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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kartläggning av systemanvändning genom Application Performance Monitoring

Lundgren, Thomas January 2020 (has links)
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) används i allt större utsträckning för att samla in data om mjukvarusystems prestanda och om hur användare interagerar med systemen. Detta för att säkerställa tillgänglighet och robusthet samt förbättra slutanvändarupplevelser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur införandet av APM kan gå till, vilka utmaningar som finns samt vilka kostnader och prestandaförsämringar som införandet innebär. Detta görs genom en fallstudie där APM implementeras i Enterprise Resource Planning-systemet MONITOR G5 som utvecklats av det svenska företaget Monitor ERP System AB. Systemet är utvecklat i Microsofts mjukvaruramverk .NET Framework och APM-tjänsten som används är Microsofts Application Insights. Studien resulterade i ett förslag på en APM-lösning där data om användarinteraktioner, prestanda och uppkomna fel samlas in och visualiseras. Sex instrumentpaneler skapades som visar olika aspekter av insamlade data, bland annat prestandamätvärden såsom processor- och minnesanvändning, uppkomna fel, laddningstider för vyer samt vilka delar av systemet som används mest och minst. Kostnadsanalysen visar att kostnaderna kan bli väldigt höga, men förslag på strategier för att hålla kostnaderna nere ges. Prestandatesterna som utfördes för att undersöka APM-lösningens påverkan på systemets prestanda gav otillförlitliga resultat, men det är troligt att prestandakostnaden för APM är liten. / The use of Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for collecting data about performance and end-user behaviors in complex software systems is increasing. APM is used to ensure availability and robustness and to enhance end-user experiences. This study aims to investigate how the adoption of APM can be done, what challenges organizations face during the implementation as well as costs and performance overhead associated with APM. This is achieved through a case study in which APM is introduced into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system MONITOR G5, developed and maintained by the Swedish software company Monitor ERP System AB. The system is developed in Microsoft’s .NET Framework and the APM service used is Microsoft’s Application Insights. The study resulted in a proposed APM solution wherein data regarding user interactions, performance and errors are collected and visualized. Six dashboards were created, showing different aspects of the collected data, for instance: which parts of the system is most and least frequently used, errors, load times and performance metrics such as processor and memory usage. The cost analysis shows that monetary costs can be very high, but strategies for suppressing costs are proposed. The performance tests that were conducted to determine the performance overhead of APM are inconclusive, but it is likely that the performance penalty of using APM is small.

Relationship Between Medicare Alternative Payment Methodology and Hospital Program Service Revenue

Gubbine, Sandra J 01 January 2017 (has links)
Medicare paid $388.7 billion to acute care hospitals in 2014 representing the largest portion of the health care sector in the United States. Medicare implemented an innovative reimbursement model called Value Based Purchasing (VBP) to ensure hospitals provide quality care for the dollars spent. This correlation study used the VBP theoretical framework developed by Dudley as the foundation for the reimbursement model implemented by Medicare in 2013. The data used for this study came from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid, as well as from Guidestar. The data focused on acute care, nonprofit hospitals located in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Data trending and scatter plot graphs were used to analyze trends and basic correlation. Pearson correlation coefficient tests were performed to confirm correlation. The results showed no statistically significant relationship between program service revenue and the VBP domains for years 2013 and 2015. A weak positive relationship existed between 2014 program service revenue and the process of care domain; however, no statistically significant relationship existed between the remaining domains. The results from this study showed that quality metrics for acute care hospitals did not improve as the VBP criteria from Medicare expanded across the institutions included in the study. Hospital quality metrics are publicly accessible to everyone and allows patients to see actual results rather than the only resource being positive marketing campaigns. Accessibility to actual data has a positive influence on social change because patients can make informed choices for their personal health care needs.

