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Hur ökad skatt på plastbärkassar påverkar konsumenters val av bärmedel och klimatet : En observationsstudie / How increased taxes on plastic carrier bags affect consumers' choice of carrier bag and the climate : An observational studyOlsson, Dennis, Eidefeldt, Roland January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersökte vad den höjda skatten på plastbärkassar som infördes den 1.a maj 2020 hade för inverkan på konsumenter i livsmedelsbutiker i Stockholm. Syftet var att undersöka hur konsumenters val av bärmedel förändrades, samt vilken påverkan på global uppvärmningspotential som denna förändring utgjorde. För att samla in information angående val av bärmedel från livsmedelsbutiker gjordes fyra observationer innan lagändringen, samt fyra observationer efter. De kategorier av bärkassar som i denna studie hade påverkan på global uppvärmningspotential var Plast-, tyg, pappers- och flergångsbärkassar. För att få fram ett underlag om de olika bärkassarnas påverkan på global uppvärmningspotential användes livscykelanalyser från två studier. Värdena från livscykelanalyserna fick sedan gå igenom en i denna studie framtagen balanseringsfaktor som tog hänsyn att bärkassarna återanvändes för transport av livsmedel, i ett spann från 1-50 återanvändningar. Resultatet från observationerna visade att plastbärkassarna efter lagändringen minskade sin representation med 50%, från att ha varit den mest använda kategorin till att bli den tredje mest förekommande. De bärkassar som istället ökade var flergångs- och pappersbärkassar. Efter lagändringen minskade även antalet bärmedel per köptillfälle från 2,1 till 1,7. Den totala påverkan på global uppvärmningspotential från konsumenters val av bärkassar minskade för ett enskilt köptillfälle med 36,9%. / This study investigates what impact the increased tax on plastic carrier bags that was introduced on 1 may 2020 had on consumers' choice of carrier bags in grocery stores in Stockholm. The focus was on examining how the choice of carrier bags changed, as well as the impact on the global warming potential that was caused because of this change. In order to collect data from grocery stores, four observations were made before the law was changed, and four observations after. The categories of carrier bags that had an impact on global warming potential, in this study, were plastic, fabric, paper and multi-purpose carrier bags. To obtain data that represented the various carrier bags' impact on global warming potential, two different life cycle analyses from two different studies were used. The data from the life cycle analyses were then processed through a self-made balancing factor which took into account that carrier bags can be re-used for transportation of food, in a range from 1-50 reuses. The result from the observations showed that, after the law changed, the representation of plastic bags decreased by 50%, from being the most frequently used category of carrier bag to become the third. The carrier bags that instead increased in usage were multi-purpose and paper bags. After the legislative change, the number of carrier bags per purchase also decreased from 2.1 to 1.7. The total impact on global warming potential from carrier bags used for transport of food decreased by 36.9% for a single purchase occasion.
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Evaluating Bag Of Little Bootstraps On Logistic Regression With Unbalanced DataBark, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
The Bag of Little Bootstraps (BLB) was introduced to make the bootstrap method more computationally efficient when used on massive data samples. Since its introduction, a broad spectrum of research on the application of the BLB has been made. However, while the BLB has shown promising results that can be used for logistic regression, these results have been for well-balanced data. There is, therefore, an obvious need for further research into how the BLB performs when the dependent variable is unbalanced and whether possible performance issues can be remedied through methods such as Firths's Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (PMLE). This thesis shows that the dependent variable's imbalances severely affect the BLB's performance when applied in logistic regression. Further, this thesis also shows that PMLE produces mixed and unreliable results when used to remedy the drops in performance.
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Regularization: Stagewise Regression and BaggingEhrlinger, John M. 31 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparing Weak and Strong Annotation Strategies for Multiple Instance Learning in Digital Pathology / Jämförelse av svaga och starka annoteringsstrategier för flerinstansinlärning i digital patologiCiallella, Alice January 2022 (has links)
Prostate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer worldwide and its diagnosis is done through visual inspection of biopsy tissue by a pathologist, who assigns a score used by doctors to decide on the treatment. However, the scoring system, the Gleason score, is affected by a high inter and intra-observer variability, lack of standardization, and overestimation. Therefore, there is a need for new solutions that can reduce these issues and provide a more accurate diagnosis. Nowadays, high-resolution digital images of biopsy tissues can be obtained and stored. The availability of such images, called Whole Slide Images (WSI) allows the implementation of Machine and Deep learning models to assist pathologists in diagnosing prostate cancer. Multiple-Instance Learning (MIL) has been shown to reach very promising results in digital pathology and binary classification of prostate cancer slides. However, such models require large datasets to ensure good performances. This project wants to investigate the use of small sets of strongly annotated images to create new large datasets to train a MIL model. To evaluate the performance of this approach, the standard dataset is used to obtain baselines for both binary and multiclass classification tasks. For multiclassification, the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) score is used, which is derived from the Gleason score. The dataset used is the publicly available PANDA. In this project, only the slides from RadboudUniversity Medical Center are used, which consists of 5160 images. The MIL model chosen is the Clustering-constrained Attention Multiple instance learning (CLAM) model, which is publicly available. The standard approach reaches a Cohen’s kappa (κ) of 0.78 and 0.59 for binary and multiclass classification respectively. To evaluate the new approach, large datasets are created starting from different set sizes. Using 500 images, the model reaches a κ of 0.72 and 0.38 respectively. While for the binary the results of the two approaches are comparable, the new approach is not beneficial for multiclass classification tasks.
