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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution Of Some Factors To Eighth Grade Students

Korkmaz, Fettah 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
CONTRIBUTION OF SOME FACTORS TO EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS&rsquo / SCIENCE ACHIEVEMENT IN TURKEY: TIMSS 2007 KORKMAZ, Fettah M. S., Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education Supervisor: Prof. Dr. &Ouml / mer GEBAN September 2012, 120 pages The purpose of this study is to determine some of the factors that affect science achievement of eighth grade students in Turkey based on data results of Trends in International Science and Mathematics Study (TIMSS 2007). The present study investigated the relationship between the students&rsquo / achievement in science and certain factors such as student centered activities perceived by students, teacher centered activities perceived by students, students

To What Extent Is Problem-based Learning Effective As Compared To Traditional Teaching In Science Education? A Meta-analysis Study

Ustun, Ulas 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this meta-analysis was to investigate the effectiveness of PBL not only on student achievement and motivation in science, but also on attitudes towards science and skills in primary, secondary and higher educational levels. In addition, the effects of some moderator variables including publication type, research design, teacher effect, researcher effect, country, subject matter, school level, PBL mode, length of treatment, group size, type of questions and assessment instrument on the effectiveness of PBL were also examined in the scope of this meta-analysis. 147 effect sizes were revealed from 88 primary studies selected to be included in the meta-analysis based on the inclusion criteria. Random-effects model rather than fixed-effect model was chosen to be conducted to compute effect sizes indicating the effect of PBL on different outcomes while mixed-effect and fully random-effects model were used while performing analog ANOVA for moderator analysis. The results clearly show that PBL is more effective on different outcomes when compared to traditional teaching methods. The results indicate an overall medium mean effect size of 0.633 for PBL effectiveness. More specifically, PBL has a large impact with a large effect size of 0.820 on students&rsquo / achievement in science subjects in different levels and reveals medium effect sizes of 0.566, 0.616, and 0.565 for students&rsquo / attitude towards science, motivation in science and different kinds of skills, respectively. Moderator analyses indicate that publication type, country, subject area, school level and length of treatment have a noteworthy impact on the effectiveness of PBL.

Fairtrade - A fair trademark for ICA and Lidl?

Appelqvist, Carolina, Harplinger, Henrik, Kindqvist, Christian January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if and how the presence of Fairtrade promotion can change the attitude towards the stores, ICA and Lidl. Background: People‟s attitude towards the brand Fairtrade is predominantly positive and by providing these socially beneficial products, stores wish to strengthen their brand image by communicating their social responsibility through the message of Fairtrade. Previous research has shown that the socially responsible actions of a company can result in an enhanced brand attitude, but also in some cases, the actions taken have had a diminished effect on the attitude towards a brand. It is therefore of interest to research which stores that can gain from Fairtrade promotions in terms of an improved attitude towards the brand. Method: To answer the purpose, a mixed method sequential explanatory design was applied, by collecting quantitative data from an experiment, and qualitative data from a follow-up interview. The emphasis was put on the quantitative phase, where four different experimental groups were manipulated with different internet advertisement; ICA and Lidl, with the presence and absence of Fairtrade promotion. Conclusion: The outcome of the study signified that the attitude towards Lidl was somewhat negative with the absence of Fairtrade and declined with the presence of Fairtrade promotion while the attitude towards ICA did not change regardless of promotion. The results indicate that Fairtrade can not be successfully used as a system of changing brand attitude of a store, if customers do not consider it to be congruent with the initial brand image. It is supported that consistency is the key to success for a brand to be believable and enhance the brand attitude.

Mielekeo ya wasomi wa Kiswahili na viongozi wa Afrika Mashariki kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili / The attitude of Swahili intellectuals and East-African leaders towards the language of Kiswahili

Mohochi, Sangai 16 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Lugha ya Kiswahili imeenea na kukua kiasi cha kuweza kupambana na zingine katika ngazi za kimataifa kwenye mfumo wa sasa wa utandawazi. Hata hivyo, Kiswahili hakiwezi kupata fanaka inayotarajiwa huko nje iwapo hakithaminiwi na kudhaminiwa nyumbani (Afrika Mashariki). Bado lugha ya Kiswahili inakumbana na pingamizi nyingi mno; na miongoni mwa vikwazo hivyo ni mielekeo ya lugha inayobainika katika jamii. Makala hii inajikita zaidi katika mielekeo ya viongozi wa Afrika Mashariki, na wasomi wa Kiswahili kuhusu nafasi na umuhimu wa Kiswahili. Viongozi na wasomi wana ushawishi mkubwa sana kutokana na nafasi yao katika jamii. Wote wanaheshimika na kuenziwa; viongozi kutokana na mamlaka waliyopewa, na wasomi kwa sababu ya maarifa waliyonayo. Kutokana na ukweli huo, tabia na mienendo yao, pamoja na matamko yao mbalimbali yana athari kubwa sana katika jamii. Mara nyingi, watu wengi hupenda kuiga wayafanyayo; hali inayobainika pia katika matumizi ya lugha. Kabla ya kuijadili mielekeo na matumizi yao ya lugha, maswala mawili muhimu yanayochangia ujenzi wa hiyo mielekeo katika jamii yatazungumziwa: thamani ya lugha, na zoezi la kujifunza lugha ya pili.

