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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação cefalométrica comparativa dos efeitos do aparelho de protração mandibular em adultos e adolescentes / Mandibular protraction appliance (MPA) effects in adolescents and adults: a cephalometric comparison

Bruno D'Aurea Furquim 09 February 2009 (has links)
Este estudo retrospectivo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos esqueléticos, dentários e tegumentares do tratamento com Aparelho de Protração Mandibular (APM) em conjunto com o aparelho fixo em pacientes adolescentes e adultos com má oclusão de Classe II. A amostra foi composta por telerradiografias pré e póstratamento de 23 adolescentes (idade inicial média de 11,75 anos) e de 16 adultos (idade inicial média de 22,41 anos). Testes t (P < 0,05) foram empregados para comparação dos grupos. Os adultos apresentaram menor quantidade de alterações esqueléticas. Com relação às alterações dentárias, os adultos apresentaram menor inclinação lingual dos incisivos superiores; menor extrusão dos incisivos inferiores; menor extrusão dos molares superiores e inferiores; menor mesialização dos molares inferiores; e menor retrusão do lábio superior em comparação aos adolescentes. / The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the skeletal, dental, and soft tissue effects of the Mandibular Protraction Appliance (MPA) treatment in adolescent and adult Class II malocclusion patients. The sample comprised pretreatment and posttreatment cephalograms of 23 adolescents (mean pretreatment age 11.75 years) and 16 adults (mean pretreatment age 22.41 years). The groups were compared with t tests, at P < 0.05. The amount of skeletal changes was smaller in the adult group. Adults showed smaller maxillary incisors lingual tipping, mandibular incisor and molar and maxillary molar extrusion and mandibular molar mesialization. Additionally, adults also showed greater upper lip retrusion as compared to adolescents.

The utilization of Project Management methods and tools in start-ups considering the influence of the entrepreneurs’ work background : A study on software development start-ups in Sweden

Boehnke, Anna-Lena, Spindler, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase knowledge about the usage and relevance of Project Management (PM) methods and tools within start-up companies, with regard to the previous work experience of the entrepreneur. The underdeveloped connection of PM and entrepreneurship will be further explored by following the research question proposed below that guides the study. What PM methods and tools do entrepreneurs apply in the process of launching the business versus the operation of the start-up, especially considering their previous work experience and contact with PM? In order to answer the proposed research question and pursue the set objectives, the thesis is structured as follows. First, the methodology within this study is represented in theoretical and practical form in chapter 2 and 4. Furthermore, the theoretical context in the field is summarized in chapter 3. The topics of traditional PM and agile PM (APM) with their characteristics and tools are portrayed; especially the latter is extensively presented in chapter 3.2 due to the need of flexibility and adaptability in the highly dynamic business environment nowadays, as well as the strong connection between APM and the IT development sector. Existing theories about the topics of entrepreneurship and start-ups are described in the subsequent chapter, whereby a focus is set on the entrepreneur itself and his or her previous work experience. To summarize the existing theory in the fields of PM and entrepreneurship a conceptual framework was created by the researchers of this study in chapter 3.4, which also serves to represent the findings of the study in the concluding chapter. The empirical findings, which are presented in chapter 5, were organized in chronological order of the conducted semi-structured, qualitative interviews with software development start-ups in Sweden. Valuable results for the research areas of entrepreneurship and PM, as well as for the practical usage in those fields could be generated. The summarized results of this qualitative study are summarized and presented in chapter 6, titled empirical analysis. The authors found out that the majority of the contacted start-ups did not plan a lot in the launching phase of the business, in fact, they did not apply specific PM tools. While the business was growing, so did its complexity, which is why the need for applying PM tools became more present. Even though no clear connection between the previous work experience of the entrepreneur and the applied PM tools could be established, it was noticeable that prior exposure to PM made the entrepreneurs more aware of the methods and tools. They specifically looked for some and used them more knowingly. Further drivers for choosing a PM method and tools were recommendations and personal research. Next to the stage and scale of the business, especially the team size, the location of the team members and their familiarity with each other appeared to influence the decision on using specific tools tremendously. In general, it could be detected in this study, that the APM framework was commonly recognized as highly valuable for start-ups and many of the respondents already follow it or want to do so in the future. Moreover, primarily only one or very few tools were applied within the start-ups to not lose track of the business development and keep everything concise.

