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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Searches for Neutrino Emission from Blazar Flares with IceCube

Raab, Christoph 09 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Cosmic rays reach Earth from beyond the Milky Way and with energies up to 10^20 eV.The responsible accelerators have to date not been discovered. However, multi-messenger astronomy can shed light on the question, based on the principle that protons and nuclei accelerated in dense and energetic environments would also produce gamma rays and neutrinos. Such environments may be found in "blazars", which are therefore cosmic ray accelerator candidates. Their gamma-ray emission has been observed to increase, sometimes by orders of magnitude, during "flares" as observed in light curves taken by the Large Angle Telescope on the Fermi satellite. When the latter was launched in 2008, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory had also started taking data, detecting the Cherenkov light from high-energy neutrino interactions in the glacier ice under the geographic South Pole. These two experiments have enabled multi-messenger searches for neutrinos in time correlation with the gamma-ray emission from blazars. This work builds on this principle and extends it by "stacking" the signal from multiple blazar flares. Thus, their individually undetectable neutrino emission could still be discoverable. One first analysis focused on the blazar TXS 0506+056, whose flare in 2017 coincided with arrival of the neutrino IceCube-170922A. Extending into a lower energy range than the alert, the search found no additional excess neutrinos associated with the flare. A second analysis used 179 bright and variable blazars. They were divided in two specific blazar classes and weighted relatively to each other, with two weighting schemes motivated physically using the observed gamma-ray luminosity and a third, generic weighting to cover unconsidered scenarios. No significant neutrino excess was found in the unblinded likelihood fits for any of the source catalogues and weighting schemes. Their combined trial-corrected p-value was p=(79.1 +/- 0.3)%. The limits derived from this analysis are also discussed and its relation with other searches considered. Since that was the first "blazar flare stacking", this work also proposes further improvements to the analysis which will help advance the search for cosmic ray accelerators. / Les rayons cosmiques proviennent d'au-delà de la Voie lactée et atteignent la Terre avec des énergies pouvant aller jusqu'à 10^20 eV. Les objets qui accélèrent ces rayons cosmiques n'ont toujours pas été découverts. Toutefois, l'astronomie multimessager peut apporter un élément de réponse à cette question, en supposant que les protons et les noyaux accélérés dans des environnements denses et énergétiques pourraient également produire des rayons gamma et des neutrinos. Les "blazars" sont de possibles candidats pour les accélérateurs de rayons cosmiques. Une augmentation de leurs émissions de rayons gamma, parfois de plusieurs ordres de grandeur, a été observée lors de phénomènes qu'on appelle "éruption", comme le montrent les courbes de lumière prises par le télescope spatial Fermi-LAT. Lorsque ce dernier a été lancé en 2008, l'observatoire de neutrinos IceCube avait également commencé à prendre des données, détectant la lumière Tcherenkov provenant d'interactions de neutrinos à haute énergie dans la glace qui se trouve sous le Pôle Sud géographique. Ces deux expériences ont permis de mener à bien des recherches multi-messagers de neutrinos en corrélation temporelle avec l'émission de rayons gamma des blazars. Ce principe est le point de départ de cette thèse, qui va plus loin en employant la méthode du "stacking", qui consiste à combiner les signaux provenant de plusieurs éruptions de blazars. Ainsi, leurs émissions individuelles de