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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daugiaatribučių duomenų struktūrų sukūrimas ir jų alternatyvų įvertinimas / Data structures with many attributes and the evaluation of the alternatives

Šimkevičiūtė, Giedrė 24 May 2004 (has links)
This paper is a research of problem which was faced during development of clinical information system. This is a scope, where one clinical test can by characterised by several hundreds of attributes. Thus the focus is on the design and performance of database tables with 200-300 columns. To perform the research the Oracle Database Management System was chosen. There is the main factors, influencing performance, such as principles of data storage on disk, query processing also the main facilities to improve performance observed. Based on the basic principles of relational database design some alternatives to tables with many attributes were created. It is normalized and denormalized structures. There is performed the experiment to see how the speed of most used queries depends on data structure. Also there is done the analysis of complexity and usability of these queries.

Drabužių gamybos užsakymų valdymo informacinė sistema / Information system for management of clothes production orders

Girčiūtė, Gintarė 25 May 2004 (has links)
Nowadays there are lots of information systems for management of production such as CIM (Computer-integrated manufacturing systems), MRP (Material requirements planning systems), MRP II (Manufacturing resource planning systems), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning systems). All these systems have huge possibilities. However the licence prices are enormous, the software requires big computer capacities. So they are more usable for organizations with big annual turnover. Small companies need programs which allow to collect data, store it, systematize, quickly get required information. Study object. Information system for management of clothes production orders. Study goal. To create information system for management of clothes production orders using up-to-date computer technologies. It was made analysis of organization (producing clothes) computerizing field, described functional and non-functional requirements for IS. Also made comparative analysis of information systems for management of production, project of information system for management of clothes production orders which architecture is client – server. Prepared documentation for users. Made testing and quality control. In future the functionality of the information system for management of clothes production orders can be expanded including calculations of material and production cost.

Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų informacijos sistemos (LieMSIS) mokslinių publikacijų duomenų bazė / Database of scientific publications of Lithuanian Science and Study System

Muckus, Mindaugas 28 May 2004 (has links)
LieMSIS PDB is the system designed for gathering of scientific publications data and for statistical analysis of such data. The system allows not only analysis of scientific publications bibliographical information (sort of publication, year of publishing, etc.) but it also allows to account administrative data of the authors (position in the institution, degree and etc.). This document contains overview of LieMSIS PDB development process, LieMSIS PDB evolution from the first version to the current version and statistical data of LieMSIS PDB usage.

Automatizuota teorinių tyrimų terpė naudojanti simbolinius skaičiavimus ir žinių bazes / The of automatized environment of theoretical researches with symbolic calculation and bases of systems of knowledge

Baranauskas, Andrius 11 June 2004 (has links)
The main aims of automatized environment of theoretical researches are to help and accelerate complicated signals' processing, creation of algorithms of neurons' networks, filters and other symbolic and calculation engineering researches which can be understood and promoted by every person. The environment has been implemented using simple as possible interaction of machine and the human communication and the possibility to actuate into research bases of systems of knowledge.

Lietuvių kalbos semantinių požymių lentelės valdymo programinė įranga / Lithuanian language semantic attributes tables ruling software

Boiko, Irena 11 June 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this paper covered execution of one stage of semantic analysis compiuterization by development of a software able to improve the guality of automated translation. Such software "Lexes", the browser and editor routine of Lithuanian words and related to such words semantic attributes.

Žemės vertė kadastro duomenų bazėje / Cadastre value of land in database

Mykolaitienė, Erika 22 June 2004 (has links)
The purpose of my work is to make the theoretic generalization of lands estimation, to analyse the device of wholesales estimation and the chance of using that device in cadastre. In my work was inspected the national and wholesales estimation, and descripted methods and criterions of estimation. I inspected the difference and analogy between estimation method in Lithuania and in some countries of Europe union. I make the database of lands plot for Klaipėda town, using GeoMap2004 software. This database is available, for accumulation, editing and analysing of lands plot.

Klientų duomenų bazės ir santykio su klientais valdymo programa / The Programme of Client‘s Database and Its Relation with Clients Software

Sinickas, Henrikas 09 September 2004 (has links)
The information system "VMC klientai" has been established for the client's registration and panning in Kaunas Technuological University, Panevėžys Departament, the centre of Management Technology and Busines training centre. The modulus of client's registration – the internet page with instruction to reguired programmes and client's registration as well as data compiling in MySQL database and with the same database distance administration, with a help of PHP software having been created programmes codes that could have a possibility to transfer data automatically from MySQL database into the main information system "VMC klientai" Access database modulus.

Utenos apskrities vizualių skaitmeninių duomenų bazė / A visual digital database of Utena region

Šalkauskaitė, Vilma 15 June 2006 (has links)
In the first part of this master job was assessed a geographical feature of Utena region. In the same part was described natural condition and natural recourses of territory. In this job specific attention was given to define objects of social geography and to evaluate sectors of urbanization, transport‘s infrastructure, education and industry. The second part represents creation methodic of a visual Digital database of Utena region. To analyze the digital database was indited informative, representing spatial distribution of photographed location maps. In the other part of this job was described an internet web site www.utenosapskritis.info , which was created to represent the Digital database. In this part also was supposed the educological use of this digital database to the creative worksheets and cognitive programs. This master job is dedicated to everyone who is interested in Utena region. Created the visual digital database of Utena region has extensive adaptability worth.