An application portfolio management method - for implementation at SCANIA CV AB

Nylén, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Information Technology (IT) has become a vital tool for most industrial businesses and Scania CV AB is no exception. As the importance of IT generally has increased, the usage and number of applications has grown as well. Applications are substantial assets for an organization that is heavily supported by IT. Consequently, a way of managing applications efficiently and sustaining the costs of applications rather low ? doing more with less ? is required. In addition it is also important, from a business perspective, that applications as part of IT are aligned with business strategies and goals. Application Portfolio Management (APM) is a practice and a business-centric activity aimed to allocate IT resources to support business objectives and strategies; it helps determining the impact of applications and the relative importance of each application in the portfolio to the business. APM attempts to justify and measure the financial benefits of each application relative to the costs of the applications? maintenance and operations. Performing APM successfully is nevertheless a complicated issue, and something that many businesses are challenged with on a daily basis. New applications are constantly and regularly added, downloaded, purchased or selfdeveloped ? too often without any further control. In order to regain the control of the software that automates the business, and ensuring that the applications adds value and reliability to the company, Scania CV AB requires a rigorous and comprehensive method for an APM approach. In this master thesis together with Camilla Palomeques?s thesis1, such a method is provided. These two theses also offer a suggestion on how to proceed with the APM effort at Scania CV AB.


Simonsson-Sarnecki, David January 2010 (has links)
<p>Förmågan att prestera under akut eller kraftig stress är en förutsättning för en del yrken. Forskningsresultaten gällande hur stress påverkar prestation pekar åt olika håll. Denna studie undersökte sambandet mellan fysiologisk arousal och kognitiv problemlösningsförmåga under stress. Trettiotvå polisstudenter testades på Ravens test av flytande intelligens APM set II både före och efter att antingen ha sprungit i tjugo minuter eller haft en självskyddslektion på ca fyrtio minuter. Resultaten från en mixed ANOVA för beroende mätningar visade på en signifikant interaktionseffekt (F (30) = 6,547, p < 0,05) – en ökning i prestationen hos självskyddsgruppen med arton procent och en minskning med femton procent hos löpningsgruppen. En möjlig förklaring till skillnaden i prestation kan vara att självskyddsträningen ger upphov till en annorlunda mental och kognitiv aktivering än löpningen. Graden av arousal kunde vidare inte förklara skillnaderna mellan grupperna och begreppets användbarhet i detta sammanhang kan kanske ifrågasättas.</p>

Modelle zur Beschreibung der Verkehrssicherheit innerörtlicher Hauptverkehrsstraßennetze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umfeldnutzung / Accident prediction models for urban main road networks considering the adjacent land-use

Aurich, Allan 15 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der Arbeit wird eine Methodik einer zusammenhängenden Analyse und modellhaften Beschreibung der Verkehrssicherheit in städtischen Hauptstraßennetzen am Beispiel der Stadt Dresden entwickelt. Die dabei gewonnenen Modelle dienen der Abschätzung von Erwartungswerten von Unfallhäufigkeiten mit und ohne Personenschaden unter Berücksichtigung der Verkehrsbeteiligungsart. Die Grundlage bilden multivariate Regressionsmodelle auf Basis verallgemeinerter linearer Modelle (GLM). Die Verwendung verallgemeinerter Regressionsmodelle erlaubt eine Berücksichtigung von Verteilungen, die besser geeignet sind, den Unfallentstehungsprozess wiederzugeben, als die häufig verwendete Normalverteilung. Im konkreten Fall werden hierzu die Poisson-Verteilung sowie die negative Binomialverteilung verwendet. Um Effekte im Hauptverkehrsstraßennetz möglichst trennscharf abbilden zu können, werden vier grundsätzliche Netzelemente differenziert und das Netz entsprechend zerlegt. Unterschieden werden neben Streckenabschnitten und Hauptverkehrsknotenpunkten auch Annäherungsbereiche und Anschlussknotenpunkte. Die Kollektive der Knotenpunkte werden ferner in signalisierte und nicht-signalisierte unterteilt. Es werden zunächst Modelle unterschiedlicher Unfallkollektive getrennt für alle Kollektive der vier Netzelemente berechnet. Anschließend werden verschiedene Vorgehensweisen für eine Zusammenfassung zu Netzmodellen entwickelt. Neben der Verwendung verkehrstechnischer und infrastruktureller Größen als erklärende Variable werden in der Arbeit auch Kenngrößen zur Beschreibung der Umfeldnutzung ermittelt und im Rahmen der Regression einbezogen. Die Quantifizierung der Umfeldnutzung erfolgt mit Hilfe von Korrelations-, Kontingenz- und von Hauptkomponentenanalysen (PCA). Im Ergebnis werden Modelle präsentiert, die eine multivariate Quantifizierung erwarteter Unfallhäufigkeiten in Hauptverkehrsstraßennetzen erlauben. Die vorgestellte Methodik bildet eine mögliche Grundlage für eine differenzierte Sicherheitsbewertung verkehrsplanerischer Variantenabschätzungen. / A methodology is developed in order to predict the number of accidents within an urban main road network. The analysis was carried out by surveying the road network of Dresden. The resulting models allow the calculation of individual expectancy values for accidents with and without injury involving different traffic modes. The statistical modelling process is based on generalized linear models (GLM). These were chosen due to their ability to take into account certain non-normal distributions. In the specific case of accident counts, both the Poisson distribution and the negative binomial distribution are more suitable for reproducing the origination process than the normal distribution. Thus they were chosen as underlying distributions for the subsequent regressions. In order to differentiate overlaying influences, the main road network is separated into four basic elements: major intersections, road sections, minor intersections and approaches. Furthermore the major and minor intersections are additionally subdivided into signalised and non-signalised intersections. Separate models are calculated for different accident collectives for the various types of elements. Afterwards several methodologies for calculating aggregated network models are developed and analysed. Apart from traffic-related and infrastructural attributes, environmental parameters are derived taking into account the adjacent building structure as well as the surrounding land-use, and incorporated as explanatory variables within the regression. The environmental variables are derived from statistical analyses including correlation matrices, contingency tables and principal components analyses (PCA). As a result, a set of models is introduced which allows a multivariate calculation of expected accident counts for urban main road networks. The methodology developed can serve as a basis for a differentiated safety assessment of varying scenarios within a traffic planning process.