neutrinos, habituellement indétectables, pourraient être découvertes après combinaison. Une première analyse s'est concentrée sur le blazar TXS 0506+056, dont l'éruption en 2017 a coïncidée avec l'arrivée de l'évènement IceCube-170922A. En considérant une gamme d'énergie inférieure à celle de l'alerte 170922-A, pas d’autres neutrino excédentaire n’a été associé à l'éruption. Une deuxième analyse est basée sur 179 blazars lumineux et variables. Ces blazars ont été répartis en deux classes spécifiques, et chacun d'entre eux a reçu un poids relatif. Trois schémas de pondération ont été considérés :les deux premiers étant motivés par des observations, le troisième étant plus générique. Aucun excès significatif de neutrinos n'a été observé après avoir effectué des ajustements par maximum de vraisemblance sur les données non masquées, pour les différents catalogues de sources et schémas de pondération. Leur valeur-p combinée est de p=(79.1 +/- 0.3)%. Les limites dérivées de cette analyse sont discutées ainsi que leur rapport avec les résultats d'autres recherches. Puisqu'il s'agit du premier stacking d'éruptions de blazars, nous suggérons également des améliorations à apporter à l'analyse afin de permettre la poursuivre de la recherche d'accélérateurs de rayons cosmiques. / Kosmische straling afkomstig van buiten de Melkweg bereikt de Aarde met energieën tot wel 10^20 eV. De astrofysische bronnen waarin deze deeltjes worden versneld zijn tot op heden nog niet ontdekt. De multi-boodschapperastronomie kan een nieuw licht werpen op de oorsprong van kosmische straling, aangezien protonen en atoomkernen die worden versneld in een dichte en energetische omgeving ook gammastralen en neutrino’s produceren. „Blazars” zijn mogelijke kandidaat-versnellers. Observaties van blazars, gemaakt met de ruimtetelescoop Fermi-LAT ,tonen aan dat hun gammastraling tijdens zogenaamde „flakkers” toeneemt. Rond de tijd dat deze werd gelanceerd, begon het IceCube Neutrino Observatorium ook gegevens te verzamelen. Deze laatste detecteert hoog-energetische neutrino’s aan de hand van het Cherenkovlicht dat geproduceerd wordt tijdens hun interacties met de ijskap bij de geografische zuidpool. Deze twee experimenten hebben het mogelijk gemaakt om een multibooschapperzoektocht te verrichten naar neutrino’s van blazars die een tijdscorrelatie hebben met diens flakkers van gammastraling. Dit is het uitgangspunt van dit proefschrift, waarbij er ook een zogenaamde „stapelmethode” wordt toegepast. Op deze manier kan de neutrino-emissie van indivuele blazarflakkers, die afzonderlijk te zwak is om te detecteren, gecombineerd worden en mogelijks toch worden ontdekt. Een eerste analyse legt de focus op de blazar TXS 0506+056, waarvan een flakker in 2017 samenviel met de aankomst van het neutrino IceCube 170922-A. In een relatief lager energiebereik wordt er geen surplus aan neutrino’s gevonden gecorreleerd met de flakker. In een tweede analyse maken we gebruik van de stapelmethode om neutrino’s te zoeken afkomstig van 179 heldere en variabale blazars. Deze worden onderverdeeld in twee specifieke klassen en krijgen elks een zeker gewicht in de stapelanalyse. Hiervoor worden twee wegingsschema’s gebruikt die gemotiveerd zijn door de geobserveerde gammastraling, alsook een derde generieke weging. Ook hierwordt er geen significant neutrinosignaal geobserveerd. De gecombineerde p waarde is p=(79.1 +/- 0.3)%. Hieruit worden limieten afgeleid, en worden de verbanden met andere zoekacties besproken. Aangezien dit werk de eerste analyse omvat naar neutrino’s afkomstig van blazarflakkers gebruik makende van een stapelmethode, worden er in dit werk ook verdere verbeteringen van de analyse voorgesteld. Deze zullen als een startpunt dienen voor toekomstige zoektochten naar de nog onbekende bronnen van kosmische straling. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A Search for Extended Gamma-Ray Emission from the Galactic Center with VERITAS

