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Förslag till åtgärder av miljonprogramsbostäder : Inventering och värdering med beaktande av varsamhet, energieffektivisering, kostnader och miljöbelastningMöller Frohm, Elin, Rutqvist, Linnea January 2008 (has links)
<p>Efter andra världskriget var bostadsbristen stor i Sverige och standarden på de befintliga</p><p>bostäderna var låg. Folkmängden ökade stadigt under efterkrigsåren och trots att byggandet</p><p>tog fart under 1950-talet var bristen på bostäder mycket stor i början på 1960-talet. Sveriges</p><p>regering fattade då ett beslut om att en miljon bostäder skulle byggas. Epoken i</p><p>bostadsbyggandet fick namnet miljonprogrammet. Detta stora bestånd som byggdes under</p><p>åren 1965 till 1975 kännetecknas av massproduktion och enkelhet i kantiga former.</p><p>Miljonprogramsbebyggelsen valdes som utgångspunkt i detta examensarbete eftersom det är</p><p>ett väldigt aktuellt ämne då många av dessa områden måste genomgå förändringar inom de</p><p>närmsta åren. Ändringar måste göras för att höja kvalitén och få ett mer attraktivt boende.</p><p>Det är ett realistiskt projekt som binder ihop vår utbildning på alla områden –</p><p>byggnadsteknik, arkitektur och miljö. Dessutom kommer behovet av åtgärder av</p><p>miljonprogrammets bostäder att beröra de flesta inom byggbranschen på ett eller annat sätt</p><p>de kommande åren.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB är ett av många bostadsbolag som äger flerfamiljshus som byggdes under</p><p>miljonprogrammets era. Bostäderna behöver i dagsläget åtgärdas på grund av att många</p><p>lägenheter i detta bostadsbestånd står tomma och är dessutom svåruthyrda eftersom området</p><p>anses oattraktivt och nedgånget. Dessa problem resulterade i att Sandvikenhus AB behöver</p><p>åtgärdsförslag för sin miljonprogramsbebyggelse. Uppgiften till detta examensarbete blev att</p><p>ta fram och jämföra olika alternativ för åtgärder som beaktar arkitektoniska, ekonomiska,</p><p>energi- och miljömässiga aspekter och som leder till ett attraktivt boende. Genom en</p><p>omfattande litteraturstudie och beräkningar har ett antal förslag tagits fram på vad som kan</p><p>göras i området för att husen skall klara av de krav som lagar, föreskrifter och kanske</p><p>framförallt hyresgästerna ställer. Åtgärdsförslagen viktades sedan med tanke på miljö,</p><p>ekonomi och på att behålla den speciella karaktär som området har. Detta resulterade i</p><p>mindre och större åtgärder som fastighetsägare kan genomföra på byggnader från denna</p><p>tidsepok.</p><p>De mest försvarbara alternativen som valdes ut var att tilläggisoleras väggarna med EPSskivor</p><p>som sedan putsas och att taket får ett ytterligare lager lösull. Även plåten vid taken</p><p>fräschas upp med ny färg och balkongerna görs trivsammare med inslag av trä och ny front.</p><p>Entréernas utformning ses över för att skapa ett mer inbjudande intryck.</p> / <p>After the Second World War housing shortage was a big problem in Sweden and the</p><p>standard of existing buildings was low. New buildings were build but not enough for the</p><p>rapidly growing population. The Swedish government took the decision that one million</p><p>houses should be built between the years 1965-75. This episode was called</p><p>miljonprogrammet.</p><p>Now, 30 years later, buildings from miljonprogrammet have many technical and social</p><p>problems. A lot of these buildings are a matter of urgent and most undergo changes in just a</p><p>few years. This was taken as a starting point in this examination project while it’s a realistic</p><p>project that includes all the parts in our education - building technique, architecture and</p><p>environment. Besides this the need of measures of the miljonprogram will matter to the most</p><p>people in the building trade, in one way our other, in just a few years.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB is a company that owns apartment blocks build during this era. They have</p><p>problems with empty flats that are hard to rent out while they are worn out and unattractive.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB needs a measure proposal for its buildings. The purpose of this</p><p>examination project was to compare different alternative suggestions considering</p><p>architectural, economical, energy and environmental issues in order to create a more</p><p>attractive living.</p><p>By using investigations and calculations a number of measures have been suggested for what</p><p>can be done to the area. Every measure was given a specific value for environmental loads,</p><p>costs and rate of presentation. This resulted in suggestions of smaller and bigger measures</p><p>that can make these houses a better place to live in.</p><p>Our investigation shows that the best result for this area would be to give the house walls an</p><p>additional insulation and the roofs a layer of extra insulation. The roof sheet metal should be</p><p>given new colors and the balcony new segments in wood and new fronts. The entrance</p><p>design should be looking after to create a more inviting impression.</p>
