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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deciphering the roles of co-factors in transcriptional bursting / Analys av hur cofaktorer påverkar transkriptionell dynamik

Westerberg, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Transkription är stokastisk, där utbrottsmässiga episoder av RNA-transkription genererar RNA-molekyler. Trots att detta är en kärndel av eukaryotiskt liv, är lite känt om hur DNA-bindande transkriptionsfaktorer och transkriptionella kofaktorer formar gen-specifik transkriptionell utbrottskinetik. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att tyda rollerna hos kofaktorerna Med14 och P300/CBP inom transkriptionell utbrottskinetik. För detta ändamål användes Auxin inducible degron systemet för snabb nedbrytning av Med14 eller P300/CBP-proteiner i HCT116-celler, följt av Smart-seq3xpress single cell-RNA-sekvensering. Ett särskild fokus i denna avhandling var även att utvärdera förmågan att härleda direkta  genuttrycksförändringar genom analys av introniska reads – detta då introner ko-transkriptionellt splitsas och dess nyttjande skulle fånga effekter av mycket närliggande transkription. Resultaten visar en tidsberoende minskning av introniskt innehåll och en nedreglering av genuttryck för majoriteten av generna i de behandlade cellinjerna, medan opåverkade kontroller inte visar sådana trender. Utbrottskinetikresultaten indikerar att det inte finns någon korrelation mellan P300/CBP-pertuberade cellers geners ursprungliga utbrottsstorlek och några trender i genuttryckets relativa förändring, medan detsamma kan sägas för Med14-pertuberade cellers geners utbrottsfrekvens. Svaga trender från P300/CBP-påverkade cellers utbrottskinetik och uttrycksändring kan antyda att deras utbrottsfrekvens och inte utbrottsstorlek har påverkats. Resultaten antyder att perturbationen var framgångsrik och att P300/CBP inte påverkar utbrottsstorlek samt att Med14 kan reglera utbrottsfrekvensen för alla påverkade gener i lika hög grad. Vidare forskning behövs inom utbrottskinetikdata för att utöka vår förståelse av denna studies implikationer gällande Med14:s och P300/CBP:s reglerande roller på transkriptionella utbrott. / Transcription is stochastic with episodes of RNA transcription generating bursts of RNA molecules. Despite being a core part of eukaryotic life, little is known about how DNA-binding transcription factors and transcriptional co-factors shape gene-specific transcriptional bursting kinetics. The aim of this thesis was to decipher the roles of the co-factors Med14 and P300/CBP in transcriptional burst kinetics. To this end, the Auxin inducible degron system was used for rapid Med14 or P300/CBP protein degradation in HCT116 cells, followed by Smart-seq3xpress single-cell RNA-sequencing. A particular focus of this thesis was to evaluate the abilities to infer direct gene expression changes by analysis of intronic reads – since introns are co-transcriptionally spliced and would capture very recent transcription. Results show a time dependent decrease of intronic contents and a downregulation in gene expression for a majority of genes in the perturbed cell lines, while unperturbed controls show no such trends. Bursting kinetics results indicate that there is no correlation between P300/CBP perturbed cells’ gene’s original bursting size and any trends in gene expression fold change while the same can be said for Med14 perturbed cell’s gene’s burst frequency. Weak trends from P300/CBP perturbed cells’ bursting kinetics and expression fold change could imply that their bursting frequency and not bursting size has been affected. The results imply that the perturbation was successful and that P300/CBP does not affect bursting size as well as that Med14 could regulate bursting frequency for all affected genes to an equal degree. Further research is needed into the bursting kinetics data to expand our understanding of this study’s implications regarding regulatory roles of Med14 and P300/CBP on transcriptional bursting.

Functional characterization of GPI-anchored proteins of the SKU5/SKS gene family

Zhou, Ke 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein1), who can bind auxin, is essential for the development of plants. It was proved to have the ability to bind auxin and transduce auxin signal into the cells. It is supposed to be localized and functions at the outer surface of plasma membrane through unknown component. In my thesis, we tried to invesitgate the interaction between ABP1 and the candidate of the unknown component, CBP1 (From maize), which is GPI-acnhored and already identified as the binding ability to synthesized C-terminus peptide of ABP1 in 2006. The orthologous of CBP1 in arabidopsis belongs to a gene family with 19 members, in which only three of them were prediceted to be GPI anchored. We did the functional characterisation of these three GPI-anchored members. Data suggested that GPI-anchored SKS were involved in cell orientation, gametophyte and embryo development.

