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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'importance des funérailles dans la pièce Antigone de la Grèce antique à nos jours

Yosefi Soran, Elnaz 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 6 décembre 2023) / Cette étude propose l'analyse de la représentation de l'interdiction de l'inhumation par ordre de pouvoirs autoritaires et, plus précisément, dans la pièce d'Antigone de Sophocle et les adaptations d'Anouilh et de Brecht, et dans le roman de Dorfman. À l'aide des réflexions issues des théories de Hegel, de Freud et d'Agamben, l'objectif est de montrer les similitudes et les transformations de l'intrigue initiale et d'interroger comment le personnage d'Antigone est réapproprié et devenu pluriel par les événements historico-politiques dans les adaptations modernes. De manière plus générale, ce mémoire s'intéresse à l'interdiction des funérailles par les États et met en lumière les perspectives philosophiques et psychologiques liées à la rébellion d'Antigone dans quatre textes littéraires ayant le même thème dans un contexte social différent. Notre recherche est divisée en trois chapitres. La première porte sur le concept de théâtre politique et par une analyse de la pièce Antigone et de la situation politique de la Grèce antique, au travers d'une critique de la théorie d'Hegel sur Antigone. Le deuxième s'intéresse à la réévaluation de la Seconde Guerre mondiale basée sur le concept de traumatisme et sa théorisation par Freud, en vue d'une analyse des deux pièces Antigone d'Anouilh et de Brecht et de leurs opinions différentes sur l'adaptation de la pièce Antigone dans le contexte de la guerre. Le troisième se penche sur les diverses adaptations d'Antigone à notre époque en fonction de la situation politique spécifique de cette époque. Et à la fin, il y a une analyse du roman Les Veuves de Dorfman, selon la théorie philosophique et politique d'Agamben sur les crises résultant de gouvernements totalitaires. Comment le théâtre et la littérature peuvent-ils être les porte-parole des moments critiques d'une société et comment un texte ancien peut-il être entendu par l'adaptation de telle sorte qu'il parle de nos vies ? / This study proposes the analysis of the representation of the prohibition of burial going by the totalitarian powers to the theater and the literature, more precisely in the play of Antigone by Sophocles and the adaptations of Anouilh, Brecht and Dorfman. Using reflections from the philosophical theories of Hegel, Freud and Agamben and theories of adaptation, the objective is to demonstrate the similarities and transformations of this play and to question how the character of Antigone is reproduced and made plural by historical and political events in literary adaptations. More generally, this thesis focuses on the prohibition of funerals by the states and highlights the philosophical-psychological perspectives linked to the rebellion of Antigone in four literary texts having the same theme in a context of different social. The thesis consists of research divided into three chapters. The first deals with the concept of political theater and it is an analysis of the play Antigone and the political situation in ancient Greece, and it is a critique of Hegel's theory of Antigone. The second deals with the description of the Second World War based on the concept of trauma and Freud's theory on this subject, and it is an analysis of the two plays Antigone by Anouilh and Brecht and their differing opinions on the adaptation of the play Antigone in Atmosphere War. The third looks at the various adaptations of Antigone to our time depending on the specific political situation of that time. And at the end, there is an analysis of Dorfman's novel The Widows according to Agamben's philosophical-political theory of the resulting crises of our time in totalitarian governments. How can theater and literature be the mouthpieces of a society's critical moments and how can an ancient text be audited through adaptation in such a way that it speaks to our lives?

Psychic Fax on Vibrate, Received on Phantom Limbo

Borndal, Jake 07 May 2014 (has links)
I offer a cloud of observations about language and art. I will prioritize my questions about how language operates in art, the way it functions within my own studio practice, and locate aesthetic interstices throughout. There will be insights gleaned from the various orderers of order (Lacan, Saussure) and orderers of disorder (Derrida, Agamben), walks in terra-incognita, and even some poetry on my part. I will take this chance to orient myself among different structures and deconstructions that have piledup around language, aesthetics and art.

