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1011 |
Little Capitalists: The Social Economy of Saving in the United States, 1816-1914Osborne, Nicholas January 2014 (has links)
In the early nineteenth-century United States, many social reformers, public commentators, and legislators argued that workers must engage in prudent financial planning in order to remain independent in a capitalist economy. Their belief that personal mismanagement was the primary cause of poverty led some of them to create the first financial institutions to help Americans of limited means save and invest their earnings: savings banks. From this modest start rose both a widespread ideology that related personal financial practice to personal virtue and a multibillion dollar industry that used the savings of millions of American workers to finance government, business, and personal debt. "Little Capitalists" charts this evolution from the philanthropic savings banks of the early-nineteenth century to the myriad commercial, cooperative, and public financial institutions for the working classes of the early-twentieth century. It shows how conceptions of individual and civic responsibility interacted with actual savings practices to integrate American workers into the national economy, building the financial apparatus that funded the expansion of wage-labor capitalism by harnessing the capital of wage laborers themselves.
American institutional savings pioneers sought to address increased poverty wrought by urban growth and the creation of a wage-earning class in the first half of the nineteenth century. These reformers organized the country's original savings banks on the premise that all workers were capable of saving some of their earnings--no matter how little--so that they could remain financially independent in times of unemployment, injury, or old age. Their institutions tried to teach workers how to save money by providing secure facilities in which they could do so in the small amounts that no other financial institutions would handle. They also offered depositors a chance to earn a small profit from interest paid on deposits. Because this interest derived from investing those deposits in securities, mortgages, and other loans, savings banks brought millions of nineteenth-century wage earners into the American economy as investors. In this way, these institutions promoted the idea that working-class depositors could be their own "capitalists."
As more Americans saved growing amounts, legislators, political economists, social reformers, and other observers took it as evidence that any worker who exercised virtues like thrift and self-denial could save money. Because generations of Americans viewed these personal attributes as the bases of moral civilization, they increasingly looked to savings institutions to foster a better citizenry and nation. The US Congress chartered the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company after the Civil War not only to provide financial services to former slaves but also to train them for a life of citizenship grounded in the principles of free labor ideology. Likewise, a nationwide movement beginning in the late-nineteenth century brought together governments, educators, and bankers to create a system of school savings banks to inculcate virtue in children by teaching them how to save pennies and nickels. In both cases, the point was to mold a working class steeped in the social, political, and moral values that would make them amenable to the emerging system of wage-labor capitalism.
Even as some savings institutions attempted social indoctrination, workers' growing deposits also demonstrated their financial power. From the 1870s to the 1910s, this motivated entrepreneurs and legislators to design and encourage new institutions to collect savings deposits and invest them widely, including: industrial life insurance firms, employee thrift plans, trust company and commercial bank savings departments, and a postal savings system. Meanwhile, organizations like building and loan associations slowly added the extension of working-class credit to the collection of working-class savings. These new institutions gave many Americans increased discretion over how to save (and spend) money. But as they began to utilize them, workers also became a significant component of the nation's for-profit finance economy as both creditors and debtors. In the process, they assumed new financial risk.
"Little Capitalists" outlines this history. It shows how a group of social experiments designed to foster an independent working class in the early-nineteenth century spawned, by the second decade of the twentieth century, both an ideology of saving at the center of popular perceptions about good citizenship and a small finance industry that was indispensable to the American economy.
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Essays in Economics on Liberalization and ReallocationBellon, Matthieu January 2016 (has links)
A central concern in economics is explaining the allocation of resources, its consequences for economic activity and the distribution of the associated economic revenues. This dissertation contains three essays examining the average and distributional effects of reallocations resulting from liberalization reforms or trade shocks.
Chapter 1 examines the distributional effects of trade liberalization. A vast literature demonstrates that liberalization is associated with higher wage inequality. Nearly the entire literature considers comparative statics or steady states, which ignore dynamics and of necessity feature monotonic changes. I address these limitations by developing a micro-founded model that emphasizes the dynamics of reallocation between heterogeneous firms and workers in the presence of costly labor adjustments. Trade liberalization provides firms both new export markets and new sources of competition. Expanding high-paying firms increase wages to recruit better workers faster. Workers at firms threatened by competition accept wage cuts to delay their employers' exit and keep their job. This provides novel implications for both aggregate and within-firm inequality across a distribution of firm types. I show that key mechanisms of the model are consistent with a wide range of facts, some of which being examined in greater details in chapter 2. Results from the calibrated model suggest an overshooting of inequality on the path to a new steady state. This is consistent with evidence based on an event study of recent liberalization episodes. Inequality appears to peak about six years after liberalization, with one-fourth of the overshooting disappearing in the following ten years.
