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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The advance of biotechnology in forestry has favored techniques of in vitro propagation of species that present difficulties in reproduction by sexual seeds. Luehea divaricata Mart. & Zucc, a member of the Malvaceae family, is a species that has suffered in recent decades, a
large reduction in the areas occupied by natural populations, because of its use in the manufacture of furniture. Additionally, it presents slow and irregular germination and seed viability is very uneven, characteristics that contribute to a reduced ability to recover natural populations. Considering the potential for the application of techniques of tissue culture in the
mass propagation of this species, this study aimed to: develop a methodology to promote an efficient surface disinfestation of seed germination in order to in vitro evaluate the ability of two types of explants of seminal in performing the in vitro establishment; evaluate the nodal segments isolated from of plants grown in vitro germination depending on the addition of BAP and NAA in different concentrations, in the WPM nutrient medium, and, finally, analyze the calli seetings responses of leave fragments to different concentrations of BAP and NAA
in WPM. The project was developed at the Laboratory of Tissue Culture at the Center for Biotechnology and Breeding of the Federal University of Santa Maria. The seeds used were collected by Fepagro/Forests and the plants obtained were used as source of explants for
the experiments in tissue culture. We tested the effect of different concentrations and immersion times of seeds in mercuric chloride, and also the influence of fungicides
Dicarboximida and Benzimidazole in the surface disinfestations. To in vitro establish were evaluated apical and nodal segments isolated from plants after 60 days in vitro culture. The surface disinfestation of L. divaricata seeds with mercuric chloride was efficient, promoting a satisfactory germination and lack of phytotoxicity. Moreover, the use of fungicides, after
disinfestation procedure with mercuric chloride, showed toxic effect on plants, failed to control contamination by microorganisms. The L. divaricata in vitro establishment was successful from both the apical and nodal segments, especially those that result in higher leaf development.
Concentrations of BAP and NAA tested dont not result in a hormonal balance appropriate to promote optimal responses in vitro multiplication of L. divaricata from the culture of nodes segments and the presence of BAP influence significantly the calli induction, unlike NAA which dont not affect the calli formation on leaf fragments. Further
studies should be performed to optimize the in vitro surface desinfestation, multiplication and callus induction capable of producing a larger number of aseptic cultures to continue to other steps in tissue culture. Finally, studies that aim to contribute to the L. divaricata micropropagation should continue, since the species presents barriers to the spread by seeds that can be overcome by tissue culture. / O avanço da biotecnologia na área florestal tem favorecido as técnicas de propagação in vitro de espécies que apresentam dificuldades na reprodução via sementes. Luehea divaricata Mart. & Zucc (açoita-cavalo), integrante da família Malvaceae, é uma espécie florestal que sofreu, nas últimas décadas, grande redução das áreas ocupadas por populações naturais, em função do interesse de seu uso na fabricação de móveis vergados. Adicionalmente, apresenta germinação lenta e irregular e a viabilidade das sementes é muito desuniforme, características que contribuem para uma reduzida capacidade de recuperação natural das populações. Considerando-se a potencialidade da aplicação de técnicas de cultura de tecidos na propagação massal dessa espécie, o presente trabalho
teve como objetivos: desenvolver uma metodologia que promova uma eficiente desinfestação superficial de sementes, visando à germinação in vitro; avaliar a capacidade
de dois tipos de explantes de origem seminal em realizar o estabelecimento in vitro; avaliar a regeneração de segmentos uninodais isolados de plantas oriundas da germinação in vitro
em função da adição da citocinina BAP e da auxina ANA, em diferentes concentrações, ao meio nutritivo WPM; e, por fim, analisar as respostas calogênicas de fragmentos foliares,
face às diferentes concentrações de BAP e ANA em meio nutritivo WPM. Os trabalhos foram desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Cultura de Tecidos, do Núcleo de Biotecnologia e Melhoramento do da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Foram utilizadas sementes coletadas pela Fepagro/Florestas e, as plantas obtidas, foram utilizadas como fonte de
explantes para os experimentos de cultura de tecidos. Foram testados o efeito de diferentes concentrações e de tempos de imersão das sementes em bicloreto de mercúrio, e, também,
a influência de fungicidas Dicarboximida e Benzimidazol na desinfestação superficial. Para o estabelecimento in vitro, foram avaliados segmentos nodais e apicais caulinares isolados de plantas, após 60 dias de cultivo in vitro. A desinfestação superficial das sementes de açoitacavalo
com bicloreto de mercúrio foi eficiente, promovendo uma germinação satisfatória e ausência de fitotoxicidade. Por outro lado, o uso de fungicidas, após procedimento de
desinfestação com bicloreto de mercúrio, além de apresentar efeito tóxico para as plantas, não controlaram a contaminação por microrganismos. O estabelecimento in vitro de açoitacavalo foi efetuado com sucesso, tanto a partir de segmentos apicais, como segmentos nodais, com destaque para estes pelo maior desenvolvimento foliar. As concentrações de BAP e ANA testadas, não resultam em um balanço hormonal adequado à promoção de respostas otimizadas na multiplicação in vitro de açoita-cavalo, a partir do cultivo de segmentos nodais; a presença de BAP influencia, significativamente, a calogênese, ao contrário de ANA, que não afeta a formação de calos em fragmentos foliares de açoitacavalo. Estudos adicionais devem ser realizados no sentido de otimizar a desinfestação
superficial, a multiplicação e a calogênese in vitro, permitindo a obtenção de um número maior de culturas assépticas para dar continuidade a outras etapas da cultura de tecidos.
