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Le rôle du cœur dans l'édification de la subjectivité et de l'intersubjectivité augustiniennes / The role of the heart in the edification of Augustinian subjectivity and intersubjectivityHuian, Georgiana 17 September 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en lumière la centralité du coeur dans la dynamique de la subjectivité et del’intersubjectivité augustiniennes. Elle se propose de regagner, à partir des oeuvres d’Augustin, le sens profonddu coeur comme source et centre ordonnateur de toutes les fonctions et potentialités du sujet : intellectuelles,volitives, affectives et perceptives. Le coeur est encore étudié comme noyau d’articulation d’une anthropologieapophatique, espace qui cache une profondeur incompréhensible, fondée dans la constitution iconique de l’êtrehumain. Ainsi, l’impénétrable mystère du soi se montre toujours situé dans un rapport primordial avec le mystèrede son Archétype, ce qui ouvre vers l’expérience de l’intersubjectivité. La deuxième partie de cette recherches’emploie à considérer comment, chez Augustin, le cor devient l’espace de résonance des rencontresintersubjectives avec les autres et avec Dieu. Pris entre le mystère du coeur de l’autre et la soif de la présence del’autre, le coeur abrite une tension essentielle qui projette le soi vers l’autre, vers le semblable. Or, l’élucidationdu sens de cette tension réclame un nouveau regard sur la thématique de l’amitié et de la charité. Le momentfinal de notre étude est consacré aux cheminements du coeur vers l’accomplissement du soi dans l’hospitalitéréciproque entre le créé et l’Incréé. Ce pèlerinage spirituel nous introduit dans un culte intérieur accompli dans lecoeur. Ainsi le soi, totalement consommé dans l’offrande de son coeur, est rétabli dans son être liturgique. / The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the centrality of the heart in the dynamic of Augustinian subjectivityand intersubjectivity. It aims to regain, following the works of Augustine, the profound sense of the heart assource and center governing all functions and potentialities of the subject: intellectual, willing, emotional andperceptive. The heart is also investigated as an articulating core of an apophatic anthropology, as a space whichhides an incomprehensible deepness in the iconic constitution of the human being. Thus, the impenetrablemystery of the self is always situated in a primordial relationship with the mystery of its Archetype, and thisopens to the experience of the intersubjectivity. The second part of this research is dedicated to considering how,in Augustine’s conception, the cor becomes a space of resonance of intersubjective encounters with the othersand with God. Caught between the mystery of the other’s heart and the thirst of the other’s presence, the hearthosts an essential tension which projects the self towards the other resembling itself. However clarifying thesignification of this tension requires a new glimpse at the themes of friendship and charity. The last part of mystudy is devoted to the routes of the heart towards the accomplishment of the self in reciprocal hospitalitybetween the created and the Uncreated. This spiritual pilgrimage introduces us in the interior cult assumed withinthe heart. In this way the self, while totally consumed in the sacrifice of its heart, is reestablished in its liturgicalbeing.
