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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett förlorat kulturarv? : Digitala personarkiv – problem, lösningar och framtid / A Lost Cultural Heritage? : Digital Personal Archives – Problems, Solutions and Future

Jansson, Ina-Maria January 2012 (has links)
This thesis has focused on digital born personal archives; how they are different from analog paper archives and possible ways to overbridge these differences. It is also studied how archivists and librarians are dealing with digital archives, what they think about new proactive solutions when collecting private papers and collections and positive and negative effects with this way to work. The thesis is delimitated to only private collections and digital created material. It do not concern digitized material or electronic documents in government or business organizations. The challenges in digital curation and administration are discussed in aspect of the Records Continuum Model. The empirical material is also put in relation to research in Personal Information Management and identity theory. Two qualitative methods have been used, a case study of an authors personal electronic archive and five deep-going interviews with archivists and librarians working with personal collections in university libraries. This study shows that many difficulties and problems displayed in the electronic archive could be solved in the future with a more proactive approach and early cooperation with the collector. By educating and informing creators of personal records about file formats, archival structure and the need of them to engage in their own collection, more personal digital records could be preserved. Librarians and archivists are imagining more proactive work in the future but are also asking for other solutions. A lot of the challenges united with electronic personal archives are associated with lacking continuity which is a reason to use the Records Continuum Model to explain and work with personal digital collections. This is a two year master’s thesis in archival science.

Miljövårdsberedningens arkiv 1968 - 1994 : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete på Riksarkivet

Bergmark, Victor January 2012 (has links)
This memo discusses and problematizes the work of organizing and cataloging the archive of the Environmental Advisory Council.The archive mainly consists of records concerning meetings which the Environmental Advisory Council has participated in, but also records concerning different tasks of the council and a few records concerning the coun-cil itself.The overriding problem, which is discussed in the final part of this memo, is the lacking knowledge about the creator of the archive and the creation of the archive itself and how this effects the work of ordering and catalog-ing. An attempt is made to evaluate the archive as a source of information to the Environmental Advisory Coun-cil and its work.This is a one year master’s thesis in Archival Science

Herman Bergmans Konstgjuteri : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

von Platen, Wille January 2011 (has links)
This examination paper is the account for the author’s work while arranging and registrating the business archives and business records of the Herman Bergman’s Foundry in Stockholm, Sweden. It is part of the one year Masters program in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. The records are from the beginning of the 1900s to the 1970s. Most of the business archives are from he 1940s to the 1950s. They contain correspondence with swedish sculptors and press cuttings. The archives include glass plates and photographs that depict the works created at the foundry. Decisions and motivations made during the process are treated in the paper. The author discusses availability and the weeding of business archives.

Kamusi ya Kiswahili sanifu in test:

Horskainen, Arvi 15 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The paper describes a computer system for testing the coherence and adequacy of dictionaries. The system suits also well for retiieving lexical material in context from computerized text archives Results are presented from a series of tests made with Kamusi ya Kiswahlli Sanifu (KKS), a monolingual Swahili dictionary.. The test of the intemal coherence of KKS shows that the text itself contains several hundreds of such words, for which there is no entry in the dictionary. Examples and frequency numbers of the most often occurring words are given The adequacy of KKS was also tested with a corpus of nearly one million words, and it was found out that 1.32% of words in book texts were not recognized by KKS, and with newspaper texts the amount was 2.24% The higher number in newspaper texts is partly due to numerous names occurring in news articles Some statistical results are given on frequencies of wordforms not recognized by KKS The tests shows that although KKS covers the modern vocabulary quite well, there are several ru·eas where the dictionary should be improved The internal coherence is far from satisfactory, and there are more than a thousand such rather common words in prose text which rue not included into KKS The system described in this article is au effective tool for `detecting problems and for retrieving lexical data in context for missing words.

A Necessary Duty, A Hideous Fault: Digital Technology and the Ethics of Archaeological Conservation

Smith, Megan H. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Archaeological conservation is the process by which conservators prevent deterioration of archaeological remains and provide insight into the nature of recovered material. This thesis examines the effect of digital technology upon the ethics of the conservation profession and upon the attitude of the lay-public towards archaeology. The ethical issues raised by the use of digital technology are discussed, particularly the ways in which these issues differ from those raised by traditional conservation methods. Technological advancements, particularly those occurring in the 20th century, changed the way artifacts are conserved and studied. Conservation arose out of a craft-restoration tradition and evolved into a profession which, in addition to necessary artistic and aesthetic considerations, uses a demonstrable scientific method in order to preserve artifacts. The creation of guidelines for practice and various codes of ethics is the turning point in this evolution, marking the point after which conservation became a scientific profession. Advances in computer technology have permitted the widespread use of devices such as 3-D scanners, digital CT scanners, and digital cameras in the conservation of archaeological artifacts. All of these pieces of equipment produced digital files which must be stored. Currently, the pace of technological change renders most data inaccessible within ten years, and data conservation problems such as storage, access, and file format have not been adequately addressed by the professional conservation community. There is a distinct lack of formal ethical guidelines concerning these issues; this thesis concludes that there is an extreme need for measured consideration before digital methods are used in archaeological conservation. The creation of high-fidelity replicas presents a problem for the museum audience. The public connects with artifacts on an emotional level which is altered when a replica is displayed instead of an original. Digital reconstructions abound in popular culture, heavily influencing public opinion, and often resulting in widespread misperception of the information which can be extracted from archaeological evidence. As a result, conservators of the future must be cautious when creating digital artifacts, and must be meticulously careful to make the nature of digital reconstruction clear to the audience, in order to avoid spreading misinformation.