Finalmente, os estudos que visam contribuir para a micropropagação em açoita-cavalo devem prosseguir, já que a espécie apresenta entraves para a propagação por sementes
que podem ser superados pela cultura de tecidos.
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Functions For OsMADS2 And OsMADS1 As Master Regulators Of Gene Expression During Rice Floret Meristem Specification And Organ DevelopmentYadav, Shri Ram 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Plant reproductive development begins when vegetative shoot apical meristems change their fate to inflorescence meristems which develop floral meristems on the flanks. This process of meristem fate change and organ development involves regulated activation and/or repression of many cell fate determining factors that execute down-stream gene expression cascades. Flowers are formed when floral organs are specified on the floral meristem in four concentric whorls. In the model dicot plant Arabidopsis, the identity and pattern of floral organs is determined by combined actions of MADS-domain containing transcription factors of the classes A, B, C, D and E. Rice florets are produced on a compact higher order branch of the inflorescence and have morphologically distinct non-reproductive organs that are positioned peripheral to the male and female reproductive organs. These unique outer organs are the lemma and palea that create a closed floret internal to which are a pair of lodicules that are asymmetrically positioned fleshy and reduced petal-like organs. The unique morphology of these rice floret organs pose intriguing questions on how evolutionary conserved floral meristem specifying and organ fate determining factors bring about their distinct developmental functions in rice. We have studied the functions for two rice MADS-box proteins, OsMADS2 and OsMADS1, to understand their role as master regulators of gene expression during rice floret meristem specification and organ development.
OsMADS2; a transcriptional regulator of genes expression required for lodicule development
Arabidopsis B-function genes AP3 and PI are stably expressed in the whorl 2 and 3 organ primordia and they together with other MADS-factors (Class A+E or C+E) regulate the differentiation of petals and stamens (Jack et al, 1992; Goto and Meyerowitz, 1994). Rice has a single AP3 ortholog, SPW1 (OsMADS16) but has duplicated PI-like genes, OsMADS2 and OsMADS4. Prior studies in our lab on one of these rice PI-like genes OsMADS2 showed that it is needed for lodicule development but is dispensable for stamen specification (Kang et al., 1998; Prasad and Vijayraghavan, 2003). Functional divergence between OsMADS2 and OsMADS4 may arise from protein divergence or from differences in their expression patterns within lodicule and stamen whorls. In this study, we have examined the dynamic expression pattern of both rice PI-like genes and have examined the likelihood of their functional redundancy for lodicule development. We show OsMADS2 transcripts occur at high levels in developing lodicules and transcripts are at reduced levels in stamens. In fully differentiated lodicules, OsMADS2 transcripts are more abundant in the distal and peripheral regions of lodicules, which are the tissues that are severely affected in OsMADS2 knock-down florets (Prasad and Vijayraghavan, 2003). The onset of OsMADS4 expression is in very young floret meristems before organ primordia emergence and this is expressed before OsMADS2. In florets undergoing organogenesis, high level OsMADS4 expression occurs in stamens and carpels and transcripts are at low level in lodicules (Yadav, Prasad and Vijayraghvan, 2007). Thus, we show that these paralogous genes differ in the onset of their activation and their stable transcript distribution within lodicules and stamens that are the conserved expression domains for PI-like genes. Since the expression of OsMADS4 in OsMADS2 knock-down florets is normal, our results show OsMADS2 has unique functions in lodicule development. Thus our data show subfunctionalization of these paralogous rice PI-like genes. To identify target genes regulated by OsMADS2 that could contribute to lodicule differentiation, we have adopted whole genome transcript analysis of wild-type and dsRNAiOsMADS2 panicles with developing florets. This analysis has identified potential down-stream targets of OsMADS2 many of which encode transcription factors, components of cell division cycle and signalling factors whose activities likely control lodicule differentiation. The expression levels of few candidate targets of OsMADS2 were examined in various floret organs. Further, the spatial expression pattern for four of these down-stream targets of OsMADS2 was analysed and we find overlap with OsMADS2 expression domains (Yadav, Prasad and Vijayraghvan, 2007). The predicted functions of these OsMADS2 target genes can explain the regulation of growth and unique vascular differentiation of this short fleshy modified petal analog.