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Exploring social-cultural explanations for residential location choices : the case of an African City - Dar es SalaamLimbumba, Tatu Mtwangi January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the factors urban residents consider when making residential location decisions. The context of the study is informal residential areas in a rapidly urbanising African city – the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. A central concern in the study is how the urban poor make their residential location decisions; the assumption is that with income limitations the urban poor rely on other non-economic resources to enable their residential location decisions in the context of rapid urban growth and urban poverty. The study attempts to question residential location choice concepts that rely on economic approaches as well as question explanations based on the developing world experiences.The study suggests that in the absence of reliable incomes, social networks and informalchannels prevail in the decision-making process. The concept of social capital where networks and social relationships are used as a resource by individuals or groups to achieve goals is explored in a residential choices framework. Demonstrated through in-depth interviews with heads of households settling close to the CBD (termed the inner city), the intermediate informal residential areas and the peri-urban residential areas; the study shows how socio-cultural factors play a role in the decision makingprocess of households. This is illustrated inter alia, in the form of informal channels for information on accommodation and residential plots, being accommodated rent-free by a relative, the actions of subsequently making short-distance moves to a location within proximity of a relative, or seeking people of the same socio-economic status. The context within which the actions have taken place has also been shown to be important in corroborating the network and relationship elements in the concept of social capital. The uncertainty that residents in rapidly urbanizing cities have to deal with on an everyday basis calls for networks and relations as an important resource for survival. The study goes further to suggest how urban planning practice can learn from the social processes. The study is based on qualitative methods such as in-depth interviewing with heads of household and key informants.
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Hur kan ett område utvecklas till att bli en attraktiv plats att bo på?Jakesevic, Ana, Dahlström, Rebecka January 2013 (has links)
Hur kan ett område utvecklas till att bli en attraktiv plats att bo på? I examensarbetet besvaras denna fråga bland annat utifrån intervjuer med personer som på olika sätt har varit inblandade i de olika projekt och projekteringsplaner som diskuteras/berörs i arbetet och utifrån enkäter genomförda bland anställda på IKEA. Enkätstudien genomfördes ursprungligen med syfte att utreda anställdas inställning till IKEA och Älmhult. Bland dem som fyllt i den finns både sådana som redan bor i Älmhult och sådana som i dagsläget pendlar in till Älmhult. En förutsättning för arbetet var att ett nytt område för exploatering skulle kunna utvecklas i form av en bomässa och därför har även en kartläggning av och jämförelse mellan ett antal tidigare bomässor genomförts. Frågor som behandlas är vad som har varit utmärkande för dessa bomässor och vad som har gett dem genomslagskraft. Idéer och förslag presenteras i form av översiktliga planer och beskrivningar som kopplar till intervjuer, enkätsvar och analyser
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Ytbearbetning av ersättningssten för kulturhistoriska byggnader / Surface treatment on replacement stone for historic buildingsOlof-Ors, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