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Stock Market Forecasting Using SVM With Price and News AnalysisHansen, Patrik, Vojcic, Sandi January 2020 (has links)
Many machine learning approaches have been usedfor financial forecasting to estimate stock trends in the future. Thefocus of this project is to implement a Support Vector Machinewith price and news analysis for companies within the technologysector as inputs to predict if the price of the stock is going torise or fall in the coming days and to observe the impact on theprediction accuracy by adding news to the technical analysis.The price analysis is compiled of 9 different financial indicatorsused to indicate changes in price, and the news analysis uses thebag-of-words method to rate headlines as positive or negative.There is a slight indication of the news improving the resultsif the validation data is randomly sampled the testing accuracyincreases. When testing on the last fifth of the data of eachcompany, there was only a small difference in the results whenadding news to the calculation and such no clear correlation canbe seen. The resulting program has a mean and median testingaccuracy over 50 % for almost all settings. Complications whenusing SVM for the purpose of price forecasting in the stockmarket is also discussed. / Många metoder för maskininlärning har använts i syfte av finansiell prognos för att uppskatta aktie trender i framtiden. Fokus för detta projekt är att implementera en Support Vector Machine med pris- och nyhetsanalys för företag inom teknologisektorn som inmatning för att förutsäga om priset på aktien kommer att öka eller minska under de kommande dagarna och för att observera påverkan på förutsägelsens noggrannhet av att lägga till nyheter till den tekniska analysen. Prisanalysen består av 9 olika finansiella indikatorer som används för att indikera prisändringar, och nyhetsanalysen använder metoden bag-of-word för att betygsätta rubriker som positiva eller negativa. Det finns en liten indikation på att nyheterna förbättrar resultat där om valideringsdata stickas ur slumpmässigt provningsnoggrannheten ökar. När man testade den sista femte delen av inmatningsdatan från varje företag, fanns det bara en liten skillnad i resultaten när nyheterna beräknades vilket leder till att en tydlig korrelation kan inte ses. Det resulterande programmet har en genomsnittlig och median test nogrannhet över 50 % för nästan alla inställningar. Komplikationer när SVM används för prisprognoser på aktiemarknaden diskuteras också. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2020, KTH, Stockholm
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Plast kontra bomull : Vad är mest resurseffektivt?Svensson, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra tre kassar av samma typ som är tillverkade i olika material och undersöka vilken variant som är mest resurseffektiv ur ett livscykelperspektiv. En kasse tillverkad av återvunnen plast, en tillverkad av nyplast och en kasse tillverkad av konventionell bomull. Detta i och med att Sveriges regering har beslutat att införa en skatt på plastkassar som säljs i dagligvaruhandeln. Ett beslut fattat baserat på ett direktiv från EU att år 2025 ska varje person använda max 40 stycken plastkassar per år. För att undersöka detta utfördes en förenklad livscykelanalys samt att flera studier, från olika länder, som använt livscykelanalyser för att undersöka samma fråga analyserades. I den förenklade livscykelanalysen jämförs också bomullskassen med en bomullskasse som återvinns till 100%, båda tillverkade av konventionell bomull, för att se vad effekten blir av att återvinna material. Alla tidigare studier kom fram till olika svar där mängden gånger man behöver använda en bomullskasse för att den ska vara likvärdig en plastkasse, avsedd för engångsbruk, varierade mellan ungefär 50–150 gånger. Livscykelanalysen som utförs i arbetet och analyseringen av de olika studierna visar att en plastkasse kräver mindre resurser än en kasse tillverkad av bomull, men det visar också att det kan vara svårt att utföra korrekta livscykelanalyser utifrån realistiska scenarion. Så vad som kan se ut som rättvist ur perspektiv baserat på siffror kanske inte är rättvist ur ett realistiskt perspektiv. För att spara på de resurser som finns tillgängliga är det viktigt att inte förbruka resurser i onödan. Använd därför, oavsett material, en kasse så många gånger som möjligt och när det inte längre går att använda, återvinn den då så den kan hjälpa till och bidra till att det krävs mindre resurser för att få fram nästa produkt. / The purpose of this report is to investigate three similar bags made from different materials to see what is the most resource-efficient from a life cycle perspective. One bag made of recycled plastic, one made of new plastic and one bag made of conventional cotton. This is because the Swedish government has decided to introduce a tax on plastic bags sold in the grocery trade. This decision is based on a directive from the EU that in 2025 each person should use a maximum of 40 plastic bags per year. To investigate this, a simplified life cycle assessment was performed and several studies, from different countries, that used life cycle analyzes to investigate the same question were analyzed. In the simplified life cycle assessment, the cotton bag is also compared with a cotton bag that is recycled to 100%, both made from conventional cotton, to see what the effect will be if materials are recycled. All previous studies had different answers where the amount of times a cotton bag needs to be used to make it equivalent to a one-time plastic box, varied between about 50-150 times. Both the LCA that was performed and the analysis of the different studies shows that a plastic bag requires less resources than a bag made of cotton, but it also shows that it can be difficult to perform an accurate life cycle assessment based on realistic scenarios. So, what may look fair from a perspective based on numbers may not be fair from a realistic perspective. In order to not deplete the resources that are available, it is important not to consume resources unnecessarily. Therefore, regardless of material, use a bag as many times as possible and when it can no longer be used, then recycle it so it can help and contribute to the use of less resources for the next product.
