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Investigation of electronic and magnetic structure of advanced magnetic materialsRednic, Vasile 25 January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this work subscribes to the international preoccupation regarding the elucidation of magnetic properties of solids. The crystallographic, electronic and magnetic structures of Al-Mn-Ni alloys and compounds have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and band structure calculations. The thesis is organized in 6 Chapters, followed by the summary. Chapter 1 contains a brief theoretical introduction into the magnetism of metallic systems, as well the principles of XPS. The sample preparation details and all the techniques employed in the characterization of the systems are described in Chapter 2. The next 4 Chapters contain the experimental results for Mn1-xAlxNi3, Mn1-xAlxNi, Ni1-xMnxAl, Ni0.7-xAlxMn0.3 systems.
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Vieil homme, homme nouveau : esquisse d'une anthropologie paulinienne à partir d'une étude de Romains 5-8 / Old man, new man : sketch of a Pauline anthropologyMoise, Caleb 25 March 2013 (has links)
En quel sens peut-on parler d’une « anthropologie paulinienne » ? Telle est la question fondamentale de cette étude. Avant même de renvoyer à la signification de l’anthropologie paulinienne, elle nous invite tout d’abord à nous interroger sur les possibilités même de l’existence d’une anthropologie dans le cadre de la pensée de Paul. Existe-il chez Paul une pensée anthropologique élaborée en tant qu’objet premier du discours, ou nous est-il seulement permis de construire ou, mieux, d’esquisser, à partir d’une lecture croisée de ses écrits, une vision de l’humanité que l’on pourra finalement appeler une « anthropologie paulinienne » ? Cette étude s’attelle ainsi à montrer que, au-delà et comme en toile de fond des thèmes privilégiés développés par Paul, notamment la justification par la foi et non pas par la Loi, il existe une anthropologie paulinienne, laquelle est notamment déterminée par l’opposition structurelle entre le « vieil homme » et l’ « homme nouveau ». / In what sense can we speak of a “Pauline anthropology”? This is the fundamental question of this study. Before referring to the meaning of the “Pauline anthropology”, it firstly invites us to wonder if an anthropology within Paul's thought does exist. Is there a “Pauline anthropology” as the first object of Paul’s writings, or are we just allowed to build, or better, to sketch, from a joint reading of his writings, a vision of humanity that we can finally call a "Pauline anthropology" ? In this sense, this study aims at showing that, beyond and as a backdrop of the main topics developed by Paul (such as justification by faith and not by the Law), there is a “Pauline anthropology”, which is determined by the structural opposition between the “old man” and the “new man”.
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現代台湾における対外経済政策を巡る政治過程 / ゲンダイ タイワン ニオケル タイガイ ケイザイ セイサク オ メグル セイジ カテイ吉田 知史, Tomofumi Yoshida 19 September 2020 (has links)
本研究では李登輝政権以降の台湾における対外経済政策の変化メカニズムを検討した。構造レベルからの入力である米国の台湾政策と台湾企業は、台湾政府に対して対中投資規制の緩和と直航便の開設を求めてきた。これに対して台湾政府は、強固な抵抗・不安定な抵抗・構造への順応という3つの反応をしてきた。これを決定付けるのは、政権基盤の強弱・政権の重心・政権基盤の強化策というユニットレベルの3つの変数であることを明らかにした。 / This study examines the mechanism of changing foreign economic policy of Taiwan. The U.S. Taiwan policy and Taiwanese businesses, which were the inputs from the structure level, had demanded Taiwanese government to ease restrictions regarding investment to PRC and to introduce direct cross-strait link. Taiwanese government's reactions can be divided into three, which are 'Strict Resistance,' 'Partial Resistance,' and 'Accommodation to Structure.' This study shows that 'Strangeness of Administration's Political Power Base,' 'Administration's Direction,' and 'Way of Enforcing Administration's Political Power Base,' which are unit level variables, had determined which reaction the government would take. / 博士(政治学) / Doctor of Political Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Kompaktní město - aneb co nového se může ještě dít v Brně mezi nádražími / Compact City - or what new is able to yet be done in Brno among railway stationsHill, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Diploma project seeks for new visions in urban solutions of area south of Brno main railway station. This place could become an interesting space for new spacial creativity in connection with the project of new railway station. The work looks for alternatives to officially presented projects with orderly and straight street layouts to create pleasing and livable public space, which would become not only the tour from station to the city, but the city itself. Six meters of height difference is used to separate road and pedestrian traffic and offers an undisturbed walking movement through the elevated pedestrian streets, which are not so deep as they would be when on the ground level, so their width could be downsized to a pleasant minumum, whereas all necesary functions (like parking and supplies areas) také place below it. Geometrical concept of two shifted hexagonal grids delivers a practical large blocks on the ground level for parking and divides the area into separate projects. The walking streets` grid fractionates big portions into more subtle building block layout so comfortable for pedestrian movement. Project also deals with development phases of area to protect it from nonreversible tenous development at the beginning. The structure works as a lively city in the very beginning of the development.