The study investigates questions and considerations emerging when stone in historic buildings needs to be replaced. The focus is on the surface treatment of stone in sandstone façades in pre-industrial buildings. That means buildings constructed by traditional methods and craftsmanship without the use of modern technology. The research issue originates from the extensive stonework that is planned for the façades of the Stockholm Palace. The project includes the replacement of large quantities of damaged stone to newly cut stone. This raises the questions about the use of modern and rational methods for surface treatment on the replacement stone. The purpose of the study is to investigate the demands on the stone in large scale restoration projects and to find out what methods for finishing are available. In order to make observations from a recent project involving vast amounts of newly cut sandstone the reconstruction of the Dresden Frauenkirche is investigated. By conducting interviews with representatives from the current project at the Stockholm Palace and with persons involved in the planning and execution of the reconstruction of the Dresden Frauenkirche the considerations that emerge from a large scale project containing sandstone façades is exemplified. Literature on traditional methods for stone finishing is studied and the various stone finishes on the Stockholm Palace and on the Dresden Fraunekirche is investigated. Methods and technology of the modern stone industry is examined by visiting two large German stone producers, in addition a small Swedish workshop is also studied. The findings of the study indicates that important qualities of the traditional carved stone might be lost if modern machine finishing is used. Modern technology can however facilitate the shaping out of the stone. If such rational production methods is chosen it requires that the detailing of the stonework must be taken into account and the handwriting of the individual craftsman has to be allowed to appear in the finished result. The conclusion of the study points to that the best result for surface treatment of sandstone on historic buildings is achieved through traditional methods preformed by skilled craftsmen.
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IntroductionLegnér, Mattias, Ponzini, Davide January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Redevelopment through rehabilitation : The role of historic preservation in revitalizing deindustrialized cities: Lessons from the United States and SwedenLegnér, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
The rehabilitation of urban environments by giving old buildings new functions is an old practice, but policies meant for encouraging rehabilitation trace their American origins back to the 1960s with the growing criticism of urban renewal plans and the rise of historic preservation values. In the U.S., historic rehabilitation has proven to be a way of revitalizing cities which have faced deindustrialization, disinvestment and shrinking tax revenues. Built heritage is especially vulnerable in these places because of the willingness of city governors to attract investment and development at any costs. This willingness of local authorities to let developers run amock in their cities might prove to be a bad strategy in the long run, even though it can bring capital back into the city fairly quick. In a climate of toughening regional and global competition over tourism and the location of business headquarters, the images and cultures of cities have gained an increasing importance. Careful and well planned redevelopment of the built environment has an crucial role to play in the re-imaging of industrial cities. Not including the new jobs and other direct economic benefits of rehabilitation, historic structures carry a large part of a city’s character and identity, ingredients desperately sought after when cities need to get an edge and show why they are worth visiting or relocating to. This paper has argued that successful rehabilitation not only makes use of the historic built environment, but also that it has the potential of renegotiating and redefining the history of a city (or at least parts of it). In this way rehabilitation can prove to have great public benefits in making new spaces available for public access and civic intercourse. City governors should not just look at quick economic benefits. A city where the urban fabric has been destroyed through profit-oriented and shortsighted development runs the risk of having gone into a dead end. A more prosperous future for the population, not just the developers, might instead be found in democratically planned and financially scaled down solutions in which the built environment is systematically reused. American developers and cities have proven to be successful in making rehabilitation financially successful for the property owner. Considerably less interest have been shown for the public benefits of these projects, often making them into isolated enclaves lacking legitimacy among the public and causing conflicts within the neighborhood. Developers are repeatedly accused of gentrification, displacement and for ignoring the