Capturing Value When Implementing APM 4.0 : Within the Swedish Automotive Industry / Värde Fångande genom Implementering av APM 4.0 : Inom den Svenska Fordons Industrin

ANWAR, ARAN, KANANATHAN, ARAVINTHAN January 2020 (has links)
The automotive industry is in a period of significant change with different emerging technologies trying to impact the industry. It is in a time where the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, opens up opportunities for OEMs to improve their products and services with the help of transitioning towards Asset Performance Management (APM 4.0). This master thesis has identified various OEMs values with the help of the framework Value Mapping Tool to help the companies capitalize on these opportunities. The values were divided into the following subvalues; Value Captured, Value Missed, and Value Opportunities. OEMs have to adapt their existing business models with the help of business model innovation to improve the identification of values further and stay competitive or gain competitive advantages. Literature regarding the current state of the automotive industry and transitioning towards APM 4.0 has been combined with findings from six semi-structured interviews. The findings are based on interviews with employees with different positions from various automotive companies in Sweden. Furthermore, the findings and the literature have been compared to three benchmarking studies of similar research in Germany, China, and the USA to gain an overall view of the problem. The missed values are characterized by Complexity, Ambiguity, and Knowledge. Moreover, the values captured show that new business models are needed due to the market rapidly transforming but companies lacking knowledge on how to capture value. The complexity concerns the new complex technologies arriving as well as the high level of uncertainties rising with the introduction of APM 4.0. The ambiguities indicate the problems the automotive companies have with searching for information since they do not know what to expect. The knowledge refers to knowledge gained during the process of implementing APM 4.0 in order to identify valuable unexplored data. Nonetheless, the study also led to finding potential value opportunities despite the lack of knowledge and a high level of uncertainty. There are unexplored business models which can improve the manufacturing processes for the automotive companies. Project benchmarking has shown positive signs but still has not reached its full potential due to low amounts of tests. The study concludes that many clear obstacles hinder a successful implementation of APM 4.0 within the Swedish automotive industry. In order for the automotive companies to optimize the implementation, they have to capture value relevant to their business model. / Fordonsindustrin befinner sig i en period av tydliga ändringar då ny teknologi försöker göra sitt avtryck på industrin. Det är i en tid då den fjärde industriella revolutionen, Industry 4.0, öppnar upp möjligheter för OEM:s att förbättra deras produkter och tjänster med hjälp av skiftet mot ”Asset Performance Management (APM 4.0)”. Denna masters arbete har identifierat olika värden i OEM:s med hjälp av ramverket Value Mapping Tool för att stödja företag att ta vara på dessa möjligheter. Värdena blev uppdelade i följande delvärden; Värde Fångat, Värde Missat och Värde Möjligheter. OEM:s måste anpassa deras nuvarande affärsmodell med hjälp av affärsmodellsinnovation för att kunna förbättra identifieringen av värden ännu mer och för att förbli konkurrenskraftig eller tjäna konkurrensfördelar. Litteraturen angående det rådande läget av fordonsindustrin och skiftet mot APM 4.0 har kombinerats med resultatet från de sex semistrukturerade intervjuerna. Resultatet är baserade på intervjuer med anställda inom olika positioner från varierande fordonsföretag i Sverige. Vidare, har resultatet och litteraturen jämförts med tre riktmärknings studier av liknande forskning i Tyskland, Kina och USA för att kunna få en överblick av problemet. De missade värdena karaktäriseras av Komplexitet, Oklarhet och Kunskap. Vidare, visar de fångade värden att nya affärsmodeller krävs på grund av den snabbt ändrade marknaden i samband med den nya teknologin som kommer, men företag saknar kunskap av att veta hur de ska fånga denna värde. Komplexitet berör de nya komplexa teknologierna som kommer samt den höga nivå av osäkerhet som uppstår i samband med introduktionen av APM 4.0. Oklarhet syftar på de problem som fordonsföretag har med att hitta information eftersom de inte vet vad de ska förvänta sig. Kunskap hänvisar till kunskap erhållen under implementeringsprocessen av APM 4.0 för att identifiera värdefull outforskad data. Likväl, hittade studien också potentiella värde möjligheter trots bristen på kunskap och den höga nivån av osäkerhet. Det finns oupptäckta affärsmodeller som kan förbättra tillverkningsprocesserna för fordonsföretag. Riktmärkning projekten har visat positiva tecken men har fortfarande inte uppnått sin fulla potential på grund av det låga antalet tester. Studien drar slutsatsen att det finns många tydliga hinder för en lyckad implementering av APM 4.0 inom den svenska fordonsindustrin. För att dessa fordonsföretag ska optimera implementeringen måste de fånga värde som är relevant till deras affärsmodeller.

