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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling the Suitability of Landscapes for Managed Honeybees - A Case Study in the Northern Great Plains

Kirkpatrick, Emma 27 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Swarms: Epistemological Encounters in the Early American Environment

Byers, Sheila January 2024 (has links)
Writers of early American texts frequently express astonishment at the abundance of swarming things found in nature, from rustling clouds of insects to ponds teeming with fish to forests of countless trees. They report feeling overwhelmed, fascinated, and threatened by the dynamic, formless grouping of the swarm, in which the distinction between part and whole is lost in a blur of motion. In this dissertation, I trace these experiences of swarming across religious tracts, natural histories, philosophy texts, and historical fiction to argue that the swarm is crucial for understanding early American ways of relating to the environment. Scholars of the colonial period have long maintained that settlers viewed the American continent as a vast and empty land, available for settlement and resource extraction, and that the settler mind sought to manage the perceived chaos of their new surroundings through the application of European systems of thought and order. I argue, however, that the experience of the swarm indicates another kind of environmental relation, one in which the viewer and the natural world become ecologically entangled. In this entanglement, settlers found their preconceived ideas challenged, forcing them to revise or generate anew their theories of the world. While these ecological experiences of the natural world appear in texts by the settler writers Jonathan Edwards, Hector St. John Crèvecoeur, William Bartram, and James Fenimore Cooper, the ideas that develop through the swarm are influenced by or overlap with the epistemologies of the Native American peoples who inhabited the lands these settlers occupied. The project also addresses Indigenous modes of environmental relation and philosophies through Haudenosaunee cosmologies, Maskoke origins stories, and the work of the Tuscarora writer David Cusick. Overall, this dissertation offers an epistemological history of the colonial period that not only revises long- accepted characterizations of the settler mindset but that also takes seriously the histories of Indigenous philosophies as early American intellectual movements. In detailing experiences in which the mind and the natural world are not in fact separate entities, my work presents alternative modes of environmental relation and offers suggestions to today’s urgent need to rethink our orientation toward the natural world.

Etude multi-échelle du patron de diversité des abeilles et utilisation des ressources fleuries dans un agrosystème intensif / Multi-scale study of bee diversity pattern and floral resource use in intensive agricultural landscape

Rollin, Orianne 11 December 2013 (has links)
Les abeilles sont des pollinisateurs essentiels pour les cultures et les plantes sauvages, mais l'intensification des pratiques agricoles a engendré une baisse importante de leur abondance et diversité. Afin de protéger efficacement les abeilles dans les paysages agricoles, il est nécessaire d'avoir une meilleure connaissance de leurs patrons de diversité. L'objectif général de cette thèse était de déterminer les patrons spatio-temporels de la diversité des abeilles et l'utilisation des ressource fleuries dans un système agricole intensif. L'échantillonnage spatialement extensif de l'activité de butinage des abeilles sauvages et domestiques nous a permis de recenser 45040 individus (29314 abeilles domestiques et 15726 sauvages), appartenant à 192 espèces recensées à l'échelle territoriale. Cette diversité représente près de 20% de la richesse des espèces apiformes connues à l'échelle nationale. Cette communauté est caractérisée par une forte proportion d'espèces rares (28,8%) et de fortes variations temporelles et spatiales, en particulier de l'échelle locale jusqu'à 10-20 km2. L'importance des habitats semi-naturels pour soutenir les populations d'abeilles sauvages a été confirmée dans cette étude. Durant les périodes de floraison des cultures oléagineuses, les abeilles sauvages étaient étroitement associées aux habitats semi-naturels alors que les abeilles domestiques ont montré une nette préférence pour les cultures à floraison massive. La diversité des abeilles sauvages dans les habitats semi- naturels était 3-4 fois supérieure à celle observée dans le colza ou le tournesol. L'importance de certains facteurs écologiques clefs pour la diversité des abeilles, comme la richesse floristique locale et la quantité d'habitats semi-naturels dans le paysage, a été confirmée et quantifiée. Il a également été démontré que ces effets varient en fonction de la saison et de l'échelle spatiale. Ces résultats mettent en évidence les processus écologiques responsables des partons de diversité des abeilles à différentes échelles spatiales, et peuvent contribuer à optimiser la conception des mesures de conservation visant à promouvoir la diversité des abeilles dans les agrosystèmes intensifs. / Bees are essential pollinators for crops and wild plants, but theintensification of agricultural practices have contributed to a significantdecline in their abundance and diversity. To effectively protect andpromote the bee fauna in agroecosystems, a better knowledge of theirdiversity patterns is required. The over-arching objective of this thesiswas to determine the spatial and temporal patterns of bee diversity andfloral resource use in an intensive agricultural system in western France.A spatially extensive survey of foraging wild bees and honey bees returned45.040 individual records at the territorial scale (29.314 honey bees and15.726 wild bees), representing 192 species, i.e. nearly 20% of the speciesrichness reported at the national scale. The bee community wascharacterised by a large proportion of uncommon species (28.8 %) and bysignificant temporal and spatial variations of the diversity, especially atlocal scales up to 10-20 km2. The importance of semi-natural habitats forsustaining wild bee populations was highlighted in this study. Duringoleaginous crop flowering periods, wild bees were tightly associated withsemi-natural habitats while honey bees have shown a clear preference formass-flowering crops. The diversity of foraging wild bees was 3-4 timesgreater in semi-natural habitats than in oilseed rape or sunflower fields.The importance of some keystone ecological correlates of bee diversity,such as the local floral richness and the amount of semi-natural habitatsin the vicinity, has been confirmed and quantified. It was also evidencedthat their effect varies among seasons and spatial scales. These resultshighlight the ecological processes underlying bee diversity patterns atdifferent spatial scales, and further help to optimise the efficiency ofconservation measures intended to promote bee diversity in intensiveagrosystems.