Kelley-Hoskins, Nathan 07 May 2020 (has links)
Dunkle Materie bindet etwa 24 % der gesamten Energie im Universum. Bis heute ist jedoch dessen Ursprung nicht bekannt. Untersuchungen von Galaxien und kosmologischen Messungen deuten auf Dunkle Materie hin. Ein Kandidat für Dunkle Materie ist das sogenannte Weakly Interactive Massive Particle (WIMP), welches nur der Schwerkraft und der schwachen Wechselwirkung unterliegt. Eines dieser supersymmetrischen Teilchen ist das Neutralino. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, nach Dunkler Materie in dieser Form zu suchen. Aufgrund seiner Nähe sowie der hohen Dichte an Dunkler Materie bietet das Zentrum unserer Galaxie besondere Möglichkeiten zur Suche nach diesen Teilchen. Es wird vermutet, dass Neutralinos miteinander wechselwirken, dabei in Teilchen des Standard Modells zerfallen und so Photonen mit hohen Energien entstehen. Die Suche nach hochenergetischen Gammastrahlen in der Nähe des Galaktischen Zentrums kann folglich das Rätsel der Dunklen Materie lösen. Das Gammastrahlenobservatorium VERITAS hat das Galaktische Zentrum für etwa 108 Stunden beobachtet. Diese Daten wurden mittels einer unbinned Likelihood-Analyse auf die Existenz von Dunkler Materie untersucht. Da VERITAS das Galaktische Zentrum bei geringer Elevation beobachtet, können nur Gammastrahlen in einem Energiebereich zwischen 4 und 70 TeV detektiert werden. Die Analysemethode modelliert sowohl die räumliche Verteilung der Dunklen Materie als auch das Gammastrahlenspektrum. Der Beitrag der Gammastrahlen, welcher nicht von Dunkler Materie erzeugt wird, ist mittels einer punktförmigen Quelle modelliert. Zum Schluss wird der Untergrund mit realen Daten außerhalb des Galaktischen Zentrums abgeschätzt. Im Energiebereich zwischen 4 und 100 TeV wurden keine Signale der Dunklen Materie gefunden. Obere Grenzwerte für den Wechselwirkungsquerschnitt der WIMPs ergeben ⟨σv⟩ < (6.6 − 7.6) × 10−25 cm^3 oberhalb von 70 TeV in einem 95-prozentigen Erwartungsintervall. / Dark matter accounts for 24% of the universe’s energy, but the form in which it is stored is currently unknown. Understanding what form this matter takes is one of the major unsolved mysteries of modern physics. Much evidence exists for dark matter in the measurements of galaxies, dwarf galaxies, galaxy clusters, and cosmological measurements. One theory posits dark matter is a new undiscovered particle that only interacts via gravity and the weak force, called a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP). One WIMP candidate is a supersymmetric particle called a neutralino. The objective of this thesis is to search for these dark matter particles, and attempt to measure their mass and cross section. Dark matter particles appear to concentrate in most galaxy-scale gravitational wells. One region of space that is both nearby and assumed to have a high density of dark matter is the center of our own galaxy. The neutralino is expected to annihilate into Standard Model particles, which may decay into photons. Therefore, a search for gamma rays near the Galactic Center may uncover the presence of dark matter. 108 hours of VERITAS gamma-ray observations of the Galactic Center are used in an unbinned likelihood analysis to search for dark matter. The Galactic Center’s low elevation results in VERITAS observing gamma rays in the 4–70 TeV energy range. The analysis used in this thesis consists of modeling the halo of dark matter at the Galactic Center, as well as the spectrum of gamma rays produced when two WIMPs annihilate. A point source is added to model the non-dark-matter gamma-ray emission detected from the Galactic Center. Background models are constructed from data of separate off-Galactic-Center observations. No dark matter signal is found in the 4–100 TeV mass range. Upper limits on the WIMP’s velocity-averaged cross section have been calculated, which above 70 TeV result in new limits of ⟨σv⟩ < (6.6 − 7.6) × 10−25 cm3 at the 95% confidence level.

Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos in IceCube

Stachurska, Juliana 26 August 2020 (has links)
Das IceCube Neutrino Observatorium am Südpol hat die Existenz eines diffusen astrophysikalischen Neutrinoflusses nachgewiesen. Die Flavor-Zusammensetzung astrophysikalischer Neutrinos trägt Informationen über Orte kosmischer Teilchenbeschleunigung und Auswirkungen potenzieller neuer Physik auf die Neutrinoausbreitung. Zur seiner Bestimmung ist die Beobachtung von Tau-Neutrinos nötig. Ab einer Energie von ~O(100 TeV) kann deren Wechselwirkung über geladene Ströme eine Doppelkaskaden-Topologie ergeben, bei der die zwei Energiedepositionen am Tau-Entstehungs- und Tau-Zerfallsvertex aufgelöst werden können. Diese wird zusammen mit den bereits bekannten Topologien Einzel-Kaskade und Spur zur Messung der Flavor-Zusammensetzung auf der Erde benutzt. In dieser Arbeit werden im Detektorvolumen von IceCube anfangende Ereignisse mit hohen Energien algorithmisch in drei Topologien klassifiziert. Im Datensatz mit einer Lebensdauer von 7.5 Jahren werden zum ersten Mal zwei Doppelkaskaden identifiziert; diese sind Kandidaten für Tau-Neutrinos. Die Eigenschaften der zwei Tau-Neutrino-Kandidaten werden in einer a-posteriori Analyse im Detail studiert. Die statistische Methode wird durch einen Log-Likelihood-Quotienten-Test mit multi-dimensionalen Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichten verbessert. Eine der Doppelkaskaden ist konsistent mit dem Szenario einer misklassifizierten Einzelkaskade, während für die zweite Doppelkaskade die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines nicht-Tau-Neutrino Szenarios auf nur 3% bestimmt wird. Die gemessene Flavor-Zusammensetzung ist konsistent mit der Annahme von astrophysikalischen Neutrinos sowie mit bisher veröffentlichen Resultaten. Die Messung ergibt einen astrophysikalischen Tau-Neutrino Fluss von dPhi / dE=3.0 (-1.8,+2.2) (E / 100TeV)^(-2.87) 10^(-18) GeV^(-1) cm^(-2) s^(-1) sr^(-1), was dem ersten positiven Ergebnis für die Tau-Normalisierung entspricht. Die Nichtexistenz eines astrophysikalischen Tau-Neutrino Flusses wird mit einer Signifikanz von 2.8 sigma abgelehnt. / The IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole has confirmed the existence of a diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux. The flavor composition of astrophysical neutrinos carries information on the environments at the sites of cosmic particle acceleration as well as potential imprints of new physics acting during neutrino propagation. To measure the flavor composition the observation of the long-elusive tau neutrinos is required. Starting at an energy of ~O(100 TeV) a tau neutrino charged current interaction can produce a double cascade topology, where the two energy depositions from the tau creation and the tau decay vertices are resolvable. This topology together with the well-established track and single cascade topology is used to measure the flavor composition on Earth. In this work, high-energy events starting in IceCube's detector volume are classified algorithmically into the three topologies. In the dataset with a livetime of 7.5 years, two events are classified as double cascades for the first time, yielding multi-TeV tau-neutrino candidates. The properties of the two tau-neutrino candidates are investigated in an a-posteriori analysis. The statistical method is improved by performing a log-likelihood-ratio test using multi-dimensional probability densities. One of the double cascades is consistent with being a misclassified single cascade, while the second double cascade is found to have a misclassification probability of only 3%. The measured flavor composition nu_e:nu_mu:nu_tau = 0.20:0.39:0.42 is consistent with astrophysical neutrinos and with previously published results. The astrophysical tau-neutrino flux is measured to dPhi / dE=3.0 (-1.8,+2.2) (E / 100TeV)^(-2.87) 10^(-18) GeV^(-1) cm^(-2) s^(-1) sr^(-1) with spectral index gamma=2.87 (-0.20,+0.21), yielding the first non-zero results for the tau normalization. The absence of an astrophysical tau-neutrino flux is disfavored at 2.8 sigma.

Machine learning and statistical methods in search of cosmic neutrino sources

Capone, Luigino January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Simulation-based discrimination of Crab pulsar models with XL-Calibur / Simuleringsbaserad diskriminering av Krabbpulsarmodeller med XL-Calibur

