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Interacting effects of forest edge, tree diversity and forest stratum on the diversity of plants and arthropods in Germany’s largest deciduous forestNormann, Claudia 27 April 2015 (has links)
Die fortschreitende Fragmentierung von Wäldern ist eine der Hauptursachen für den Verlust von Biodiversität weltweit. Mit zunehmender Fragmentierung steigt der Anteil an Waldrandzonen, in denen die Eigenschaften eines Waldes stark verändert sein können. Wie stark diese Randeffekte ein Fragment beeinflussen, kann von der Habitatstruktur abhängen. Die Habitatstruktur ist wiederum maßgeblich durch die Baumartenzusammensetzung beeinflusst.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht zum ersten Mal gleichzeitig die Einflüsse von Randeffekten und Baumartenvielfalt und deren mögliche Interaktionen auf Krautschichtvegetation und Arthropoden.
Die Untersuchungen hierzu wurden im Nationalpark Hainich, Deutschlands größtem zusammenhängenden Laubwaldgebiet, durchgeführt. Dafür wurden 12 Transekte angelegt, die vom Waldrand bis zu 500 m in das Waldesinnere hineinreichten. Sechs Transekte in baumartenarmen Waldstandorten mit einem hohen Buchenanteil (Fagus sylvatica L.) und weitere sechs in baumartenreichen Waldstandorten mit einem niedrigen Buchenanteil. Baumartenreiche Standorte wiesen bis zu neun Baumarten auf, wie z.B. Eiche, Esche, Linde und Ahorn. Entlang der Transekte wurden die Krautschichtvegetation und die Arthopodengemeinschaften untersucht.
Im ersten Manuskript (Kapitel 2 dieser Arbeit) wurde die Krautschichtvegetation entlang des Rand-Innen-Gradienten aufgenommen.
Eine Interaktion zwischen Randeffekten und Baumartenvielfalt beeinflusste den Pflanzenartenreichtum. In Waldbereichen mit hoher Baumartenvielfalt blieb die Artenzahl der Krautschicht vom Rand bis ins Waldesinnere konstant, wohingegen sie in baumartenarmen Bereichen stark abfiel. Die Krautschicht war somit in baumartenreichen Waldstandorten im Waldesinneren höher. Der Anteil an Waldspezialistenarten nahm mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Waldrand zur Mitte zu. Parallel dazu nahm der Anteil an Waldgeneralistenarten ab. Die Dominanz der Waldspezialisten war in buchendominierten Standorten stärker ausgeprägt, als in baumartenreichen. Auch die Artenzusammensetzung der Krautschicht wurde von der Distanz zum Waldrand und der Baumartenvielfalt beeinflusst. Sie wies in baumartenreichen Standorten und mit zunehmender Nähe zum Rand eine hohe Variabilität auf. Die Baumartenvielfalt steuerte die Dicke der Streuschicht, die unter allen untersuchten Umweltfaktoren den größten Einfluss auf die Diversität der Krautschicht hatte.
Im zweiten Manuskript (Kapitel 3 dieser Arbeit) wurden bodenlebende Arthropoden (Laufkäfer, Kurzflügelkäfer und Spinnen) untersucht.
Die Reaktion der Gesamtartenzahl auf Baumartenvielfalt und Entfernung zum Waldrand war je nach Taxon unterschiedlich. Allerdings zeigten sich übereinstimmende Muster, nachdem die Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Habitataffinität und Körpergröße in Gruppen eingeteilt worden waren. Über alle Taxa hinweg wurde die Anzahl der Waldarten weder von der Baumartenvielfalt noch von der Randnähe nennenswert beeinflusst und die Körpergröße der Waldarten spielte keine Rolle. Allerdings reagierten einzelne Waldarten positiv auf eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt, während andere davon negativ beeinflusst waren. Die Artenzahl der Habitatgeneralisten nahm vom Waldrand zur Waldmitte hin stark ab. Dieser Effekt wurde jedoch, außer bei den Spinnen, durch eine höhere Baumartenvielfalt abgeschwächt. Die Artenzahl der Habitatgeneralisten, insbesondere der kleinen Arten, reagierte positiv auf eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt im Waldesinneren. Die beobachteten Effekte sind höchstwahrscheinlich das Resultat von durch Baumartenvielfalt und Randnähe veränderten Umweltfaktoren und einer erhöhten Habitatheterogenität am Waldboden.
