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Vi sitter i samma båt : En kvalitativ studie om anhörigskap och borderline personlighetsstörning / We are in the same Boat : A Qualitative Study on Being a Relative of Someone with Borderline Personality DisorderTingström , Lina, Edman, Sofia, Hedin, Freja January 2009 (has links)
A person with borderline personality disorder, which is a mental illness, can be described as emotionally instable. As a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder one often feels a sense of despair, anxiety and fear. The essay’s purpose was to get an understanding of what it means to be a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder. We wanted to see the relative’s relationship from two perspectives, both from the relative’s perspective and from the professional’s perspective. The essay was a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The results were structured into five themes. These were: Growing up, To be diagnosed, Life with borderline, The present, and The future. The results were analyzed against coping. A qualitative analysis was conducted. The results showed that life as a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder in many cases can be stressful. For example, they adapted their own life very much. Blame from the healthcare system and from the surrounding environment seemed to be a prominent feature of the family. / En person med borderline personlighetsstörning, som är en psykisk sjukdom, kan beskrivas som emotionell instabil. Som anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning kan man känna oro, rädsla och förtvivlan. Uppsatsens syfte var att få förståelse för hur det är att vara anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning. Anhörigskapet studeras från två perspektiv: dels från anhörigas och dels från professionellas. Uppsatsen var en kvalitativ studie och hade en fenomenologisk ansats. Resultatet strukturerades i fem teman: Uppväxt, Att få diagnosen, Livet med borderline, Nutid och Framtid. Resultatet analyserades mot copingbegreppet. En kvalitativ analys genomfördes. Resultatet visade att livet som anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning i många fall kan vara påfrestande då de till exempel fick anpassa sitt eget liv. Skuldbeläggande från sjukvården och från omgivningen verkade vara en återkommande erfarenhet.
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Rodrigo Rubio: vida y obra literariaCifo González, Manuel 21 March 2007 (has links)
Rodrigo Rubio es un escritor al que la mayoría de los críticos lo sitúan dentro del denominado realismo social y, más concretamente, dentro de un realismo existencial de fuertes raíces cristianas. Además, su literatura posee un alto contenido autobiográfico -desde el principio hasta el final de la misma-,con una fuerte reflexión individual y unas motivaciones psicológicas bastante profundas.El propio rubio siempre se manifestó como un firme defensor de la literatura comprometida, marcada por una fuerte vocación realista y por un irrenunciable carácter testimonial. De ahí su permanente defensa de la literatura como testimonio de la vida del ser humano y de su lucha diaria, muchas veces infructuosa, por encontrar la felicidad. Porque, para Rodrigo Rubio, literatura y vida son inseparables, tal y como siempre mostró a lo largo de su obra y como se ha pretendido poner de manifiesto incluso con el mismo título de esta Tesis Doctoral. / Rodrigo Rubio is a writer whom most critics have placed within the so-called social realism, and more precisely within an existential realism, with strong christian roots.Furthermore, his literature, has, from beginning to end, a high autobiographical content, together with a strong individual reflection and deep psychological motivations.Rubio himself always stood for committed literature with a strong realistic vocation and testimonial character. Hence, his permanent defence of literature as a testimony of the life of human beings and their daily, and so often fruitless, struggle for happiness. Because, for Rodrigo Rubio, literature an life cannot be separated, as he has showed all throughout his works, and the title of this Tesis Doctoral has intended to state.
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Hårdgörning av Asp / Densification of Aspen WoodJohansson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Hårdgörning av trä syftar till att göra materialet hårdare. Detta går att åstadkomma genom komprimering, det komprimerade materialet tenderar dock att återgå mot sin ursprungsform då materialet utsätts för fukt om ingen låsning sker. Låsningen kan ske mekaniskt i en treskiktskonstruktion som motverkar träets fuktrörelser. Dessa skivor har dock visat sig vara instabila och tidigare försök har uppvisat deformationer i form av kupning. Denna undersökning syftar till att utreda förutsättningarna för att använda komprimerad asp samt att ta fram underlag för framtagning av en kommersiell produkt. Praktiska tester har genomförts för att studera hårdhet, återfjädring och densitet hos det komprimerade virket. Vidare har treskiktsskivor tagits fram för att testa om det går att få en stabil konstruktion genom att variera tjockleken på spärrskiktet. Även skillnader i acklimatiseringstid och fuktkvotens inverkan för virkets återfjädring har studerats. Resultaten visar på att aspens hårdhet efter komprimering blir i samma nivå som bok och ask, en låg fuktkkvot vid komprimering av materialet ger en låg återfjädring, komprimerat material har en längre acklimatiseringstid till jämviktsfuktkvot och materialet går att låsa tvärs fiberriktningen i en treskiktskonstruktion. / To make wood harder it can be densified. This can be achieved by compression, the compressed material tends to return to the original shape when it is exposed to moisture fluxations and if no form of fixation occurs. The fixation can be done mechanically in a three-layer panel construction which reduce movements in the timber. These panels have been found to be unstable and previous attempts have shown deformations in form of cupping. This study aims to evaluate the conditions for using compressed aspen wood, and to provide a basis for development of a commercial product. Practical tests have been conducted to study hardness, springback and density of the compressed wood. In addition, three-layer panels have been developed to test whether it is possible to have a stable construction by varying the thickness of the buttom layer. Differences in acclimatisation time and the moisture contents effect on the springback has aslo been studied. The results show that the hardness of aspen wood after compression is in equal levels with beech and ashes, a low moisture contet provides a low springback, compressed timber have a longer time for acclimatisation and it is possible to fixate the material in the direction across the grain in a three-layer panel construction.
