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The predictive validity of brand-related autobiographical memories on brand commitmentRatnayake, N. January 2012 (has links)
Consumer decisions are largely influenced by prior experiences via memory. Consumer research is limited in its consideration of the separate memory system conceptualisations dominant in psychology, and rather has primarily focused on semantic memory (SM). As Autobiographical Memory (AM) may equally affect one’s brand consumption decisions, it is critical to integrate AM into brand-related memory studies for a complete understanding of the consumer learning and decision-making process. The study conceptualises affective, self-relevant brand episodes as Brand-Related Autobiographical Memory (BRAM), and storage of abstract brand knowledge as Brand-Related Semantic Memory (BRSM). The conceptual review identified hypothesised relationships between BRAM, BRSM, self-brand congruence and affective brand commitment. Within a positivist paradigm, the study employed methodological triangulation with qualitative interviews, functional magnetic resonanace imaging (fMRI) experiment and a survey to collect data. Findings suggest that brand memories are stored in AM and SM, and brand memories that are in AM are self-relevant and emotion-laden. The construct of Specificity explains the self-brand congruence relationship while BRAM (Vividness and Affect) influence brand commitment. No relationship was discovered between BRSM, self-brand congruence and brand commitment. This is of particular significance as dominant consumer research focuses on semantic memory. The research contributes to marketing theory by: 1). identifying the importance of multiple memory systems in understanding consumers’ decision-making; 2). exploring how BRAM contributes towards emotional decision-making models; 3). identifying the importance of BRAM in self-brand congruence theory and brand commitment decisions; 4). demonstrating the use of nuroimaging (fMRI) methods to study consumer memories and 5). introducing the BRAM scale as a complementary measure to recall and recognition tests.
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Moral Emotions in Social Interactions / Moralische Emotionen in sozialen InteraktionenKörner, André 22 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Why does it appall us if the CEO of a German prime bank lays off his employees despite sufficient revenue? Why do we feel contempt for Klaus Zumwinkel, a well-known tax evader? Why is Bill Gates admired for donating billions of dollars to a foundation? The answer to these questions appears to be remarkably simple: Because one seems wrong whereas the other right. More precisely, it is either morally right or morally wrong. This dissertation deals with emotions that arise when we assess peoples’ actions. Such emotions can be described as moral emotions. On the one hand, I am particularly interested in how these emotions are created. On the other hand, the consequences of identifying these emotions and therefore the function of moral emotions take on a significant role for me as well. I proceed on the assumption that these emotions have a mediating role for subsequent actions. Therefore, the key issues are why we experience the emotions we have and moreover, what is to be expected when we feel these emotions.
Here, moral emotions are of major importance when transitioning from thinking to acting. Weiner (2006) and Rudolph, Roesch, Greitemeyer and Weiner (2004) previously described emotional reactions as mediating factors between cognitive processes (attributions) and subsequent behavior. Similar to this sequential model, moral emotions supposedly serve as a quick and efficient basis for decision-making regarding subsequent behavior as the heuristics advocated by Gigerenzer and Todd (1999). Here, moral emotions function as ‘heuristic cues’ that can channel our behavior. Even modern theories in computer and information science depict the human being as an “emotional machine” making use of emotionally driven programs in order to mediate between dynamic input factors from nature and adaptive output processes in terms of behavioral reactions. (Minsky, 2007)
The methods of my research rely on a true role model: Charles Darwin. In his work “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals” from 1872, Darwin also considered the question of what role emotions play and how they are created. Darwin (1872) proposed six potential methods to examine emotions in more detail (for an overview see Meyer, Schützwohl, & Reisenzein, 2008). Although Darwin mainly focused on the phylogenetic history and particularly dealt with the expression of mimicking as well as the congenital and inherited trigger conditions of emotional reactions, his findings and methods nevertheless were the role model for generations of emotion researchers and are still of great relevance (Izard, 1971, 1991, 1992; Lazarus, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c; Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988; Rudolph, Schulz, & Tscharaktschiew, 2013; Rudolph & Tscharaktschiew, 2014; Tomkins, 1963, 1962; Weiner, 2006).