Åkerström, Dennis January 2024 (has links)
Polarisation of X-ray light is being investigated with polarimeters to extend the borders of what can be observed. Distant compact objects, such as pulsars, that are to small on the sky to be analysed with imaging can be investigated by analysing the polarisation of the emitted light. This can reveal physics previously hidden by their small nature. There are many models that aim to describe the polarisation of these compact objects to make sense of what is measured. Two examples are the outer gap and two-pole caustic models. The X-ray polarimeter XL-Calibur is a balloon-borne telescope capable of detecting X-rays in the $15-80$ keV energy range. In this thesis details on the polarisation of light, how it can be measured and some principles of X-ray polarimetery is discussed. A new feature in the simulation of XL-Calibur in Geant4 is also described and used to investigate the possibility for XL-Calibur to distinguish between different Crab pulsar polarisation models at different signal rates. The results show that signal rates under 2 Hz yield insufficient data to distinguish between the two models using the measured polarisation fraction and angle. For greater signal rates XL-Calibur does in fact differentiate between the models correctly. New methods for the statistical analysis of data can be explored to allow more data to be salvaged, even for low signal rates. The derivation of polarisation parameters is fixed through Stokes parameters in this thesis. / Polarisationen av röntgenljus undersöks med polarimetrar för att utvidga gränserna för vad som kan observeras. Avlägsna kompakta objekt, såsom pulsarer, som är för små och för långt borta på himlen för att analyseras med optiska metoder, kan undersökas genom att analysera polarisationen av det utstrålade ljuset. Detta kan avslöja fysik som tidigare var dold på grund av deras storlek. Det finns många modeller som syftar till att beskriva polarisationen av dessa kompakta objekt för att förstå vad som mäts. Två exempel är modellerna: outer gap och two-pole caustic. Röntgenpolarimetern XL-Calibur är ett ballongburet teleskop som kan detektera röntgenstrålning i energiområdet $15-80$ keV. I denna avhandling diskuteras detaljer om ljusets polarisation, hur det kan mätas och några principer för röntgenpolarimetri. En ny funktion i simuleringen av XL-Calibur i Geant4 beskrivs också. Den används för att undersöka möjligheten för XL-Calibur att särskilja mellan olika polariseringsmodeller för Krabbpulsaren vid olika signaltakter. Resultaten visar att för signaltakter under 2 Hz, blir datan otillräcklig för att särskilja mellan de två modellerna både för polarisationsgraden och vinkeln. För högre signaltakter kan XL-Calibur skilja mellan modellerna. Nya metoder för statistisk analys av data kan utforskas för att möjliggöra att mer data kan användas, även för låga signaltakter. I denna avhandling beräknas polarisationsparametrarna genom Stokesparametrarna.

Simulating and Testing the Polarimetric Response of the X-ray Polarimetry Telescope XL-Calibur / Simulering och Testning av Polarimetriegenskaperna hos Röntgenpolarimetriteleskopet XL-Calibur

af Malmborg, Filip January 2022 (has links)
X-ray polarimetry, the study of the polarisation of X-ray light, is a powerful and rapidly developing tool for astrophysics, which promises to help answer outstanding questions about the physics of extreme objects such as pulsars, X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei. The balloon-borne telescope XL-Calibur will be the first instrument to study the polarisation of hard X-rays (with energies between 10 and 100 keV) in detail, correlating with the soft X-ray observations of IXPE to provide further tests of polarisation-dependent x-ray emission models in extreme objects. The working principles of XL-Calibur are described, together with the necessary steps to measure the polarisation of X-rays. In these steps, Geant4 simulations of the telescope play a vital role, and the simulations are thus described in detail, together with the experiments done to validate the simulations. These experiments were performed at Esrange, Sweden during the XL-Calibur flight campaign in May of 2022, and the experimental setup and design of the validation experiments are described, as well as the specific simulations performed to replicate the experiment. The simulations show very good agreement with validation experiments, achieving a simulated modulation factor (a measure of the polarimetric response intrinsic to the detector) of 41.88% ± 0.17%, within one standard deviation of the measured 41.95% ± 0.18%. The optical effects of the XL-Calibur X-ray mirror is also simulated to good agreement with experimental results, necessary for simulating flight observations. Thus, the simulations can be used to simulate XL-Calibur for polarisation measurements and analysis. Furthermore, the effect on polarisation parameters of the mirror focal spot being offset is investigated. It is shown that it affects the modulation factor and thus the measured polarisation parameters, increasing the importance of using simulations to replicate and compensate for these effects during a data-taking flight with XL-Calibur. / Röntgenpolarimetri, att undersöka polariseringen hos röntgenljus, är ett kraftfullt redskap inom astrofysiken som är under snabb utveckling. Förhoppningen är att tekniken ska hjälpa till att lösa obesvarade frågor inom fysiken som beskriver extrema objekt såsom pulsarer, röntgenbinärer och aktiva galaxkärnor. Det ballongburna teleskopet XL-Calibur kommer att vara det första instrumentet som studerar polariseringen av hårda röntgenstrålar (med energi mellan 10 och 100 keV) i detalj, och genom att korrelera med IXPEs observationer i mjuka röntgenstrålar kommer polarisationsberoende modeller för bildandet av röntgenstrålar runt extrema objekt att testas. En beskrivning av hur XL-Calibur fungerar ges, tillsammans med de nödvändiga stegen för att mäta polariseringen hos röntgenljus. I dessa steg är simulering av teleskopet i Geant4 en vital del, och simuleringen beskrivs därav ingående tillsammans med experimenten som gjordes för att validera simuleringen. Dessa experiment utfördes på Esrange, Sverige i maj 2022, före XL-Caliburs första flygning. Experimentuppställningen och utformningen av dessa valideringsexperiment beskrivs tillsammans med de specifika simuleringar som gjordes med mål att replikera experimenten. Simuleringarna visar mycket god överensstämmelse med experimenten, med en modulationsfaktor (ett instrumentspecifikt mått av polarisationsgraden) på 41.88% ± 0.17%, inom en standardavvikelse från experimentens 41.95% ± 0.18%. Även de optiska effekterna från XL-Caliburs röntgenspegel simuleras och visar god överensstämmelse med mätningar, vilket är nödvändigt för att kunna simulera data tagen under en flygning. Därmed kan simuleringarna användas för att göra polarisationsmätningar och -analys. Slutligen görs en undersökning av effekten på polarisationsparametrarna av förskjutning av röntgenspegelns fokus. Denna visar att modulationsfaktorn och därmed polarisationsparametrarna ändras på ett betydande vis, vilket ökar vikten av att använda simuleringar för att reproducera och kompensera för dessa effekter under en datainsamlingsflygning med XL-Calibur.