Modelling and inference for biological systems : from auxin dynamics in plants to protein sequences. / Modélisation et inférence de systèmes biologiques : de la dynamique de l’auxine dans les plantes aux séquences des protéines

Grigolon, Silvia 14 September 2015 (has links)
Tous les systèmes biologiques sont formés d’atomes et de molécules qui interagissent et dont émergent des propriétés subtiles et complexes. Par ces interactions, les organismes vivants peuvent subvenir à toutes leurs fonctions vitales. Ces propriétés apparaissent dans tous les systèmes biologiques à des niveaux différents, du niveau des molécules et gènes jusqu’aux niveau des cellules et tissus. Ces dernières années, les physiciens se sont impliqués dans la compréhension de ces aspects particulièrement intrigants, en particulier en étudiant les systèmes vivants dans le cadre de la théorie des réseaux, théorie qui offre des outils d’analyse très puissants. Il est possible aujourd’hui d’identifier deux classes d’approches qui sont utilisée pour étudier ces types de systèmes complexes : les méthodes directes de modélisation et les approches inverses d’inférence. Dans cette thèse, mon travail est basé sur les deux types d’approches appliquées à trois niveaux de systèmes biologiques. Dans la première partie de la thèse, je me concentre sur les premières étapes du développement des tissus biologiques des plantes. Je propose un nouveau modèle pour comprendre la dynamique collective des transporteurs de l’hormone auxine et qui permet la croissance non-homogène des tissu dans l’espace et le temps. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, j’analyse comment l’évolution contraint la diversité́ de séquence des protéines tout en conservant leur fonction dans différents organismes. En particulier, je propose une nouvelle méthode pour inférer les sites essentiels pour la fonction ou la structure de protéines à partir d’un ensemble de séquences biologiques. Finalement, dans la troisième partie de la thèse, je travaille au niveau cellulaire et étudie les réseaux de signalisation associés à l’auxine. Dans ce contexte, je reformule un modèle préexistant et propose une nouvelle technique qui permet de définir et d’étudier la réponse du système aux signaux externes pour des topologies de réseaux différentes. J’exploite ce cadre théorique pour identifier le rôle fonctionnel de différentes topologies dans ces systèmes. / All biological systems are made of atoms and molecules interacting in a non- trivial manner. Such non-trivial interactions induce complex behaviours allow- ing organisms to fulfill all their vital functions. These features can be found in all biological systems at different levels, from molecules and genes up to cells and tissues. In the past few decades, physicists have been paying much attention to these intriguing aspects by framing them in network approaches for which a number of theoretical methods offer many powerful ways to tackle systemic problems. At least two different ways of approaching these challenges may be considered: direct modeling methods and approaches based on inverse methods. In the context of this thesis, we made use of both methods to study three different problems occurring on three different biological scales. In the first part of the thesis, we mainly deal with the very early stages of tissue development in plants. We propose a model aimed at understanding which features drive the spontaneous collective behaviour in space and time of PINs, the transporters which pump the phytohormone auxin out of cells. In the second part of the thesis, we focus instead on the structural properties of proteins. In particular we ask how conservation of protein function across different organ- isms constrains the evolution of protein sequences and their diversity. Hereby we propose a new method to extract the sequence positions most relevant for protein function. Finally, in the third part, we study intracellular molecular networks that implement auxin signaling in plants. In this context, and using extensions of a previously published model, we examine how network structure affects network function. The comparison of different network topologies provides insights into the role of different modules and of a negative feedback loop in particular. Our introduction of the dynamical response function allows us to characterize the systemic properties of the auxin signaling when external stimuli are applied.

Les AtNSRs, protéines régulatrices de l’épissage alternatif et du silencing post transcriptionnel / The AtNSRs, proteins involved in alternative splicing regulation and post transcriptionnal gene silencing

