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Myšlenka Unie pro Středomoří jako výsledek Barcelonského procesu / Union for the Mediterranean as a result of the Barcelona processBryndová, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
This diploma paper analyses the Barcelona process and the Union for the Mediterranean. It aims to answer the question wether the Union for the Mediterranean is the continuation of the Barcelona process and to show the relations, similarities and differences. It is divided into three chapters. The first chapter characterizes the Mediterranean region and its importance for European Union. The second chapter describes the emergence and progress of Barcelona process. It also evaluates the Barcelona process. The third chapter is about the Union for the Mediterranean, its progress and its actual problems.
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L'expérience touristique de l'espace quotidien : le cas des visiteurs barcelonais / The tourist experience of usual environment : the case of visitors from BarcelonaDiaz Soria, Inmaculada 19 October 2018 (has links)
Comment l’individu devient-il touriste ? Cette recherche vise à comprendre l’expérience de la redécouverte de l’espace quotidien : peut-on s’attendre à être surpris ?Dans un contexte postmoderne dans lequel l’individu devient un personnage hybride (entre visiteur et résident, portant un regard à la fois simple et complexe sur le monde qui l’englobe), nous souhaitons répondre à la question suivante : (comment) est-il possible de vivre une expérience touristique dans la région où on réside ?La méthodologie utilisée repose sur quatre actions : écouter les professionnels du secteur touristique et culturel, identifier l’offre et les thématiques proposées, observer des visites guidées destinées notamment à un public local et accéder aux expériences des visiteurs.Par le biais d’une approche qualitative, nous visons à déterminer si la distance est une composante essentielle de l’expérience touristique. La ville de Barcelone (Espagne) constitue notre terrain d’études. Nous nous penchons sur la manière dont différentes expériences sont contextualisées, d’abord, dans la biographie de chaque visiteur interviewé et, ensuite, dans le cadre spatial et temporel où l’expérience a lieu. Les résultats obtenus approfondissent la compréhension de la condition du touriste et de la valorisation des espaces ordinaires comme des espaces permettant la redécouverte. / How do we become tourists? This research aims at understanding the experience of rediscovering the usual environment. Can we expect to be surprised?In a postmodern context where individuals become hybrid (they are at the same time residents and visitors, temporal and permanent inhabitants, in a simple and in a complex relationship with the world surrounding them), we raise the following question: (How) is it possible to enjoy a tourist experience in the region where we live?Our methodology rests on four actions: listening to the cultural and tourist sector, identifying the offer and the existing themes, observing guided tours especially conceived for locals and accessing to visitors’ experiences.Through a qualitative approach, we aim at ascertaining if the distance is indeed an essential component of tourist experiences. The case of the City of Barcelona will be analysed, especially how different experiences are contextualised, first, within the biography of each interviewed visitor and, second, within the spatial and temporal frame where these experiences are carried out. The results provide deeper understanding of the tourist condition and of the transformation of ordinary places into highlights from a rediscovery point of view.
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Open to the public: strategies for a museum archiveİhraç, Jasmin 21 June 2016 (has links)
How could a contemporary archive in an art institution be organized, what can or should its parameters be? In recent years archiving has become an important subject for museums and galleries as they consider and organize the documentation and accessibility of their past activities and exhibitions. The article deals with the Fundació Antoní Tàpies in Barcelona and its special programmes to engage visitors in working with archive material in the museum space. The institutional framework developed at the Fundació includes the activation of different visitor groups, the establishing of online tools and the creation of new exhibitions based on archive material. These aspects aim at an open access to the archive for the public.
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Frankova éra ve Španělsku ze zorného úhlu El Clásica: FC Barcelona proti Realu Madrid / Franco years in Spain through "El Clásico": FC Barcelona vs. Real MadridVakulenko, Darya January 2013 (has links)
Master's thesis "Franco years in Spain through El Clásico: FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid" explores the football rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona teams during the franquismo. The theme of Real Madrid, understood as a team supported and promoted by the Spanish regime is prevailing throughout the paper. Another part describes deep cultural symbolism of FC Barcelona in Catalonian region. The last part unites those two subjects by explaining how their rivalry or El Clásico games, were more than just a match of football. Emotional attachments, political manifestations and historical differences always prevailed throughout their matches.
