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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Normative Übergänge im Kindesalter : Anpassungsprozesse beim Eintritt in den Kindergarten, in die Grundschule und in die weiterführende Schule /

Beelmann, Wolfgang. January 2006 (has links)
Universiẗat, Habil.-Schr., 2001--Köln.

Die Hämoglobinmasse und das Herzzeitvolumen als zentrale Größen der Leistungsphysiologie

Falz, Roberto 25 January 2021 (has links)
Die akuten Antwortreaktionen auf Belastung und die langfristigen Anpassungen von Training sind leistungsphysiologisch teilweise gut beschrieben, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstanden. Aktuell eingesetzte Messverfahren der Leistungsdiagnostik erfassen hauptsächlich die maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme als Bruttokriterium der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit und die Laktatkinetik während der Belastungs-untersuchungen zur Ermittlung von Trainingsbereichen. Das Herzzeitvolumen als bedeutende Größe der aeroben Kapazität und die Hämoglobinmasse als Sauerstoffträger werden aktuell nur bei leistungsphysiologischen oder klinischen Forschungsfragen erfasst. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Darstellung, Weiterentwicklung und beispielhafte Anwendung moderner Messverfahren zur Ermittlung der Herzleistung und des Blutvolumens in der Leistungsphysiologie. Aktuelle leistungsphysiologische, klinische und eigene Studienergebnisse werden dazu vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Anwendung der Impedanz-kardiographie unter verschiedenen Belastungsbedingungen und der Einsatz der Kohlenstoffmonoxid-Methode (CO-Methode) zur Messung der Hämoglobinmasse. Systematisches körperliches Training erhöht die maximale aerobe Kapazität. Je nach Trainingsmethode konnten Verbesserungen der Herzleistung, Erhöhungen der Hämoglobinmasse bzw. des Blutvolumens und Anpassungen im Muskelgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Unsere Untersuchungsbefunde zeigen trotz ähnlicher metabolischer Reaktion verschiedene akute kardiopulmonale Antwortreaktionen bei verschiedenen Trainingsformen. Die vorgelegten hämatologischen Perzentilkurven und die modifizierte Dosiertechnik der CO-Methode zeigen das Potenzial für die Anwendung im sportwissenschaftlichen Bereich und bei krankheitsspezifischen Pathologien im Zusammenhang mit Veränderungen der Hämoglobinmasse. Schlussfolgernd sollte die Überführung der bisher bei Forschungsfragestellungen eingesetzten Messverfahren für das Belastungsherzzeitvolumen und der Hämoglobinmasse in die sportmedizinische Praxis erfolgen. In der Sportwissenschaft könnten hämatologische und hämodynamische Referenzwerte die Identifizierung von zentralen oder peripheren Leistungspotentialen ermöglichen und so wesentlich zur weiteren Leistungsentwicklung beitragen. Im Kontext von bewegungstherapeutischen Maßnahmen bei inneren Erkrankungen könnte das Wissen über Veränderungen der Herzleistung, der Hb-Masse und des BVs zudem die Diagnosestellung unterstützen und neue Therapieableitungen anregen.

Berufliche Leistung im Kontext dynamischer Arbeitsumwelten - Empirische Untersuchungen der Struktur und Korrelate von Adaptive Performance / Job Performance in the Context of Dynamic Work Environments - Empirical Studies of the Structure and Correlates of Adaptive Performance