OsMADS1, a rice E-class gene, is a master regulator of other transcription factors and auxin and cytokinin signalling pathways
In Arabidopsis four redundant SEPALLATA factors (E-class) are co-activators of other floral organ fate determining MADS-domain factors (classes ABCD) and thus contribute to floral meristem and floral organ development (Krizek and Fletcher, 2005). Among the grass-specific sub-clade of SEP-like genes, rice OsMADS1 is the best characterized. Prior studies in our lab showed that OsMADS1 is expressed early throughout the floret meristem before organ primordia emergence and later is restricted to the developing lemma and palea primordia with weak expression in carpel (Prasad et al, 2001). Stable expression continues in these floret organs. OsMADS1 plays critical non-redundant functions to specify a determinate floret meristem and also regulates floret organ identities (Jeon et al., 2000; Prasad et al, 2001; 2005; Agarwal et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2006). In the present study, we have adopted two different functional genomic approaches to identify genes down-stream of OsMADS1 in order to understand its mechanism of action during floret development. We have studied global transcript profiles in WT and dsRNAiOsMADS1 panicles and find OsMADS1 is a master regulator of a significant fraction of the genome’s transcription factors and also a number of genes involved in hormone-dependent cell signalling. We have validated few representative genes for transcription factors as targets regulated by OsMADS1. In a complementary approach, we have determined the consequences of induced-ectopic over-expression of a OsMADS1:ΔGR fusion protein in shoot apical meristems of transgenic plants. Transcript levels for candidate target genes were assessed in induced tissues and compared to mock-treated meristems and also with meristems induced for OsMADS1:ΔGR but blocked for new protein synthesis. These analyses show that OsMADS55 expression is directly regulated by OsMADS1. Importantly, OsMADS55 is related to SVP that plays an important role in floral transition and floral meristem identity in Arabidopsis. OsHB3 and OsHB4, homeodomain transcription factors, with a probable role in meristem function, are also directly regulated by OsMADS1. The regulation of such genes by OsMADS1 can explain its role in floret meristem specification. In addition to regulating other transcription factors, OsMADS1 knock-down affects expression of genes encoding proteins in various steps of auxin and cytokinin signalling pathways. Our differential expression profiling showed OsMADS1 positively regulates the auxin signalling pathway and negatively regulates cytokinin mediated signalling events. Through our induced ectopic expression studies of OsMADS1:ΔGR, we show OsMADS1 directly regulates the expression of OsETTIN2, an auxin response transcription factor, during floret development. Overall, we demonstrate that OsMADS1 modulates hormonal pathways to execute its functions during floret development on the spikelet meristems.
Functional studies of OsMGH3; an auxin-responsive indirect target of OsMADS1
To better understand the contribution of auxin signalling during floret development, we have functionally characterized OsMGH3, a down-stream indirect target of OsMADS1, which is a member of the auxin-responsive GH3 family. The members of this family are direct targets of auxin response factors (ARF) class of transcription factors. GH3-proteins inactivate cellular auxin by conjugating them with amino acids and thus regulate auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis (Staswick et al., 2005). OsMGH3 expression in rice florets overlaps with that of OsMADS1 (Prasad et al, 2005). In this study, we have demonstrated the consequences of OsMGH3 over-expression and knock-down. The over-expression of OsMGH3 during vegetative development causes auxin-deficient phenotypes such as dwarfism and loss of apical dominance. Its over-expression in developing panicles that was obtained by driving its expression from tissue-specific promoters created short panicles with reduced branching. The latter is a phenotype similar to that observed upon over-expression of OsMADS1. In contrast, the down-regulation of endogenous OsMGH3 through RNA-interference produced auxin over-production phenotypes such as ectopic rooting from aerial nodes. Knock-down of OsMGH3 expression in florets affected carpel development and pollen viability both of which affect floret fertility. Taken together, this study provides evidence for the importance of auxin homeostasis and its transcriptional regulation during rice panicle branching and floret organ development. Our analysis of various conserved transcription factors during rice floret development suggest that factors like OsMADS2, OsMADS4 and OsMADS1 are master regulators of gene expression during floret meristem specification and organ development. The target genes regulated by these factors contribute to development of morphologically distinct rice florets.