So far, Rudolph, Schulz and Tscharaktschiew (2013) have presented an empirically supported taxonomy of moral emotions and thereby have identified universally valid leading conditions of moral emotions. They are guided by attributional concepts as previously described by Heider (1958) in the context of his naïve analysis of action using forced-choice methods for selecting emotions with their subjects. Rudolph et al. (2013) divided moral emotions into emotions that assess one’s own actions (so-called actor emotions) or other people’s actions (so-called observer emotions). It becomes apparent that our moral identification of emotions depends on whether a) this action was considered as good or bad in terms of a moral standard, b) the goal of an action was or was not attained and c) the acting person made or did not make an effort in doing so. These dimensions are known as ought (a), goal-attainment (b) and effort (c).
I am particularly interested in whether the dimensions discovered by Rudolph et al. (2013) will appear in autobiographical and free reports. Furthermore, I will examine more in depth the scenarios predicted by the theory and individual emotions in different test settings. All studies are conducted on an empirical basis using quantitative and qualitative methods that were previously applied by Darwin (1872) in modified form.
First, I will examine whether the categories ought, goal-attainment and effort established by Rudolph et al. (2013) could be traced in recalled reports of emotional episodes using qualitative methods. Afterwards, extremely similar emotions will be distinguished in enhanced detail using a category system. Emotions such as anger, disgust and despite will be scrutinized in an experimental setting for the first time. It will be determined whether a sequential model of cognition emotion behavior already develops by the early stages using the complex emotions schadenfreude and sympathy with preschool children. For prisoners and people suffering from a personality disorder, the emotions of guilt and shame will be distinguished. In addition, the link to future behavior as well as neurological particularities of such groups of people will be taken into consideration.
In my work, I will intensively scrutinize the category system assumed by Rudolph et al. (2013). Simultaneously, emotions that have been extremely similar or strongly connected thus far will be analyzed and described to a finer extent. Eventually, results will allow for a better understanding regarding the prediction of subsequent behavior. / Wieso empört es uns, wenn der Vorstandsvorsitzende einer deutschen Großbank trotz sprudelnder Kassen Mitarbeiter entlässt? Wieso empfinden wir Verachtung für Klaus Zumwinkel, einen prominenten Steuersünder? Warum bewundern wir Bill Gates für seine Milliardenschenkung an eine Stiftung? Die Antwort auf diese Fragen scheint denkbar einfach: Weil das eine falsch, das andere dagegen richtig erscheint. Genauer gesagt: Es ist moralisch richtig oder moralisch falsch. In meiner Arbeit geht es um eben jene Emotionen, die entstehen, wenn Handlungen von Personen bewertet werden. Solche Emotionen kann man als moralische Emotionen bezeichnen. Dabei interessieren mich einerseits die Entstehung, andererseits die Konsequenzen eines solchen Emotionsempfindens und damit die Funktion der moralischen Emotionen. Ich gehe dabei davon aus, dass diese Emotionen einen vermittelnden Charakter für nachfolgende Handlungen haben. Die entscheidenden Fragen sind also: Warum haben wir die Emotionen, die wir haben? Und: Was ist zu erwarten, wenn wir diese Emotionen verspüren?
