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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of technical education in community upliftment in Zimbabwe : a historical perspective and avulation

Makotose, Armitage Beverley 06 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, research was undertaken to trace the development of technical, . education in Zimbabwe and evaluate its role in community upliftment. The colonial era ( 1890-1979) and the post-colonial era ( 1980-2000) were examined in this connection. This involved, inter alia, analysing findings and recommendations of commissions of inquiry, and provisions of national development plans. Empirical analysis of the status and role of technical education in community upliftment was also undertaken. Finally, on the basis of the historical data, findings and conclusions regarding the history of technical education, as well as its role in community upliftment in Zimbabwe were made. As a way forward, some recommendations were made which would, if implemented, enhance the role of technical education in the individual's attainment of meaningful adulthood and improvement of society's quality of life. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

The idea of teaching about religion: an inquiry into the problem of meaning in education in a secular age

Marce, Gordon 13 September 2016 (has links)
What started out as a neat little argument for teaching about religion (AR) in public schools has become a wide-ranging essay asking why so many big ideas for education keep falling flat. The new argument, unifying the added themes, is that modern education is caught in self-defeating patterns of rationalizing and over-articulating its own meaningfulness and legitimacy. Thus, self-deception distorts the fulfillment of intergenerational responsibilities. The original topic has become a first example that leads into and illuminates the problem. As an educational idea, AR claims to address secularization for our times. If upon further thought the idea seems hollow, it becomes necessary to look again at the real world of secularization. AR reflects the contemporary obsession with diversity and the compulsion to turn education into a parade of possibilities. What is taught is merely a rationalized stance. Indeed, given that the legitimacy of an education system depends on locating authority within a recognizable source of meaning, and given that modernity foregrounds incommensurable diversity, there is an apparent obviousness to grounding the educational enterprise in bare proceduralism and then topping it up by tenuously claiming association with various deeper sources. But George Grant’s characterization of the religious education of an earlier generation still holds: “a few thin platitudes.” In religious contexts, a distinction is sometimes made between religious instruction and formation within thick tradition and community. Even in a secular age, the young deserve some kind of thick formation. Yet that seems unimaginable, because contemporary common sense is caught in what Hubert Dreyfus calls theoretical holism. Secularization presents education not with an array but with a dilemma: To go on trying to manage meanings for the young, or to allow them to find meaning in strong practices? Facing this dilemma will entail facing the disenchantment generated in our deepest Western educative impulses. Rediscovering true sources of educational authority for our times will entail going back to the origins of modern schooling in the breakup of the apprenticeship model and rethinking an institutional solution that so fundamentally denies the way in which human beings become oriented to meaning through strong practices. / October 2016

La transmission du savoir-faire lié à la construction de l'habitat traditionnel "Takienta" et son impact sur la conservation du "Koutammakou" du Togo

Amoussou, Gaël Kpotogbé January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

L'apprentissage d'une pratique démocratique : l'exemple de la prise de parole en franc-maçonnerie / Apprenticeship of a democratic practice : the example of a public speaking in freemasonry

Poulet, Célia 28 November 2011 (has links)
Au carrefour entre sociologies de la connaissance, de l’éducation et politique, cette thèse étudie certaines pratiques sociales de travail collectif par la prise de parole, que l’ on qualifie de démocratiques, et dont la Franc-maçonnerie est un terrain pris à titre d’exemple. Historiquement élitiste dans son recrutement, celle-ci a connu lors du siècle dernier une forte démocratisation. Il en résulte aujourd’hui une population socialement très hétérogène. Abordant la maçonnerie en tant que dispositif pédagogique tacite, ce travail se propose d’étudier les processus sociologiques en œuvre dans l’appropriation sociale d’un travail basé sur l’abstraction et la tranférabilité de relations symboliques. L’analyse de matériaux (entretiens, productions écrites réalisées par les Franc-maçons, textes officiels) permet de mettre en lumière certaines caractéristiques de cet apprentissage : élection, déprofanation et amélioration, construites à travers la cumulativité du travail collectif et la possibilité de sa révision. L’enjeu de ce sujet dépasse de ce fait la question des loges maçonniques. A travers une approche de cette pédagogie tacite, on cherche à éclairer les enjeux de l’apprentissage en termes de production et reproduction des savoirs, autour de la question fondamentale du droit à l’amélioration dans les structures pédagogiques et de l’élaboration d’une normativité collective. / At the crossroad between sociology of knowledge, sociology of education and political sociology, this thesis examines certain social practices of collective work by public speaking of members, described as democratic. In this study, Freemasonry constitutes a revealing field of research. Historically characterised by a very elitist recruitment mode, Freemasonry has gone through a process of democratisation during the last century. As a result, Freemasonry shows much more social heterogeneity then before.. Considering Freemasonry as tacit pedagogic device, this research examines the sociological processes at work in the social appropriation of a practice based on abstraction and transferability of symbolic relations. The data analysis (interviews, written productions of masons, official texts) allows highlighting some specificities of this apprenticeship: election, déprofanation and improvement, which are built through the cumulativity of collective work and the possibility of revision. As a matter of fact, the interest of this study goes far beyond the Masonic lodges themselves. Using the concept of a tacit pedagogy, what is at stake is apprenticeship as production and reproduction of knowledge, including the fundamental issues of the right to improve within pedagogic structures and the elaboration of a collective normativity.