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Characterization of auxin-ethylene interactions during the tomato fruit development : role of Sl-IAA17 gene / Caractérisation des interactions auxine-éthylène pendant le développement du fruit de tomate : rôle du gène Sl-IAA17Su, Liyan 10 October 2014 (has links)
Les interactions entre l’auxine et l’éthylène sont complexes et contrôlent divers processus de développement des plantes tels que l’élongation racinaire ou la différentiation des racines secondaires. Mais, il existe peu d’études montrant le rôle des interactions entre ces deux hormones au cours du développement et de la maturation des fruits. Le changement de couleur des fruits chez la tomate est une caractéristique de la maturation qui est associée à la fois à la dégradation des chlorophylles et à l’accumulation des caroténoïdes. Dans ce travail, l’application exogène d’auxine et d’éthylène a montré l’impact de ces deux hormones sur la maturation de la tomate et en particulier sur le changement de couleur des fruits. Nous avons montré que l’acide indol-acétique (IAA) retarde la transition du vert à l’orange/rouge, alors que l’éthylène, apporté sous la forme d’acide 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylique (ACC), son précurseur, accélère la coloration des fruits. Par contre, l’inhibition de l’auxine par le PCIB, un antagoniste de l’auxine, provoque les mêmes effets que l’éthylène. L’analyse des caroténoïdes montre que l’ACC comme le PCIB augmente la teneur en lycopène et diminue la teneur en carotène alors que l’IAA provoque l’effet inverse. L’étude de l’accumulation des ARNs messagers de plusieurs gènes clés de la voie de biosynthèse des caroténoïdes a montré que le gène β-lcy codant pour la lycopène cyclase joue un rôle clé dans le contrôle de la biosynthèse et de l’accumulation des pigments et que son expression est fortement dépendante de l’équilibre auxine-éthylène. D’autre part, nos résultats ont montré que le gène rin joue un rôle important dans le contrôle de l’expression des gènes clés de la voie de biosynthèse des caroténoïdes. Pour avoir une meilleure vision des gènes différentiellement exprimés par l’auxine et l’éthylène au cours de la maturation, l’analyse du transcriptome des fruits traités par de l’ACC et de l’IAA a été réalisée par RNA-Seq au laboratoire. Parmi les facteurs de transcriptions étudiés, le gène Sl-IAA17, un membre de la famille des AUX/IAA, est fortement affecté par l’auxine et l’éthylène. La caractérisation fonctionnelle du gène Sl-IAA17 pendant le développement du fruit a été réalisée en créant des lignées transgéniques sous exprimant ce gène en mettant en œuvre la stratégie des ARNs interférents. Ces lignées présentent un phénotype caractéristique produisant des fruits de plus gros calibre que celui des fruits sauvages. Les analyses histologiques des tissus des fruits ont montré que ce phénotype est associé à un péricarpe plus épais. En microscopie, nous avons constaté que l’augmentation de l’épaisseur du péricarpe dans les lignées transgéniques n’était pas due à un plus grand nombre de cellules mais à l’augmentation de la taille des cellules. Enfin, nous avons observé que l’expansion des cellules dans les fruits transgéniques est étroitement couplée avec des niveaux de ploïdie plus élevés que dans les fruits sauvages, ce qui suggère une stimulation du processus endoréduplication. Ces résultats démontrent très clairement l’existence d’une étroite relation entre la signalisation de l’auxine, le contrôle de la taille du volume cellulaire et le processus d’endoréduplication. En conclusion, les résultats présentés fournissent des connaissances nouvelles sur les interactions entre l’auxine et l’éthylène au cours du développement du fruit et en particulier au cours de la transition fruit immature - fruit mature. De plus, ils apportent des éléments nouveaux sur la connaissance du rôle de la voie de signalisation de l’auxine dans le contrôle du développement des fruits charnus et en particulier sur la fonction de certains membres des AUX/IAA sur la détermination du volume et du poids des fruits. / The interaction between auxin and ethylene are complex and control various processes of plant development, such as root elongation or differentiation of secondary roots. But there are few studies showing the role of interactions between these two hormones during development and maturation of the fruit. The color change in the tomato fruit is a feature of the maturation that is associated with the degradation of the chlorophyll and carotenoid accumulation. In this work, the application of exogenous auxin and ethylene showed the impact of these two hormones in the tomato ripening and in particular the change of fruit color. We have shown that indole-acetic acid (IAA) delays the transition from green to orange / red, while ethylene, supplied as 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid form (ACC), its precursor, accelerated this transition. However the auxin inhibition by p-chlorophenoxy isobutyic acid (PCIB), an auxin antagonist, caused the same effects similar to ethylene. The carotenoid analysis showed that the ACC and PCIB increase the lycopene content and reduced the carotene content while IAA causes the opposite effect. The study of the accumulation of mRNAs for several key genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway has shown that the gene β-lcy encoding lycopene cyclase plays a key role in the control of biosynthesis and accumulation of pigments and that its expression is highly dependent on the auxin-ethylene balance. In addition, our results showed that the rin gene plays an important role in controlling the expression of the key carotenoid biosynthetic pathway genes. To get a better view of differentially expressed genes by auxin and ethylene during ripening, transcriptome analysis of fruits treated with ACC and IAA was performed by a preliminary RNA-Seq approach. Among the transcription factors studied in the laboratory, the gene Sl-IAA17, a member of the family of Aux/IAA was affected by auxin and ethylene. Functional characterization of Sl-IAA17 gene during fruit development was performed by creating transgenic lines under-expressing this gene by RNAi. These lines display a phenotype producing bigger fruit than wild type. Histological analysis of the tissues showed that fruit phenotype is associated with a thicker pericarp. By microscopy, we observed that increasing the thickness of the pericarp in the transgenic lines was not due to a greater number of cells but to the increase in cell size. Finally, we observed that cell expansion in transgenic fruit is tightly coupled with higher ploidy levels than wild fruits, suggesting a stimulation of the endoreduplication process. These results clearly demonstrate the existence of a close relationship between the auxin signal, the control cell size, fruit volume and the endoreduplication process. In conclusion, the results provide new insights into the interactions between auxin and ethylene during fruit development and in particular during the transition immature fruit, mature fruit. In addition, they provide new information on the understanding of the role of the signaling pathway of auxin in controlling the development of fleshy fruits and in particular on the basis of certain members of the AUX/IAA on regulating volume and fruit weight.