Bardou, Florian 05 May 2013 (has links)
Chez les eucaryotes, plusieurs protéines liant l'ARN ou RBPs agissent sur l'ARNm à différents niveaux, de l'épissage à la traduction. Récemment, un grand nombre d’ARN non-codant des protéines (npcRNAs) ont été identifiés chez les eucaryotes et ont été montré comme interagissant avec une variété de ribonucléoprotéines (RNP) pour contrôler l'expression des gènes au niveau post-transcriptionnel. Nous avons identifié une Nuclear-Speckle RBP (ou NSR) qui interagit avec le npcRNA, ENOD40, un lncARN qui s'accumule au cours de la formation des racines latérales et des nodules chez les légumineuses. Durant cette thèse nous avons analysé le rôle des NSR d’Arabidopsis thaliana ainsi que leur lien avec les npcARN.Deux gènes AtNSRs homologues existent chez Arabidopsis nommés NSRa et NSRb, ces gènes codent des protéines localisées dans des speckles nucléaires avec certaines protéines apparentées à l’épissage. Fait intéressant, les fusions AtNSR-GFP sont relocalisées dans des granules cytoplasmiques dans certaines cellules des racines différenciées ainsi que lors d’une co-expression éctopique de ENOD40. Le gène AtNSRb est régulé par l'auxine alors AtNSRa est constitutif. Les simples mutants Atnsr ne montrent pas de phénotype, mais la croissance des racines des doubles mutants est partiellement insensible à l'auxine, ce qui suggère une fonction redondante de ces protéines dans les racines. La localisation observée pour ces protéines nous a mené à explorer un rôle des NSRs dans l’épissage, nous avons donc analysé le profil d'épissage de 288 gènes en réponse à l'auxine chez Arabidopsis et comparé ces profils entre le WT et les mutants nsra/nsrb. Tout d’abord nous avons remarqué que l’épissage général ne variait pas, en revanche, l’analyse de 288 gènes alternativement épissés montre que le profil d'épissage de 77 gènes semble être modifié durant la réponse à l'auxine et 51 gènes nécessitent les protéines AtNSR pour ce changement. Afin de vérifier l’interaction des NSRs avec les cibles d’AS et avec les npcARN nous avons co-immunoprécipité les NSRs et nous avons identifié au moins 5 cible d’AS et 2 npcARN. L’expression de l’ARN ENOD40 ainsi que du partenaire npcARN module L’AS chez Arabidopsis. Dans un deuxième chapitre, nous avons exploré le rôle des NSRs dans le PTGS déclenché par un transgène contenant un intron ce qui nous a permis de lier l’épissage alternatif et le silencing. Nous proposons donc que les NSRs pourraient lier l’épissage alternatif et l’action des ARN non codants, notamment lors de la croissance de la racine. / In eukaryotes, several RNA binding proteins (RBPs) act on mRNA at various levels from splicing to translation. Recently a large number of non-protein coding RNAs (npcRNAs) have been identified in eukaryotes and shown to integrate into a variety of ribonucleoproteins (RNP) to control posttranscriptional gene expression. Our laboratory has identified a plant Nuclear-Speckle RBP (or NSR) that interacts with an npcRNA, ENOD40 that accumulates during lateral root and nodule formation in legumes. NSR is relocalised into a cytoplasmic RNP in the ENOD40-expressing cells. During this PhD, we have analysed the role of NSRs in Arabidopsis thaliana and its link with npcRNAs. Two AtNSR homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana, named AtNSRa and AtNSRb, code for proteins also localised in nuclear speckles together with certain splicing-related proteins. Interestingly, AtNSR-GFP fusions are relocalised into cytoplasmic granules in certain differentiated root cells and by ectopic expression of the ENOD40 RNA. The AtNSRb gene is regulated by auxin whereas AtNSRa is constitutive. Root growth and lateral root formation of double nsra/nsrb mutants is partially insensitive to auxin. The localisation of these proteins prompted us to explore roles in splicing. No defects in general splicing were observed however analysis of 288 alternatively spliced genes in WT and nsra/nsrb roots in response to auxin revealed 77 changes in splicing profiles in response to auxin from which 51 required AtNSRs. In order to validate the interaction of NSRs with alternatively spliced mRNAs and npcRNAs, we have co-immunoprecipitated NSRs and identified at least 5 interacting alternatively spliced mRNAs and 2 npcRNAs. Expression of the ENOD40 RNA or one interacting ncRNA modulate alternatively splicing in Arabidopsis. In a second chapter, we explored the role of NSRs in the modulation of PTGS triggered by intron-containing transgenes allowing us to link alternatively splicing and silencing. We propose that NSRs may link alternative splicing and the action of non-coding RNA, notably during root growth and development.

