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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison and optimization of May-Grunwald Giemsa and May-Grunwald Giemsa Quick Stain for morphological assessment of pleural and ascites effusions

Björnsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Effusion cytology can be performed for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of malignant disease. A common analysis of effusion cytology samples is the May Grunwald Giemsa stain.    Aim: The aim of the study was to compare May Grunwald Giemsa stain and May Grunwald Giemsa Quick Stain in order to determine the best quality stain and suggest ways to improve the current staining protocol.     Materials and Methods: The methods used in this study are the routine laboratory’s standard procedures for  May-Grunwald Giemsa stain and May-Grunwald Giemsa Quick Stain but with adapted washing steps that investigates the effect of tap water, distilled water, and phosphate buffer on stain quality. Two pleural effusion samples were stained in the initial experiment and two pleural effusions and one ascites sample in the second experiment.    Results and Conclusion: All samples gave a greater score when stained with May-Grunwald Giemsa Quick Stain compared to traditional May-Grunwald Giemsa stain. For the traditional May-Grunwald Giemsa, the use of any of the three phosphate buffers scores higher than the routine washing where tap water is used. In conclusion, it would be of benefit to further investigate and implement phosphate buffer in traditional staining or proceed with the May-Grunwald Quick Stain for all pleural and ascites effusions.

Mechanical Deformation and Adhesion of Cells in Model Capillaries

Choi, Young Eun January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

A Study to Determine the Impact of a Precollege Intervention Program on Early Adolescent Aspiration and Motivation for College in West Virginia

Adams, John Edwin 18 November 1997 (has links)
The impact of a precollege intervention, the Junior High Washington Gateway Academy (JHWGA), on early adolescent aspiration and motivation for a college education was measured. JHWGA provided an intensive week of activities in career planning, self-concept improvement, and study skills. Specific research questions were: a) did participation in this program increase career readiness, self-concept, productive study habits, aspiration, and motivation to prepare for college? b) what percent of the variance in aspiration to and motivation for college in early adolescents could be explained by career readiness, self-esteem, and study habits? Using survey research, a questionnaire was developed with five scales (career readiness, self-esteem, study habits, aspiration, and motivation). Questionnaires were sent to 301 West Virginia students in Grade 8 who had been JHWGA applicants in 1996. The 265 (88%) who responded were divided into two groups: a participant group consisting of 104 students who participated in the 1996 program and a comparison group consisting of 161 students who did not attend the 1996 program. T-tests and chi square tests revealed no significant differences between groups. Multiple regressions were performed for the aspiration and motivation variables using career readiness, self concept, and study scales as independent variables. An assumption of normal variance was found to be violated because subjects favored endpoints on Likert scale causing data to be skewed. Career readiness, self-concept, and study habits (using transformation and excluding several outliers) were found to explain 59 percent of the variance in the aspiration model. However, two regressors (study habits and career readiness) were discovered to be highly correlated (r = .66). Only one regressor for the motivation model (study habits) was found to be significant. Data results may have been affected by group differences, group selection, and lack of normal distribution. The two groups being measured were found to be unevenly matched with JHWGA participants having significantly lower grades than the comparison group. Based on this information and the low variance in data collected, results are believed to have been inconclusive regarding the effectiveness of JHWGA. Recommendations for further research are included. / Ph. D.

Making the American Aristocracy: Women, Cultural Capital, and High Society in New York City, 1870-1900

Bibby, Emily Katherine 06 July 2009 (has links)
For over three decades, during the height of Gilded Age economic extravagance, the women of New York High Society maintained an elite social identity by possessing, displaying, and cultivating cultural capital. Particularly, High Society women sought to exclude the Nouveaux Riches who, after amassing vast fortunes in industry or trade, came to New York City in search of social position. High Society women distinguished themselves from these social climbers by obeying restrictive codes of speech, body language, and dress that were the manifestations of their cultural capital. However, in a country founded upon an ethos of egalitarianism, exclusivity could not be maintained for long. Mass-circulated media, visual artwork, and etiquette manuals celebrated the Society woman's cultural capital, but simultaneously popularized it, making it accessible to the upwardly mobile. By imitating the representations of High Society life that they saw in newspapers, magazines, and the sketches of Charles Dana Gibson, Nouveau Riche social climbers and even aspirant middle and working class women bridged many of the barriers that Society women sought to impose. / Master of Arts