Im dritten Manuskript (Kapitel 4 dieser Arbeit) wurde untersucht, ob sich Rand- und Baumartendiversitätseffekte zwischen verschiedenen Straten unterscheiden. Hierzu wurden entlang von zehn Transekten sowohl im Kronenraum als auch unmittelbar über dem Boden Kreuzfensterfallen installiert. In einem Zeitraum von sieben Monaten (April bis November 2012) wurde dadurch die fliegende Käferfauna erfasst.
Randeffekte auf Käfer wurden bis zu einer Distanz von 500 m vom Waldrand hin nachgewiesen. Im Kronenraum waren die Randeffekte schwächer ausgeprägt als im Unterholz, vermutlich durch eine höhere „randähnliche“ mikroklimatische Variabilität im Kronenraum. Die Gesamtartenzahl der Käfer nahm mit zunehmender Distanz zum Waldrand ab. Dieses Muster wurde vor allem durch die Habitatgeneralisten getrieben, wohingegen die Artenzahl der Waldarten und der xylobionten Arten kaum auf die Randnähe reagierten. Eine Beeinflussung des Randeffekts durch Baumartenvielfalt konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Habitatgeneralisten und nicht-xylobionte Arten dominierten die Käfergemeinschaft im Unterholz. Im Kronenraum wurden die höchsten Artenzahlen von Waldarten und xylobionten Arten nachgewiesen. Baumartendiversität wirkte sich über alle Straten und ökologischen Gruppen positiv auf die Artenvielfalt der Käfer aus. Besonders ausgeprägt war dieser Effekt im Kronenraum. Die Haupteinflussfaktoren, die den Käferartenreichtum steuerten, unterschieden sich also zwischen den Straten. So waren im Kronenraum Baumartenvielfalt, die Totholzmenge und zu einem geringen Teil der Kronenschluss die entscheidenden Faktoren. Im Unterholz hingegen war der Einfluss der Baumartenvielfalt geringer und die Distanz zum Waldrand und der Kronenschluss besonders wichtig. Insgesamt waren die Effekte von Baumartenvielfalt im Unterholz indirekter und im Kronenraum direkter.
Um Konsequenzen von Waldfragmentierung umfangreich zu verstehen, ist es nicht nur notwendig den Einfluss von Randeffekten, Baumartenvielfalt und Straten zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch die Eigenschaften (z. B. Körpergröße) und die Habitataffinität der beobachteten Arten.
Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt in zentraleuropäischen Wäldern zum Erhalt der Biodiversität von Pflanzen und Arthropoden beitragen kann. Das allein ist jedoch nicht ausreichend, da auch gezeigt wurde, dass einzelne Arten buchendominierte Wälder bevorzugen und es Unterschiede in der Artenzusammensetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Baumartendiversitätsstufen gibt. Dies hebt die Bedeutung des Erhalts alter Buchenwälder, verankert in den UNESCO-Welterbeflächen „Buchenurwälder in den Karpaten und alte Buchenwälder in Deutschland“, als besondere Schutzaufgabe hervor.
