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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of the Android Third-party stores : Specifically on the risks of Androidapplication / Evaluation of the Android Third-party stores : Specifically on the risks of Android application

Rong, Huan January 2016 (has links)
Android is an open source mobile operating system contributed by Google. In general, Google Play is the most secure place to download the mobile applications for Android system. [1] Products from this website are surely safe promised by Google Company. But there are many other third-party app stores around the world offering similar software. One incentive for them is that the security policy on different platforms varies a lot, and Android developers are free to distribute apps in any intended ways, which leads to a certain risk in the assorted stores such as malware. Therefore, it is crucial to know which application store can be trusted from the various app stores. [2] To support our research, a tool named APK Safety Test is developed to compare the APK files from different application stores with the version on Google Play. In this study, nine stores around the world are chosen and 20 various applications from them are checked in real-time by using the tool. From this research, people can learn the different risk how can be detected. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the result of risks how to affect the applications. Keywords: Android application, Android Stores, APK files, Risk

React Native application development : A comparison between native Android and React Native

Danielsson, William January 2016 (has links)
Creating a mobile application often requires the developers to create one for Android och one for iOS, the two leading operating systems for mobile devices. The two applications may have the same layout and logic but several components of the user interface (UI) will differ and the applications themselves need to be developed in two different languages. This process is gruesome since it is time consuming to create two applications and it requires two different sets of knowledge. There have been attempts to create techniques, services or frameworks in order to solve this problem but these hybrids have not been able to provide a native feeling of the resulting applications. This thesis has evaluated the newly released framework React Native that can create both iOS and Android applications by compiling the code written in React. The resulting applications can share code and consists of the UI components which are unique for each platform. The thesis focused on Android and tried to replicate an existing Android application in order to measure user experience and performance. The result was surprisingly positive for React Native as some user could not tell the two applications apart and nearly all users did not mind using a React Native application. The performance evaluation measured GPU frequency, CPU load, memory usage and power consumption. Nearly all measurements displayed a performance advantage for the Android application but the differences were not protruding. The overall experience is that React Native a very interesting framework that can simplify the development process for mobile applications to a high degree. As long as the application itself is not too complex, the development is uncomplicated and one is able to create an application in very short time and be compiled to both Android and iOS.

Alternatives to Native Mobile Development

Thelander, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
This study looks at alternatives to creating applications for the common mobile operating systems using their respective native languages. Many proposals on how to bridge the differences of the platforms exist, with Applecerator Titanium being one of them, offering native applications for several platforms with one common code. Titanium development is here compared to standard Android development by creating identical applications using the two technologies and comparing the development processes. Titanium shows great promise and is able to perform the same operations as Java, with significantly less code required. The Titanium application also works on other platforms, but with some additional work required. The application created with Titanium does not match standard Android development when developing for a single platform. However, when developing for multiple platforms it may be a suitable alternative, at least when developing applications without advanced functionality

Vilken standardkryptering är mest varaktig? : - Tester avseende några mobila operativsystems kryptering av filer och innehåll

Evertsson, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Är det möjligt att förlita sig på att de smarta mobiler som utnyttjar operativsystem bestående av Android, iOS eller Windows Phone, håller informationen skyddad från spridning om enheten blir stulen eller förläggs? Det här arbetet innefattar undersökandet av medföljande krypteringar för skydd av filer och dess innehåll på ett antal smarta mobiler som kör något av operativsystemen Android, iOS eller Windows Phone. En undersökning där resultatet blev att samtliga testade system är tämligen säkra utifall rätt förutsättningar finns tillhands, samt att mest varaktigast krypteringsalgoritmer innehas av Windows Phone i form av algoritmerna HMACSHA1 och HMACSHA256. / Is it possible to trust a smartphone running Android, iOS or Windows Phone, that it will keep the information protected if the unit is stolen or lost? This work is about if the provided encryptions for protecting files and its content on systems like Android, iOS or Windows Phone is enough secure or not. An investigation where the result showed that all tested systems are fairly secure, if the right conditions are met. The result also showed that the most enduring encryptions is held by Windows Phone with its HMACSHA1 and HMACSHA256 encryptions.