Fremdkörperaspiration bei Kindern

Link, Sarah 27 March 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden retrospektiv 66 Fälle stattgehabter Fremdkörperaspirationen aus den kinderchirurgischen Akten und Ambulanzakten der Jahre 1997 bis 2008 des Universitätsklinikums Leipzig rekonstruiert und im Hinblick auf die nachfolgend genannten Kriterien statistisch ausgewertet: Geschlecht und Alter der Kinder, Indikation zur Bronchoskopie, Einweisungsart, Dauer bis zur Diagnosestellung, endoskopische Sichtbarkeit des Fremdkörpers, Entfernungsschritte, erforderliche Nachbeatmung, Anhalt durch Röntgenbefund, auskultatorischer Anhalt, anamnestischer Anhalt, Eigen- oder Fremdanamnese, das Vorhandensein von Husten und die Dauer bis zur Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus. Die Kriterien wurden standardisiert und mittels des Statistikprogramms SPSS 18 ausgewertet. Anhand der ausgewerteten Daten wurde ein Algorithmus zur innerklinischen Vorgehensweise bei Verdacht auf Fremdkörperaspiration erstellt, welcher eine interdisziplinäre Arbeitsrichtlinie (Standard Operation Procedure, SOP) für andere Kinderzentren liefern kann. Das geschärfte Bewusstsein für die Häufigkeit einer Fremdkörperaspiration vor allem bei Kindern und die damit verbundene problemorientierte Diagnostik und Therapie soll mit einer einschlägigen Arbeitsrichtlinie in Zukunft mehr Kindern als bisher zunutze gemacht werden.:1. Einführung 1.1. Einleitung 1.2. Anatomische Grundlagen a) Allgemeiner Aufbau der Atemwege/luftleitenden Strukturen b) Physiologische Besonderheiten beim Kind c) Ätiologie des Aspirationsereignisses d) Ablauf/Störungen des Schluckaktes 2. Aufgabenstellung und Zielsetzung 3. Materialien und Methode 3.1. Materialien 3.2. Methode a) Statistische Analyse b) Literatur 4. Ergebnisse 5. Diskussion 6. Zusammenfassung 7. Literaturverzeichnis 8. Anlagen 8.1. Lebenslauf 8.2. Danksagung 8.3. Eigenständigkeitserklärung