Pollinisation intégrée des cultures : intégrer les mécanismes liés à la température pour évaluer l'offre et la demande en pollinisation / Integrated crop pollination : integrate temperature mechanisms to assess pollination supply and demand

Chabert, Stan 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les insectes contribuent à la pollinisation de 70% des espèces cultivées aujourd’hui à travers le monde. Avec l’intensification de l’agriculture au début du XXème siècle, les agriculteurs se sont mis à introduire des colonies d’abeilles mellifères dans leurs cultures entomophiles pour assurer le service de pollinisation. Avec la reconnaissance croissante du rôle majeur joué par les insectes sauvages dans la pollinisation des cultures, le concept de pollinisation intégrée des cultures a récemment vu le jour, encourageant à combiner insectes pollinisateurs introduits et sauvages en adaptant les pratiques agricoles pour assurer une pollinisation durable des cultures. Mais l’introduction d’insectes pollinisateurs d’élevage est une pratique encore très empirique qui manque de références techniques pour pouvoir être mise en œuvre avec précision. L’objectif général de cette thèse était de fournir des éléments pour mettre au point une méthode objective pour définir la charge en unités opérationnelles d’abeilles mellifères à introduire par unité de surface de culture cible pour complémenter la faune pollinisatrice sauvage pour que la pollinisation ne soit pas un facteur de production limitant.Nous avons travaillé sur une lignée mâle fertile et une lignée mâle stérile de colza (Brassica napus L.), les productions de semence hybride dépendant entièrement des insectes pour la pollinisation chez cette espèce. Nous avons pu déterminer (i) le nombre minimum de grains de pollen viables devant être déposés par stigmate pour que la grenaison puisse être complète en fonction de la température, (ii) la durée après anthèse pendant laquelle le pollen doit être déposé sur le stigmate pour que la grenaison puisse être complète en fonction de la température, (iii) la durée pendant laquelle une fleur sécrète du nectar en fonction de la température pour chacune des deux lignées, et (iv) la vitesse de cette sécrétion nectarifère en fonction de la température pour chacune des deux lignées. Nous avons également validé une méthode d’évaluation rapide de la taille des cheptels d’abeilles mellifères introduits dans les cultures entomophiles, couramment utilisée dans certains pays, en tenant compte de la température.A partir de ces éléments, nous avons proposé d’introduire les concepts d’offre et de demande en pollinisation d’une culture cible, afin de quantifier les déficits de pollinisation et le nombre d’insectes pollinisateurs à introduire pour compléter ces déficits. Ces premiers éléments fournissent une base pour construire un modèle mécaniste de gestion intégrée de la pollinisation, pour prédire le nombre d’insectes pollinisateurs à introduire dans une culture étant donné son contexte climatique, paysager et variétal. / Insects contribute to the pollination of 70% of the species cultivated today around the world. With the agriculture intensification in the early twentieth century, farmers began to introduce honey bees colonies into their entomophilous crops to provide pollination service. With the growing recognition of the major role played by wild insects in crop pollination, the concept of integrated crop pollination recently emerged, encouraging the combination of introduced and wild pollinating insects by adapting agricultural practices to ensure sustainable pollination of crops. But the introduction of managed pollinating insects is still an empirical practice that lacks technical references to be implemented with precision. The general objective of this thesis was to provide elements to develop an objective method to define the operational unit load of honey bees to be introduced per unit area of target crop to complement wild pollinating fauna so that pollination is not a limiting factor for production.We worked on a male fertile and a male sterile oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) lines, hybrid seed productions being entirely dependent on insects for pollination in this species. We were able to determine (i) the minimum number of viable pollen grains to be deposited on stigma so that seed set was complete depending on the temperature, (ii) the duration after anthesis during which the pollen must be deposited on the stigma so that seed set was complete depending on the temperature, (iii) the length of time a flower secretes nectar as a function of temperature for each of the two lines, and (iv) the rate of this nectar secretion as a function of temperature for each of the two lines. We also validated a method for rapid assessment of the size of honey bee stocking rate introduced into entomophilous crops, commonly used in some countries, taking into account temperature.From these elements, we proposed to introduce the concepts of supply and demand in pollination of a target crop, in order to quantify the pollination deficits and the number of pollinating insects to introduce to complete these deficits. These first elements provide a basis for constructing a mechanistic model of integrated pollination management, to predict the number of pollinating insects to be introduced into a crop given its climatic, landscape and varietal context.