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Herrväskan Primus : produktutveckling för Ödins GarveriSjöberg, Edvin January 2011 (has links)
I denna rapport redovisas ett examensarbete av Edvin Sjöberg utfört i samarbete med Ödins Garveri i Visby. Projektets mål har varit att ta fram ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny axelremsväska i läder för män. Väskan är konstruerad för att vara materialbesparande, hållbar och elegant. Faktainsamlingen ger en översikt av de vanligaste sätten att bereda och garva skinn, sömnadsteknik och tillverkningsteknik. Målgrupps- och marknadsanalys har varit vägledande för utformningen av slutprodukten och stort fokus har lagts på modell- och skissarbete. Slutprodukten är en herrväska med mycket hög materialkvalité, formgivning inspirerad av klassiskt herrmode och med väl planlagda och genomtänka detaljer. / This report presents a thesis of Edvin Sjöberg performed in collaboration with Ödins Tannery in Visby. The project's goal has been to develop a manufacturing base for a new leather shoulder bag for men. The bag is designed to be easy to produce without material loss, to be durable and stylish. The essay provides an overview of the most common ways to prepare and tan hides, sewing techniques and manufacturing technologies. Audience and market analysis has aided the design of the finished product and focus has been placed on model and sketch work. The end product is a bag made from high quality materials, design inspired by classic men's fashion and with well-planned and thoughtful details.
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Migration patterns and survival of Busseola fusca larvae in maize plantings with different ratios of Bt and non-Bt seed / Jaco MaraisMarais, Jaco January 2014 (has links)
The high-dose/refuge strategy is used globally to manage insect resistance development in genetically modified crops with insecticidal properties (Bt crops). The “refuge in a bag” (RIB) strategy is also being considered for deployment against several pest species. Busseola fusca, the target pest of Bt maize in South Africa, evolved resistance to Cry1Ab proteins. The objective of this study was to determine whether migrating B. fusca larvae are effectively controlled using the RIB strategy. A field study with a single-gene event (Cry1Ab) and a “pyramid” event (Cry1A.105 + Cry2Ab2) was conducted in which the migration patterns of B. fusca larvae in plots with different seed mixture treatments were studied. The experiment consisted of five seed mixture ratios (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% non-Bt seed and 100 % non-Bt seed as control). Natural infestation was augmented by artificial inoculation with neonate larvae into the central non-Bt maize plant of each plot. Rate of larval survival and migration, measured in terms of increase in number of plants per plot that exhibited borer damage was recorded at weekly intervals until flowering. A laboratory study was conducted to determine larval growth and survival when simulating migration between Bt and non-Bt maize plants. A feeding experiment in which larvae were reared on different types of maize (Bt and non-Bt) was conducted and larval survival and mass recorded after a 7-day feeding period. The incidence of damaged ears, stem damage and damaged internodes per stem were recorded and relationships between these variables determined by means of correlation analyses. A review was conducted in order to identify and discuss similarities and differences between the high-dose/refuge and seed mixture strategies. This was done to determine which strategy would be the most appropriate insect resistance management (IRM) strategy against B. fusca. The rate of survival and migration of B. fusca larvae was significantly higher in the plots with maize expressing Cry1Ab and control plots, than in plots with the pyramid Bt event. Older larvae exhibited improved growth and survival in the laboratory experiment when they were transferred from non-Bt to Bt plants. Positive correlations were found between early and late season damage, although some weaker than others. Plants of the “pyramid event” suffered less late-season damage than those of the single-gene event. Since the increase in number of damaged maize plants over time is associated with migration of older and larger larvae, the observed tendencies may indicate that the assumed high-dose does not kill larvae above a certain developmental stage. The high-dose refuge strategy seems to be the better option for delaying resistance development. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Stability studies of intravenous cyclosporine preparations stored in non-PVC containersLi, Mengqing 12 1900 (has links)
