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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蔡青芳 Unknown Date (has links)
在檔案管理中,照片扮演著記載各政府機關公務、企業生產、學術及科學研究等方面重要的輔助角色。照片檔案以直接且逼真的影像將資訊傳遞給使用者,不受語言、文字的限制,讓人猶如身臨其境,故更具有感染力。基於上述,本研究之主要目的即為針對我國照片檔案館(單位)編排與描述現況、原則,以及國內、外文獻與處理現況作一探討;並進而從檔案人員之經驗瞭解照片檔案館(單位)制定編排與描述標準之現況與需求。 研究結果發現,目前國外部分,英、美及新加坡都具有各別的編排原則與描述欄位,而本研究所訪談之照片檔案館(單位),包含:國史館、中央通訊社、中研院近史所檔案館、台北藝術大學「台灣老照片數位博物館」、中研院史語所也都具有編排原則與描述欄位,可提供照片檔案館(單位)制定編排原則與描述欄位之參考。 在研究結論中,研究者歸納出國內外檔案館之照片檔案大都依據「尊重全宗」與「尊重原始順序」編排,照片檔案之描述層級視各館需求而定,以及照片檔案描述元素視各館需求而異之觀點。此外,在研究建議中,研究者歸納出國內制定照片檔案編排與描述規範之必要性、照片檔案描述必備與選擇元素之建議、建立照片檔案之共享與合作機制等建議,以提供國內照片檔案館相關單位未來制定照片檔案編排與描述規範之參考。

個人檔案編排與描述之研究--以國內兩大典藏機構為例 / A Study on Arrangement and Description of Personal Archives in Taiwan: Based on the Cases of Two Major Archival Repositories

廖淑媚, Liao, Shu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
個人檔案不僅是一個人一生的總合紀錄,更重要地,可以補充國家歷史記憶,對研究社會歷史、風俗民情具有重要的參考價值。但基於個人檔案之特殊產生方式及不具固定書寫格式等性質,檔案典藏單位在個人檔案的整理實務上,如何進行最佳的編排與描述,以提升檔案資訊的有效利用,亦成為重要的研究課題。 本研究採用「文獻分析法」、「深度訪談法」及「比較法」進行研究。以具代表性的兩大典藏機構(國史館、中央研究院)為研究對象,中央研究院內以近史所檔案館、近史所胡適紀念館、史語所傅斯年圖書館、台史所古文書室等四個單位為代表。首先藉由文獻分析及深度訪談探究個人檔案典藏單位對於個人檔案編排與描述之現況,然後加以比較分析。 根據研究結果,對於國內個人檔案典藏單位編排與描述實務,提出結論如下:一、編排實務現況:(一)多數檔案典藏單位無法遵守原始順序原則,(二)檔案典藏單位缺乏一致性的編排原則;二、描述實務現況:(一)檔案典藏單位缺乏一致性的內容描述標準,(二)多數檔案典藏單位缺乏全宗及系列層級的描述,(三)「題名、摘要、日期、實體描述、備註、使用限制」是各單位共同描述的項目,(四)大部分檔案典藏單位未進行權威控制工作;三、相較於一般檔案,個人檔案的編排與描述面臨更多的問題與挑戰。 最後就前述研究結論,提出建議:一、擬定一致性的編排原則與描述標準;二、將個人檔案納入全國性檔案聯合目錄之中;三、強化檔案產生者的描述;四、加強全宗及系列層級的描述;五、建置個人檔案人名權威檔;六、加強個人檔案整編人員的專業訓練;七、成立個人檔案特殊興趣團體。 / Personal archives are not just the records of one's life. More importantly, they are contributing to a nation's history and are valuable in research on social history and cultural habits. However, because of the special way that personal archives are produced and their lack of unified formats, how the arrangement and descriptions of these archives are managed by repositories to elevate their value as resources becomes an important question to be discussed. This study used "literary analysis," "in-depth interviews" and "comparisons" on our subjects and it used two representative archives: the Academia Historica and Academia Sinica of Taiwan. Within the Academia Sinica, we chose the Archives and Hu Shih Memorial Hall of the Institute of Modern History, the Library of the Institute of History and Philology, and the Paleography Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History for our study. First, we explored the situations of the arrangements and descriptions of personal archives in these institutions through literary analysis and in-depth interviews; then we ran the results through comparative analysis. According to our findings, we reached the following conclusions on the current arrangements and descriptions of personal archive repositories in Taiwan: First, on arrangement: 1) most repositories do not follow the original order, and 2) repositories often lack unified formatting principles. Second, on descriptions: 1) repositories lack unified content description guidelines, 2) most repositories lack descriptions for fonds and series, 3) common elements shared by various repositories are: title of unit, abstract, date of unit, physical description, notes and restrictions on use, 4) most repositoires are not under authority control. Third, compared to public records, the arrangements and descriptions of personal archives are more problematic and challenging. Finally, based on the aforementioned conclusions, we suggest: 1) a set of unified arrangement principles and description guidelines be set, 2) personal archives be added into the contents of national archives, 3) more emphasis be placed on the descriptions of creators, 4) more emphasis be placed on the descriptions of fonds and series, 5) name authority files be established, 6) professional training for personal archivers be provided, and 7) interest groups for personal archives be established.