Findeisen, André 22 July 2020 (has links)
In einer komplexen Berufswelt, in der ständige Veränderungen den Alltag vieler Unternehmen bestimmen, ist die Fähigkeit von Mitarbeitern, ihr Verhalten den veränderten Bedingungen anzupassen (Adaptive Performance) eine bedeutsame Facette der beruflichen Leistung. Es ist jedoch bis heute unklar, ob Adaptive Performance sich als eigenständiges Leistungskonstrukt von anderen Formen der beruflichen Leistung abgrenzen lässt. Ferner ist die Befundlage hinsichtlich einiger Antezedenzien inkonsistent, während andere bisher noch nicht im Zusammenhang mit Adaptive Performance untersucht wurden. In der ersten Studie wird ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Adaptive Performance sowie von Proactive Behavior, einem etablierten Konstrukt der beruflichen Leistungsforschung, entwickelt und anhand vorhandener Skalen validiert. Die Studie (N = 196) zeigt, dass sich adaptive Leistung von proaktivem Verhalten empirisch abgrenzen lässt. Es können emotionale Stabilität und (wahrgenommene) Autonomie als differenzielle Prädiktoren nachgewiesen werden, wobei emotionale Stabilität erwartungsgemäß höher mit Adaptive Performance und Autonomie höher mit Proactive Behavior korreliert. In der zweiten Studie werden anhand der aktuellen Forschungsliteratur Anforderungen an eine Instrumentenentwicklung zur fähigkeitsbasierten Erfassung von Adaptive Performance in Form eines webbasierten Postkorbs abgeleitet und die Entwicklung des Messinstruments beschrieben. Die aufgestellten Anforderungen werden anschließend anhand einer studentischen Stichprobe (N = 104) geprüft. In Studie 3 wird in einem Experiment (N = 185) der Einfluss von Intelligenz, der Fähigkeit, rational zu denken sowie von Routinestärke auf Adaptive Performance untersucht. Hierbei wird Adaptive Performance mit Hilfe des vorab entwickelten Postkorbs erfasst und die jeweiligen Zusammenhänge unter kontrollierten Bedingungen betrachtet. Entgegen der Hypothese ergeben sich keine Hinweise auf einen bedeutsamen Einfluss der Intelligenz. Hingegen zeigen sich bedeutsame Zusammenhänge mit der Fähigkeit, rational zu denken sowie mit der Routinestärke. Die theoretische sowie praktische Bedeutung der Befunde wird abschließend diskutiert und darauf aufbauend werden Implikationen für die weitere Forschung und Personalpraxis abgeleitet.

Workload-based optimization of integration processes

Böhm, Matthias, Wloka, Uwe, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 03 July 2023 (has links)
The efficient execution of integration processes between distributed, heterogeneous data sources and applications is a challenging research area of data management. These integration processes are an abstraction for workflow-based integration tasks, used in EAI servers and WfMS. The major problem are significant workload changes during runtime. The performance of integration processes strongly depends on those dynamic workload characteristics, and hence workload-based optimization is important. However, existing approaches of workflow optimization only address the rule-based optimization and disregard changing workload characteristics. To overcome the problem of inefficient process execution in the presence of workload shifts, here, we present an approach for the workload-based optimization of instance-based integration processes and show that significant execution time reductions are possible.

Die multiplen Intelligenzen in deutschen Lehrmitteln

Persson, Ulrike, Hansson, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
Schüler haben unterschiedliche individuelle Lernpräferenzen. Laut der gesetzlichen Vorgaben muss die Schule auf diese verschiedenen Lernertypen Rücksicht nehmen und soll den Unterricht deshalb individuell anpassen. Da die Lehrmittel ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Sprachunterrichts sind, führen wir in dieser Arbeit eine Lehrmittelanalyse durch, um zu erforschen, ob die Lehrmittelverfasser, mit Ausgangspunkt in den gesetzlichen Vorgaben, auf die neueste sprachdidaktische Forschung Rücksicht nehmen. Ausgehend von einem erweiterten Textbegriff, der sowohl geschriebene Texte, CDs, Filme als auch Bilder umschließt, untersuchen wir ausschließlich die Texte und Textbearbeitungsaufgaben in zwei Lehrmitteln für den Deutschunterricht in der gymnasialen Oberstufe, Stufe 3. Um herauszufinden, inwiefern die Lehrmittelverfasser auf die individuellen Unterschiede und Lernpräferenzen der Schüler Rücksicht nehmen, verwenden wir die multiplen Intelligenzen nach Gardner und untersuchen, welche Intelligenzen bei der Arbeit mit Texten Vorteile haben und wie häufig diese in den Lehrmitteln vorkommen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass nur geringe Unterschiede in den beiden Lehrmitteln vorkommen. Beide Lehrmittel haben eine begrenzte Variation an Textgenres und bieten den Schülern nur begrenzt Möglichkeiten, frei, gemäß ihren individuellen Lernpräferenzen, Aufgaben und Arbeitsweisen zu wählen. Trotz sichtlicher Bemühungen seitens der Lehrmittelverfasser sind nach wie vor Schüler mit ausgeprägt verbal-linguistischer und intrapersoneller Intelligenz durch die Arbeit mit diesen Lehrmitteln begünstigt.

