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Design and evaluation of a technology-scalable architecture for instruction-level parallelismNagarajan, Ramadass, 1977- 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available
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A process for function based architecture definition and modelingArmstrong, Michael James 01 April 2008 (has links)
Developments in electric technologies have the potential to increase the efficiency and performance of commercial aircraft. However, without proper architecture innovation, technology developments at the subsystem level are not sufficient to ensure successful integration. Adaptations to existing architectures work well when trades are made strictly between equivalent systems which fulfill and induce the same functional requirements. However, this approach does not provide the architect with adequate flexibility to integrate technologies with differing functional and physical interfaces. Architecture redefinition is required for proper implementation of non-traditional and innovative architectural elements.
A function-based process for innovative architecture design was developed to provide flexibility in the definition of candidate architectural concepts. Tools and methods were developed which facilitate the definition and exploration of a function-based architectural design space. These include functional decomposition, functional induction, dynamic morphology, adaptive functional mapping, reconfigurable mission definition, and concept level system installation. The Architecture Design Environment (ADEN) was built to integrate these tools and to facilitate the definition of physics-based models in evaluating the performance of candidate architectures.
Using functions as the foundation of this process assists in mitigating assumptions which traditionally govern architecture structures and offers a promising approach to architecting through flexible conceptualization and integration. This toolset provides the framework wherein knowledge from conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design efforts can be linked in the definition of revolutionary architectures.
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Do modelo geom?trico ao modelo f?sico: o tridimensional na educa??o do arquiteto e urbanistaCosta, Fernando Jos? de Medeiros 02 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-02 / In the teaching practice of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, educational legislation
views modeling laboratories and workshops as an indispensable component of the
infrastructure required for the good functioning of any architectural course of study.
Although the development of information technology at the international level has
created new possibilities for digital production of architectural models, research in
this field being underway since the early 1990s, it is only from 2007 onwards that
such technologies started to be incorporated into the teaching activity of architecture
and urbanism in Brazil, through the pioneering experience at LAPAC/FEC/UNICAMP.
It is therefore a recent experiment whose challenges can be highlighted through the
following examples: (i) The implementation of digital prototyping laboratories in
undergraduate courses of architecture and urbanism is still rare in Brazil; (ii) As a
new developing field with few references and application to undergraduate programs,
it is hard to define methodological procedures suitable for the pedagogical curricula
already implemented or which have already been consolidated over the years; (iii)
The new digital ways for producing tridimensional models are marked with
specificities which make it difficult to fit them within the existing structures of model
laboratories and workshops. Considering the above, the present thesis discusses the
tridimensional model as a tool which may contribute to the development of students
skills in perceiving, understanding and representing tridimensional space. Analysis is
made of the relation between different forms of models and the teaching of
architectural project, with emphasis on the design process. Starting from the
conceptualization of the word model as it is used in architecture and urbanism, an
attempt is made to identify types of tridimensional models used in the process of
project conception, both through the traditional, manual way of model construction as
well as through the digital ones. There is also an explanation on how new
technologies for digital production of models through prototyping are being
introduced in undergraduate academic programs of architecture and urbanism in
Brazil, as well as a review of recent academic publications in this area. Based on the
paradigm of reflective practice in teaching as designed by Sch?n (2000), the
experiment applied in the research was undertaken in the integrated workshop
courses of architectural project in the undergraduate program of architecture and
urbanism at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Along the experiment,
physical modeling, geometric modeling and digital prototyping are used in distinct
moments of the design process with the purpose of observing the suitability of each
model to the project s phases. The procedures used in the experiments are very
close to the Action Research methodology in which the main purpose is the
production of theoretical knowledge by improving the practice. The process was
repeated during three consecutive semesters and reflection on the results which
were achieved in each cycle helped enhancing the next one. As a result, a
methodological procedure is proposed which consists of the definition of the
Tridimensional Model as the integrating element for the contents studied in a specific
academic period or semester. The teaching of Architectural Project as it is developed
along the fifth academic period of the Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate
program of UFRN is taken as a reference / Na pr?tica do ensino de Arquitetura e Urbanismo no Brasil, verifica-se a exist?ncia
de laborat?rios e oficinas de maquetes, reconhecidas pela legisla??o educacional
como parte da infraestrutura necess?ria para o funcionamento de um curso. Embora
a evolu??o da tecnologia da informa??o no ?mbito internacional disponibilize novas
possibilidades para a produ??o digital de maquetes e modelos de Arquitetura com
pesquisas produzidas desde o in?cio da d?cada de 1990, no Brasil essas tecnologias
s? come?aram a ser apropriadas pelo ensino de Arquitetura e Urbanismo a partir de
2007 com a experi?ncia pioneira do LAPAC/FEC/UNICAMP. Trata-se, portanto de
uma experi?ncia recente e que evidencia a desafios. Por exemplo: (i) s?o raros os
casos de implanta??o de laborat?rios de prototipagem digital em cursos de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo no Pa?s; (ii) por ser um campo em desenvolvimento com
poucas refer?ncias de aplica??es na gradua??o, h? dificuldades na defini??o de
procedimentos metodol?gicos que sejam adequados aos projetos pedag?gicos j?