Chapter 2 investigates the effects of firm growth on hiring and separations. I contribute to the literature on worker flows by studying the wages and characteristics of new and separated workers. First, I show that separations are an essential and robust component of firm growth. I argue that this may be the result of a more intense search for better matches at faster growing firms. Second, I find that wage offers to new hires increase with firm hiring rates. This is partly the result of the selection of more experienced workers. However fixed unobservable and variable observable worker characteristics cannot fully explain this relationship: the residual wage of new hires is significantly associated with the firm hiring rate. We interpret this as direct evidence of the firm-level upward-sloping labor supply curve predicted by the canonical models. We provide estimates of the slope of the curve using an instrumental variable approach to control for supply shocks. We find that a 10% increase in the hiring rate results in a wage increase of 1%.
In chapter 3 Jaromir Nosal, Jonathan Vogel and I ask the following: What is the contribution of industry reallocation and productivity changes to the economic gains resulting from banking deregulation? How does local industrial structure determine the outcomes of banking deregulation? This chapter uses the staggered reforms of the banking sector in the U.S. between 1977 and 1997 to empirically investigate these questions. In the private sector, we show that the deregulation-induced reallocation of workers was directed towards industries with lower GDP per worker. Moreover, employment gains were associated with a reduction in productivity. Nevertheless we find that these effects are offset by across the board within-industry productivity gains. In addition, total output and aggregate productivity increased because of the reallocation of workers out of unemployment, self-employment and non-private industries towards the more productive private sector. Finally we find that initial industry mix can explain up to one third of the variation in state aggregate responses.
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A prática da controladoria nos maiores bancos que operam no Brasil à luz de uma estrutura conceitual básica de controladoria / Controllership practices adopted by major banks in Brazil in light of a basic conceptual structure of controllershipCruz, Bleise Rafael da 02 October 2009 (has links)
A melhoria de processos e práticas de gestão tornou-se essencial aos bancos que operam no Brasil, em presença da rápida evolução das atividades econômicas e do mercado de crédito. Diante disso, a Controlaria, bem como as informações por ela disponibilizadas, ganha mais espaço e importância nas instituições financeiras. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve como principal objetivo verificar se, e em que medida, as práticas de Controladoria dos maiores bancos que operam no Brasil se refletem em uma Estrutura Conceitual Básica de Controladoria (ECBC). Dessa forma, realizou-se uma revisão da ECBC proposta por Borinelli (2006), com uma complementação das funções e atribuições da Controladoria voltadas para instituições financeiras, de acordo com literatura específica sobre esse assunto. Também foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica, a qual se utilizou de entrevistas e questionários, para investigar a aplicação da teoria na prática de Controladoria dos maiores bancos que operam no Brasil, bem como uma análise da aderência dessas práticas à ECBC. No que diz respeito aos achados deste trabalho, quanto às funções gerais da Controladoria atribuídas pela ECBC, verificou-se que as funções de Contabilidade Societária, Contabilidade Fiscal, Gestão das Informações e Atendimento a Usuários Externos, são funções típicas da área de Controladoria nos bancos pesquisados, o que está aderente às recomendações feitas pela ECBC. Entretanto, as funções de Riscos, Controles Internos e Finanças não foram apresentadas pelos bancos pesquisados como desempenhadas pela área de Controladoria, sendo essas inconsistentes com a sistematização da ECBC. Além das funções gerais, este trabalho, igualmente, investigou o papel da Controladoria em processos específicos nas instituições financeiras. As respostas obtidas mostraram que, para os processos de Orçamento, Mensuração, Análise e Controle de Custos, bem como no Planejamento Tributário, a Controladoria é considerada como a área responsável ou coordenadora. Porém, para os processos de Planejamento Estratégico, Análises de Ambientes e Viabilidades, Avaliação de Desempenho e Controle de Riscos, a Controladoria não é considerada como responsável ou coordenadora desses processos e, em muitos casos, apenas fornece apoio/suporte informacional, não aderindo à ECBC. Não obstante, optou-se, ainda, por estratificar os dados obtidos entre diferentes grupos de instituições, o que permitiu realizar uma comparação da prática de Controladoria entre os grupos distintos. O