Methodical improvements in microspore culture of Brassica napus L. / Methodische Verbesserungen in der Mikrosporenkultur von Brassica napus L.

Klutschewski, Sarah 14 February 2013 (has links)
Bei der routinemäßigen Anwendung der Mikrosporenkultur zur Herstellung doppelt-haploider Linien kommt es bis heute zu Engpässen in der praktischen Rapszüchtung. Die Hauptprobleme stellen eine unzureichende Colchizin-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate und eine niedrige direkte Regeneration von Pflanzen aus Mikrosporen-Embryonen dar. Ein hoher Prozentsatz an Rapsembryonen aus Mikrosporenkultur durchläuft den Prozess der sekundären Embryogenese, der eine zeitintensive Subkultivierung erfordert. Hierbei werden die direkten Sprossansätze wiederholt von undifferenziertem Gewebe freigeschnitten bis eine Überführung in Erde und die letztendliche Regeneration zu doppelt-haploiden Pflanzen möglich ist. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit besteht aus zwei Studien, die sich mit dem Thema: „Methodische Verbesserungen der Mikrosporenkultur in Brassica napus L.“ auseinandersetzen. Ziel der ersten Studie war die Erhöhung der Colchizin-induzierten Diploidisierungsrate von Mikrosporen ohne die Regeneration von Pflanzen aus den Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu verringern und damit die Entwicklung zu doppelt-haploiden Pflanzen zu verzögern. Aufgrund der hohen Toxizität von Colchizin wurden die weniger toxischen Mitosehemmstoffe Amiprophos-methyl (APM) und Pronamid, die eine höhere Affinität zu Pflanzentubulin als Colchizin besitzen, allein und in Kombination mit Colchizin untersucht. Eine Kombination dieser Mitosehemmstoffe führte zu keiner effizienten Diploidisierungsrate; demnach konnte ein synergistischer Effekt ausgeschlossen werden. Die acht untersuchten Winterrapsgenotypen erzielten eine Diploidisierungsrate von 40% bis 64%. Die Mitosehemmstoff-Behandlungen der isolierten Mikrosporen variierten hierbei zwischen 33% (3 µM APM, 72 Stunden) und 70% (25 µM Colchizin, 72 Stunden). Ein signifikanter Einfluss der Mitosehemmstoffe auf die Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. In Abhängigkeit der Genotypen konvertierten 14% bis 23% direkt. Unterschiedliche getestete Colchizinkonzentrationen (250, 150, 125, 25 µM) zeigten für 4 untersuchte Genotypen eine Colchizin-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate von 58% bis 66%, wobei die Behandlung 250 µM Colchizin für 48h die höchste Rate aufwies. Ein signifikanter Einfluss von Dimethylsulfoxid (DMSO), das oftmals als Lösungsmittel der angewendeten Mitosehemmstoffe verwendet wird, konnte jedoch nicht in den untersuchten Konzentrationen (0,3% und 3%) in Kombination mit der Colchizin-Behandlung (250 µM, 72 Stunden) auf die Diploidisierungsrate und die direkte Konversionsrate nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurden 17 Winterrapsgenotypen bezüglich ihrer spontanen und ihrer Colchizin-induzierten Diploidisierungsrate untersucht und deren Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Regeneraten mit direkten Sprossansätzen bestimmt. Die ausgewählten Genotypen enthielten sowohl Sorten als auch F1–Hybriden. Die spontan-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate zeigte eine große Variation von 15% bis 69%. Im Vergleich