Composição e qualidade de méis de abelhas (Apis mellifera) e méis de abelha Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula) / Composition and quality of honeys from bees (Apis mellifera) and stingless bees honeys (Jataí bee or Tetragonisca angustula)

Sousa, Graziela Leal 06 November 2008 (has links)
O mel é um alimento de uso milenar, açucarado de fácil digestão, que constitui uma importante fonte de energia, contribuindo para o equilíbrio do processo biológico do corpo humano, sendo elaborado a partir da desidratação e transformação do néctar das flores nativas pelas abelhas produtoras. Para que o mel seja comercializado para o consumo humano, ele precisa atender aos requisitos mínimos de identidade e qualidade exigidos pela Legislação Brasileira. No Brasil a criação de abelhas é dividida em duas práticas distintas, a Apicultura tradicional, que utiliza as abelhas Apis mellifera e a Meliponicultura que utiliza as abelhas sem ferrão como a Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula). Os méis de abelhas sem ferrão tem maior valor comercial comparado ao mel tradicional, entretanto são comercializados sem uma legislação própria. Na literatura existem poucos trabalhos que tratam da composição destes tipos de méis que são popularmente conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Em vista do exposto acima, o objetivo deste presente trabalho foi o de comparar a composição e a qualidade de méis de Apis mellifera com os de abelhas sem ferrão da espécie Tetragonisca angustula, popularmente conhecida como Jataí. Para tanto as amostras de méis foram obtidas de colméias de Apis mellifera e de Tetragonisca angustula de uma mesma região botânica, o que foi possível constatar que os méis de abelha Jataí apresentaram maior diversidade botânica em relação aos méis de Apis. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os métodos de avaliação estabelecidos pela Legislação Brasileira para qualidade de mel de Apis mellifera e os valores sugeridos para méis de mellponíneos do Brasil pe10s pesquisadores VILLAS - BOAS e MALASPINA (2005). A maioria das amostras de Apis apresentaram-se dentro da legislação vigente, enquanto méis Jataí apresentaram os parâmetros: umidade (23,40 -25,60%), acidez (21,65 - 63,85 mE/Kg) e açúcares redutores (44,78 - 67,54%) e sacarose aparente (0,43 - 1,60%) fora dos padrões estabelecido pela legislação vigente para os méis de Apis mellifera. No entanto, encontram-se dentro dos valores sugeridos para méís de meliponíneos brasileiros, pelos pesquisadores acima mencionados. Além das análises físico-químicas tradicionais e a análise polínica também foi determinada a composição nutricional, sendo que o mel de Apis apresentou maior de valor energético (43,58- 66,32 Kcal) em relação aos méis de Jataí (36,83 - 60,52 Kcal) (p<0,05). Também foram determinados os açúcares por CLAE, condutividade elétrica (uS/cm-1) e a análise de cor (mmPfund). As amostras de Apis mellifera apresentaram maior o teor glicose (%), frutose (%) e condutividade elétrica (uS/cm-1) em relação aos méis de Jataí Em relação as análises de cor notou-se maior predominância da coloração âmbar-claro, mas amostras analisadas. / Honey is considered as a food that provides energy, being elaborated from the dehydration and transformation of the nectar of the flowers by the bees. For the human consumption, honey needs to attend the minimum requirements of identity and quality demanded by the regulation. In Brazil beekeepers can be divided in two practical distinct ones: the traditional ones, which use Apis mellifera bees and the Meliponiculture which uses stingless bees such as Jataí bee (Tetragonisca angustula). There are no identity and quality parameters or regulation for this type of honey. Honey from of stingless bees are more expensive compared with the traditional honey, however their are commercialized without a proper regulation. In