Genome scale transcriptome analysis and development of reporter systems for studying shoot organogenesis in poplar

Bao, Yanghuan 15 April 2008 (has links)
Vegetative propagation allows the amplification of selected genotypes for research, breeding, and commercial planting. However, efficient in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation remains a major obstacle to research and commercial application in many plant species. Our aims are to improve knowledge of gene regulatory circuits important to meristem organization, and to identify genes that might be useful for improving the efficiency of in vitro regeneration. In this thesis, we have approached these goals in two ways. First, we analyzed gene expression during poplar (Populus) regeneration using an AffymetrixGeneChip® array representing over 56,000 poplar transcripts. We have produced a catalog of regulated genes that can be used to inform studies of gene function and biotechnology. Second, we developed a GUS reporter system for monitoring meristem initiation using promoters of poplar homologs to the meristem-active regulatory genes WUSCHEL (WUS) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM). This provides plant materials whose developmental state can be assayed with improved speed and sensitivity. For the microarray study, we hybridized cDNAs derived from tissues of a female hybrid poplar clone (INRA 717-1 B4, Populus tremula x P. alba) at five sequential time points during organogenesis. Samples were taken from stems prior to callus induction, at 3 days and 5 days after callus induction, and at 3 and 8 days after the start of shoot induction. Approximately 15% of the monitored genes were significantly up-or down-regulated based on both Extraction and Analysis of Differentially Expressed Gene Expression (EDGE) and Linear Models for Microarray Data (LIMMA, FDR<0.01). Of these, over 3,000 genes had a 5-fold or greater change in expression. We found a very strong and rapid change in gene expression at the first time point after callus induction, prior to detectable morphological changes. Subsequent changes in gene expression at later regeneration stages were more than an order of magnitude smaller. A total of 588 transcription factors that were distributed in 45 gene families were differentially regulated. Genes that showed strong differential expression encoded proteins active in auxin and cytokinin signaling, cell division, and plastid development. When compared with data on in vitro callogenesis from root explants in Arabidopsis, 25% (1,260) of up-regulated and 22% (748) of down- regulated genes were in common with the genes that we found regulated in poplar during callus induction. When ~3kb of the 5' flanking regions of close homologs were used to drive expression of the GUSPlus gene, 50 to 60% of the transgenic events showed expression in apical and axillary meristems. However, expression was also common in other organs, including in leaf veins (40% and 46% of WUS and STM transgenic events, respectively) and hydathodes (56% of WUS transgenic events). Histochemical GUS staining of explants during callogenesis and shoot regeneration using in vitro stems as explants showed that expression was detectable prior to visible shoot development, starting 3 to 15 days after explants were placed onto callus inducing medium. Based on microarray gene expression data, a paralog of poplar WUS was detectably up-regulated during shoot initiation, but the other paralog was not. Surprisingly, both paralogs of poplar STM were down-regulated 3- to 6-fold during early callus initiation, a possible consequence of its stronger expression in the secondary meristem (cambium) than in shoot tissues. We identified 15 to 35 copies of cytokinin response regulator binding motifs (ARR1AT) and one copy of the auxin response element (AuxRE) in both promoters. Several of the WUS and STM transgenic events produced should be useful for monitoring the timing and location of meristem development during natural and in vitro shoot regeneration. / Graduation date: 2008