Case Study--The Entrepreneurship of Digital Content Industry

Huang, Tsung-chieh 06 February 2006 (has links)
With the vigorous development of digital content, many countries have been enthusiastically planning on it in order to gain the munificent margin and immense output value from this new industry. In Taiwan, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China has approved the plan of ¡§Challenge 2008 ¢wCouncil for Economic Planning and Development¡¨ on the date of May 31st, 2002. Digital Content is one of the main industries to be developed in the ¡§Two-Trillion, Two Star¡¨ project of the ¡§Challenge 2008¡¨ plan. The ¡§Digital Content Institute¡¨ is also in the plan to cultivate digital content professionals in the areas of information, multimedia, arts and etc. Digital Publishing and Archives (digital publishing, digital archives, digital databases) are the core industries of digital content. The digital publishing and archives industry in Taiwan is in the presence of development, from OEMs by projects in the past to the present multi-dimension developments like multi-media creation, national and international magazines and journals authorization, digital archives value-added and productions. Therefore; it will be a very important mile stone for the digital publishing and archives industry development in the next decay in Taiwan. This research adopted case study methodology, and the cases are the three most popular digital publishing and archives companies in Taiwan -- Lee and Lee Communications (digital archives), Airiti Inc.( digital databases), and Bright Ideas Design Co.( multimedia publishing). This research is to study the core elements of start-up businesses, and review their start-up histories, enterprise operations and strategies, enterprise focuses and the core values of enterprises by the references of national and international research documents and industry information analysis. The impacts and key elements of the start-ups by entrepreneurship and management styles are also observed in this study. The information collected and the interview content is compared with the documentation records, and the search result is concluded at the end. The conclusions of this study for the entrepreneurs in this industry are listed as follow: 1. The market scale is too small and narrow. Therefore, aggressively expanding international market is necessary. 2. Due to training difficulty for professional designers, employing professionals from overseas for short term could be considered. 3. Marketing is equivalent to profit. Marketing ability should be enhanced, and promote products to client sides. 4. To solve the problem of bad management efficiency, changing management styles and studying can both improve. 5. Valuing copyright. Creating brand is the path for operating businesses in long term.

Etude des anomalies isotopiques du soufre et de l'oxygène dans le sulfate d'origine volcanique enregistré dans les archives glaciaires

Baroni, Melanie 12 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le volcanisme plinien modifie le climat pendant plusieurs années en injectant de grandes quantités de dioxyde de soufre directement dans la stratosphère, oxydé ensuite en gouttelettes d'acide sulfurique qui réfléchissent les rayonnements solaires et changent les propriétés radiatives de l'atmosphère. L'étude de signaux volcaniques préservés dans les archives glaciaires, consistait jusqu'à présent à simplement mesurer les concentrations de sulfate. Nous proposons l'utilisation de nouveaux traceurs que sont les anomalies isotopiques de l'oxygène et du soufre de sulfate volcanique enregistré à Dôme C et Pôle Sud pour apporter de nouvelles informations sur le volcanisme passé.<br />Une étude de l'évolution temporelle des anomalies isotopiques de l'oxygène et du soufre dans les sulfates volcaniques de l'Agung (mars 1963) et du Pinatubo (juin 1991) a été menée. L'anomalie isotopique du soufre change de signe au cours du temps et passe d'une phase positive, au début du dépôt de sulfate à une phase négative à la fin. Ce changement de signe s'accompagne d'un appauvrissement en isotopes lourds avec le temps. L'anomalie isotopique du soufre est créée à partir d'une réaction d'oxydation photochimique de SO2 en acide sulfurique, suggérant un processus rapide qui dure un mois environ. L'anomalie isotopique de l'oxygène, quant à elle, a permis d'établir un lien avec l'oscillation quasi-biennale de la stratosphère.<br />Douze signaux volcaniques ont été étudiés dans leur globalité au cours du dernier millénaire. L'anomalie isotopique du soufre a permis d'identifier 6 éruptions volcaniques stratosphériques révélant l'utilité d'un tel traceur lorsque la nature des éruptions est méconnue.