dazu erreichte die Colchizin-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate Werte von 40% bis 83%. Die Mikrosporen-Embryonen der getesteten Genotypen wiesen ebenfalls eine große Spannbreite bezüglich ihrer direkten Konversionsrate auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigten keinen signifikanten Einfluss der Mitosehemmstoff-Behandlung auf den Regenerationserfolg der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Pflanzen. Sowohl die beobachtete spontane und die Mitosehemmstoff-induzierte Diploidisierung als auch die Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Regeneraten mit direkten Sprossansätzen waren stark Genotyp-abhängig. Ziel der zweiten Studie war die Erhöhung der direkten Regeneration der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Pflanzen trotz der starken Abhängigkeit der Genotypen. Zunächst wurde der Einfluss von zehn unterschiedlichen Sprossregenerationsmedien mit und ohne Phytohormone (Gibberellinsäure, 6-Benzylaminopurin, 3-Indolylbuttersäure) und eine 14-tägige Kältebehandlung bei 4 °C (Lichtthermostat) auf die direkte Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen von 5 Winterrapsgenotypen untersucht. Die 14-tägige Kältebehandlung erfolgte sowohl unter acht Stunden Licht als auch in Dunkelheit. Die Standardkultivierung der Mikrosporen-Embryonen erfolgte im Kulturraum bei 26 °C und 12 Stunden Licht. 13% bis 39% der Mikrosporen-Embryonen konvertierten direkt, wobei die höchste Rate von 43% nach Kultivierung der Embryonen auf Gamborg B5-Medium mit 0.1 mg/L Gibberellinsäure resultierte. Die Mittelwerte der Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Regeneraten mit direkten Sprossansätzen aller untersuchten Genotypen und Kulturmedien wurden durch die 14-tägige Kältebehandlung (28%) gegenüber der Standardkultivierung (14%) signifikant erhöht. Nachfolgend wurde der Einfluss der vier effizientesten Sprossregenerationsmedien und eine 14-tägige Kältebehandlung bei 1.5 °C und bei 4 °C (Lichtthermostat) auf die Konversionsrate von Mikrosporen-Embryonen von 13 Winterrapsgenotypen untersucht. Die Kältebehandlung bei 1.5 °C erfolgte unter Lichtabwesenheit als auch unter acht Stunden Licht. Die Kältebehandlung bei 4 °C erfolgte dagegen in Dauerlicht und Dauerdunkel. Zwischen 29% und 76% der Mikrosporen-Embryonen konvertierten direkt. Im Vergleich zur Kultivierung unter Standardbedingungen konnte mit der Kältebehandlung eine signifikante Erhöhung erzielt werden (von 21% auf bis zu 71%). Nach vorheriger Kultivierung der Mikrosporen-Embryonen auf den unterschiedlichen Kulturmedien variierte die Konversionsrate zwischen 50% (MS) und 60% (B5 mit 0.1 mg/L Gibberellinsäure). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigten, dass trotz einer vorherrschenden starken Abhängigkeit vom Genotyp, die direkte Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen mit Kältebehandlung (1.5 °C im Dauerdunkel) signifikant erhöht werden konnte. Fast alle Genotypen zeigten Konversionsraten der Mikrosporen-Embryonen von über 70%. Es ist demnach möglich die sekundäre Embryogenese und die damit verbundene zeitintensive in vitro-Subkultivierung erheblich zu reduzieren, und dadurch den Entwicklungsprozess von doppelt-haploiden Linien zur Verwendung in der praktischen Rapszüchtung zu beschleunigen.