Mitt Fotbollslag : En mobilapplikation för fotbollslag

Malmsten Pedersen, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Den mobila applikationsmarknaden har växt explosionsartat under senare år. Många applikationer syftar till att förenkla vardagslivet för människor. Fotboll är världens största sport och många ägnar en del av sitt vardagsliv åt organiserad fotboll på amatörnivå. Målet med det här projektet var att undersöka hur informationsteknologi kunde förenkla administrationen av fotbollslag på lägre nivå. Projektets grundtanke var utveckling av en mobilapplikation till operativsystemet Android. Metoden som används var en klassisk objektorienterad utvecklingsmodell med faserna Planering, Analys, Design, Implementation och Test. I syfte att reda ut vilka funktioner som kunde anses mest intressant till en applikation av denna karaktär, användes en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen skickades ut och besvarades av fotbollstränare i division 5, och utgjorde grunden till en kravspecifikation för den tilltänkta mobilapplikationen. Kravspecifikationen kompletterades med funktioner som ansågs vitala för applikationens existens som exempelvis inloggning och val av användartyp. Utifrån kravspecifikationen utvecklades applikationen med tillhörande serverlösning. I syfte att säkerställa att de funktionella kraven hade uppfyllts genomfördes slutligen ett test för varje funktion i kravspecifikationen. Samtliga funktioner i kravspecifikationen uppfylldes. De slutsatser som kan dras är att informationsteknologi åtminstone kan förenkla vardagen för vissa fotbollslag. / During recent years the mobile application market has seen an explosive growth. Many of the applications are designed to simplify everyday life for people. Football is the largest sport in the world and many people devote a part of their everyday life to organized amateur-level football. The goal of this project was to investigate how information technology could simplify the administration of amateur-level football clubs. The initial idea was to develop an mobile applicationfor Android. The method that was used in the project was a classic objectoriented development model with the phases Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Test. A questionaire was created in order to find out the most usable features. The questionaire was answered by football coaches i the swedish 7th division and formed the basis of the requirement specification for the indended mobile application. Additional features like logging were identified as vital for the project and were also added to the requirement specification. The application was developed based on the features identified in the requirement specification. A test was designed and executed in order to ensure that the requirements were met. All features in the requirement specification were met. The conclusionis that information technology can simplify everyday life at least for some football clubs.

ByggletMobil : En Android applikation för byggbranschen

Larsson, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Den digitala tekniken utvecklas till olika användningsområden och antal mobila applikationer blir fler och fler både för privatlivet och yrkeslivet. Nu vill projektets uppdragsgivare Bygglet AB expandera mot den mobila marknaden med sin affärsidé. Företaget Bygglet AB arbetar i huvudsak mot byggbranschen och tillhandahåller det webbaserade projekthanteringsverktyget Bygglet. Denna uppsats behandlar examensarbetet med prototypen mobilapplikationen ByggletMobil. Rapporten innefattar både teoretisk och praktisk bakgrund, arbetet med implementationen och en motivation till att denna typ av digital teknik behövs inom byggnadsområdet. / Digital technology has been developed for different application areas and the number of mobile applications for both private and professional life is increasing. Now, the project's sponsor Bygglet AB is expanding to include the mobile market with their business idea. The company Bygglet AB works principally in the construction industry and provides the Web-based project management tool Bygglet. This dissertation presents a final year project on a prototype mobile application ByggletMobil. The report includes both a theoretical and practical background, work towards an implementation and a motivation for the need for this kind of digital technology in the construction area.

Försäljningsmetoder för spel på Android Market / Selling Methods for games on Android Market

Axelsson, Olof January 2012 (has links)
Smartphones med Android som operativsystem har under de senaste åren blivit en allt större del av vår vardag. Kandidatarbetet undersöker vilken försäljningsmetod man som utvecklare ska använda sig av för att få största möjliga förtjänst, när man säljer ett spel på Androids marknad. De försäljningsmetoder, som studerats, är reklam, prissatt och in app billing. Från insamlad statistik av Google och enkäter har en förståelse kring vilken metod att föredra tagits fram. Resultaten visar att alla fungerar trots deras olikheter sinsemellan. Förslag på hur en blandning av försäljningsmetoderna kan användas och hur man applicerar rätt metod till rätt spel diskuteras och presenteras.

