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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A la recherche des "voix perdues" : contribution à une sociologie des usages pluriels du vote blanc et nul / In search of "lost voices" : contribution to a sociology of Blank and null vote's plural uses

Moualek, Jérémie 28 March 2018 (has links)
Pourquoi l'électeur, s'il sait que son vote ne sera pas pris en compte, s'attache-t-il quand même à voter blanc et nul ? Plus globalement, comment le vote blanc et nul a-t-il pu persister et même augmenter, en dépit de son absence de prise en compte dans les suffrages exprimés ? C'est à ce double questionnement qu'est consacrée cette thèse.En prenant appui sur l'analyse de 52 entretiens semi-directifs avec des électeurs ayant déjà votés blancs et nuls ainsi que sur des archives de bulletins annulés issus des scrutins présidentielles et législatifs de 2007 et 2012 (près de 16 000) et des réponses à un questionnaire diffusé en ligne (1632), notre démarche est donc d'allier le comment au pourquoi (et au « pour quoi ? ») et d'étudier le vote en acte davantage que le vote comme choix ou orientation. Le tout, en interrogeant le vote blanc et nul, non pas seulement comme un refus conjoncturel de choisir – lié essentiellement à un défaut conjoncturel de l'offre politique –, mais en mettant en évidence une autre lecture du phénomène. Plus précisément, nous abordons le vote blanc et nul comme un ensemble d'usages et significations socialement différenciés.Ainsi, dans une Partie n°1, nous étudions l'apparition de la catégorie « blanc et nul », la variation historique de ses normes (explicites et implicites) et les luttes dont sa définition a été l'objet. Le tout, pour comprendre comment une certaine définition du vote blanc et nul s'est imposée au point de faire sens commun (notamment la binarité manichéenne « blanc » versus « nul »). Dans une Partie n°2, il s'agit alors d'analyser la façon dont ce sens commun peut être l'objet de réceptions (voire de réappropriations) individuelles ou collectives – légitimes et illégitimes – par les agents sociaux. Et ce, au point de faire du vote blanc et nul une pratique aux usages pluriels, car socialement différenciés. Enfin, loin d'être réduits aux rôles de « récepteurs », des électeurs peuvent apparaître aussi comme des contributeurs dans la construction – toujours mouvante – de la définition de ce vote, au point d'en faire, par exemple, un outil d'action collective. / In France, elections since 1990's revealed a phenomenon considered for a long time as marginal by the electoral sociology : « blank and null » votes. The object of this thesis is to deconstruct some prenotions about this gesture and to propose a new approach. So, the author analyse it not only as an answer to a determined political offer but, especially, as a practice with plural uses and investments. Finally, he shows how these votes are the translation of relationships socially differentiated to politics and even to representative democracy.

Archives, fragments Web et diasporas : pour une exploration désagrégée de corpus d'archives Web liées aux représentations en ligne des diasporas / Archives, Web fragments and diasporas : for a disaggregated exploration of Web archives related to the online representations of diasporas

Lobbe, Quentin 09 November 2018 (has links)
Le Web est un environnement éphémère. Alors que de nouveaux sites Web émergent chaque jour, il arrive que certaines communautés disparaissent entièrement de la surface de la toile, ne laissant derrière elles que des traces incomplètes voire inexistantes. Face à la volatilité du Web vivant, plusieurs initiatives d’archivage cherchent malgré tout à préserver la mémoire du Web passé. Mais aujourd’hui, force est de constater qu’un mystère demeure : Pourquoi, alors qu’elles n’ont jamais été aussi vastes et aussi nombreuses, les archives Web ne font-elles pas déjà l’objet de multiples recherches historiques ? Initialement construites pour inscrire la mémoire de la toile sur un support durable, ces archives ne doivent pourtant pas être considérées comme une représentation fidèle du Web vivant. Elles sont les traces directes des outils de collecte qui les arrachent à leur temporalité d’origine. Partant de là, cette thèse ambitionne de redonner aux chercheurs les moyens théoriques et techniques d’une plus grande maniabilité du Web passé, en définissant une nouvelle unité d’exploration des archives Web : le fragment Web, un sous-ensemble cohérent et auto-suffisant d’une page Web. Pour ce faire, nous nous inscrirons dans l’héritage des travaux pionniers de l’Atlas e-Diasporas qui permit, dans les années 2000, de cartographier et d’archiver plusieurs milliers de sites Web migrants. Source principale de données à partir desquelles nous déploierons nos réflexions, c’est à travers l’angle particulier des représentations en ligne des diasporas que nous chercherons à explorer les archives Web de l’Atlas. / The Web is an unsteady environment. As Web sites emerge every days, whole communities may fade away over time by leaving too few or incomplete traces on the living Web. Facing this phenomenon, several archiving initiatives try to preserve the memory of the Web. But today, a mystery remains : While they have never been so vast and numerous, why are the Web archives not already the subject of many historical researches ? In reality, Web archives should not be considered as a faithful representation of the living Web. In fact, they are the direct traces of the archiving tools that tear them away from their original temporality. Thus, this thesis aims to give researchers the theoretical and technical means for a greater manageability of the Web archives, by defining a new unit of exploration : the Web fragment, a coherent and self-sufficient subset of a Web page. To that end, we will follow the pioneering work of the e-Diasporas Atlas which allowed, in the 2000s, to map and archive thousands of migrant Web sites. Main source of data from which we will unfold our reflections, it is through the particular angle of online representations of diasporas that we will explore the Web archives of the Atlas.