唐敏寶 Unknown Date (has links)
按我國民法典係採取「德國式編排法」之立法體例,故除有特別規定外,民法總則之規定當可適用於民法各編之中。然而,實際上基於身分行為之特殊性,民法總則有許多規定並不適用於身分行為。因此,學說上便有主張,身分行為應與財產行為分立,而由另一通則性之規定加以規範。故本論文即擬以「身分行為」為研究對象,針對其相關之問題予以深入探討,並藉此提出個人對身分行為通則之立法論建議。 本論文共分八章,計十四萬餘言,茲就各章之主要內容加以簡述如次: 第一章 緒論。本章係針對本文之研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍以及所使用之研究方法等,先予敘明。又為助於讀者對本文論述內容之掌握,特於本章中,先將本文之架構予以扼要敘明。 第二章 身分行為之基本概念。本章係採面之方式,對身分行為之概念作一整體性說明。首先介紹與身分行為相關之身分關係、身分權、身分法等概念,其次分別說明身分行為之意義與種類以及其行為能力等問題,之後再將本文所指之身分行為予以界定。又於本章中,亦將對日本學說上所普遍承認之「事實先行性」概念,提出檢討。最後再將身分行為與財產行為相異之諸多特性,作一歸納。 第三章 身分行為與民法總則之適用關係。由於身分行為亦屬法律行為之一種,故從法律之體系解釋上,民法總則之所有規定應得適用於身分行為,惟實際上基於身分行為之特殊性,民法總則之規定於身分行為並不能全然適用。從而本章將依我國民法之條文順序,逐一地探討民法總則中究竟哪些條文不能適用於身分行為?哪些條文得以適用於身分行為?另外,對於身分法之立法體例、身分法與財產法之關係等相關問題,亦將有所論述。 第四章 身分行為之體系化之理論發展。鑑於民法總則之規定並不能全然適用於身分行為,日本學說上首先出現了「身分行為之體系化」理論,嗣後亦為其實務所廣泛接受,並相繼傳入我國,故本章即擬介紹日本與我國之學說與實務關於「身分行為之體系化」理論之發展過程。 第五章 身分行為之構成要素。本章係針對身分行為之三大構成要素加以探討,主要內容著重於:1.身分行為之生活事實之構成要素有無獨立存在之必要?2.身分行為之效果意思之內容為何?3.身分行為之表示方式之法律性質?…等問題。其次,由於我國民法對身分行為之表示方式並未作統一之規定,故本章亦將對日本與我國各種身分行為之構成要素,作一說明。最後並將就身分行為之構成要素可否由實質要件與形式要件加以替代之問題,一併加以探討。 第六章 欠缺部份構成要素之身分行為。本章係在說明身分行為如僅欠缺「心素」或「形式」之構成要素時,其效力如何?主要之內容有:1.假裝(虛偽)身分行為之效力如何?2.於合意後戶籍登記完成前,發生當事人死亡或喪失意思能力或撤回意思表示等情形時,身分行為之效力如何?3.身分行為如欠缺「形式」之構成要素而無效時,所導致之事實上身分關係之保護等問題。 第七章 身分行為之撤銷與無效。基於身分行為之特殊性,身分行為之無效與撤銷與財產行為之無效與撤銷,存有諸多歧異處,故本章將對身分行為之撤銷與無效之問題,作一探討。諸如:身分行為受詐欺脅迫時,應如何撤銷?身分行為撤銷後,有無溯及既往之效力?無效身分行為之法律性質為何?無效身分行為得否予以事後追認或轉換?…等問題,在本章中均將有所說明。另外,對於身分行為須否區分不成立與無效、身分行為之成立要件與生效要件、身分行為之構成要素之理論架構等關於「身分行為構造」之相關問題,因與身分行為之撤銷與無效間存有密切關係,亦將於本章中一併予以說明。 第八章 結論。本章除對本文之論述作一重點扼要之總結說明外,另亦提出本文對身分行為之立法論建議,藉以徹底解決現行法下民法總則與身分行為在適用上之諸多爭議。