public need for affordable housing. Despite the unclear public benefits these projects are often heavily subsidized on federal, state as well as city level. After having dealt with the growing general importance of cultural policies for cities, U.S. policies on historic rehabilitation are discussed and two large redevelopment projects in Baltimore and Durham presented. After that a Swedish case of inner city redevelopment through rehabilitation is presented, showing a contrast in both national policy and local practice. Swedish redevelopment has not been subsidized in the same generous manner as in many states of the U.S., and it has been more integrated into urban planning. In the Swedish case the city governors were not interested in preserving the built environment, but due to disinvestment new construction did not occur. In the 1970s, there was a consensus between leading politicians and local developers that preservation values would not be allowed to stand in the way of development. Until the early 1980s there was also a lack of local public support for preserving industrial buildings, as in many deindustrialized cities where industry has come to symbolize unemployment and stigmatization. The unique environment of the Industrial Landscape was finally preserved not through the actions of local government, but of architectural historians and curators representing government authority. Development of the historic district needed close monitoring at a national level since the developer had a very strong influence on local politics. In Swedish preservation policies local authorities have the possibility to landmark and protect environments much in the same way as in many U.S. cities with preservation commissions. If an urban plan seems to interfer with preservation goals, however, national authorities have the possibility of intervening in a similar way to that of state preservation offices in the U.S. In the 1990s development within the Industrial Landscape went into a more mature and democratically influenced phase in which goals of public access and attractiveness became increasingly important. The lesson from Sweden shows that redevelopment through rehabilitation can be affordable and that it does not need a whole lot of public subsidy. It also shows that the historical and aesthetic values need to be stressed in order for the development project to win the public support that is needed in a democratically lead community. The political leadership in this city, paralyzed by economic crisis, was heavily influnced by the developer, who was a large property owner in the city. But through monitoring, academic research and participation in public debate by preservation professionals, the table was turned and the preservation of the Industrial Landscape gained more and more support from the city in the 1980s. Instead of giving subsidies to the developer, the government located a national museum of labor to the district at a time in which economic support was badly needed. This showed that successful rehabilitation was possible here and that it would have considerable public benefits. Finally, it is also argued that the historical experiences of the national preservation movements have influenced the way rehabilitation is carried out. In Sweden, historic preservation has largely been a task for national government, whereas in the U.S. it has to a large extent been organized through national and local non-profit organizations buying up properties and lobbying for preservation causes. In this way historic preservation has been more integrated in Swedish urban politics, whereas in the U.S. preservationists have been identified as just one interest among others.
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Critical Evaluation On Conservation Approaches In The Archaeological Site Of PergeBakacak, Oya 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis concentrates on evolving concepts on conservation of cultural heritage with an emphasis on archaeological sites and evaluates the realization of diverse concepts in a particular case. The study is handled in two main sections that cover theoretical study and case study. The initial conceptual section clarifies the circumstances in archaeological sites with a view to historical developments followed by current approaches at international and national level. The following section comprises the case study concerning the archaeological site of Perge studied through historical and urban evolution and investigation of excavations and interventions for evaluation of concerns for its conservation. The thesis is finalized by concluding remarks of the study as a guide for further studies for conservation issues of the ancient city of Perge.