Documenting archival automation systems : guidelines for the project manager

Moller, Austin 01 January 1985 (has links)
With the onset of the information age, archivists are more frequently placed in professional situations where they must work with automated systems to manage the records in their custody. They must acquire new skills to use this technology, including system analysis, system planning, and the principles of computer operation. An area that is frequently neglected, however, is that of developing and maintaining in-house project documentation for systems once equipment is in place and implementation has begun. This oversight leads to poor training strategies, inconsistencies in input and output, and information loss when personnel changes occur. Project documentation is the group of records that describe the system the archivist creates. It is a communications tool, developed by the project manager as a reference document for administrative and operations purposes, and to train users. The documentation guidelines assembled in this text were developed by the author while implementing automated systems over a six-year period. They are arranged in five groups. SCOPE discusses ways to introduce the user to the project, the equipment, and to the concept of the project manual. SYSTEM ORIENTATION contains strategies for more detailed instruction on the equipment. INPUT shows how to describe the data base design and instruct the user on entering data. OUTPUT provides a format for profiling and generating reports. And OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE outlines the tools the project manager needs to maintain the system.

我國國家檔案徵集政策之研究 / A Study on National Archives Acquisition Policy in Taiwan

凌寶華, Ling, Pao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國正面臨國營事業民營化過程中可能造成產業文化資產流失,以及因應未來行政院組織法通過後單位之裁併,檔案保存可能面臨潛在之風險與危機,亟需一套完備的國家檔案徵集政策以資遵循,除將提供徵集工作之依據外,並可釐清檔案徵集主題之優先順序,以及控制入藏國家檔案之質與量,使徵集工作得以按部就班,系統化的方式進行,亦可做為我國國家檔案核心館藏建立之最佳指導方針。 本研究使用「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,除了探討我國國家檔案鑑選與移轉策略,以及擬定國家檔案徵集政策應考慮因素等之外,並對美國、英國、澳洲及加拿大等四國對國家檔案徵集工作推動現況,加以綜合歸納與比較。 本研究以檔案主管機關(檔案管理局)、中央層級機關(國防部、外交部、教育部及內政部)、歷史檔案典藏單位(國史館台灣文獻館、國立故宮博物院、中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館及中央研究院歷史語言研究所)及地方政府檔案管理單位(台北市政府、高雄市政府、嘉義縣政府檔案中心及宜蘭縣史館)等四個層級13個單位為主要訪談研究對象,深入瞭解上述單位檔案管理情形、檔案典藏特色、保存現況及單位具永久保存價值,符合移轉檔案管理局成為國家檔案之統計數量,及對國家檔案徵集政策制定之觀點與建議,並就我國國家檔案徵集內容與優先順序,以及有關國家檔案對於社會價值、功能之看法,並針對研究對象抽樣訪談了26位一般檔案使用者,以瞭解其檔案使用經驗及對國家檔案利用需求、國家檔案徵集內容建議與看法,以期做為我國擬訂國家檔案徵集政策之參考。 根據研究結果,本研究提出六點結論為:(一)國家檔案典藏質量亟待強化;(二)具風險之永久保存價值檔案亟待移轉;(三)國家檔案之定位未明確化;(四)我國目前尚未興建國家檔案館,無法大規模徵集國家檔案入藏;(五)徵集政策及審選標準欠缺,影響國家檔案品質;(六)國家檔案審選耗時費力,降低檔案移轉效率。 根據研究結果,本研究提出十點建議為:(一)訂定國家檔案徵集政策;(二)建立國家檔案委託代管之機制;(三)建立國家檔案審選標準,充實國家檔案典藏內涵;(四)加速國家檔案的徵集,以滿足民眾需求;(五)徵集國家檔案應考量檔案內容之連貫與完整性,避免以主題方式徵集檔案;(六)國家檔案與機關檔案應釐清其定位;(七)重要科技檔案應納入國家檔案徵集策略或計畫,以滿足社會大眾對於科技研究的期望;(八)配合國家檔案之移轉策略,排定國家檔案鑑選之優先順序;(九)設置國家檔案館並儘速辦理國家檔案移轉;(十)加強培養檔案專業管理人員,以因應國家檔案徵集典藏之需求。 / This research is mainly discusses our country to face in the state-operated enterprise privatization process to create the industrial culture property outflow possibly, as well as will organize Fathom in accordance to the future Executive Yuan consolidation of the unit, the archives preservation to face the latent risk and the crisis possibly from now on, will need a set of complete national archives acquisition policy to follow as a means, besides will provide basis of the acquisition work, and may define clearly the file collection subject the order of priority, as well as will control into nature and the quantity of the national archives. In addition, the acquisition work along a prescribed path, systematization's way will carry on for establishment the best directive of our country national archives core