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Arthropod and plant diversity of maize agro-ecosystems in the grassland and savanna biomes of South Africa / Monique BothaBotha, Monique January 2014 (has links)
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important grain crop in the country. Approximately 12 million tons of maize grain is produced annually on approximately 2.5 million ha of land. However, increased farming intensity can lead to fragmentation of habitat and has a tendency to decrease the biodiversity of an area. Therefore, to ensure the continued functionality of agro-ecosystems, methods in agriculture must be assessed and adapted when necessary to ensure the persistence of biological diversity. Unfortunately, the effect of crop production on species diversity and composition in South Africa is still relatively unknown, and no baseline data exists with which to gauge the possibility of unknown extinction risks of important biological elements. The objectives of this study were to compare plant and arthropod diversity patterns and species turnover of maize agro-ecosystems between biomes (grassland and savanna) and along a maize field-field margin gradient (MAFFMAG). Surveys of maize agro-ecosystems were conducted in six provinces of South Africa, namely North-West, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Free State and the Eastern Cape. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significantly lower plant and arthropod species diversity and richness in maize fields compared to field margins. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed that arthropod species composition differed between biomes although not along MAFFMAGs, indicating that arthropod species composition is dependent on biome rather than distance from maize field. Floristic data revealed unique species compositions for maize fields and field margins and also for biomes. Furthermore, maize fields and field margins of grassland sites were more similar in plant species composition than the savanna localities, suggesting higher regional beta diversity for savanna regions. Spearman‘s rank order correlations revealed generally positive but weak or no relationships between plant and arthropod diversity. This study provides baseline data for identification, monitoring and conservation of priority species and will allow the future evaluation of ecosystem services provided by plants and associated arthropods, especially natural enemies of pests, in maize agro-ecosystems. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Efeito da soja geneticamente modificada DAS-81419-2, que expressa as proteínas Cry1Ac e Cry1F, sobre os organismos-alvo e na comunidade de artrópodes não-alvo / Effect of genetically modified soybean DAS-81419-2 expressing the proteins Cry1Ac and Cry1F on the target-organisms and non-target arthropod communityMarques, Luiz Henrique da Silva Fagundes 28 April 2017 (has links)
A soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) com o evento DAS-81419-2 (ConkestaTM technology) que expressa as proteínas de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1F e Cry1Ac protege a cultura de danos de alimentação de lepidópteros-praga primários e secundários. Experimentos de campo foram conduzidos de 2011 à 2016 na região sul e central do Brasil para caracterizar a eficácia da soja DAS-81419-2 infestada com Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Chloridea virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Spodoptera cosmioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) e Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) durante os estágios vegetativo (V4) e reprodutivo (R2 e/ou R4) da cultura. A eficácia da soja DAS-81419-2 foi comparada com a variedade isogênica não-Bt manejada com ou sem inseticidas foliares comerciais para controle de lepidópteros. DAS-81419-2 reduziu significantemente o dano de alimentação causado por A. gemmatalis, C. includens, C. virescens, S. cosmioides e H. armigera durante os estágios vegetativo e reprodutivo, bem como, a mortalidade de plântulas causada por E. lignosellus. Entretanto, DAS-81419-2 apresentou moderada atividade em A. ipsilon. Além disto, um estudo de campo de três anos avaliou os potenciais efeitos adversos de DAS-81419-2 por meio da inspeção da diversidade e abundância de artrópodes não-alvos comparado com a isolinha não-Bt com ou sem aplicações convencionais de inseticidas. Estes estudos foram conduzidos em três regiões produtoras de soja onde os artrópodes não-alvos da parte aérea e da superfície do solo foram monitorados. Em geral, a abundância e diversidade total não foram afetadas signifativamente pela soja Bt. Desta maneira, DAS-81419-2 mostrou eficácia consistente ao longo dos anos, localidades e diferente estágios da cultura contra lepidópteros-pragas primários e secundários de importância econômica da cultura da soja e não afetou adversamente os artrópodes não-alvos que ocorrem nos campos de soja. / Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) event DAS-81419-2 (ConkestaTM technology) expresses Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1F and Cry1Ac proteins to provide protection against primary and secondary lepidopteran pest feeding damage. Field experiments were conducted from 2011 to 2016 in southern and central Brazil to characterize the efficacy of DAS-81419-2 soybean infested with Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Chloridea virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Spodoptera cosmioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) during vegetative (V4) and reproductive (R2 and/or R4) crop developmental stages. The efficacy of DAS-81419-2 was compared to a non-Bt isogenic variety managed with or without applications of commercial foliar insecticides for lepidopteran control. DAS-81419-2 significantly reduced the feeding damage caused by A. gemmatalis, C. includens, C. virescens, S. cosmioides, and H. armigera during both vegetative and reproductive crop growth stages as well as the seedling stage plant mortality caused by E. lignosellus. However, DAS-81419-2 showed moderate activity on A. ipsilon. In addition, a 3-yr in-field study evaluated the potential adverse effects of DAS-81419-2 by examining the diversity and abundance of non-target arthropods (NTAs) compared to the non-Bt near isoline with and without conventional insecticide applications. These studies were conducted in three Brazilian soybean producing regions where both soil surface and aerial NTA were monitored. Overall, the total abundance and diversity were not significantly affected by Bt soybean. Therefore, DAS-81419-2 showed consistent efficacy across years, locations, and crop stages against the most economically important primary and secondary lepidopteran pests of soybean and did not adversely affect non-target arthropods occurring in soybean field.
