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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika češtiny ruských studentů (se zaměřením na vybrané fonetické a morfosyntaktické jevy) / Characteristics of the Czech language of Russian students(with a focus on selected phonetic and morphosyntactic phenomena)

Ramasheuskaya, Katsiaryna January 2015 (has links)
Language adaptation of foreigners is always accompanied by a number of problems connected to the acquisition and the use of the language which becomes the primary communicative tool in the new environment. Ignoring and underestimating these problems typical of a particular language community can result in a failure to master the target language and consequently in the unsuccessful integration in the new society. This thesis is aimed at specific problems in the area of morphosyntax and phonetics, characteristic of Russian-speaking students of Czech. At the same time, it warns about the danger of overestimating positive transfer from Russian and emphasizes the necessity of using special didactic approach in teaching this group of foreign-language speakers. The analysis of the chosen language phenomena is based on the data from the Database of the voice recordings of spoken Czech by native speakers of Russian and the Database of language mistakes in Czech made by speakers whose native language is another Slavic language, which were created, among others, for the purpose of this thesis. The attention is specifically focused on the use of the reflexive se/si, forms of the auxiliary verb to be in the past tense, short forms of personal pronouns in spoken and written production of Russian-speaking...

兒童權利公約在台灣的國內法化--以離婚後子女親權行使與兒少安置案件中兒童及少年被傾聽的權利為例 / Incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Taiwan: With a special focus on the child’s right to be heard in child custody and care proceedings

林沛君 Unknown Date (has links)
兒童權利公約施行法自2014年11月20日實施至今已近三年,而依據該施行法之規定,政府已陸續展開國內法令與公約是否牴觸之檢視及以各級政府為對象之兒童權利教育宣導課程等工作,並於2017年11月完成兒童權利公約首次國家報告國際審查,施行法顯然已逐步將公約內涵國內法化而具重要之指標及實質意義。惟公約實踐之關鍵係公約規範能否確實成為檢視國內法律及政策之基準,以及得否為權利遭受侵害之兒少所具體主張;其中國家是否建置相關機制協助兒少行使其權利,確保兒少於未成年之際不因自身能力及發展尚未健全而無法行使其權利,對兒少權利之保障尤為重要。 儘管自2009年以來,除兒童權利公約外,立法院已先後透過施行法將其他四部聯合國人權公約轉換成為國內法律;然針對公約適用之若干核心議題,包括解釋及適用公約時應遵循之原則、公約與國內法律衝突時衍生之法律適用及權利遭受侵害之救濟機制等,皆有待闡釋及釐清。就此,本論文總結英國、德國、法國及美國等四國之實踐經驗而認為儘管公約之落實並「無一放諸四海皆準之方式」(no one right way),但以下公約國內法化之核心問題亟待確立:(一)施行法應明訂公約具直接適用效力條文之優位地位;(二)明確將「公約解釋模式」此一法院於個案審理中最強而有力、最能直接將公約標準導入國內法律體系之工具納入施行法;(三)透過公約解釋性文件資料庫之建置協助司法人員掌握公約規範之精神與內涵;(四)明文要求增修法律前應提出法案影響評估以確保增修內容與公約並未牴觸等,期使國內法制更能順利接軌國際人權公約。 本論文另以兒少被傾聽的權利為例,藉由與法官、律師、社工等17位兒少實務工作者進行深度訪談,彙整推導出兒少被傾聽的權利於司法程序中獲得實質實踐之效果不明(有權利但不一定有救濟)、兒少表意之環境未達「兒少友善」之標準,顯見國內兒少被傾聽權利之落實與公約標準確實存有相當之落差。此外,部分協助兒少行使其被傾聽權利之機制設計未確實掌握兒童權利之內涵、整體兒少司法環境未能以兒少為中心進行調整,以致於相關機制欠缺公約所強調之核心功能,無法使特定弱勢兒少享有與一般兒少同等之權利保障,亦有待補強及改善。。 本論文嘗試由實務面思考兒童權利公約於國內實踐之現況並導引出應更受重視之諸多面向及困境,期待法院及政府各級機關能更廣泛地採行及運用公約之規範及理念,在國內深化落實兒童權利公約之際,對於「兒童權利」精神所在及其可能為兒少所帶來之改變能有進一步之認知及體悟,並以此為基礎,在影響兒少甚鉅之司法及行政事件中建構一個更能鼓勵兒少參與及表達意見之友善環境。 / Following the coming into effect of the “Act to Implement Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)” on 20 November 2014, the Taiwan Government has adopted various initiatives to implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), demonstrating the Act’s steady, yet far-reaching influence in incorporating the CRC into domestic law. In addition to harmonizing national legislation for children with the standards contained within the CRC, it is also of crucial importance for the government to ensure that children whose rights are being violated or disregarded have access to remedies, and that an effective framework is available to children to assist in the exercise and enjoyment of their rights. Despite the fact that the Taiwan Government has promulgated four implementation acts to incorporate international human rights conventions into domestic law since 2009, several fundamental issues remain with regard to the interpretation and application of the convention. Drawing on the experiences of England, Germany, France and the United States, this thesis makes the following observations: (1) the ‘convention-compliant’ approach to legal interpretation is one of the most powerful tools by which convention rights are directly transposed into domestic legal norms and should be expressly provided for in the Act; (2) to resolve potential conflict(s) between domestic law and convention rights, the Act should explicitly state that the CRC shall prevail in cases of inconsistences; (3) the Act should provide for the establishment of a database of interpretative documents issued by United Nations treaty bodies, to aid the practice and understanding of the CRC; and (4) human rights impact assessments should be undertaken before passing any new laws or amendments. The observations in this thesis are also based on in-depth interviews conducted by the researcher with 17 children’s practitioners. Such interviews highlight that not all children enjoy the right to be heard in family proceedings and that there is a gap between law and practice. More specifically, they highlight that “for rights to have meaning, effective remedies must be available to redress violations”; and family proceedings should be more child-centred with child-friendly designs, so that children in such settings can exercise their right to be heard effectively. This thesis also attempts to demonstrate that when mechanisms set up by the government fail to accomplish their legislative purpose and act as a safeguard for children’s rights, it is the more vulnerable groups of children (for example, children in care) who suffer from being denied the same rights as other children.