implantados e consolidados; (iii) as novas formas digitais de produ??o de modelos
tridimensionais cont?m especificidades que dificultam a compatibiliza??o com as
estruturas de laborat?rios e oficinas de maquetes j? existentes. Considerando o
exposto, na presente tese se discute o modelo tridimensional como instrumento
auxiliar no desenvolvimento da capacidade do estudante de perceber, compreender
e representar o espa?o tridimensional. Analisa-se a rela??o entre diferentes formas
de modelos e o ensino de projeto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo com interesse no
processo projetual. Partindo da conceitua??o do modelo em Arquitetura e
Urbanismo, busca-se identificar os tipos de modelos tridimensionais utilizados no
processo de elabora??o do projeto, tanto nas formas tradicionais de constru??o
manual de maquetes e modelos quanto nos meios digitais. Procura-se conhecer
como as novas tecnologias para a produ??o digital de modelos por meio da
prototipagem digital est?o sendo introduzidas nos cursos de gradua??o de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo no Brasil, assim como a produ??o acad?mica recente na
?rea. Considerando o paradigma do ensino pr?tico reflexivo concebido por Sch?n
(2000), o experimento realizado na pesquisa tem como ambiente de estudo o ateli?
integrado de projeto do Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande do Norte. No experimento a Modelagem f?sica, a Modelagem
Geom?trica e a Prototipagem Digital s?o inseridas em momentos do processo do
projeto com o objetivo de se observar a adequa??o do modelo ?s fases do projeto. A
metodologia empregada nos experimentos muito se aproxima da Pesquisa A??o na
qual o alvo principal ? a cria??o de conhecimento te?rico com o aprimoramento da
pr?tica. O processo se repetiu por tr?s semestres consecutivos e a reflex?o sobre os
resultados alcan?ados em cada ciclo forneceram subs?dios para aprimoramento no
seguinte. Como resultado prop?e-se um procedimento metodol?gico no qual o
Modelo Tridimensional constitui elemento integrador de conte?dos desenvolvidos em
um per?odo curricular, tendo como refer?ncia o ensino de Projeto Arquitet?nico e
Urban?stico no quinto per?odo do Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UFRN
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Perman?ncias e perspectivas no ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil: uma an?lise a partir da produ??o cient?fica dos Semin?rios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011)Barros, Amelia de Farias Panet 31 October 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-31 / O objeto de estudo desta tese ? o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acad?mico
brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e
ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemol?gica e cognitiva, a partir da
produ??o cient?fica dos Semin?rios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de tr?s
estados constitutivos: conserva??o, perman?ncia e transforma??o. A metodologia de
investiga??o ? qualitativa e seus pressupostos s?o investigad os por meio do m?todo
hipot?tico-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo
pesquisado, as hip?teses conduzem: primeiro, ? investiga??o e caracteriza??o de estruturas
que se conservam; segundo, ? investiga??o e levantamento de valores e conceitos que
permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adapta??o ?s mudan?as e paradigmas; e,
terceiro, por procurarem destacar pr?ticas pedag?gicas que indicam novos caminhos na
maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou
que, embora em menores propor??es, ainda se conservam a??es e posturas pedag?gicas que:
valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas
deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concep??o arquitetural; n?o
apresentam clareza metodol?gica na abordagem da problem?tica arquitet?nica; os contextos
urbanos s?o pouco explorados na experimenta??o; utilizam um sistema de concep??o baseado
em princ?pios est?ticos can?nicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transforma??o
da arquitetura contempor?nea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada.