literature few works were found regarding the composition of these types of honey which are popularly known by its beneficiaI properties to human health. The objective of the present work is to compare the composition and quality of honey from Apis mellifera and from stingless bees (Tetragonisca angustula), popularly known as Jataí bee. Samples of honey were obtained from Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula bees in the same botanical region. In this work the methods used were based on the Brazilian Regulation for quality control of honey from Apis mellifera and the values suggested for honeys of meliponíneos of Brazil for researchers VILLAS-BOAS and MALASPINA (2005). The majority of the samples of Apis had presented in accordance with the regulation while the Jataí honeys had presented: humidity (23,40 - 25.60%), acidity (21,65 - 63,85 mE/Kg) and reducing sugars (44,78 - 67.54%) are out of the standards for honeys of Apis mellifera. However, they are in accordance with the values suggested for honeys of Brazilian meliponíneos. The physicochemical, polinic and nutritional analysis were determined, and the honey of Apis bee presented greater amount of energy value (43,58 - 66,32 Kcal) in relation to the honeys of Jataí bee (36,83 - 60,52 Kcal) (p<O,05). The sugars for HPLC, electric conductivity (uS/cm-1) and analysis of color (mmPfund) were determined. Samples of Apis mellifera had presented greater values for glucose (%), frutose (%) and electric conductivity (uS/cm-1) in relation to the honeys from Jataí (p<0,05). Regarding the color analyses, it was predominance of the coloration clear -amber.

Influence of spatial and temporal factors on plants, pollinators and plant-pollinator interactions in montane meadows of the western Cascades Range

Pfeiffer, Vera W. 01 June 2012 (has links)
Montane meadows comprise less than 5% of the landscape of the western Cascades of Oregon, but they provide habitat for diverse species of plants and pollinators. Little is known about plant-pollinator network structure at these sites. This study quantified plant-pollinator interactions over the summer of 2011, based on six observations of 10 permanent subplots in 15 meadows, stratified by size and isolation. The study examined (1) relationships between richness and abundance of flowers, pollinators, and interactions; (2) distribution of abundance and richness of flowers, pollinators, and interactions with regards to surrounding meadow habitat; (3) change in flower and pollinator abundance over the season; (4) factors associated with the presence of various guilds of pollinators; and (5) the structure of plant-pollinator networks. The study showed that (1) richness of pollinators increased 2x faster than richness of flowers with increased abundance; (2) density of flowers and interactions was positively correlated with meadow size and diversity of pollinators and interactions were both correlated with surrounding habitat at two spatial scales; (3) peak flower abundance coincided with or preceded peaks in pollinator populations; (4) abundance of three guilds of bees exhibited different patterns of association to surrounding habitat and meadow soil moisture corresponding to various dispersal potential and phenology of guild species; and (5) the number of network pairings for plants and pollinators increased with increasing species richness of potential interaction partners and all networks were found to be significantly nested. Results of this study indicate that plant-pollinator networks are complex assemblages of species, in which spatial and temporal patterns of habitat affect species composition and network structure. In particular, flower and pollinator abundance and richness are depressed in small and isolated meadows. Significant nestedness emerged as a pattern of network level organization across the study meadows. / Graduation date: 2013