Etude moléculaire et fonctionnelle du rôle des isoprénoïdes cytosoliques (dolichol et stérol) au cours du développement chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Molecular and functional studies of the role of two cytosolic isoprenoids (dolichol and sterol) in the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

Jadid, Nurul 02 July 2013 (has links)
Les isoprénoïdes constituent une vaste famille de constituants cellulaires synthétisés chez la plupart des organismes vivants. Chez les plantes, la biosynthèse des isoprénoïdes est réalisée dans trois compartiments : le plaste, le cytoplasme-réticulum endoplasmique et la mitochondrie. Nous avons orienté nos travaux vers l'étude moléculaire et fonctionnelle du rôle de 2 types d'isoprénoïdes cytosoliques (dolichols et stérols) au cours du développement chez les plantes. Pour mener à bien notre étude, nous avons créé des lignées mutantes « knockdown » via la technique de !'ARN interférence (RNAi) et caractérisé des mutant~d'insertion T-DNAs « knockout » pour les gènes d'intérêt chez Arabidopsis.Dans le premier chapitre, nous montrons que les isoprénoïdes sont impliqués de façon indirecte dans la Nglycosylation de protéines via le Dolichol-P-Mannose (Dol-P-Man) dont la synthèse est catalysée par la dolichol phosphate mannose synthase (DPMS). Nous démontrons que chez les plantes, la DPMS est organisée en un complexe hétéromérique localisé dans le réticulum endoplasmique (RE) qui comprend 3 sous unités DPMS1, DPMS2 et DPMS3 codées par 3 gènes. Seule DPMS1 possède une activité catalytique. Les lignées DPMS 1-RNAi et dpms 1 présentent une hypo N-glycosylation des protéines, une forte chlorose et une inhibition de la croissance racinaire. Ces traits sont associés à une hypersensibilité à l'ammonium et à une induction de la« unfolded protein response »au niveau du RE. L'ensemble de ces données montrent que les gènes DPMS jouent un rôle important dans la N-glycosylation des protéines et le développement des plantes.Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous avons porté notre attention sur le rôle des intermédiaires de biosynthèse des stérols («SBls») dans la régulation du développement des plantes en choisissant comme cible ERG28,une protéine impliquée dans le complexe enzymatique de déméthylation en C-4 des stérols « SC4DM ». Nous montrons que ERG28 est localisée dans le RE et assemble 3 enzymes du complexe« SC4DM », la«sterol 4a-methyl oxidase ». la « 4a-carboxysterol-C3-dehydrogenase/C4-decarboxylase » et la « sterone ketoreductase ». Nous démontrons que la perte de fonction de ERG28 dans les lignées ERG28-RNAi eterg28 se traduit par des phénotypes caractéristiques d'une inhibition du transport polaire de l'auxine« PAT»(différenciation d'inflorescence de type «PIN», perte de dominance apicale, fusion des feuilles et inhibition du développement racinaire ... ). Ces phénotypes sont corrélés à l'accumulation de méthylène-cycloartanol-4-carboxy-4-méthyl (MCCM), un« SBI »qui inhibe de façon spécifique le« PAT». Ces données mettent en évidence un nouveau type d'interaction entre l'auxine et les stérols. / Isoprenoids represent important cell constituents synthesized in many living organisms. ln plants, isoprenoid biogenesis occurs in three compartments : plastids, the endoplasmic reticulum-cytosol and mitochondrie.We focused on the molecular and functional studies of the role of Iwo cytosolic isoprenoids ( dolichol andsterol) in the development of plants. The key Io our strategy is the targeted silencing of specific Arabidopsis genes using the RNAi technology (knockdown) and the identification of T-DNA insertion mutants (knockout). ln the first chapter, we show that isoprenoids are involved indirectly in protein N-glycosylation via Dolichol P-Mannose derived from dolichol phosphate mannose synthase (DPMS). We demonstrate that plant DPMSis organized as a heteromeric enzyme complex localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and consists of DPMS1 acting as the catalytic core and two interacting subunits DPMS2 and DPMS3. The DPMS1-RNAiand dpms1 lines display an altered N-glycosylation pattern and exhibit extensive chlorosis, strong inhibition of root growth and hypersensitivity to ammonium. These phenotypic defects are associated with an «unfolded protein response» in the ER. These data demonstrate that the DPMS genes are essential for the protein N-glycome and plant development. ln the second chapter, we focused on the potentiel roles of sterol biosynthetic intermediates (SBls) in plant development using ERG28 protein, a component of the sterol C-4 demethylation (SC4DM) complex, as a target. We demonstrate that ERG28 is localized in ER and tethers 3 enzymes, sterol 4alpha-methyl oxidase, 4alpha carboxysterol-C3-dehydrogenase/C4- decarboxylase and sterone ketoreductase. We show that the Arabidopsis ERG28-RNAi and erg28 lines develop the hallmarks of altered polar auxin transport (PAT) including the differentiation of pin-like inflorescences, the loss of apical dominance, leaf fusion and inhibition root growth. The observed phenotypes correlate with the accumulation of methylene-cycloartanol-4-carboxy-4-methyl, a cryptic SBI. Our data provide a new level of interaction between sterols and auxin.

