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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Service-Dominant logic i B2B kontext : Hur skapa mervärde på en eftermarknad

Holmbom, Karoline, Strindlund, Frida January 2011 (has links)
För att på ett effektivt sätt uppnå konkurrensfördelar på dagens marknad krävs det att företag finner nya strategier för att bli konkurrenskraftiga, en strategi är att verka på en eftermarknad. Företagskunder utgör en mindre marknad och beroendet mellan parterna är större (jämfört med privatkunder) påvisar detta att relationen är en viktig del i en B2B-miljö. Service-Dominant logic (S-D logic) beskriver hur ett paradigmskifte sker där kunden betraktas som värdefullt humankapital och företag vinner konkurrensfördelar genom långsiktiga relationer, värdeskapande tillsammans med kund och utbyte av kunskap genom interaktivt processarbete. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka på vilka sätt företaget Komatsu Forest kan vinna konkurrensfördelar genom att implementera S-D logic. De strategier vi testar är front-line employee (FLE) – personal med kundkontakt, butikslandskapet, varumärket och den interna kommunikationen. Studien baseras på kvantitativa studier med en kompletterande kvalitativ studie. För att undersöka vilka strategier som kan användas inom denna bransch har vi studerat samband mellan de olika strategierna samt hur de kan användas som verktyg för att vinna konkurrensfördelar genom S-D logic.             Studien visar att de strategier vi undersökt är sammankopplade med varandra där resultatet kan delas upp i fundamentala, lönsamma och stöttande åtgärder. De fundamentala strategierna för att implementera S-D logic innebär att Komatsu Forest bör arbeta tvärfunktionellt inom organisationen och involvera kunden i värdeskapandet samt att personal lär och delar med sig av information med varandra. Vidare är det av vikt att ta tillvara på medarbetarnas spetskompetenser och därmed fokusera på specialisering av kunskap. För att vinna konkurrensfördelar på marknaden är det av yttersta vikt att värdera humankapitalet, både kunder och medarbetare.   De lönsamma strategiska åtgärderna innefattar att fokusera på mervärde för kund istället för merförsäljning där fokus är att möta kundens behov. Varumärket är en primär del i den lönsamma strategin då kundens varumärkestillhörighet förenklar kundens köpprocess vilket i sin tur leder till att kunden känner en stolthet att använda Komatsu Forest’s produkter och resulterar i återkommande köp. FLE är en primär del i den säljande åtgärden då dessa innehar kundkontakt samt att de av kunderna anses vara tydliga varumärkesbärare. Genom att FLE tillges rätt verktyg och stöd kan de involvera kunden, dokumentera och följa upp individuella kundbehov. Slutligen visar studien att butiksmiljön är en stöttande åtgärd då den inte direkt är av betydelse för kunden men påverkar personalen som vistas i miljön.

Lost in Guanxi : How a Western company should use Relationship Marketing and/or Guanxi in China

Nystrand, Hannah January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: To describe the Relationship Marketing and Guanxi practices of a western company in China, and to create an understanding regarding the interconnection of Guanxi and Relationship Marketing as the foundation of such practices. Method: The research is qualitative with an inductive relation between theory and the empirical findings. With the research design of a case study of the western business-to-business service company ChinaNetCloud. The empirical material was collected through five semi-structured interviews done in China, with influencing persons of the case study organization ChinaNetCloud. Conclusion: Guanxi should be used to facilitate things and should not be established with anyone. To establish relationships are taking more time and will require many activities to maintain them. Relationship Marketing should be used to target other targets than the bases for Guanxi. The relationship are in China based on already existing connections and it is important that the western company is aware of that the relationship are in some cases of more importance than the product or service.  Face-to-face meeting should be used in order to establish relationships in the best way. Trust and commitment are also important dimensions in the relationships. A western company should use Guanxi and Relationship Marketing since it is important for both survival and success in China.