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Spontaneity in American English: face - to - face and movie conversation comparedFORCHINI, PIER FRANCA 18 February 2009 (has links)
La tesi fornisce uno studio empirico relativo agli elementi linguistici caratterizzanti il parlato faccia-a-faccia e il parlato filmico americano, due domini conversazionali solitamente detti differire in termini di spontaneità, essendo il primo generalmente descritto come la quintessenza del linguaggio parlato (in quanto totalmente spontaneo) e il secondo come non-spontaneo (essendo scritto-per-essere-parlato) e, quindi, non adatto a rappresentare l'uso generale della conversazione. Entrambe le analisi (i.e. quella multi-dimensionale, che offre una panoramica generale dei due domini presi in considerazione, e quella più specifica relativa al comportamento linguistico dell’espressione you know) basate su esempi autentici tratti da corpora dimostrano che, nonostante quanto venga generalmente descritto dalla letteratura a riguardo, conversazione faccia-a-faccia e conversazione filmica hanno molti tratti in comune e confutano l’idea che il linguaggio filmico non possa essere rappresentativo dell'uso generale della conversazione. / The present dissertation examines empirically the linguistic features characterizing American face-to-face and movie conversation, two domains which are usually claimed to differ especially in terms of spontaneity. Natural conversation is, indeed, considered the quintessence of the spoken language for it is totally spontaneous, whereas movie conversation is usually described as non-spontaneous, being artificially written-to-be spoken and, thus, not likely to represent the general usage of conversation. In spite of what is generally maintained by the literature, both the Multi-Dimensional analysis and the micro-analysis of the functions of you know based on authentic data retrieved from corpora show that the two conversational domains do not differ to a great extent and thus confutes the claim that movie language has “a very limited value” in that it does not reflect natural conversation and, consequently, is “not likely to be representative of the general usage of conversation”.
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Hårdgörning av Asp / Densification of Aspen WoodJohansson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Hårdgörning av trä syftar till att göra materialet hårdare. Detta går att åstadkomma genom komprimering, det komprimerade materialet tenderar dock att återgå mot sin ursprungsform då materialet utsätts för fukt om ingen låsning sker. Låsningen kan ske mekaniskt i en treskiktskonstruktion som motverkar träets fuktrörelser. Dessa skivor har dock visat sig vara instabila och tidigare försök har uppvisat deformationer i form av kupning. Denna undersökning syftar till att utreda förutsättningarna för att använda komprimerad asp samt att ta fram underlag för framtagning av en kommersiell produkt.</p><p>Praktiska tester har genomförts för att studera hårdhet, återfjädring och densitet hos det komprimerade virket. Vidare har treskiktsskivor tagits fram för att testa om det går att få en stabil konstruktion genom att variera tjockleken på spärrskiktet. Även skillnader i acklimatiseringstid och fuktkvotens inverkan för virkets återfjädring har studerats.</p><p>Resultaten visar på att aspens hårdhet efter komprimering blir i samma nivå som bok och ask, en låg fuktkkvot vid komprimering av materialet ger en låg återfjädring, komprimerat material har en längre acklimatiseringstid till jämviktsfuktkvot och materialet går att låsa tvärs fiberriktningen i en treskiktskonstruktion.</p> / <p>To make wood harder it can be densified. This can be achieved by compression, the compressed material tends to return to the original shape when it is exposed to moisture fluxations and if no form of fixation occurs. The fixation can be done mechanically in a three-layer panel construction which reduce movements in the timber. These panels have been found to be unstable and previous attempts have shown deformations in form of cupping. This study aims to evaluate the conditions for using compressed aspen wood, and to provide a basis for development of a commercial product.</p><p>Practical tests have been conducted to study hardness, springback and density of the compressed wood. In addition, three-layer panels have been developed to test whether it is possible to have a stable construction by varying the thickness of the buttom layer. Differences in acclimatisation time and the moisture contents effect on the springback has aslo been studied.</p><p>The results show that the hardness of aspen wood after compression is in equal levels with beech and ashes, a low moisture contet provides a low springback, compressed timber have a longer time for acclimatisation and it is possible to fixate the material in the direction across the grain in a three-layer panel construction.</p>