Dabei nehmen die moralischen Emotionen eine Schlüsselrolle auf dem Weg vom Denken zum Handeln ein. Bereits Weiner (2006) oder Rudolph, Roesch, Greitemeyer und Weiner (2004) haben emotionale Reaktionen als vermittelnde Größen zwischen kognitiven Prozessen (Attributionen) und nachfolgendem Verhalten beschrieben. Ähnlich diesem Sequenzmodell sollten moralische Emotionen wie die von Gigerenzer und Todd (1999) propagierten Heuristiken als schnelle und sparsame Entscheidungsgrundlage für das nachfolgende Verhalten dienen. Bei einer solchen Betrachtung fungieren die moralischen Emotionen als ‚heuristic cues’, die unser Verhalten bahnen können. Sogar moderne Theorien im Fachbereich Informatik zeichnen das Bild vom Menschen als „emotionale Maschine“, die gefühlsgesteuerte Programme benutzt, um zwischen dynamischen Input-Größen aus der Natur und adaptiven Output-Prozessen im Sinne von Verhaltensreaktionen zu vermitteln (Minsky, 2007)
Meine Untersuchungen folgen in der Auswahl der Methoden einem großen Vorbild: Charles Darwin. In seinem Werk „Der Ausdruck der Gemütsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Tieren“ (im englischen Original: The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals) geht Darwin (1872) ebenfalls den grundlegenden Fragen nach, welche Funktion Emotionen haben und wie sie entstehen. Dabei legt Darwin sechs mögliche Methoden vor, um sich mit Emotionen genauer zu beschäftigen (für einen Überblick siehe Meyer et al., 2008).Zwar liegt Darwins Fokus dabei eher auf der Stammesgeschichte und er beschäftigt sich vor allem mit dem mimischen Ausdruck sowie den angeborenen und vererbten Auslösebedingungen emotionaler Reaktionen. Dennoch waren und sind seine Erkenntnisse und die von ihm verwendeten Methoden das Vorbild für Generationen von Emotionsforschern (Izard, 1971, 1991, 1992; Lazarus, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c; Ortony et al., 1988; Rudolph et al., 2013; Rudolph & Tscharaktschiew, 2014; Tomkins, 1963, 1962; Weiner, 2006)
Bisher haben Rudolph, Schulz und Tscharaktschiew (2013) eine empirisch gestützte Taxonomie moralischer Emotionen vorgelegt und damit allgemeingültige vorauslaufende Bedingungen moralischer Emotionen identifiziert. Sie orientieren sich dabei an attributionalen Konzepten, wie sie bereits Heider (1958) mit seiner naiven Handlungsanalyse beschreibt und benutzen dabei vor allem hypothetische Szenarien und vorgegebene Emotionswörter zur Untersuchung der Emotionen ihrer Probanden. Moralische Emotionen unterscheiden Rudolph et al. (2013), in solche Emotionen welche eigene Handlungen (so genannte Actor Emotionen) oder die Handlungen anderer (so genannte Observer Emotionen) bewerten. Es zeigt sich, dass unser moralisches Emotionsempfinden davon abhängt, ob diese Handlung a) bezogen auf einen moralischen Standard als gut oder schlecht gilt, b) das Ziel der Handlung erreicht wurde oder nicht und c) sich der Handelnde dabei angestrengt hat oder nicht. Diese Dimensionen bezeichnen wir als ought (a), goal-attainment (b) und effort (c).
Mich interessiert in dieser Arbeit vor allem, ob sich die von Rudolph et al. (2013) gefundenen Dimensionen auch in autobiografischen Schilderungen und in freien Berichten wiederfinden. Darüber hinaus nehme ich die Voraussagen der Theorie und einzelne Emotionen in verschiedenen Untersuchungssettings genauer unter die Lupe. Alle Untersuchungen sind empirischer Natur und orientieren sich an den quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden, die in abgewandelter Form bereits Darwin (1872) benutzte.
Als erstes prüfe ich anhand qualitativer Methoden, ob sich die von Rudolph et al. (2013) gefundenen Kategorien von ought, goal-attainment und effort auch in erinnerten Schilderungen emotionaler Episoden nachzeichnen lassen. Stark ähnliche Emotionen werden anschließend mithilfe eines Kategoriensystems noch besser unterschieden. Die Emotionen Ärger, Empörung und Verachtung werden in einem experimentellen Setting erstmals genauer unterschieden. Die Frage, ob sich ein Sequenzmodell von Kognition Emotion Verhalten bereits in frühen Entwicklungsstadien ausbildet, wird anhand der komplexen Emotionen Schadenfreude und Mitleid mit Vorschulkindern untersucht. Bei Strafgefangenen und Personen mit Persönlichkeitsstörungen werden die Emotionen Scham und Schuld näher unterschieden. Außerdem werden hier Zusammenhänge mit zukünftigem Verhalten sowie neurologischen Besonderheiten solcher Personengruppen betrachtet. Meine Arbeiten unterziehen einerseits das postulierte Kategoriensystem von Rudolph et al. (2013) einem harten Test. Gleichzeitig werden bisher stark ähnliche oder zusammenhängende Emotionen feiner analysiert und beschrieben. Schließlich ermöglichen die Ergebnisse ein besseres Verständnis für die Vorhersage von nachfolgendem Verhalten.