collection. This research utilizes “the documentary analysis” and “in-depth interview” to study conducts the research, besides discusses our country national archives appraisal to elect with the shifting strategy, as well as draws up the national archives acquisition policy to take an examination ponders the factor and so on, and to the U.S, British, Australia and Canada four countries to the national archives acquisition work impetus present situation, synthesizes induces and compares. This research take the archives controlling organization (National Archives Administration), the central level institution (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior), the historical archives repositories(Taiwan Historical, National Palace Museum, Institute Modern History research archives Academia Sinica and Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica) and the local authority records management units (Taipei City government, Kaohsiung City government, Chiayi County government records center and Institute of Yilan County Historical) and so on four levels, 13 units as the main interview objects of study. The inquire deeply above unit records management situation, the archive reservation characteristic, preserved present situation and the unit has the permanent preserved value, conforms to the shifting National Archives Administration to become statistics of quantity the national archives, and to national archives viewpoints and the suggestions the acquisition policy formulation, and on our country national archives collection content with the order of priority. In addition, the related national archives regarding the social value, the function view, and aimed at the object of study sampling interview 26 archives users, in order to understood that its archives use experience and to the national archives use demand, the national archives collection content suggestion and the view, did take the time as our country drafts reference of the national archives acquisition policy. According to the findings, this research proposed that six conclusions are: 1. the quality and quantity of national archives are urgently awaits to strengthen; 2. a risk the permanent preserved value archives urgently awaits to transfer; 3. the definition of the national archives has to clarified; 4. our country not yet constructs the national archives at present, is unable to collect the national archives massively; 5. shortage of national archives acquisition policy and affects the national archives quality; 6. the choose of national archives is time-consuming, cuts the archives transfer efficiency. According to the findings, this research proposed that ten suggestions are: 1. schedules the national archives acquisition policy; 2. establishes mechanism of the national archives request substitute management; 3. establishes the standard of national archives examination, substantial national archives collection; 4. accelerates the national archives the collection, meets the populace need; 5. acquisition the national archives to consider linking up of the archives content with the integrity, avoids by the specific subjects; 6. both the national archives and the institution records should define clearly; 7.the important science and technology archives should be included into the national archives acquisition strategy or the plan, satisfies the social populace regarding the technical research expectation; 8. coordinates transfer strategy of the national archives, sets up the national archives appraisal to choose the order of priority; 9. establishes the national archives and as fast as possible handles national archives transferring; 10. strengthens the raise archives professional, by demand in accordance to the national archives acquisition.