Simonsson-Sarnecki, David January 2010 (has links)
Förmågan att prestera under akut eller kraftig stress är en förutsättning för en del yrken. Forskningsresultaten gällande hur stress påverkar prestation pekar åt olika håll. Denna studie undersökte sambandet mellan fysiologisk arousal och kognitiv problemlösningsförmåga under stress. Trettiotvå polisstudenter testades på Ravens test av flytande intelligens APM set II både före och efter att antingen ha sprungit i tjugo minuter eller haft en självskyddslektion på ca fyrtio minuter. Resultaten från en mixed ANOVA för beroende mätningar visade på en signifikant interaktionseffekt (F (30) = 6,547, p &lt; 0,05) – en ökning i prestationen hos självskyddsgruppen med arton procent och en minskning med femton procent hos löpningsgruppen. En möjlig förklaring till skillnaden i prestation kan vara att självskyddsträningen ger upphov till en annorlunda mental och kognitiv aktivering än löpningen. Graden av arousal kunde vidare inte förklara skillnaderna mellan grupperna och begreppets användbarhet i detta sammanhang kan kanske ifrågasättas.

"Got Skills...?" : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensutveckling baserat på StarCraft II

Denkert, Ellinor, Friberg, Erik January 2012 (has links)
The use of computer games has grown exponentially in the past few years and StarCraft II is one of the most popular e-sports today, played by millions of people worldwide. This study investigates the game’s effect on skills, as perceived by the players of StarCraft II. The study was conducted by using an empirical survey and interviews. The skills being investigated were both physical and mental in their nature. The conclusion was that the majority of players perceived that their skills regarding reaction speed, multitasking, APM, analysis and strategy were increased the most, while there was a smaller change in social skills and language skills. Additionally, people who played team games of StarCraft II did, however, feel that their teamwork, conflict management and leadership capabilities increased. / Under de senaste åren har användandet av datorspel vuxit explosionsartat. StarCraft II är ett utav dagens mest populära e-sporter och spelas av miljontals människor runt om i världen. Studien undersöker om spelare uppfattar kompetensförändringar av att spela StarCraft II. Studien utfördes med hjälp utav en enkät och intervjuer. Kompetenserna vi undersökte var av både fysiska och mentala i sin karaktär. Av resultaten kan man se att majoriteten av spelarna uppfattade en ökad kompetens inom reaktionshastighet, multitasking, APM, analytisk- och strategisk förmåga, medan man ser en mindre förändring inom social kompetens och språklig kompetens. Resultaten visar även att de som valde att spela lagspel uppfattade en ökad kompetens inom samarbete, konflikthantering och ledarskap.

Modelle zur Beschreibung der Verkehrssicherheit innerörtlicher Hauptverkehrsstraßennetze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umfeldnutzung

