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Sous la loupe de la commission Bélanger-Campeau : le Québec dans l'après-Meech, radiographie d'un espace politique bouleverséDesjardins, Jean January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Kalmyci a Rusko / Kalmyks and RussiaLachman, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The presented paper is supposed to be an overviewing study covering the historical development of social formations built up on Kalmyk ethnic background and its relations with Russian state. Taking into consideration, that both Russian state and the Kalmyk ethnic group have undergone significant modifications during its historical development, the paper mainly recourses to diachronic analysis of the topic. Simultaneously with the diachronic approach is also applied the synchronic one, primarily with respect to the strategies of legitimization justifying the participation of the Kalmyk Republic in the Russian Federation. From the methodological viewpoint, the paper is based on short-time stay in Kalmykia, interviews with Kalmyks residing in Prague and Russian bibliography.
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Autonomie vůle v soukromém právu / Autonomy of will in private lawGlancová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
The principle of autonomy of will is considered to be the crucial principle controlling all private relationships of human life. People in the sense of individuals of private law have opportunity to form their private relationships according to their free will thanks to the autonomy of will, even while within certain predetermined limits. The principle of autonomy of will is closely related to the principle of non-mandatory rule in private law and to the principle of equality, the principle of pacta sunt servanda and to the principle according to a person acts lawfully unless there is a legal rule prohibiting or curtailing that behaviour. The purpose of my thesis is to classify the term autonomy of will in its historical context and its definition in the context of other principles and institutions of private law. The importance of this principle is further illustrated by the specific expressions autonomy of will in our legal system. My thesis is composed of a general part and a special part. The general part is divided into three chapters. Chapter One deals with the historical appearance of autonomy of will from ancient times to modern history, ie from primary manifestations of autonomy of will in the contractual relationships of people to its international establishment. In the chapter Two of the...
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Řízení škol z pohledu zřizovatele / School management from the perspective of the founderŠindelářová, Zdena January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with school management and relationships between its founders and directors. Laws and other standards formulating the relationships between schools and their founders are presented in the theoretical part. The thesis deals with management theory and employee motivation. Problematics related to competences of each participant is discussed in the theoretical part also. Furthermore, problematics of encroachment of founders to school directors competences is presented. The thesis discusses also the other part of the school management, i.e. the perspective of school founders on school directors work, and quality evaluation by directors. Results of the investigation work give a possibility to review the perspective of founders on their own work with respect to directors and also the view of directors on school founders. The thesis contains basic legislative rules for founders and school directors as it is stated in the Czech Republic and also some internal regulations stating the relationships between the two subjects. Formal and legislative impact on school management is observed together with relationships between participants and their collaborations. The empirical part is concentrated around investigation of this problematic for a group of school founders and school directors.
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Dříve vyslovená přání v legislativě České republiky v komparaci s Australskou právní úpravou / Living will in the Czech Republic's legislation in comparison with Australian LegislationKocichová, Ondřejka January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a detailed description and analysis of the institute advance directives/previously expressed wishes in the Czech Republic in comparison with the Australian legislation. This thesis deals with the Queenland's legislation and the legislation of the Northern Territory. The methods used in this thesis are analyzes of legal norms and comparison of specific law regulations. Introductory chapters are focused on the principle of patient's autonomy in the Czech Republic legislation and on the protection of the person's integrity. The thesis covers not only the rules contained in the Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, but also mentions rules in the Act. No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code. The next chapter is focused on different patient's rights, such as the right to life and be healthy, the right to self-determination and the right to dignity. In the second part, the author focuses on the institute of advance directives/previously expressed wishes. First within the international legal framework. This chapter also underlines negative opinions about advance directives/previously expressed wishes and points out the benefits of their use in practice. Next the author focuses on the Czech legal regulations. The author does not mention only the Health Services Act, but also not...
