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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jezuitská architektura v Jižní Americe / Jesuit architecture in South America

Vopálková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis called The Jesuit Arquitecture in South America focused on Andean area is treating the jesuit arquitecture in South America and it is focused on the arquitecture in towns in The Andean Area, now the states of Beru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. My final work has an intention to provide a summary of this fascinating part of the colonial history of art of Latin America. I tried to deal with the part of the jesuit history from the arrival of members of the Society of Jesus in the end ot the XVI. century to their expulsion in the year 1767. The content of this thesis is to present the jesuit arquitecture and to present their caracteristics and diferences from the european baroque arquitecture. I wanted to speak about the forms and technologies of the jesuit works and to compare them, to compare the jesuit buildings, which I am dealing with, between them and they are comparated with the itailan jesuit church called Il Gesù. At the end, I included the actual situation of the jesuit building in The Andean Area.

Andský svět z pohledu dětského vypravěče / Andean universe in the aspect of childish narrator

Tomanová, Magdaléna January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá pohledem dětského vypravěče na andský svět. Tato perspektiva je analyzována na základě románů dvou peruánských spisovatelů: Hluboké řeky od José Maríi Arguedase a Kronika ze San Gabriel od Julia Ramóna Ribeyra. Práce je rozdělená na teoretickou a analytickou část. Teoretická část pojednává o indigenistickém literárním proudu, životě autorů a románu formování. Analýza uvedených děl je rozdělena do tří částí: tematický, kompoziční a jazykový plán. Tematický plán reflektuje konfrontaci dvou světů (andský a západní) a motivy, které romány sdílejí. V kompozičním plánu jsou rozebrány veškeré náležitosti související s kompozicí děl a navíc výsledek dosaženého vývoje ústředních protagonistů. Jazykový plán se zaměřuje na postavu vypravěče a rozbor využitých jazykových prostředků. V závěru je vyhodnocený rozdílný pohled hrdinů na andský svět. Klíčová slova: andský svět, západní svět, motiv, kompozice, vývoj, vypravěč, jazykové prostředky My thesis deals with a child narrator's point of view at the Andean universe. This perspective is analysed on the basis of novels by two Peruvian writers: Deep River by José María Arguedas and Chronicles from San Gabriel by Julio Ramón Ribeyro. The diploma work is divided into theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part talks about...

Les cortèges de la fortune : dynamiques sociales et corporelles chez les danseurs de morenada (La Paz, Bolivie) / The parades of wealth : social and bodily dynamics among morenada dancers (La Paz, Bolivia)

Fléty, Laura 22 June 2015 (has links)
Lors de la grande célébration de Jesús del Gran Poder qui mobilise chaque année en Bolivie toute la ville de La Paz, la morenada, danse centrale du rituel, met en scène des personnages aux visages noirs portant de lourds costumes, démesurés et opulents. Ces corps-objets ostentatoires sont mis en mouvement par les danseurs, créant une esthétique complexe de la richesse et de l’abondance. La morenada est exécutée par une population urbaine d’artisans et commerçants issus des flux de la migration indigène aymara, qui construisent laborieusement une réussite socio-économique leur permettant de s’imposer en ville. A travers une ethnographie des pratiques corporelles des danseurs de morenada pendant la préparation et la réalisation de la performance, ce travail montre comment la danse peut être un outil de compréhension des processus de reconfiguration des positions individuelles et des identités collectives. En effet, dans l’espace de la morenada, les représentations et pratiques économiques, corporelles et dévotionnelles interagissent pour se transformer mutuellement. Plus largement, ce travail interroge la manière dont dynamiques corporelles et sociales concourent à inventer un rapport singulier à la prospérité : la danse n’est pas seulement le registre expressif de la réussite urbaine, elle en est sa mesure et sa condition. / In Bolivia, the great celebration of Jesús del Gran Poder, mobilizes every year the entire city of La Paz. The morenada, main dance of this ritual, stages characters with black faces, wearing heavy, opulent and disproportionate costumes. These ostentatious body-objects are moved by the dancers, creating an intricate aesthetic of wealth and abundance. The morenada is performed by an urban population of artisans and traders of rural Aymara background. They painstakingly build the socio-economic success that allows them to establish themselves in town. Based upon an ethnography of the morenada dancers’ bodily practices, during the preparation and realization of their performance, this work intends to show that dance can be a powerfull tool for understanding how individual positions and collective identities are constantly reshaping. Indeed, in the space of morenada, economic, bodily and devotional beliefs and practices, interact to transform each other. At a broader scale, this work questions the way bodily and social dynamics contribute to invent a specific relationship to prosperity: dance is not only the expression of urban success, but its measure and condition.

