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Community resource usage by the elderly: A study of senior citizens in the Western Riverside County Brown Bag ProgramBennett, Bob, Botts, Mary, Chavez, Alberto, Woodward, Bob 01 January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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KEY BAGBarrera Reyes, Keiko Dallana, Castañeda Ocampo, Christian, Rosas Arenas, Geannel Yani, Zegarra Condorena, Natalia Andrea 06 July 2020 (has links)
Por mucho tiempo, las bolsas de plástico fueron útiles para muchos consumidores, siendo más fáciles para ellos adquirirlas de manera gratuita en los supermercados, mercados, bodegas y diversos establecimientos. Sin embargo, a partir de la promulgación de la Ley N° 30884, hizo que cada persona sea responsable de portar una bolsa para llevar sus productos o caso contrario podría comprarla en el establecimiento en que se encuentra.
Partiendo de esta premisa y analizando las necesidades generadas en el mercado, nace “KEYBAG”, un llavero-bolsa diseñado para aquellas compras que no están planificadas, dando la oportunidad de llevarla siempre con el consumidor. Este llavero armable contiene una bolsa de tela reforzada en su interior con otra tela antifluido, que ayudará a proteger los productos, mantenerlos en orden y reusarla en diversas compras.
Nuestro tentador proyecto tiene como periodo 5 años, requiere una inversión inicial de S/ 28,005.53 y con el análisis financiero se determinó que el financiamiento externo sea de S/ 11,202.21 y al periodo total del proyecto. Asimismo, el retorno de la inversión sería al primer año de iniciada las actividades comerciales.
Finalmente, guiándonos de la tendencia actual por el consumo responsable se emplearan materiales eco amigables y resistentes, lo que hace que KeyBag sea un producto que genere impacto positivo en el medio ambiente. / For many time, plastic bags had been helpful for the costumers, many of them were got for free in every supermarket and shops. However, Nowadays there is the Law N° 30884, which made every customer have a bag to carry their products, otherwise the customer could buy a bag at the supermarket or shop they are at the moment.
That is the moment when our project is born, “KEYBAG”, is a key chain bag which is designed for not planned shopping, it gives you the advantage to have a bag in your key chain, it has a thermic cloth bag which protects your products and the environment, it also allows you to organize your products, and use it to go shopping o buy you products many times.
Our tempting project has an estimated time of 5 years, requires an initial investment of S/. 28005.53 and after the financial analysis it determined that the external financing S/ 11,202.21, and to the end of the project. Also, the return of investment would be a year after the commercial activities start.
Finally, following the current trend about the responsible consumption we are using eco-friendly and resistant materials, what makes KeyBag a product that generates a positive impact for the environment. / Trabajo de investigación
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<p><a>It is essential for a mobile robot
during autonomous navigation to be able to detect revisited places or loop
closures while performing Vision Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (VSLAM).
Loop closing has been identified as one of the critical data association
problem when building maps. It is an efficient way to eliminate errors and
improve the accuracy of the robot localization and mapping. In order to solve loop
closing problem, the ORB-SLAM algorithm, a feature based simultaneous
localization and mapping system that operates in real time is used. This system
includes loop closing and relocalization and allows automatic initialization. </a></p>
<p>In order to check the
performance of the algorithm, the monocular and stereo and RGB-D cameras are
used. The aim of this thesis is to show the accuracy of relocalization and loop
closing process using ORB SLAM algorithm in a variety of environmental
settings. The performance of relocalization and loop closing in different challenging
indoor scenarios are demonstrated by conducting various experiments. Experimental
results show the applicability of the approach in real time application like
autonomous navigation.</p>
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Carteras de cuero vegetal de shiringa – Vert Clair / Vert Clair - Shiringa's leder's hand bagBazan Guzman, Rudy Alejandro, Burgos Cruzado, Aracelly Giovana, Chavez Podesta, Diane Maite, Flores Reynoso, Nataly Maria Jesus, Salleres Capellino, Mario Carlos 21 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los consumidores en el sector de manufactura en cuero para diferentes productos van revolucionando la moda, creando productos sostenibles con procesos y materiales alternativos como el cuero vegetal en reemplazo del cuero natural o bovino. Ante ello, nace la idea de presentar un modelo de negocio sobre carteras a base de cuero vegetal, el cual será obtenido por la Asociación de productores de Shiringa ubicada en Condorcanqui - Amazonas. Asimismo, se incorpora un cargador solar como valor adicional que va acorde