張標堅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職廣告設計科應屆畢業學生升學就業意願的影響因素,並了解高職廣告設計科應屆畢業生升學就業的現況,包括個人因素、家庭因素、實施教學與輔導計畫,以及不同縣市、性別、主要撫養者學歷、技術士證照與學業成績等對於影響高職廣告設計科應屆畢業生升學就業因素的看法,進而歸納目前高職廣告設計科的缺失及改善之道。 本研究以北、中、南三區公私立高職廣告設計科應屆畢業生為研究對象。配合研究編製影響高職廣告設計科學生升學就業因素之探討問卷調查表,問卷分為「基本資料」及「問卷內容」兩部分,共寄發1,803份,回收1,361份,有效問卷共1,344份,回收率為75%。 研究方法則採取文獻分析、問卷調查,透過文獻分析以作為調查研究分析的基礎。在統計方面的使用上,依背景變項的特性而有差異,在「性別」變項上採用t-test的方法進行顯著性考驗。變項則採用單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)來進行顯著性考驗。一旦達統計上顯著差異者,則進一步採用薛費法(Scheffé method test)來進行事後比較。 本研究歸納出主要結論如下: 一、就父母期望方面,不同性別、不同學校所屬區域、有無廣告設計工作經驗等有其差異性。在希望待遇擁有不同種類證照及張數、學業及實習成績方面則未有顯著性影響。 二、就父母期望方面,主要撫養者年齡、職業、教育程度及每月平均收入不同,則其看法亦有所不同。 三、就對廣告設計的願景上,背景變項不同,如不同性別、不同學校所屬區域、有無廣告設計經驗在希望待遇之影響不顯著。在證照、學業與實習成績上則有顯著的差異。 四、就對廣告設計的願景上,不同的家庭變項,並未呈現顯著的正相關。 五、就對廣告設計的興趣方面,其背景變項不同,亦呈現不同的差異性。如性別、區域、經驗、待遇上無差異性。而證照種類愈多、張數愈多則興趣愈高;學業與實習成績愈高,則興趣愈高。 六、就廣告設計的興趣上,其在家庭變項方面,不同年齡、不同職業之主要撫養者及家庭收入等未有顯著差異;而主要撫養者的教育程度會與其對廣告設計的興趣有顯著的相關性。 七、在個人升學、就業的意願方面,性別、學校所屬區域、有無廣告設計經驗、待遇、證照張數,未有明顯差異;而證照種類愈多,學業與實習成績愈高,則其升學與就業意願愈高。 八、在個人升學就業的意願上,家庭變項不同,亦未有顯著影響。 最後依據研究結果提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政機關建議 (一)重視高職招生不足現象 (二)正視高職升學途徑的困境 二、對學校建議 (一)加強學生專業技能的培養 (二)加強輔導學生取得各類技術士證照 (三)加強產學合作,增加校外實習機會 (四)加強教學體系現代化 三、對學生建議 (一)加強培養帶著走的能力 (二)加強實作能力 / The main purposes of this study are to explore the factors influencing Advertisement and Design (AD) department graduates’ aspiration of further study and employment in vocational high school, to understand the current situation of the students’ further study and employment, and then to suggest the strategy of improvement for AD department. The study adopted literature analysis and questionnaires survey. The total copies of questionnaires were 1803, and the effective responses were 1344, with a return rate of 75 percent. After statistics analysis of the collected data, the main findings are as follow: 1. As for parents’ expectation, the significant differences existed in students’ genders, schools’ areas, AD-related job experience and parents’ ages, education levels, occupation types and monthly income; otherwise no significant differences existed in students’ expecting income, hoping to have more different kinds of licenses and academic achievement. 2. As for the vision of AD, the significant differences existed in students’ hoping to have more different kinds of licenses and academic achievement; otherwise no significant differences existed in other variables. 3. As for the interest in AD, the significant differences existed in students’ hoping to have more different kinds of licenses, academic achievement; and parents’ education levels. 4. As for the aspiration of further study and employment, the significant differences existed in students’ hoping to have more different kinds of licenses and academic achievement. According to the findings, the suggestions are as follows: 1. For the government, put emphasis on the insufficiency of students in vocational high schools and the difficulty in the ways of students’ further study. 2. For the schools, put emphasis on students’ practical skills, encourage students to get more licenses, cooperate with the industry, and modernize the facilities. 3. For the students, put emphasis on the with-going ability and practical skills.

A Cell Preparation Stage for Automatic Cell Injection

Lu, Cong 14 December 2011 (has links)
Cancer study and drug selection research attract more and more researchers, which need a significant laboratory technique, named cell injection. Hundreds of cells are loaded on devices and injected to investigate the behavior of the cells. Traditionally, cell injection is performed manually, which leads to human fatigue, is time-consuming and has a low success rate. Therefore, a system which can replicate the actions of what technicians do, such as to aspirate cells, transfer cells, immobilize cells, and release cells automatically, is needed. This system must be accurate, reliable, and efficient and operate without human intervention. A cell-transfer-cover and a cell-holder have been fabricated and a cell injection system has been set up to investigate the performance of the newly created device. Simulations and experiments have proven that this system would carry out the entire process of cell injection with the result of enhancing the speed of this important activity.

A Cell Preparation Stage for Automatic Cell Injection

Lu, Cong 14 December 2011 (has links)
Cancer study and drug selection research attract more and more researchers, which need a significant laboratory technique, named cell injection. Hundreds of cells are loaded on devices and injected to investigate the behavior of the cells. Traditionally, cell injection is performed manually, which leads to human fatigue, is time-consuming and has a low success rate. Therefore, a system which can replicate the actions of what technicians do, such as to aspirate cells, transfer cells, immobilize cells, and release cells automatically, is needed. This system must be accurate, reliable, and efficient and operate without human intervention. A cell-transfer-cover and a cell-holder have been fabricated and a cell injection system has been set up to investigate the performance of the newly created device. Simulations and experiments have proven that this system would carry out the entire process of cell injection with the result of enhancing the speed of this important activity.