Aurich, Allan 17 May 2013 (has links)
In der Arbeit wird eine Methodik einer zusammenhängenden Analyse und modellhaften Beschreibung der Verkehrssicherheit in städtischen Hauptstraßennetzen am Beispiel der Stadt Dresden entwickelt. Die dabei gewonnenen Modelle dienen der Abschätzung von Erwartungswerten von Unfallhäufigkeiten mit und ohne Personenschaden unter Berücksichtigung der Verkehrsbeteiligungsart. Die Grundlage bilden multivariate Regressionsmodelle auf Basis verallgemeinerter linearer Modelle (GLM). Die Verwendung verallgemeinerter Regressionsmodelle erlaubt eine Berücksichtigung von Verteilungen, die besser geeignet sind, den Unfallentstehungsprozess wiederzugeben, als die häufig verwendete Normalverteilung. Im konkreten Fall werden hierzu die Poisson-Verteilung sowie die negative Binomialverteilung verwendet. Um Effekte im Hauptverkehrsstraßennetz möglichst trennscharf abbilden zu können, werden vier grundsätzliche Netzelemente differenziert und das Netz entsprechend zerlegt. Unterschieden werden neben Streckenabschnitten und Hauptverkehrsknotenpunkten auch Annäherungsbereiche und Anschlussknotenpunkte. Die Kollektive der Knotenpunkte werden ferner in signalisierte und nicht-signalisierte unterteilt. Es werden zunächst Modelle unterschiedlicher Unfallkollektive getrennt für alle Kollektive der vier Netzelemente berechnet. Anschließend werden verschiedene Vorgehensweisen für eine Zusammenfassung zu Netzmodellen entwickelt. Neben der Verwendung verkehrstechnischer und infrastruktureller Größen als erklärende Variable werden in der Arbeit auch Kenngrößen zur Beschreibung der Umfeldnutzung ermittelt und im Rahmen der Regression einbezogen. Die Quantifizierung der Umfeldnutzung erfolgt mit Hilfe von Korrelations-, Kontingenz- und von Hauptkomponentenanalysen (PCA). Im Ergebnis werden Modelle präsentiert, die eine multivariate Quantifizierung erwarteter Unfallhäufigkeiten in Hauptverkehrsstraßennetzen erlauben. Die vorgestellte Methodik bildet eine mögliche Grundlage für eine differenzierte Sicherheitsbewertung verkehrsplanerischer Variantenabschätzungen. / A methodology is developed in order to predict the number of accidents within an urban main road network. The analysis was carried out by surveying the road network of Dresden. The resulting models allow the calculation of individual expectancy values for accidents with and without injury involving different traffic modes. The statistical modelling process is based on generalized linear models (GLM). These were chosen due to their ability to take into account certain non-normal distributions. In the specific case of accident counts, both the Poisson distribution and the negative binomial distribution are more suitable for reproducing the origination process than the normal distribution. Thus they were chosen as underlying distributions for the subsequent regressions. In order to differentiate overlaying influences, the main road network is separated into four basic elements: major intersections, road sections, minor intersections and approaches. Furthermore the major and minor intersections are additionally subdivided into signalised and non-signalised intersections. Separate models are calculated for different accident collectives for the various types of elements. Afterwards several methodologies for calculating aggregated network models are developed and analysed. Apart from traffic-related and infrastructural attributes, environmental parameters are derived taking into account the adjacent building structure as well as the surrounding land-use, and incorporated as explanatory variables within the regression. The environmental variables are derived from statistical analyses including correlation matrices, contingency tables and principal components analyses (PCA). As a result, a set of models is introduced which allows a multivariate calculation of expected accident counts for urban main road networks. The methodology developed can serve as a basis for a differentiated safety assessment of varying scenarios within a traffic planning process.

The validation of a selection battery for screening university bridging-course students

Ngozwana, Davida-Suzanne 25 August 2009 (has links)
Legal and scientific imperatives necessitate the validation of a psychometric battery before using it for the purposes of personnel selection and decision- making. The aim of this investigation is to validate a selection battery, i.e. the Ability, Processing of Information and Learning (APIL) Battery and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), used in selecting university bridging - course students. The empirical study is informed by a literature review focussing on the legal and scientific parameters of psychometrics within selection, the conceptualisation of intelligence and its relationship to academic performance. Hypotheses are posed regarding the predictive power of the selection battery and the effect of biographical factors on academic performance. Results indicate that the APU. Battery apd Raven's APM are both valid predictors of academic performance, ·although the former appears more effective. This investigation emphasises the influence of moderating factors, i.e. factors other than cognitive ability, on academic performance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Adm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Examining the effectiveness of international landmine regimes : the interplay between design and implementation

Bryden, Alan Craig January 2010 (has links)
Two international treaty frameworks - Amended Protocol II (APII) to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) - have been developed to prohibit or restrict the use of landmines. However, reflecting a gap in current academic research, there is a lack of knowledge of their effectiveness in supporting the humanitarian goals that underpin both treaties. In order to address gaps in the existing literature, this thesis applies an analytical framework grounded in regime theory to develop new insights into the design, implementation and effectiveness of APII and the APMBC within the broader framework of international humanitarian law (IHL). Two main hypotheses are explored. The first considers the importance for regime effectiveness of the relationship between design and implementation processes. The second analyses the significance for the landmine regimes of regime interplay and nesting within wider IHL and mine action discourses. In addressing these hypotheses, design/implementation interplay, agency dynamics and normative considerations represent key themes that enable us to develop new insights to a specific issue area that also demonstrates important linkages to wider humanitarian, security and developmental agendas.

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