Variação temporal de uma comunidade fitoplanctônica do reservatório de APM-Manso através de modelagem ecológica tridimensional. / Temporal variation of a phytoplankton community in the Manso reservoir through tridimensional ecological modeling.

Luciana Fernandes Fonseca Rocha 17 March 2011 (has links)
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. / A ecologia de reservatórios, que são ecossistemas complexos, dinâmicos e artificiais, vem assumindo destaque no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da aplicação, no reservatório de APM-Manso, de um modelo ecológico tridimensional em estudos sobre a dinâmica fitoplanctônica, simulando a variação temporal do fitoplâncton para cenários distintos de carga de nutrientes. O modelo CAEDYM foi acoplado ao ELCOM e simulação foi realizada em duas etapas: uma hidrodinâmica e outra ecológica. Escolheu-se para as simulações o período de cinco meses, a partir de 1 de setembro de 2005. Foram construídos dois cenários de simulação, o primeiro contendo os valores reais de carga de nutrientes dos principais rios contribuintes medidos em campo, e o segundo com redução na carga nutricional destes rios, simulando um possível processo de substituição de áreas florestadas por áreas de pastagem na bacia do rio Manso. A comunidade fitoplanctônica simulada apresentou rápidas respostas à disponibilidade nutricional do ambiente, e os resultados obtidos corroboraram com diversas teorias sobre as estratégias adaptativas e sobre as dinâmicas algais. Dentre as classes simuladas, Bacillariophyceae e Cryptophyceae se mostraram mais sensíveis às reduções de carga, enquanto Chrolophyceae e Cyanophyceae, apesar de terem suas biomassas reduzidas, sofreram menos com o impacto, sugerindo estarem mais adaptadas à limitação de nutrientes. Os picos chuvosos influenciaram positivamente as taxas de crescimento das Bacillariophyceae apenas no Cenário 1, uma vez que a limitação por nutrientes foi mais decisiva para esta classe no Cenário 2. Observou-se em ambas as simulações uma tendência de substituição na dominância de Cyanophyceae por Chlorophyceae. / The ecology of reservoirs has assumed prominence in Brazil. This study explored the application of a tridimensional ecological modeling on phytoplankton dynamics, in Manso reservoir, simulating the temporal variation of phytoplankton community in two different scenarios of nutrient loading. CAEDYM was coupled to ELCOM, and the simulation was conducted in two stages: one hydrodynamic and other ecological. It was chosen for the simulation the period of five months, from Septemper 1th, 2005. Were constructed two scenarios: the first containing the actual values of nutrient loading of the main river measured in field, and the second with a reduction in nutrient load, simulating a possible replacement process to grazing areas from forested areas in the Manso River basin. The simulation showed rapid responses of phytoplankton to nutritional availability, and the results obtained corroborated with several theories about phytoplankton adaptive strategies and their dynamics. Among the simulated classes, Bacillariophyceae and Cryptophyceae were more sensitive to load reduction, while Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae suffered less from the impact, suggesting that they are more adapted to nutrient limitation. Rain positively influenced the growth rates of Bacillariophyceae only in Scenario 1, since the limitation of nutrients was more decisive for this class in Scenario 2. It was observed in both simulations a trend of replacing the dominance of Cyanophyceae with Chlorophyceae.

Variação temporal de uma comunidade fitoplanctônica do reservatório de APM-Manso através de modelagem ecológica tridimensional. / Temporal variation of a phytoplankton community in the Manso reservoir through tridimensional ecological modeling.

