Spelling suggestions: "subject:"beads"" "subject:"seats""
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Jazz Music and Architecture, The Jazz Community Performance CenterAbdelaal, Yasmeen Yusef Hussein 03 July 2023 (has links)
The Jazz Community Performance Center explores the intersection between music and architecture. The thesis project poses the question, "How can music form architecture?" The project examines the connection of music and architecture through rhythm, harmony, melody, and form and how these elements can inform and inspire the design of the jazz community performance center. The project also explores how music's emotional and experiential qualities can be translated into a built form.
The Jazz Community Performance Center location is adjacent to Union Market in Washington, DC, Ward 5, to complement and extend the vibrancy of Union Market's culture through music. The Union Market fosters a sense of belonging and connection by bringing people together from different races, genders, cultures, and backgrounds.
The Jazz Community Perfromance Center will be an extension of the Union Market's purpose of uniting visitors from near and far, but people will gather through jazz music this time. The center will offer diverse jazz music performances, from traditional and classic jazz to more modern and experimental styles.
The target demographics for the Jazz Community Performance Center will be music enthusiasts, cultural tourists, students, and deaf communities from Gallaudet University adjacent to the project's location.
Its primary goal is to create a Jazz Community Performance Center that serves as a center for jazz education, performance, and culture. The center's mission is to give aspiring and professional musicians a space to perform and exhibit their passion for jazz music.
The Jazz Community Performance Center introduces informal and formal indoor jazz performances, practice rooms, a vibration experiential gallery to invite the deaf communities of Gallaudet University, and an outdoor performance space in the plaza's center to grab and connect the community. / Master of Architecture / The Jazz Community Performance Center focuses on designing a center that is inclusive of the community of the union market, which ranges from music enthusiasts, students, cultural tourists, and deaf communities from Gallaudet University adjacent to the project's location. The center will be a hub for jazz culture and education, offering opportunities for aspiring musicians to hone their craft and provide musical performances for audiences. The center's design incorporates acoustic considerations that optimize the audience's listening experience and offer an inviting environment for musicians to perform.
The Jazz Community Performance Center includes an informal jazz concert, a formal jazz performance auditorium, an experiential vibration gallery, and an outdoor performance space. The center also consists of a recording studio, practice rooms, a jazz gallery, jazz therapy spaces, and a library with an extensive collection of jazz resources. The project thoroughly examines the history and evolution of jazz music. Moreover, its distinct style and impact on the music industry.
Jazz has a rich and diverse history that has evolved over time, which the center seeks to celebrate by hosting performances that showcase various jazz styles and cultures. In addition, the Jazz Performance Center will be an asset to the community, providing inspiration and education for future generations of jazz fans.
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EEG-Based Control of Working Memory Maintenance Using Closed-Loop Binaural StimulationBeauchene, Christine Elizabeth 17 May 2018 (has links)
The brain is a highly complex network of nonlinear systems with internal dynamic states that are not easily quantified. As a result, it is essential to understand the properties of the connectivity network linking disparate parts of the brain used in complex cognitive processes, such as working memory. Working memory is the system in control of temporary retention and online organization of thoughts for successful goal directed behavior. Individuals exhibit a typically small capacity limit on the number of items that can be simultaneously retained in working memory. To modify network connections and thereby augment working memory capacity, researchers have targeted brain areas using a variety of noninvasive stimulation interventions. However, few existing methods take advantage of the brain's own structure to actively generate and entrain internal oscillatory modulations in locations deep within the auditory pathways. One technique is known as binaural beats, which arises from the brain's interpretation of two pure tones, with a small frequency mismatch, delivered independently to each ear. The mismatch between these tones is perceived as a so-called beat frequency which can be used to modulate behavioral performance and cortical connectivity. Currently, all binaural stimulation therapeutic systems are open-loop "one-size-fits-all" approaches. However, these methods can prove not as effective because each person's brain responds slightly differently to exogenous stimuli. Therefore, the driving motivation for developing a closed-loop stimulation system is to help populations with large individual variability. One such example is persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which causes cognitive impairments beyond those expected based on age. Therefore, applying a closed-loop binaural beat control system to increase the cognitive load level to people with MCI could potentially maintain their quality of life. In this dissertation, I will present a comparison of algorithms to determine brain connectivity, results of open-loop based binaural stimulation, the development of a closed-loop brain network simulation platform, and finally an experimental study to determine the effectiveness of closed-loop control to modulate brain networks hence influencing cognitive abilities. / Ph. D. / In order to do complex tasks, such as creating a memory, multiple regions of the brain must interact to become a network. Specifically for this work, we are looking at working memory which is the system that allows us to remember and manipulate information in the presence of additional incoming information. Working memory capacity, which is the number of items we can remember, is dependent upon synchronization between particular regions of the brain, particularly the frontal and parietal lobes. Higher synchronization means that people will, on average, respond with higher accuracy during a working memory task. To modify the connections in the network and thereby augment working memory capacity, a non-invasive brain stimulation technique called binaural beats can be used. Binaural beats take advantage of the brain’s response to two pure tones, delivered independently to each ear, when those tones have a small frequency mismatch. The mismatch between the tones is interpreted as a beat frequency, which may act to synchronize brain waves. This research seeks to answer the question of whether binaural beats can be used to identify and control working memory. Currently, nearly all therapeutic stimulation systems are open-loop “one-size-fits-all” approaches. However, these methods can prove not as effective because each person’s brain responds slightly differently to external stimuli. Therefore, the driving motivation for developing a closed-loop stimulation system is to help populations with large individual variability. One such example is persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which is considered a precursor to Alzheimer’s. Therefore, applying a closed-loop binaural beat control system to increase the cognitive load level to people with MCI could potentially maintain their quality of life. In this dissertation, we have showed that we can successfully increase the connectivity in the brain using binaural beats in a closed-loop system.