Regulation of Leaf Margin Development by TOOTH/MIR160A in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Masna, Mahesh January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
TOOTH/MIR160A regulates leaf margin outgrowth in Arabidopsis thaliana Unlike animals, a striking aspect of the plant development is that they have evolved a flexible pattern of post embryonic development. This exposes them to the challenges of many biotic and abiotic signals throughout their life. So, plants have to evolve/regulate various mechanisms to modulate their growth and development for accomplishing a successful life cycle in the prevailing environmental conditions. Auxin is involved in the initiation of lateral organs at the meristem and serration development along the leaf margin (Bilsborough et al., 2011, Hay et al., 2006). These two developmental mechanisms share common molecular players. For example, CUC2 is required for the boundary formation at the SAM and also is shown to be essential for serration formation at the leaf margin. Similarly, tth shows increased leaf serration phenotype as well as defects in the positioning of flowers at the meristem. This demonstrates the functional significance of TTH-regulated ARFs in controlling auxin mediated developmental pathways. Leaves originate as small lumps of undifferentiated cells at the flanks of the shoot apical meristem which undergo several rounds division and expansion to generate the mature leaf with characteristic size, shape and leaf margin. Both, endogenous as well as environmental factors modulate the growth and development of a leaf. This is evident from the plasticity in leaf form, observed during the life time of a single plant, as well as from the diversity among closely related species living in different habitats. It is well known that pathways controlling leaf form are subjected to the effects of selection and adaptation. Leaf margin is a key feature of the final leaf shape and it contributes to the abundant diversity in leaf form. Leaf margin architecture varies quite significantly from smooth or entire margin to margins with large outgrowths (lobed margins). The evolution and ecological advantages of this diversity is a subject of intense investigation. It also provides a wonderful system to study the mechanistic details of iterative generation of repeated units, which is a common feature in producing many biological shapes. Recent advances in molecular technologies and the availability of genomic resources ushered the identification of new factors involved in leaf margin development. Our current knowledge of this developmental programme is that CUC2 establishes auxin maxima at the leaf margin by reorienting an auxin efflux carrier PIN1 which ultimately results in serration outgrowth (Bilsborough et al., 2011, Hay et al., 2006). A few missing links in this pathway are the mechanistic details of CUC2 function in reorienting PIN1 and the molecular details of auxin mediated serration outgrowth. Forward genetic screens have been valuable in characterizing a genetic pathway even in the post genomic era. An EMS mutagenesis screen was performed in this context to identify novel factors that can improve our understanding of this intricate mechanism. tooth was identified in the M2 population based on its increased leaf serration phenotype. Genetic analysis showed that tth phenotype is due to a monogenic recessive mutation. Along with increased leaf serration, tth also shows various developmental defects such as aberrant phyllotaxy, narrower cotyledons and narrower leaves. Positional cloning and sequencing analysis showed a G to A transition at the AT2G39175 locus which codes for MIR160A. The mutation is at the 7th base position of the mature miRNA sequence. Functional characterization of miRNAs by isolating mutations is hampered by their small genomic sizes. Till now, only a few miRNAs have been characterized by mutational analysis in plants (Allen et al., 2007, Baker et al., 2005, Cartolano et al., 2007, Chuck et al., 2007, Knauer et al., 2013, Nag et al., 2009, Nikovics et al., 2006). miR160-ARF10 regulatory module is shown to be required for leaf blade out growth and serration, but not leaf complexity in tomato (Hendelman et al., 2012). miR160 is coded by 3 loci in Arabidopsis, MIR160A, B and C. All three loci encode identical mature miRNA that targets 3 Auxin response factors, ARF10, 16 and 17. ARFs are the effector molecules of auxin mediated developmental programmes. Genetic analysis showed that enhanced serration outgrowth in tth is due to the up-regulation of its target genes. Here, we have identified a miRNA that negatively regulates serration outgrowth by repressing ARF10, 16 and 17 whose functional significance in regulating leaf margin development was not known previously. Extensive genetic interaction studies have shown that TTH acts in parallel to SAW-BP and MIR164-CUC pathways in regulating leaf margin development. We have also shown that CUC2 and PIN1 are absolutely essential for serration development in tth. CUC2 establishes a pattern required for the expression of ARF10 at the leaf margin. In the absence of CUC2, downstream effector molecules such as ARFs can not perform their function. arf10-2 arf16-2 could reduce, but not suppress serration outgrowth in various mutants suggesting their functional redundancy with other ARF family members. CUC2 establishes auxin maxima at the leaf margin that triggers the degradation of AUX/IAA repressors thereby relieving ARF proteins which mediate serration outgrowth. Whereas, TTH acts at the post transcriptional level for maintaining normal ARF transcript levels Role of SPYINDLY in Arabidopsis leaf margin development SPYNDLY encodes an O-linked N-acetyl glucosamine transferase that acts as a negative regulator of GA response. Consistent with its role in GA response, spy mutants show several GA dependent phenotypes such as early flowering and hyper branched trichomes. spy mutants also show several GA independent phenotypes such as aberrant phyllotaxy and smooth leaf margin. We have studied its role in regulating Arabidopsis leaf serration development. Reporter analysis of ARF10::GUS and CUC2::GUS in spy-3 revealed that SPY is not involved in establishing serration pattern. The spy-3 leaves did not show any defects during the early stages of serration development, but the mature leaves display smooth leaf margin indicating that SPY function is required for serration outgrowth. As shown in the present study, TTH regulated ARFs are also involved in serration outgrowth. Analysis of leaf margin phenotype in tth spy-3 showed that SPY activity is not required for ARF mediated serration outgrowth. Similar genetic interaction studies with SAW-BP pathway mutants showed that leaf margin out growth mediated by meristematic genes is not dependent on SPY function. Genetic interaction studies with MIR164-CUC pathway genes showed that SPY is required for serration outgrowth in these mutants. Interestingly, the cuc2-3 mutant is defective at both patterning and outgrowth of serration. The spy-3 could suppress serration out growth in cuc2-D suggesting that CUC2 mediated serration out growth is dependent on SPY activity. Protein-protein interaction studies between SPY and CUC2 are in progress to demonstrate whether SPY directly interacts with CUC2 or CUC2 derived signal to regulate serration out outgrowth. It is interesting to examine how mutations at SPY locus can abolish serration out growth mediated by CUC2, but does not affect the serration pattern, even though CUC2 is reported to be essential for both the patterning and outgrowth of serration.