Agendas de política externa para a Comunidade Andina de Nações: os casos de Bolívia e Colômbia / Foreign policy agenda\'s for Andean Community: the cases of Bolivia and Colombia

Araujo, Flavia Loss de 29 August 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar e comparar as agendas das políticas externas de dois países andinos (Bolívia e Colômbia) com o intuito de compreender a pauta integracionista destes atores em relação à Comunidade Andina de Nações (CAN), processo de integração mais antigo da América do Sul. O período escolhido para a análise foi entre os anos de 2006 e 2010, pois abarca a saída da Venezuela da CAN e os mandatos dos presidentes Evo Morales, na Bolívia e Álvaro Uribe, na Colômbia. A escolha dos estudos de caso se deve ao antagonismo ideológico entre os presidentes citados em relação à pauta de integração. A ascensão de Morales e outros governos de esquerda na região em meados dos anos de 2000 trouxe reflexos para as relações internacionais dos países andinos, afetando também o projeto de integração da CAN. O comércio intra-regional manteve a CAN unida durante a crise da saída da Venezuela, mas são poucos os avanços em outras áreas prioritárias para a região, como a segurança, a cooperação e o próprio aprofundamento da integração econômica. A fim de compreender o presente contexto da CAN, o trabalho apresenta os principais paradigmas de política externa da Bolívia e Colômbia durante o século XX até a chegada de Morales e Uribe ao poder, quando são analisadas as novas estratégias de inserção internacional adotadas por estes atores. / The present study has as main objective to analyse and compare the foreign policy agendas of two Andean countries (Bolivia and Colombia) and understand the integration issue of these actors regarding the Andean Community of Nations (CAN, in spanish), the oldest integration proccess of South America. The chosen period of analysis is the one between the years of 2006 and 2010, coinciding with Venezuela\'s withdrawal from CAN and the mandates of presidents Evo Morales, from Bolivia and Álvaro Uribe, from Colombia. The choice of these case studies is due to the ideologic antagonism between the mentioned presidents concerned with regional integration. The ascension of Morales and other leftist governments starting in the decade of 2000 brought impact to the international relations of Andean countries, afecting the integration project of CAN. The intraregional trade has maintained the unity of CAN during the withdrawal of Venezuela, but few advances were verified regarding other main areas as security, cooperation and the deepening of economic integration in the region. In order to understand the present context of CAN, this study presents the Bolivian and Colombian main paradigms of foreign policy during the XX century until the arrival of Morales and Uribe to the presidency, when the new strategies of international insertion of these actors are analyzed.

Descrição de narrativas em espanhol de Aldana (Colômbia): o comportamento do PONTO DE VISTA segundo a teoria de espaços mentais / Description of narratives in the Spanish of Aldana (Colombia): the behavior of VIEWPOINT according to Mental space theory

