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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mám zůstat nebo jít? Atraktivita/neatraktivita Portugalska a Španělska pro azylanty / Should I Stay or Should I Go? - The Attractiveness/Unattractiveness of Portugal & Spain for Asylum Seekers

Branco Coelho, Cláudia Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Drawing on the research object of migration, mostly focused on the inclusion of asylum seekers in the European Union (EU hereinafter), this Master thesis aims at measuring the attractiveness/unattractiveness of EU countries on welcoming asylum seekers in. The method used, is then, the comparison of Portugal and Spain, two similar countries, but with quite different outcomes. Furthermore, this work suggests that external factors are on the scope of forced migration, so issues as choice on the destination country, migrant networks, previous knowledge and the integration policies make a country attractive or not. The final results bring to light the interesting findings that asylum seekers coming legally to Portugal would rather live illegal anywhere else. Moreover, even though Spain appears as a relatively more "successful" country on attracting asylum applications, it also shares the same push factors as Portugal.

Vnímání žádosti o azyl v Itálii po přijetí Salviniho dekretu v roce 2018 / Perception of asylum seeking in Italy after the Salvini Decree in 2018

Bonilla Machado, Daniela January 2021 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Master's Thesis 2021 Daniela Bonilla Machado Page 1 of 5 CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AND SOCIAL POLICY Changes in Asylum-Seeking Policies Through the Lenses of the Structuration Theory: The Case of the 'Salvini Decree' in Italy Master's thesis Author: Daniela Bonilla Machado Study programme: Public and Social Policy Supervisor: Doc. Marie Jelínková Year of defence: September 2021 Page 2 of 5 Declaration 1. I hereby declares that I compiled this thesis independently, using only the listed resources and literature. 2. I hereby declare that the thesis has not been used to obtain any other academic title. 3. I fully agree to his work being used for study and scientific purposes. Prague, 27th of July 2021 Daniela Bonilla Machado Page 3 of 5 References BONILLA MACHADO, Daniela. Changes in Asylum-Seeking Policies Through the Lenses of the Structuration Theory: The Case of the 'Salvini Decree' in Italy. Prague, 2021. 68 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Public and Social Policy. Supervisor Marie Jelínková, PhD. Length of the thesis: 113,886 Page 4 of 5 Abstract This paper explores the complex relationship between the structuration theory, proposed by Anthony Giddens and the...

Samverkan - en utmaning i den moderna välfärdsstaten : En socialkonstruktivistisk innehållsanalys av ansvarskonstruktionen vid interorganisatorisk samverkan i missbruksvården / Collaboration – a challenge for the modern welfare state

Jacobsen, Erik, Strömberg, Hannes January 2021 (has links)
År 2020 uppmärksammades på nytt att det delade huvudmannaskapet inom missbruks- och beroendevården kan få konsekvenser för den enskilde i form av bristande tillgänglighet (Kommitédirektiv 2020:68). I dagsläget ansvarar regionen och kommunen gemensamt för missbruksvården, och har enligt Socialtjänstlag (SFS 2001:453) samt Hälso- och sjukvårdslag (SFS 2017:30) en skyldighet att samverka i vården av brukare med missbruksproblematik. I denna studie har syftet varit att undersöka professionella inom kommun och regions uppfattning avseende samverkan i relation till ensamkommande flyktingbarn och missbruk. Utöver detta var syftet att även studera professionellas konstruktion av ansvar samt brukaren i samverkansprocessen. För att uppnå syftet har professionella med erfarenhet av ensamkommande flyktingbarn och/eller missbruksproblematik intervjuats. Denna avgränsning motiveras av att samverkansbehovet i allmänhet har identifierats som stort avseende gruppen ensamkommande flyktingbarn, bland annat på grund av bristande nätverk i det nya landet, men även på grund av riskfaktorer i form av psykisk ohälsa och låg socio-ekonomisk status. Studien utgår från en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats och en abduktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys har utförts med hjälp av en modell för samverkansanalys. Resultatet visar att professionella upplever nuvarande former för samverkan som tämligen välfungerande, men att ansvaret för bristfällig samverkan konstrueras som något som förklaras av faktorer som enskilda professionella inte rår över. Studiens fynd visar vidare på brukarkonstruktionens betydelse för att förstå samverkan mellan region och kommun samt personliga relationers relevans i samverkansprocessen när praktiskt stöd uppifrån konstrueras som bristfälligt. Utöver detta har strukturella förutsättningar relaterat till huvudmannaskapsfrågan samt tidsmässiga- och ekonomiska resurser porträtterats som betydelsefulla för att förstå fenomenet samverkan. Studien finner att inrättandet av samordnande tjänster är en möjlig väg till förbättrad samverkan, och en implikation för framtida forskning är att undersöka effektiviteten av sådana tjänster.