Landscape context of bee, wasp and parasitoid diversity: grass-strip corridors, fallows and food webs / Bienen- Wespen- und Parasitoidendiversität im Landschaftskontext: Randstreifen-Korridore, Brachen und Nahrungsnetze

Krewenka, Kristin Marie 21 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Influences de l’organisation du paysage sur l’abondance des abeilles sauvages, leur diversité et le service de pollinisation en prairie permanente / Influences of landscape organization on the abundance of wild bees, their diversity and the pollination service in permanent grasslands

Van Reeth, Colin 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les abeilles sauvages (20 000 espèces à travers le monde) participent à la pollinisation de 87,5% des espèces de plantes. Le récent déclin des abeilles sauvages en Europe met en péril la viabilité du service de pollinisation. Parmi les causes de ce déclin, la diminution des surfaces d’habitats semi-naturels (e.g. les prairies permanentes), fournissant aux abeilles sauvages des ressources floristiques diversifiées, joue un rôle particulièrement important. En parallèle de cette diminution des habitats semi-naturels qui s’est opérée depuis la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle, on observe sur la même période une forte expansion de la surface de colza en Europe. Cette culture offre une ressource abondante de nectar et de pollen pendant sa période de floraison. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer quelles sont les influences de l’organisation spatiale des habitats semi-naturels et du colza sur l’abondance des abeilles sauvages, leur diversité et le service de pollinisation en prairie permanente. Pour répondre à cet objectif, plusieurs expérimentations ont été mises en œuvre dans des prairies permanentes du Parc Naturel Régional de Lorraine, pendant et après la floraison du colza. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que les surfaces de colza en fleur et d’habitats semi-naturels influencent l’abondance et la richesse spécifique des abeilles en prairie permanente (effets différents en fonction de leur socialité) ainsi que la distribution intra-spécifique des tailles du corps d’Andrena cineraria. Les effets du colza s’estompent quelques semaines après la floraison du colza. Dans un second temps, nous avons trouvé que l’abondance en prairies d’Andrena cineraria (une espèce dont le pic d’émergence et le nourrissage des larves coïncident avec la floraison du colza) pendant une année N est reliée positivement à la surface occupée par le colza lors de l’année N-1. Enfin, une dernière expérimentation a été menée pour comprendre l’effet du colza sur le service de pollinisation en prairie permanente. Nos résultats montrent que l’augmentation de la surface de colza dans le paysage engendre une diminution du succès reproducteur chez Cardamine pratensis, une plante sauvage fleurissant à la même période que le colza. Ce travail de thèse souligne l’influence du colza et des habitats semi-naturels sur plusieurs niveaux trophiques (pollinisateurs, plantes sauvages) et niveaux d’organisation du vivant (communauté et population) en prairie permanente / Wild bees (20 000 species worldwide) contribute to the pollination of 87.5% of angiosperm species. The decline of wild bees in Europe jeopardizes the sustainability of the pollination service. Among the causes of this decline, the diminution of the surface of semi-natural habitats (e.g. permanent grasslands), providing diverse floristic resources, plays an important role. While the surface of semi-natural habitats has reduced since the second half of the 20th century, the surface of oilseed rape has considerably increased in Europe. Oilseed rape offers a large amount of nectar and pollen during its flowering. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the spatial organization of semi-natural habitats and oilseed rape fields on the abundance of wild bees, their diversity and the pollination service in permanent grasslands. To achieve this objective, we implemented several experiments in permanent grasslands of the “Parc Naturel Régional de Lorraine”, during and after oilseed rape flowering. Firstly, we showed that the areas covered by flowering oilseed rape fields and semi-natural habitats influence the abundance and species richness of bees in permanent grasslands (different influences according to their sociality) as well as the body size intra-specific distribution of Andrena cineraria. Effects of oilseed rape disappear few weeks after oilseed rape flowering. Secondly, we found that the abundance in grasslands of Andrena cineraria (a species whose peak activity and larval feeding coincide with oilseed rape flowering period), during year N is positively related to the area covered by oilseed rape during the year N-1. Finally, a last experiment was conducted to detect potential effects of flowering oilseed rape on the pollination service in permanent grasslands. Our results showed that increasing areas of flowering oilseed rape in the landscape lead to a reduction of the reproductive success of Cardamine pratensis, a co-flowering wild plant in permanent grasslands. This study highlights the influence of oilseed rape on several trophic levels (pollinators and wild plants) and levels of organization of life (community and population) in permanent grasslands