que se encontrou, nessas estratificações, foi que a prática de Controladoria de alguns grupos parece ser mais aderente aos elementos que integram a ECBC, do que em outros grupos, sem que, entretanto, algum grupo pudesse refletir, completamente, esses elementos na prática. Por fim, conclui-se que os resultados encontrados evidenciaram que as práticas de Controladoria dos maiores bancos que operam no Brasil refletem, parcialmente, os elementos que integram uma Estrutura Conceitual Básica de Controladoria. / Improving management practices and processes has become an essential need for banks operating in Brazil, due to the fast-paced evolution of the economic activities and the credit market. In this context, Controllership, as well as the information it provides, has gained increased importance and prominence within financial institutions. In this sense, the main goal of this paper is to verify if and to what extent Controllership practices adopted by major banks in Brazil reflect a Basic Conceptual Structure of Controllership (Estrutura Conceitual Básica de Controladoria - ECBC). To that end, a revision of the ECBC proposed by Borinelli (2006) was carried out, including Controllership functions and duties aimed at financial institutions, as per the specific literature on this topic. An empirical research was also conducted through interviews and questionnaires in order to investigate and analyze how Controllership practices in major banks with operations in Brazil reflect the theory and adhere to the ECBC. The findings of this paper regarding general Controllership functions laid out by the ECBC reveal that Corporate Accounting, Tax Accounting, Information Management and External User Service are typical activities for the Controllership area in the banks investigated, which complies with the ECBC recommendations. On the other hand, functions regarding Risks, Internal Controls and Finances were found not to integrate the activities performed by the Controllership area in the banks investigated, which is inconsistent with the concepts systematized under the ECBC. In addition to the general functions, this paper also investigates the role Controllership plays in specific processes within financial institutions. The answers given reveal that Controllership is considered to be the area that leads and coordinates processes as Budgeting, Measurement, Costs Analysis and Control, as well as Tax Planning. However, Controllership is not considered to be the area that leads and coordinates processes regarding Strategic Planning, Environment and Viability Analyses, Performance Assessment and Risk Control, simply providing information support in many cases and thereby not adhering to the ECBC. Furthermore, there was an attempt to stratify the data obtained into different groups of institutions, which enabled a comparison of the Controllership practices across the groups. These categories showed that the Controllership practices of some groups seem to be more consistent with the ECBC elements than others, which does not indicate that any group could fully reflect these elements in practice. Finally, the results support the conclusion that Controllership practices in major banks operating in Brazil partially reflect the elements that comprise the Basic Conceptual Structure of Controllership.
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Essays on Banking and Financial IntermediationHu, Jiayin January 2019 (has links)
I study financial intermediation and optimal regulation through the lens of banking theory and applied corporate finance. In my understanding, the theory on banking is primarily the theory on bank runs. And the key questions I have been pursuing to answer are the causes of runs in both the traditional and shadow banking sectors and the roles of the market and the regulator in maintaining financial stability.
I start with the shadow banking system outside the traditional regulatory framework, which accumulated tremendous risks and led to a major financial crisis. Why don’t we simply shut down the shadow banking sector? Chapter 1 examines the role of shadow banking and optimal shadow bank regulation by developing a bank run model featuring the tradeoff between financial innovation and systemic risk. In my model, the traditional banking sector is regulated such that it can credibly provide safe assets, while a shadow banking sector creates space for beneficial investment opportunities created by financial innovation but also provides regulatory arbitrage opportunities for non-innovative banks. Systemic risk arises from the negative externalities of asset liquidation in the shadow banking sector, which may lead to a self-fulfilling recession and costly government bailouts. Heavy regulatory punishment on systemically important shadow banks controls existing systemic risk and has a deterrent effect on its accumulation ex ante. My paper is the first to formalize the designation authority of a macro-prudential regulator in systemic risk regulation.