MAC-E-Filter characterization for PTOLEMY : a relic neutrino direct detection experiment

Strid, Carl-Fabian January 2019 (has links)
The cosmic neutrino background (CNB) can be composed of both active and hypothetical sterileneutrinos. At approximately one second after big bang, neutrinos decoupled from radiationand matter at a temperature of approximately one MeV. Neutrinos played an important role inthe origin and evolution of our universe and have been indirectly verified by cosmological dataon the BBN (Big Bang nucleosynthesis) of the Big Bang.It was Steven Weinberg in 1962 that first theorized on the direct detection of relic neutrinos.The signal of the relic neutrino capture on a tritium target can be observed by studying theendpoint of the electrons kinetic energy that are above the endpoint energy of the beta decayspectrum. The PTOLEMY project aims to archive direct detection of the relic neutrinobackground with a large tritium target of 100 gram, MAC-E-Filter, RF-tracking, Time of flighttracking and a cryogenic calorimetry.In this thesis the MAC-E-Filter have been simulated in two filter configurations. In the firstconfiguration, the electron were simulated five times in the filter. Two in the opposite sideof the detector, one in the middle, and two at the detector. In the second configuration theelectrons was simulated in the entrance solenoid at a fixed position of y = -0.19634954 m fromthe center of the filter and in random positions. Both multiple electrons and single electronswere simulated in the second configuration.In the single electron configuration the electron had a starting position of y = -0.19634954 mfrom the center of the filter, and an initial kinetic energy of 18.6 KeV. The first filter configurationsuccessfully accomplished to simulate the electron track, as the electron was reflectedback and forth between the entry and detector solenoid. The electric and magnetic field profilediered at the entry and detector solenoid. The second filter configuration successfully showedthat the electron will reach the end solenoid, when the filter length was 0.5 m. When the filterlength was increased to 0.7 m, then the electron was reflected in the middle of the filter. Thesimulation showed that the electron energy dropped below 1 eV from 18.6 KeV as the electronpropagated through the filter. The magnetic and electric fields decreased exponentially in thedirection of the detector solenoid. The Simulation of multiple electrons showed mixed resultsand would need more modifications in order to come to a final conclusion.

Cosmic ray 2H/1H flux ratio measurement with the AMS-02 experiment / Medição da razão 2H/1H de fluxo em raios cósmicos com o experimento AMS-02