卓峰志 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從情境互動的角度切入,以活動理論為主要參考架構,探討「廣告版面是怎麼被編排出來的」;進一步說,這個問題在探討廣告版面的最後呈現,是那些因素所造成的? 傳統的版面編排研究,從閱聽人對不同廣告版面特徵的反應,來反推廣告版面應該如何編排。探討的重點,具體而言包含:怎麼呈現版面構成元素,採用哪種版面編排類型,最能提升閱讀率或廣告效果;廣告版面如何被編排出來,並不在其探討之列。本研究則認為,訊息製作者端的研究不應被忽略,探討廣告設計人員編排版面的過程,可以提供廣告版面應該如何編排的另外一種觀看角度。 要研究廣告版面如何編排,傳統的研究方式可能採取資訊處理典範,把人比作電腦,探討廣告設計人員在編排版面過程中運用個人智能解決問題的過程。本研究卻認為在真實情境中探討廣告版面如何編排,不能不考慮版面編排工作與情境互動的特性,因此,以日常生活及工作職場的實務智能研究為師,以活動理論做為參考架構,從「情境」、「互動」的角度來分析廣告版面如何編排。 本研究以「編排NUREACH廣告版面」為個案,說明活動系統各組成要件的內涵時,有些觀察發現有別於過去以活動理論為架構所做的研究,將可促使活動理論更趨完整與成熟。此外,對版面編排研究的貢獻,主要有二:(一) 本研究認為廣告版面是在人與目標、規則、社群、中介工具等情境因素互動之下浮現出來的,適足以補充傳統資訊處理典範的不足;(二) 本研究發現主體在活動系統中的角色較其他環節吃重,但是並非獨力完成版面編排工作,可以幫助釐清版面編排過程中,主體所扮演的角色。