Dans cette étude, la stabilité de préparations intraveineuses de cyclosporine (0.2 et 2.5 mg/mL dans NaCl 0.9% ou dextrose 5%) entreposées dans des seringues de polypropylène, des sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine et des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène a été évaluée. Une méthode HPLC indicatrice de la stabilité à base de méthanol a été développée et validée suite a des études de dégradation forcée. Les solutions évaluées ont été préparées de façon aseptique, puis entreposées à 25°C. La stabilité chimique a été évaluée par HPLC et la stabilité physique a été évaluée par inspection visuelle et aussi par diffusion dynamique de la lumière (DLS). Tous les échantillons sont demeurés stables chimiquement et physiquement dans des sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine (>98% de cyclosporine récupérée après 14 jours). Lorsqu’entreposés dans des seringues de polypropylène, des contaminants ont été extraits des composantes de la seringue. Toutefois, aucune contamination n’a été observée après 10 min de contact entre la préparation de cyclosporine non-diluée et ces mêmes seringues. Les préparations de 2.5 mg/mL entreposées dans des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène sont demeurés stables chimiquement et physiquement (>98% de cyclosporine récupérée après 14 jours). Toutefois, une adsorption significative a été observée avec les échantillons 0.2 mg/mL entreposés dans des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène (<90% de cyclosporine récupéré après 14 jours). Une étude cinétique a démontré une bonne corrélation linéaire entre la quantité adsorbée et la racine carrée du temps de contact (r2 > 0.97). Un nouveou modèle de diffusion a été établi. En conclusion, les sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine sont le meilleur choix; les seringues de polypropylène présentent un risque de contamination, mais sont acceptables pour un transfert rapide. Les sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène ne peuvent être recommandés à cause d’un problème d’adsorption. / In the present study, the stability of intravenous cyclosporine preparations (0.2 and 2.5 mg/mL in 0.9% sodium chloride injection or 5% dextrose injection) stored in polypropylene (PP) syringes, polypropylene–polyolefin (PP-PO) bags and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) bags was evaluated. A methanol-based high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated to be stability-indicating by stress degradation tests. The test solutions were aseptically prepared and stored at 25 °C. Chemical stability was evaluated by HPLC assay. Physical stability was assessed by visual inspection and a dynamic light scattering (DLS) method. All samples were chemically stable (> 98% of recovered cyclosporine) and physically stable when stored in polypropylene–polyolefin bags for 14 days. When stored in polypropylene syringes, some impurities were leached. However, no leaching was detected when the syringes were exposed to undiluted intravenous cyclosporine for 10 minutes. The preparations of 2.5 mg/mL were chemically and physically stable as stored in ethylene vinyl acetate bags for a period of 14 days (> 98% of recovered cyclosporine), while significant cyclosporine adsorption occurred on the samples of 0.2 mg/mL (< 90 % of recovered cyclosporine) after 14 days. Kinetic study showed that good linear correlations were achieved by plotting the adsorption amount versus square root of contact time (r2 > 0.97). A novel diffusion model was established and successfully predicted long-term drug stability. In conclusion, polypropylene–polyolefin bags were the best choice; syringes were inferior because of leachables. However, they were safe for preparation and transferring undiluted intravenous cyclosporine. Ethylene vinyl acetate bags cannot be recommended due to cyclosporine adsorption.
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Retratos em (re)vista : do est?dio ? imprensa ilustrada em Bag?, 1890-1921Brasil, Lu?sa Kuhl 27 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-27 / This study discusses the construction of social roles through the artistic works produced by the photographer Jos? Greco in early twentieth century Brazil, in the city of Bag?. Using the concepts of visual culture and material culture, this paper analyzes the portraits and studio portraits published in Phenix Magazine, in 1921. Based on the notion that photography was an instrument of visual intermediation between the public and private spheres, this study analyzes those images focusing on its socializing nature. / O presente trabalho discute a constru??o de pap?is sociais por meio dos retratos produzidos por Jos? Greco no in?cio do s?culo XX na cidade de Bag?, RS. Atrav?s dos conceitos de cultura visual e cultura material, procura-se analisar os retratos de est?dio e os retratos publicados na revista ilustrada Phenix no ano de 1921. Partindo da no??o de que a fotografia foi um instrumento de media??o visual entre as esferas p?blica e privada, busca-se analisar as imagens a partir do seu car?ter de construtora de sociabilidades.
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