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Regulação hormonal da biossíntese de antocianinas em framboesas (Rubus idaeus) no período pós-colheita / Hormonal regulation on anthocyanin biossynthesis in raspberry (Rubus idaeus) on postharvest.Laís Moro 29 August 2013 (has links)
Nos frutos, a cor é fundamental para a aceitabilidade inicial do consumidor, especialmente para os chamados \"pequenos frutos\" como morangos e framboesas, sendo um critério tradicional para a apreciação e seleção do estado de maturação. Em framboesas (Rubus idaeus), as pesquisas têm focado a síntese de antocianinas, os pigmentos mais abundantes nesta espécie. Seus precursores provem da via de biossíntese dos fenilpropanóides, porém os fatores que regulam a atividade dessa via metabólica ainda são pouco conhecidos. Sabe-se que alguns hormônios como o etileno, o ácido indol-3-acético (AIA), o ácido abscísico (ABA) e o metil-jasmonato (MJ) estão relacionados à inibição da síntese ou aumento no acúmulo destes flavonóides. Neste contexto, o objetivo do trabalho é avaliar o efeito destes fatores hormonais sobre a biossíntese de antocianinas em framboesas da cultivar (cv.) Autumn Bliss. Foram avaliados os efeitos dos hormônios sobre as características físico-químicas e fisiológicas dos frutos (açúcares solúveis, ácidos orgânicos, respiração, síntese de etileno, cor), conteúdo de compostos fenólicos e flavonóides. Também foram quantificados os níveis de AIA livre, ABA e MJ e a expressão relativa das enzimas antocianidina sintase (ANS), dihidroflavonol redutase (DFR) e do fator de transcrição MYB10, regulador da transcrição de genes da via de biossíntese de antocianinas em framboesas. As alterações mais significativas foram observadas no tratamento com MJ, para o qual os frutos apresentaram acentuada produção de etileno (sem efeito sobre a respiração) e também na cor, mais acentuada nos frutos maduros deste grupo em comparação com os frutos do grupo controle. O MJ também induziu aumento nos níveis de expressão relativa de MYB, ANS e DFR, nos dois primeiros dias pós-colheita. Outro grupo que se destacou foi o tratado com AIA por apresentar inibição na síntese de antocianinas e compostos fenólicos, a qual foi correlacionada à inibição da transcrição do MYB e ANS. O ABA por sua vez, inibiu o acúmulo de transcritos da DFR, de forma correlata ao menor acúmulo de antocianinas. Exceto pelo ACC, que não produziu efeitos significativos em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados, os resultados indicam que o metabolismo de antocianinas deve ser regulado por múltiplos sinais hormonais. / The color is fundamental for the fruits, for the initial acceptability of the consumers, is a factor that influence the appreciation and selection of the maturity stage, especially for berries, like strawberries and raspberries. In raspberries (Rubus idaeus), the research have focused on the anthocyanin biosynthesis, the pigments most frequent on this species. Their precursors came from the phenylpropanoid pathway but the factors that regulate this metabolic pathway remain unclear. There are evidences that some phytohormones as ethylene, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) abscisic acid (ABA) and methyl jasmonate (MJ) are related to the inhibition or increase of these flavonoids on fruits. In this context, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of these phytohormones on the anthocyanin pathway in raspberries Autumn Bliss. It was evaluated the effects of these phytohormones in some physico-chemical and physiologic characteristics of these fruits (soluble sugars, organic acids, respiration, ethylene biosynthesis, color), phenolic compounds and flavonoid content. Also, it was quantified the auxin, ABA and MJ levels, and the relative transcript levels of anthocyanidin synthase (ANS), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) and the transcriptional factor MYB10, a transcriptional regulator of the anthocyanin pathway in raspberries. The most significant alterations were observed on MJ treatment, in which the ethylene production in berries reach the highest levels (without effect on the respiration) and the most intense red color on ripe fruits in comparison with the control group. MJ also induced the increase on relative expression of MYB, ANS and DFR two days after harvest prior to the anthocyanin accumulation. Other noticeable effect was detected in the IAA group in which anthocyanin synthesis and phenolic compound content were inhibited and related to the inhibition of MYB and ANS transcription. ABA inhibited the DFR transcript accumulation, related to the delay in anthocyanins synthesis in relation to control group. Except by ACC, that did not have significant effects in any of the evaluated parameters, the results suggest that the anthocyanin metabolism might be regulate for multiple hormonal signs.