Osorno, Juliana Angel 23 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever o comportamento do primitivo discursivo PONTO DE VISTA como proposto na teoria de espaços mentais (FAUCONNIER 1994, 1997) em duas narrativas em espanhol andino colombiano de Aldana. As narrativas foram extraídas de um corpus de entrevistas etnográficas colhido por Valentina Arango Villalón em 2011, em Aldana, na fronteira sul da Colômbia. Essas narrativas são fruto de uma entrevista feita por Arango Villalón e colegas com Manuel Erira, indígena pasto habitante da Reserva Indígena Pasto de Pastás em Aldana. Nelas, Erira explica a proveniência de alguns mitos e conta a história dos antepassados. Transcrevi as narrativas utilizando o software ELAN (desenvolvido pelo Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) e utilizando unidades entoacionais (CHAFE, 1994) como unidade de segmentação do fluxo da fala. Uma vez transcritas as narrativas, apliquei o modelo da etnopoética de Hymes (1994), que resultou na organização das narrativas segundo a sucessão e repetição de elementos significativos da estruturação da ação. Finalmente, apliquei o modelo de espaços mentais à análise das duas narrativas seguindo as propostas de Fauconnier (1994, 1997), Cutrer (1994), Doiz-Bienzobas (1995), Tenuta (2006) e Tenuta e Lepesqueur (2014), dando especial atenção ao comportamento do primitivo discursivo PONTO DE VISTA. Discuti a possibilidade de compatibilizar a noção de PONTO DE VISTA como descrita no modelo de espaços mentais com o conceito de focalização no estudo de narrativas proposto por Genette (1980). Esta dissertação aponta para a possibilidade de que o primitivo PONTO DE VISTA seja uma categoria híbrida que descreve, em um primeiro momento o espaço mental a partir do qual outros espaços mentais são criados/acessados, e em um segundo momento o espaço a partir do qual se conceitualizam os eventos sendo elaborados no espaço FOCO. A dissertação mostra também como a proposta de Doiz-Bienzobas (1995), de que os espaços IMPERFECTIVOS têm um PONTO DE VISTA interno associado a um self-experienciador, se relaciona com a segunda característica do primitivo discursivo em questão, ou seja, ser o espaço a partir do qual se conceitualizam os eventos sendo elaborados no espaço FOCO. Finalmente, a dissertação mostra como o conceito de focalização em Genette (1980) não é equiparável ao primitivo discursivo PONTO DE VISTA no modelo de espaços mentais. / The objective of this dissertation was to describe the behavior of the VIEWPOINT discourse primitive, as proposed by mental spaces theory (FAUCONNIER 1994, 1997), in two narratives in Colombian Andean Spanish from Aldana. The narratives are part of a corpus of ethnographic interviews collected by Valentina Arango Villalón in 2011 in Aldana, on the southern border of Colombia. The narratives emerged in an interview conducted by Arango Villaón and colleagues with Manuel Erira, native to the Pasto Indigenous People of Pastás, in Aldana. In the narratives, Erira explains the origins of some myths and tells the story of his predecessors. I transcribed the narratives using ELAN (developed by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) and the concept of intonation units (CHAFE, 1994) as units for the segmentation of the speech flow. I used Hymes´s(1994) model of ethnopoetics for the analysis of narrative structure, which resulted in an organization that responded to the succession and repetition of meaningful elements of action structure. I applied the model of mental spaces following Fauconnier (1994, 1997), Cutrer (1994), Doiz-Bienzobas (1995), Tenuta (2006) and Tenuta & Lepesqueur (2014), giving special attention to the discourse primitive VIEWPOINT. I discussed the possibility of matching the concept of VIEWPOINT as described in mental space theory and the concept of focalization as proposed by Genette (1980) in his study of narrative discourse. This dissertation shows the possibility of VIEPOINT being a hybrid category that describes first the mental space from which other spaces are created/accessed, and secondly the mental space from which the events described in FOCUS space are conceptualized. The dissertation also shows how Doiz- Bienzobas (1995) statement that IMPERFECTIVE spaces show an internal VIEWPOINT associated with an experiencer-self has to do with the second characteristic of VIEWPOINT stated above, namely that of VIEW POINT being the space from which events in FOCUS space are conceptualized. Finally, the dissertation shows how the notions of VIEWPOINT in mental space theory and focalization in Genettes (1980) are not equivalent.

Descrição de narrativas em espanhol de Aldana (Colômbia): o comportamento do PONTO DE VISTA segundo a teoria de espaços mentais / Description of narratives in the Spanish of Aldana (Colombia): the behavior of VIEWPOINT according to Mental space theory