Development of scenarios for sectoral adaptive capacity to climate change

van Maanen, Nicole 06 May 2024 (has links)
Anpassung ist ein komplexes soziales Phänomen, bei dem das Klimarisiko in verschiedenen sozialen und ökologischen Kontexten reduziert wird. Der 6. Sachstandsbericht des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change zeigt eine besorgniserregende Realität: Mit zunehmender globaler Erwärmung werden der Anpassung Grenzen gesetzt sein, was darauf hinweist, dass Anpassung allein nicht ausreicht, um den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels entgegenzuwirken. Länder im globalen Süden tragen paradoxerweise die Hauptlast des Klimawandels, obwohl sie am wenigsten für sein Auftreten verantwortlich sind. Es besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit, besser zu verstehen, wo und warum Anpassung stattfindet, was ihren Erfolg beeinflusst und wie die Anpassungsfähigkeit gestärkt werden kann. Die Quantifizierung der Anpassung ist aufgrund ihrer Komplexität schwierig, aber entscheidend für fundierte Entscheidungen und globale Zusammenarbeit. Herkömmliche Klimafolgenabschätzungen vernachlässigen oft die Anpassung oder verwenden einen stark stilisierten Ansatz, was das Potenzial für Anpassung verzerrt und die Notwendigkeit des Klimaschutzes herunterspielt. Es ist wichtig, Anpassung in quantitative Bewertungen einzubeziehen, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Diese Dissertation entwickelt Indexe für anpassungsrelevante Maßnahmen im Landwirtschaftssektor und projiziert ihre Umsetzung im 21. Jahrhundert auf der Grundlage verschiedener sozioökonomischer Szenarien. Ergebnisse zeigen die Bedeutung von Governance, Bildung und finanziellen Ressourcen für die Maximierung des Anpassungspotenzials. Länder mit geringer Entwicklung und begrenzter Anpassungsfähigkeit zeigen das größte Verbesserungspotenzial. Die Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen wird jedoch Jahrzehnte dauern. Die Verbesserung der Anpassungsfähigkeit ist von höchster Bedeutung, nicht nur im Bereich des Klimawandels, sondern auch in breiteren Entwicklungskontexten. Diese Dissertation bietet Einblicke zur Verbesserung der Klimaresilienz und umfassenden Klimafolgenabschätzungen. / Adaptation is a multifaceted social phenomenon where climate risk is navigated and responded to within various social and environmental contexts. The 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights a concerning reality: as global warming increases, there will be limits to what adaptation can accomplish, indicating that it will not always suffice to counter the escalating impacts of climate change. Countries in the Global South, often facing the greatest adaptation challenges, paradoxically, are projected to bear the major brunt of climate change despite holding the least responsibility for its occurrence. Given these prospects, there is an urgent need to better understand where and why adaptation is taking place, what drives its success in some places over others, and where efforts are vital for enhancing adaptive capacity. Furthermore, it becomes imperative to determine the upper limit of what adaptation can accomplish and which conditions are necessary to exploit its full potential, in order to fully grasp the risks posed by climate change. Quantifying adaptation is difficult due to its complex multi-level and cross-sectoral nature. Yet, it is crucial for integrating adaptation into climate impact assessments, essential for informed decision-making and global cooperation. Conventional climate impact assessments often neglect the inclusion of adaptation and adaptive capacity, or if addressed, they often adopt a highly stylized approach. This poses the risk of misrepresenting the potential for adaptation, likely overemphasizing its effectiveness while downplaying the need for climate mitigation. Projecting climate impacts without considering adaptation distorts the current reality of societal adjustments, making it essential to provide quantifiable insights into future adaptive capacity. This thesis addresses these challenges by developing three distinct indices for adaptation-relevant measures in the agricultural sector to understand the extent of their implementation and their socioeconomic determinants. These indices are projected throughout the 21st century based on various socioeconomic trajectories. My findings highlight the significance of strong governance, higher education levels, and improved financial resources as key drivers that can empower countries to maximize their adaptation potential. Throughout my analyses, a consistent pattern emerges: countries with modest socioeconomic development and limited adaptive capacity, especially in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, exhibit the greatest potential for improvement. However, overcoming these challenges will span several decades, extending well beyond the latter half of this century. Enhancing adaptive capacity and integrating it into quantitative assessments is of paramount importance not only within the climate change field but also in broader developmental contexts. This thesis encompasses a variety of subjects, providing interconnected insights to enhance the comprehension of pathways to climate resilience and improved impact assessments.