Simulation of enterprise economic factors and application in learning process / Įmonės ekonominių veiksnių imitacinis modeliavimas ir taikymas mokymo procesui

Patašienė, Irena 26 June 2008 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the problems related to the tools of simulation of economical factors of the enterprises. The main goals of the dissertation is to analyze the main economic factors of enterprise activity, to create the educational model of economic processes, to prepare the software for distance, group and individual leaning, and evaluate possibilities to use it in learning and teaching. The several tasks were formulated for this work: to analyze the methods of modeling of economic processes, game-based educational tools and their components, factors of economic processes as well as possibilities of formal description of means; to design imitational model of business processes and to create an universal and dynamic business game according to it; to propose a method allowing to create an educational environment of simulation of business processes; to integrate business game “Kietas riešutas” (“Hard nut”) into formal and informal studies, to suggest additional components for traditional and distance learning, to evaluate applicability in educational process. Dissertation consists of introduction, four chapters and conclusions. Introduction discusses the importance of the problem, formulates goal and tasks of the work, describes scientific novelty of the work, and presents publications of the author as well as structure of the dissertation. The first chapter provides the literature review. It discusses informational technological platform of business games, compared... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos mokymo procese naudojamos įmonių ekonominių veiksnių imitacinio modeliavimo priemonės. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – išanalizavus verslo įmonių veiklos pagrindinius ekonominius veiksnius, sukurti edukacinį ekonominių procesų modelį, parengti nuotolinio, grupinio ir individualaus mokymo programinę įrangą ir įvertinti jos taikymo mokymui ir mokymuisi galimybes. Darbe sprendžiami keli uždaviniai: palyginti ekonominių procesų modeliavimo metodus, žaidybines mokymo priemones ir jų kompiuterinių informacinių platformų komponentus; išanalizuoti ekonominių procesų veiksnius ir formalaus aprašymo priemonių galimybes, suprojektuoti verslo procesų imitacinį modelį ir pagal jį sukurti kompiuterinį verslo žaidimą, pasižymintį universaliomis ir dinamiškomis savybėmis; pasiūlyti metodą, leidžiantį sukurti verslo procesų imitavimo mokomąją aplinką; integruoti sukurtąjį kompiuterinį verslo žaidimą („Kietas riešutas“) į formalių ir neformalių studijų mokomuosius modulius, pateikti papildomų integracinių komponentų sąveikos mechanizmus, siekiant juos įgyvendinti tradiciniu ir nuotoliniu būdais, taip pat įvertinti žaidimo priimtinumą studijų procese. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai ir paskutinis – rezultatų apibendrinimas. Įvade nagrinėjamas problemos aktualumas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, apra��omas mokslinis darbo naujumas, pristatomi autorės pranešimai ir publikacijos, disertacijos struktūra. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Tiesioginiai mokesčiai Europos Bendrijoje: naujausios integracijos tendencijos / European community direct taxation: the recent integration trends

Kalvytė, Vesta 09 July 2011 (has links)
Valstybėms tiesioginių mokesčių srityje išlaikant suverenitetą ir laisvai nusistatant tiesioginių mokesčių rūšį, bazę, tarifą, apmokestinamus subjektus, atsiranda esminiai skirtumų, sukuriančių rinkos fragmentaciją ir didelių kliūčių efektyviam Bendrijos vidaus rinkos funkcionavimui. Visa tai ir atsilikimas nuo kitų sričių harmonizavimo lemia integracijos poreikį ir spaudimą valstybėms narėms harmonizuoti. Tačiau tiesioginių mokesčių pozityviosios integracijos bazė reikalauja, kad Taryboje priimant direktyvas būtų sprendžiama vieningai (nuo 2004 m. – 27-ių valstybių konsensusu). Tai de facto blokuoja privalomų teisės aktų leidybą ir sukuria politinių sprendimų stagnaciją. Priešingai nei pozityvioji integracija, negatyvioji integracija (daugiausia besiremianti laisvo judėjimo pažeidimų draudimais), vyksta itin sparčiai, nepaliaujamai didėjant ETT sprendžiamų bylų ir jų ratio decidendi sklaidą užtikrinančių Komisijos pažeidimo procedūrų skaičiui. ETT, spręsdamas bylas, taiko „visaapimantį” požiūrį: vertinant vienos valstybės įstatymų atitiktį EB teisei, analizuojami ne tik jos įstatymai, bet ir kitos, susijusios valstybės, įstatymai bei jų tarpusavio dvigubo apmokestinimo išvengimo sutartys, t.y. aplinkybių visuma, todėl netgi tas pats įstatymas santykyje su valstybės A įstatymais gali prieštarauti EB teisei, o su valstybės B – jau nebe. Tokia doktrina remiasi Cassis de Dijon abipusio pripažinimo principu: valstybė turi atsižvelgti į kitos valstybės įstatymų nuostatas; tačiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / While Member States retain direct tax sovereignity and determine the tax, its base, rate, taxable subjects discretionary, fundamental differencies occur, resulting in market fragmentation and big obstacles for effective functioning of Community internal market. These differencies and the gap between harmonization in direct taxes and other spheres stipulate the need of harmonization and pressure for the Member States. However, the sole harmonization base requires the Council to act unanimously (starting from year 2004 – by consent of 27 states). This de facto blocks the law-making of compulsory acts and leads to stagnation of political decisions. Contrary to positive integration, negative integration (mostly founded on prohibitions to restrict free movement) proceeds rapidly, while in the meantime the number of cases solved by European Court of Justice (ECJ) and infringement procedures initiated by Commision which ensure the spread of ECJ cases’ ratio decidendi is constantly growing. ECJ when providing the decisions applies overall approach: evaluation of one Member State’s laws means taking into account the whole situation, including the laws of other related Member State and their inter-tax treaties. Therefore the same law is liable to be restrictive in relation to the laws of Member State A, but not restrictive in relation with the laws of Member State B. This doctrine is based under the Cassis de Dijon principle of mutual recognition: Member State is obliged to consider... [to full text]

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