Desigualdade de desempenho escolar dos alunos do ensino fundamental do estado de São Paulo: uma análise de decomposição / Test score inequality of elementary school children in São Paulo state: a decomposition analysis

Ferreira, Rodrigo Araújo 22 February 2008 (has links)
Utiliza-se o método de decomposições do índice Theil-L para encontrar determinantes da desigualdade de desempenho escolar das crianças da 4ª série do ensino fundamental do estado de São Paulo. Os dados de proficiência dos alunos em português e matemática são extraídos da Prova Brasil 2005 e combinados com os dados do Censo Escolar 2005. A análise das contribuições brutas e marginais geradas por meio do índice Theil L mostra que variáveis comumente utilizadas como medidas de background sócioeconômico dos alunos explicam pouco da desigualdade das notas, menos de 2%. Ao mesmo tempo, as contribuições brutas e marginais apontam para a importância significativa das escolas, que explicam 14,58% da desigualdade de desempenho dos alunos em matemática e 13,27% do desempenho dos alunos em português. A única variável que explica significativamente a desigualdade entre as escolas é o município, 14,56% da desigualdade em matemática e 13,98% em português. As demais variáveis quando consideradas isoladamente, respondem por menos de 2,5% da desigualdade. Quando tomadas em grupos, seu poder explicativo aumenta. As variáveis de infraestrutura escolar explicam 18,68% da desigualdade entre as escolas em português e 20% da desigualdade em matemática. As variáveis referentes ao background dos colegas respondem respectivamente por 8,79 e 9,40%. Conclui-se que o impacto das diferentes variáveis no desempenho dos alunos se dá por meio de sua interação mais do que pelo efeito de variáveis específicas. Reitera-se também a importância de se entender o impacto dos insumos escolares para compreender a proficiência dos alunos. O trabalho aponta ainda o efeito que os municípios têm sobre as escolas e oferece base para uma melhor compreensão posterior desse fenômeno. / This research uses the method of Theil-L decomposition to find determinants of the inequality among students scores of the 4th grade of the fundamental school in the state of São Paulo. The data is provided by a combination of Prova Brasil 2005 standardized tests and the Censo Escolar 2005. The analysis of the gross and marginal contributions measured by the Theil-L indez indicates that the variables normally used for students social and economic background give few explanation about the total inequality measured. The analysis of the decompositions also shows that schools play a main role in the inequalities among students, explaining 14,58% of the students inequality in math and 13,27% in Portuguese. The only single variable that shows an important impact in the score inequalities among schools is the municipality, 14,56% for math and 13,98% for Portuguese. The other variables have no impact over 2,5% when considered solely. By the other side, when these variables are considered in groups, there is a gain in explanation. The school infra-structure explain 18,68% of the inequality among schools in Portuguese and 20% of the inequality in math. The variables about the peers background are responsible for 8,79 and 9,40% respectively. It is concluded that the impact of differents variables in students learning are more due to their interaction, than by their direct effects. It is reinforced the importance of a better understanding of school variables to understand children apprenticeship as shown by part of the literature. This research points to the importance of municipalities for schools and gives a basis for further discussion on this matter.

Apprentissage organisationnel et dynamique de développement local en Haïti : proposition d'une intelligibilité en termes de production d'un nouvel ordre territorial