a la iniciativa de realizar un proyecto amigable con el ambiente. Esta propuesta, lleva como nombre Vert Clair y considera como grupo objetivo a mujeres modernas y sofisticadas entre 18 y 40 años que gustan estar a la moda. Por ende, para probar la aceptación de este proyecto se ha realizado diversas investigaciones y experimentos que permitan dar validez a este modelo de negocio, para así presentar los planes de acción en las áreas pertinente, con la finalidad de obtener una aliciente rentabilidad y a la vez también, dar a conocer al mercado e industria peruana una nueva alternativa que transforme la moda. / Nowadays, consumers in the leather manufacturing sector for different products are revolutionizing fashion, creating sustainable products with alternative processes and materials such as vegetable leather to replace natural or bovine leather. Given this, the idea was born to present a business model on wallets based on vegetable leather, which will be obtained by the Association of producers of Shiringa located in Condorcanqui - Amazonas. Also, a solar panel is incorporated as additional value that goes according with the initiative to make an environmentally friendly project. This proposal is named Vert Clair and considers as a target group modern and sophisticated woman between 18 and 40 years old who like to be fashionable. Therefore, to test the acceptance of this project, various investigations and experiments have been carried out to validate this business model, to present the action plans in the relevant areas, in order to obtain an attractive profitability and at the same time also, to make known to the Peruvian market and industry a new alternative that transforms fashion. / Trabajo de investigación
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"Jag har en påse på benet" : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt om upplevelsen av att leva med en urinkateter / ”I have a bag on my leg” : A qualitative literature review about the experience of living with a urinary catheter.Didrik, Olivia, Jansson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det förekommer att personer är beroende av en kvarliggande urinkateter för att kunna miktera. Den urinuppsamlingspåsen som kopplas till urinkatetern kan se olika ut. En vanlig komplikation är kateterassocierad urinvägsinfektion vilket kan leda till döden. För att undvika komplikationer ska sjuksköterskan informera personerna om egenvård av urinkatetern. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av att leva med en kvarliggande urinrörskateter eller en suprapubiskateter i vardagen. Metod: Litteraturöversikten som genomfördes utgick från 12 artiklar med kvalitativ design där resultaten utgår från ett patientperspektiv. Data samlades in från 2 olika databaser. Fribergs analysmetod för kvalitativa artiklar användes. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre huvudteman; förändrad självbild, känslan av okunskap och känslor kopplade till komplikationer. Åtta subtema identifierades; acceptansen av urinkatetern och urinuppsamlingspåsen, påverkan på det sexuella samlivet, behovet av planering, osäkerheten till behovet av urinkatetern, behovet av information, oro för flödeshinder, oro för infektioner och smärta. Slutsats: Urinkatetern kan upplevas som besvärlig eller som en lättsamhet beroende på om den orsakar problem om den löser problemen i vardagen. Urinuppsamlingspåsen upplevs som en begränsning i vardagen och mycket planering behövs när personen ska lämna hemmet. Det finns en känsla av okunskap då personen inte fått tillräckligt med information om urinkatetern. / Background: It occurs that some people are in need of an indwelling urinary catheter to micturate. The urine-collection bag that is connected to the urinary catheter has different appearances. A common complication is a catheter associated urinary tract infection that can lead to death. The nurse should inform the person about self-care of the urinary catheter, to avoid complications. Aim: The aim was to describe adult peoples’ experiences of living with an indwelling urinary catheter or a suprapubic catheter in the daily life. Method: This literature review has its origin within 12 articles with a qualitative design where the results were written from the patients' perspective. Data was collected from two different databases. The method of Friberg was used to analyse the data. Results: The results were based on three major themes; altered self-image, the feeling of ignorance and feelings related to complications. Eight sub themes were identified; acceptance of the urinary catheter and the urine-collection bag, impact on the sexual intercourse, the need of planning, the uncertainty of the needs for the urinary catheter, the need for information, worries for blockage, worries for infections and pain. Conclusion: The urinary catheter can be experienced as difficulty or as a lightness depending on if it causes troubles or solves problems in the daily life. The urine collection bag experiences as a limitation in daily life and much planning is needed when the person should leave the home. A feeling of ignorance occurs when the person has not received enough information about the urinary catheter.