The Effect Of Science Centres On Students&#039 / Attitudes Towards Science

Senturk, Eray 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of Middle East Technical University&amp / #8217 / s Science Centre (METU SC) on students&amp / #8217 / attitudes towards science. The sample (N=251) consisted of 131 males (52.2%) and 120 females (47.8%). The age range of the students varied from 11 to 14 (M=12.71, SD=0.80). The attitude scale was administered before, immediately after, and one week after a visit to METU SC. Because of the limitations on sampling procedure two different research designs were used. Design 1 was a quasi-experimental design (46 students in experimental group, 46 students in control group) and attempted to determine the impact of METU SC on 6th graders&amp / #8217 / attitudes towards science with respect to six constructs of the attitude scale. Design 2 was a weak experimental design (N=159) and attempted to determine the impact of METU SC on students&amp / #8217 / overall attitudes towards science with respect to their gender, grade levels, and science achievement scores. The results of this study suggest that METU SC has high potential on increasing middle school students&amp / #8217 / attitudes toward science in several dimensions. Furthermore, this increase is independent from gender, science achievement, and grade levels. Also considering that this achievement was accomplished in quite a short time (approximately one hour), science centres can be used by educators as an effective way of increasing students&amp / #8217 / attitudes toward science.

Teaching Practices Enhancing Students&#039 / Affective Characteristics Related To Physics

Gungor, Almer 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study was aimed to provide insight about affective teaching practices that influence students&#039 / affective characteristics in physics lessons using mixed methodology. Affective characteristics consisted of attitudes and motivation. For this purpose Keller&#039 / s ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction) model was revised by adding Communication category. The Affective Teaching Practices Questionnaire, including these categories, was administered to 1,138 students and 31 physics teachers in Ankara. Moreover, the Affective Characteristics Questionnaire was administered to students to find out the relationship between students&#039 / affective characteristics and their perceptions about the teaching practices used by teachers. Four physics teachers, who were performing teaching practices frequently, were purposefully selected according to results of quantitative phase. In qualitative phase, observations were conducted in these teachers&#039 / classrooms to find out teaching practices used to enhance affective characteristics and their effects. Besides, interviews were conducted to support observations. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were analyzed by cross case analysis. Results revealed that affective teaching practices are related to students&#039 / affective characteristics. Assisting comprehension and providing role models to students are effective for enhancing affective characteristics. Similarly, providing students concrete materials / arousing their inquiry / organizing what is taught from simple to difficult / attributing success to effort / relating topic to students&#039 / experience / stating clearly what is expected of students / providing feedback / using positive outcomes / giving enough time to students / using clear, understandable, fluent language in lessons / caring about teaching / being self-confident / caring about students / and providing an atmosphere suitable for learning are also effective.

Effectiveness Of 5e Learning Cycle Model On High School Students

Aydemir, Nurdane 01 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of instruction based on 5E learning cycle model (LCI) compared to Traditional Instruction (TI) and gender on 11th grade students&rsquo / understanding of solubility equilibrium concept, students&rsquo / perceived motivation, use of learning strategies, and attitudes towards chemistry. There were 53 students in the experimental group instructed by the LCI and 56 students in the control group instructed by the TI. Solution Concept Test and Science Process Skills Test were administered to students in both groups as a pre-test. Attitude Scale towards Chemistry and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire were given to students in both groups before and after the treatment. Moreover, Solubility Equilibrium Concept Test was administered to both groups as a post-test and retention test two months after treatment. Treatment implementation continued for seven weeks. After the instruction, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six students from experimental group and six students from control group. Data were analyzed by using MANCOVA. The results revealed that LCI was more effective than the TI on students&rsquo / understanding and retention of the solubility equilibrium concepts. In addition, LCI improved students&rsquo / attitudes towards chemistry, intrinsic goal orientation, task value, self-efficacy for learning and performance, rehearsal, elaboration, organization, critical thinking, metacognitive self-regulation, time and study environment, and peer learning. Moreover, females found as more positive towards chemistry and better organization and help seeking. Furthermore, interview results indicated that students in experimental group demonstrated better scientific understanding of solubility equilibrium concepts compared to those in control group.