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Umgänge med umgängesstöd : Barns delaktighet i domar gällande umgänge med umgängesstödGunnarsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
In 2020, approximately 6900 children in Sweden were relevant for investigation of custody disputes. During the same year, 1802 court decisions were enforced regarding supervision by a contact person. Previous research has shown that children often have a lack of participation and opportunity to influence in these cases. It has also shown that parental rights and the child´s need for protection often outweigh the child´s expressed will. The aim of this study was to investigate children´s participation in the district court´s judgments regarding supervision by a contact person. What an impact the child´s will have and how factors such as age, risks and their best interest affect children´s ability to be involved. Through a qualitative content analysis, nine judgments from various district courts in Sweden during 2018-2021 have been selected. The material was then analyzed with the help of social constructivist theory and Roger Hart´s ladder of participation. The study shows that in six out of nine judgments, children are involved based on different levels and that 44% of the judgments are in accordance with the child´s expressed will. However, it has been difficult to read out how the child´s will has actually had a bearing on the verdict. The result also shows that factors such as age, risks and the best interests of the child affects the child´s ability to participate. In cases where the district court has not reported the child´s will or participation, no explanation or clarification is given as to why it is so.
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Tras el Lente: Análisis Audiovisual de Tres Películas Sobre la Realidad Socio-Política en VenezuelaRios, Zimry David 09 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Barns rätt att bli hörda : Talerätt och ombud för barn i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge / Children´s right to be heard: Right to litigate and legal counsel for children in cases regarding custody, residence and visitationCarlsson, Maria January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Die westlichen Kirchen im Bild der zeitgenössischen ägyptischen und arabischen Religionsgelehrten / ein Beitrag zum Dialog im Offenen Brief an Papst Benedikt XVIEl-Scheikh, Safaa M. Afifi 09 November 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit begibt sich die Autorin auf eine einzigartige Tauchreise in das islamische Denken. Sie betrachtet die größeren Fragen des interreligiösen und kulturellen Dialogs zwischen Christentum und Islam, sowie die Grundlagen, auf denen dieser Dialog nach Vorstellungen muslimischer Religionsexperten geführt werden sollte. Der Reiseführer ist Prof. Dr. Peter Heine, deutscher Islamwissenschaftler. Um die Wende des interreligiösen und kulturellen Dialogs einzuleiten, legen die berühmtesten Gelehrten der islamischen Welt, darunter Großscheich von Al-Azhar Prof. Dr. Tantawi, der ägyptische Gelehrte und Politiker Dr. Zakzouk, Großmufti von Ägypten Dr. Ali Gomaa, Großmufti von Mauretanien Dr. Ibn Bayyah, sowie Großmufti von Syrien Dr. Hassoun, zum ersten Mal die Grundzüge eines wahrhaften, ernsten und erfolgreichen Dialogs zwischen der westlichen und islamischen Welt nieder. Die „Regensburger Rede“ des Papst Benedikt XVI im Jahr 2006, der darauffolgende offene Brief von 38 muslimischen Gelehrten an den Papst, sowie der Text der Botschaft aus Amman sind die Grundsteine zur Herstellung einer friedlichen, solidarischen Welt, in der ein offener geistiger Austausch gefördert und gegenseitiges Verständnis gefordert wird. / An unique trip into the Islamic thought. Using the ship of humanity the present work dives into the largest issues of the inter-religious and cultural dialogue between Christianity and Islam, as well as the basics on which this dialog should be conducted according to the ideas of famous Muslim religious experts. The guide is Dr. Peter Heine, the famous German Islamic scholar. For the first time, the most famous scholars of the Islamic world, including Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr. Ali Gomaa, Dr. Zazouk, minister of higher religious organization, Grand Mufti of Mauritania Dr. Ibn Bayyah, Grand Mufti of Syria Dr. Hassoun and others draw the basic principles of a successful and honest dialogue between the Western and Islamic world in order to live in a solidaric and peaceful world to restore the turn of interreligious and intercultural dialog.