I then switch from the assets side to the liabilities side on the bank’s balance sheet. Chapter 2 introduces informed agents to the banking model and proposes a novel role of deposit insurance in fostering market discipline. While the moral hazard problem brought by deposit insurance weakens market discipline, I show that the opposite can
be true when the insurance stabilizes uninformed funding and increases the benefits of monitoring through information acquisition. Knowing the bank asset type, informed depositors utilize the demand deposits as a monitoring device and discipline the bank into holding good assets. However, self-fulfilling bank runs initiated by uninformed depositors erodes the future returns, inducing more depositors to forgo information acquisition and act like uninformed depositors. A novel role of deposit insurance emerges from the strategic complementarity between monitoring efforts and stability of uninformed funding. A capped deposit insurance, by stabilizing the retail funding of the bank, restores wholesale depositors’ monitoring incentives and benefits market discipline.
I examine the role of information in generating bank runs in Chapter 3, where I explore the relationship between redemption price and run risks in a model of money market fund industry. Money market funds compete with commercial banks by issuing demandable shares with stable redemption price, transforming risky assets into money-like claims outside the traditional banking sector. Floating net asset value (NAV) is widely believed a solution to money market fund runs by removing the first-mover advantages. In a coordination game model a la Angeletos and Werning (2006), I show that the floating net asset value, which allows investors to redeem shares at market-based price rather than book value, may lead to more self-fulfilling runs. Compared to stable net asset value, which becomes informative only when the regime is abandoned, the floating net asset value acts as a public noisy signal, coordinating investors’ behaviors and resulting in multiplicity. The destabilizing effect increases when investors’ capacity of acquiring private information is constrained. The model implications are consistent with a surge in the conversion from prime to government institutional funds in 2016, when the floating net asset value requirement on the former is the centerpiece of the money market fund reform.
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Investment banks' business model innovation : evidence from Saudi ArabiaBinsaif, Ahmed Abdulaziz O. January 2017 (has links)
The Investment bank industry is considered to be an essential element of not only the financial system but also the whole economy. Understanding multiple business models employed by multi-services industry such Investment bank is a matter of great significance for Investment banks’ executives, regulators and analysts. In 2008 the business model that had been employed by investment banks for almost two decades vanished due to the global financial crisis. Investment banks were forced to change and innovate their traditional business models. This research intends to develop a conceptual framework which helps to realize and study investment banks’ business models with the core components and related activities. Multiple business models mapping for investment banks is developed to give seniors executives core and possible activities and alternatives to innovate and change various business models for different lines including asset management, brokerage, investment banking and custody services. In addition, the business model (innovation) drivers are investigated to empirically explore the most powerful drivers on investment banks’ multiple business models (innovation), potential changes and degree of alteration on its activities for each business line. For these aims, a systematic literature review was carried to synthesise the recent advancements in the business model literature and explore how firms approach business model innovation. As result, a conceptual framework for business model (innovation) was developed, which encompasses four components value proposition, operational value, human capital and financial value. This framework can be utilized by practitioners as a 'navigation map' to determine where and how to change their business models. By using the qualitative methodology through semi-structured interviews with 29 senior executives from 10 fully-licensed investment banks in Saudi Arabia and secondary data including financial statements, annual reports and pillar III disclosures, the empirical study mapped the investment banks’ multiple business models and identified a business model for each business line. Sixteen activities for each business line were determined to provide core and possible activities and alternatives. This research contributes to our understating of managing and innovating multiple business models in the industry when investment banks should run these multiple business models. The Investment banks’ business models are different in terms of business lines, core offerings, clients, key assets, key process, revenue streams and costs structure. Over and above, each line shows diverse business models applied by investment banks. Furthermore, unlike other studies, this research contributed by investigating drivers that force investment banks to change their existing business models, the degree of changes and which activities did investment banks consider when responding to particular drivers. This study found that clients, crisis and economic changes, rivalry, top management and regulations are the five drivers forcing investment banks to not only embark on change events, but also carry out business model changes in most investment banks’ business lines.