Dissecting the factors controlling seed development in the model legume Medicago truncatula / Dissection des facteurs contrôlant le développement de la graine chez la légumineuse modèle Medicago truncatula

Atif, Rana Muhammad 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les légumineuses sont une source riche pour l’alimentation humaine comme celle du bétail mais elles sont aussi nécessaires à une agriculture durable. Cependant, les fractions majeures des protéines de réserve dans la graine sont pauvres en acides aminés soufrés et peuvent être accompagné de facteurs antinutritionnels, ce qui affecte leur valeur nutritive. Dans ce cadre, Medicago truncatula est une espèce modèle pour l’étude du développement de la graine des légumineuses, et en particulier concernant la phase d’accumulation des protéines de réserve. Vu la complexité des graines de légumineuses, une connaissance approfondie de leur morphogenèse ainsi que la caractérisation des mécanismes sous-jacents au développement de l’embryon et au remplissage de la graine sont essentielles. Une étude de mutagenèse a permis d’identifier le facteur de transcription DOF1147 (DNA-binding with One Finger) appartenant à la famille Zn-finger, qui s’exprime dans l’albumen pendant la transition entre les phases d’embryogenèse et de remplissage de la graine. Lors de mon travail de thèse, il a été possible de générer plusieurs constructions pour l’analyse de l’expression de DOF1147 ainsi que de la protéine DOF1147. Un protocole efficace pour la transformation génétique stable de M. truncatula a été établi et des études de localisation subcellulaire ont montré que DOF1147 est une protéine nucléaire. Un arbre phylogénétique a révélé différents groupes de facteurs de transcription DOF avec des domaines conservés dans leur séquence protéique. L’analyse du promoteur in silico chez plusieurs gènes-cible potentiels de DOF1147 a identifié les éléments cis-régulateurs de divers facteurs de transcription ainsi que des éléments répondant aux auxines (AuxREs), ce qui suggère un rôle possible de l’auxine pendant le développement de la graine. Une étude in vitro du développement de la graine avec divers régimes hormonaux, a montré l’effet positif de l’auxine sur la cinétique du développement de la graine, que ce soit en terme de gain de masse ou de taille, plus fort avec l’ANA que l’AIB. Grâce à une approche cytomique de ces graines en développement nous avons, en plus, démontré l’effet de l’auxine sur la mise en place de l’endoreduplication. En effet, celle-ci est l’empreinte cytogénétique de la transition entre les phases de division cellulaire et d’accumulation de substances de réserve lors du développement de la graine. Dans son ensemble, ce travail a démontré que l’auxine module la transition entre le cycle mitotique et les endocycles chez les graines en développement de M. truncatula en favorisant la continuité des divisions cellulaires tout en prolongeant simultanément l’endoreduplication. / Legumes are not only indispensible for sustainable agriculture but are also a rich source of protein in food and feed for humans and animals, respectively. However, major proteins stored in legume seeds are poor in sulfur-containing amino acids, and may be accompanied by anti-nutritional factors causing low protein digestibility problems. In this regard, Medicago truncatula serves as a model legume to study legume seed development especially the phase of seed storage protein accumulation. As developing legume seeds are complex structures, a thorough knowledge of the morphogenesis of the seed and the characterization of regulatory mechanisms underlying the embryo development and seed filling of legumes is essential. Mutant studies have identified a DOF1147 (DNA-binding with One Finger) transcription factor belonging to the Zn-Finger family which was expressed in the endosperm at the transition period between embryogenesis and seed filling phase. During my PhD work, a number of transgene constructs were successfully generated for expression analysis of DOF1147 gene as well as the DOF1147 protein. A successful transformation protocol was also established for stable genetic transformation of M. truncatula. Subcellular localization studies have demonstrated that DOF1147 is a nuclear protein. A phylogenetic tree revealed different groups of DOF transcription factors with conserved domains in their protein sequence. In silico promoter analysis of putative target genes of DOF1147 identified cis-regulatory elements of various transcription factors along with auxin responsive elements (AuxREs) suggesting a possible role of auxin during seed development. A study of in vitro seed development under different hormone regimes has demonstrated the positive effect of auxin on kinetics of seed development in terms of gain in seed fresh weight and size, with NAA having a stronger effect than IBA. Using the cytomic approach, we further demonstrated the effect of auxin on the onset of endoreduplication in such seeds, which is the cytogenetic imprint of the transition between the cell division phase and the accumulation of storage products phase during seed development. As a whole, this work highlighted that the auxin treatments modulate the transition between mitotic cycles and endocycles in M. truncatula developing seeds by favouring sustained cell divisions while simultaneously prolonging endoreduplication.

Etude du rôle de AHP6 dans le contrôle de la phyllotaxie chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana : robustesse et coordination spatio-temporelle au cours du développement de structures auto-organisées / Study of the role of AHP6 in the control of phyllotaxis in Arabidopsis thaliana : robustness and spatio-temporal coordination in the development of self-organized organisms