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Shades of Jewishness : the creation and maintenance of a liberal Jewish community in post-Shoah GermanyKranz, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
This PhD thesis focuses on the creation and maintenance of the liberal Jewish community in present day Cologne, Germany. The community has the telling name Gescher LaMassoret, which translates into „Bridge to Tradition.‟ The name gives away that this specific community, its individual members and its struggles cannot be understood without the socio-historic context of Germany and the Holocaust. Although this Jewish community is not a community of Holocaust survivors, the dichotomy Jewish-German takes various shapes within the community and surfaces in the narratives of the individual members. These narratives reflect the uniqueness of each individual in the community. While this is a truism, this individual uniqueness is a key element in Gescher LaMassoret, whose membership consists of people from various countries who have various native languages. Furthermore, the community comprises members of Jewish descent as well as Jews of conversion who are of German, non- Jewish parentage. Due to the aftermaths of the Holocaust and the fact that Gescher LaMassoret houses a vast internal diversity, the creation of this community which lacks any tradition happens through mixing and meshing the life-stories and other narratives of the members, which flow into the collective narrative of the community. On the surface, the narratives of the individual members seem in conflict, they even contradict each other, which means that the narrative of the community is in constant tension. However, under the dissimilarities on the surface of the individual narratives hide similarities in terms of shared values and attitudes, which allow for enough overlaps to create a community by way of braiding a collective narrative, which offers the members to experience a 'felt ethnicity.'
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生命故事中自傳式理解與心理適應間關係之探討 / Exploration of the relationship between autobiographical reasoning and psychological adaptation張心俞, Chang, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用生命故事中自傳式理解作為媒介,探討個體自我瞭解與心理適應的關係如何於生命故事中展現,由處理層面(認知努力、處理結果)、主題內容(救贖化歷程、汙染化歷程、生發主題、共群主題)切入,探索自傳式理解的不同面向與正/負向心理適應狀態間之關聯性;另一方面,追蹤參與者一年後的心理適應狀態,探討自傳式理解能否預測未來心理適應。本研究採用生命故事訪問法進行訪問,第一年收集48名大學生之生命故事與心理適應狀態量表(希望感/憂鬱)、第二年追蹤42名大學生之心理適應狀態,將訪問內容謄為逐字稿後,針對處理層面及主題內容進行內容分析的計分。研究結果顯示:(一)處理層面中之認知努力程度雖與第一年心理適應狀態無顯著相關或解釋力,但卻對第二年憂鬱程度有顯著解釋力,換言之當個體投入越多的心力在思考自我與過往事件的關聯,則其第二年憂鬱分數越低;處理結果與第一年心理適應有顯著相關,甚至對第一年希望感有顯著解釋力,但無法有效預測第二年希望感與憂鬱分數。(二)主題內容中救贖化/污染化歷程與第一年心理適應狀態皆有顯著相關,與過往研究結果相似,迴歸分析顯示污染化歷程對第一年憂鬱有顯著解釋力,但兩者亦無法顯著預測第二年心理適應狀態;生發、共群主題與第一年心理適應狀態無顯著相關,亦無法有效預測第二年心理適應分數。最後,針對研究結果進行討論並提出臨床上的運用、研究限制與未來研究方向之建議。 / In the present research, autobiographical reasoning (AR) was used to examine the relation between self-understanding and psychological adaptation. This research focused on the process aspect (cognitive effort, process outcome), and the content aspect (redemption/contamination sequences, agency, communal) of AR to explore the relation to psychological adaptation. Also, participants’ psychological adaptation (hope, depression) was followed a year later to test whether AR could predict future psychological adaptation. Life story interview was used to collect 48 college students’ stories in the first year (time 1), and 42 of them were followed in the second year (time 2). Results showed that (1) the relation between cognitive effort and T1 psychological adaptation wasn’t statistically significant. However, cognitive effort could predict T2 depression. The more effort participants put on thinking connections between past events and the inner self, the less depression level they are in the next year. Process outcome was significantly correlated with T1 psychological adaptation, but it could not predict T2 psychological adaptation. (2) Redemption/contamination sequences were significantly correlated with T1 psychological adaptation. Further, contamination sequences could predict T1 depression. But redemption and contamination sequences could not predict T2 psychological adaptation. On the other hand, agency and communal themes neither correlated with T1 psychological adaptation, nor predicted T2 psychological adaptation. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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Reflections of reflections : authors, narrators and worlds inside and outside of autobiographical fictionGandell, Jeffrey January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Berätta då : En narratologisk och tematisk analys av alla vilda och Kärlek i EuropaNyberg, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this study is on how the identity narrative is constructed and how the narrative effects the reader’s perception of the protagonist’s identity in the autobiographical novels Kärlek i Europa and alla vilda by Birgitta Stenberg. The discourse of autobiographical writing is used to analyse the novels with the perspective that an autobiographical text communicates with it’s readers. By close-reading the pattern of the narrative becomes visible. The analys of the narrative show that the narrator changes positions throughout the novels. In effect, this means that the narrator and the protagonist sometimes occupies the same position in the text, and sometimes not. By mapping the narrator’s positions and by separating the author, narrator and protagonist the narrative structure emerges as complex. The authors position and the referentiality to something ”real” outside the text creates a picture of the protagonist as a part of the awareness of gender discrimination toward female writers. It also raises the issue of the historical discrimination toward LGBTQ persons and ethnic groups. The narrator’s changing position re-structures time and space by inserting different timelines. Through the historical, the traveling and the future timelines the development of the protagonist’s identity emerges. In contrast to the genre bildungsroman the identity narrative becomes visible as a self-reflexive project. The reflexive project allows the narrator to compare the identity of the self through time. This structure also invites the reader to co-create the protagonist identity alongside the narrator.
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Écritures du moi, genèse et créativité : les mises en scène d'Anaïs Nin (1931-1942) / Life-writing, genesis and creativity : anaïs Nin's stagings of the self (1931-1942)Dubois Boucheraud, Simon 14 October 2011 (has links)
Pour camoufler son passé, dissimuler ses relations adultères, un inceste consenti avec son père et des mensonges peu avouables, les « morceaux choisis » qu’Anaïs Nin livre au lecteur comme son Journal, à partir de 1966, s’affranchissent de toute fidélité aux manuscrits. Le journal posthume, dit « non expurgé » et basé sur les transcriptions dactylographiées que la diariste réalisait de ses journaux, n’est pas non plus exempt de réécritures et d’amendements conséquents. Parmi les quelque cent dix volumes d’un journal manuscrit protéiforme, cette étude tente de mettre au jour ce qui reste, mais surtout ce qui s’ajoute et remet en cause l’appellation de « journal ». Tentant de saisir un moi sans cesse en fuite, la diariste compose sa vie dont l’imaginaire, même dans les manuscrits, fait pleinement partie. Au sein d’un corpus imposant consulté à UCLA et à l’université de Northwestern, cette étude se concentre sur la période du début du Journal (par opposition au Journal de Jeunesse) jusqu’à la publication par Nin de The Winter of Artifice (1939 et 1942), fictionnalisation de sa vie à une époque où publier le journal est inenvisageable. Ce recueil est aussi une tentative de maîtrise d’une œuvre achevée afin de vaincre l’éternel conflit du journal avec le temps et celui de la femme avec son père. Comparer les manuscrits de ces fictions, lues et corrigées par Henry Miller, les journaux manuscrits, les journaux publiés de façon anthume et posthume permet de saisir l’enjeu des réécritures, de l’autocensure ainsi que la démarche créative de Nin qui relève de mises en scène que la diariste légitime plus tard en s’appropriant les principes psychanalytiques d’Otto Rank. / To camouflage her past, dissemble about her adulterous affairs, and conceal consensual incest with her father and a lifetime of brazen lies, the « selected pieces » that Anaïs Nin offers to readers as her Diary, as of 1966, bear only a tangential relationship to the manuscripts. Even the so-called unexpurgated diary, published posthumously and based on the typescripts that Nin made of her diaries, contains significant revisions and emendations. Among the hundred and ten-odd volumes of a protean, handwritten diary, this study brings to the fore what remains, but also what was added, leading us to question whether the resulting document can truly be called a « diary ». In attempting to capture her ever-elusive self, Nin composed her life, and even in the manuscripts, the imaginary played a great part in that process. From a vast corpus examined at UCLA and Northwestern university, this study focuses on the period from the beginning of The Diary (as distinct from The Early Diary), till Nin publishes The Winter of Artifice (1939, and 1942), a fictionalization of her life at a time when publishing the diary was impossible. This piece is also an attempt to deal with—and, Nin hoped, vanquish—the lingering conflict of the diary with time and that of the woman with her father. Comparing the drafts of this work, revised by Henry Miller, with the handwritten diaries and the anthumously and posthumously published versions enables us to fully seize the extent of Nin’s rewriting and self-censorship, as well as the scope of a creative approach which amounts to many stagings of the self that the diarist would later legitimatize by making Otto Rank’s psychoanalytical principles her own.