黃淑惠, Huang, Shu-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣總督府檔案是臺灣歷史相當重要的一部檔案全宗。西元1895-1945年,臺灣受日本統治,對臺灣的歷史、政治、經濟、文化等產生重要影響。臺灣總督府是日治時期臺灣最高行政機構,所留存的公文檔案,正可以作為後人研究當時統治作為的第一手資料。如何整理檔案俾利使用,是為重要的課題。檔案整理並提供利用,主要透過兩種程序:編排與描述。亦即為本研究所關注的焦點。   本研究採用「文獻分析法」、「歷史研究法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,在文獻蒐集上,主要針對國內關於臺灣總督府檔案分類與編排描述、各種臺灣總督府檔案檢索工具等相關資料進行蒐集;在歷史研究上,是將蒐集到的歷史文獻加以整理分析,探究檔案原始編排描述狀況以及文書處理法令與分類之更嬗;另透過深度訪談,了解檔案管理機構在進行編排描述時,所遭遇的問題及實際狀況,以補文獻之不足。   根據本研究,有下列結論:一、臺灣總督府檔案之實體編排順序係依文獻館所編冊號;二、臺灣總督府檔案之分類及控制層級,副全宗部分係以人為判定,其下各層級如門、類等則依文書處理規程相關規定;三、數位典藏計畫設立諸多新創層級與不同分類方式;四、現存目錄中,以「臺灣總督府文書目錄」與「典藏數位化查詢-日據時期與光復初期檔案整合查詢」最為詳盡,惟該項編目工作費時良久,二目錄均未完竣;五、各種目錄之編目規則各行其是。   最後對前述研究結論提出建議:一、統一臺灣總督府檔案之分類、控制層級與用詞;二、確實進行檔案清查與登錄工作;三、描述檔案可先著錄至案卷層級,或者先著錄主要欄位,日後再予以補充,俾早日提供利用;四、增加著錄件以外各控制層級之資料;五、擴大數位典藏參與學域,廣納檔案學、歷史學人才;六、整合各檢索工具;七、建立檔案編目規則,以供各單位編目之參考依據;八、機關在文書製作時期,即依檔案學控制層級進行歸類。 / The Taiwan Soutokufu Archives are important archive fonds in Taiwan history. During 1895 to 1945, Japan governed Taiwan and materially influenced the history, politics, economy, and culture of Taiwan. Because the Taiwan Soutokufu is the main administration authority during the Japanese colonial period, its archives would be the first hand sources for the research regarding to the act of state during the Japanese colonial period. Therefore, it is an important topic to understand how the archives were arranged to utilize. The archives are arranged to utilize by means of the arrangement and the description, which are also the focus of the essay.   The research methods of the essay are “literature review,” “historical research,” and “in-depth interview.” I mainly searched and collected the classification, the arrangement and description of the Taiwan Soutokufu Archives to search and collect the documents. I arranged and analyzed the collected documents to understand the status of the original arrangements of the archives and the change of the law and classification of the documentary arrangement. To supplement the short of the documents, by means of in-depth interview, I could realize the actual problems and situation which happened while the archives administration institutions arrange and describe the archives.   I have made the following conclusions in the essay. First, the substantial arrangement order of the Taiwan Soutokufu Archives are the volume number of the Taiwan Historica. Second, the arrangements, control levels, and sub-fonds of the Taiwan Soutokufu Archives are determined by Taiwan Historica and the sub levels, are determined by the rules of documentary arrangement. Third, there are many innovative and different methods of the classification in NDAP, National Digital Archives Program. Forth, the “Documentary Index of Taiwan Soutokufu” and the “Digital Japanese Ruling and Postwar Archives Project of Taiwan Historica” are the most complete in the existing indexes. However, the work of arranging the two indexes drains on lots of time and the two indexes have not been accomplished. Fifth, each one of the rules to arrange the index is totally different.   After all, I have made the suggestion upon the forgoing conclusions. First, the classification, control levels and vocabulary should be unified. Second, archieves should be checked and registered authentically. Third, the description of the archives could be initiated in the file folders level or main entry. Forth, the retrieval system should also contain the documents of the control level except the items. Sixth, the finding aids should be coordinated. Seventh, the rules of the arrangement of the archives should be set up. Eighth, the institutions should classify the records by the means of control levels of the archives while they produce the records.

臺灣地區古文書的編排與描述之研究 / The Study on Arrangement and Description of Ancient deeds in Taiwan