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Superblocks : A Study of Public Life in Barcelona / Superblocks : En studie av det offentliga livet i BarcelonaDuchêne, Damien January 2019 (has links)
The motivation for this thesis is a belief that the quality of Public Life is key to unlock the qualities of urbanity and create a community capable of facing social and ecological challenges. Public Life being a complex matter, it is primordial to study it as much as possible, in order to understand the mechanisms controlling it. The aim of this thesis is to describe the Public Life as it is in the new public spaces created in Barcelona through the implementation of a large magnitude urban transformation program called Superblocks. Superblocks consist of a group of city blocks of which the interior streets are “pacified” to free public space from cars, while the entire transportation network is reorganized. The research aims at uncovering how Public Life differs between two Superblocks and the rest of the city, by comparing them to similar areas . The research consisted of 2 weeks of direct observation using methods created by Jan Gehl, followed by an in-depth analysis of the data collected, describing Public Life while separating it between Traveling and Stationary Activities. It found that the quality of Public Life was indeed improved by the Superblocks, but that the changes differed greatly between the two different contexts of the study objects. / Den här uppsatsen utgår från en övertygelse om kvaliteten på livet i det offentliga rummet har en avgörande roll för att frigöra urbanitetens kvaliteter och skapa ett samhälle som kan hantera sociala och ekologiska utmaningar. Livet i det offentliga rummet är en komplex fråga som behöver studeras så mycket som möjligt för att kunna förstå de mekanismer som påverkar det. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva det offentliga livet som det ter sig i de nya offentliga rum som skapats i Barcelona i och med genomförandet av det storskaliga stadsomvandlingsprogrammet Superblocks. Superblocks (”Superkvarter”) består av ett antal stadskvarter där de mellanliggande gatorna omvandlas och frigörs till bilfria offentliga rum samtidigt som hela transportnätverket organiseras om. Undersökningen syftar till att synliggöra hur livet i det offentliga rummet skiljer sig mellan två Superblocks och resten av staden, genom att jämföra dem med liknande områden som inte omvandlats. Undersökningen baseras på två veckors direkt observation enligt metoder utveckla av Jan Gehl, och följdes av djupanalys av den data som inhämtats och som beskriver det offentliga livet uppdelat inom de två kategorierna rörelse och stillastående aktiviteter. Studien visar att det offentliga livets kvalitet påverkades av omvandlingen till Superblocks, samtidigt som förändringen varierade betydligt mellan de två studieobjekten med tydliga kontextuella skillnader.
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Barcelona gives way to green infrastructure : Les Glòries urban transformation as a case study of citizen participation / Barcelona ger plats åt grön infrastruktur : Les Glòries urban omvandling som en fallstudie om medborgarnas deltagandeBaró Planella, Ariadna January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays, there are more population concentrated in urban areas rather than in rural areas. This process of urbanization has altered natural processes in addition to landscape modification. The green in cities has become more and more fragmented, leading to the degradation and loss of many ecosystem services. The big expansion of Barcelona happened during the Cerdàs Plan in the middle of the 19th century. Cerdà designed Barcelona as a grid of blocks where people could walk through its streets and rest in big green areas, but, left some parts of the city like Les Glòries without any planning due to its complexity. In the years thereafter, the city of Barcelona has become a compact city, densely populated, with scare and isolated green spaces while the public space becomes mainly dominated by the car. In order to face the current issues of Barcelona, its City Council has implemented several measures like the green infrastructure strategic policy and planning. Although they have not been done with citizen participation, this supposed a paradigm shift on the municipal city planning, as well as, a paradigm shift on Barcelona’s city model where green infrastructure is being used as an adaptation measure to mitigate the effects of climate change and as a strategic planning tool for reducing car traffic. The project of Les Glòries is a landmark of how a place planned as car-based could become pedestrian-based, in addition to the second biggest green space of the city of Barcelona. Becoming a reference for the new city council policies and measures for a more sustainable and participative Barcelona. Les Glòries project is also a referent of citizen participation due to the citizens and neighbourhood associations were from the very beginning in the planning and design of this space together with the city council technicians.
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“Det blir ju enklare att tänka utanför boxen om du vet vad boxen faktiskt är” : En jämförande intervjustudie mellan svenska och spanska reklambyråers förhållningssätt till reklambranschenErhardsson, Alva, Bornkessel, Mariann January 2024 (has links)
The existing literature extensively covers the demands placed on advertising agencies, yet there is notably less research on how these agencies respond to these demands, especially in a comparative context. In response, this current study aims to investigate how advertising agencies navigate the complex market, where they must adapt to external demands while maintaining their unique identity. The goal is to deepen our understanding of how advertising agencies conduct their operations and handle the challenges posed by the intricate advertising industry. The concept of isomorphism, drawn from institutional theory, represents a significant contribution explaining how organizations tend to adopt similar patterns when influenced by common institutional pressures. This comparative interview study, between advertising agencies in Barcelona and Gothenburg, delves into how these agencies navigate between global and local demands. The findings point to isomorphic patterns among the agencies in these different cities, suggesting their adaptation to global trends. Concurrently, differences in the results indicate the ongoing need for them to tailor their approaches to their respective local contexts.