Dorvilier, Fritz 18 June 2007 (has links)
Compte tenu de la structuration de l'ordre global et de l'affaiblissement des États des nations pauvres, les dynamiques de construction d'un modèle de développement intégrateur doivent nécessairement se mettre en place au niveau local. Toutefois, vu que ce dernier ne constitue pas le lieu naturel du processus de transformation socio-économique méliorative, les acteurs locaux sont alors amenés à produire un ordre local de mouvement social susceptible de les réunir, de les associer, de les encadrer et de les orienter dans leur quête de développement. Il est néanmoins évident que cet ordre local de mouvement social, outre la simple association des individus concernés, suppose une autre condition. Celle-ci n'est autre que la mise en œuvre d'un dispositif d'apprentissage organisationnel, c'est-à-dire un mécanisme de fabrication collective de savoirs, de savoir-faire et de savoir être au sein d'une structure organisée. Ainsi, ce processus d'apprentissage collectif s'effectuant dans l'organisation locale, en tant qu'instrument d'identification, de définition, de coordination et de régulation des préférences collectives et de mobilisation des stratégies économique, socio-culturelle et politique innovantes des acteurs locaux, constitue la condition de possibilité principale pour la dynamique de construction du développement local ou d'un nouvel ordre territorial. Cette thèse montre donc pourquoi et comment des paysans d'une localité haïtienne, Belle-Fontaine, s'organisent, mettent en place, avec l'appui de certaines organisations non gouvernementales, un dispositif d'apprentissage collectif et participent à la construction d'un modèle spécifique de développement territorial. Fritz DORVILIER, né aux Gonaïves, Haïti, a obtenu un Certificat de fin d'études en Droit (École de Droit et des Sciences économiques des Gonaïves, 1999). Il est licencié en Sociologie (Université d'État d'Haïti, Faculté des Sciences Humaines, 2000). Il est détenteur d'un Diplôme Post-Gradué en Population et Développement (Université d'État d'Haïti/Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population, 2001). Il est titulaire d'un Diplôme d'Études Approfondies en Études du Développement (Développement, Environnement et Sociétés) de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, 2003. Il est professeur à l'Université d'État d'Haïti depuis 2003. / In view of the world order, the weakening of poorer States, the dynamics of integrated development must be activated locally. However as this latter is not the place par excellence for socio-economic betterment, local actors must produce locally a social movement able to associate and organize them in view of their development. This localized social movement supposes more than mere regrouping: it requires organizational apprenticeship, i.e. the collective production of local knowledge, know how and simply being within an organization. This process taking place within a local structure fostering identity, coordination and selection of common options, mobilization of economic, socio-cultural and political innovations, presents itself as the primordial condition making for fresh local territorial ordering of things relevant to development. This thesis shows how the rural population of Belle Fontaine in Haiti, with help from NGOs, have built up a collective and participatory framework for apprenticeship aimed at locally rooted development. Fritz DORVILIER, born in Gonaïves, Haiti, obtained a diploma in Law from the School of Law and Economic sciences of Gonaïves in 1999 and a BA in sociology at the State University of Haiti in 2000. In 2001 he obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Population and Development (financed by the UNFPA) at the same University and in 2003 a DEA in advanced development studies at the University of Louvain. Since then he is professor at the State University of Haiti. Resumen Teniendo en cuenta la estructuración del orden global y el debilitamiento de los estados de las naciones pobres, las dinámicas de construcción de un modelo de desarrollo integral deben implementarse, necesariamente, en el nivel local. No obstante, éste último no es por naturaleza el lugar del proceso de una transformación socio-económica progresiva; por ello, los actores locales son animados a producir un orden local de movimiento social, capaz de reunirlos y asociarlos, de facilitarles un marco y una orientación en su búsqueda del desarrollo. Sin embargo, es evidente que este orden local del movimiento social, además de la simple asociación de los individuos interesados, implica otra condición: la constitución de un dispositivo de aprendizaje organizativo, es decir, un mecanismo de fabricación de saber colectivo, de prácticas y sentidos en el seno de una organización. En tanto que instrumento de identificación, definición, coordinación y regulación de las preferencias colectivas y de movilización de las innovadoras estrategias económicas, socio-culturales y políticas de los actores locales, este proceso de aprendizaje colectivo desarrollado en la organización local constituye la condición de posibilidad principal para la dinámica de construcción del desarrollo local o de un nuevo orden territorial. Esta tesis muestra porque y como los campesinos de una localidad haitiana, Belle-Fontaine, se organizan y ponen en práctica, con el apoyo de ciertas organizaciones no gubernamentales, un dispositivo de aprendizaje colectivo y participan en la construcción de un modelo específico de desarrollo territorial. Fritz DORVILIER, nació en Gonaïves, Haití, obtuvo un Certificado de fin de estudios en Derecho (Escuela de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas de Gonaïves, 1999). Es licenciado en Sociología (Universidad del Estado de Haití, Facultad de Humanidades, 2000). Posee un diploma de Estudios de Postgrado en Población y Desarrollo (Universidad del Estado de Haití/Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Población, 2000). Obtuvo un Diploma de Estudios Aprofundidad en Estudios del Desarrollo (Desarrollo, Medio ambiente y Sociedades) en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, 2003. Es profesor en la Universidad del Estado de Haití desde 2003.