郭紋秀, Kuo, Wen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
古文書是民間社會為證明某種約定自然產生而存在的文件,除了具有時代意義,更可反映舊時代社會生活與經濟發展的歷史現象,是重要的珍貴史料,具高度研究價值。為了要將檔案能夠精確地揭示其行政或保存歷史以及證據稽憑價值,並發揮其功能,提昇檔案資訊的有效利用,檔案典藏單位必須進行有系統的館藏整理,即透過編排與描述的程序。 本研究採用「個案研究法」、「深度訪談法」。以國內公部門單位中目前典藏古文書典藏數量與館藏管理方面較具規模者有國家圖書館、國立臺灣圖書館、臺灣大學圖書館、中央研究院臺灣史研究所檔案館、國史館臺灣文獻館與宜蘭縣史館為代表。藉由個案研究與深度訪談探究古文書典藏單位對於古文書檔案編排描述的現況,然後加以比較分析。 根據研究結果,對於國內古文書檔案典藏單位編排與描述實務,提出結論如下:一、編排實務現況:(一) 多數古文書典藏單位多能遵守尊重來源原則,(二)古文書典藏單位的編排原則多以時間順序為主;二、描述實務現況:(一)多數古文書典藏單位尚未完成古文書描述規則,(二)多數古文書典藏單位缺乏全宗、系列、案卷層級內容描述。 最後就前述研究結論,提出建議:一、擬定國內古文書檔案編排與描述作業指引,二、擬定國內古文書檔案描述欄位元素,三、建立國內古文書典藏單位共建共享的合作機制。 / Abstract Ancient deeds to prove some kind of civil society agreed to produce records exist naturally, in addition to the era, but also reflect the history of the old era phenomenon of social life and economic development. It is important precious historical, highly research value. To archives in order to accurately reveal it’s administrative or preservation of historical and protracted with the value of the evidence, and perform its functions, improve the effective use of archival information, archival repository must be a systematic collection order, namely through the arrangement and description of the process. This study used "case study", "in-depth interviews." Domestic public sector units in the current collection of ancient deeds and collections management, the number of sizable who have the National Central Library, the National Taiwan Library , National Taiwan University Library, Taiwan Historica, The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History, Institute of Yilan County History. With case studies and in-depth interviews to explore the status of the unit for the collection of ancient deeds of archives arrangement and description, and comparative analysis. According to the results, the domestic ancient deeds repository arrangement and description of practice, made the following conclusions: First, the arrangement practice Status: 1) most ancient instrument collection units and more able to comply respected Principle of provenance, and 2) the ancient instrument collection unit arrangement the principle of multi-chronological order based. Second, description the status of practice: 1) most ancient instrument collection of ancient deeds describing the unit has not yet completed the rule, 2) the most ancient instrument collection units lack fonds, series, files hierarchical content description. Finally, based on the aforementioned conclusions, we suggest:1) to develop domestic arrangement and description of the ancient deeds archives of practice guide, 2) to develop domestic ancient deeds archives description field elements, 3) domestic ancient deeds repository building sharing mechanisms for cooperation.

日治時代臺灣文獻資料及其分類體系之研究 / A Study on Classification Systems for Taiwan Materials during the Japanese Colonial Period

黃景彤, Huang, Ching-Tung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以臺灣為主體的社會、歷史、教育、文化研究蓬勃發展,人們日益重視日治時代的臺灣文獻資料。圖書文獻必須經過有系統的組織整理、分門別類之後,方能提供研究者查檢使用的便利性。 本研究旨在探討日治時代臺灣文獻的分類體系,採用個案研究法,並透過深度訪談,以了解國立中央圖書館臺灣分館、國立臺灣大學圖書館、國史館臺灣文獻館的臺灣文獻資料的內容形式、收藏情況、所採用的分類體系及應用情況,是否能提供現代分類系統編訂時的啟發。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:1. 日治時代臺灣文獻特徵;2. 臺灣文獻資料的館藏管理;3. 日治時代臺灣文獻資料分類體系;4. 臺灣文獻資料分類應用。 本研究建議:1. 舊藏資料的分類體系有其歷史意義和價值,值得保留沿用;2. 中國圖書分類法臺灣相關類號之修訂建議;3. 建立不同分類系統的對照表,便於跨分類系統和提供主題檢索的機制;4. 透過數位典藏的方式,將不同典藏單位的臺灣文獻資料實現網路上的聚合,強化分類系統的應用範疇;5. 舊藏資料的分類體系可以加以推廣,讓使用者容易掌握館藏資料之主題內容和特色。 / Taiwan Study is a field that has been growing rapidly in the past score, especially when it comes to on social, historical, educational, and cultural issues of the Japanese Colonial Period (1895~1945 C.E.). Since then, library materials and archives created during that time have become more and more important for researchers of today. The functions of classification include shelving, browsing, and searching. They help users to access to those materials. The purpose of this research is to discover the value of classification system on materials of the Colonial Period. The research method of the study includes “Case Study” and “In-depth Interview”`. This study dwells on the content, format, classification systems, and applications of Taiwan materials in the three cases as follows: National Taiwan Library, National Taiwan University Library, and Taiwan Historica. Below are the findings: 1. Characters of Taiwan materials of the Japanese Colonial Period. 2. Collection management of Taiwan materials. 3. Classification systems of Taiwan materials of the Japanese Colonial Period. 4. Application of classification systems. The study makes final suggestions as follows: 1. Reserve the practical and historical values of classification systems. 2. Take into consideration the “New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries” as presented in the study. 3. Establish conversion tables between various classification systems and a mechanism for subject search through catalogues. 4. Aggregate Taiwan materials by creating digital archive and extend the scope of application in classification systems. 5. Promote the old classification systems to allow users to know more about content and features of Taiwan materials.