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The relevance of John of the Cross (1542-1591) for Canadian prairie evangelical spiritualityPeasgood, Joyce Marie 30 November 2007 (has links)
Evangelicalism in western Canada was fuelled by fundamentalist theology and devotion which evolved in this region during the early twentieth century. Generally, Canadian evangelical theologians have focused on the historical and theological implications of evangelicalism within this area. Due to the nature of evangelical theology, which is governed by reason and the defense of truth and dogma, this Christian movement in the west ignored by default concepts connected to mystical theology. This thesis researches a question which has not had an adequate response within evangelical theological tradition, primarily as a result of its disregard for mystical theology. The issue of concern in this thesis is the nature of the process of sanctification of the soul, and particularly, the purpose of the silence of God during this time. Questions to be addressed are: `what is the nature of spiritual transformation?', `what transpires in the soul of the person?' and `what is the role of the `dark night' and the `silence of God' during this experience?' This research responds with an explanation to the underlying cause for the inability of evangelical spirituality in the Canadian west to respond to this issue. It also provides a plausible resolution to the problem which is embedded in the literature of John of the Cross, a sixteenth century Spanish mystic. / CHR SPIRIT, CHURCHIST, MISS / DTH (CHR SPIRIT)
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Syn en nie-syn : die viervoudige verdeling van die werklikheid volgens die Periphyseon van Johannes Scottus EriugenaDe Beer, Wynand Albertus 31 March 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Opsomming
In hierdie verhandeling word die ontologie van Eriugena in oënskou geneem, met spesifieke verwysing na sy negatiewe ontologie, oftewel sy opvatting van nie-syn. Ter inleiding word daar na die Latynse en Griekse agtergrond van sy ontologie verwys. Dit word opgevolg deur `n bespreking van die verskillende wyses van syn en nie-syn waarvan Eriugena in die Periphyseon gebruik maak. Klem word geplaas op sy negatiewe ontologie, wat meer gevorderd is as enigiets in die Westerse denke tot heelwat na sy leeftyd. Die historiese konteks van Eriugena se lewe en denke word geskets, met inbegrip van die invloede wat op hom ingewerk het en sy eie nawerking. Sy viervoudige verdeling van die werklikheid word vervolgens bespreek, met aanduiding hoedat die ganse werklikheid gesien kan word as `n wisselwerking tussen syn en nie-syn. `n Dinamiese ontologie word dus deur Eriugena voorgehou, eerder as die statiese ontologie wat kenmerkend van veel Judaïsties-Christelike denke is.
In this dissertation the ontology of Eriugena is reviewed, with specific reference to his negative ontology, in other words his concept of non-being. By way of introduction the Latin and Greek background of his ontology is pointed out. It is followed by a discussion of the various modes of being and non-being that Eriugena employs in the Periphyseon. Emphasis is placed on his negative ontology, which is more advanced than anything in Western thought until much later than his time. The historical context of Eriugena's life and thought is sketched, including the influences acting on him and the influence he exerted on others. His fourfold division of reality is then discussed, indicating how the whole of reality can be viewed as an interaction between being and non-being. Eriugena thus postulates a dynamic ontology, rather than the static ontology that is characteristic of much of Judaistic-Christian thought. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Religious Studies)
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Vybrané aspekty kosmologie a antropologie Mikuláše Kusanského / Selected aspects of Nicholas of Cusa's cosmology and anthropologyMiencil, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Selected aspects of Nicholas of Cusa's cosmology and anthropology This thesis targets selected topics of theology of creation and of man, that is, theological cosmology and anthropology in the work of a Renaissance philosopher, theologian, mathematician and scientist Nicholas of Cusa. I shall first introduce Cusanus' curriculum vitae, it's historical context and basic characteristics of theological anthropology in the work of Cusanus. After this, I shall present in greater detail selected topics of his mathematical theology, including historical context of this specific discourse on God, world and man using language of mathematics. This includes mathematical description of both created world and of theological reality, e.g. God's transcendence and immanence, the place of man in the universe, or the role of universe which has a mediating role between God and man in the works of Cusanus. Mathematical language used by Cusanus is part of a wide stream of Neoplatonist philosophical and theological tradition. Cusanus is inspired not only by pre-Christian philosophical traditions (Pythagorean school, Plotinus' concept of One), but also by Greek patristic writers like Gregory of Nyssa, Maximus the Confessor, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. In his concept of "great conjecture" Cusanus presents a model of...