A strategic approach to the management of the national archives of South Africa.

Mtshali, Simon Felumbuzo. January 2001 (has links)
When the first democratic government came into power in 1994, it was faced with a number of challenges. One of these challenges was to ensure that the public service is transformed in order to redress the imbalances of the past. The National Archives of South Africa as a branch of the public service was therefore no exception. Prior to the 1994 elections, this branch was known as the State Archives Service. It was converted into the National Archives of South Africa through the passing of the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996). It is important to note that before the 1994 election the exercise of hegemony by the government was through the control of social memory, and this control involved remembering and forgetting. Furthermore, this control demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to secure the support of most white South Africans and the minority of blacks who collaborated with this system. Therefore, the promulgation of the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996) was of crucial significance in South Africa, since it portrayed the death knell for archival legislation moulded by apartheid. This Act converted the State Archives Service into the National Archives of South Africa with the new mandate of serving all the people of South Africa. This study examines a strategic approach to the management of the National Archives of South Africa. Firstly, the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996 is discussed in detail, with emphasis on its formulation and implementation. This act came into operation on 1 January 1997. Secondly, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats experienced by the National Archives of South Africa during its conceptualisation and launching are discussed. Thirdly, the transformation of the National Archives of South Africa was examined and discussed using the public management functions, namely, policy-making, organising, planning, leadership, motivation, control and evaluation. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats experienced by the National Archives of South Africa are focused on. Lastly, conclusions and recommendations end the study. / Thesis (MPA)-University of Durban-Westville, 2001.

台灣地區建置縣(市)立檔案館可行性之研究 / A Study on Feasibility of Establishing County Archives in Taiwan Area

洪一梅 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是人類活動的原始記錄。世界各先進國家無不重視檔案的保存和管理,而我國歷代也均設有專職、專庫並建立管理制度,時至今日,歐美各國在檔案館的建置及檔案業務的執行上更是立法明定,研擬許多的作業標準,以利推行國家檔案管理政策。 台灣地區近世紀以來,政治歷史的發展,產生豐富的地方檔案與文獻記錄,但卻因政府行政管理的長期忽視,導致檔案的嚴重散佚。近年來,政府與社會已逐漸體認:應有妥適之機構來進行完善之檔案管理業務,尤其民間許多的文教機構已積極地投注心力,因此政府行政力的參與在此時是重要且迫切的。而為了完整架構我國在台灣地區的檔案行政體制,地方檔案行政是不可或缺的一環,因此地方檔案機構的整體規劃包含建置與業務推展皆是目前檔案事業面臨的主要課題。 基於上述,此研究之主要目的在於了解台灣地區各縣市之檔案管理現況,以及所面臨之困境與問題,探討建置縣(市)立檔案館之可行性,以及其適切之定位、組織與功能。 研究結果發現,目前各縣市在檔案管理業務上的最大問題為政治漠視、行政忽視、政策不彰、管理鬆散、資源不足、認知不清等,但事實上,如在有效的整合規劃下,循序漸進地改善整體環境,這些問題皆可獲致解決,不僅止如此,各縣市政府基層檔案工作人員對檔案事業都有深刻的體認與期許,認為透過政府法規的制定、行政力的參與,建置地方檔案管理機構,以實際的業務執行方案確立全國檔案行政體制,如此我國的檔案事業將大有可為。 因此在研究結論中,呼應地方的聲音,陳述建置縣(市)立檔案館的必要性,提出各項困境的可能解決方案,並嘗試規劃縣(市)立檔案館之建置模式、定位、組織與功能,以確定縣(市)立檔案館建置之可行性。

An archival collecting framework for the records generated by South Africa's Portuguese community-based organisation in Gauteng