A case study of the nature of biology practical work in two Secondary Schools in Namibia.

Kandjeo-Marenga, Hedwig Utjingirua. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> <p align="left">The aim of the study was to investigate the nature of biology practical work and associated discourses in two Namibian secondary schools. The purposive sample consisted of three biology teachers and 36 grade 11 students who enrolled for NSSC Higher- and Ordinary-level biology in 2004 and 2005. The study adopted a descriptive and an in-depth qualitative design involving the use of interviews and observation schedules (Video Observation Quoting Schedules-VOQS). The quality of VOQS instruments were established through a panel of independent experts who critically assessed the quality of the items and later discussed to reach consensus. Their rating of the items helped in the establishment of interrater reliability.</p> </font></font></p>

A case study of the nature of biology practical work in two Secondary Schools in Namibia.

Kandjeo-Marenga, Hedwig Utjingirua. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> <p align="left">The aim of the study was to investigate the nature of biology practical work and associated discourses in two Namibian secondary schools. The purposive sample consisted of three biology teachers and 36 grade 11 students who enrolled for NSSC Higher- and Ordinary-level biology in 2004 and 2005. The study adopted a descriptive and an in-depth qualitative design involving the use of interviews and observation schedules (Video Observation Quoting Schedules-VOQS). The quality of VOQS instruments were established through a panel of independent experts who critically assessed the quality of the items and later discussed to reach consensus. Their rating of the items helped in the establishment of interrater reliability.</p> </font></font></p>

La transmission du savoir-faire lié à la construction de l'habitat traditionnel "Takienta" et son impact sur la conservation du "Koutammakou" du Togo

Amoussou, Gaël Kpotogbé January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Formação de leitores surdos e a educação inclusiva

Martins, Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira [UNESP] 15 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005-12-15Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:22:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_seso_dr_mar.pdf: 919447 bytes, checksum: f926cfbfa840b2bb7449f8f39e5ee1a7 (MD5) / As políticas de atendimento, na área da educação especial, quando inseridas no quadro das reformas de educação básica, enfrentam desafios para o atendimento escolar de alunos com necessidades especiais. Dentre as preocupações mais comuns dos profissionais envolvidos na escolarização dos surdos, destaca-se, no cenário da educação inclusiva, o ensino da leitura e da escrita. Ao considerar as especificidades lingüísticas dos surdos, no processo de apropriação da leitura e, conseqüentemente, no seu desenvolvimento acadêmico, esta pesquisa procurou analisar o que dizem os professores sobre a prática pedagógica da leitura, nas escolas. Visto que, no estado de São Paulo, muitos alunos surdos ainda enfrentarão o processo formal de letramento, sem o conhecimento necessário de língua - oral e/ou gestual - formalizei por meio da pesquisa-ação, o desenvolvimento de um programa de intervenção pedagógica da produção de leitura para um grupo de crianças surdas. Amparada em autores marxistas - Foucambert, Vygostsky e Bakhtin - que concebem a leitura como prática social e cultural de linguagem, procurei valorizar, nesse programa, a discursividade como atividade fundamental na mediação entre leitor, autor e o texto. Todos os dados coletados nas entrevistas e nas sessões de filmagens foram transcritos na íntegra e analisados a partir de uma abordagem microgenética, para a qual as interações singulares dos participantes focais foram importantes na compreensão do fenômeno investigado. Mesmo se reconhecendo que a ausência de uma língua comum entre os interlocutores dificulta o acesso aos conhecimentos partilhados, dentro ou fora da escola,.... / The attendance, policies in the special education area, when inserted in the frame of basic education reformation, have faced challenges for the scholar attendance with special necessity. Among the most common concerns of the professionals involved in deaf people's education, the teaching of reading and writing is stood out in the inclusive education scenery. Considering the linguistic particularization of deaf people in the reading appropriateness process, and consequently, in their academic development, this study tried to analyzed what teachers say about the reading pedagogic practice in schools. Since many deaf students, in the State of São Paulo, will still face the formal process of alphabetization without the necessary knowledge of language - oral and/or by gestures - I have formalized the development of a pedagogic intervention program of reading production through action research to a group of deaf children. Supported by Marxist authors - Foucambert, Vygostsky and Bakhtin - who conceive reading as a social and cultural language practice, I tried to value in this program the speech as a fundamental activity during the mediation of reader, author and text. All the collected data from the interviews and filming sessions were transcribed integrally and analyzed from a micro genetic approach, on which the singular interactions of the focal patients were important in the comprehension of the phenomenon investigated. Even recognizing that the lack of a common language between interlocutors makes the access to the shared knowledge difficult, inside or outside the school,...(Complete abstract, click electronic address below).

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