Vad formar ungdomars attityd till rökning : En kvalitativ studie / What shape young people's attitudes to smoking : A qualitative study

Josefsson, Therese, Lundahl, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen var att beskriva vad som formar ungdomars attityd till rökning. Metod: Sex kvalitativa intervjuer genomförds med ungdomar i åldern 14-15 år. Kategorier utarbetades genom analys av intervjuutskrifterna. Resultat: Det framkom att ungdomarnas attityd formas dels av yttre faktorer som närståendes rökvanor och dels av inre faktorer som nyfikenhet. Ungdomarna ansåg även att om cigaretter varit så ohälsosamma som det påstås så hade de varken tillverkats eller sålts. Ungdomarna beskrev rökare med ord som tuffa och coola. Konklusion: Resultatet antyder att ungdomarnas attityd till rökning formas dels av vännernas uppfattningar och dels av föräldrarnas attityd. Ungdomar lever i nuet och väger därför inte in hälsoriskerna i sitt beslut att röka. Implikation: Informera föräldrarna att ha en hårdare attityd emot tobak. Skapa ett informationsmaterial som förklarar varför det är politiskt svårt att förbjuda tobaksprodukter. Ytterligare forskning behövs om hur föräldrars rökvanor påverkar ungdomars attityd till rökning. / Objective: The aim of our study was to describe how young people's attitudes towards smoking emerge. Method: Six qualitative interviews were conducted with adolescents aged 14-15. Categories were developed through an analysis of interview transcripts. Results: It was found that young people's attitude is shaped partly by external factors such as smoking habits by related parties and partly by internal factors such as curiosity. Young people also felt that if cigarettes were as unhealthy as it is claimed they had neither manufactured nor sold. Young people described the smokers with words like tough and cool. Conclusion: Young people's attitude to smoking is shaped partly by their friends’ views and partly by their parents' attitude. Young people are living in the moment and therefore they do not consider the health risks when deciding to start smoking. Implication: Inform the parents that they should have a tough stance against tobacco. Create information material which explains why it is politically difficult to ban tobacco products. Further research is needed on how parents' smoking habits affect young people's attitudes to smoking.

XXII SELL studentų žaidynių dalyvių požiūris į sporto psichologiją / XXII SELL student games participants’ attitude towards sports psychology consulting

Bielskutė, Edita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Susidomėjimas sporto psichologija Lietuvoje pastaraisiais metais auga, tačiau dauguma žmonių vis dar nesupranta, kas ištikrųjų yra sporto psichologija ir kokią reikšmę ji turi sportininkams. Todėl psichologinė pagalba yra viena iš silpniausi�� sportininkų rengimo grandžių. Treneriai nors ir skiria šiai pagalbai dėmesį, dažniausiai atlieka tai daugiau intuityviai ir svarbiausia – nesistemingai. Tuo tarpu, sportininkai tenkinasi tuo, ką jiems suteikia treneriai, o patys retai kreipiasi į sporto psichologus. Todėl labai svarbu išsiaiškinti, koks pačių sportininkų požiūris į sporto psichologiją, sporto psichologo konsultacijų naudingumą ir veiksmingumą. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sportuojančių studentų požiūrį į sporto psichologiją. Tyrimo objektas – sportuojančių studentų požiūris į sporto psichologiją. Taikant S. B. Martin Nuostatų į sporto psichologiją (patikslinta forma) metodiką, apklausti 126 sportininkai, dalyvavę 2006 metais Estijoje vykusiose SELL studentų žaidynėse. Iš 126 sportininkų, 24 buvo iš Suomijos, 24 iš Estijos, 38 iš Latvijos ir 40 iš Lietuvos; 83 vyrai ir 43 moterys. Siekdami įvertinti sportuojančių studentų požiūrį į sporto psichologiją, nustatėme studentų tolerantiškumo lygį sporto psichologijos atžvilgiu, pasitikėjimą sporto psichologu, asmenino atvirumo lygį ir požiūrį į kitos etninės kilmės, kultūros ar rasės žmones, ir ar šiuos kintamuosius įtakoja studentų lytis, tautiškumas, išsilavinimas, pagrindinė domėjimosi sritis, sporto šaka bei ankstesnės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Interest in sports psychology has been growing in Lithuania in recent years. However, most people still do not understand what sports psychology is and its significance to sportsmen. Therefore, psychological support is not considered important in preparing sportsmen. Although trainers do provide the psychological support, they usually do it intuitively and irregularly. Meanwhile the sportsmen accept their trainers’ support and rarely seek for help of sports psychologists. Thus, it is important to find out an attitude of the sportsmen themselves towards sports psychology and efficiency and usefulness of consultations provided by the sports psychologist. The aim of this research is to find out the attitude of student sportsmen towards the sports psychology. The object of the research is the attitude of student sportsmen towards the sports psychology. Basing on the S. B. Martin methodology of the Provisions of Sports Psychology (the specified form) 126 sportsmen who participated in the SELL Student Games 2006 in Estonia were interviewed. 24 participants were from Finland, 24 from Estonia, 38 from Latvia and 40 from Lithuania; 83 men and 43 women. In order to estimate the attitude of the student sportsmen, we found out the level of tolerance in respect of the sports psychology, reliance on the sports psychologist, the level of personal openness and the attitude towards people of other ethnic groups, culture and race. We also found out whether sex, nationality, education, the... [to full text]