Категориально-текстовая идентификация эквивалентности русских переводов сборника «Ariel» С. Плат : магистерская диссертация / Categorical-textual equivalence identification of Russian translations of the poetry collection «Ariel» by S. Plath

Бородина, Н. В., Borodina, N. V. January 2020 (has links)
This MA thesis aims at identifying the equivalence of the Russian translations of Sylvia Plath’s poems from the collection “Ariel” (1965) on the basis of the comparative and categorical text analysis. The author studies the peculiarities of manifestation of text categories of theme, chronotope (locality and temporality) and tonality in the original poetic texts as compared to their Russian translations by V. P. Betaki. The identification of categorical markers and their equivalence is proved to be able to define the quantitative degree of translation equivalence to the original. Moreover, the chosen linguistic method contributes to singling out the typological characteristics, which, on their turn, make it possible to describe even more specific divergences between the original and translated texts, as well as the translator’s strategies in general. The results of the research paper can be used as a material for the further categorical method application in the sphere of translation studies. / Настоящая магистерская диссертация посвящена выявлению степени эквивалентности русских переводных вариантов стихотворений из сборника «Ariel» (1965) Сильвии Плат на базе сопоставительно-категориального анализа текстов (СКАТ). В работе рассматривается специфика проявления полевых текстовых категории темы, хронотопа (локальности и темпоральности) и тональности в исходных поэтических текстах на английском языке и их русских переводах, выполненных В. П. Бетаки. Доказано, что вычленение маркеров каждой из указанных категорий и их переводческих соответствий позволяет установить количественный уровень эквивалентности варианта художественного текста оригиналу; более того, выбранный лингвистический метод способствует выявлению типологических черт, на основании которых можно описать более частные расхождения переводных вариантов и общие стратегии переводчика. Результаты данной работы могут быть использованы в качестве материала для дальнейшего применения СКАТ в области переводоведения.

RIKTAT DÖDANDE - Lag och moral i en asymmetrisk värld

Lundquist, Joel January 2013 (has links)
Som ett resultat av attackerna mot USA den 11 september 2001 förklarade dåvarande president George W Bush krig mot terrorismen den 20 september samma år. Sex dagar senare undertecknade Bush ett direktiv vilket auktoriserade den civila amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten Central Intelligence Agency att utföra riktat dödande mot fördefinierade individer i syftet att förhindra nya attacker från terroristnätverket Al Qaeda, talibanerna och associerade styrkor. Bush initierade det amerikanska bruket av så kallade ”drone strikes” i anslutning till krigsförklaringen med intentionen att eliminera misstänkta terrorister utan möjlighet till en rättvis rättegång, Obama-administrationen har valt att fortsätta utöva policyn. Syftet med studien är att fastställa huruvida USA:s juridiska rättfärdigande och bruk av folkrätt i relation till genomförandet av riktat dödande och användandet av obemannade luftfarkoster i kriget mot terrorismen kan betraktas vara förenligt med doktrinen för just war theory och gällande internationell rätt. Vidare undersöker studien effekterna av det amerikanska bruket av folkrätten i relation till civilbefolkningen och den internationella humanitära rätten. Relevant lagtext och krigsetikens sedvanerättsliga principer jämförs med USA:s bruk av folkrätt för att fastställa agerandets legalitet. Vidare påvisar studien att programmet för riktat dödande inte kan anses vara förenligt med just war theory och gällande internationell lag och att bruket av drönare hamnar i konflikt med gällande internationell rätt i relation till hur de används under kriget mot terrorismen. / As a result of the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 then President George W Bush declared a war on terror. Six days later, Bush signed a directive which authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to carry out targeted killings against predefined individuals with the purpose to prevent any future attacks from the terrorist network Al Qaeda, as well as the Taliban and associated forces. In conjunction with the declaration of war president Bush initiated the American practice of so-called "drone strikes" with the intention to eliminate suspected terrorists without access to a fair trial, the practice has continued under the mandate of the Obama-administration. The aim of this study is to examine whether the US legal justification for the use of targeted killings and unmanned aerial vehicles in the war against terrorism can be regarded as compatible with the doctrine of just war theory and applicable international law. Furthermore, the study examines the effects of the US practice on international humanitarian customary law in relation to the civilian population. The U.S. justification of targeted killing is compared with international law to determine the lawfulness from a legal perspective. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that the practice is not compatible with the doctrine of just war theory and applicable international law. The use of drones violates international customary law in relation to how they are used under the current conflict.