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Influ?ncia da matriz urbana na estrutura de redes de intera??o planta-visitante floral em fragmentos de vegeta??o campestre do Sul do BrasilNeves, Mariana Beal 04 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Zoologia (zoologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-29T13:56:09Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-04-04 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Mutualistic relationships between plants and animals play a key role in ecological and
evolutionary processes. These relationships are seen as complex networks of interaction,
which present recurrent structural patterns and are severely threatened by anthropogenic
factors. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the isolation caused by
urbanization on the interaction networks between plants and floral visitors. Twelve South
Brazilian fragments were sampled in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul. Sampling was performed during spring and summer of 2016/17 in 1-hectare circular plots
using the focal method (10 minutes observation / plant). We estimated the degree of isolation
of the fragments by calculating the area covered by urban matrix in a buffer of 2000 meters
around each plot. We performed a qualitative-quantitative sampling of vegetation as part of
the explanatory data observed for the network patterns. To construct interaction matrices, we
divide visitors into potential pollinators and non-pollinators. We construct quantitative
interaction matrices for each fragment/plot by calculating the metrics available in the
networklevel function of the bipartite package of the R program. We estimate the correlation
between the logarithm of the urbanized area in a radius of 2000 meters and each network
metric calculated with the generalized linear model. We sampled 1240 plants (182 species).
The total abundance of floral visitors was 1840 specimens (94% potential pollinators). The
richness of plant species was greater in areas more isolated by urbanization, which is due to
the fact that these areas catch fire more frequently. The richness of visitors was also higher in
these areas, which is due to a "bottom up" effect given by the increase in plant richness. The
results suggest that networks increase connectance and nestedness (in more urbanized areas)
as a way of protection against the disturbance, increasing system stability. In addition, areas
further away from urbanization allow a greater level of network specialization, since they
have a greater range of niches. We conclude that these findings highlight the importance of
investing in the conservation and maintenance of natural areas within large cities, although
they may seem isolated in the midst of a dense urban matrix. These areas are still a good
haven for wildlife and need to be kept intact. / As rela??es mutual?sticas entre plantas e animais desempenham um papel chave nos
processos ecol?gicos e evolutivos. Estas rela??es s?o vistas como redes complexas de
intera??o, que apresentam padr?es estruturais recorrentes e est?o severamente amea?adas por
a??es antropog?nicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influ?ncia do isolamento
causado pela urbaniza??o nas redes de intera??o entre plantas e visitantes florais. Foram
amostrados 12 fragmentos campestres na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande
do Sul. A amostragem foi realizada durante a primavera e o ver?o de 2016/17, em parcelas
circulares de 1 hectare atrav?s do m?todo focal (10 minutos de observa??o/planta). Estimamos
o grau de isolamento dos fragmentos calculando a ?rea coberta por matriz urbana em uma
?rea tamp?o de 2000 metros em torno de cada parcela. Realizamos um levantamento qualiquantitativo
da vegeta??o como vari?vel explanat?ria para os padr?es de redes encontrados.