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Koncernbidragsspärren - En analys av gällande rätt ur ett företagsperspektivOlsson, Sanna January 2012 (has links)
Vad gäller reglerna om tidigare års underskott utgör koncernbidragsspärren en spärregel till den annars gällande huvudregeln att tidigare års förluster får kvittas mot framtida vinster. Koncernbidragsspärren inträder vid ägarförändringar och innebär förenklat att ett underskottsföretag är förhindrat att, under en period om fem år, kvitta kvarstående underskott mot koncernbidrag som underskottsföretaget mottar från företag som inte ingick i koncernen före ägarförändringen (nya företag). Underskott som uppkommer efter ägarförändringen får dock kvittas mot koncernbidrag från nya företag. Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera och granska reglerna om koncernbidragsspärren ur ett företagsperspektiv, vilket innebär att uppsatsen ser till reglernas bakomliggande syfte och till hur reglerna fungerar vid en praktisk tillämpning. Uppsatsen har ett särskilt fokus kring i vilken turordning koncernbidrag ska beaktas vid avräkning mot befintliga underskott när ett underskottsföretag mottar koncernbidrag både från gamla och nya företag i en koncern. I RÅ 2008 ref. 69 ställdes frågan på sin spets och Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen befäste en ny turordningsprincip där koncernbidrag från gamla företag ska beaktas före koncernbidrag från nya företag i koncernen. Det har genom uppsatsens analys av reglerna om koncernbidragsspärren påvisats att reglerna är svåra att tillämpa och i många fall råder det osäkerhet om hur reglerna ska tolkas. Det kan konstateras att problematik kvarstår avseende frågan om i vilken turordning koncernbidrag från så kallade gamla respektive nya företag ska beaktas vid avräkning mot befintliga underskott även efter RÅ 2008 ref. 69. En rådande osäkerhet om hur reglerna ska tolkas kan inte anses tillfredsställande ur ett företagsperspektiv och en översyn av reglerna vore välkommen. / According to the Swedish legislation tax losses can normally be carried forward and settled against future profits in the same company unlimited of time. However, a restriction of losses being carried forward may occur in situations where change of ownership is at hand. The restrictive rule prohibits offsetting tax losses in an acquired loss-making company against group contributions received from other group companies. The restrictive rule applies up until, and including, the end of the fifth year after the year when the restriction occurred. However, losses that occur after the change of ownership are possible to offset against group contributions from other group companies. The thesis aims to analyze and review the restrictive rule from a business perspective which means that the underlying purpose of the restrictive rule and how it works in practice is examined. The thesis has a particular focus on in what order group contributions should be considered when being offset against existing deficits when the deficit company receives group contributions from old and new companies in the corporate group. In the Swedish case law RÅ 2008 ref. 69 the Supreme Administrative Court laid down a new principle of order where group contributions from an old company should be regarded before a group contribution from a new company. Through the analysis of the restrictive rule it has been demonstrated that the rule is difficult to conform to and that there is an uncertainty regarding the interpretation of it. Through the analysis of this thesis it is established that, even after RÅ 2008 ref. 69, the complexity of problems remains concerning in what order group contributions from old respectively new companies should be considered when being offset against existing deficits. A such prescribed uncertainty regarding the interpretation of the restrictive rule cannot be considered satisfactory from a business perspective and a review of the rules would be preferable.