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Binaural Beats i TV-spel : Hur påverkar det spelarens prestation? / Binaural Beats in Video Games : How does it affect player performance?Lundbeck, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Binaural Beats är ett fenomen som undersöks av diverse forskare kring dess påverkan på hjärnaktivitet och välmående. Kan detta påverka vår prestation i spel? Denna undersökning fokuserar på Theta-zonen som är en av hjärnans tillståndszoner. Med hjälp av specifika ljudfrekvenser (Binaural Beats) kan hjärnvågor stimuleras och bestämt börja arbeta i valfritt tillstånd, i det här fallet Theta-zonen somrepresenterar det lugna och djupt avslappnande stadiet hos människan. För att ta reda på svaret till denna frågeställning skapades en artefakt/ett spel som mätte spelarens prestation genom poänginsamling. Undersökningen samlade in värden i poäng och puls under spelsessionen, som därefter avslutades med en intervju. Resultaten analyserades och sammanfattades till en slutsats i koppling till arbetets frågeställning. Undersökningen och slutsatsen diskuteras och dras vidare till framtida arbeten om förbättringar och utökning av metoden, samt fortsatta studier inom liknande områden.
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A Robot for Learning Drum-Rhythms : An instruction tool for beginners — keeping drum rhythms accurate with real-time feedback / Inlärning av trumrytmer, utlärd av en robot : Ett instruerande verktyg för nybörjare — att genomföra korrekta trumrytmer med realtidsfeedbackKahlert, Joas, Nilsson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Accurate rhythmic pace-keeping is an ability achieved only by a lot of practice. However, finding the opportunity to practice can be difficult when availability of teachers is insufficient. This thesis aims to construct a prototype that teaches its users basic rhythm keeping, specifically rhythms produced on drums. To reproduce the behavior of a drumstick hitting a surface, a device was constructed, able to perform three different rhythms mechanically at the speeds of 100, 150 and, 200 BPM, using a drumstick attached to a servo. By adding a sound sensor, the device was also able to methodically track drumming inputs. By integrating a microcontroller and programming it accordingly, the user can practice rhythmic pace-keeping visually and audibly and receives real-time feedback on their performance through an LED interface. Furthermore, the device’s actual rhythmic abilities were measured and compared to its theoretical values, which showed very small to no deviations. A study showing that combining visual and auditory channels facilitate rhythmic learning abilities gave substantiation for a conclusion estimating the drum-bots utility as a satisfactory educative tool. In future work, the demand for this product could be quantified and studied. / Noggrann rytmisk takthållning är en egenskap som uppnås endast genom mycket övning. Att finna möjligheten att öva kan dock vara svårt vid tillfällen då tillgängligheten av lärare inte räcker till. Detta examensarbete syftar mot att konstruera en prototyp av en apparat som lär användaren grundläggande rytmhållning, mer specifikt trumrytmer. En apparat kunstruerades som kunde utföra tre olika rytmer mekaniskt genom att använda sig av en trumstock som var fastmonterad i en servo. Hastigheter var 100, 150 och 200 Beats per minute (BPM). Genom att sedan programmera mikrokontrollern har användaren möjlighet att träna rytmisk takthållning visuellt och hörbart samt erhåller realtidsfeedback på prestandan via ett LED-gränssnitt. Dessutom mättes enhetens faktiskt rytmiska förmågor separat och jämfördes med de teoretiska värdena, vilket resulterade i mycket små eller inga avvikelser i prestandan. En studie som uppvisar att kombinationen av visuella och auditiva sinnen främjer den rhythmiska inlärningsförmågan, gav substans för en slutsats vilken uppsakttar trum-botens funktion att vara tillfredställande som ett inlärningsverktyg. I ett framtida arbete, skulle efterfrågan i en sådan produkt kunna kvantifieras och studeras.
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Kan Binaural Beats påverka medvetandet och framkalla berusningseffekter? : Frekvensmönster och psykedeliska substanserBerg, Bob January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att se ifall man med hjälp utav binaural beats kan känna av berusning i form av ett psykedeliskt rus liknande substansen DMT (N, NDimetyltryptamine). Med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod i form av ett lyssningstest, tillsammans med forskning som finns kring substansen så visar det övergripande resultatet på att det inte är riktig berusning som upplevs, utan försökspersonerna visar symptom på det förändrade medvetandetillståndet som upplevs mellan vaka och sömn, det som även kallas för hypnagoga.