Para construir as matrizes de intera??o dividimos os visitantes em potenciais polinizadores e
n?o polinizadores. Constru?mos matrizes quantitativas de intera??o para cada fragmento,
calculando as m?tricas dispon?veis na fun??o networklevel do pacote bipartite do programa R.
Estimamos a correla??o entre o logaritmo da ?rea urbanizada em um raio de 2000 metros e
cada m?trica de rede calculada com modelo linear generalizado. Foram amostradas 1240
plantas (182 esp?cies). A abund?ncia total de visitantes florais foi de 1840 esp?cimes (94%
potenciais polinizadores). A riqueza de esp?cies de plantas foi maior em ?reas mais isoladas
pela urbaniza??o, o que se deve ao fato destas ?reas pegarem fogo com mais frequ?ncia. A
riqueza de visitantes tamb?m foi maior nestas ?reas, o que se deve por um efeito ?bottom up?
dado pelo aumento na riqueza de plantas. Os resultados sugerem que as redes aumentam a
conect?ncia e aninhamento (em ?reas mais urbanizadas) como uma forma de ?driblar? o
dist?rbio, aumentando assim a estabilidade do sistema. Al?m disto, ?reas mais afastadas da
urbaniza??o permitem um maior n?vel de especializa??o das redes, pois possuem maior
amplitude de nichos. Conclu?mos que essas descobertas destacam a import?ncia do
investimento na conserva??o e manuten??o de ?reas naturais nas grandes cidades, embora
possam parecer isoladas em meio a uma densa matriz urbana. Estas ?reas ainda s?o um bom
ref?gio para a vida selvagem e precisam ser mantidas intactas.
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Predators in low arctic tundra and their impact on community structure and dynamicsAunapuu, Maano January 2004 (has links)
<p>The abundance of predators and their impact on ecosystem dynamics is a vividly discussed topic in current ecology. In my studies, incorporating field observations, field experiments and theoretical modeling, I explored the importance of predators and predation in a low arctic tundra ecosystem in northern Norway. This involved observing the abundance and spatial activity of predators (raptors and small mustelids); manipulating the abundance of predators (spiders and birds) in an arthropod community; and exploring the theoretical consequences of intraguild predation on the coexistence among predators.</p><p>The results show that predation is important both in the arthropod assemblage and, depending on the productivity of the community, in the vertebrate assemblage. In arthropod communities predators are at least as abundant as their prey, whereas in the vertebrate part of ecosystem, predators are substantially less abundant than their prey. Still, in both cases predators had strong impact on their prey, influencing the abundance of prey and the species composition of prey assemblages. The impact of predation cascaded to the plant community both in the reticulate and complex arthropod food web and in the linear food chain-like vertebrate community. In the vertebrate-based community we could even observe the long time scale effect on plant community composition.</p><p>Within the predator community, exploitation competition and intraguild predation were the structuring forces. As the arthropod communities consist of predators with different sizes, intraguild predation is an energetically important interaction for top predators. As a consequence, they reduce the abundance of intermediate predators and the impact of intermediate predators on other prey groups. Moreover, being supported by intermediate predators, top predators can have stronger impact themselves on other prey groups.</p><p>In vertebrate communities, intraguild predation seems to be unimportant as energetic link, instead it manifests as an extreme version of interference competition. Therefore intraguild predation reduces the likelihood of coexistence, as it is due limited prey diversity and intense exploitative competition already precarious in the low arctic tundra.</p><p>In conclusion, predators have strong impact on their prey, especially in the more productive parts of the low arctic tundra. This applies even to the food webs with complex and reticulate structure, and these effects carry through the community both in the short time scale of population growth and on the long time scale of population generations.</p>
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Predators in low arctic tundra and their impact on community structure and dynamicsAunapuu, Maano January 2004 (has links)