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Aplicabilidade de tarefas de memória autobiográfica na investigação dos efeitos do envelhecimento / Applicability of autobiographical memory tasks on the investigation of the effects of agingRegina, Ana Carolina Brocanello 09 May 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A memória autobiográfica é um tipo de memória episódica, que abrange os aspectos perceptuais, afetivos e espaço-temporais de um evento. Tais aspectos são organizados em representações que compõem uma história pessoal, sendo portanto fundamentais para a formação da identidade. Esse tipo de lembrança é uma construção transitória e dinâmica gerada a partir de uma base de conhecimento subjacente e esta base é armazenada em diferentes níveis de especificidade de detalhes. Por possuir grande conteúdo episódico, que é dependente das regiões frontais e temporomediais, áreas cerebrais conhecidas por sofrerem alterações significativas com o avanço da idade, é um sistema de memória que parece apresentar declínio com o avanço da idade. O presente estudo procurou investigar a relação entre a memória autobiográfica e o envelhecimento em 57 voluntários saudáveis, que foram divididos em dois grupos: adultos jovens (18 a 50 anos) e adultos mais velhos (51 a 75 anos). METODOLOGIA: A investigação utilizou uma entrevista de memória autobiográfica constituída de 5 eventos públicos marcantes (flashbulb memories), 4 estímulos de valência (positiva e negativa) e 1 evento importante ocorrido no último ano. As entrevistas foram avaliadas e pontuadas de acordo com sistema de categorização dos detalhes relatados em episódicos e semânticos. Também foi usada uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos composta por 7 testes agrupados em 5 domínios cognitivos destinados a avaliar respectivamente: velocidade de processamento da informação, memória verbal, memória visual, funções executivas e funcionamento intelectual, para examinar possível déficits nesses domínios e suas correlações com o desempenho na entrevista autobiográfica. O nível de significância foi de p < 0.05. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos na avaliação de memória autobiográfica, com sujeitos lembrando-se de quantidades semelhantes de detalhes episódicos. Tanto eventos de valência positiva como negativa foram lembrados com a mesma qualidade. Houve uma tendência a um pior desempenho de pessoas mais velhas para relatar lembranças pessoais recentes (que ocorreram no último ano). O grupo mais velho teve pior desempenho em atividades de velocidade de processamento, flexibilidade mental, controle inibitório, memória episódica verbal e memória visual. Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre o desempenho em tarefa padronizada de memória verbal episódica e a quantidade de detalhes episódicos na entrevista de memória autobiográfica. Houve uma relação inversa entre a quantidade de eventos episódicos relatados e a velocidade de processamento de informações apenas no grupo de adultos jovens. Não foram observadas correlações entre os demais domínios cognitivos e os resultados na atividade de memória autobiográfica. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as memórias autobiográficas são mais resistentes aos efeitos do tempo. Eventos que têm importante significado pessoal e grande conteúdo emocional aparentam ficar bem preservados na memória / INTRODUCTION: The autobiographical memory is a kind of episodic memory that covers an event\'s aspects of perception, affection, space and time. These are organized in representations that make up a personal history. Therefore, they are paramount to the creation of identity. This type of memory is a transitory and dynamic construction, generated from a foundation of subjacent knowledge stored in details that are specific on different levels. Because it has a vast episodic content, that is dependent of the frontal and temporal medial regions (areas of the brain known for suffering meaningful changes with the aging process), it is a memory system that apparently shows decline with the aging process. This study sought to investigate the relationship between autobiographical memory and aging in 57 healthy subjects that were divided into two groups: young adults (18 to 50 years old) and seniors (51 to 75 years old). METHOD: The investigation used an autobiographical memory interview made up