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The relevance of John of the Cross (1542-1591) for Canadian prairie evangelical spiritualityPeasgood, Joyce Marie 30 November 2007 (has links)
Evangelicalism in western Canada was fuelled by fundamentalist theology and devotion which evolved in this region during the early twentieth century. Generally, Canadian evangelical theologians have focused on the historical and theological implications of evangelicalism within this area. Due to the nature of evangelical theology, which is governed by reason and the defense of truth and dogma, this Christian movement in the west ignored by default concepts connected to mystical theology. This thesis researches a question which has not had an adequate response within evangelical theological tradition, primarily as a result of its disregard for mystical theology. The issue of concern in this thesis is the nature of the process of sanctification of the soul, and particularly, the purpose of the silence of God during this time. Questions to be addressed are: `what is the nature of spiritual transformation?', `what transpires in the soul of the person?' and `what is the role of the `dark night' and the `silence of God' during this experience?' This research responds with an explanation to the underlying cause for the inability of evangelical spirituality in the Canadian west to respond to this issue. It also provides a plausible resolution to the problem which is embedded in the literature of John of the Cross, a sixteenth century Spanish mystic. / CHR SPIRIT, CHURCHIST, MISS / DTH (CHR SPIRIT)
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Syn en nie-syn : die viervoudige verdeling van die werklikheid volgens die Periphyseon van Johannes Scottus EriugenaDe Beer, Wynand Albertus 31 March 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Opsomming
In hierdie verhandeling word die ontologie van Eriugena in oënskou geneem, met spesifieke verwysing na sy negatiewe ontologie, oftewel sy opvatting van nie-syn. Ter inleiding word daar na die Latynse en Griekse agtergrond van sy ontologie verwys. Dit word opgevolg deur `n bespreking van die verskillende wyses van syn en nie-syn waarvan Eriugena in die Periphyseon gebruik maak. Klem word geplaas op sy negatiewe ontologie, wat meer gevorderd is as enigiets in die Westerse denke tot heelwat na sy leeftyd. Die historiese konteks van Eriugena se lewe en denke word geskets, met inbegrip van die invloede wat op hom ingewerk het en sy eie nawerking. Sy viervoudige verdeling van die werklikheid word vervolgens bespreek, met aanduiding hoedat die ganse werklikheid gesien kan word as `n wisselwerking tussen syn en nie-syn. `n Dinamiese ontologie word dus deur Eriugena voorgehou, eerder as die statiese ontologie wat kenmerkend van veel Judaïsties-Christelike denke is.
In this dissertation the ontology of Eriugena is reviewed, with specific reference to his negative ontology, in other words his concept of non-being. By way of introduction the Latin and Greek background of his ontology is pointed out. It is followed by a discussion of the various modes of being and non-being that Eriugena employs in the Periphyseon. Emphasis is placed on his negative ontology, which is more advanced than anything in Western thought until much later than his time. The historical context of Eriugena's life and thought is sketched, including the influences acting on him and the influence he exerted on others. His fourfold division of reality is then discussed, indicating how the whole of reality can be viewed as an interaction between being and non-being. Eriugena thus postulates a dynamic ontology, rather than the static ontology that is characteristic of much of Judaistic-Christian thought. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Religious Studies)
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Pour une esthétique apophatique néopragmatique, ou pas / For a neopragmatic apophatic aesthetics, or notCollot, Antoni 12 December 2015 (has links)
« Apophatique » signifie « négatif » ou « par négation ». Le terme est principalement employé pour qualifier une forme particulière de théologie qui 1. ne peut rien dire de Dieu car énoncer une qualité serait lui ôter la qualité antinomique. Il est facile d'en comprendre la logique : dire que Dieu est grand c'est dire qu'il n'est pas petit ce qui est incompatible avec le fait de dire qu'il est tout. 2. consiste à énoncer ce que Dieu n'est pas : mauvais ou un chien, par exemples. Par exemple aussi, cette recherche n'est pas l'occasion d'une anthologie des meilleurs textes de théologie négative, mais la méthode – le scepticisme teinté de pensée logique et/ou mystique – n'est pas sans alimenter les développements à venir. Une des solutions qui s'offre à moi consiste à n'évoquer en rien l'art, l'esthétique, et tout autre domaine relatif aux dites sciences de l'art – un texte sur le nombre pi aurait fait l'affaire d'une esthétique apophatique. Cependant positivement fonder une pensée sur/avec la négation me rend heureux, par espièglerie, esprit de contradiction, par inquiétude fondamentale ; je ne m'en priverai donc pas au profit d'un tour de passe-passe, aussi réjouissante que soit l'idée de vous imaginer lire présentement une théorie du chou-fleur. / “Apophatic” means “negative” or “by negation”. The term is mainly used to designate a particular form of theology which 1. can't say anything of God because stating a quality would be taking the antinomic quality away from him. It is easy to understand the logic : to say that God is great is to say that he is not small, which is incompatible with the fact of saying that he is everything. 2. consists in stating what God is not : bad or a dog, for example. For example also, this research is not the occurrence of an anthology of the best texts of negative theology, but the method – the scepticism tinged with logical and/or mystic thought – is not without fueling the developments to come. One of the solutions that is given to me consists in not mentioning art in any way at all, the aesthetics, and any other field related to the so-called sciences of the arts – a text on the number Pi would have suited an apophatic aesthetics. However positively establishing a thought on negation makes me happy, by mischievousness, for the sake of argumentation, by fundamental concern; I will thus not deprive myself of it in favor of a quick/cheap trick, as delightful as the idea of imagining you currently reading a theory of the cauliflower might be.