Preditores clínicos do risco de disfagia após intubação orotraqueal prolongada / Clinical predictors of dysphagia risk after prolonged orotracheal intubation

Medeiros, Gisele Chagas de 22 September 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A deglutição é um processo complexo que requer a coordenação precisa de mais de 25 músculos, seis pares de nervos cranianos e os lobos frontais. O comprometimento neste processo, denominado de disfagia, pode aumentar a taxa de morbidade dos pacientes e também o risco para a aspiração, retardando a administração de uma nutrição adequada por via oral. A intubação orotraqueal prolongada, definida na literatura como período superior a 48 horas de intubação, poderá causar alterações na deglutição e ocasionar a disfagia após a extubação. OBJETIVO: correlacionar a gravidade de pacientes críticos não neurológicos com preditores clínicos do risco de broncoaspiração. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo adultos, com histórico de intubação orotraqueal prolongada ( > 48 horas), submetidos à avaliação da deglutição em beira de leito nas primeiras 48 horas após a extubação. A coleta de dados envolveu: avaliação fonoaudiológica clínica do risco de aspiração broncopulmonar; determinação do nível funcional da deglutição (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Outcome Measurement System); determinação da gravidade do paciente (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment). RESULTADOS: a amostra do estudo foi composta por 150 pacientes. Para fins da análise estatística, os pacientes foram agrupados da seguinte forma: ASHA 1 (sem possibilidade de alimentação por via oral); ASHA 2 (sem possibilidade de alimentação por via oral); ASHA 3 (deglutição funcional). As análises estatísticas indicaram os seguintes resultados significantes: indivíduos no grupo ASHA 3 eram mais jovens (46,4±18,30), permaneceram entubados por menos tempo (4,9±2,7 dias) e apresentaram menor gravidade de quadro clínico geral (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment 2,00-5,00). Os sinais clínicos preditores de broncoaspiração que mais diferenciaram os grupos foi a presença de ausculta cervical alterada e presença de tosse após a deglutição, sendo que o grupo ASHA 3 não apresentou esses sinais. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes críticos, submetidos à IOTP, idade >= 55 anos, com período de intubação >=6 dias, gravidade de quadro clínico geral >= 5 na Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, pontuação na Escala de Coma de Glasgow <=14, e com ausculta cervical alterada e tosse após a deglutição, devem ser priorizados para a avaliação fonoaudiológica completa / INTRODUCTION: Swallowing is a complex process, that require the precise timing and coordination of more than 25 muscles, six cranial nerves and frontal lobes. Compromise of this process, or dysphagia, can result in profund morbidity, increasing the changes of aspiration and delaying the admistration of proper oral nutrition. It is know that an orotracheal tube might disturb these intricately choreographed events and cause post-extubation dysphagia. Prolonged intubation, typically defined as longer than 48 hours in the literature, is thought to contribute to swallowing dysfunction. OBJECTIVES: to correlate the severity of non-neurologic critical patients with clinical predictors for the risk of bronchoaspiration. METHODS: Participants of this study were adults, submitted to prolonged orotracheal intubation ( > 48 hours) and to a swallowing bedside evaluation during the first 48 hours after extubation. Data gathering involved: clinical assessment of the risk for bronchoaspiration performed by a speech-language pathologist; assessment of the funcitional level of swallowing (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Outcome Measurement System); assessment of the patient\'s health status (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment). RESULTS: the study sampel was composed by 150 patients. For the analyses purposes, patients were grouped as follows: ASHA 1 (individual is not able to swallow safely and alternative feeding is required); ASHA 2 (alternative feeding is required, but individual may receive some nutrition and hydration by mouth); ASHA 3 (swallowing is functional). Statistical analyses indicated that: ASHA 3 patients were younger (46,4±18,30 years), remained intubated for fewer days (4,9±2,7) and presented a less severe overall health status (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment 2,00-5,00). The clinical predictor signs for bronchoaspiration that best characterized the groups were altered cervical auscultation and presence of cough after swallowing. ASHA 3 patients did not present these signs. CONCLUSION: Critical patients, submitted do POTI, with ages >= 55 years, intubation period >= 6 dias, overall health status >= 5 Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, Coma Glasgow Scale <= 14, and presenting altered cervical auscultation and cough during swallowing, should be prioritized for a complete swallowing assessment