Asylum-seeking unaccompanied refugee children’s health under the asylum-process in southwestern Sweden : Based on care home personnel’s experiences

Elturk, Lina January 2021 (has links)
This study has been conducted in southwestern Sweden regarding asylum-seeking unaccompanied refugee children’s health. The aim is to investigate and understand unaccompanied refugee children’s health during their asylum-process based on care homes personnel’s experiences. The focus is on what factors that impact these children’s health the most and the data has been collected through interviews with personnel at care homes. The result showed that asylum-process, health care, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, traumatic events, and PTSD are factors that have a negative impact on these children’s health, and thatsecurity and integration have a positive impact on their health.

Running from Asylum: Unravelling the paradox of why some unaccompanied asylum-seeking children disappear from the system that is designed to protect them

Snowden, Suzanne January 2017 (has links)
Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) disappearing from protection of the asylum system is a phenomenon that occurs around the world. Sweden is not immune to UASC disappearances, despite Swedish asylum laws and practices being based on the “Best Interests of the Child” (BIC). This study investigates the phenomenon from the perspective of stakeholders within the municipality of Malmö, Sweden, utilizing a constructivist grounded theory (CGT) approach. The aim of this study is to identify key paradoxical situations within the asylum system that may trigger disappearances, and to construct the theories surrounding this phenomenon from the data collected. The theories of governmentality, intersectionality and the post-Colonial theory of “othering” including “self-othering” were identified as valid concepts in regards to this phenomenon. This study also calls for further research into the field of unaccompanied migrant children including better documentation of these children who are both in and out of the asylum system.

Meeting the health and social needs of pregnant asylum seekers; midwifery students' perspectives. Part 3; The pregnant woman within the global context; an inclusive model for midwifery education to address the needs of recently arrived migrant women in the UK

Haith-Cooper, Melanie, Bradshaw, Gwendolen January 2013 (has links)
Yes / The aim of this paper is to describe the conceptualisation and development of an inclusive educational model. The model is designed to facilitate pre-registration midwifery students' learning around the health and social care needs of pregnant women seeking asylum in the United Kingdom. current literature has identified a concern about the standard of maternity care experienced by asylum seeking women accessing maternity services in the United Kingdom. In response to this, a doctorate study was undertaken which focused on examining the way in which a group of midwifery students approached the provision of care for asylum seekers. This study revealed difficulties that these students had both in identifying these women's needs and also in the wider care issues in practice. Consequently, one of the recommendations was to ameliorate these difficulties through midwifery education. Methods: the key findings from this study were used together with relevant supporting literature to construct “the pregnant woman within the global context” model for midwifery education. Results: The model is designed to facilitate a holistic assessment of need rather than focusing on the physical assessment at the expense of other aspects of care. It incorporates wider factors, on a global level, which could impact on the health and social care needs of a pregnant woman seeking asylum. It also prompts students to consider the influence of dominant discourses on perceptions of asylum seek;ing and is designed to encourage students' to question these discourses. Recommendations: this model can be used in midwifery education to prepare students in caring for pregnant women seeking asylum. It may be especially helpful when students have close contact with pregnant women seeking asylum, for example through caseloading. Further research is recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of this model in enhancing the care of asylum seeking women in the United Kingdom.