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Natural language processing for researchh philosophies and paradigms dissertation (DFIT91)Mawila, Ntombhimuni 28 February 2021 (has links)
Research philosophies and paradigms (RPPs) reveal researchers’ assumptions and provide a systematic way in which research can be carried out effectively and appropriately. Different studies highlight cognitive and comprehension challenges of RPPs concepts at the postgraduate level. This study develops a natural language processing (NLP) supervised classification application that guides students in identifying RPPs applicable to their study. By using algorithms rooted in a quantitative research approach, this study builds a corpus represented using the Bag of Words model to train the naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine algorithms. Computer experiments conducted to evaluate the performance of the algorithms reveal that the Naïve Bayes algorithm presents the highest accuracy and precision levels. In practice, user testing results show the varying impact of knowledge, performance, and effort expectancy. The findings contribute to the minimization of issues postgraduates encounter in identifying research philosophies and the underlying paradigms for their studies. / Science and Technology Education / MTech. (Information Technology)
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"Pukl, hyjta ha muzika" aneb osobní vzpomínky členů chodských folklorních souborů nejen na národopisný festival Chodské slavnosti / "Pukl, hyjta ha muzika" or else personal memories of Chod Folklor group members not only on ethnographic festival Chod CelebrationsBatková, Žaneta January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this Master's thesis is to reflect personal memories of the folklore group members on ethnographic Chod festivals, which circle around the period from the fifties till the present day. As well as putting the emphasis on comparison between the memories made before and after 1989, I also focus on the component spheres of interpretation, such as topics about traveling of the Chod folklore groups before the year of 1989 or about music careers of each of the narrators. Furthermore, I observe the changes in political situations and its potential influence on Chod Festivals and its organization and the relationship of local folk groups. The primary sources of this thesis consist of interviews conducted by oral history method with former and current members of local folk groups. The text also derives from archived materials, period press and memoir literature. During the reflection on ethnographic festival the text observes not only historical and political aspect, but the musical and social aspect as well. The biggest contribution of the thesis is therefore the presentation of the topic from different points of view. Key words: Chod Festival, Folklore, bag pipers music, communism, traveling, Oral history.
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Fertilizante Natural: Agro Dust / Natural Fertilizer: Agro DustAvendaño Gil, Gianfranco Emilio, Bazán Durand, Daniel Antonio, Maza Fajardo, Rodrigo Alonso, Ochoa Bustamante, Juan Diego, Torres Paredes, Maria Elizabeth 27 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto se basa en la producción y comercialización de fertilizante natural y biodegradable, que sirve como bio-estimulante para las plantas ornamentales, teniendo como valor adicional ser un retenedor de agua de riego durante 20-21 días aplicando una sola vez el producto. Elaborado a base de cáscara de naranja y palta, nuestro negocio va dirigido a habitantes de Lima Moderna correspondientes a los estilos de vida conservador, moderno y sofisticado que posean plantas y/o pequeños jardines pertenecientes a los niveles socioeconómicos (NSE) A, B y C, además de mostrar preocupación por el medio ambiente. El empaque del producto va a ser una bolsa de papel kraft biodegradable con una capacidad 250 gramos.
Se realizó una total de entrevistas a 30 personas para validar la existencia del problema encontrado y el interés e intención de uso del producto de nuestros posibles clientes. Además, con fines de hacer este proyecto escalable para el rubro de la agricultura, se contactó a dos expertos en agronomía para validar el producto y algunos aspectos sobre la posible escalabilidad de este.