On-demand re-optimization of integration flows

Böhm, Matthias, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 04 July 2023 (has links)
Integration flows are used to propagate data between heterogeneous operational systems or to consolidate data into data warehouse infrastructures. In order to meet the increasing need of up-to-date information, many messages are exchanged over time. The efficiency of those integration flows is therefore crucial to handle the high load of messages and to reduce message latency. State-of-the-art strategies to address this performance bottleneck are based on incremental statistic maintenance and periodic cost-based re-optimization. This also achieves adaptation to unknown statistics and changing workload characteristics, which is important since integration flows are deployed for long time horizons. However, the major drawbacks of periodic re-optimization are many unnecessary re-optimization steps and missed optimization opportunities due to adaptation delays. In this paper, we therefore propose the novel concept of on-demand re-optimization. We exploit optimality conditions from the optimizer in order to (1) monitor optimality of the current plan, and (2) trigger directed re-optimization only if necessary. Furthermore, we introduce the PlanOptimalityTree as a compact representation of optimality conditions that enables efficient monitoring and exploitation of these conditions. As a result and in contrast to existing work, re-optimization is immediately triggered but only if a new plan is certain to be found. Our experiments show that we achieve near-optimal re-optimization overhead and fast workload adaptation.

Energieeffiziente Anpassung des Arbeitszyklus in drahtlosen Sensornetzen

Neugebauer, Mario 27 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Drahtlose Sensornetze können Zustände physikalischer Größen messen und an eine Basisstation (Datensenke) melden. Durch die geographische Verteilung der Sensorknoten und die Bedingungen bei der Mehrwegeausbreitung kann die Situation auftreten, dass nicht alle Sensorknoten direkten Kontakt zur Basisstation aufbauen können. Sie müssen andere Sensorknoten als Vermittlungsstation in Anspruch nehmen, um die Nachrichten an die Basisstation zu befördern. Um den Energieverbrauch zu verringern, werden Nachrichten zum einen ereignisbasiert generiert und zum anderen zeitbasiert vermittelt. Dabei beschreibt der Arbeitszyklus den Anteil der Vermittlungsaktivität am Gesamtzyklus. Derzeit verfügbare Methoden berücksichtigen allerdings nicht die Verknüpfung zwischen dem von der Anwendung generierten Verkehr und der Vermittlungshäufigkeit. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen, mit dem der Arbeitszyklus zur Laufzeit automatisch eingestellt werden kann. Dafür wird in der Vermittlungsstation die Verkehrscharakteristik gemessen und für die Einstellung des Arbeitszyklus benutzt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Anpassung des Arbeitszyklus wird mit Simulationen untersucht. Sie zeigen, wie sich der Ansatz bei verschiedener Parametrierung in statischen und dynamischen Szenarien verhält. Um dem späteren Anwender der Anpassung eine Abschätzung des Verhaltens zu ermöglichen, werden zusätzlich analytische Modelle für die Analyse des statischen und dynamischen Verhaltens entwickelt. Ferner wird gezeigt, dass der entwickelte Ansatz für etablierte Standardtechniken (z. B. IEEE 802.15.4) eingesetzt werden kann. / Wireless Sensor Networks support flexible measuring of physical values. Due to the geographical distribution and multipath scattering the base station in such a network might not be reached by all sensors. Hence, other sensor nodes have to work as relay stations. At the same time, each sensor node is forced to consume as low energy as possible. In order to save energy the messages are generated event based in each sensor node and forwarded with a time triggered approach. Thereby, the duty cycle describes the portion of the relay activities in relation to the overall cycle. Currently available approaches do not properly adapt these two paradigms, event and time triggered, to each other. In this work a method to adapt the duty cycle according to the traffic is proposed. Therefore, the traffic is monitored and evaluated for traffic adaptation. Furthermore, the performance of the duty cycle adaptation is assessed using simulations. They show the behavior of the adaptation algorithm in static and dynamic scenarios with different parametrizations. The supplemental analytical models enable to easily estimate the behavior of the adaptation, in static as well as in dynamic scenarios. Also, it is shown how the duty cycle adaptation can be deployed for standard technologies like IEEE 802.15.4.