La protection des actionnaires minoritaires dans les sociétés anonymes : étude comparative du droit français et du droit chinois / The protection of minority shareholders of companies limited by shares : a comparative study of french law and chinese law

Li, Xiaoshan 22 June 2011 (has links)
La présente étude a pour objet de montrer que les moyens de la protection des actionnaires minoritaires en droit chinois et en droit français ne sont pas soumis à des critères fondamentalement différents. Dans les sociétés anonymes, les règles juridiques visent à trouver un équilibre des rapports entre les actionnaires majoritaires et minoritaires, ainsi qu’entre les actionnaires et la société ou le groupe de sociétés.C’est l’intérêt social et le principe d’égalité qui guident le législateur et le juge de proposer des solutions convenables.Il importe de noter qu’en droit français, les dispositions sur les responsabilités et les moyens de recours pour les minoritaires sont d’applications faciles qu’en droit chinois. D’ailleurs, la recherche de l’acquisition des sociétés cotées chinoises sous l’angle de la protection des minoritaires, tout à fait différent à l’offre publique en droit français, présente les particularités du marché réglementé chinois et mérite que les investisseurs étrangers découvrent davantage. / The dissertation aimed to point out that the methods of the protection of minority shareholders in Chinese law and in French law are not subject to the different criteria. In company limited by shares, the legal provisions intend to find a balance of relation between majority shareholders and minority shareholders, and between the shareholders and the company or group of company. It is corporate profits and the principal of equality that direct legislators and judges to suggest applicable solutions.It is important to notify that in French law, legal provisions about the responsibility of majority shareholders or company leaders and the ways of resort of minority shareholders provide reference for improvement of Chinese law. Besides, the study of acquisition of chinese listed companies, looked from the angle of the protection of minority shareholders, very different from tender offer in French law, demonstrate the characteristics of Chinese stock market and deserve foreign investors’ enough attention.