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Åtgärdsförslag och känslighetsanalys vid energieffektivisering ur ett fuktsäkert perspektiv : En fallstudie på timmerhuset Sofiedals herrgårdOldhammer, Michael, Holmberg, Dan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigated the possibilities to resume cultivation of an old manor house built of timber and what this would mean from an energy and moisture perspective. The building in this case study is named Sofiedals mansion and was built in 1858 in Valbo 11 kilometers west of Gävle. The structure of the house was documented and used as a starting-point for carrying out calculations focused on energy and moisture aspects. With the help of a number of computer programs and a conducted air tightness test, the buildings energy consumption were calculated and compared with the current building regulations. In addition, the building was analyzed considering energy retrofitting and what it meant for moisture problems. The energy retrofitting consisted of additional insulation, decreasing the buildings permeability through air sealing; window and door replacements. When a building is equipped with natural ventilation it is difficult to know its precise performance and how an energy retrofitting affects it. Therefore a sensitivity-analysis was performed on four different types of ventilation performance and how they affected the buildings energy as well as its building components moisture performance. The proposed suggestion for an energy retrofitting was made with a potential buyer in mind. Therefore general problems have been documented to demonstrate other measures to be taken into consideration when cultivating the building. The investigation showed that the buildings energy consumption needs to be reduced by approximately 45% to achieve the goal of Swedens current building regulations. Depending on the presumed ventilation performance, the energy consumption and moisture content in the building components varied. The conducted sensitivity analysis showed that a vapour barrier is required to make the building safe from moisture problems. In order to achieve the building regulations energy demands a specific energy consumption of 110kWh/m 2 each year was required. Currently the building does not meet these requirements and needs to undergo an extensive retrofitting. / Detta examensarbete undersökte möjligheterna kring att återuppta brukandet av en äldre herrgårdsbyggnad uppbyggd av timmer och vad detta skulle innebära ur ett energi- samt fuktperspektiv. Byggnaden som undersöktes heter Sofiedals herrgård och är uppförd år 1858 i Valbo 11 kilometer väst om Gävle. Husets uppbyggnad dokumenterades och användes som utgångspunkt för att kunna genomföra beräkningar inriktade på energi och fuktaspekter. Med hjälp av ett antal datorprogram och en tillhörande lufttäthetsprovning kunde husets nuvarande energianvändning beräknas och jämföras med dagens gällande byggregler. Därutöver undersöktes hur byggnaden påverkades ur energi- och fuktsynpunkt genom en energieffektivisering i form av tilläggsisolering, lufttätning, fönster- och dörrbyten. Eftersom det är svårt att kontrollera självdragsventilationens exakta prestanda har en luftflödesanalys gjorts beträffande fyra olika luftomsättningars påverkan av fukt och energiförhållanden för byggnaden. Åtgärdsförslag gällande en energieffektivisering projekterades med en potentiell köpare som bakgrund. Därför har även allmänna problem dokumenterats för att påvisa andra åtgärder som behöver vidtas. Undersökningen visade att byggnadens energianvändning behövde sänkas med ungefär 45 % för att uppnå Boverkets krav. Beroende på vilken ventilationsomsättning som antogs varierade både energianvändningen samt den relativa ånghalten i konstruktionen. En utförd luftflödesanalys visade att vid monterad ångspärr kommer konstruktionen vara fuktsäker. För att uppnå Boverkets energikrav krävs en specifik energianvändning på 110kWh/m 2·år. I dagsläget uppnår byggnaden inte kraven. Eftersom byggnaden beräknades till nästan 200 kWh/ m2∙år måste den genomgå omfattande renoveringsåtgärder.
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Luft-luftvärmepumpar för skyddsvärme i kyrkorBroström, Tor January 2010 (has links)
The use of air-to-air heat pumps in a church has been investigated with respect to preservation aspects and energy efficiency. The paper discusses the general problem and presents the results from a case study. The temperatures, velocities and humidity in the church have been measured for four different heating modes. The study shows that there is a significant potential for energy savings with heat pumps and that temperature distribution and air movements are comparable to conventional heating.
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Textilskåp med fuktstyrningBroström, Tor, Borgö, Louise, Thulin, Christine January 2010 (has links)
The objective of the present project was to develop and evaluate a solution forstorage of textiles in humid indoor environments, in this case churches. The proposed solution is based on creating a microclimate in the storage cabinets separated from the rest of the building. The cabinets were made air tight and insulated. With the use of a simple control system for conservation heating, the relative humidity can be kept below dangerous levels. The project comprises development and evaluation of textile cabinets in three churches on Gotland, Sweden. Measurements over one year show that cabinets with climate control are a simple and reliable method to prevent mould growth. Overall, the control systems have worked according to expectations. The relative humidity and temperature in the cabinets was maintained within a safe interval.
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