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Caracterização funcional do gene maBMY que codifica para uma beta-amilase endereçada aos plastídeos e expressa durante o amadurecimento da banana / O amadurecimento dos frutos é um processo caracterizado pela ocorrência de diversas alterações bioquímicas que ocorrem em um curto intervalo de tempo e que são importantes para a qualidade desses alimentos. Na banana uma das características mais importantes é o adoçamento do fruto, que ocorre como resultado da degradação do amido e acúmulo de sacarose. Resultados do nosso grupo apontam a β-amilase como uma enzima importante no processo de mobilização do amido, o que também é visto em estudos recentes utilizando Arabidopsis thaliana como modelo, os quais mostram que a principal via de degradação do amido transitório presente nas folhas ocorre pela ação da β-amilase. Entretanto, em bananas, faltam evidências quanto à funcionalidade de um gene de β-amilase, parcialmente isolado da polpa do fruto, e que é expresso durante o amadurecimento e que parece ser modulado por hormônios vegetais. Em vista disso, esse trabalho objetivou realizar a caracterização funcional desse gene, a qual permitiu constatar que esse gene codifica, de fato, para uma proteína capaz de ser endereçada aos cloroplastos. Também foi observado que o promotor desse gene contém motivos regulatórios para os mesmos hormônios previamente relacionados com a modulação da expressão desse gene em bananas. Essas novas evidências reforçam a idéia de que o produto desse gene de β-amilase tem um importante papel no processo de degradação do amido durante o amadurecimento da banana.Renato Astorino Filho 22 August 2008 (has links)
O amadurecimento dos frutos é um processo caracterizado pela ocorrência de diversas alterações bioquímicas que ocorrem em um curto intervalo de tempo e que são importantes para a qualidade desses alimentos. Na banana uma das características mais importantes é o adoçamento do fruto, que ocorre como resultado da degradação do amido e acúmulo de sacarose. Resultados do nosso grupo apontam a β-amilase como uma enzima importante no processo de mobilização do amido, o que também é visto em estudos recentes utilizando Arabidopsis thaliana como modelo, os quais mostram que a principal via de degradação do amido transitório presente nas folhas ocorre pela ação da β-amilase. Entretanto, em bananas, faltam evidências quanto à funcionalidade de um gene de β-amilase, parcialmente isolado da polpa do fruto, e que é expresso durante o amadurecimento e que parece ser modulado por hormônios vegetais. Em vista disso, esse trabalho objetivou realizar a caracterização funcional desse gene, a qual permitiu constatar que esse gene codifica, de fato, para uma proteína capaz de ser endereçada aos cloroplastos. Também foi observado que o promotor desse gene contém motivos regulatórios para os mesmos hormônios previamente relacionados com a modulação da expressão desse gene em bananas. Essas novas evidências reforçam a idéia de que o produto desse gene de β-amilase tem um importante papel no processo de degradação do amido durante o amadurecimento da banana. / Fruit ripening is characterized by several biochemical changes that occur in a short time. These changes account for the color, taste and texture of the edible fruits, which are important postharvest characteristics for the fruit commercialization. In bananas, one of the most important features is the fruit sweetness which is the result of the starch degradation and sucrose accumulation. Results of our research group point β-amylase as an important enzyme in starch degradation process in bananas which is in agreement to recent studies using Arabidopsis thaliana as plant model. These studies show that the main degradation pathway of the transitory starch present in leaves on Arabidopsis plants occurs due β-amylase action. However, in bananas there are no evidences about the functionality of the expression product of a β-amylase gene, which was demonstrated to be modulated by plant hormones and expressed during ripening. In view of this, the aim of this work was to proceed the functional characterization of this gene which was showed to encode for an protein targeted to chloroplasts. It was also observed that its promoter region contains regulatory motifs related to the same plant hormones previously reported to modulate β-amylase expression. These new evidences support the idea that expression of β-amylase gene has an important role in starch degradation during banana ripening.
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Vizualizace pH apoplastu v kořenech rostlin / Visualization of root apoplastic pH in plantsWernerová, Daša January 2020 (has links)
Plant oriented movements, or tropisms allow the plant to actively respond to environmental stimuli to get more light, better access to nutrients and to grow roots deeper into the soil. Gravitropism drives the growth of roots along the gravity vector. Perception of gravity is triggered by the sedimentation of statoliths in columella root cap, but the exact signalling pathway behind this process is not known. Perception of gravity results in an unequal redistribution of the phytohormone auxin in the outer cell layers which leads to different rate of growth on the root's upper and lower side and bending of the root. The changes in auxin redistribution are accompanied by changes in apoplastic pH. Knowing an exact pattern of these pH changes could shed light on the mechanisms laying behind the gravitropic response pathway. While microelectrodes can be used to measure pH precisely, they are not suitable for the long-term imaging of growing roots. In the past few years, several pH sensitive dyes and genetically encoded sensors emerged. These can be used for long-term live in vivo imaging of pH changes in growing roots. In this thesis, I analysed the performance of several published pH sensitive genetically encoded sensors and available dyes in the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. I observed that dyes varied...