Faktorer som påverkar en miljöinvestering / Factors that are affecting an environmental in-vestment

ELNER, FREDRIK January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att göra en jämförande studie mellan faktorerna som enligt en teoretisk ram påverkar en miljöinvestering och faktorerna som ingår i ett företags bedömnings-modell. Respondentbolaget begärde i ett tidigt skede att få vara anonymt och benämns därför som Företaget. Det är en multinationell koncern med verksamhet i många skilda branscher, men med fokus på norden och produkter som kan kopplas till lantbruk. Den teoretiska referensramen har sin utgångspunkt i begreppen värde och investering samt hur deras koppling till miljö och miljöinvesteringar för att identifiera de faktorer som påverkar en miljöinvestering. Faktorerna som ingår i den teoretiska referensramen och som jämförs mot respondentbolagets faktorer är:  Investeringens värdetillförsel  Investeringens miljöpåverkan  Hur investeringen påverkar produktionsförutsättningarna  Krav från samhället  Kundkrav Kopplingen däremellan bedöms enligt en femgradig skala. Informationen från Företaget inhäm-tades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från Företaget. Slutsatsen för detta arbete är att Företaget har identifierat samma faktorer som den teoretiska referensramen. De använder dock mätetal som inte fullt ut reflekterar faktorerna. Den största avvikelsen är bedömningen av en investerings värdetillförsel, då Företaget fullt ut införlivar det producerade värdet samt det faktum att en miljöinvestering skall ses som irreversibel. Enkelhet premieras hos Företaget och det är för att prioritera modellens användbarhet, som Företaget väl-jer att acceptera brister i bedömningsmodellen. För att förbättra bedömningsmodellen bör Företaget därför införliva nya mätetal som till större del reflekterar faktorerna som påverkar en miljöinvestering / The purpose of this master thesis is to present a comparison between the factors that affects an environmental investment. This is done through applying a theoretical framework on the factors affecting a company’s existing appraisal model for environmental investments. The company that was a part of this thesis asked at an initial stage for confidentiality, therefore it is called the Company in this thesis. The Company that contributes with the appraisal model is a multination-al group with operations in many different industries, but with a focus on the Nordic countries and products that may be linked to the agricultural sector. The theoretical framework has its base in the concepts of value and investments and their connection to the environment and the envi-ronmental investment. The identified factors in the theoretical framework are:  The investment’s addition to the value creation to the company  The investment’s environmental impact  How the investment affects the production  Demands from society  Customer demands From these, the factors affecting a company’s existing appraisal model were compared and their connection to theoretical framework was judged according to a 5-grade scale. Information from the Company was acquired through semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Company. The largest deviation is how the company considers an investment’s contribution to the produced value. Because of this imperfection does the company's model not fully incorporate the produced value and that an environmental investment is irreversible. The overall conclusion is that the Company has identified the same factors as the theoretical framework. The Company has though chosen to use their existing methods and performance indicators that don’t fully incorporate the factors in the theoretical framework. The largest devia-tions are how the company considers an investment’s contribution to the produced value and that it should be considered as irreversible. The Company must therefore in order to enhance their appraisal model develop new performance measures for the factors.

GRUPPARBETE INOM HEM- OCH KONSUMENTKUNSKAP : En kvalitativ intervjustudie utifrån lärares perspektiv / GROUP WORK IN HOME AND CONSUMER STUDIES : A qualitative interview studyfrom teachers’ perspective