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Aventures de la subjectivité : contribution à l'étude critique du roman gabonais / Adventures of subjectivity : contribution in a critical reading of the novel gaboneseBoundzanga, Noël Bertrand 17 October 2008 (has links)
Le travail s'effectue sur six roman gabonais : "Parole de vivant" de Moussirou-Mouyama, "Histoire d'Awu" de Justine Mintsa, "Les Matitis" de Freddy Ndong Mbeng, "Au bout du silence" de Laurent Owondo, "La courbe du soleil" de Maurice Okoumba-Nkoghé, et "Fureurs et cris de femmes" d'Angèle Rawiri. La subjectivité se comprend dans un double sens : elle signifie que l'individu est sujet de l'action au sens grammatical du terme, et qu'il est en outre l'objet de cette action. Organisée en deux parties, la thèse étudie le déploiement de la subjectivité en tant que modèle romanesque et modèle anthropologique. En ce sens, la première partie s'applique à relever le fonctionnement autotélique du roman. La subjectivité romanesque s'exprime à travers la littérarité de chaque texte en se distinguant d'une tradition normative que semble exemplifier le roman. Les singularités langagières, la redistribution des valeurs à travers la persistance de thématiques qui ouvrent de nouveaux horizons de sens. Mais malgré leurs singularités, les romans gabonais se signalent d'abord par une "poétique du cliché" qui, non seulement reprend les thématiques traditionnelles, mais adopte aussi une écriture ayant un fort ancrage anthropologique. Sous cette double critique, la critique universitaire gabonaise s'est appesantie à démontrer d'abord l'absence de préoccupation stylistique puis un certain "minimalisme de la pensée". A la faveur d'une querelle portant sur "l'existence de la littérature gabonaise", cette dernière semble affirmer son hégémonie sur tous les autres genres. Deux régimes poétiques semblent s'opposer clairement : un régime de proximité anthropologique et un régime de distanciation maximal. Les romanciers semblent conduits par un impératif social où l'oeuvre signifie au premier degré. A l'opposé, la critique attend de l'oeuvre littéraire qu'elle déjoue les logiques narratives et sociales traditionnelles pour se hisser à un niveau critique conséquent. La controverse a toutefois permis au genre romanesque d'affirmer son hégémonie dans l'espace littéraire gabonais. La seconde partie aborde la question de la subjectivité au double plan éthique et politique. Les sociétés africaines, et la société gabonaise en particulier, ont vu s'étaler l'organisation sociale sous le primat de la collectivité. L'holisme communautaire vient signifier que les individus trouve leur sens à l'intérieur d'une totalité qui les transcende par ses normes. Celles-ci ont cours à travers les traditions, les mentalités, les rites et coutumes qui ont façonné des manières d'être et du vivre ensemble. Les changements structurels qui opèrent depuis l'envolée du capitalisme font apparaître chez les individus un "souci de soi" dont la priorité n'est plus la stabilité absolue de la collectivité. En effet, l'individu se signale comme sujet et laisse s'épanouir ses désirs et ses voeux. Toutefois, au risque de sevoir marginaliser, l'anticonformisme du sujet s'accomode encore avec une réappropriation de la raison objective qui permet de concilier les écarts du sujet et l'impératif communautaire. A travers l'étude des personnages, il apparaît que les tentatives du sujet n'ont pas touché à "l'ivresse de soi". L'expression de la subjectivité y est donc bien observable, allant jusqu'à des écarts sexuels. Même sur le plan politique, le sujet revendique de plus en plus d'espaces de liberté. Aussi renverse-t-il les pouvoirs qui méprisent le bien commun et la dignité d'Autrui. La subjectivité imprime ainsi sa volonté dans les relations intimes, dans l'espace social. Elle laisse entrevoir de la sorte une nouvelle "ère de l'individu" / The work is based on six Gabonese novels : "Parole de vivant" by Moussirou-Mouyama, "Histoire d'Awu" by Justine Mintsa, "Les Matitis" by Freddy Ndong Mbeng, "Au bout du silence" by Laurent Owondo, "La courbe du soleil" by Maurice Okoumba-Nkoghé, et "Fureurs et cris de femmes" by Angèle Rawiri. Subjectivity in this work means that not only the individual is subject, thus performs an action as shown in grammar but also that he is the object of the performed action too. The thesis deals with the analyses of the deployment of subjectivity as a fictional and anthropological pattern. It is split into two parts. The first part strives to point out the autotelic functioning of the novel. The fictional subjectivity is read through the literary feature of each text by distinguishing itself from a normative tradition that the novel seems to represent. The linguistic peculiarities, the redistribution of values through the persistence of themes which open up new horizons of sense. But in spite of their peculiarities, Gabonese novels distinguish themselves by a "poetic of cliché" which adopt not only the traditional themes but also a writing which is deeply rooted anthropologically. Through this double criticism, the Gabonese university criticism dwelt to demonstrate at first the absence of stylistic preoccupation then a certain "minimalism of the throught". On the debate on "the existence of the Gabonese literature", one retains that the Gabonese literature seems to assert her hegemony over all other genres. Two poetic regimes seem to oppose clearly : a regime of anthropological closeness and a regime of maximal distanciation. The novelists seem to be driven by a social obligation in which the novel must be read in its surface meaning. In contrast, the criticism expects from the literary work that it thwarts the traditional narrative and social logic to raise itself on a consequent critical level. The controversy however allowed the novel to assert its hegemony in the Gabonese literary space. The second part approaches the issue of subjectivity through the double ethical and political plan.Among African communities, and the Gabonese ones in particular, the social organization spreads out under the primacy of the community. The community holism means that the individuals find their essence inside a totality which transcends them by its standards. These standards are present in traditions, mentalities, rites and customs which shaped ways of being and living together. The structural changes which take place since the rise of capitalism create a "self concern" among the individuals whose priority is no longer the stability of the community by any means. Indeed, the individual distinguishes himself as subject and lets bloom his desires and his whishes. However, at the risk of being marginalized, the non-conformism of the subject still adapts with a re-appropriation of the objective reason which allows to reconcile the distances from the subject and the community obligations. Through the study of the characters, it seems that the attempts of the subject did not reach "the fullness of oneself". The expression of subjectivity is therein very welle noticeable, goingso far as to sexual infringement. Even on the political plan the subject claims for more and more spaces of freedom. Thus, he knocks down the powers which disdain the common property and the dignity of the others. Subjectivity therefore prints its will in the private relations and in the social space. So, it helps glimpse a new "era of the individual".