"Outside I´m smiling, but inside I´m crying." : En kunskapsöversikt av faktorer som påverkar de asylsökande barnen

Larsson, Ulrika, Eriksson, Margaretha January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att klargöra och redovisa för de främjande och försämrande faktorer som är betydelsefulla för asylsökande barns psykosociala välmående. Enligt vår förförståelse som vi erhållit genom arbetslivserfarenhet och utbildning lever de asylsökande barnen under svåra omständigheter och vi ansåg det viktigt att undersöka de påverkande faktorerna. Den metod som användes var en kunskapsöversikt som tolkades hermeneutiskt. Kunskapsöversikten baserades på 10 primärstudier och resultaten visade på följande främjande faktorer; skola, föräldrar/familj, adekvat information gällande beslutsprocessen, en väl fungerande barnpsykiatrisk vård, sociala nätverk och fritidsaktiviteter. De försämrande faktorerna var; bristfällig information och lång väntan under asylprocessen, föräldrars ohälsa, okunskap hos professionella om barnens lagstadgade rättigheter samt osäkra boendevillkor. Studiens resultat analyserades utifrån teorin Känsla av sammanhang. Resultatet ligger i linje med tidigare forskning. / "Outside I´m smiling, but inside I´m crying" - A litterary review of factors affecting the asylum seeking children´s psychosocial health. The study´s purpose was to examine the promoting and detoriating factors that are of importance for the psychosocial well-being of children seeking asylum. According to our prior understanding which we have acquired through working experience and education the asylum seeking children lives under difficult circumstances. We therefor considered it important to investigate the factors that are influencing the children. The method used was a review of the litterature which was interpreted hermeneutically. The review was based on 10 primary studies and results showed promoting factors as; school, parents/family, adequate information regarding the decision-making, a well-functioning child mental health service, social networks and leisure activities. The deteriorative factors were; lack of information and delays during the asylum process, parents´illness, ignorance among professionals about children´s legal rights and unsafe housing conditions. Our results were analysed based on the theory Sense of coherence. The results are in line with previous research.

Att gå vidare från att släcka bränder : En kvalitativ studie om organisatoriska faktorer vid HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn ur ett personalperspektiv

Persson, Hanna, Arvidsson, Therése January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har ett ökande antal ensamkommande barn kommit till Sverige för att söka asyl. Majoriteten av barnen blir placerade på hem för vård eller boende (HVB). Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att få en djupare förståelse för hur arbetet på tre HVB-hem i en medelstor kommun kan se ut och vara organiserat. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex anställda vid HVB-hem; tre sektionschefer och tre personal. Organisationskultur har använts som huvudsakligt analysinstrument med organisationsstruktur som komplement. Resultatet visar att fyra organisatoriska faktorer som är viktiga för personal i arbetet med ensamkommande barn är enhet, meningsfullhet, struktur och flexibilitet samt kompetens. Dessa faktorer kan ses som viktiga i arbetet med att utveckla verksamheterna. En välorganiserad verksamhet kan bättre leda till den stabilitet som de ensamkommande barnen behöver. / During the past years, an increasing amount of unaccompanied children have come to Sweden to apply for asylum. The majority are placed in residential care units. This qualitative study aims to get a deeper understanding of how the work in three residential care units in a medium-large municipality can look and be organized. Data has been collected through interviews with six employees at residential care units; three executives and three staff members. Organizational culture has been used as the main analysis instrument with organizational structure as complement. The findings show that four organizational factors that are important for staff when working with unaccompanied children are unity, meaningfulness, structure and flexibility, and competence. These factors can be viewed as important in developing the establishments. A well-organized establishment is superior in the way that it can lead to the stability that the unaccompanied children need.

