the health and social services offered to the inhabitants of socially excluded localities in České Budějovice. The defined objective of my thesis was achieved. To achieve it I used in the practical part the qualitative research, questioning method, the semi-controlled interview technique and analysis of the available data. Research was carried out in two selected sets, one of which consisted of inhabitants of chosen socially excluded localities, and of providers of health and social services in České Budějovice. The data obtained may be used by providers of services to consider an extension of these services. Further, it may serve as an output for an expert article or a basis for further research realised in this field.
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