Lordello, Vitor Diorio 26 September 2017 (has links)
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a cosmic ray detector operating aboard the International Space Station (ISS) since May 2011. The identification of cosmic ray deuterium and hydrogen particles is the main goal of this work. Using the data collected by the AMS-02 experiment between May 2011 and May 2014 we provide the measurement of the 2H to the 1H ratio between 0.7 and 7 GeV/n. Cosmic rays are mainly composed of hydrogen nuclei. No significant amount of deuterium nuclei is expected to be released from galactic sources since they are destroyed rather than formed in thermonuclear reactions inside stars. As a consequence of their production history, they are part of a class of secondary stable nuclei that provide information on the propagation of cosmic rays in the galaxy. Despite their relevance for propagation studies, very few measurements of deuterium exist above 1 GeV/n, due to the poor isotopic separation capacity of previous experiments. For this reason, the deuterium to hydrogen flux ratio is a very important measurement to be carried out using the data collected by the AMS-02 experiment. The mass and the isotopic composition of cosmic-rays nuclei can be measured by the AMS-02 experiment using measurements of the momentum (provided by the tracker) and velocity of the particles (provided by the Time-of-Flight and the RICH). This analysis is one of the first to be focused on hydrogen isotopic composition with AMS-02 data, and our results are in fair agreement with a similar and independent analysis that has been carried out within the Collaboration. / O Espectômetro Magnético Alpha (AMS-02) é um detetor de raios cósmicos operando na Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS) desde maio de 2011. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a identificação de deutério e hidrogênio nos raios cósmicos. Usando dados coletados pelo experimento AMS-02 entre maio de 2011 e maio de 2014 foi medida a razão entre os fluxos de 2H e 1H entre 0.7 e 7 GeV/n. Raios cósmicos são compostos, principalmente, por núcleos de hidrogênio. Não é esperado que fontes galácticas de raios cósmicos liberem uma quantidade significativa de núcleos de deutério, já que eles são destruidos, em vez de formados, nas reações termonucleares no interior de estrelas. Assim, eles fazem parte de uma classe de partículas secundárias estáveis que fornecem informações acerca da propagação de raios cósmicos na galáxia. Apesar da relevância para o estudo da propagação de raios cósmicos, poucas medidas da sua quantidade acima de 1 GeV/n existem, devido à baixa capacidade de separação de isótopos de prévios experimentos. Por isso a razão entre os fluxos de deutério e hidrogênio é uma importante medida a ser feita com os dados do AMS-02. A massa, e portanto a composição isotópica dos raios cósmicos, pode ser medida pelo AMS-02 a partir das medições de momento (realizada pelo tracker) e velocidade (realizadas pelo ToF e RICH). Essa análise é uma das primeiras a focar na composição isotópica do hidrogênio com dados do AMS-02, e os resultados estão razoavelmente em acordo com análises independendes semelhantes realizadas na colaboração AMS.

Cosmic ray 2H/1H flux ratio measurement with the AMS-02 experiment / Medição da razão 2H/1H de fluxo em raios cósmicos com o experimento AMS-02

Vitor Diorio Lordello 26 September 2017 (has links)
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a cosmic ray detector operating aboard the International Space Station (ISS) since May 2011. The identification of cosmic ray deuterium and hydrogen particles is the main goal of this work. Using the data collected by the AMS-02 experiment between May 2011 and May 2014 we provide the measurement of the 2H to the 1H ratio between 0.7 and 7 GeV/n. Cosmic rays are mainly composed of hydrogen nuclei. No significant amount of deuterium nuclei is expected to be released from galactic sources since they are destroyed rather than formed in thermonuclear reactions inside stars. As a consequence of their production history, they are part of a class of secondary stable nuclei that provide information on the propagation of cosmic rays in the galaxy. Despite their relevance for propagation studies, very few measurements of deuterium exist above 1 GeV/n, due to the poor isotopic separation capacity of previous experiments. For this reason, the deuterium to hydrogen flux ratio is a very important measurement to be carried out using the data collected by the AMS-02 experiment. The mass and the isotopic composition of cosmic-rays nuclei can be measured by the AMS-02 experiment using measurements of the momentum (provided by the tracker) and velocity of the particles (provided by the Time-of-Flight and the RICH). This analysis is one of the first to be focused on hydrogen isotopic composition with AMS-02 data, and our results are in fair agreement with a similar and independent analysis that has been carried out within the Collaboration. / O Espectômetro Magnético Alpha (AMS-02) é um detetor de raios cósmicos operando na Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS) desde maio de 2011. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a identificação de deutério e hidrogênio nos raios cósmicos. Usando dados coletados pelo experimento AMS-02 entre maio de 2011 e maio de 2014 foi medida a razão entre os fluxos de 2H e 1H entre 0.7 e 7 GeV/n. Raios cósmicos são compostos, principalmente, por núcleos de hidrogênio. Não é esperado que fontes galácticas de raios cósmicos liberem uma quantidade significativa de núcleos de deutério, já que eles são destruidos, em vez de formados, nas reações termonucleares no interior de estrelas. Assim, eles fazem parte de uma classe de partículas secundárias estáveis que fornecem informações acerca da propagação de raios cósmicos na galáxia. Apesar da relevância para o estudo da propagação de raios cósmicos, poucas medidas da sua quantidade acima de 1 GeV/n existem, devido à baixa capacidade de separação de isótopos de prévios experimentos. Por isso a razão entre os fluxos de deutério e hidrogênio é uma importante medida a ser feita com os dados do AMS-02. A massa, e portanto a composição isotópica dos raios cósmicos, pode ser medida pelo AMS-02 a partir das medições de momento (realizada pelo tracker) e velocidade (realizadas pelo ToF e RICH). Essa análise é uma das primeiras a focar na composição isotópica do hidrogênio com dados do AMS-02, e os resultados estão razoavelmente em acordo com análises independendes semelhantes realizadas na colaboração AMS.