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No description available.
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Study of the Fruit Inhibitory Mechanism on Citrus flowering. Nutritional, Hormonal and Genetic FactorsMarzal Blay, Andrés 22 February 2025 (has links)
[ES] En los cítricos, la baja temperatura promueve la inducción floral en otoño-invierno aumentando la expresión del gen promotor CiFT3 (homólogo en los cítricos del gen FLOWERING LOCUS T). La presencia de un gran número de frutos en el árbol durante ese momento inhibe la expresión de CiFT3 y la floración, pero se desconoce la señal inhibitoria que genera el fruto. Las hipótesis mayormente aceptadas proponen que la señal puede ser hormonal o nutricional. En el primer caso, el efecto inhibidor se atribuye a las hormonas que el fruto produce y exporta durante su desarrollo. En el segundo caso, el efecto inhibidor se atribuye a la alta demanda y consumo de carbohidratos por los frutos en desarrollo. Ambas hipótesis son complementarias y no excluyentes entre sí. Además, se ha demostrado que el fruto promueve la activación epigenética del represor de la floración CcMADS19 (homólogo en los cítricos del gen FLOWERING LOCUS C), que inhibe la expresión del gen CiFT3. Con el objetivo de determinar qué señal produce el fruto para inhibir la floración, en esta Tesis se propone la siguiente hipótesis: El fruto inhibe la floración a través de la síntesis y exportación de auxinas que activa la síntesis de giberelinas y, a su vez, la expresión de CcMADS19.
Mediante experimentos con tratamientos exógenos de auxinas, giberelinas, y sus antagonistas, aclareo de frutos, y la interrupción del transporte por el floema entre el fruto y las yemas, los resultados indican que ni las giberelinas ni las auxinas se relacionan de forma consistente con la activación de la expresión de CcMADS19 en las hojas. En las yemas, las giberelinas se relacionan con la activación del gen inhibidor CENTRORRADIALIS (CEN), cuando hay fruto por aumento de la síntesis de GA4, y cuando no hay fruto por su aplicación exógena. La presencia del fruto aumenta la concentración de auxinas en el tallo y la yema en el momento de la inducción, y reprime su síntesis y trasporte. Pero esto no impide que, en la yema, el gen CcMADS19 esté epigenéticamente silenciado y que el silenciamiento se transmita a los nuevos brotes vegetativos. Estos brotes florecen en el siguiente ciclo, y, en sus yemas, la diferenciación floral se relaciona con un aumento de la síntesis y trasporte de auxinas y una reducción de la síntesis de giberelinas. / [CA] Als cítrics, les baixes temperatures promouen la inducció floral a la tardor i l'hivern augmentant l'expressió del gen promotor CiFT3 (homòleg en els cítrics del gen FLOWERING LOCUS T). La presència d'un gran nombre de fruita a l'arbre en aquest moment inhibeix l'expressió de CiFT3 i la floració, però es desconeix la senyal inhibidora que genera la fruita. Les hipòtesis majoritàriament acceptades proposen que la senyal pot ser hormonal o nutricional. En el primer cas, l'efecte inhibidor s'atribueix a les hormones que la fruita produeix i exporta durant el seu desenvolupament. En el segon cas, l'efecte inhibidor s'atribueix a la alta demanda i consum de carbohidrats per part de la fruita en desenvolupament. Ambdues hipòtesis són complementàries i no es descarten mútuament. A més, s'ha demostrat que la fruita promou l'activació epigenètica del repressor de la floració CcMADS19 (homòleg en els cítrics del gen FLOWERING LOCUS C), que inhibeix l'expressió del gen CiFT3. Amb l'objectiu de determinar quina senyal produeix la fruita per inhibir la floració, en aquesta Tesi es proposa la següent hipòtesi: La fruita inhibeix la floració mitjançant la síntesi i exportació d'auxines que activa la síntesi de giberelines i, al seu torn, l'expressió de CcMADS19.