Erlandsson Tordsjänta, Marie, Boode Nylander, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund Elevers grupparbeten utgör en betydande del av HKK-undervisningen. Tidigare forskning kring elevers grupparbeten i allmänhet är omfattande, men forskning gällande elevers grupparbeten inom HKK är ytterst begränsad. Som utpräglat processämne är det av största vikt att eleverna ges möjlighet att träna på praktiska moment inom hem- och konsumentkunskap (HKK), för att eleverna ska kunna utveckla kunskap i handling vilket sedermera ska bedömas av undervisande lärare. Syfte Syftet med studien var att utforska lärares uppfattningar, upplevelser och erfarenheter av grupparbete i HKK. Metod Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med tio HKK-lärare runtom i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med stöd av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Det mest framträdande resultatet i studien var att arbetsformen grupparbete var dominerande i såväl praktiskt som teoretiskt arbete inom HKK. Ramfaktorer påverkade, styrde och begränsade undervisningen. Samarbete, kamratlärande, trygghet och praktisk träning var främsta syften med grupparbeten inom HKK. Det sociala klimatet, elevernaskunskapsnivå och särskilda behov var de faktorer som främst togs i beaktning vid sammansättning av elevgrupper. Lärarnas arbete kring elevgruppernas varaktighet skilde sig åt. Observationer var den vanligaste bedömningsformen när elever arbetade i grupp. Bedömning av elever som arbetade i grupp upplevdes vara svårt och utmanande bland lärarna i studien. Slutsats Grupparbete som undervisningsmetod framstår som rådande kutym inom ämnet. Studien påvisade brister med denna undervisningsmetod, främst utifrån bedömningsaspekten. Med mer noggrant uttänkta strategier för varför, hur och när det vore lämpligt att använda grupparbete som undervisningsmetod anser vi att HKK-läraren har möjlighet att höja kvaliteten på såväl undervisning som bedömning. / ABSTRACT  Background Students' group work constitutes a significant part of the teaching in Home and Consumer Studies (HCS). Previous research on students 'group work in general is extensive, but research on students' group work within HCS is extremely limited. As a distinct process subject, it is of the utmost importance that students are given the opportunity to practice practical elements in HCS, so that students can develop ”knowledge in action”, which will be assessed by the teacher.  Objective The aim of the study was to explore the teachers’ perceptions and experiences regarding group work in HCS.  Method Qualitative interviews were conducted with ten teachers in HCS within Sweden. The interviews were analyzed on the basis of content analysis.  Results The most prominent result in the study was that group work was dominant in both practical and theoretical work within HCS. Framework factors influenced, controlled and limited teaching. Cooperation, peer learning, safety and practical training were the main purposes of group work within HCS. The social climate, the students' level of knowledge and special needs were the factors that were mainly taken into account when composing student groups. The teachers' work on the duration of the student groups differed. Observations were the most common form of assessment when students worked in groups. Assessment of students who worked in groups was perceived as difficult and challenging among the teachers in the study.  Conclusion Group work as a teaching method appears to be the prevailing custom within the subject. The study demonstrated shortcomings with this teaching method, mainly based on the assessment aspect. With more carefully thought out strategies for why, how and when it would be appropriate to use group work as a teaching method, we believe that the HCS teacher has the opportunity to raise the quality of both teaching and assessment.

Ultrafast Photon Management: The Power of Harmonic Nanocrystals in Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Beyond

Kijatkin, Christian 01 April 2019 (has links)
The present work broaches the physics of light-matter interaction, chiefly using nonlinear optical spectroscopy in a newly developed framework termed as Photon Management Concept. This way, existing fragments dealing with specific properties of harmonic and upconversion nanoparticles (HNPs/UCNPs) are consolidated into a full and coherent picture with the primary goal of understanding the underlying physical processes and their impact on the application side, especially in terms of imaging techniques, via suitable experimental and numerical studies. Contemporary optical setups involving contrast-enhancing agents are frequently limited in their excitation and detection configurations owing to a specialization to a select number of markers. As a result, the bandwidth of experimental methods and specimens that may be investigated is severely restricted in a large number of state-of-the-art setups. Here, an alternative approach involving HNPs and UCNPs, respectively, is presented providing an overview from their synthesis to optical characterization and to potential fields of application. Based on their inherent flexibility based on their nonlinear optical response, especially in terms of wavelength and intensity tunability, the PMC alleviates prevalent limitations by dynamically adapting the setup to a sample instead of the preliminary culling to a reduced number of eligible specimens that must not change their optical properties significantly during investigation. The use of HNPs supersedes such concerns due to their nearly instantaneously generated, strongly anti-Stokes shifted, coherent emission capable of producing radiation throughout the visible spectral range, including infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. This way, HNPs transcend the traditional field of imaging and introduces potential applications in optomanipulation or holographic techniques. Thorough (nonlinear) optical characterization of UCNPs and alkali niobate HNP ensembles is performed to assess the fundamental physical mechanisms interwoven with numerical studies leading to their wide-ranging applicability. Final remarks show that HNPs are ideal candidates for realization of the PMC and yet hold an even further potential beyond current prospects.