Luciana Fernandes Fonseca Rocha 17 March 2011 (has links)
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. / A ecologia de reservatórios, que são ecossistemas complexos, dinâmicos e artificiais, vem assumindo destaque no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da aplicação, no reservatório de APM-Manso, de um modelo ecológico tridimensional em estudos sobre a dinâmica fitoplanctônica, simulando a variação temporal do fitoplâncton para cenários distintos de carga de nutrientes. O modelo CAEDYM foi acoplado ao ELCOM e simulação foi realizada em duas etapas: uma hidrodinâmica e outra ecológica. Escolheu-se para as simulações o período de cinco meses, a partir de 1 de setembro de 2005. Foram construídos dois cenários de simulação, o primeiro contendo os valores reais de carga de nutrientes dos principais rios contribuintes medidos em campo, e o segundo com redução na carga nutricional destes rios, simulando um possível processo de substituição de áreas florestadas por áreas de pastagem na bacia do rio Manso. A comunidade fitoplanctônica simulada apresentou rápidas respostas à disponibilidade nutricional do ambiente, e os resultados obtidos corroboraram com diversas teorias sobre as estratégias adaptativas e sobre as dinâmicas algais. Dentre as classes simuladas, Bacillariophyceae e Cryptophyceae se mostraram mais sensíveis às reduções de carga, enquanto Chrolophyceae e Cyanophyceae, apesar de terem suas biomassas reduzidas, sofreram menos com o impacto, sugerindo estarem mais adaptadas à limitação de nutrientes. Os picos chuvosos influenciaram positivamente as taxas de crescimento das Bacillariophyceae apenas no Cenário 1, uma vez que a limitação por nutrientes foi mais decisiva para esta classe no Cenário 2. Observou-se em ambas as simulações uma tendência de substituição na dominância de Cyanophyceae por Chlorophyceae. / The ecology of reservoirs has assumed prominence in Brazil. This study explored the application of a tridimensional ecological modeling on phytoplankton dynamics, in Manso reservoir, simulating the temporal variation of phytoplankton community in two different scenarios of nutrient loading. CAEDYM was coupled to ELCOM, and the simulation was conducted in two stages: one hydrodynamic and other ecological. It was chosen for the simulation the period of five months, from Septemper 1th, 2005. Were constructed two scenarios: the first containing the actual values of nutrient loading of the main river measured in field, and the second with a reduction in nutrient load, simulating a possible replacement process to grazing areas from forested areas in the Manso River basin. The simulation showed rapid responses of phytoplankton to nutritional availability, and the results obtained corroborated with several theories about phytoplankton adaptive strategies and their dynamics. Among the simulated classes, Bacillariophyceae and Cryptophyceae were more sensitive to load reduction, while Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae suffered less from the impact, suggesting that they are more adapted to nutrient limitation. Rain positively influenced the growth rates of Bacillariophyceae only in Scenario 1, since the limitation of nutrients was more decisive for this class in Scenario 2. It was observed in both simulations a trend of replacing the dominance of Cyanophyceae with Chlorophyceae.

Rozšíření řídicího systému modelu letadla Skydog o podporu vzdáleného a samočinného řízení Android aplikací / Expansion of Skydog Aircraft Model Control System by Remote and Autonomous Control by Android Application

Boček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to design and implement an Android application with ability to control the autopilot of the Skydog aircraft model using the wireless telemetry. The application shall receive data from an aircraft model gathered from various installed sensors. These data shall be then processed and corresponding instructions for autopilot shall be sent back. When collision with terrain or obstacle is detected, the application shall send instructions to autopilot to avoid such collision. RRT algorithm is used to find collision-free flight trajectory. Database of known obstacles and digital terrain model are provided to application in formats XML and GeoTIFF respectively.