Procurement Mechanisms in the Presence of Learing by Doing

Oh, Se-Kyoung 22 November 2005 (has links)
In markets where suppliers experience learning by doing over time or, more generally, economies of scale in production, buyers are auctioning off longer-term contracts with an eroding price policy. Under an eroding price contract, the buyer initially competitively awards production to the lowest-bid supplier via an auction. Before the auction takes place, the buyer makes it clear to the suppliers that, if chosen, a sequence of price reductions will be mandatory in subsequent periods. In this thesis, we mainly study the design of the optimal eroding price contract in a two period setting under three different model settings : (1) Every supplier faces a new cost in each period (NLI model), (2) The supplier who wins the auction in the first period locks-in his cost for the future, and the buyer makes the future payment based on the winning supplier's current bid (LI1), and (3) The supplier who wins the auction in the first period locks-in his cost for the future, and the buyer makes the future payment based on the winning supplier's actual cost (LI1). Under NLI setting, the magnitude of the cost reduction due to learning by doing is common knowledge, while the magnitude is uncertain under LI1 and LI2 settings. We also study the optimal reserve prices in sequential independent auctions under NLI setting. We go on to compare the performance of the eroding price policy against sequential independent auctions (without or with the optimal reserve prices) under the above model settings. Via analytical and numerical comparisons, we find that even in the presence of learning by doing/economies of scale in production, a buyer is often better off running sequential auctions with a reserve price, rather than limiting competition and contracting with a single supplier in the hopes of extracting a better future price.

Verslo transakcijų modeliavimas komunikacinėmis kilpomis / Business transaction modeling using communicative action loops

Legas, Žygimantas 16 January 2007 (has links)
In changing world of e-commerce and internet based communication, business transactions and data flows play a key role in successful business management. It is vital to formalize business transactions. Communicative action loop was proposed for modeling these transactions. XML is often used for data exchange. BTP is a specific extended transaction model that allows coordination of resources which are exposed by multiple autonomous organizations. This model relaxes the traditional ACID properties and forms a protocol that can run for long periods of time over the inherently unreliable environment that is the Internet. This project aims to demonstrate if the .NET technology is a sufficiently flexible model to provide an implementation of BTP and whether the functionality provided by the framework is enough to support the complex interactions specified by the protocol.

Web2.0網站的B2B價值共創模式下影響忠誠度的因素研究 / The study of the factor which impact loyalty under web2.0 b2b value co-creation mode the study of the factor which impact loyalty under web2.0 B2B value co-creation mode

林大維 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以B2B忠誠度模型探討Web2.0評價網站中同時身為價值共創夥伴與顧客的公司在選擇該平台時所在意的因素,分別探討服務品質對滿意度、關係績效對滿意度、成本績效對滿意度以及滿意度與忠誠度的關係。並以評價網站中的特殊因素-網友評價作為干擾變數,對這些價值共創夥伴持續使用該平台意願的影響。   而本研究選擇愛評網當作個案網站,針對其平台的顧客-餐廳以及該平台的使用者進行開放性的價值共創訪談,確定本研究的研究方向與架構後針對餐廳端設計問卷並且發放,總共回收90份有效問卷,以Partial Least Square(PLS)進行分析,得到以下結論: -服務品質對顧客滿意度有正向影響 -關係績效對顧客滿意度有正向影響 -成本績效對顧客滿意度有正向影響 -顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有正想影響 -網友評價對顧客忠誠度有顯著調節效果