U.S. Local Government Adaptation to Climate Change:

Hemingway, Jessica 06 February 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The desire for local governments to adapt to climate change seems logically relevant as weather extremes inhibit the ability of local governments to protect public health and safety and to ensure delivery of public services. By conducting planned adaptation to climate change local governments enable themselves to minimize risk and increase adaptive capacity to deal with climate change impacts. In the midst of a federal government, minus the Obama administration, that has tended to downplay the importance of climate change, action by local level governments - cities in particular - in the U.S. have been at the forefront of action on climate change. Little attention has been given to local government adaptation in rural areas by both researchers and policy makers alike. Rural areas are at risk to changes in climate because they tend to be reliant on climate sensitive industries, comprised of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and very young and to possess few resources to conduct land-use and other planning. This dissertation expands upon previous research by examining the decision to conduct planned adaptation by both urban and rural local government adaptation to climate change (RQ1) and by identifying the influences on the decision of local governments in both urban and rural areas to conduct planned adaptation to climate change (RQ2). New York State was selected as an appropriate case study to answer research questions because of the drastic contrast between urban and rural areas of the state. On the one hand, it has been one of the most progressive states in terms of climate change policy including its largest local government New York City; on the other hand, it is comprised of many rural local governments suffering from population and economic decline. An online survey was distributed to all New York State local governments in November/December 2011 and supplemented by informant discussions conducted before and after the survey. While a considerable amount of time has passed since the survey was conducted, it took place during what appears to be a particular timeframe in political history where the U.S. president supported action on climate change. Results of this study show strong differences in resource availability and the likelihood of urban vs. rural elected officials to conduct planned adaptation. One hundred and forty-two responses were received from large and small cities, towns, villages and counties. A traditional deductive research design was deployed to answer research questions. To examine the influences on the decision of local elected officials to conduct planned adaptation hypotheses were developed based on previous empirical studies and Mohr’s 1969 hypothesis that “Innovation is related to the motivation to innovate, inversely related to the strength of obstacles to innovation, and directly related to the availability of resources for overcoming such obstacles” (Mohr, 1969, p. 111). Two dependent variables were measured (1) planned adaptation or conscious decisions to adapt to climate change and an alternate dependent variable (2) formal and informal discussion of climate change within the local government. Independent variables measured related to local elected official motivation to conduct planned adaptation in the form of climate weather related concerns in New York State (i.e. extreme weather, water quality, and ecological changes), resource availability within the local government (i.e. budget, staff, climate change expertise) and the existence of obstacles toward planned adaptation external to local governments (i.e. public support, federal and state informational and financial support). The results of the survey showed that a small minority of local governments in New York State had decided to conduct planned adaptation to climate change. Over half of the sample was identified as conducting some form of spontaneous or reactive adaptation which consisted mostly of actions to minimize flood risk (i.e. update storm-water infrastructure, manage flood plains, promote open space). However, no local government surveyed had been identified as having successfully implemented an adaptation plan. Informal discussions were found to be occurring among half of the sample surveyed with a small number of local governments discussing climate change formally. According to informant discussions, the low level of planned adaptation among New York State local governments can be explained by a number of factors including a non-requirement to conduct planned adaptation, varying policy, resource and incentive conditions throughout the state, a lack of urgency to adapt to climate change and, finally, the absence of a support system to conduct planned adaptation. Results of hypothesis testing indicate that local governments are more likely to conduct planned adaptation to climate change where: A) climate change concerns are water related, B) budget, staff and climate change expertise are available and C) public support to address climate change impacts as well as state and federal informational support are available. Financial support from state and federal governments did not appear to influence the decision to conduct planned adaptation. Rural local governments were found less likely than urban local governments to be discussing climate change and to be conducting planned adaptation which is likely to be related to organizational size and the availability of resources to conduct planned adaptation measures. This dissertation contributes to understanding how local governments are adapting to climate change in New York State, what influences the decision of elected officials to conduct planned adaptation to climate change and how experiences may differ from municipality type — especially related to urban vs. rural local governments.

