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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingová komunikace ekonomicko-manažerských vysokých škol a její efektivita s ohledem na zájem uchazečů o studium / Marketing Communications of Economic-Management Universities and its Effectiveness with Regard to the Interest of Applicants

Hrabětová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze whether the volumes of TV, radio and print advertisements of economic- management universities relate to the number of applications at these universities. The goal is to find whether the data correspond to each other somehow. The data in the thesis are processed using descriptive analysis of secondary data. The thesis is based on media data Admosphere, Mediaresearch, a. s. These data presents an overview of all realized commercials of universities in the Czech Republic in 2011-2013. The data are compared with publicly accessible reports on interest of applicants for study at universities in the Czech Republic in 2011-2013. The theoretical part deals with marketing communications at university, its objectives and discusses the most widely used types of communication. There is also closely examined TV, radio and print advertising. The analytical part analyzes mentioned media and educational data. Analysis takes place first in the whole economic field, followed with close examination of six economic universities. In conclusion, it is judged whether the data correspond together.

Právní úprava statusu osob se zvláštními potřebami v azylových směrnicích EU / Legal Regulation of the status of persons with special needs in EU Asylum directives

Neumannová, Jiřina January 2011 (has links)
Legal regulation of the status of persons with special needs in the EU Asylum directives (Abstract) By the very nature of their status, applicants for international protection and recognized refugees are among the most vulnerable persons. Within this group, there is also a subgroup of persons with special problems, risks and needs that make them even more vulnerable. This subgroup of persons with special needs is provided special protection within the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). The foundation of this special protection consists of three legal acts commonly referred to as asylum directives - the Reception directive, the Qualification directive and the Procedural directive, adopted between 2003 and 2005 The legal status of persons with special needs is an important topic in the current discussion on the amendments to the Asylum directives and the general development of the CEAS system. The Dissertation "Legal regulation of the status of persons with special needs in EU Asylum directives" has an ambition to contribute to this core discussion on the future content of the European asylum acquis. The paper analyses EU regulations and related national laws relevant to the treatment of this group of applicants for international protection as defined in art. 17 para. 1 of the Reception directive. Based on...

從教育機會均等論原住民學生在大學申請入學時 之積極優惠措施 / Discussing when Aboriginal Students apply for Individual Applicants at the University of Affirmative Action by Equality of Educational Opportunity

楊凱傑 Unknown Date (has links)
大學入學考試是近代學生必經的人生歷程,我國當前採取大學多元入學制度,有著多種的入學管道,而在各種入學措施中會因為學生身分上的不同而有不同的優待措施或是加分機制。我國探討大學多元入學的文獻甚多,大多是總體性的研究,較為缺乏個體性的研究,本研究以個人申請入學制度為主,從教育機會均等來分析原住民學生在參與申請入學時的積極優惠措施,也就是在討論原住民外加名額所帶來的問題,並藉由標準Dunn政策評估的標準,指出原住民外加名額的不足之處,最後提出政策建議,供各界參考與討論。 從入學機會均等來分析可以發現,原住民外加名額可以使原住民學生錄取到比未受保障前更好的學校,或是跟一般學生相比較下可以有比較高的錄取機會,造成此現象的主要原因在於:(1)原住民學生自成一個比較的系統,只要能通過第一階段,錄取機會大大提升。(2)原住民學生的競爭對手少。(3)原住民外加名額十分充足。在原住民的族群當中又可以分為都會原住民和原鄉原住民,其中以山地原住民較需要外加名額之保障,但外加名額之保障使得都會原住民較佔優勢而會造成此現象的原因在於:(1)成長背景、教育資源的差異、(2)只要具有原住民血統,就可以受到原住民外加名額之保障。若從Dunn所提出的政策評估標準的六個面向加以分析原住民外加名額在入學機會均等的問題,可以發現原住外加名額具有效率性、回應性與適當性,但實施的結果卻缺乏效能性、充分性、公平性。 從教育過程均等來分析可以發現,原住民學生透過積極優惠措施入學後容易產生學習壓力與心理壓力,且當前各大學也缺乏原住民文化與語言學習的相關課程,原住民學生在大學教育階段缺乏學習原住民文化與語言之機會,產生文化學習上的問題,而教育過程均等講求必須針對學生社經背景、能力、文化之差異,適時的給予積極性的差別待遇,很顯然我國大學該如何給不同的學生不同的教育方式,是未來值得思考之處。若從Dunn所提出的政策評估標準的六個面向加以分析原住民外加名額在教育過程均等問題,可以發現原住外加名額具有適當性,但實施的結果卻缺乏效率性、效能性、充分性、公平性、回應性, 本研究根據上述研究結果有五點政策上之建議,第一,個人申請入學採納原住民文化及語言能力證明;第二,在第二階段審查鼓勵各校系考量原住民學生的背景身分;第三,原住民部分外加名額參考離島外加名額之做法;第四,改善大學校院原住民學生輔導機制;第五,大學設置原住民語言與文化相關課程。 原住民外加名額最主要的問題在於地域之差異,使得原鄉原住民學生和都會原住民學生在入學機會上產生差距,另外再教育過程方面缺乏相關的輔助機制,使得原住民學生在學習上產生困難,也缺乏學習民族文化之機會,藉由制度上之改善,全面性的改善原住民學生在升學以及教育過程之問題,才有辦法達到教育機會均等以及發展、保存原住民民族文化之目標。