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Ontologies and knowledges of autonomous resistances in Barcelona: An ethnographic analysis of Can BatllóFerrer Sanz, Maria N. January 2018 (has links)
This research is born from a conscious reflection on the roles and judgements
that traditional scientific analyses imprint in its objects of study, especially in the
field of social movement theory. It aims to understand whether and, to which
extent, autonomous resistances knowledges constructed on the ground
challenge the academic interpretations of those movements. For this reason, the
first part of this dissertation focuses on unravelling how traditional ontologies
have been built and underpin majoritarian scientific analyses. Thus, I review most
current debates in the field. Traditional social movement research tends to focus
on dualist discussions related to new and old social movements, European and
American approaches, behavioural or cost-benefits views, structural and agency
approaches, identity-based interpretations, etc. In opposition to that, I argue for
an ontology breaking with dualist views, placing Deleuze’s concept of difference
at the centre of my argument and feminist ontologies of the body as the medium
affecting the political experience. I propose an autoethnographic method focused
on presenting a cartography of urban resistance movements composed by
difference and rhizomatic relationships in opposition to the homogenisation of
ideas and demands of academic research for pilling up patterns, variables or
categories. Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of the BwO is presented here as a
theoretical tool that helps to introduce the case study in relation with its contexts,
relationships, affects and networks.
The second part of this research narrates and analyses how the proposed
theory is unwrapped in the field. In doing so, I analyse my participation with and
from within one of those collectives, Can Batlló and, more specifically, a project
named La Fondona. Can Batlló is an autonomous and self-organised social centre in the neighbourhood of La Bordeta in Barcelona with which I worked
during six months between 2013 and 2014. Throughout this period, I participated
actively not only in Can Batlló but also in the actions and events that took place
in the neighbourhood of Sants-Montjuïc and Barcelona. Hence, I present an
analysis of the internal processes, relations and knowledge-practices as well as
the relationships that this collective maintains with the community, its sociopolitical
space and historical context. I argue those relations are constructed
through rhizomatic principles as well as drawing from feminist approaches which
put life and the body at the centre of their arguments. These outcomes will be
finally reflected in chapter IX of this dissertation under the lenses of the research
question posed in this thesis. That is whether current urban resistances challenge
majoritarian social movements’ analyses. / Marie Curie Fellow Program and University of Utrecth
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Du processus de métropolisation à celui de la gentrification, l’exemple de deux villes nord-méditerranéennes : Barcelone et Marseille / From a metropolization process to gentrification, the example of two north-Mediterranean cities : Barcelona and Marseille.Jourdan, Silvère 06 December 2013 (has links)
Les transformations économiques et sociales des sociétés anciennement industrielles ont contribué à la métamorphose des centres anciens de nombreuses villes. Des mouvements centripètes de capitaux et de population, se sont initiés et intensifiés ces dernières décennies. La périphérie des villes autrefois si attractive n’est plus le lieu privilégié d’un type de population qui lui préfère les centres anciens. Il s’agit de la gentrification. Barcelone et plus récemment Marseille n’ont pas échappé à cette dynamique. En s’appuyant sur des travaux pluridisciplinaires, cette thèse se propose tout d’abord de rappeler les définitions du processus, puis d’en saisir les étapes et les modalités sur le terrain. Or, cette étude nous amène à comprendre la gentrification comme un aspect de la métropolisation, dans ses dimensions économique, urbanistique, sociale, politique et culturelle. Depuis les années 1990, quels sont les indices nous permettant d’affirmer qu’un « retour en ville » est en marche ? Une approche quantitative basée sur un important corpus statistique et la confrontation de ces résultats statistiques à des données plus qualitatives nous permettent de répondre à cette question, tout en révélant une réalité idiosyncratique qui interroge la théorie. Enfin, les modes et les rythmes de développement d’un processus qui ne se limite plus aux quartiers anciens et centraux mais qui par capillarité se répand dans les faubourgs laissent apparaître, dans ces deux villes nord-méditerranéennes, non pas un processus de gentrification mais des processus différenciés. / Economic and social changes of old industrial societies have contributed to the transformation of the downtown of many cities. The centripetal flow of capital and population has initiated and intensified in recent decades. The suburbs of cities, initially so attractive, seems to decline for a new type of population who prefers the downtown way of life. This is gentrification. Barcelona, and most recently Marseille, have not escaped this dynamic. Firstly, based on interdisciplinary works, this thesis proposes to record the definition of the process and to grasp the steps and procedures in the field. However, this study leads us to understand the gentrification as an aspect of metropolization, in its economic, urban, social, political and cultural dimensions. Since the 1990s, what have the changes been, that allow us to affirm that "a back to the city" is running? A quantitative approach based on an extensive statistical corpus and the confrontation of these statistical results of the qualitative data, we can answer this question, while revealing an idiosyncratic reality that questions the theory. Finally, the modes and rates of development of a process that is no longer confined to the old and central areas but spreads by capillary action in the inner-suburbs, demonstrates in both north -Mediterranean cities, that there is not one process of gentrification but differentiated processes.