林容駿 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於WLAN產業面臨經營的關鍵點,本研究希望以我國WLAN設備製造商之國際行銷通路策略分析作為主要的研究主題,從產業價值鏈的角度作為分析的出發點,藉由市場之需求與廠商之供給兩方面來探討WLAN相關產品未來之走向,進而推論我國廠商未來之機會與威脅,並提出在國際行銷通路策略上可能之建議。 從理論與實務的交互分析之後,本研究提出以下七點結論:1. 產業分工是必然的趨勢。2. 國際產品生命週期理論可加以調整。3. 產品策略採全球化策略,而通路結構設計與管理則採跨國本土化策略。4. 有關進入國際模式,自有品牌廠商採漸進式進入模式,而OEM/ODM廠商則依目的而定。5. 有關行銷通路規劃理論多偏向消費性產品企業或是資源較多的大型企業,而工業性產品在執行上比較偏向業務導向之運作模式。6. 自有品牌廠商中以SOHO或個人為目標市場的廠商,其通路結構以資訊產品通路為主;而以企業用戶為目標市場的廠商,其通路結構以VARs、SI為主,行銷模式則以直接銷售為最常見。7. OEM/ODM之行銷模式以直接銷售、關係行銷為最常見。 而面對產業未來的發展,本研究亦針對自有品牌與OEM/ODM業者分別提出不同的建議以因應之:對自有品牌之廠商而言,包含有:1. 零售市場仍需以各地主國現有之資訊產品零售通路為主;企業市場仍以直接銷售、VARs、SI為主要行銷通路結構。2. 進入地主國之發展時程將大幅縮短。3. 策略聯盟的方式將會更加蓬勃發展。4. 合作模式將從企業擴展至政府單位。5. 為顧客設計新的服務或管理模式將會出現。6. 與Hand Devices廠商商談合作或以購併的方式取得相關技術與產品,藉以提供完整的解決方案。7. 結合二線之消費性電子產品廠商、媒體設備廠商,並以副品牌的方式行銷此類產品。而對於OEM/ODM之廠商而言,直接銷售與關係行銷仍為此類廠商最重要的行銷方法;能與大廠合作與否將成為未來廠商興衰的關鍵因素;以及和消費性電子大廠或媒體設備大廠進行合作開發新產品必然是重要的行銷策略之一。

Digital Marketing in Start-Ups : The role of digital marketing in acquiring   and maintaining business relationships

Dimitrova, Polina, Sin, Isa January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to explore the usage of the digital marketing to acquire and maintain business relationships, or more specifically, digital marketing in B2B start-ups within the Swedish market. Digital marketing is essential for businesses nowadays and has become a significant factor for business companies for improving and implementing their marketing strategies. Furthermore, business relationships have always taken an essential role among companies especially today due to the heightened level of digitalization. This case study attempts to answer two main research questions which this paper investigates on. To provide an exhaustive answer to the research questions: “How digital marketing contributes to acquiring business customers in B2B start-up context?” and “How digital marketing contributes to maintaining business customers in B2B start-up context?”, digital marketing approaches of eight respondents, theoretical implications and additional information will be examined in the upcoming chapters. The study concludes, that it was found that digital marketing is understood as an innovative and effective method for attracting, maintaining and building business relationships. However, the lack of resources is one fundamental reason why start-ups have difficulties in acquiring and maintaining business customers in practicing through digital marketing. Additionally, it was found that digital platforms and tools such as websites, industry specific platforms, and blogs provide the highest advantage for start-ups. Moreover, social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook were in most use for presenting content that is informative, educational and honest. Digital marketing strategies in acquiring and maintaining business relationships are indicated in the analyses which give sufficient details in answering the research questions. The paper will provide suggestions for doing further research in improving the current topic in digital marketing.

Sustained monopolistic business relationships : a UK defence procurement case

Humphries, Andrew January 2003 (has links)
Business-to-business relationships within sustained monopolies, such as those within Defence Procurement, have received limited attention by Management Researchers. This is unusual because under these market circumstances typically there appear to be few incentives to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes despite their strategic policy importance. The purpose of this thesis is therefore, to determine the influential relationship factors between the UK Ministry of Defence and its Industrial partners within a predominantly monopolistic Defence Procurement business. The approach adopted for this research project is exploratory and inter-subject area. It uses quantitative and supportive qualitative data to examine the problem through an economic model using Supply Chain Management, Relationship Marketing and Transaction Cost Economics. A self-selected census of 54 business relationships is carried out from both the buyer and supplier perspectives through staff questionnaires and team leader semi-structured interviews. The findings from this research show, contrary to the expectation of the theoretical model, a positive relationship success situation with a spectrum of both positive and negative behavioural factors present. However, a significant adversarial influence is a suite of issues that are endemic to the business in question such as old products, obsolescence, staff and organisational upheavals, poor end-customer visibility and lack of investment in modern procedures and systems. Within the monopoly environment these accentuate managers’ frustrations due to lack of freedom of action. The primary contribution of this research is therefore, an increased understanding of the business-to-business relationship dynamics within long-term, closely coupled, collaborative, business-to-business arrangements as exemplified by UK Defence and the results are likely to be of interest to both academics and managers.