U.S. Local Government Adaptation to Climate Change:: An Examination of Influences on the Decision of Local Governments to Conduct Planned Adaptation to Climate Change in Urban and Rural New York State

Hemingway, Jessica 11 May 2017 (has links)
The desire for local governments to adapt to climate change seems logically relevant as weather extremes inhibit the ability of local governments to protect public health and safety and to ensure delivery of public services. By conducting planned adaptation to climate change local governments enable themselves to minimize risk and increase adaptive capacity to deal with climate change impacts. In the midst of a federal government, minus the Obama administration, that has tended to downplay the importance of climate change, action by local level governments - cities in particular - in the U.S. have been at the forefront of action on climate change. Little attention has been given to local government adaptation in rural areas by both researchers and policy makers alike. Rural areas are at risk to changes in climate because they tend to be reliant on climate sensitive industries, comprised of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and very young and to possess few resources to conduct land-use and other planning. This dissertation expands upon previous research by examining the decision to conduct planned adaptation by both urban and rural local government adaptation to climate change (RQ1) and by identifying the influences on the decision of local governments in both urban and rural areas to conduct planned adaptation to climate change (RQ2). New York State was selected as an appropriate case study to answer research questions because of the drastic contrast between urban and rural areas of the state. On the one hand, it has been one of the most progressive states in terms of climate change policy including its largest local government New York City; on the other hand, it is comprised of many rural local governments suffering from population and economic decline. An online survey was distributed to all New York State local governments in November/December 2011 and supplemented by informant discussions conducted before and after the survey. While a considerable amount of time has passed since the survey was conducted, it took place during what appears to be a particular timeframe in political history where the U.S. president supported action on climate change. Results of this study show strong differences in resource availability and the likelihood of urban vs. rural elected officials to conduct planned adaptation. One hundred and forty-two responses were received from large and small cities, towns, villages and counties. A traditional deductive research design was deployed to answer research questions. To examine the influences on the decision of local elected officials to conduct planned adaptation hypotheses were developed based on previous empirical studies and Mohr’s 1969 hypothesis that “Innovation is related to the motivation to innovate, inversely related to the strength of obstacles to innovation, and directly related to the availability of resources for overcoming such obstacles” (Mohr, 1969, p. 111). Two dependent variables were measured (1) planned adaptation or conscious decisions to adapt to climate change and an alternate dependent variable (2) formal and informal discussion of climate change within the local government. Independent variables measured related to local elected official motivation to conduct planned adaptation in the form of climate weather related concerns in New York State (i.e. extreme weather, water quality, and ecological changes), resource availability within the local government (i.e. budget, staff, climate change expertise) and the existence of obstacles toward planned adaptation external to local governments (i.e. public support, federal and state informational and financial support). The results of the survey showed that a small minority of local governments in New York State had decided to conduct planned adaptation to climate change. Over half of the sample was identified as conducting some form of spontaneous or reactive adaptation which consisted mostly of actions to minimize flood risk (i.e. update storm-water infrastructure, manage flood plains, promote open space). However, no local government surveyed had been identified as having successfully implemented an adaptation plan. Informal discussions were found to be occurring among half of the sample surveyed with a small number of local governments discussing climate change formally. According to informant discussions, the low level of planned adaptation among New York State local governments can be explained by a number of factors including a non-requirement to conduct planned adaptation, varying policy, resource and incentive conditions throughout the state, a lack of urgency to adapt to climate change and, finally, the absence of a support system to conduct planned adaptation. Results of hypothesis testing indicate that local governments are more likely to conduct planned adaptation to climate change where: A) climate change concerns are water related, B) budget, staff and climate change expertise are available and C) public support to address climate change impacts as well as state and federal informational support are available. Financial support from state and federal governments did not appear to influence the decision to conduct planned adaptation. Rural local governments were found less likely than urban local governments to be discussing climate change and to be conducting planned adaptation which is likely to be related to organizational size and the availability of resources to conduct planned adaptation measures. This dissertation contributes to understanding how local governments are adapting to climate change in New York State, what influences the decision of elected officials to conduct planned adaptation to climate change and how experiences may differ from municipality type — especially related to urban vs. rural local governments.

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