Juliana Angel Osorno 23 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever o comportamento do primitivo discursivo PONTO DE VISTA como proposto na teoria de espaços mentais (FAUCONNIER 1994, 1997) em duas narrativas em espanhol andino colombiano de Aldana. As narrativas foram extraídas de um corpus de entrevistas etnográficas colhido por Valentina Arango Villalón em 2011, em Aldana, na fronteira sul da Colômbia. Essas narrativas são fruto de uma entrevista feita por Arango Villalón e colegas com Manuel Erira, indígena pasto habitante da Reserva Indígena Pasto de Pastás em Aldana. Nelas, Erira explica a proveniência de alguns mitos e conta a história dos antepassados. Transcrevi as narrativas utilizando o software ELAN (desenvolvido pelo Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) e utilizando unidades entoacionais (CHAFE, 1994) como unidade de segmentação do fluxo da fala. Uma vez transcritas as narrativas, apliquei o modelo da etnopoética de Hymes (1994), que resultou na organização das narrativas segundo a sucessão e repetição de elementos significativos da estruturação da ação. Finalmente, apliquei o modelo de espaços mentais à análise das duas narrativas seguindo as propostas de Fauconnier (1994, 1997), Cutrer (1994), Doiz-Bienzobas (1995), Tenuta (2006) e Tenuta e Lepesqueur (2014), dando especial atenção ao comportamento do primitivo discursivo PONTO DE VISTA. Discuti a possibilidade de compatibilizar a noção de PONTO DE VISTA como descrita no modelo de espaços mentais com o conceito de focalização no estudo de narrativas proposto por Genette (1980). Esta dissertação aponta para a possibilidade de que o primitivo PONTO DE VISTA seja uma categoria híbrida que descreve, em um primeiro momento o espaço mental a partir do qual outros espaços mentais são criados/acessados, e em um segundo momento o espaço a partir do qual se conceitualizam os eventos sendo elaborados no espaço FOCO. A dissertação mostra também como a proposta de Doiz-Bienzobas (1995), de que os espaços IMPERFECTIVOS têm um PONTO DE VISTA interno associado a um self-experienciador, se relaciona com a segunda característica do primitivo discursivo em questão, ou seja, ser o espaço a partir do qual se conceitualizam os eventos sendo elaborados no espaço FOCO. Finalmente, a dissertação mostra como o conceito de focalização em Genette (1980) não é equiparável ao primitivo discursivo PONTO DE VISTA no modelo de espaços mentais. / The objective of this dissertation was to describe the behavior of the VIEWPOINT discourse primitive, as proposed by mental spaces theory (FAUCONNIER 1994, 1997), in two narratives in Colombian Andean Spanish from Aldana. The narratives are part of a corpus of ethnographic interviews collected by Valentina Arango Villalón in 2011 in Aldana, on the southern border of Colombia. The narratives emerged in an interview conducted by Arango Villaón and colleagues with Manuel Erira, native to the Pasto Indigenous People of Pastás, in Aldana. In the narratives, Erira explains the origins of some myths and tells the story of his predecessors. I transcribed the narratives using ELAN (developed by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) and the concept of intonation units (CHAFE, 1994) as units for the segmentation of the speech flow. I used Hymes´s(1994) model of ethnopoetics for the analysis of narrative structure, which resulted in an organization that responded to the succession and repetition of meaningful elements of action structure. I applied the model of mental spaces following Fauconnier (1994, 1997), Cutrer (1994), Doiz-Bienzobas (1995), Tenuta (2006) and Tenuta & Lepesqueur (2014), giving special attention to the discourse primitive VIEWPOINT. I discussed the possibility of matching the concept of VIEWPOINT as described in mental space theory and the concept of focalization as proposed by Genette (1980) in his study of narrative discourse. This dissertation shows the possibility of VIEPOINT being a hybrid category that describes first the mental space from which other spaces are created/accessed, and secondly the mental space from which the events described in FOCUS space are conceptualized. The dissertation also shows how Doiz- Bienzobas (1995) statement that IMPERFECTIVE spaces show an internal VIEWPOINT associated with an experiencer-self has to do with the second characteristic of VIEWPOINT stated above, namely that of VIEW POINT being the space from which events in FOCUS space are conceptualized. Finally, the dissertation shows how the notions of VIEWPOINT in mental space theory and focalization in Genettes (1980) are not equivalent.

Genetic diversity and structure of three Andean tubers: Oxalis tuberosa Molina, Ullucus tuberosus Caldas and Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav.