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Die Kalifatidee bei den sunnitischen und schiitischen Gelehrten des 20. JahrhundertsRastegarfar, Akbar 16 October 2014 (has links)
Das arabische Wort „Khalifa“ in der Bedeutung „Stellvertreter“ oder „Nachfolger“ wird im Koran, dem heiligen Buch der Muslime an zwei Stellen verwendet (Sure 7, Vers 69 und Sure 38, Vers 26). Darin wird der Mensch als der Stellvertreter Gottes auf Erden bezeichnet. Im historischen Kontext entsteht der Begriff nach dem Tod des Propheten Muhammad im Jahr 632. Die ersten vier Nachfolger in der politischen Führung der Gemeinde werden in der sunnitischen Geschichtsschreibung als die „Raschidun“ (die Rechtgeleiteten) bezeichnet. In dieser Zeit, also zwischen 632 und 661, entsteht auch der Begriff „Amir al-Muminin“ (Beherrscher der Gläubigen) als Titel des Kalifen, mit dem die Herrscher auch angeredet wurden. Die Frage der Nachfolge des Propheten Muhammad entwickelte sich zu einem grundlegenden Streitpunkt innerhalb der jungen muslimischen Gemeinde. Aus diesen Auseinandersetzungen heraus entstand dann die konfessionelle Spaltung der muslimischen Welt in die sunnitische Mehrheit und die schiitische Minderheit. Grundlegend gibt es Gemeinsamkeiten sowie Unterschiede zwischen den zwei Hauptströmungen der islamischen Gemeinde, den Sunniten und Schiiten. Der Umfang der Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten sind mehr als deren Ähnlichkeiten, obwohl diese Unterschiede auf den ersten Blick nicht erkennbar sind. Die Wurzeln all dieser Differenzen sind darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Schiiten nach dem Hinscheiden des Propheten die Dogmen ihres Glaubens von den Ahl al-Bayt (Angehörige des Hauses Man darf das Thema Kalifat als den Schwerpunkt aller anderen Diskrepanzen der Glaubensauffassungen der sunnitischen und schiitischen Gelehrten betrachten. / The Arabic word "Khalifa" in the meaning "deputy" or "successor" has been used in the Coran, the holy book of the Muslims at two locations: sura 7, verse 69 and sura 38, verse 26. In These verses is the human being known as God''s representative on earth. In historical context, the term arises after the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632. The first four successors of him in the political leadership of the community calls in the Sunni historiography as the "Rashidun" means (the rightly guided). During this time, i. e. from 632 to 661, the term "Amir al-Mu''minin" (Commander of the Faithful) was created as the title for the Caliphs; thereby the rulers were also addressed. The question of the succession of the Prophet Muhammad became a fundamental point of conflicts within the young Muslim community. From these contentions arose then the confessional division of the Muslim world in the Sunni majority and the Shia minority. Basically, there are similarities and differences between the two mainstreams of the Islamic community, the Sunnis and Shiites. The dimensions of disagreements between Sunnis and Shiites are more than their similarities, although these differences at first glance are not recognizable. The roots of all these differences are due to the fact that the Shiites after the passing away of the Prophet adopted the dogmas of their faith from the Ahl al-Bayt (solely 13 members of the house of the Prophet) and the Sunnis from others. It must be considered, that the issue Caliphate is the focus of all other discrepancies in the beliefs of the Sunni and Shiite scholars.
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The legalisation and regulation of online gambling in South AfricaMorgan, Kirsty Kate January 2017 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Mercantile and Labour Law)
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