陳甫彥, Chen, Fu-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討傳播內容編排方式與受審者創造力對傳播效果的影響。內 容共約四萬字,主要分為(一)緒論,(二)文獻探討,(三)方法與步驟,(四 )分析及(五)討論五章。 研究所採用的實驗設計是3×3多因設計,自變項是傳播內容編排方式及創造力, 依變項是受試者在閱讀文章後的測驗成績。傳播內容編排方式分為前導架構導言組 、問句式前導架構導言組、一般導言組三組,創造力變項則依流暢力分數分為高、 中、低三組,資料處理採獨立樣本二因子變異數分析。


葉美珠 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案控制層次分為管理、全宗、系列、案卷、件等五個層次,是由美國國家檔案暨文件署之學者Oliver Wendell Holmes在1964年提出「檔案編排-五種不同的控制層次」一文的說法。 從2001年起,國內各典藏歷史檔案機構已就其重要的歷史檔案,引進採用最新發展之「檔案描述編碼格式」(Encoded Archival Description,簡稱EAD)及「國際檔案描述標準」(General International Standard Archival Description,簡稱ISAD(G))等標準,進行數位典藏計畫,使檔案控制層次在歷史檔案編排之應用,成為數位典藏計畫執行期間及本研究階段之重要研究課題。 本研究採用「個案研究法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,對5所典藏歷史檔案機構進行個案研究,包括:國立故宮博物院、國史館、國史館台灣文獻館、中央研究院歷史語言研究所及近代史研究所,以了解檔案控制層次之應用成果;另深度訪談法則是對機構內檔案編排人員進行訪談,以搜集參與數位典藏計畫前後,檔案控制層次在歷史檔案編排之應用情形資訊,及檔案描述有關之控制層次內容。 根據本研究,有下列結論:一、各機構均會參酌最新理論與應用先例進行檔案編排;二、對於檔案控制層次除運用在實體歷史檔案編排外,並也已逐漸延伸到數位檔案影像編排上;三、後設資料需求規格書中之控制層次名稱更為明確;四、控制層次邏輯可以作為製成檢索工具基礎及應用在數位檔案之檔名命名上;五、層次關係以樹狀結構呈現;六、多數機構著重在較低層次的描述;七、彙整出各機構檔案編排之層次圖表。 最後對前述研究結論提出建議:一、未將檔案控制層次運用在歷史檔案編排者,應加以調整;二、控制層次之名稱與內涵應一致;三、運用檔案控制層次方法後,應加以彙集出版或作為網路上瀏覽檔案的輔助索引;四、建立描述計畫時,應著重在較高層次的描述;五、各機構應加強訂定檔案描述規則與多層次描述規範。 / The levels of control in archival arrangement can be classified by depositories, fonds, series, files and items ,etc. This concept had been proposed by Oliver Wendell Holmes in 1964, in his article: “Archival Arrangement -- Five Different Operations at Five Different Levels”. Since 2001, many public archive institutions which are major holders of historical materials in Taiwan, early or late participated in the “National Digital Archives Program” (NDAP). They have adopted “Encoded Archival Description” (EAD) and “General International Standard Archival Description” ( ISAD(G)) as the standards of archive digitization. Therefore, the levels of control applied in the arrangement of historical archives have become the main topics of NDAP and relative studies. This study has adopted the “case study method” and the “in-depth interview method.” We make case studies of five major historical archive institutions in Taiwan -- the National Palace Museum, the Historica Academia, the Taiwan Historica, the Institute of History and Philology and the Institute of Modern History, especially regarding the levels of control applied in the arrangement of historical archives before and after these institutions participated in NDAP. On the other hand, we interviewed the archivists of the above institutions, in order to understand their work of archival description based on the levels of control. We reached the following conclusions: 1. The above-mentioned institutions adopt the newly theory and practice in archival arrangement every now and again. 2. The levels of control not only have been applied in the arrangement of physical archives, but extended to digital archives. 3. The levels of control have become more definite in the specification of metadata requirement. 4. The logic of the levels of control can be utilized as the basis of finding aids and : the naming rule of digital files. 5. The hierarchical model of the levels of control has been presented in a kind of tree structure. 6. Most institutions focus their efforts on lower level descriptions. 7. For further research, we establish a summary table of the levels of control adopted by the above-mentioned institutions. Finally, we do have some suggestions: 1. For every historical archive holder, it is a wise choice to adopt the levels of control to arrange the historical materials 2. The naming on the levels of control and its contents must be consistent. 3. The levels of control applied in the arrangement of historical materials should be available on-site to user as auxiliary index. 4. We’d better concentrate more efforts on higher level description while planning for archival description. 5. Each public archive institution should make every effort to enhance the establishment of Chinese archival description rules and multiple description specifications.