"In this body and life" / the religious and social significance of hermits and hermitages in Eastern Tibet today and during recent history

Turek, Magdalena Maria 14 March 2013 (has links)
Tantrische Praktiken von Meditation in Zurückgezogenheit sind auf der tibetischen Hochebene seit mindestens einem Jahrtausend verbreitet, doch ihre äußerst elitäre und geheime Natur hat ihre Erforschung bisher verhindert. Diese Dissertation definiert die vormoderne Struktur der eremitischen Tradition in Khams, die von der Ris med-Bewegung festgelegt wurde, und widmet sich der Wiederbelebung dieser Tradition im modernen Khams unter der chinesisch-kommunistischen Herrschaft. Die Fallstudie bildet die ’Ba’ rom bKa’ brgyud- "Meditationsschule von La phyi" (La phyi sgom grwa) mit Fokus auf den gTum mo-Verwirklicher Tshul khrims mthar phyin (geb. 1947), der als zeitgenössische Verkörperung des Mi la ras pa gilt. Gemäß der Dissertation liegt die rituelle und soziale Macht des tibetischen Eremiten in der Ausführung, Verkörperung und Aussöhnung von Paradoxa: das Erreichen von soteriologischen Zielen im weltlichen Leben sowie die Lösung der Dilemmas der Tibeter in Krisenzeiten. So wird Entsagung zu einer affirmativen Strategie, die Netzwerke aktiviert, die wiederum Eremiten, ihre Linien, Praktiken und Trainingsstätten seit Jahrhunderten unterstützten. Der Antrieb für soziale Ermächtigung der Einsiedler liegt in der Radikalität ihrer Entsagung, bei der nicht nur erwartet wird, Befreiung und Erleuchtung unvermeidlich zu generieren, sondern diese wie Mi la ras pa "in diesem Leib und Leben" zu verwirklichen. Eine solche wahrgenommene Transformation des Körpers durch Meditation ist entscheidend für die Befähigung der Eremiten, Widersprüche zu versöhnen und Einsiedeleien zu gründen, die als Orte für eine effektive Identitätskonstruktion und Sphären der Autonomie und Macht, die aus der lokale Geschichte und heilige Stätten gewonnen werden, dienen. Gerade in Krisenzeiten neigen Einsiedeleien dazu, Netzwerke zu bilden und zu einer alternativen Bewegung zu werden, die die etablierten Machtstrukturen umgeht oder gegen sie spricht, zugleich aber ihren religiösen Charakter behält. / Tantric practices of meditation in retreat have been prevalent across the Tibetan Plateau since at least a millennium, yet their highly elitist and clandestine nature has hitherto prevented their exploration and analysis. This thesis defines the pre-modern structure of the hermitic tradition in Khams, codified by the nonsectarian Ris med movement, but devotes most attention to the examination of its revival in contemporary Khams under the Chinese communist rule through the case study of the ’Ba’ rom bKa’ brgyud “meditation school of La phyi” (La phyi sgom grwa), centered around the cotton-clad gtum mo-accomplisher Tshul khrims mthar phyin (b. 1947), eulogized as the contemporary embodiment of Mi la ras pa. The main claim of this dissertation is that the ritual and social power of the Tibetan hermit lies in the performance, embodiment and final reconciliation of paradox – generally attaining soteriological goals in mundane life and specifically, resolving the dilemmas of Tibetans during times of perceived crisis. Acts of renunciation become an affirmative strategy, activating networks that have sustained hermits, their lineages, practices, and training venues for centuries. The reason for social empowerment of hermits lies in the radical nature of their training, which by social agreement is not only bound to generate liberation and enlightenment, but is even able to yield fruit “in this very body and life,” in emulation of Mi la ras pa. Such transformation of the body through meditation is crucial to the hermit’s ability to reconcile contradictions and to establish hermitages as venues for effective identity construction and spheres of autonomy and power, extracted from local history and sacred geography. Especially in times of crisis, hermitages tend to form networks and evolve into a movement for counter-culture, which circumvents or speaks against the established power structures of the day, but at the same time, maintains its essentially religious character.