Implementing Agile : A Qualitative Case Study About Agile Project Management at SEB

Kaller, Emma, Söderqvist, Lina January 2020 (has links)
Many organizations turn to agile methods and practices in their organization in order to retain competitiveness in today's rapidly changing environment and changing customer demands. Researchers claim agile practices, such as Agile Project Management to be most successful if implemented in the entire organization, in an all-or-nothing approach. However, as many traditional organizations are attempting to adopt agile principles such as APM, few studies have been made to what extent agile methods and practices can be successful in traditional organizations. This research investigates how a APM-team at SEB can function in accordance to agile philosophy, and further, if the legacy and traditional structures at SEB counteract the APM-team. The study is a single case study, investigating one APM-team at SEB through semi-structured interviews and organizational documents. In order to answer the research question, a model of analysis was derived in order to capture the important theoretical concepts. It was found that the investigated APM-team in SEB does not function fully in order with agile philosophies, and further that the traditional structures and legacy at SEB hinders the APMteam to work according to agile philosophies. It was also found that the APM-team experienced difficulties with the actual agile way of working, which could affect their ability to work in accordance with said practices. Further research is needed for a greater context to fully understand how traditional organizations can counteract agile initiatives.

An Application Portfolio Management Method for Implementation at Scania CV AB : Design and validation with focus on business value aspects

Vela, Camilla Palomeque January 2011 (has links)
Information Technology (IT) has become a vital tool for most industrial businesses and Scania CV AB is no exception. As the importance of IT generally has increased, the usage and number of applications has grown as well. Applications are substantial assets for an organization that is heavily supported by IT. Consequently, a way of managing applications efficiently and sustaining the costs of applications rather low – doing more with less – is required. In addition it is also important, from a business perspective, that applications as part of IT are aligned with business strategies and goals. Application Portfolio Management (APM) is a practice and a business-centric activity aimed to allocate IT resources to support business objectives and strategies; it helps determining the impact of applications and the relative importance of each application in the portfolio to the business. APM attempts to justify and measure the financial benefits of each application relative to the costs of the applications’ maintenance and operations. Performing APM successfully is nevertheless a complicated issue, and something that many businesses are challenged with on a daily basis. New applications are constantly and regularly added, downloaded, purchased or self-developed – too often without any further control. In order to regain the control of the software that automates the business, and ensuring that the applications adds value and reliability to the company, Scania CV AB requires a rigorous and comprehensive method for an APM approach. In this master thesis together with Erik Nylén’s thesis 1, such a method is provided. The thesis also offers a suggestion on how to proceed with the APM effort at Scania CV AB.

Avaliação cefalométrica comparativa dos efeitos do aparelho de protração mandibular em adultos e adolescentes / Mandibular protraction appliance (MPA) effects in adolescents and adults: a cephalometric comparison

Furquim, Bruno D'Aurea 09 February 2009 (has links)
Este estudo retrospectivo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos esqueléticos, dentários e tegumentares do tratamento com Aparelho de Protração Mandibular (APM) em conjunto com o aparelho fixo em pacientes adolescentes e adultos com má oclusão de Classe II. A amostra foi composta por telerradiografias pré e póstratamento de 23 adolescentes (idade inicial média de 11,75 anos) e de 16 adultos (idade inicial média de 22,41 anos). Testes t (P < 0,05) foram empregados para comparação dos grupos. Os adultos apresentaram menor quantidade de alterações esqueléticas. Com relação às alterações dentárias, os adultos apresentaram menor inclinação lingual dos incisivos superiores; menor extrusão dos incisivos inferiores; menor extrusão dos molares superiores e inferiores; menor mesialização dos molares inferiores; e menor retrusão do lábio superior em comparação aos adolescentes. / The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the skeletal, dental, and soft tissue effects of the Mandibular Protraction Appliance (MPA) treatment in adolescent and adult Class II malocclusion patients. The sample comprised pretreatment and posttreatment cephalograms of 23 adolescents (mean pretreatment age 11.75 years) and 16 adults (mean pretreatment age 22.41 years). The groups were compared with t tests, at P < 0.05. The amount of skeletal changes was smaller in the adult group. Adults showed smaller maxillary incisors lingual tipping, mandibular incisor and molar and maxillary molar extrusion and mandibular molar mesialization. Additionally, adults also showed greater upper lip retrusion as compared to adolescents.

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