黃淑惠, Huang, Shu-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣總督府檔案是臺灣歷史相當重要的一部檔案全宗。西元1895-1945年,臺灣受日本統治,對臺灣的歷史、政治、經濟、文化等產生重要影響。臺灣總督府是日治時期臺灣最高行政機構,所留存的公文檔案,正可以作為後人研究當時統治作為的第一手資料。如何整理檔案俾利使用,是為重要的課題。檔案整理並提供利用,主要透過兩種程序:編排與描述。亦即為本研究所關注的焦點。   本研究採用「文獻分析法」、「歷史研究法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,在文獻蒐集上,主要針對國內關於臺灣總督府檔案分類與編排描述、各種臺灣總督府檔案檢索工具等相關資料進行蒐集;在歷史研究上,是將蒐集到的歷史文獻加以整理分析,探究檔案原始編排描述狀況以及文書處理法令與分類之更嬗;另透過深度訪談,了解檔案管理機構在進行編排描述時,所遭遇的問題及實際狀況,以補文獻之不足。   根據本研究,有下列結論:一、臺灣總督府檔案之實體編排順序係依文獻館所編冊號;二、臺灣總督府檔案之分類及控制層級,副全宗部分係以人為判定,其下各層級如門、類等則依文書處理規程相關規定;三、數位典藏計畫設立諸多新創層級與不同分類方式;四、現存目錄中,以「臺灣總督府文書目錄」與「典藏數位化查詢-日據時期與光復初期檔案整合查詢」最為詳盡,惟該項編目工作費時良久,二目錄均未完竣;五、各種目錄之編目規則各行其是。   最後對前述研究結論提出建議:一、統一臺灣總督府檔案之分類、控制層級與用詞;二、確實進行檔案清查與登錄工作;三、描述檔案可先著錄至案卷層級,或者先著錄主要欄位,日後再予以補充,俾早日提供利用;四、增加著錄件以外各控制層級之資料;五、擴大數位典藏參與學域,廣納檔案學、歷史學人才;六、整合各檢索工具;七、建立檔案編目規則,以供各單位編目之參考依據;八、機關在文書製作時期,即依檔案學控制層級進行歸類。 / The Taiwan Soutokufu Archives are important archive fonds in Taiwan history. During 1895 to 1945, Japan governed Taiwan and materially influenced the history, politics, economy, and culture of Taiwan. Because the Taiwan Soutokufu is the main administration authority during the Japanese colonial period, its archives would be the first hand sources for the research regarding to the act of state during the Japanese colonial period. Therefore, it is an important topic to understand how the archives were arranged to utilize. The archives are arranged to utilize by means of the arrangement and the description, which are also the focus of the essay.   The research methods of the essay are “literature review,” “historical research,” and “in-depth interview.” I mainly searched and collected the classification, the arrangement and description of the Taiwan Soutokufu Archives to search and collect the documents. I arranged and analyzed the collected documents to understand the status of the original arrangements of the archives and the change of the law and classification of the documentary arrangement. To supplement the short of the documents, by means of in-depth interview, I could realize the actual problems and situation which happened while the archives administration institutions arrange and describe the archives.   I have made the following conclusions in the essay. First, the substantial arrangement order of the Taiwan Soutokufu Archives are the volume number of the Taiwan Historica. Second, the arrangements, control levels, and sub-fonds of the Taiwan Soutokufu Archives are determined by Taiwan Historica and the sub levels, are determined by the rules of documentary arrangement. Third, there are many innovative and different methods of the classification in NDAP, National Digital Archives Program. Forth, the “Documentary Index of Taiwan Soutokufu” and the “Digital Japanese Ruling and Postwar Archives Project of Taiwan Historica” are the most complete in the existing indexes. However, the work of arranging the two indexes drains on lots of time and the two indexes have not been accomplished. Fifth, each one of the rules to arrange the index is totally different.   After all, I have made the suggestion upon the forgoing conclusions. First, the classification, control levels and vocabulary should be unified. Second, archieves should be checked and registered authentically. Third, the description of the archives could be initiated in the file folders level or main entry. Forth, the retrieval system should also contain the documents of the control level except the items. Sixth, the finding aids should be coordinated. Seventh, the rules of the arrangement of the archives should be set up. Eighth, the institutions should classify the records by the means of control levels of the archives while they produce the records.

Recueil d'actes de Saint-Lazare de Paris : 1124-1254 /

Lefèvre, Simone, Fossier, Lucie, January 2005 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse secondaire--Lettres. / Textes latins précédés d'un résumé en français. Bibliogr. p. XXIII-XXXIV. Index.

L'obligation d'informer dans l'action administrative /

Merino, Muriel. January 2006 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Droit public--Aix-Marseille 3, 2005. / Bibliogr. p. 345-360. Index.

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