Malice, Marie 19 August 2009 (has links)
Les tubercules andins oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas) et mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav.) sont des espèces tubéreuses cultivées originaires des régions hautes des Andes, où elles revêtent une importance particulière aux niveaux alimentaire, agronomique, culturel et économique. La diversité génétique au sein de ces espèces est très grande, mais est menacée d'érosion génétique. Dans ce contexte, notre étude s'est basée sur des échantillons de oca, ulluco et mashua, maintenus dans des système de conservation in situ et ex situ au Pérou et en Bolivie, dans l'objectif de contribuer à la conservation efficace (in situ et ex situ) de ces espèces négligées. Cette étude a combiné les connaissances autochtones andines, ainsi que des données agronomiques, morphologiques et moléculaires. Nous avons montré que l'agriculture andine conserve une grande diversité au niveau inter-spécifique, mais aussi au niveau intra-spécifique, en terme de nombre de variétés locales. Nous avons également mis en évidence de la présence de variétés hétérogènes, la congruence entre les données moléculaires et morphologiques, et une structure génétique influencée par la provenance géographique. Enfin, nous avons compilé l'ensemble de nos résultats dans un modèle récapitulatif. Nous avons montré l'importance des caractéristiques intrinsèques de l'espèce (mode de reproduction), ainsi que les spécificités du système agricole andin (socioculturels, économiques et environnementales). Cette étude a contribué de manière significative à la compréhension de la diversité génétique et de la structure des tubercules andins.

The War on Drugs in Latin America: How Misinterpretation Led to Failed Policy

Schooler, Edward Webb 01 January 2012 (has links)
The War on Drugs in Latin America: How Misinterpretation Led to Failed Policy investigates how and why United States counternarcotics policy failed abroad, specifically in the northern Andean region. This work examines the entire history of the US waged War on Drugs abroad beginning with President Richard M. Nixon and concluding with current President Barack Obama. After this thorough examination alternative counternarcotics policies are examined.


Maggard, Greg J. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Until relatively recently, the view of Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in the Americas was dominated by the “Clovis-first” paradigm. However, recent discoveries have challenged traditional views and forced reconsiderations of the timing, processes, and scales used in modeling the settlement of the Americas. Chief among these discoveries has been the recognition of a wide range of early cultural diversity throughout the Americas that is inconsistent with previously held notions of cultural homogeneity. During the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene, the development of widely varying economic, technological and mobility strategies in distinct environments is suggestive of a range of different adaptations and traditions. It is argued that colonization was a disjointed process involving alternative, perhaps competing strategies at local and regional levels. Individual groups likely employed distinct strategies for settling new landscapes. These different strategies are reflected in the cultural variability that has been documented in the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene archaeological records of South and North America. A scalar framework for conceptualizing and modeling this variability on local, regional, and continental scales is introduced. Although primarily focused on local and regional reconstructions, the results can be integrated with other regional studies to generate more comprehensive, continental-scale models of the peopling of the New World. This research provides insight into the local and regional variability—in terms of settlement patterns and economic and technological strategies—present in the archaeological record of at least two formally recognized Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene complexes (Fishtail and Paiján complexes) in the Quebradas del Batán and Talambo of the lower Jequetepeque Valley, northern Perú. Results of extensive survey, excavation, and materials analyses are used to characterize mobility strategies and settlement organization. This research indicates that two distinct patterns of site types, settlement, subsistence, and technology existed at the local level between the Fishtail (ca. 11,200-10,200 B.P.) and Paiján (ca. 10,800-9,000 B.P.); these patterns are indicative of differing regional strategies of colonization. Lastly, it is suggested that the adaptations and behaviors pursued during regional settlement, particularly by Paiján groups, set in motion an increasing reliance on plant foods and an early trend toward sedentism that carried forward into the Holocene period.

U.S. National Drug Control Strategy & the Andean Initiative Roots of Failure

Davis, Jonathon Scott 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the reason for the failure of the U.S. National Drug Control Strategy, and the Andean Initiative. Its scope is limited to cocaine trafficking from the Andean nations of Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru, to the United States. It provides the background of those strategies, and analyzes various explanations for failure. Based on this analysis, the thesis provides policy recommendations for antidrug efforts, which include increased emphasis on demand-related issues, judicial system consistency and harsher penalties, improvement in domestic and international coordination, and expanded restrictions on U.S. government agencies conducting covert operations. In conclusion, this thesis proposes that any real solution to the drug problem lies not with supply interdiction, and not with expanded foreign assistance, targeting user accountability in the United States.

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