Grundläggande undersökning och utveckling av GPS- spårningssystem för androidenheter / Basic Analysis and Development of GPS-Trackingsystem for Android

Strömberg, Niclas January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör dels för utvecklingen av två applikationer för Android och dels för jämförelsen mellan de två. Dessa applikationer skulle regelbundet samla in och skicka sin position till en server för spårning. Tanken var att en administratör för till exempel ett orienteringsevent skulle kunna följa deltagarna i realtid. I slutet av rapporten återfinns en utvärdering av de två applikationerna som utvecklades som försöker avgöra vilken av de två applikationerna som verkar effektivast med avseende på energikonsumtion och dataöverföringshastighet.   Arbetet utfördes åt Progmera i Linköping som tidigare haft en del kunder inom bl a orienteringsbranchen. / This report details both the development of two separate applications for Android and a comparative evaluation between the two. The applications where supposed to regularly collect and transmit the device position to a server for tracking. The applications where meant to be used at orientation events to maintain locations of all participants in real-time. At the end of this report the evaluation tries to determine the most effective solution based on energy consumption and data transfer time.   The project was performed for Progmera in Linköping, Sweden. The company had clients in the orientation business.

Kontextbaserad information genom iBeacon : En implementation i iOS och Android / Context-based information through iBeacon : An implementation in iOS and Android

Älveborn, Andreas, Lönnerstrand, Marcus January 2014 (has links)
I dagsläget växer behovet av rätt information vid rätt plats, kontextbaserad information. Med hjälp av iBeacon kan man till en stor utsträckning förse det här behovet med en lösning. I uppsatsen undersöks användningsområden för iBeacon och idéer för hur man kan utveckla lösningar med hjälp av iBeacon. Ett koncept kommer att implementeras för att distribuera kontextbaserad information på mässor. Konceptet utvecklades till iOS och Android. Applikationerna tar hjälp av en webbtjänst för att underlätta distribueringen av information. Implementationerna beskrivs i detalj och viktiga designval diskuteras och motiveras. / In the present day the need for relevant information at the right time and place is growing; so called context-based information. By using iBeacon based solutions this need can be largely satisfied. This dissertation explores uses for iBeacon as well as providing ideas for development. One concept which has been implemented is a mobile application for distribution of context based information in "mobility-expos". The concept has been developed for iOS and Android. The applications use a web service to facilitate distribution of information. The implementation is described in detail and important design choices are discussed and motivated.


Réquia, Gustavo Heydt 29 May 2013 (has links)
The present work had the purpose of making a few technologies (applications) available for farmers as a tool to promote the competitive edge of brazilian agribusiness by using smartphones and tablets with Android operating system already popularized by general community. With the development of these applications, user will not need to acquire another specific GPS device for data collection and subsequent discharging on a desktop computer in order to process them because data will be collected through the technology popularized, which has the GPS as one of its functions, and posteriorly processed on the device itself. The development of these systems will require Java programming language and UML language among other softwares necessary to develop them. Thus, the systems proposed have the purpose of supporting precision agriculture by using mobile devices and real time processing. / Este trabalho teve como desafio disponibilizar algumas tecnologias (aplicativos) para os produtores rurais, como ferramenta para promover a competitividade do agronegócio brasileiro, utilizando smartphones e tablets, com sistema operacional Android, já popularizado pela comunidade em geral. Com o desenvolvimento desses aplicativos, o usuário não terá necessidade de adquirir outro aparelho especifico de GPS para coletar dados e depois descarregá-los em um computador desktop para fazer o processamento dos mesmos, pois os dados serão coletados por meio da tecnologia popularizada, o qual tem uma de suas funções o GPS e serão processadas no próprio dispositivo. Para o desenvolvimento desses sistemas serão utilizados, linguagem de programação Java, linguagem UML entre outros softwares necessários para o desenvolvimento dos mesmos. Sendo assim, os sistemas propostos têm como objetivo auxiliar a agricultura de precisão utilizando dispositivos móveis e processamento em tempo real.

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