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Estrutura patrimonial e padrão de rentabilidade dos bancos privados no Brasil (1979-2008) : teoria, evidências e peculiaridades / Balance sheet structure and profitability pattern of private banks in Brazil (1970-2008) : theory, evidences and peculiaritesOliveira, Giuliano Contento de, 1979- 18 October 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Carlos de Souza Braga / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-18T20:17:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Oliveira_GiulianoContentode_D.pdf: 18060175 bytes, checksum: 01bbc6c0ffa7d00f03e7fc7456f1db4d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta tese discute a estrutura patrimonial e o padrão de rentabilidade dos bancos privados no Brasil no período 1970/2008, com ênfase no contexto de baixa inflação (1995-2008). Acreditava-se que estabilidade monetária mudaria substancialmente o padrão de atuação destas instituições, o qual passaria a ser pautado nas operações de crédito. Contudo, os indicadores de balanço de grandes bancos privados analisados neste trabalho revelam que isso não aconteceu. O comportamento dos bancos privados no Brasil em contexto de baixa inflação continuou sendo ditado pela opção por flexibilidade. Estas instituições continuaram sendo capazes de se adaptarem a diferentes conjunturas, mantendo seus elevados níveis de rentabilidade. Sustenta-se, pois, que esse padrão de atuação decorre fundamentalmente da combinação de dois fatores: 1) instabilidade macroeconômica e a consequente prática de juros básicos reais elevados; e 2) indexação dos títulos públicos à taxa de juros de curto prazo (Selic). Ou seja, de um lado a estabilidade monetária no Brasil não significou estabilidade macroeconômica; de outro, a lógica do plano de estabilização impediu a supressão do arcabouço institucional do regime de alta inflação, a saber, da moeda indexada. Nestas condições, nos momentos de maior incerteza os bancos têm a possibilidade de composição de uma carteira de ativos ao mesmo tempo líquida e rentável, o que lhes possibilita obter altos ganhos mesmo em conjunturas adversas. A despeito do fim da alta inflação, as operações destas instituições continuaram sendo pautadas majoritariamente no curto prazo, tendo nas operações com títulos públicos o principal suporte para manter seus níveis elevados de rentabilidade em contextos marcados por adversidades. Concluí-se, deste modo, que a mudança deste padrão de atuação requer a prevalência de condições macroeconômicas e institucionais que induzam essas instituições a assumirem maiores riscos, fazendo do crédito a base de seu padrão de rentabilidade. / Abstract: This thesis discusses balance sheet structure and profitability pattern of private banks in Brazil in the period 1970/2008, with emphasis in the years of low inflation (1995-2008). It was argued that monetary stability would change private banks behavior, which would so be driven by credit operations. However, the balance sheet indicators of the big private banks analyzed in this thesis shows that it didn't happen. The behavior of private banks in Brazil in the context of low inflation continued to be ruled by a flexibility option. These institutions were able to adapt its balance sheet structure to different situations maintaining their high levels of profitability. It is argued, therefore, that this behavior results fundamentally of the combination of two points: 1) macroeconomic instability and, consequently, the prevalence of high real interest rate; and 2) indexation of the government bonds to short-term money market rate (Selic). In other words, on one side the monetary stability in Brazil didn't mean macroeconomic stability; on the other hand, the logic of the stabilization plan prevented the elimination of the institutional structure of high inflation regime, that is to say, of the near money. In these conditions, during periods of higher uncertainty the banks are able to build a portfolio that is at the same time liquid and profitable, which makes possible to have high profit even in bad periods. In spite of the end of the high inflation period, the operations of these institutions continued to be focused in short-term, being the operations with government bonds the main support to high profitability levels even in adverse situations. The change of this behavior requests the prevalence of macroeconomics and institutional conditions that induce those institutions to assume larger risks, having credit as the key-point of their profitability pattern. / Doutorado / Teoria Economica / Doutor em Ciências Econômicas
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O controle de gestão nos bancos múltiplos que atuam no Brasil: estudo do impacto da internacionalização e da convergência aos padrões internacionais de contabilidade / Control management of multiple banks in Brazil: a study of the impact of the internationalization and convergence to international accounting standardsJoão Carlos Damasceno Reis 23 January 2012 (has links)