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Ivan Illich (1926-2002) : la ville conviviale / Ivan Illich (1926-2002) : the convivial cityGrunig Iribarren, Silvia 26 April 2013 (has links)
Ivan Illich (1926-2002) propose dans ses ouvrages une critique radicale des « institutions » (Église, école, hôpital, transports, machines, etc.) qui toutes, à un moment de leur déploiement, se révèlent contre-productives. Peut-on transposer au domaine de l'urbain ses analyses ? Si oui, en quoi contribuent-elles à rendre intelligible ce qui « travaille » les villes à l'ère de l'urbanisation planétaire ? Cette recherche propose une lecture illichienne de « l'entreprise-ville » et suggère des pistes pour sortir de l'impasse productiviste dans laquelle elle est engagée. Elle s'articule autour de deux axes : Premièrement, dans le contexte du paradigme économiciste de la rareté et du paradigme cybernétique des systèmes, la Ville a été substituée par une entreprise urbaine contre-productive : une anti-ville. L'urbanisme devient iatrogène. C'est « le grand enfermement ».Deuxièmement, les idées d'Ivan Illich projetées sur l'espace habité nourrissent , et très généreusement, un nouveau paradigme pour sortir de l'industrialisme et reconstruire le territoire à travers des processus de réduction / reconduction. C'est la ville conviviale / In his work, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) makes a radical critique of “institutions” (the Church, schools, hospitals, transport, machines, etc.), alleging that at some stage in their development they become all counterproductive. Can these analyses be transposed to the urban domain? If so, how can they help to make what “shapes” cities intelligible in the age of global urbanisation? This research proposes an Illichian reading of “the business-city” and suggests ways to leave the productivist impasse it is now experiencing. It is structured around two axes : Firstly, in the context of the economic model of scarcity and of the cybernetic model of systems, the City has been replaced by a counterproductive urban business: an anti-city, in which Urbanism becomes iatrogenic. It is « the vast enclosure ». Secondly, Ivan Illich's ideas transposed to the habitable space significantly contribute towards nurturing a new model for leaving industrialism and reconstructing the territory through processes of reduction and reconduction. This is the convivial city
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Výchova k odpovědnosti / Education for ResponsibilityŠtefková, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
This work is a synthesizing view on education for responsibility. It presents an interdisciplinary perspective on the various aspects and results in concrete educational approaches. It answers the questions how to define responsibility for the purpose of education, which is the place of responsibility in today's society and what are the psychological aspects of responsibility. It summarizes the various concepts of education for responsibility in family, school and leisure. KEY WORDS responsibility, education for responsibility, autonomy, decision making
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Práva pacientů / The rights of patientsKašparová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Rights of the Patients (resume) The thesis Rights of the Patients does not provide a comprehensive survey of all rights the patients have under applicable legislation, thus, for reasons of complexity of the theme, the author focused only on the most important of them. Separate chapters are dedicated to individual rights, in order basically corresponding to importance the author attaches to particular ones. Each chapter comprises general lecture on the respective right, its regulation in international legal documents binding on the Czech Republic and in domestic legal documents. In footnotes, the author provides, for the purposes of comparison, regulation of particular institutes in foreign legislation. In the opening, the author defines the terms "health law" and "medical law" and provides overview of the most important international and domestic health-law regulations, supplemented with enumeration of their principles related to the area of providing medical care. With regard to currently discussed legislative proposals, which mean the long-awaited amendment to domestic medical law and, if approved, will bring many significant changes compared to the present state, the author included a separate section dedicated to these legislative proposals at the end of the first chapter. The second chapter discusses...
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Kuna Yala v moderní době / Kuna Yala in Modern TimesOpatřilová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The main subject of the thesis is Indian ethnic group Kuna Yala, living in Panama in own geographically separated autonomous territory, on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. The thesis is dedicated to basic aspects of their society - culture, law and economic. Also it describes the uniqueness of Kuna ethnic, how it develops and protects its identity in the relationship with the majority of inhabitants of Panama. The last topic is devoted to adverse impacts, which the society faces to.
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