Toxicidade de neonicotinóides sobre abelhas (Apis mellifera). / Toxicity neonicotinoids on honeybees (Apis mellifera).

ARAÚJO, Whakamys Lourenço de. 17 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-17T18:15:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WHALAMYS LOURENÇO DE ARAÚJO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGHT 2015..pdf: 998803 bytes, checksum: 00aca588e4e5182e7ebe10263ae94f8c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-17T18:15:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WHALAMYS LOURENÇO DE ARAÚJO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGHT 2015..pdf: 998803 bytes, checksum: 00aca588e4e5182e7ebe10263ae94f8c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Capes / O cultivo do meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.) é de grande importância para a economia brasileira. Seu cultivo tem demonstrado significativa expansão nas duas últimas décadas, especialmente nas regiões Semiáridas do Nordeste. Apesar dos fatores favoráveis à produtividade do meloeiro, vale salientar fatores limitantes, destacando-se os danos ocasionados por pragas que destroem o cultivo e, consequentemente, diminuindo a colheita, obrigando que medidas de controle sejam adotadas. Entres estas, estão aplicações de inseticidas químicos, entre eles os neonicotinoides. Estudos têm demonstrado os danos colaterais destes inseticidas a insetos benéficos como abelhas, que por sua vez são de fundamental importância para a polinização de 90% das angiospermas, principalmente para o melão. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade de neonicotinoides empregados para o controle de pragas na cultura do meloeiro à abelhas A. mellifera Linnaeus. Os bioensaios foram realizados em laboratório, sendo tomadas medidas repetidas no tempo de mortalidade para os produtos comerciais Actara 250 WG (tiametoxam), Evidence 700 WG (imidacloprid), Mospilan (acetamipride) e Orfeu (acetamipride). A exposição das abelhas aos compostos foi realizada por meio de pulverização e ingestão de alimento contaminado com as maiores e menores doses recomendadas pelos fabricantes. Independente do modo de exposição, tiametoxam, imidaclopride e acetamipride (duas formulações) foram tóxicos, diminuindo o tempo de vida útil das abelhas em até 1, 2, 11 e 11 dias, respectivamente, quando comparados com a testemunha, que por sua vez sobreviveram 18 dias, em média. O inseticida tiametoxam foi extremamente tóxico quando pulverizado sobre as abelhas, bem como quando contaminante da dieta ingerida. O imidaclopride também apresentou toxicidade em ambos os experimentos, sendo depois do tiametoxam o mais tóxicos. O inseticida acetamipride apresentou toxicidade, porém não tão alta, quanto às observadas com o tiametoxam e o imidaclopride. / The cultivation of melon (Cucumis melo L.) is of great importance for the Brazilian economy, especially in semiarid regions of the Northeast. Despite the favorable factors to the yield of melon other limiting factors have been highlighted as the damage caused by pests, which undertake to harvest, requiring that control measures are adopted. Among these are applications of chemical insecticides, including the neonicotinoids. Studies have shown the collateral damage of these insecticides to beneficial insects like bees, important pollinators of 90% of angiosperms, mainly to melon. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of neonicotinoids used for pest control in the melon crop to Linnaeus honeybees. Bioassays were performed in the laboratory, being taken repeated measures in time to mortality commercial products Actara 250 WG (thiamethoxam), Evidence 700 WG (imidacloprid), Mospilan (acetamiprid) and Orpheus (acetamiprid) (two formulations). The exposure of bees to the compounds was performed by spraying and ingestion of food contaminated with higher and lower doses recommended by the manufacturers. Regardless of the exposure mode, all insecticides were toxic, reducing the useful life of bees within 1, 2 and 11 days, respectively, compared with the control (distilled water + pure candy), which survived 18 days, average . The insecticide thiamethoxam in both experiments and doses, was extremely toxic; as well as Imidacloprid, the second most toxic. The Acetamiprid insecticide, in both formulations showed toxicity, but not so high as those observed with other insecticides in the study.