Examining Personality Across College Institution Types

Taylor, Cassidy S. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A comparative study on the "Safe Country of Origin" principle between the European Union and Canadian asylum legislations

Zarghamifar, Mina 05 1900 (has links)
Deux décennies après l’adoption de la Convention relative au statut des réfugiés en 1951, l’affluence du nombre de réfugiés réclamant l’asile aux frontières occidentales a mené les États européens à instaurer des règles restrictives pour dissuader les demandeurs d’asile à se réclamer de cette protection internationale au sein de leurs territoires respectifs. Une des mesures préventives récentes est la directive sur « Pays d’origine sûrs » (POS) dont l’objectif est d’identifier les requérants non éligibles à recevoir la protection internationale, car issus de pays considérés sécuritaires. Ce travail de recherche propose une étude comparative entre les directives de l’Union européenne adoptées en 2005, puis réformées en 2013 et la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés en vigueur au Canada. D’une part, nous analysons l’impact néfaste de cette directive dissuasive sur les droits fondamentaux des demandeurs d’asile en provenance de pays d’origine désignés, notamment en ce qui a trait à leur droit à une entrevue individuelle ainsi que leur droit d’en appeler de la décision qui a été prise et leur refusant l’asile. D’autre part, nous démontrerons comment l’étendue des limites substantielles à l’égard des droits fondamentaux des demandeurs d’asile en provenance des POS est contradictoire avec les obligations constitutionnelles de l’UE et du Canada, notamment celles formulées dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne, la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Bien que l’élaboration et l’application des règles adoptées par les systèmes juridiques mentionnés souffrent de plusieurs défauts violant les droits fondamentaux des demandeurs d’asile en provenance de pays d’origine désignés, nous démontrerons que l’approche du Canada a des conséquences plus draconiennes sur des demandeurs d’asile en provenance de POS que celles découlant de la loi commune applicable dans l’UE. Finalement, nous conclurons que les États occidentaux ne devraient pas se limiter à une solution à court terme telle celle du POS. Ces États devraient avoir plus de responsabilités et offrir une protection internationale accrue en soutenant les pays près de zones de conflits tout en établissant un programme réaliste permettant d’accueillir un nombre précis de réfugiés tous les ans. Mots Clés : Pays d’origine sûrs – Pays d’origine désignés – Droits humains – Droits procéduraux – Droit à l’entrevue individuelle – Droit d’appel – l’Union européenne – Canada – Réfugiés requérants – Demandeurs d’asile / Two decades following the adoption of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the growing number of asylum seekers arriving at the Western countries’ borders convinced European States to put in place new asylum rules to prevent asylum seekers from reaching their borders and dissuade the potential refugee applicants from seeking international protection in their respective territories. One of the most recent preventive measures has been the “Safe Countries of Origin” rule (hereafter SCO) whose main purpose is to identify and reject refugee applicants who are not in real need of international protection since they originate from countries which are deemed generally safe. In this research, we conduct a comparative study between the European Union’s Directives adopted in 2005 and recasted in 2013, and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act enacted by the Canada. At the first step, we intend to verify the adverse impact of this deterrent rule, during the expeditious determination procedure, on the SCO asylum seekers’ fundamental human rights including the right to personal interview and the right to appeal. At the second step, our objective is to demonstrate to which extent the fundamental human rights limitations imposed on SCO asylum seekers are in contradiction with the EU’s and Canada’s constitutional obligations undertaken respectively in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Based on this comparative research we illustrate that, while the elaboration and the application of the SCO rule in both the above-mentioned legal systems suffer from inherent flaws which infringe the basic human rights of SCO refugee applicants, Canada’s approach has had more drastic consequences on the SCO refugee applicants than those resulting from the EU’s common asylum law. Finally, we conclude that, instead of a short-term solution such as the SCO rule, the Western States must accept more responsibilities in providing international protection by supporting the countries that border the crisis zones, and establishing a workable program to accept a specific number of asylum seekers every year. Keywords: Safe Countries of Origin - Designated Countries of Origin - Human Rights -Procedural Rights - Right to Personal Interview - Right to Appeal - the European Union - Canada - Refugee Applicants - Asylum Seekers

Podpora malého a středního podnikání v ČR z národních programů a z fondů EU / Support for small and medium sized enterprises in the Czech Republic from national programs and EU funds

Kracík, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The essence of the first part of this work (chapters 1, 2 and 3) lies in the brief introduction to the support for small and medium sized enterprises. After that follows presentation of key institutions (ministries, agencies, etc.) helpful during the process of obtaining support from national programmes. Except of basic services performed by given institutions, useful web links are also included. In the same way, particular European support programmes are presented. In the framework of second part (chapters 4, 5 and 6), backward bases are exemplified on the practical example of the company Strojírny Podzimek, Ltd. and their experiences. That case shows, what does the making use of the national support programmes mean practically. Likewise, business support from EU funds is described, namely on the case of company Frýdlantské strojírny Rasl a syn, Inc. Third part of this thesis (chapters 7 and 8) is making us familiar with resuming statistics about the amount of subsidies drawn from national programmes and from the EU funds. In both cases, brief forecasts of future development and approximate amounts of unused funds are stated.