of 5 memorable public events (flashbulb memories), 4 valence stimuli (positive and negative) and 1 important event that happened in the last year. The interviews were evaluated and scored according to the sorting system of details determined either as episodic or semantic. A battery of neuropsychological tests was also used, it was constituted of 7 tests grouped in 5 cognitive domains destined to evaluate, respectively: processing speed, verbal memory, visual memory, executive functions and intellectual performance, to examine possible deficits in these domains and its correlation to the performance in the autobiographical interview. The level of significance was of p < 0.05. RESULTS: There were no meaningful differences between groups in the evaluation of autobiographical memory. Subjects remembered similar amounts of episodic details. Events of both negative and positive valence were recalled with the same quality. In seniors, a tendency towards a worse performance was found when they were asked to tell recent personal memories (that happened last year). The results demonstrate age-related difficulties in activities of speed processing, mental flexibility, inhibitory control, episodic verbal memory and visual memory. A positive correlation was found between the performance in a standardized episodic verbal memory task and the amount of episodic details in the autobiographical memory interview. There was a reverse relation between the amount of episodic events told and the speed of processing information only in the young adults group. No correlations were found between the other cognitive domains and the results in the autobiographical memory activity. CONCLUSION: The obtained results suggest that autobiographical memories are more resistant to the effects of time. Events that have important personal meaning and great emotional content seem to be well preserved in memory
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Os caminhos literários de Carolina Maria de Jesus: experiência marginal e construção estética / Literary paths of Carolina Maria de Jesus: marginal experience and aesthetic constructionMiranda, Fernanda Rodrigues de 20 September 2013 (has links)
Análise da obra da escritora Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), em particular dos livros Quarto de despejo diário de uma favelada (1960); Casa de Alvenaria diário de uma exfavelada (1961); Pedaços da fome (1963) e Diário de Bitita (1986). Investigamos aspectos da edição do primeiro livro publicado, analisando a intervenção do editor na construção do estereótipo da escritora favelada e o impacto que isso representou na trajetória discursiva da autora. Nosso objetivo foi analisar a internalização da experiência histórica da margem ao campo da dicção da obra literária, superando a introdução da temática, quase inédita na produção literária brasileira, da favela e da sobrevivência urbana marginal. A obra caroliniana, muitas vezes reduzida a mero documento de interesse sociológico, se realiza com contornos estéticos próprios a escrita é parte fundante de sua constituição subjetiva, pois a autora estetiza a si, cria para si identidade e alteridade, constrói sua subjetividade através da palavra escrita, tornando-se autora, narradora e personagem de si mesma. / Analysis of the work of writer Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), in particular the books Quarto de despejo diário de uma favelada (1960); Casa de Alvenaria diário de uma exfavelada (1961); Pedaços da fome (1963) e Diário de Bitita (1986). We investigate aspects of the edition of the first book published, analyzing editor intervention in the construction of the stereotype of \"writer slum\" and the impact this discourse represented in the trajectory of the author. Our aim was to analyze the internalization of the historical experience of the margin to the field of the literary diction, surpassing the introduction of the theme, almost unprecedented in Brazilian literary production, the slum and marginal urban survival. The work of Carolina Maria de Jesus often reduced to mere document of sociological interest, is done with own aesthetic contours - writing is a fundamental part of its subjective constitution, aestheticized as the author himself, creates for itself identity and otherness, constructs his subjectivity through written word, becoming author, narrator and character herself.