Single-peaked gamma-ray bursts in the Fermi GBM catalogue / Singelpeakade gammablixtar i Fermi GBM katalogen

Hintze, Henric January 2022 (has links)
Gamma-ray burst light curves are notoriously irregular, yet a significant number consists of a single fast-rising, exponentially decaying pulse. These are called single-peaked light curves. The goal of this thesis is to analyse a sample of 2710 GRBs collected by the Fermi space telescope by identifying single-peaked bursts and comparing their properties to those of the multi-peaked bursts. Furthermore, the validity of the relativistic shock breakout theory as an explanation for single-peaked, low-luminosity GRBs is investigated using a closure relation. For this investigation, the Fermi sample wascomplemented by low-luminosity GRBs observed by other instruments. A criterion for selecting single-peaked bursts was successfully developed, yielding 48% long and 79% short, single-peaked GRBs. Significant differences between the populations were found in multiple properties. In general, single-peaked GRBs appear to be weaker and more slowly varying than multi-peaked ones; however, a larger sample of GRBs with redshift measurements is needed to draw conclusions about possible intrinsic differences in energy connected to the progenitor systems. The investigation of low-luminosity GRBs’ compliance with the shock breakout closure relation showed that 64% of the low-luminosity GRBs were within a factor 5 of fulfilling the relation as opposed to only 24% of high-luminosity GRBs. It was further shown that only a small number (&lt; 5%) of Fermi GRBs without redshift measurements could be low-luminosity shock breakout GRBs according to this theory. In conclusion, while the shock breakout closure relation does hold for a greater proportion of low-luminosity GRBs than high-luminosity GRBs, there is still a large number of low-luminosity GRBs left unexplained by this theory. / Gammablixtljuskurvor är ökänt oregelbundna men en betydande andel består av en enda snabbt stigande och exponentiellt avtagande puls. Dessa kallas singelpeakade ljuskurvor. Målet med detta examensarbete är att analysera de 2710 gammablixtar som Fermirymdteleskopet har observerat genom att identifiera singelpeakade blixtar och jämföra deras egenskaper med multipeakade blixtars. Dessutom undersöks den relativistiska shockbreakoutteorin som förklaringsmodell för singelpeakade lågluminositetsgammablixtar. I denna undersökning kompletterades fermiblixtarna med lågluminositetsblixtar från andra instrument. Ett kriterium för identifikation av singelpeakade gammablixtar utvecklades och detta resulterade i 48% långa och 70% korta, singelpeakade gammablixtar. Flertalet egenskaper uppvisade signifikanta skillnader mellan populationerna. I allmänhet verkar singelpeakade gammablixtar vara svagare och variera långsammare än multipeakade. Dock behövs en större population av gammablixtar med uppmätta rödskift för att med säkerhet kunna avgöra om singelpeakade blixtar verkligen släpper ut mindre energi. Undersökningen av huruvida lågluminositetsgammablixtar kan förklaras med shockbreakoutteorin visade att 64% av lågluminositetsblixtarna uppfyllde kravet upp till en faktor fem medan bara 24% av högluminositetsblixtarna gjorde det. Vidare visades att endast ett litet antal (&lt;5%) av fermiblixtarna utan uppmätta rödskift skulle kunna vara lågluminositetsshockbreakoutblixtar enligt denna teori. Även om shockbreakoutteorin kan förklara en större andel av lågluminositetsblixtarna än högluminositetsblixtarna återstår ett stort antal oförklarade lågluminositetsblixtar.

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