Neue Strategien und Konzepte in Diagnostik und Nachsorge des malignen Melanoms

Voit, Christiane 26 June 2003 (has links)
Hinsichtlich einer effizienten Nachsorge von Melanompatienten existieren entsprechende Empfehlungen, aber auch widersprüchliche Stellungnahmen hinsichtlich Intervalllänge und Umfang der Nachsorge. Das Melanom ist einer der malignen Tumoren mit den am schnellsten steigenden Inzidenzraten, was auch eine Steigerung der Mortalität bedingt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden neue diagnostische Strategien geprüft und in ein vorbestehendes Melanomnachsorgeschema aufgenommen, um Patientenbetreuung, die frühe Entdeckung von Metastasen, aber auch die Raten an rezidivfreiem - und Gesamtüberleben zu verbessern. In einer großen prospektiven Studie von 4 Jahren Dauer konnte der Ultraschall von Lymphknoten, Weichteilgewebe und in transit Strecken eher als die rein klinische Untersuchung Metastasen entdecken und führte auf diese Weise zu einer Verbesserung des rezidivfreien- und des Gesamtüberlebens. Die Feinnadelaspirationszytologie (FNAC) wurde in einer weltweit, zahlenmäßig führenden Studie durchgeführt um die verdächtigten Läsionen tatsächlich zu diagnostizieren. Dies geschah hierbei nahezu nicht-invasiv. Hohe Zahlen an Sensitivität und Spezifität dieser Methode konnten erreicht werden und eine Diagnose konnte auch in sehr kleinen Läsionen oder solchen in einer schwierigen Position etabliert werden. Bei letzteren Läsionen erwies sich auch die Hinzunahme einer ultraschallgesteuerten Drahtmarkierung als nützliches Procedere. Auf diese Weise konnte die Exzision dieser Läsionen in komplizierter Lage vereinfacht werden. Eine weitere Studie untersuchte die begleitende Anwendung der Untersuchung einer seriellen reverse Transskriptase Polymerasekettenreaktion (RT-PCR) zum Nachweis von Tyrosinase aus peripherem Blut von Hochrisikomelanompatienten. Patienten, die im Blut mindestens einmal positiv getestet wurden, zeigten ein signifikant höheres Risiko, krankheitsspezifisch am Melanom zu versterben, als Patienten, die stets ein negatives Resultat aufwiesen. Die Tyrosinase RT-PCR Untersuchungen konnten auch an geringen Mengen Material wie Feinnadelaspiraten oder dem Feinnadelpunktaten des Sentinel Node erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Alle aufgezeigten Methoden erwiesen sich als effektiv und wurden deswegen in das bestehende Nachsorgeprogramm der Melanompatienten an der Charité, Berlin aufgenommen. / There exist recommendations but also controversies about the necessity and effectiveness of a distinctive melanoma follow-up programme. Melanoma is one of the fastest increasing malignant tumours with increasing rates of incidence and mortality. In this work new strategies are implemented in a pre-existing melanoma follow-up schedule in order to ameliorate the care for patients, the detection of metastases and the relapse-free and overall survival rates. In a large prospective study taking four years the ultrasound of lymph nodes, soft tissues and in transit distances was shown to earlier detect recurrences than the clinical examination thus significantly enhancing recurrence-free and overall survival. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has been performed in a large, worldwide leading study to verify the suspected lesions in a nearly non-invasive way. High percentages in sensitivity and specificity could be achieved also in small lesions or lesions in an unfavourable localization. The latter lesions have been shown to be better detectable by a marking procedure. An anchor wire has been sonographically placed within such a lesion to improve the successful excision. A further study examined the value of serial RT-PCR testing from peripheral blood in melanoma patients. Patients, who have been tested at least once positive, had a higher risk ratio to die disease-specifically from melanoma. This result has been highly significant. RT-PCR examinations could also be applied in small amounts of material such as fine needle aspirations or material of FNA C of the sentinel node. All modalities could be proven to be effective and therefore are included in the melanoma follow-up programme of the Charité, Humboldt University of Berlin.

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