Extrafiscalidade: identificação, fundamentação, limitação e controle / Extrafiscalidade: identificação, fundamentação, limitação e controle

Bomfim, Diego Marcel Costa 25 April 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo investigar os limites constitucionais ao emprego de normas tributárias extrafiscais, contribuindo, de maneira original, com o desenvolvimento de métodos que possibilitem que estes instrumentos sejam controlados de modo mais preciso pelo Poder Judiciário. Para a consecução deste objetivo central, trabalhou-se a partir de quatro blocos de investigação. Primeiro, a pesquisa centrou-se em discutir a importância de segregação das normas tributárias entre fiscais e extrafiscais, analisando as diversas propostas de métodos para a separação entre estas. Ao final, a tese sugere que as normas tributárias extrafiscais devem ser identificadas a partir das suas finalidades, conforme venha a ser interpretado pelo aplicador da norma. Superada a questão, passa-se à investigação dos fundamentos constitucionais que legitimam o emprego das normas tributárias extrafiscais, quando se debate em que sentido normativo se pode falar em neutralidade tributária. Em um terceiro módulo de investigação, as normas tributárias extrafiscais são contrapostas às limitações constitucionais ao poder de tributar, ao conflito entre competência regulatória e competência tributária, ao conceito constitucional de tributo, bem como aos limites ínsitos às espécies tributárias previstas pela Constituição Federal. Por fim, apresenta-se um modelo de protocolo decisório que pode ser utilizado para fins de controlabilidade das normas tributárias extrafiscais pelo Poder Judiciário, colocando-se em destaque os princípios da igualdade e da proporcionalidade. / The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the constitutional limits on the use of non-fiscal purpose tax laws, contributing, with originality, to the development of methods that allow a more precise control of these instruments by the Judiciary Branch. To achieve such goal, the thesis was divided into four parts. The first part focuses in discussing the importance of segregation of tax laws in two groups: fiscal and non-fiscal, and analyzes the numerous methods proposed for such classification. The thesis suggests that non-fiscal purpose tax laws must be identified by their purpose, as interpreted by those responsible for applying the law. The second part investigates the constitutional basis that legitimates the use of non-fiscal purpose tax laws and discusses to what normative extent one can speak of tax neutrality. In the third part, the non-fiscal purpose tax laws are compared to the constitutional limits on taxation, to the conflict between regulatory competence and fiscal competence, to the constitutional concept of tax, as well as to the limits involving the tax species provided by the Federal Constitution. Finally, a model of decision making protocol is presented for use a mean of control by the Judiciary Branch of the non-fiscal purpose tax, highlighting the principles of equality and proportionality.

Nezletilý v civilním procesu / The minor in civil procedure

Sladká Hyklová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The Minor in the Civil Procedure JUDr. Jana Sladká Hyklová Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the minor in civil procedure. This topic has not been yet properly compiled in Czech legal literature although the issues of participation of minors within civil proceedings are still actual and their importance is increasing. The basic legal source covering the chosen topic is Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil Procedure Code, which had to be amended more than 120 times. Procedural law in family law matters, which form substantial part of the content of this thesis topic, is firmly connected with substantive law. Substantive legislation is nowadays represented by Civil Code and Family Law, which are supposed to be replaced on 1 January 2014 with new code of civil law, Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.). This is the reason why the thesis pays attention to the existing legislation as well as to novelties brought by the new code. Where needed, an analysis of new legislation in terms of proper procedural protection of the rights of minors is provided. New legislation of civil law brings the question of preparation of appropriate procedural code. On spring 2012 the draft of law of non contentious procedure which includes main principles and outline of this brand new procedural regulation was published. Where...

Circadian blood pressure within young adults in Viet Nam : An exploratory study comparing a normal blood pressure group and a prehypertension group

Zahirovic, Rezak, Ekman, Scott January 2015 (has links)
Hypertension is a global disease that many effected people in developing countries is not aware of. Hypertension is linked with cardiovascular disease. Prehypertension is not a disease but if not correctly treated, it could develop into hypertension. The aim of the study was to investigate if there are any differences in circadian blood pressure between two study groups, one group with normal blood pressure and one group with prehypertension. This study was a explorative study and its design is based on measurements of blood pressure values and a questionnaire was used to help get the data collection. 51 students volunteered to have their blood pressure taken from them and out of these 51, 24 where selected into two groups of 12 each for the Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. hese 24 students would be a part of our study and an ambulatory (Schiller-102 plus) blood pressure monitor was used to collect the data. The prevalence of prehypertension findings in the clinical testing phase was 37% of the population. There was a variation between the groups during the day (systolic) but there was not a significant difference during the night.

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