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Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchung der Wirkung von Östrogen, Alendronat, Raloxifen und Cimicifuga auf die Knochenheilung der ovarektomierten Ratte / Fluorescence mikroscopical analyze of the effekt of Estrogen, Alendronat, Raloxifen and black cohosh on fractue healing in ovariectomized ratsWenda, Eliane 22 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Jaunuolių su nežymiai sutrikusiu intelektu integracijos į darbo rinką situacija Lietuvoje / The integration of the youth with slight metal handicap into the work market in Lithuania / Zusammen fassung der magisterarbeitJakuta, Vadimas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvoje, kaip ir kitose ES valstybėse, kiekvienam jaunuoliui, nepaisant jo negalios, turi būti garantuojama teisę į mokslą. Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai deklaruoja proto negalios asmenų teisę į ugdymą, profesinį rengimą bei įdarbinimą, tačiau neįgalieji šių savo teisių pilnai realizuoti negali. Nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto jaunuoliai, baigę bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiąsias mokyklas, neįstengia konkuruoti su kitais moksleiviais, stodami į profesinio rengimo mokyklas, nes bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiosiose mokyklose mokosi pagal adaptuotas ir modifikuotas programas.
Dar viena iškilusi problema tai įstatyminė bazė. Profesinio mokymo įstatymas bei jį lydintis teisės aktai jau nebeatitinka šiuolaikinio gyvenimo realijų. Šie dokumentai negarantuoja specialiųjų poreikių vaikams, ugdytiems adaptuojant bendro lavinimo mokyklos dalykų programas, teisės mokytis antroje profesinio mokymo programų pakopoje.
Šiuo metu asmenų su negalia profesinis mokymas, permokymas ir perkvalifikavimas vykdomas per darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybas, specialius mokymo centrus, profesinio mokymo mokyklas ir yra prieinamas asmenims su nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto. Nepakankamas, sunkiai prieinamas, mažai pritaikytas ir su vietos darbo rinkos poreikiais nesusietas profesinis mokymas, perkvalifikavimas tampa viena iš asmenų su negalia nedarbo priežasčių. Nėra profesinių įgūdžių (išlikusių, įgytų) įvertinimo metodikų, pagal kurias būtų galima spręsti apie profesinės reabilitacijos galimybę ir veiksmingumą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania, like in the others EU countries, the right to education should be guaranteed to every young person despite his or her disability. The laws of Lithuanian Republic declare the right to education for people with mental disabilities, as well as their vocational training and job placement; however, the disabled people cannot realize those rights in full. After finishing adapted and modified programs in secondary and special schools, young people with light mental disorder are not able to compete with the rest of students for the place in vocational training schools.
Another issue that has been raised is the legal base. The law of vocational training and associated documents do not match the realities of contemporary life. Those documents do not guarantee the right to study at the second level vocational training schools to children who were educated according to adopted secondary school programs.
Currently the vocational training, re-training and re-skilling for people with disabilities is being done through the employment agencies, special training centers, vocational schools and is available only for those with light mental disorders. Vocational training and re-training, which is insufficient, difficult to access and poorly adapted to the demands in the job market, becomes one of the reasons for unemployment of disabled people. There is no methodology of evaluating the acquired vocational skills, according to which it is possible to estimate the possibility for... [to full text] / In Litauen, wie in anderen Staaten EU muß man jeden Jugendlichen mit einer Behinderung die Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung garantirten. Die litauischen Gesetze bestätigen den geistig behindrten Menschen, daß die eine Möglichkeit zum Lernen, Berufschulen zu absolvieren und in den Berufsmarkt zu integrieren haben, sondern die geistig Behinderte könen aus diesen Mögleichkeiten voll nicht benutzen. Die leicht behinderte Jugendliche, die Mittelchulen und speziellen Schschuelen absolviert haben, haben keine Chancen mit Anderen in den Berufschulen zu konkurieren, wiel sie in den Schulen ein adaptiertes Lernprogramm hatten.
Noch ein wichtiges Problem - das Gesetzeswerk. Das Berufsbilgungsgesetz und anderen Begleitakten entsprechen heute keine Lebensrealität. Diese Gesetze geben keine Garantie für die leicht beginderten Jugendlichen, die nach dem adaptirten Programm lernten, weiter mit den anderen Kindern in der zeiten Berufsstufe studieren.
Zur Zeit organiesirt man die berufliche Schulung und Umschulung mit Hilfe der Umschulungsorganiration des Arbeitsmarktes, der speciellen Berufschulen, in dennen nur die leicht behinderte Jugendlichen lernen können. Die Berufsprogramme sind zu dem Arbeitsmarkt nicht angepasst. Berufsrehabilitationssystem ist sehr schwach entwickelt und das macht diese Situation noch schlechter.