El desarrollo del proyecto se encuentra dividido en dos puntos, los cuales son la validación del plan de negocio y desarrollo del plan de negocio. Para la ejecución del proyecto se requirió una inversión de 21,454 soles, obtenidos a base de capital propio de los accionistas, quienes estiman recuperar dicha inversión en el primer año de operación. La rentabilidad brindada a los accionistas es de 249% lo cual hace nuestro proyecto un negocio rentable. / The present project is based on the production and commercialization of natural and biodegradable fertilizer, which serves as a bio-stimulant for ornamental plants, with the additional value of being a water retainer for 20-21 days by applying the product once. Made with orange and avocado peel, our business is aimed at inhabitants of Modern Lima corresponding to conservative, modern and sophisticated lifestyles that have plants and / or small gardens belonging to socioeconomic levels (NSE) A, B and C, in addition to showing concern for the environment. The product packaging is going to be a biodegradable kraft paper bag with a capacity of 250 grams.
A total of interviews were conducted with 30 people to validate the existence of the problem encountered and the interest and intention of using the product of our potential customers. In addition, in order to make this project scalable for the field of agriculture, two agronomy experts were contacted to validate the product and some aspects of its possible scalability.
The development of the project is divided into two points, which are the validation of the business plan and development of the business plan. For the execution of the project, an investment of 21,454 soles was required, obtained based on the shareholders' own capital, who consider recovering said investment in the first year of operation. The profitability provided to shareholders is 249% which makes our project a profitable business. / Trabajo de investigación
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Drivers of decomposition across Sphagnum bog margins / Påverkansfaktorer för nedbrytning i vitmossemyrars kantzonerNordström, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Peatlands provide multiple ecosystem services, including extensive carbon sequestration and storage, yet many peatlands have been degraded or destroyed. Peatlands carbon storage capacity is connected to inherently low decomposition rates, causing the build-up of organic matter. Reasons suggested for this include waterlogged conditions that reduce the amount of available oxygen for the decomposer community, a low pH that inhibits bacterial decomposition, and colder temperatures lowering metabolic rates. This study focused on edge effects on decomposition in the transition zone between Sphagnum bogs and surrounding forest, with the expectation that decomposition is lowest in the bog and highest in the forest, but with a mix of factors causing intermediate decomposition rates near the bog edge. Transitional decomposition rates were measured across six bogs in central Sweden during the summer of 2021, using the tea bag index. Three 20 meter transects, each containing seven pairs of tea bags, were buried across the margins of each bog, centred at the edge of the Sphagnum moss. Soil moisture content, pH, and plant composition was also recorded at each burial site, and with 12 temperature loggers placed evenly among four of the bogs. The results confirmed the hypothesis regarding edge effects, and soil moisture was the dominant factor affecting the decomposition rate, having a strong significant negative correlation. The interaction of pH was significant but with an unexpected negative correlation, most likely due to the low pH in the surrounding forest. Temperature displayed no significance, and plants indicative of low decomposition rates included Vaccinium oxycoccos, Drosera rotundifolia, and especially Sphagnum species. The conclusions are that there is an edge effect on decomposition, and maintaining, or restoring, the hydrology of a peatland is the most important factor for continued carbon storage, with a rough estimation of an areas decomposition rate possible to estimate based on its vegetation. / Torvmarker bidrar med flera ekosystemtjänster, däribland utbrett koldioxidupptag och kollagring, trots detta har många torvmarker idag antingen skadats eller förstörts. Torvmarkers förmåga att lagra kol beror på en låg nedbrytningstakt, vilket gör att organiskt material ackumuleras; möjliga förklaringar som föreslagits till detta är vattensjuk mark som minskar syretillgången för nedbrytarsamhället, ett surt pH som missgynnar bakteriell nedbrytning, samt lägre temperaturer vilket sänker metabolismen generellt. Den