Avaliação comparativa do desempenho de alunos admitidos na Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - FOUFU - via Vestibular e via PAIES, no período de 2000/1 a 2003/2

Reis, Simone Maria de ávila Silva 07 February 2006 (has links)
The research approached the selective process used by the Brazilian Colleges in the admission of candidates to the higher education. The raising demand for vacancies in the public universities contributed to the exceeding competition in the college entrance exams, what rebounded in the way of high school conduction, that has acquired propaedeutic characteristics. The negative reflection about the objectives of this level of the teaching trigged off searches for the alternatives selective process, that could rescue and encourage the realization of the purposes originally offered to the high school. New proposals acquired impulse with the promulgation of the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) nº 9394, in 12/20/1996, that extinguished the traditional college entrance exams exclusiveness as the selection s way. The Universidade Federal de Uberlândia implanted the Alternative Process to College Entrance PAIES, a process of evaluation in series, with exams aplicated in the end of the three series of high school. The candidates that reach the best general results in the three evaluations, since 1997, are selected to occupy 25% of the offered vacancies, yearly, by the higher courses of UFU; entering always in the first semester. While the traditional college entrance exams selects for the others 75% of the offered vacancies; that enter in both semesters. The aim of this work was to know the factor of predictive validate of these two selective processes, through the comparison of the academic performance of the student s groups of the Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (FOUFU) admitted by traditional college entrance exams and by Alternative Process to College Entrance (PAIES). The subjects of the research were the students of the 51º to 56º groups of the Odontology Course, examined in pre established periods of the course, by analysis of the official registers of notes and subjective evaluation of the students and the teachers, by the application of the questionnaire. The data, collected between 2002/2 and 2003/2, were treated statistically and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results allowed to conclude that the admitted students by Alternative Process to College Entrance (PAIES) presented best academic performance and best competence of learning during the graduation, and suggested that this selective process present level of factor of predictive validate higher then the traditional college entrance exams. / A pesquisa abordou os processos seletivos utilizados pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras na admissão de candidatos aos cursos de graduação. A crescente demanda por vagas nas Universidades Públicas contribuiu para a excessiva concorrência nos exames vestibulares, o que repercutiu na forma de condução do Ensino Médio, que assumiu funções meramente propedêuticas. Os reflexos negativos sobre os objetivos deste nível de ensino desencadearam buscas por processos seletivos alternativos, que pudessem resgatar e fomentar a concretização das metas originalmente propostas para o Ensino Secundário. Com a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional nº 9394, em 20/12/1996, que extinguiu a exclusividade do vestibular como meio de seleção para o ingresso no Ensino Superior, novas propostas de processos seletivos têm sido implantadas e utilizadas pelas Instituições de Ensino. A Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) implantou o Programa Alternativo de Ingresso ao Ensino Superior (PAIES), processo de avaliação seriada com provas aplicadas ao final das três séries do Ensino Médio. Os candidatos que alcançam os melhores resultados gerais nas três avaliações, desde 1997, são selecionados para ocupar 25% das vagas oferecidas, anualmente, pelos cursos superiores da UFU, ingressando sempre no primeiro semestre. Por sua vez, o Processo Seletivo Semestral (VESTIBULAR) seleciona os candidatos para os demais 75% das vagas, que ingressam em ambos os semestres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o Fator de Validade Preditiva1 desses dois processos seletivos, mediante a avaliação comparativa do desempenho acadêmico dos grupos de alunos da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFU admitidos via VESTIBULAR e via PAIES. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os alunos das 51ª à 56ª turmas, investigados em períodos pré-estabelecidos do curso, mediante análise dos registros oficiais de notas e avaliações subjetivas docente e discente, via questionários. Os dados, coletados entre 2002/2 e 2003/2, foram analisados de forma qualitativa e quantitativa, e tratados estatisticamente. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os alunos ingressos via PAIES apresentaram melhor performance e maior competência de aprendizagem durante a graduação, e demonstraram que o Fator de Validade Preditiva do PAIES é superior ao do VESTIBULAR. / Mestre em Odontologia

Wie stehen Medizinstudierende, Studienbewerber und Ärzte zur Feminisierung in der Medizin? / How do medical school applicants, medical students and doctors view the feminisation of medicine?

Laurence, Dorothea 19 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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