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Beat the Stress Away : En pilotstudie av Binaural Beats effekt på stressLöfqvist, Ida, Petersson, Maria-Therese January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka effekten av Bani, som representant för Binaural Beat-teknologi, på stress. Som delsyfte undersöktes även ångest och depressivitet. Samplet utgjordes av 27 universitetsstuderande på Örebro universitet. Binaural Beats är ljudfrekvenser med vilka hjärnans EEG sägs synkroniseras och kan påverka medvetandetillståndet. Genom en experimentell design med</p><p>upprepade mätningar och en kontrollgrupp undersöktes</p><p>förändringar i stress, ångest och depressivitet under fyra veckors lyssnande av Bani. Signifikanta effekter över tid påträffades gällande psykisk stress och depressivitet för interventionsgruppen. Vissa gruppskillnader påträffades även för ångest och fysisk stress, vilka dock verkade vara av mer naturligt fluktuerande karaktär. Resultaten indikerade att Bani har en lindrande effekt på psykisk stress och depressivitet.</p><p>Nyckelord. Binaural Beats, stress, hjärnsynkronisering, Bani,</p><p>ångest, depressivitet.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Bani, as a representative of Binaural Beat technology, on stress. As a secondary purpose anxiety and depression were examined. The sample consisted of 27 university students at the Örebro University. Binaural Beats are sound frequencies with which the brain is said to synchronize and can</p><p>affect states of conciousness. Changes in stress, anxiety and depression were examined through an experimental design with repeated measures and a control group for a period of four weeks of listening to Bani. Significant effects were found over time concerning psychological stress and depression for the intervention group. Some group differences were</p><p>also found for anxiety and physiological stress, although they seemed to be more affected by natural fluctuations. The results indicated that Bani has a decreasing effect on psychological stress and depression.</p><p>Keywords: Binaural Beats, stress, brainwave synchronization, Bani, anxiety, depression.</p>
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Beat the Stress Away : En pilotstudie av Binaural Beats effekt på stressLöfqvist, Ida, Petersson, Maria-Therese January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka effekten av Bani, som representant för Binaural Beat-teknologi, på stress. Som delsyfte undersöktes även ångest och depressivitet. Samplet utgjordes av 27 universitetsstuderande på Örebro universitet. Binaural Beats är ljudfrekvenser med vilka hjärnans EEG sägs synkroniseras och kan påverka medvetandetillståndet. Genom en experimentell design med upprepade mätningar och en kontrollgrupp undersöktes förändringar i stress, ångest och depressivitet under fyra veckors lyssnande av Bani. Signifikanta effekter över tid påträffades gällande psykisk stress och depressivitet för interventionsgruppen. Vissa gruppskillnader påträffades även för ångest och fysisk stress, vilka dock verkade vara av mer naturligt fluktuerande karaktär. Resultaten indikerade att Bani har en lindrande effekt på psykisk stress och depressivitet. Nyckelord. Binaural Beats, stress, hjärnsynkronisering, Bani, ångest, depressivitet. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Bani, as a representative of Binaural Beat technology, on stress. As a secondary purpose anxiety and depression were examined. The sample consisted of 27 university students at the Örebro University. Binaural Beats are sound frequencies with which the brain is said to synchronize and can affect states of conciousness. Changes in stress, anxiety and depression were examined through an experimental design with repeated measures and a control group for a period of four weeks of listening to Bani. Significant effects were found over time concerning psychological stress and depression for the intervention group. Some group differences were also found for anxiety and physiological stress, although they seemed to be more affected by natural fluctuations. The results indicated that Bani has a decreasing effect on psychological stress and depression. Keywords: Binaural Beats, stress, brainwave synchronization, Bani, anxiety, depression.
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Beats Between Transverse Modes in a Sapphire Clad Ruby LaserHill, Kenneth Owen 05 1900 (has links)
Experimental evidence is presented that supports the theory that beats between transverse modes are responsible for the fast modulation carried on occasions by laser relaxation oscillations. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)
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Mikrotiming i ett groove : Att arbeta med mikrotiming på elbas / Micro timing in a groove : To work with micro timing on electric bass.Bedoire, Pascal January 2024 (has links)
I denna undersökning har jag utforskat hur jag kan använda mig av mikrotiming som verktyg på elbas för att påverka ett groove. Jag utgick från två brasilianska rytmer som hade olika förskjutningar inom parametrarna för mikrotimingen, som sedan översattes till basgångar. Jag använde mig av två beats, ett till vardera vald rytm, som jag applicerade basgångarna på för att se hur och om jag kunde påverka den uppfattade känslan i groovet genom att spela basgångarna både med och utan applicerad mikrotiming.
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Impact of Binaural Beat Technology on Vigilance Task Performance, Psychological Stress and Mental WorkloadShoda, Elizabeth Ann 08 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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