Com rela??o ?s novas perspectivas encontradas, a an?lise da produ??o cient?fica demonstrou
que a pr?tica pedag?gica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por
transforma??es cr?ticas valiosas. Essa constata??o foi percebida, por meio, tamb?m, de
reflex?es e de pr?ticas pedag?gicas que valorizam a integra??o de conte?dos; que possuem
um discurso cr?tico e conciliador com rela??o ? necessidade de renova??o de pr?ticas,
paradigmas, meios e conte?dos; que est?o abertas ?s posturas cooperativas e ?s estrat?gias
para a constitui??o de um corpo te?rico-pr?tico para o ensino do projeto que n?o se limite ao
campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a import?ncia das novas tecnologias computacionais
na concep??o projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estrat?gias que
atualizam as solu??es projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o
espa?o acad?mico como um lugar prop?cio para as experi?ncias projetuais e pedag?gicas; que
manifestam um esfor?o em considerar a participa??o do usu?rio, assim como em realizar um
processo de apreens?o de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma
postura de valoriza??o do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educa??o do arquiteto
deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos ? inclus?o da realidade sociocultural e ambiental
como refer?ncia para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada ? racionalidade
t?cnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a media??o, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma
estrat?gia que supera qualquer antecipa??o program?tica e viabiliza a transforma??o e a
constru??o do pr?prio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo ? necess?rio para a
forma??o do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a pr?tica
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Todo Brasileiro merece n?vel A : habita??o multifamiliar para o programa minha casa minha vida energeticamente eficienteAlves, Andr? Felipe Moura 02 April 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-02 / This thesis describes the theoretical, methodological and programmatic proposal for a
multifamily residential building located in the urban expansion area of Parnamirim/RN, inserted in the
program Minha Casa Minha Vida and level of energy efficiency "A", as the RegulamentoT?cnico de
Qualidade (RTQ-R/INMETRO) for residential buildings. The development project initially consists of
procedures as the study of theoretical, architectural programming and cases studies. With the
delimitation of a field solution, situated between the reference and the context, proposals are
studied to determine the solution and architectural detailing of the proposal. The architectural
program was built based on the method of Problem Seeking (Pe?a and Parshall, 2001) and research
has highlighted aspects of reducing the environmental impact and of the program Minha Casa Minha
Vida , among others. The design process was characterized by the incorporation of aspects reviewed
and programmed, seeking them compatible and have an economically viable building, socio-spatial
quality and energy efficient. The results show that it is possible to obtain a building that meets the
constraints of the program that provides housing and energy efficiency level A - and many other
environmental qualities and constructive, particularly through architectural design / Esta disserta??o apresenta o percurso te?rico, metodol?gico e program?tico para a proposta
de uma edifica??o residencial multifamiliar localizada na ?rea de expans?o urbana de Parnamirim/RN,
inserida no Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida e com n?vel de efici?ncia energ?tica A , conforme o
Regulamento T?cnico de Qualidade para edifica??es residenciais (RTQ-R) do INMETRO. O
desenvolvimento do projeto consiste inicialmente de procedimentos como o estudo de referenciais
te?ricos, a programa??o arquitet?nica e os estudos de precedentes arquitet?nicos. Com a delimita??o
de um campo de solu??es, situado entre as refer?ncias e o contexto, s?o estudadas proposi??es para
ado??o e evolu??o do partido e posterior detalhamento da proposta arquitet?nica. A programa??o
arquitet?nica foi constru?da com base no m?todo do Problem Seeking (Pe?a e Parshall, 2001) e a
pesquisa destacou aspectos de redu??o do impacto ambiental e do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida,
dentre outros. O processo projetual se caracterizou pela incorpora??o dos aspectos revisados e
programados, buscando compatibiliz?-los e ter uma edifica??o vi?vel economicamente, com qualidade
s?cio-espacial e eficiente energeticamente. Os resultados alcan?ados demonstram que ? poss?vel
obter uma edifica??o que atende as restri??es do programa habitacional e que proporciona efici?ncia
energ?tica n?vel A e muitas outras qualidades ambientais e construtivas, sobretudo por meio do
projeto arquitet?nico