Os Sistemas de Controle de Gestão, bem como as informações por eles disponibilizadas, ganham cada vez mais relevância no setor bancário. Tal fato vem ocorrendo devido à necessidade de melhoria de práticas de gestão, assim como processos, justificada pelo desenvolvimento contínuo das atividades nesse mercado. Este estudo se propôs a verificar o impacto provocado pelo processo de internacionalização e convergência aos padrões internacionais de contabilidade nos sistemas de controle gerencial de bancos múltiplos que atuam no Brasil. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória através do método de estudo de caso, sendo utilizados entrevistas e questionários, para examinar a aplicação do referencial teórico na prática do uso de Sistemas de Controle de Gestão nesses bancos, buscando destacar possíveis modificações em função de ambos os processos. Os resultados obtidos na análise dos casos apresentam características comuns à literatura, e incomuns em outros aspectos. O impacto da Internacionalização trazido aos Sistemas de controle dos bancos mostrou estar atrelado à área de tecnologia da informação, enquanto para Convergência aos padrões internacionais de Contabilidade, o impacto deve estar muito mais endereçado à evidenciação nos padrões internacionais, do que propriamente aos Sistemas de controle. / Management Control systems and as the information they provide gain increasingly more relevance in the banking sector. This has been due to the need for improvement of management practices, as well as processes, justified by the continuous development of activities in this market. This study set out to verify the impact caused by the processes of globalization and convergence to international standards on accounting managerial control systems of multiple banks that operate in Brazil. For this, there was an exploratory search via the case study method, interviews and questionnaires that are, being used to examine the application of the theoretical reference in practice the use of Management Control systems in these banks and seeking to highlight possible modifications in the light of both processes. The results obtained in the examination of cases have characteristics in common with literature, and unusual in other respects. The impact of globalization brought to control Systems of banks showed that it is tied to the information technology area, while for Convergence with international accounting standards, the impact should be much more addressed to disclosure in international standards, rather than to control Systems.
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Analýza vývoje největších českých bank v novém tisíciletí / Analysis of the largest Czech banks in new millenniumWyrwol, Ivan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the problem of banking sector in the Czech Republic. The aim is to determine, whether the Czech banking sector is stable and healthy. The analysis is performed on the example of three largest banks since their privatization until now. In my work, I found out how banks due to adjusting from toxic assets and subsequent sale to foreign investors became successful companies, that withstand the financial crisis in the years 2007 - 2009, and every year can generate relatively high profit. Decomposition on the individual components are identified as the main sources of profit and also the main risks. The analysis shows, that the most hazardous component of the revenue comes from trading by banks. These banks in the recent years considerably decreased profitability. For the banks come the main profits from interest income. These in the recent years considerably decreased profitability. For the banks comes the main profit from interest income. Banks concentrate more on traditional banking products and thus do not fall into problems as many other banks abroad. The work confirmed all three hypotheses and thus was fulfilled the assumption that Czech banks are stable and healthy.
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An?lise do desempenho organizacional de ag?ncias banc?rias: aplicando DEA a indicadores do BSC. / Organization performance analisys about bank branches: apply to DEA at BSC indicators.CAVALCANTE, Glaydson Teixeira 13 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2009 - Glaydson Teixeira Cavalcante.pdf: 437002 bytes, checksum: 313bff8d1d33ff090afd0e53f410b5a2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-03-13 / In an environment highly competitive with dearth of wherewithal the domestic banks have target to optimize their business. At utilization of measurements that come the complementary the financial measurements, it allows biggest sustained profitability at that corporation. However, many businesses that uses balanced measurements of discharge financial with sundry measurements of discharge to get wrong when they use forefingers that only point to efficacy while it would be balanced with target to reach efficacy in their operations. Efficacy measures what were produced in relation what were planned to be produced. The efficiency involves what could be bringing about and available the inputs, in relation to that could be bringing about. This concept proceeds to being determined in that context highly competitive. The methodology of Date Envelopment Analysis (DEA) highlights