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A escrita das Memórias no PEC: usos e sentidos atribuídos pelo professor-orientador / The writing of Memories at PEC: uses and meanings given by the teacher-advisorPereira, Juliana Abilio 19 April 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga a compreensão do professor-orientador sobre as contribuições da escrita autobiográfica no processo de autoformação docente, em programa especial de formação de professores. Identifica e analisa como o professor-orientador mediou a escrita das Memórias no PEC e quais sentidos atribuiu a essa escrita. Tem como referente empírico o Programa Especial de Formação de Professores: PEC-Formação Universitária Municípios destinado a professores da Educação Infantil e séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, por sua relevância no âmbito das novas modalidades de formação continuada de professores (realizado de 2003 a 2004). As questões a seguir nortearam a pesquisa: quais as concepções, sentidos e usos que os professores-orientadores atribuem à escrita das Memórias? Como o professor-orientador mediou a escrita das Memórias no PEC? Quais os aspectos que os professores-orientadores identificam na escrita das Memórias que são indícios de que ocorreu um processo autoformativo? As análises tomaram como material duas fontes principais: a) empíricas: entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores-orientadores e b) documentais: material didático de orientação da escrita das Memórias, documentos oficiais do PEC e documentos oficiais referentes à Formação Docente e Educação Básica. O referencial teórico adotado para análise e discussão dos dados, inclui autores que tem refletido sobre a formação docente e escrita autobiográfica com destaque para Nóvoa, Josso, Pineau, Bueno. A partir das análises realizadas, constatou-se que os professores-orientadores entrevistados não tinham experiência com o processo de escrita autobiográfica e que apenas alguns deles compreendiam as potenciais contribuições dessa escrita para autoformação docente; se preocuparam mais efetivamente com os aspectos ortográficos, gramaticais e textuais da escrita, explorando de forma limitada o potencial formativo da escrita autobiográfica; deram prioridade a elaboração do TCC; destinaram à escrita das Memórias papel secundário e deixaram a cargo do professor-tutor a condução dessa escrita; atribuíram o processo reflexivo e a melhoria da prática dos alunos-professores às atividades do programa em geral e não especificamente à escrita das Memórias. Conclui-se, a partir do relato dos professoresorientadores, que a utilização da escrita das Memórias no PEC obedeceu à lógica das outras atividades e disciplinas realizadas no programa e não a lógica da escrita autobiográfica como proposto pelo grupo de Genebra (Pineau, Josso, Marie-Michèle), o que demonstra uma preocupação do programa com os conteúdos e com uma formação de um perfil de professor considerado ideal. / This research investigates the teacher-advisors understanding of the contributions of autobiographical writing in the process of self-teaching in special training program for teachers. It identifies and analyzes how the teacher-advisor mediated the writing of the Memories at PEC and the meanings attributed to this writing. Its empirical reference is the Programa Especial de Formação de Professores: PEC-Formação Universitária Municípios to teachers of kindergarten and first grades of elementary school, for its relevance within the scope of new types of continuing education for teachers (held from 2003 to 2004). The following questions guided the research: what are the concepts, meanings and uses that teachers-advisors attribute to the writing of the Memories? How did the teacheradvisor mediate the writing of the Memories at PEC? What are the aspects that the teachersadvisors identify in the writing of the Memories, which are indications that there was a selfformation process? The analysis took as material two main sources: a) empirical: semistructured interviews with teachers-advisors and b) documentation: teaching material to guide the writing of the memories, official documents from PEC and official documents related to Teacher Training and Basic Education. The theoretical approach for analysis and discussion of data includes authors who have reflected on teacher training and autobiographical writing with emphasis on Nóvoa, Josso, Pineau, Bueno. From the analysis carried out it was noticed that the teachers-advisors interviewed: had no experience with the process of autobiographical writing and only a few of them understood the potential contributions of this writing for selfeducation of teachers; worried more effectively with spelling, grammar and textual aspects of the writing, exploring the training potential of autobiographical writing in a limited way; gave priority to the development of TCC; gave a secondary role to the writing of the Memories and let the teacher-advisor conduct this writing; attributed the reflective process and the improvement of the reflective practice of the student teachers to the program\'s activities in general and not specifically to the writing of the Memories. It can be concluded from the report of the teachers-advisors that the use of the writing of the Memories at PEC followed the logic of other activities and courses taken during the program and not the logic of autobiographical writing as proposed by the group from Geneva (Pineau, Josso, Marie- Michèle), which demonstrates a concern for the contents and for a training program of a teachers profile considered to be ideal.
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