Da Silva Rodrigues, Antonio 11 1900 (has links)
South African institutions of preservation, such as archives, have often focused their collecting efforts on records of national significance and documenting the perspectives of the more dominant communities that represent power and government. This has resulted in the underrepresentation of certain communities in the archival heritage of the nation, such as the South African Portuguese community, whose contemporary history and experiences have not been adequately reflected in the country’s archival collections, including in those of government and other mainstream archival institutions and non-public institutions. Since South Africa has a number of Portuguese community-based organisations - and because the records they have created may be a potential resource for safeguarding the social history of this under-documented group - this study aimed to investigate the management of these records with a view of proposing a best practice model that would assist in their future management and guide their inclusion in any intended archival collection initiatives. Utilising a generic interpretive qualitative research design, the study revealed that the selected study population, namely the Portuguese community-based organisations in Gauteng, create and hold diverse types of records that may show important aspects of the community’s history that are worthy of systematic management and preservation. However, it became evident from the empirical findings that the recordkeeping practices of these organisations were performed inadequately, with records often being misplaced or discarded after their administrative use had expired. The findings also showed that, although these organisations had never thought of establishing an archival programme for themselves or depositing their records in any mainstream archives, they were willing to contribute their records to a planned archival collecting initiative of the community. Based on these findings, recommendations were made with regard to these organisational records in order to improve their management and to facilitate their potential inclusion in an archival collecting plan. The study also suggested an archival collecting framework and a model for these records. The proposed model followed an integrated approach, taking into account the community’s divergent collecting and custody preferences, such as the mainstream institutional acquisition of these records or these being preserved within community structures. / Information Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Information Science)

Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala / Archiving students : On the archival management at the Student Nations in Uppsala

Larsson, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls “empirical archival science”. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did. The main method that was used in the study was semi-structured interviews where I interviewed the archivists at all of the Nations.</p><p>The functions of the archives of the Nations were the same as for other societies, with the exception that these archives also were used by officials and other members as a support for finding ideas about how to run the Nation today in several ways. The archival regulations and practices that were generally followed by the Nations were the same as for societies in general, that is, among other things, the use of “Allmänna arkivschemat” (the Swedish standard archival finding aid subject heading system) and other Swedish archival standards. Many Nations also had articles specifying the tasks of their archivists. The methods used in the archival management varied to some degree between different Nations. Concerning how well the archives was being managed they were generally managed a little defectively, even if this varied between the Nations. This was because the archivists were not professionals, and this was probably inevitable because the Nations like many other societies probably cannot afford to consult skilled professionals for this. Despite this there were a few things that could be made better. The unique position held by the Nations as organisations could generate new perspectives on archival management, and not only concerning societies.</p><p>This is a one year master’s thesis in archival science.</p>

Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala / Archiving students : On the archival management at the Student Nations in Uppsala

Larsson, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls “empirical archival science”. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did. The main method that was used in the study was semi-structured interviews where I interviewed the archivists at all of the Nations. The functions of the archives of the Nations were the same as for other societies, with the exception that these archives also were used by officials and other members as a support for finding ideas about how to run the Nation today in several ways. The archival regulations and practices that were generally followed by the Nations were the same as for societies in general, that is, among other things, the use of “Allmänna arkivschemat” (the Swedish standard archival finding aid subject heading system) and other Swedish archival standards. Many Nations also had articles specifying the tasks of their archivists. The methods used in the archival management varied to some degree between different Nations. Concerning how well the archives was being managed they were generally managed a little defectively, even if this varied between the Nations. This was because the archivists were not professionals, and this was probably inevitable because the Nations like many other societies probably cannot afford to consult skilled professionals for this. Despite this there were a few things that could be made better. The unique position held by the Nations as organisations could generate new perspectives on archival management, and not only concerning societies. This is a one year master’s thesis in archival science.

苗栗縣國中校史檔案管理與運用之研究 / An Investigation on Archives Management and Application of Miaoli County High Schools