Das Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufssystem ist nur für die gesunde Menschen, die zu dem Arbeitsmarkt leicht anzupassen können. Den behinderten Menschen... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]
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Världens opålitlighet : Begreppsanalys av livsförståelsearbete i särskolan / The Unreliability of the World : A Concept Analysis of the Work of Understanding One’s Life in Special SchoolStefansson, Ingalill January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the work of understanding one’s life. The work of understanding one’s life is what I call the work that pupils in special school and special school for adults (education for pupils, children as well as adults with intellectual challenges) themselves initiate. It is a “real” job, based on the pupils’ conditions where the purpose is to understand his or her self and learn to live in a world that is or can be experienced as unreliable. In special school the teacher has very obviously the pupil’s life in his or her hand and the way of approach that the teacher chooses is of great importance for the possibility for the pupil to work with his or her understanding of life. Analyses of concepts from existential philosophers with interdependence in focus have the purpose of understanding the work of understanding one’s life. For example K.E. Løgstrup’s philosophy on the ethical demand is discussed, as also spontaneous and revolving life expressions, Karl Jaspers’ border situations, Paul Tillich’s the courage to be and Henry Cöster’s work on ethics and social care. The discussion is put in relation to two different ways of approach that the pedagogue can choose. I call them following and leading approach. The analyses are illustrated with drawings from pupils’ and stories based on my experience of many years’ work in special school. The method, to see the alternative with distinctions, has been inspired by K.E. Løgstrup’s phenomenological interpretation of everyday reality. The result – a theory on what the work of understanding one’s life is about – is based on the discussion of the different concepts of the analysis in combination. The theory makes it possible to both speak about and relate to the work of understanding one’s life. Finally examples are given of areas, activities and situations where knowledge about the importance of the work of understanding one’s life is important for people’s possibility of taking part in community of society.
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Doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) em pacientes morbidamente obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica : correlação entre os achados histopatológicos das biópsias hepáticas intraoperatórias e estado glicêmico basalSouto, Kátia Elisabete Pires January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica (DHGNA) tem como causa principal a obesidade. Atualmente não existe tratamento medicamentoso específico para DHGNA. A cirurgia bariátrica surge como uma alternativa de tratamento em pacientes morbidamente obesos. Objetivos: Analisar, através de biópsia hepática intra-operatória, o grau de comprometimento hepático em obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, correlacionando os achados histopatológicos com o estado glicêmico dos pacientes. Métodos: Estudo de coorte prospectivo incluindo 521 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica de julho de 2001 até dezembro de 2016. Os pacientes foram classificados em três grupos de acordo com o status glicêmico basal: 167(32,05%) diabéticos tipo 2 (G1), 132 (25,33%) pré-diabéticos (G2) e 222 (42,61%) obesos normoglicêmicos (G3). Foram obtidas biópsias hepáticas transoperatórias, as quais foram classificadas conforme os critérios de Brunt e do NASH-CRN. As variáveis clínicas e bioquímicas e histológicas foram comparadas antes da cirurgia e durante o seguimento pós-operatório. Resultados: A prevalência de DHGNA nesta coorte foi de 95%. Não houve diferença quanto ao gênero e IMC entre os grupos. Observaram-se taxas mais altas de fibrose (56,4% G1 vs 29,2% G2 vs 28,6% G3 p<0,001) e Esteatohepatite Não Alcoólica (EHNA) (59,4% G1vs 49,2% G2 vs 36% G3 p <0,001) nos pacientes diabéticos. Apenas 1,5 %, dos diabéticos apresentaram histologia normal (vs 7,76% G2 vs 15,7% G3). / Introduction: Obesity is the main cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), for which there is currently no specific medical treatment. Bariatric surgery is a treatment alternative for morbidly obese patients. Objectives: Use an intraoperative liver biopsy to analyze the degree of liver damage in obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery and correlates the histopathological findings with glucose status. Methods: Prospective cohort study of 521 morbid obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery from July 2001 to December 2016, classified into three groups according to their baseline glucose status: 167 (32.05%) type 2 diabetes (G1), 132 (25.33%) pre-diabetic (G2) and 222 (42.61%) normoglycemic obese (G3). Patients using potentially hepatotoxic medications and a history of ethanol consumption or viral hepatitis were excluded. Intraoperative liver biopsies were obtained and classified in accordance with Brunt and NASH-CRN criteria. Clinical, biochemical and histopathological variables were compared before surgery and during postoperative follow-up. Results: The prevalence NAFLD was 95%. There was no intergroup difference for sex and BMI. Higher rates of fibrosis (56.4% G1 vs. 29.2% G2 vs. 28.6% G3 p<0.001) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (59.4% G1vs 49.2% G2 vs. 36% G3 p <0.001) were observed in the diabetic patients. Only 1.5 % of diabetics showed normal histology (vs. 7.76% G2 and 15.7% G3).
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