"Att få eller skaffa svenska kompisar det är inte lätt faktiskt." : En studie om ensamkommande flyktingungdomars sociala nätverk i Sverige

Egerström, Cecilia, Gammelgård, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka ensamkommande flyktingungdomars sociala nätverk i Sverige, samt vad de upplever kan försvåra respektive främja upprättande av sociala nätverk. I studien användes kvalitativ metod och semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem ensamkommande flyktingungdomar i åldrarna 17-18. Under intervjuerna använde vi oss av visuell elicitering i form av en nätverkskarta. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med social nätverksteori, socialantropologisk nätverksteori, Robert Putnams distinktion i överbryggande respektive sammanbindande socialt kapital samt rasifieringsteori.   Resultatet pekar på att samtliga ungdomar i föreliggande undersökning har ett socialt nätverk i Sverige som de kan vända sig till för såväl känslomässigt som praktiskt stöd. Deras sociala nätverk består främst av professionella vuxna samt ungdomar av samma etnicitet som dem själva, alternativt annan etnicitet än svensk. Samtliga ungdomar beskrev vad som kan främja respektive försvåra upprättande av sociala nätverk. Intervjupersonerna framhöll bland annat vikten av språk, gemensamma intressen och aktiviteter samt kultur och bakgrund. Svenska ungdomar är enligt intervjupersonerna svårast att lära känna i Sverige. Skälet till detta angavs främst vara svenska ungdomars återhållsamhet gentemot intervjupersonerna. / The aim of this study was to investigate unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents’ social networks in Sweden, and what they believe aggravate or facilitate the forging of social networks. In the study a qualitative method was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted with five unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents in the ages of 17-18. During the interviews we used visual elicitation in the form of a network map. The empirical material was analysed with social network theory, anthropological network theory, Robert Putnam’s distinction in bonding capital and bridging capital, and racialization theory.   The result suggests that all of the adolescents, in this study, have a social network in Sweden to which they can turn for both emotional and practical support. Their social networks consist primarily of professional adults and adolescents of the same ethnicity as themselves, alternatively other ethnicity than Swedish. All of the interviewees described what might facilitate or aggravate the forging of social networks. The interviewees stressed for instance the significance of language, common interests and activities, culture and background. Swedish adolescents are, according to the interviewees, the most difficult people to get to know in Sweden. The reason for this was primarily stated to be the Swedish adolescents’ restraint against the interviewees.

Ensamkommande men inte ensamma : Tioårsuppföljning av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarns livsvillkor och erfarenheter som unga vuxna i Sverige / Unaccompanied but not alone : A ten-year follow-up study of the life conditions of unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children and their life experiences as young adults in Sweden

Hessle, Marie January 2009 (has links)
The primary aim of the study was to develop knowledge about how unaccompanied asylum-seeking children manage their life circumstances and challenges after being granted a residence permit and maturing into adulthood in Sweden. A second aim was to develop knowledge about the life circumstances of these children in their respective countries of origin, the motives behind their flight to Sweden, the means by which they came to Sweden.  The thesis is a ten-year follow-up study. The first set of data is clinical in nature: 100 unaccompanied children were interviewed shortly after their arrival. Ten years later a register study was made of these now young adults. The research group was now reduced to the 68 young adults who remained in Sweden after receiving their permanent resident permits. Twenty of them were chosen for a qualitative interview by means of strategic sampling. The unaccompanied asylum-seeking children who, ten years after becoming permanent residents, remained in Sweden have become established in a favourable life situation as young adults. The process of becoming established in Sweden from the stressing conditions in the country of origin is marked by both risks and possibilities that occur in periodical sequences in the life course of the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.  The children/youths may have come alone, but they did not remain alone. A majority were taken in hand by relatives in Sweden who were links to the family’s transnational network. The other children who had no family with which to reunite sought to establish transnational links on their own. A transnational perspective can shed light on how these young adults have created cross-national networks and this appears to have been of decisive importance for their socialisation and favourable establishment in Sweden.

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