陳海鵬, Chen, Hai Peng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以苗栗縣的國民中學(簡稱國中)校史檔案為研究對象,針對學校校史檔案管理與應用之現況調查與探討,其中檔案管理部分包括校史室的建置與情形、行政管理的情形,應用包括資料編修、研究及展示等,藉以了解校史建置工作的歷程和困難點,希望能提供進一步的改善方法,供需建置校史的學校參考。 本研究藉由對苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案管理與運用情形的了解與探討,進而分析目前苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案典藏管理及面臨方式問題和解決之道,研究結果期盼相關單位對校史檔案及校史價值能有更多的認識與討論,使這些珍貴的學校資產能得到應有的重視,並獲得妥善的保存與維護。 本研究所採行的方法為「問卷調查法」與「訪談法」,問卷調查以各校校史檔案管理人員為問卷填寫對象;訪談以各校校史檔案管理人員或實際從事校史編纂工作相關人員做為訪談對象,主要對象是校長秘書、總務主任、設備組長、圖書館管理人員或兼任校史檔案管理工作之行政幹部。 本研究主要目的是探討苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案管理與運用情形,並透過問卷調查及訪談的方式,了解苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案管理與運用現況所面臨的困境,提出研究結論如下:一、苗栗縣各國民中學校史檔案管理單位不一,學校校史檔案無專責人員;二、苗栗縣各國民中學校史室之成立與使用規模;三、苗栗縣各國民中學學校大都未有校史設置作業法規;四、苗栗縣各國民中學大都欠缺校史檔案的徵集政策;五、苗栗縣各國民中學學校校史檔案整理分類作業情形現況;六、苗栗縣各國民中學學校校史檔案的維護及其他安全措施;七、苗栗縣國民中學學校校史檔案目前保存的狀況;八、苗栗縣各國民中學校史檔案的運用面向。 學校是教育的重鎮,成立學校的最終目標是培養將來社會的人才,學校一切的工作都是以此為出發點,在實現此一目標之時,需要學校所有的處室配合,其中最重要的一項就是學校校史檔案工作。學校校史檔案管理工作是隨學校發展而展開的,學校校史檔案工作是為整各學校教育單位服務,也應該屬於行政部門的一部分,檔案管理單位是做好學校校史檔案的保障。本研究提出五項建議如下:一、盡速訂定校史設置作業法規;二、配置校史檔案管理專責人員;三、擬訂校史檔案的徵集政策;四、妥善進行校史檔案之整理與分類;五、實體校史檔案之管理與數位校史檔案之備份儲存。 / Using the archives of junior high school in Miaoli County as an object of study, this study assess the management of school history archives (SHA) and provide extensive discussions of its current applications. The section of SHA management examines the foundation and administration of school archives room; the section of applications is primarily concerned with literature revision, research and exhibition. Our objective in this study is to address the process and challenges regarding the establishment of SHA, and to present improvement approaches as a reference for schools being in need of SHA establishment. The focus of discussions presented in this study is on the management of SHA and its application in order to provide analyses related to administration of SHA management, encountered problems, and solutions, in junior high school in Miaoli County. Findings have broad implications in a number of areas: corresponding departments’ growing understanding of SHA and its value, holding high regard for school assets, and being concerned with maintaining and preserving access to historical collection. The methods to carry out this study were using questionnaire survey and interviewing. The participants for questionnaire survey were administrators at school archives, and those for interviewing were selected from the administrators at school archives or the professional staff members responsible for archival materials (e.g., Principal’s secretary, Chief of General Affair Section, Section Chief of Teaching Facilities, school librarian, and administrative workers). The major purpose of the present study was to investigate the management and application of archival materials in junior high school in Miaoli County. By utilizing questionnaire survey and interviewing, we present a conceptual framework for the process and challenges regarding the establishment of SHA. The results revealed that, first, no steering committee responsible for any aspect of selection, preservation, or use of archival materials; second, the foundation and scale of SHA in junior high schools in Miaoli County; third, junior high schools in Miaoli County does not establish basic working rules; fourth, most junior high schools in Miaoli County lack regulations in relation to SHA; fifth, the current condition of archival material classification in junior high school in Miaoli County; sixth, maintenance policy and other measurements concerning archival materials in junior high school in Miaoli County; seventh, current condition of archival material maintenance in junior high school in Miaoli County; eighth, application of archival material in junior high school in Miaoli County. School is the cradle of education. The object of education is to create suitable member of the society. Cooperation between different offices and management of SHA in a school may be of importance in explaining how all the works in a school are designed to reach this goal. Furthermore, the management of SHA not only booms with school development, but facilitates collaboration and consensus, which also belongs to part of the administration division; the dept. of SHA definitely plays a vital part, taking responsibility for school history archive. While this study has limitations, 5 suggestions are given as follows: 1.establishment of basic working rules and regulations; 2. organization of steering committee of individuals responsible for historical documents; 3. collection policy to define the types of archival materials to be collected; 4. proper use of organization and categorization; 5. management of paper format SHA and backup copy of digital format SHA. Key Words: archives management; school history archives; junior high school archives

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