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Arquitetura de feições brutalistas no Piauí: dez exemplares / Architecture of brutalist features in Piauí: ten examplesLetícia Gomes de Sousa 28 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o conhecimento e o reconhecimento de dez edifícios de feições brutalistas do estado do Piauí. Por meio de um reconhecimento arquitetônico, crítico e referenciado dessas obras, construídas nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, procura-se compreender os seus valores projetuais, a relevância das mesmas na identidade da paisagem urbana em que se inserem e a origem e as peculiaridades do seu contexto de criação e implantação. Esta pesquisa leva em consideração os pormenores locais e as individuais contribuições intelectuais dos arquitetos, fatores que, vinculados a um contexto arquitetônico nacional, originaram exemplares concretos, cujos reconhecimento e interpretação se fazem necessários para melhor compreensão da cultura arquitetônica estadual e seu desdobramento nos âmbitos regional e nacional. Apesar de o caráter brutalista ser o denominador comum e o ponto de partida para o estudo do conjunto edificado, a pesquisa não se reduz a uma abordagem exiguamente estilística, pela crença de que uma categorização não é suficiente, nem mesmo determinante para a compreensão desses exemplares arquitetônicos, devendo os mesmos serem analisados como parcela do seu próprio contexto. Dessa forma, toma-se como princípio o enfoque propriamente arquitetônico da investigação, em que é \"a própria realidade da obra que se constitui objeto e oportunidade de pensamento\"(OYARZÚN; ARAVENA; QUINTANILLA et al., 2007, p. 11). Assim, por meio do estudo das obras em si, apoiado por documentos que elucidam suas características originais, realizou-se um trabalho de documentação e análise, considerando a importância desse conjunto para o patrimônio arquitetônico piauiense e para os ambientes urbanos, tendo em vista sua preservação e valorização, assim como o fortalecimento da historiografia arquitetônica piauiense. / This paper has as main purpose the acknowledgement and understanding of ten edifices of brutalist features in the state of Piauí. By meanings of architectonic, critic and referenced recognition of these buildings, constructed in the 1970s and 1980s, it is intended to comprehend its design value, their relevance in the identity of the urban landscape as well as the origin and peculiarities of their creation and implantation context. This research considers the local singularities and the individual intellectual contribution of the architects, factors which, associated to the national architectural scene, originated concrete precedent, making it necessary its interpretation and recognition to better comprehend the architectural culture of the state and its unraveling in the regional and national purview. Despite the brutalist characteristic being the common denominator and the starting point for the study of the edifice lot, the research is not reduced to a particularly stylistic approach, for believing that a mere categorization is insufficient, nor is decisive for the comprehension of this architectonic examples, these must be analyzed as a fraction of its own context. Thus being, a properly architectonic focus is taken as principle, where as \"the own reality of the product that constitutes object and opportunity of reflection\" (OYARZÚN; ARAVENA; QUINTANILLA, 2007, p.11). This way, by the study of the structure of the buildings, supported by documentation that clarify its original characteristics, a work of documentation and analysis was accomplished, considering the importance of this lot of architectonic heritage of Piauí and to other urban settlements, in behalf of its preservation and estimation, as well as the fortification of architectural historiography of Piauí.
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A casa acessível : o projeto de reforma residencial para pessoas com deficiência adquirida / The accessible home : residential remodeling design for people with acquired disabilitySouza, Laura Reily de 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Núbia Bernardi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T12:08:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O início do processo de projeto de arquitetura no caso de residências unifamiliares é frequentemente subestimado pelos projetistas. Nem por isso o projeto é menos complexo. Quando a situação de projeto envolve uma reforma residencial, especialmente uma em que os moradores passam por período de adaptação a uma nova condição física de algum dos membros, como casos de deficiências adquiridas, as variáveis desse projeto aumentam consideravelmente inserir exemplos. Deve-se prever, além da acessibilidade plena dos moradores, também a recuperação de seus laços afetivos com a casa. O objetivo deste estudo foi, utilizando-se de uma metodologia de estudo de caso, discutir os desafios vividos pelo usuário e pelo arquiteto no período inicial do projeto. Pretende-se iluminar princípios, do ponto de vista do sujeito que passa a viver a situação da falta de acesso aos espaços de sua própria casa, que possam subsidiar o desenvolvimento de metodologias de trabalho para projetistas. Este trabalho faz uma breve contextualização histórica acerca dos movimentos de lutas e conquistas dos direitos das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil e no mundo. Apresenta um paralelo entre as legislações brasileira e internacional para a acessibilidade no ambiente construído, focando-se na justaposição do Americans with Disability Act e o Decreto Federal 5.296/2004 e seus respectivos instrumentos e normas. Discute questões do relacionamento entre pessoa e ambiente que habita, e as mudanças que podem ocorrer na área do afeto, identificação e empoderamento da pessoa com o espaço de sua residência. Explora alternativas metodológicas para o desenvolvimento do programa de necessidades e avaliação do ambiente construído, e, aponta questões indicadas na literatura e pelos usuários deste estudo, que merecem ser levadas em conta para a remodelação de um espaço acessível, valorizando a relação pessoa-ambiente, a identificação e o afeto com o lugar de morada familiar / Abstract: Designers often underestimate the beginning of the process of creating an architectural project for one family homes, which nevertheless does not make it less complex. When the project situation involves residential renovation, especially if one of the residents is going through a period of adaptation resulting from a new physical