Mitjançant experiments amb tractaments exògens d'auxines, giberelines i els seus antagonistes, aclarida de fruita i la interrupció del transport pel floema entre la fruita i les brots, els resultats indiquen que ni les giberelines ni les auxines es relacionen de manera consistent amb l'activació de l'expressió de CcMADS19 a les fulles. A les gemmes, les giberelines es relacionen amb l'activació del gen inhibidor CENTRORRADIALIS (CEN) quan hi ha fruita per l'augment de la síntesi de GA4 i quan no hi ha fruita per la seua aplicació exògena. La presència de la fruita augmenta la concentració d'auxines a la tija i la gemma en el moment de la inducció i reprimeix la seua síntesi i transport. Però això no impedeix que, a la gemma, el gen CcMADS19 estigui epigenèticament silenciat i que el silenciament es transmeti als nous brots vegetatius. Aquests brots floreixen al següent cicle i, a les seues gemmes, la diferenciació floral es relaciona amb un augment de la síntesi i transport d'auxines i una reducció de la síntesi de giberelines. / [EN] In citrus, low temperature promotes flower induction in autumn-winter by increasing the expression of the CiFT3 promoter gene (citrus homologue of the FLOWERING LOCUS T gene). The presence of large numbers of fruits on the tree at this time inhibits CiFT3 expression and flowering, but the inhibitory signal produced by the fruits is unknown. The most widely accepted hypotheses are that the signal is hormonal or nutritional. In the first case, the inhibitory effect is attributed to hormones produced and exported by the fruit during development. In the second case, the inhibitory effect is attributed to the high demand and consumption of carbohydrates by the developing fruit. The two hypotheses are complementary and not mutually exclusive. In addition, it has been shown that the fruit promotes the epigenetic activation of the flowering repressor CcMADS19 (citrus homolog of the FLOWERING LOCUS C gene), which inhibits the expression of the CiFT3 gene. To determine which signal is produced by the fruit to inhibit flowering, the following hypothesis is proposed in this thesis: The fruit inhibits flowering through the synthesis and export of auxins, which activates the synthesis of gibberellins and, in turn, the expression of CcMADS19.
Experiments with exogenous treatments of auxins, gibberellins and their antagonists, fruit thinning, and disruption of phloem transport between fruit and buds indicate that neither gibberellins nor auxins are consistently associated with the activation of CcMADS19 expression in leaves. In buds, gibberellins are associated with the activation of the flowering inhibitor CENTRORADIALIS (CEN), in the presence of fruit by increasing GA4 synthesis, and in the absence of fruit by its exogenous application. The presence of fruit increases the concentration of auxin in the stem and bud at the time of induction and suppresses its synthesis and transport. However, this does not prevent the epigenetic silencing of the CcMADS19 gene in the bud, which is transmitted to the leaves of the new vegetative shoots. These shoots flower in the following cycle, where floral differentiation is associated with an increase in auxin synthesis and transport and a decrease in gibberellin synthesis in the bud. / Marzal Blay, A. (2024). Study of the Fruit Inhibitory Mechanism on Citrus flowering. Nutritional, Hormonal and Genetic Factors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203155
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Charakterisierung der konservierten Domänen des Transkriptionsfaktors N.t.BZI-1 / Characterisation of the conserved domains of transcriptionfactor N.t.BZI-1Kuhlmann, Markus 25 April 2002 (has links)
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Functional characterization of GPI-anchored proteins of the SKU5/SKS gene family / Caractérisation fonctionnelle des protéines à ancre GPI de la famille des gènes SKU5/SKSZhou, Ke 21 June 2013 (has links)
ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein 1), qui peut se lier à l'auxine, est essentielle pour le développement des plantes. Il a été prouvé qu’elle a la capacité de se lier à l’auxine et de conduire le signal auxine dans les cellules. ABP1 est supposé être localisée et avoir des fonctions à la surface extérieure de la membrane plasmique à travers une composante inconnue. Au cours ma thèse, nous avons essayé d’étudier l'interaction entre ABP1 et le candidat de la composante inconnue, CBP1 (chez le maïs), qui est une protéine à ancres GPI déjà identifiée comme ayant la capacité de liaison au peptide de synthèse C-terminale d’ABP1 en 2006. L'orthologue de CBP1 chez arabidopsis appartient à une famille de gènes contenant 19 membres, dont seulement trois d'entre eux ont été prédit comme était des protéines à ancres GPI. Nous avons fait les caractérisations fonctionnelles de ces trois membres. Les données suggèrent que les protéines SKS à ancres GPI sont impliquées dans l'orientation de la cellule, le développement des gamétophytes et de l'embryon. / ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein1), who can bind auxin, is essential for the development of plants. It was proved to have the ability to bind auxin and transduce auxin signal into the cells. It is supposed to be localized and functions at the outer surface of plasma membrane through unknown component. In my thesis, we tried to invesitgate the interaction between ABP1 and the candidate of the unknown component, CBP1 (From maize), which is GPI-acnhored and already identified as the binding ability to synthesized C-terminus peptide of ABP1 in 2006. The orthologous of CBP1 in arabidopsis belongs to a gene family with 19 members, in which only three of them were prediceted to be GPI anchored. We did the functional characterisation of these three GPI-anchored members. Data suggested that GPI-anchored SKS were involved in cell orientation, gametophyte and embryo development.
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