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Le cinéma de Lorenzo Soler dans l'Espagne franquiste : (1963-1970) : (Les images de la réalité sociale en Espagne sous séquestre) / Lorenzo Soler's cinema in Franco's Spain : (1963-1970) : (pictures of social reality in Spain impounded)Herrou Tual, Claudie 10 February 2012 (has links)
Barcelone, 1962, les routes de Lorenzo Soler et de Juan Piquer, issus de la génération de La Posguerra, se croisent de nouveau. Dans leur ville natale, Valence, ils avaient fréquenté le même collège huppé… et subi les mêmes souffrances, liées aux injustices de la société franquiste. Une amitié solide va naître. Juan Piquer est réalisateur. Sous son influence, Lorenzo Soler fondera une société de production cinématographique. Le 29 juillet 1963, une bombe éclate à La Puerta del Sol, au coeur de Madrid. Les deux jeunes Valenciens sont profondément choqués. Lorenzo Soler décide de produire un documentaire sur la période opaque de la pré-Guerre civile, l’ investissement des deux amis sera exemplaire. La première partie de la thèse dévoilera l’histoire du documentaire, tourné en 35 mm, reconstituée, en l’absence de copie, à partir des dossiers de censure. 1965, Juan Piquer repart travailler à Madrid. Dès 1964, le producteur s’était lancé dans la réalisation en tournant en 16 mm. Octobre 1965, la Mairie de Barcelone veut mettre en exergue sa politique du logement à l’égard des immigrants venus de l’Espagne du Sud, Lorenzo Soler est chargé de la réalisation de l’oeuvre de commande. Lors du tournage, il découvre el barraquismo, la gorge nouée, il tourne, mais l’oeuvre, une fois réalisée, sera mise sous séquestre. La décision du cinéaste se fera alors irrévocable, ses images témoigneront. La seconde partie de la thèse recouvrira la période 1965 - 1970 et traitera du parcours du précurseur d’un cinéma nouveau : « el cine [documental] independiente ». / In 1962, in Barcelona, Lorenzo Soler’s path crossed again Juan Piquer’s, by chance. Both were from the Posguerra generation. In their hometown, Valencia, they had attended the same posh college… and suffered the same experiences, because of the injustices of the Franco’s society. Their reunion marked the beginning of a close friendship. Juan Piquer was a film maker. Under his influence, Lorenzo Soler founded a movie production company. On July 29th 1963, a bomb exploded in downtown Madrid. The two young men were deeply shocked by the bomb attack. Lorenzo Soler then decided to produce a documentary on the obscure period that preceded the Civil War. The two friends’ commitment was exemplary. The first part of the thesis unveils the story of the documentary, from the study of the censure, because there is no copy of the movie, shot as a 35 mm film. In 1965, Juan Piquer went back to Madrid for work. In 1964, the producer started directing movies, using a 16 mm camera. In October 1965, Barcelona town council decided to promote its housing policy toward the southern Spain immigrants, Lorenzo Soler was in charge of a commissioned documentary. While shooting, he discovered el barraquismo, a lump in his throat, he shot, but his work was confiscated. Then the film maker’s decision became irrevocable, his work had to testify. The second part of the thesis deals with the career, from 1965 to 1970, of the precursor of a new cinema in Spain : el cine [documental] independiente.
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