här studien fokuserade på hur kanteffekter påverkar nedbrytningen i övergångszonen mellan vitmossemyrar och skog, med förväntningen att nedbrytningen är lägst ute i myren och högst i skogen, men att flera olika faktorer orsakar en intermediär nedbrytningshastighet i myrkanten. Nedbrytningshastigheten i 6 myrars övergångszoner, belägna i centrala Sverige, uppskattades under sommaren 2021 med hjälp av tepåseindexet (tea bag index). Tre 20 meters transekter med 7 par tepåsar vardera begravdes vid varje myr, med mitten vid kanten på vitmossan. Mätningar gjordes vid varje tepåsepar gällande markfuktighet, pH, och växtsamhälle, samt vid 4 myrar så placerades totalt 12 temperaturloggrar. Resultaten bekräftar hypotesen om kanteffekter och markfuktighet framträdde som den dominerande faktorn, med en signifikant negativ effekt på nedbrytningshastigheten. Effekten av pH var också signifikant men med en oväntad negativ korrelation, förmodligen på grund av den sura jorden i omgivande tallskog (Pinus sylvestris). Temperatur hade inte någon signifikant effekt, och växter som indikerade låg nedbrytning var Vaccinium oxycoccos, Drosera rotundifolia, samt framförallt Sphagnum spp.. Slutsatsen är att det finns en kanteffekt och att bevara, eller återskapa, hydrologin av en vitmossemyr är den viktigaste faktorn för fortsatt kolinlagring, med en grov skattning av ett områdes nedbrytningshastighet möjlig att basera på markernas växtlighet.
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Evaluating Random Forest and a Long Short-Term Memory in Classifying a Given Sentence as a Question or Non-QuestionAnkaräng, Fredrik, Waldner, Fabian January 2019 (has links)
Natural language processing and text classification are topics of much discussion among researchers of machine learning. Contributions in the form of new methods and models are presented on a yearly basis. However, less focus is aimed at comparing models, especially comparing models that are less complex to state-of-the-art models. This paper compares a Random Forest with a Long-Short Term Memory neural network for the task of classifying sentences as questions or non-questions, without considering punctuation. The models were trained and optimized on chat data from a Swedish insurance company, as well as user comments data on articles from a newspaper. The results showed that the LSTM model performed better than the Random Forest. However, the difference was small and therefore Random Forest could still be a preferable alternative in some use cases due to its simplicity and its ability to handle noisy data. The models’ performances were not dramatically improved after hyper parameter optimization. A literature study was also conducted aimed at exploring how customer service can be automated using a chatbot and what features and functionality should be prioritized by management during such an implementation. The findings of the study showed that a data driven design should be used, where features are derived based on the specific needs and customers of the organization. However, three features were general enough to be presented the personality of the bot, its trustworthiness and in what stage of the value chain the chatbot is implemented. / Språkteknologi och textklassificering är vetenskapliga områden som tillägnats mycket uppmärksamhet av forskare inom maskininlärning. Nya metoder och modeller presenteras årligen, men mindre fokus riktas på att jämföra modeller av olika karaktär. Den här uppsatsen jämför Random Forest med ett Long Short-Term Memory neuralt nätverk genom att undersöka hur väl modellerna klassificerar meningar som frågor eller icke-frågor, utan att ta hänsyn till skiljetecken. Modellerna tränades och optimerades på användardata från ett svenskt försäkringsbolag, samt kommentarer från nyhetsartiklar. Resultaten visade att LSTM-modellen presterade bättre än Random Forest. Skillnaden var dock liten, vilket innebär att Random Forest fortfarande kan vara ett bättre alternativ i vissa situationer tack vare dess enkelhet. Modellernas prestanda förbättrades inte avsevärt efter hyperparameteroptimering. En litteraturstudie genomfördes även med målsättning att undersöka hur arbetsuppgifter inom kundsupport kan automatiseras genom införandet av en chatbot, samt vilka funktioner som bör prioriteras av ledningen inför en sådan implementation. Resultaten av studien visade att en data-driven approach var att föredra, där funktionaliteten bestämdes av användarnas och organisationens specifika behov. Tre funktioner var dock tillräckligt generella för att presenteras personligheten av chatboten, dess trovärdighet och i vilket steg av värdekedjan den implementeras.
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