The abundance of predators and their impact on ecosystem dynamics is a vividly discussed topic in current ecology. In my studies, incorporating field observations, field experiments and theoretical modeling, I explored the importance of predators and predation in a low arctic tundra ecosystem in northern Norway. This involved observing the abundance and spatial activity of predators (raptors and small mustelids); manipulating the abundance of predators (spiders and birds) in an arthropod community; and exploring the theoretical consequences of intraguild predation on the coexistence among predators. The results show that predation is important both in the arthropod assemblage and, depending on the productivity of the community, in the vertebrate assemblage. In arthropod communities predators are at least as abundant as their prey, whereas in the vertebrate part of ecosystem, predators are substantially less abundant than their prey. Still, in both cases predators had strong impact on their prey, influencing the abundance of prey and the species composition of prey assemblages. The impact of predation cascaded to the plant community both in the reticulate and complex arthropod food web and in the linear food chain-like vertebrate community. In the vertebrate-based community we could even observe the long time scale effect on plant community composition. Within the predator community, exploitation competition and intraguild predation were the structuring forces. As the arthropod communities consist of predators with different sizes, intraguild predation is an energetically important interaction for top predators. As a consequence, they reduce the abundance of intermediate predators and the impact of intermediate predators on other prey groups. Moreover, being supported by intermediate predators, top predators can have stronger impact themselves on other prey groups. In vertebrate communities, intraguild predation seems to be unimportant as energetic link, instead it manifests as an extreme version of interference competition. Therefore intraguild predation reduces the likelihood of coexistence, as it is due limited prey diversity and intense exploitative competition already precarious in the low arctic tundra. In conclusion, predators have strong impact on their prey, especially in the more productive parts of the low arctic tundra. This applies even to the food webs with complex and reticulate structure, and these effects carry through the community both in the short time scale of population growth and on the long time scale of population generations.
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Rekreacijos įtaka miško paklotės entomofaunai pušynuose / Impact of recreation on litter arthropods in pine forestŽilinskas, Kęstutis 06 June 2005 (has links)
The research object. The research was made in the territory of Neris regional park (Kaisiadoriu forest enterprise, Vievis forest district) in order to evaluate the impact of recreational activities on the forest litter arthropods.
The aim of the study – to evaluate different recreational digression stage impact on pinery litter arthropods: their amount and seasonal dynamics, distribution trophic groups, the abundance and variety of species in stands affected by recreation.
Methods. Arthropods were collected in Barber ground traps from April through October 2005, which are plastic, 150 ml. volume, with 6.5 cm diameter receptacle. They were dug in the ground and 1/3 of trap was filled with 10 % formalin liquor, which protected insects from decaying and insectivorous birds. Ground traps in each sample plot were spread in groups by 4 (square), the distance between them was 2 m. The distance between sample plots was 20-50 meters.
The results. 157 species were identified in trap catches: 96 in the control plot, 97 in the plot with low recreational damage and 110 in the plot wit high recreational damage. Entomophagous predominated and made 60-73 %, kaprophagous 8-25%, saprophagous 10% of catch. 2 extremely rare species and 7 rare species in Lithuania were found, the biggest number of rare species was found in the plot with high recreational damage. Shannon diversity index H’ was 2.5-3.31, evenness E – 0.55-0.66, Berger-Parker dominance d – 0.170-0.367. Sorensen similarity index Cs... [to full text]
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Arthropod and plant diversity of maize agro-ecosystems in the grassland and savanna biomes of South Africa / Monique BothaBotha, Monique January 2014 (has links)
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important grain crop in the country. Approximately 12 million tons of maize grain is produced annually on approximately 2.5 million ha of land. However, increased farming intensity can lead to fragmentation of habitat and has a tendency to decrease the biodiversity of an area. Therefore, to ensure the continued functionality of agro-ecosystems, methods in agriculture must be assessed and adapted when necessary to ensure the persistence of biological diversity. Unfortunately, the effect of crop production on species diversity and composition in South Africa is still relatively unknown, and no baseline data exists with which to gauge the possibility of unknown extinction risks of important biological elements. The objectives of this study were to compare plant and arthropod diversity patterns and species turnover of maize agro-ecosystems between biomes (grassland and savanna) and along a maize field-field margin gradient (MAFFMAG). Surveys of maize agro-ecosystems were conducted in six provinces of South Africa, namely North-West, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Free State and the Eastern Cape. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significantly lower plant and arthropod species diversity and richness in maize fields compared to field margins. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed that arthropod species composition differed between biomes although not along MAFFMAGs, indicating that arthropod species composition is dependent on biome rather than distance from maize field. Floristic data revealed unique species compositions for maize fields and field margins and also for biomes. Furthermore, maize fields and field margins of grassland sites were more similar in plant species composition than the savanna localities, suggesting higher regional beta diversity for savanna regions. Spearman‘s rank order correlations revealed generally positive but weak or no relationships between plant and arthropod diversity. This study provides baseline data for identification, monitoring and conservation of priority species and will allow the future evaluation of ecosystem services provided by plants and associated arthropods, especially natural enemies of pests, in maize agro-ecosystems. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Soil animal food webs in temperate forests: effects of forest management on trophic structure as indicated by molecular gut content, stable isotope and fatty acid analysesFerlian, Olga 20 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Impacto de sistemas e sucessão de cultivos em artrópodes associados à cultura do feijão / Impact of cropping systems and succession of cultivation on arthropods associated to the bean culturePereira, Jardel Lopes 05 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work aimed to evaluate, in two experiments, the impact of cropping systems, succession of cultivation and herbicides application on the arthropods community in bean culture. In the first experiment, it was evaluated the impact of the systems (no-tillage and conventional tillage) and the succession of cultivation (succession to corn destined to the production of grain or silage) on the arthropods community of the plants canopy (chapter 1), soil surface (chapter 2) and soil interior (chapter 3) in bean culture. In the second experiment (chapter 4), it was studied the impact of no-tillage and conventional tillage associated to the mixture of the herbicides fomesafen + fluazifop on the arthropods of the soil interior. In the two experiments, the experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five replications. Different impact of the cropping system was verified on the arthropod species on the plant canopy as well as on the soil surface and soil interior. The no-tillage system decreased the attack of insect pests and it provided an increase of predators and parasitoids population in the canopy of bean culture. Also, the no-tillage system increases the detritivorous arthropods and predators in the soil surface and in the soil interior. The cultivation of corn destined to the production of grain, previosly to the bean culture, did not affect the arthropod community in the canopy of the bean but it increased the population of detritivorous arthropods and predators in the soil surface and in the soil interior. The application of the mixture of the herbicides fomesafen + fluazifop reduced the population of arthropods in the soil interior in bean culture. / Avaliou-se neste trabalho, em dois experimentos, o impacto de sistemas de cultivo, sucessão de culturas e aplicação de herbicidas sobre a comunidade de artrópodes na cultura do feijão. No primeiro experimento avaliou-se o impacto de sistemas (plantio direto e convencional) e sucessão de cultivos (sucessão a milho destinado à produção de grãos ou de silagem) sobre a comunidade de artrópodes do dossel das plantas (capítulo 1), superfície do solo (capítulo 2) e interior do solo (capítulo 3) na cultura do feijão. No segundo experimento (capítulo 4) estudou-se o impacto do plantio convencional e direto associado a mistura dos herbicidas fomesafen + fluazifop sobre os artrópodes do interior do solo. Nos dois experimentos utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. Verificou-se impacto diferenciado do sistema de plantio sobre espécies de artrópodes tanto do dossel quanto da superfície e interior do solo. O plantio direto diminuiu o ataque de insetos-praga e propiciou aumento das populações de predadores e de parasitóides no dossel do feijoeiro e de artrópodes detritívoros e predadores na superfície e no o interior do solo. O uso de cultivo anterior de milho destinado à produção de grãos não afetou a comunidade de artrópodes no dossel do feijoeiro e aumentou as populações de artrópodes detritívoros e predadores na superfície e no o interior do solo. A aplicação da mistura dos herbicidas fomesafen + fluazifop reduziu as populações de artrópodes no interior do solo na cultura do feijoeiro.
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