楊繼群, Yang, Ji-Chiun Unknown Date (has links)
目前,台灣地區的電視台對於電視收視率資料的使用,似乎較強調業務導向的數據解讀。然而,在節目收視表現的使用上,常由所有觀眾角度所詮釋的節目收視率,一來與廣告代理商實際執行廣告活動的「目標群設定」邏輯不符,沒法說明節目觀眾的全貌,二來也無法描繪觀眾收視行為的細節問題。因此,本研究試圖從收視率(TV Rating)的電視節目之節目編排的運用觀點出發,以剖析收視率在節目編排與應用的意涵。 本研究以六台「綜合性電視台」(民視、台視、中視、華視、三立台灣台與TVBS)之週間黃金時段為研究主題,透過數據分析與深訪資料,討探各台在節目編排策略的考量因素與電視收視調查資料(TV Audience Measurement,TAM)的實際使用情形。研究發現,電視收視調查資料著實可反映出電視產業中大多數的「外部因素」與部分的「內部因素」狀況,經營者可藉以瞭解電視收視市場,是電視收視市場的投射。研究建議,電視台可加強台內同仁在數據使用與解讀之人員訓練,並著重電視收視調查資料於節目編排之使用,使「業務」與「節目」兩數據使用面向並重。 此外,研究中以「電視收視調查」一辭替代「收視率調查」。因研究者認為「電視收視調查」是指「針對電視收視市場的調查研究」,是一種研究調查的方式;而「收視率」是電視收視調查研究中所呈現的一類「數據」,無法說明此研究調查的真正意涵;因此,在研究中對於此調查研究的名稱,都以「電視收視調查」論述之。 / In Taiwan, most of TV Channels prefer the analysis of the business-orientated information about the application of TV Rating. In program-orientated information, the program rating of total audience does not consist with the target setting of the advertising agency. In addition, this approach can neither draw out the audience’s profile nor describe the viewing behavior in detail. Therefore, the research tries to analyze the significance of TV Rating in programming and application. The research samples the prime time of weekday of six TV channels (FTV, TTV, CTV, CTS, Sanli and TVBS) as the research subject to probe into the critical factors are in the programming and the application of TV Audience Measurement (TAM) of each channel. From the research result, it is proved that TAM projects almost all the outside factors and parts of the inside factors about each TV channel. Moreover, the management team also can understand the situation of TV market through TAM. With this research, I suggest that the management team of TV channel should plan to enhance the training for the employee’s ability to use data. And they should put the business-oriented and the program-oriented in balance through emphasizing the application of TV Audience Measurement. Besides, the research will replace “TV Rating” with “TV Audience Measurement”. The writer regards the research of TV Audience Measurement as a research method of TV marketplace and “TV Rating” is just a kind of figure, part of survey result of TV Audience Measurement and cannot explain the real meaning behind the number. Hence, we proclaim the survey to the TV marketplace as TV Audience Measurement in this research.

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