between methodologies for performance measurement. That analyze, with object to define technical the efficiency, through linear no-parametric mathematical modulate and programming, the more sundry measurements of organization discharge, without desirability of conversion of their units. In this paper, DEA methodology be apply at balanced forefingers of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) of the biggest domestic banks, with object to define businesslike units and inefficient comparing with the score decided coat business analyze. This analyze is about 50 bureauxes of the segment of middle market, of a same domestic institution, that be categorize as biggest banks trade Brazilians. This bank have implanted the BSC in 2000, the segment analyzed get his BSC since 2003. The method of selection I-O Stepwise is used for selection of variables, with eyesight at average to improve of the efficiency applied. To hold back the balance design for manage of the bank, it use blunt method of qualification of loads, overhead consider the amount of each forefinger decided in the BSC. Compared them end products DEA with arise from the BSC, asset consume suffer from them forefingers cull coat method I-O Stepwise. Test of significance and correlation were applied to the results. The tests of correlation of Pearson and Spearman point deep correlation among them forefingers Blanket DEA and the Placard of the BSC, considering the variables cull coat method I-the Stepwise and the bout under analysis. The regression test denoted a lot of faint significance of the variables cull in represent to changeable reliant PGeral while that bold significance couple represent to changeable DEA. Invalid hypothesis test demonstrated meaningful differences among ten more efficients and the ten less efficients, in changeable DEA, Input and working capital. Through the arguments come in executives of the bank and managers of the units, perceived bold alignment of the DEA with the premises defended in those appointments. / Em um ambiente altamente competitivo e com escassez de recursos, os bancos nacionais tem focado a otimiza??o de suas aplica??es e capta??es. A utiliza??o de medidas, que venham a complementar as medidas financeiras, permitir? maior sustentabilidade lucrativa a essas corpora??es. Entretanto, muitas empresas que balanceiam suas medidas de desempenho financeiro com medidas diversas de desempenho, erram ao utilizar indicadores que somente apontam para a efic?cia, enquanto estes deveriam ser balanceados com os objetivos de alcan?ar a efici?ncia em suas opera??es. A efic?cia mede o que foi produzido em rela??o ao que foi planejado para ser produzido. A efici?ncia envolve o que poderia ser produzido e os insumos dispon?veis, em rela??o ao que poderia ser produzido. Este conceito passa a ser determinante nesse contexto altamente competitivo. Destaca-se como metodologia para mensura??o de performance, a metodologia de Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Que analisa, com objetivo de definir a efici?ncia t?cnica, por meio de modelagem matem?tica n?o-parametrica e programa??o linear, as mais diversas medidas de desempenho organizacional, sem necessidade de convers?o de suas unidades. Neste trabalho, ser? aplicada a metodologia DEA a indicadores balanceados do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) de uma dos maiores bancos nacionais, com o objetivo de definir unidades eficientes e ineficientes comparando com o score definido pela empresa analisada. Para tanto, analisou-se 50 ag?ncias do segmento de middle market, de uma mesma institui??o nacional, que ? classificada como um dos maiores bancos comerciais brasileiros. Este banco implantou o BSC em 2000, o segmento analisado possui seu BSC desde 2003. Para sele??o de vari?veis, com vistas ? melhoria da efici?ncia m?dia, aplicou-se m?todo de sele??o I-O Stepwise. Para manter o balanceamento desenhado pela ger?ncia do banco, utilizou-se m?todo de restri??o direta de pesos, os pesos consideraram a import?ncia de cada indicador definida no BSC. Compararam-se os resultados DEA com os resultados do BSC, bem como estes com os indicadores selecionados pelo m?todo I-O Stepwise. Aplicou-se teste de signific?ncia e correla??o aos resultados. Os testes de correla??o de Pearson e Spearman apontaram baixa correla??o entre os indicadores DEA e o Placar Geral do BSC, considerando-se as vari?veis selecionadas pelo m?todo I-O Stepwise e o per?odo sob an?lise. O teste regress?o indicou muito fraca signific?ncia das vari?veis selecionadas em explicar a vari?vel dependente PGeral, enquanto que forte signific?ncia para explicar a vari?vel DEA. O teste de hip?tese nula demonstrou diferen?as significativas entre as 10 mais eficientes e as 10 menos eficientes, em vari?veis DEA, Investimento e Capital de Giro. Considerando como premissas as discuss?es entre executivos do banco e gestores das unidades, percebeu-se forte alinhamento da DEA com as premissas apregoadas nesses encontros.
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The development of money and banking in CeylonKelegama, Jayantha B. January 1957 (has links)
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