condition, such as in acquired disability, the project variables increase considerably. Besides full accessibility for the residents, it is also necessary to provide for recovering the emotional ties to the home. Using a case study methodology, the aim of this study was to discuss the challenges faced by those living in the home and by the architect during the beginning phases of the project. The idea is to illuminate principles from the point of view of the subject who has to deal with the new situation of lack of access to spaces within his own home, in order to support the development of methodologies for the work of home designers. This study briefly presents a historical context on movements fighting for and conquering rights for people with disabilities in Brazil and in the world. Parallels were drawn between Brazilian and international policies on accessibility of built environments, focusing on the juxtaposition of the Americans with Disability Act and the Brazilian Decreto Federal 5.296/2004, with their respective instruments and norms. The study discusses issues concerning the relationship between the person and the environment he inhabits, and the changes that can ensue as to affect, identification and empowerment of the person with the place in which he resides. Finally, the study explores methodological alternatives for developing a program of needs and evaluation of the built environment, pointing out issues underlined in the literature and by the subjects of this study that ought to be taken into account when remodeling an accessible space so as to value the person environment relationship, as well the person?s identification and affect with the place of family dwelling / Mestrado / Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade / Mestra em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade
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Cultural and linguistic localization of the virtual shop owner interfaces of e commerce platforms for rural developmentDyakalashe, Siyabulela January 2009 (has links)
The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for rural development in rural marginalized societies is vastly growing. However, the success of developing and deploying ICT related services is still in question as influential factors such as adaptability, scalability, sustainability, and usability have great effect on the rate of growth of ICTs in rural environments. The problem is that these ICT services should be maintained and sustained by the targeted communities. The main cause for rural marginalization is the fact that some communities situated in rural settings are educationally challenged and computer illiterate or semiliterate in comparison with urban communities. An ICT for development (ICT4D) intervention in the form of an e-Commerce platform that targets the social and economic growth of rural marginalized communities has been developed and field tested at Dwesa, a rural community located on the Wild Coast of the former homeland of Transkei in the Eastern Cape Province. The e-Commerce platform is known as “buy at Dwesa” and can be visited at this URL, http://www.dwesa.com. The aim of the e-Commerce platform is to motivate small entrepreneurs in rural areas to market their products and themselves to the global market as they lack the skills and resources for marketing their art and crafts. Virtual stores are created for a small group of entrepreneurs who will maintain and sustain the stores on their own. These entrepreneurs are often elderly women with limited education and little to no computer literacy - meaning that sustaining the stores may prove difficult for them. In this research we discuss the re-design and re-development of the virtual shop-owner interfaces of the e-Commerce platform to make them more culturally and linguistically localized. The virtual shops allow shop-owners to upload their artifacts to advertise and sell on the customer’s end of the e-Commerce platform. For multilingual and multicultural communities, adoption of the software interfaces to the user’s cultural and linguistic needs and modes of expression is important as failure to do so may reduce the level of benefits of e-Commerce initiatives.
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Planning and Design Methods in Architecture: Analysis and further development illustrated by the example of social and healthcare buildings. Research design of DFG-project SCHM 1513/1-1 / Planungs- und Entwurfsmethoden in der Architektur: Analyse und Weiterentwicklung, dargestellt an einem Beispiel aus dem Bereich Bauten des Sozial- und Gesundheitswesens. Forschungsdesign des DFG-Projekts SCHM 1513/1-1Fendl, Monika, Schmieg, Heinzpeter 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Sportovní centrum Za Lužánkami Brno / Sport Centre Za Lužánkami BrnoArletová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the architectural study of a sports center in Brno Lužánky focusing on the football stadium for 18,000 spectators. The equipement of the stadium falls into category 3 and it has some equipements of Elite category. The stadium is one of the objects of the recreational sports center za Lužánkami. The solution is based on the idea to link the life in the surrounding park and the life in football stadium. This is achieved through non-closed facade, that is formed by rods and a wire mesh. Ground plan is based on the football field and the requirements for visibility curve. The primary load-bearing structure is reinforced concrete skeleton frame, the stadium is covered by a steel truss. The upper part is lined with grandstandstitanium zinc plates which gently reflects the surrounding area and support the main idea.
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