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos, medicinos fakulteto šešto kurso studentų rūkymo įpročių ir požiūrio į rūkymą vertinimas 1995 – 2010 metais / The assessment of the sixth-year students of the Lithuanian university of health sciences, Medical academy, faculty of medicine, smoking habits and the attitude towards smoking between the year 1995-2010

Čiurilienė, KRISTINA 28 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto, Medicinos akademijos, Medicinos fakulteto šešto kurso studentų rūkymo įpročius bei jų ryšį su požiūriu į rūkymą 1995 - 2010 m. Uždaviniai. 1.Nustatyti 1995 - 2010 metais studijavusių Kauno Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos fakulteto šešto kurso studentų rūkymo įpročius bei jų pokyčius. 2. Įvertinti tiriamųjų požiūrį į rūkymo įtaką sveikatai. 3. Įvertinti rūkančių ir nerūkančių studentų požiūrį į rūkymo kontrolės priemones. Tyrimo metodika. Siekiant įvertinti studentų rūkymo įpročius bei jų ryšį su požiūriu į rūkymą, profilaktinės medicinos ciklo metu naudota anketinė apklausa (N=2311 (695 vaikinai ir 1616 merginos)), atsako dažnis – 79,2 proc.). Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojantis statistiniu paketu SPSS 19.0 for Windows. Rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimą, nustatyta, kad 1995-2010 m. rūkė 33,8 proc. medicinos fakulteto šešto kurso studentų vyrų ir 16,4 proc. moterų. 25,7 proc. vy rų ir 24,3 proc. moterų nurodė, kad jie metė rūkyti. Visiškai nerūkiusių buvo 40,5 proc. vyrų ir 59,3 proc. moterų. Reguliariai rūkančių studentų vyrų paskutinius tris metus (2008 – 2010 m.) skaičius sumažėjęs beveik dvigubai, lyginant duomenis su ankstesniais metais (nuo 43,5 proc. (2007m.) iki 27 proc. (2008m.)). Moterų mažiausiai reguliariai rūkančių buvo 1995 - 2000 metais (5,7 – 16,4 proc.), nuo 2001 m. padidėjo ir iki 2010 metų kito nežymiai. Didžioji dauguma (83,7 proc.) visų apklaustųjų sutiko, kad rūkymas yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objectives. To evaluate smoking habits of the sixth-year students of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine and their relationship with regard to smoking between 1995-2010. Goals. 1. To identify smoking habits and their changes of the sixth-year students of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, who have been studying there between the year 1995-2010. 2. To assess examined students‘ attitude towards the smoking impact on health. 3. To find out the changes of their attitude towards tobacco control measures between the year 1995-2010 and evaluate their opinion of tobacco control considering students‘ smoking habits. Methods of the research. In order to assess the students‘ smoking habits and their relationship with regard to smoking, there was a questionnaire survey (N=2311 (695 men and 1616 women), the response rate – 79.2 per cent) used during the cycle of preventive medicine. The statistical analysi was performed using the statistical package SPSS 19.0 for Windows. Results. 1. After performing the study, it was found out that 33.8 per cent of men and 16.4 per cent of women, studying in Faculty of Medicine between the year 1995-2010, were smoking. 25.7 per cent of men and 24.3 per cent of women stated that they have quit smoking. It was 40.5 per cent of men and 59.3 per cent of women who were non-smokers. The number of regularly smoking male students in the last 3 years (2008-2010) fell almost twofold, comparing the data to... [to full text]

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