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Iconología del Monte de Perfección. Para una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la CruzSerra Zamora, Anna 14 December 2010 (has links)
Este trabajo pretende establecer una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la Cruz a partir de los textos del autor y de la interpretación del dibujo del Monte de perfección o Monte Carmelo (ca.1580). Nuestro estudio parte de la comprensión de los hechos vitales fundamentales que llevaron a este religioso a la creación literaria y de ésta, a la creación plástica. Se analizarán las características de dicha imagen, como diagrama espiritual vinculado a técnicas de memorización, como ejemplo de poesía visual, como plasmación del mundo interior e invisible y como icono que responde a lo que podríamos llamar una estética de la negatividad, antiidolátrica, abstracta. El estudio se basa en una recopilación iconográfica que muestra la evolución de la imagen original a través de distintas ediciones de las obras de San Juan. / This dissertation aims to establish a theory of image in Saint John of the Cross through his texts and an interpretation of the drawing of the Mount of Perfection or Mount Carmel (ca. 1580). Our investigation starts with an explanation of the facts that brought this religious man to the literary creation, and from it, up to the graphical creation. We carry out an analysis of the features of this image, understood as a spiritual diagram related to mnemonic techniques, as an example of visual poetry, as an expression of the inner and invisible world and as an icon in response to what we could call aesthetics of negativity, antiidolatry and abstraction. This work is based on an iconographical recopilation that shows the evolution of the primitive image through different editions of Saint John's works.
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A promise kept: the mystical reach through lossCollins, Jody 04 October 2019 (has links)
The meaning of loss is love. I know this through attention to experience. Whether loss or love is experienced in abundance or in absence, the meaning is mystical with an opening of body, mind, heart and soul to spirit. And so, in the style of a memoir, in the way of contemplative prayer, I contemplate and share my soul as a promise kept in the mystical reach through loss. With the first, initiating loss, the loss of my nine-year-old nephew, Caleb, I experience an epiphany that gives me spiritual instructions that will not be ignored. I experience loss as an abundance of meaning that comes to me as gnosis, as “knowledge of the heart” according to Elaine Pagels or divine revelation in what Evelyn Underhill calls mystical illumination in the experience of “losing-to-find” in union with the divine. Then, with gnostic import, in leaving the ordinary for the extraordinary, I enter the empty room in the painful yet liberating experience of the loss of my self. In the embrace of emptiness, I proceed to the first wall, the second wall, the third wall, the dark corner of denial, the return to centre, and, finally, to breaking the fourth wall in the empty room so as to keep my promise to you. Who are “you”? You are God. You are Caleb. You are spirit. You are my higher soul or self. And, you are the reader. You are my dear companion in silence. And then, through a series of broken promises and more loss, within what John of the Cross calls, “the dark night of the soul,” I am stopped by the ineffability of the dark corner of denial, the horror of separation and the absence of meaning, which is depicted as the grueling gap between the spiritual abyss and the breakthrough. What does it mean to keep going through a solemn succession of losses? I don’t know. In going into the empty room, I simply put pain to work in order to reach you. Through loss, though there are infinite manifestations, there is only one way: keep going. And so, in a triumph of the spirit, I keep going so as to be: a promise kept in the mystical reach through loss. As for you, through my illumined and dark experiences of loss, what is my promise to you? I keep going to reach the unreachable you. In the loss of self, with embodied emptiness, in going into the dark corner of denial, with a return to the divine centre of my emptied self, in an invitation to you, I give my soul to you in union with you. / Graduate / 2020-06-25
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