Killing Terrorists - Armed Drones and the Ethics of War

Lundquist, Joel January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to answer the question whether the U.S. policy on targeted killings with combat drones is compatible with the legal doctrine of just war theory, applicable international law, and human rights law. Moreover, this paper intends to examine the legal issues arising from the U.S. practice of international law in relation to the justification of targeted killings. The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether the practice of targeted killings can be considered lawful and, if not, to provide knowledge about how the method violates applicable international law and the ethics of war. The focus is placed on relevant treaties and customary international law, and just war theory is used as a theoretical complement to explain the meaning and purpose of selected laws in order to determine their applicability to the research problem. Furthermore, this procedure has been conducted by using a legal method to identify the legal problem and interpret relevant sources of law in order to determine their applicability to the research problem. The thesis has determined that the U.S. policy on targeted killings with combat drones is not consistent with applicable international law and fundamental human rights law. In particular, the practice of targeted killings violates the principle of distinction.

Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'

Medalla, Maria Enriqueta 18 October 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.

Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'

Medalla, Maria Enriqueta 18 October 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.

Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'

Medalla, Maria Enriqueta January 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.

Encountering maternal silence: writing strategies for negotiating margins of mother/ing in contemporary Canadian prairie women's poetry

Hiebert, Luann E. 11 April 2016 (has links)
Contemporary Canadian prairie women poets write about the mother figure to counter maternal suppression and the homogenization of maternal representations in literature. Critics, like Marianne Hirsch and Andrea O’Reilly, insist that mothers tell their own stories, yet many mothers are unable to. Daughter and mother stories, Jo Malin argues, overlap. The mother “becomes a subject, or rather an ‘intersubject’” in the text (2). Literary depictions of daughter-mother or mother-child intersubjectivities, however, are not confined to auto/biographical or fictional narratives. As a genre and potential site for representing maternal subjectivities, poetry continues to reside on the margins of motherhood studies and literary criticism. In the following chapters, I examine the writing strategies of selected poets and their representations of mothers specific to three transformative occasions: mourning mother-loss, becoming a mother, and reclaiming a maternal lineage. Several daughter-poets adapt the elegy to remember their deceased mothers and to maintain a connection with them. In accord with Tanis MacDonald and Priscila Uppal, these poets resist closure and interrogate the past. Moreover, they counter maternal absence and preserve her subjectivity in their texts. Similarly, a number of mother-poets begin constructing their mother-child (self-other) relationship prior to childbirth. Drawing on Lisa Guenther’s notions of “birth as a gift of the feminine other” and welcoming the stranger (49), as well as Emily Jeremiah’s link between “‘maternal’ mutuality” and writing and reading practices (“Trouble” 13), I investigate poetic strategies for negotiating and engaging with the “other,” the unborn/newborn and the reader. Other poets explore and interweave bits of stories, memories, dreams and inklings into their own motherlines, an identification with their matrilineage. Poetic discourse(s) reveal the limits of language, but also attest to the benefits of extra-linguistic qualities that poetry provides. The poets I study here make room for the interplay of language and what lies beyond language, engaging the reader and augmenting perceptions of the maternal subject. They offer new ways of signifying maternal subjectivities and relationships, and therefore contribute to the ongoing research into the ever-changing relations among maternal and cultural ideologies, mothering and feminisms, and regional women’s literatures. / May 2016

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