Högpristjänster mot lägre marknadssegment : En kvalitativ studie av SaaS-företag och dess ompositionering mot lägre marknadssegment

Stenström, Simon, Pege, Victor January 2018 (has links)
Företag använder marknadssegmentering för att dela in kunder i grupper utefter liknande karaktäristika, som exempelvis betalningsvilja. Företag kan i sinom tid möta en mättad marknad inom dess segment, och behöver då ompositionera strategier mot nya segment för fortsatt kundtillväxt. För företag som valt en positionering mot segment med hög betalningsvilja (high-end), är en möjlighet för fortsatt kundtillväxt istället ompositionering mot lägre segment (low-end). Syftet med studien var att kartlägga och identifiera hur företag besittande en högpristjänst, kan nå kunder med lägre betalningsvilja genom nedåtgående segmentering. Detta utan att skada varumärket och riskera förluster av befintliga kunder. Utifrån syftet fastslogs följande frågeställning: • Hur kan SaaS-företag som besitter en high-end tjänst, använda nedåtgående segmentering utan att skada varumärket och förlora befintliga kunder? Studiens avgränsning begränsades till SaaS-företag, en delbransch inom IT-branschen. Detta med anledning av dess unika, relativt obefintliga, marginalkostnad. Studien har genomförts genom att använda en kvalitativ forskningsmetodik, i form av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra företag ståendes inför det problem som berörs. Studien består genomgående av en struktur baserad på blocken segmentering, tillväxt, lönsamhet samt varumärke. Studiens resultat, baserad på insamlad empiri och analys, har lett till en slutsats som påvisat fyra stycken beståndsdelar. Dessa ter sig vara faktorer som en high-end tjänst bör inneha, för en lyckad strategiförändring mot lägre marknadssegment. Dessa fyra kriterier är marknadsmedvetenhet, skalbar tjänst, flerstegig prismodell samt varumärkesmedvetenhet. / Companies use market segmentation to divide customers into groups along similar characteristics, such as willingness to pay. Companies could eventually meet a saturated market within its segments, and would then need to reposition towards new segments for continued customer growth. For companies that choose to position themselves against segments with high willingness to pay (high-end), a possibility of continued customer growth is to position segments with lower willingness to pay (low- end). The purpose of this thesis was to plot and identify how companies, proprietors of a high-end solution, can use downward segmentation to reach customers with lower willingness to pay. This without damaging the brand and risking losses of existing customers. Based on the purpose of the thesis, the following research question has been established: • How can SaaS-companies that have a high-end service, use downward segmentation without damaging their brand and losing existing customers? The delimitation of the study was limited to SaaS companies, a sub-sector in the IT industry. This is due to its unique, relatively non-existent, marginal cost. The study has been conducted using a qualitative research method, in the form of five semi structured interviews with four companies facing the problem concerned. The study is continuously conducted through a structure based on segmentation, growth, profitability and brand. The results of the study, based on collected empirical data and the analysis, have led to a conclusion containing four specific components. These appear to be factors that a high-end service should hold for a successful strategy change towards lower market segments. These four criteria are market awareness, scalable service, multi-pricing model and brand awareness. This thesis is written in Swedish.

Ett nytt ansikte utåt : Ett arbete om utveckling av en B2B-sajt med en kombination av olika metoder och principer. / :

Lundstedt, Patrik, Wass, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
Företag som bedriver handel via nätet på sajter som inriktar sig mot privatpersoner satsar idag mycket på att utvecklas för att på bästa sätt stödja kunden mot sitt mål. Dock har företag som inriktar sig mot andra företag (B2B-business to business) inte hängt med i samma utsträckning. Den här rapporten syftade till att undersöka hur man kan arbeta för att ta fram ett designförslag på en B2B-sajt, närmare bestämt vilka metoder och teorier man kan dra nytta av. Metoder och teorier som har använts är effektkartläggning, Coopers målinriktade designmetod, Nielsens designprinciper för användbarhet och information foraging. Arbetet resulterade i en prototyp kring vilken en diskussion fördes följt av slutsatsen att valet av metoder och teorier tycks vara en lämplig kombination vid utveckling av B2B-sajter men att ytterligare forskning krävs för att skapa en enhetlig metod.

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