Besnard, Fabrice 21 October 2011 (has links)
En se développant, les plantes produisent des organes le long des tiges suivant des organisations stéréotypées, appelées phyllotaxies. Ces structures se forment dans les méristèmes, qui abritent une niche de cellules souches : les organes y sont produits successivement et leur positionnement dépendrait d'interactions dynamiques avec les organes pré-existants. Ces interactions seraient notamment dues à des champs inhibiteurs générés par le transport polaire de l'hormone végétale auxine. Afin de rechercher si d'autres facteurs que l'auxine contrôlent la phyllotaxie chez Arabidopsis thaliana, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle possible des cytokinines, une autre hormone végétale. Nous avons développé des nouvelles méthodes statistiques pour analyser la structure de la phyllotaxie. Cette approche nous a permis d'identifier des anomalies de phyllotaxie chez des plantes mutantes pour le gène AHP6 (ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE PHOSPHOTRANSFER protein 6), un inhibiteur de la signalisation des cytokinines. Notre analyse suggérait des possibles perturbations du plastochrone, la période de temps séparant l'initiation de deux organes, ce que nous avons alors confirmé par imagerie confocale en temps réel. Nos données montrent que AHP6 contrôle la régularité du plastochrone, et suggèrent que les perturbations de phyllotaxies sont dues à l'initiation simultanée de deux à trois organes dans le méristème. De plus, AHP6 est exprimé dans les organes et sa protéine établit des champs qui inhibent la signalisation des cytokinines au delà des organes. Pour mieux comprendre les rôles possibles de ces champs, nous avons généré un modèle numérique théorique de la phyllotaxie. Notre étude suggère que le plastochrone pourrait être déstabilisé par du bruit affectant le seuil d'activation nécessaire aux cellules méristématiques pour se différencier en organe. Des champs inhibiteurs pourraient filtrer les effets de ce bruit en influant sur la cinétique d'émergence des organes. Les propriétés observées des champs de AHP6 sont en accord avec ce modèle et nos données expérimentales suggèrent en effet que AHP6 et les cytokinines peuvent moduler la signalisation auxine lors de l'émergence des organes. Nous proposons comme modèle que le transport et la signalisation de l'auxine positionnent de manière robuste les organes mais génèrent un plastochrone irrégulier en présence de bruit. Des champs inhibiteurs de cytokinines stabiliseraient le plastochrone, assurant un couplage plus robuste entre le temps et l'espace lors de l'établissement de la phyllotaxie. / During development, plant aerial organs are produced along the stems following stereotyped patterns. This so-called phyllotaxis is initiated at the shoot meristem, which contains the stem cell niche: organs are produced iteratively and their precise position is thought to depend on dynamic interactions with preexisting organs. These interactions would notably result from inhibitory fields generated by the polar transport of the plant hormone auxin. To investigate whether other factors than auxin regulate phyllotaxis, we studied the potential role of cytokinin signaling. We developed a new pipeline of methods based on statistics to analyze phyllotactic patterns. This approach allowed us to identify phyllotactic perturbations in mutants of the AHP6 (ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE PHOSPHOTRANSFER protein 6), an inhibitor of cytokinin signaling that suggested perturbations in the plastochron, the time between two organ initiations. This was further confirmed using confocal live-imaging. We demonstrated that AHP6 controls the regularity of the plastochron, and our results suggest that the defective phyllotaxis in ahp6 is caused by concomitant initiations of two or three organs in the meristem. Interestingly, AHP6 is expressed in organs and the protein can move beyond these domains, generating cytokinin signaling inhibitory fields. To explore further the putative role of these secondary fields, we generated a mathematical model of phyllotaxis. This suggested that plastochron instabilities could be caused by noise affecting the threshold at which meristematic cells are recruited into organs. Inhibitory fields generated by AHP6 could filter out the effect of noise by modifying the kinetics of early organ emergence. Consistently, the properties of AHP6 fields fit the model predictions and our experimental data show that AHP6 and cytokinin modulate auxin signaling during organ emergence. We thus propose a model in which auxin transport and signaling robustly control organ positioning but generates plastochron instablities in noisy backgrounds. In this scenario cytokinin inhibitory fields would stabilize the rhythmicity of organ initiation, ensuring a robust coupling of space and time during pattern formation.


Katherine Rivera-Zuluaga (17552421) 06 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Bacterial Wilt, caused by <i>Ralstonia solanacearum</i>, is among the most devastating plant diseases in the world. This pathogen causes significant loss in crops such as tobacco, potato, and tomato. <i>R. solanacearum</i> root infection and xylem colonization determine disease outcome. To date, little is known about the defense mechanism mediated by roots to prevent <i>R. solanacearum</i> vascular colonization during the initial infection stages. Plant early responses are important since they may impact disease outcomes<i>.</i><i> </i>Here, we report the formation of root hairs and primary root growth inhibition in tomato seedlings as <i>Ralstonia</i>-induced phenotypes that depend on tomato genotype and <i>Ralstonia</i> species. The <i>Ralstonia</i>-induced root phenotypes are independent of a functional type III secretion system and exopolysaccharide production (EPS). We also found that <i>R. solanacearum</i><i> </i>K60 infection increased auxin levels throughout the root meristem in wilt-susceptible tomato roots. Our data suggest proper auxin signaling and transport are important for susceptibility to <i>R. solanacearum</i> K60. Blocking auxin transport pharmacologically or genetically led to fewer wilting symptoms, suggesting that auxin is important during early infection stages and disease outcomes in tomato. We previously found that a tomato mutant defective in auxin transport and signaling, known as <i>diageotropica</i> (<i>dgt</i>), has enhanced resistance to <i>R. solanacearum</i> K60. We characterized the resistant response in the <i>dgt</i> mutant, and we found that the resistant response in the <i>dgt</i> mutant may be due to increased lignin content preventing pathogen vasculature colonization. <i>DGT</i> encodes a cyclophilin protein that regulates auxin transport and signaling. Mutations in the cyclophilin DGT promote resistance to <i>R. solanacearum</i> K60. DGT has been reported to regulate auxin transport and signaling. However, the molecular mechanism regarding how DGT mediates these processes is still unknown. We used Yeast Two-Hybrid to identify candidate protein interactors, and we found that SlbZIP1/SlbZIP29, Sl14-3-3, and SlMYB110 may interact with DGT to regulate both development and defense responses. Understanding the role of DGT, auxin, and lignin in defense responses to <i>R. solanacearum</i> K60 in tomato is necessary for Solanaceae crop improvement.</p>

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