Composição e qualidade de méis de abelhas (Apis mellifera) e méis de abelha Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula) / Composition and quality of honeys from bees (Apis mellifera) and stingless bees honeys (Jataí bee or Tetragonisca angustula)

Graziela Leal Sousa 06 November 2008 (has links)
O mel é um alimento de uso milenar, açucarado de fácil digestão, que constitui uma importante fonte de energia, contribuindo para o equilíbrio do processo biológico do corpo humano, sendo elaborado a partir da desidratação e transformação do néctar das flores nativas pelas abelhas produtoras. Para que o mel seja comercializado para o consumo humano, ele precisa atender aos requisitos mínimos de identidade e qualidade exigidos pela Legislação Brasileira. No Brasil a criação de abelhas é dividida em duas práticas distintas, a Apicultura tradicional, que utiliza as abelhas Apis mellifera e a Meliponicultura que utiliza as abelhas sem ferrão como a Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula). Os méis de abelhas sem ferrão tem maior valor comercial comparado ao mel tradicional, entretanto são comercializados sem uma legislação própria. Na literatura existem poucos trabalhos que tratam da composição destes tipos de méis que são popularmente conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Em vista do exposto acima, o objetivo deste presente trabalho foi o de comparar a composição e a qualidade de méis de Apis mellifera com os de abelhas sem ferrão da espécie Tetragonisca angustula, popularmente conhecida como Jataí. Para tanto as amostras de méis foram obtidas de colméias de Apis mellifera e de Tetragonisca angustula de uma mesma região botânica, o que foi possível constatar que os méis de abelha Jataí apresentaram maior diversidade botânica em relação aos méis de Apis. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os métodos de avaliação estabelecidos pela Legislação Brasileira para qualidade de mel de Apis mellifera e os valores sugeridos para méis de mellponíneos do Brasil pe10s pesquisadores VILLAS - BOAS e MALASPINA (2005). A maioria das amostras de Apis apresentaram-se dentro da legislação vigente, enquanto méis Jataí apresentaram os parâmetros: umidade (23,40 -25,60%), acidez (21,65 - 63,85 mE/Kg) e açúcares redutores (44,78 - 67,54%) e sacarose aparente (0,43 - 1,60%) fora dos padrões estabelecido pela legislação vigente para os méis de Apis mellifera. No entanto, encontram-se dentro dos valores sugeridos para méís de meliponíneos brasileiros, pelos pesquisadores acima mencionados. Além das análises físico-químicas tradicionais e a análise polínica também foi determinada a composição nutricional, sendo que o mel de Apis apresentou maior de valor energético (43,58- 66,32 Kcal) em relação aos méis de Jataí (36,83 - 60,52 Kcal) (p<0,05). Também foram determinados os açúcares por CLAE, condutividade elétrica (uS/cm-1) e a análise de cor (mmPfund). As amostras de Apis mellifera apresentaram maior o teor glicose (%), frutose (%) e condutividade elétrica (uS/cm-1) em relação aos méis de Jataí Em relação as análises de cor notou-se maior predominância da coloração âmbar-claro, mas amostras analisadas. / Honey is considered as a food that provides energy, being elaborated from the dehydration and transformation of the nectar of the flowers by the bees. For the human consumption, honey needs to attend the minimum requirements of identity and quality demanded by the regulation. In Brazil beekeepers can be divided in two practical distinct ones: the traditional ones, which use Apis mellifera bees and the Meliponiculture which uses stingless bees such as Jataí bee (Tetragonisca angustula). There are no identity and quality parameters or regulation for this type of honey. Honey from of stingless bees are more expensive compared with the traditional honey, however their are commercialized without a proper regulation. In literature few works were found regarding the composition of these types of honey which are popularly known by its beneficiaI properties to human health. The objective of the present work is to compare the composition and quality of honey from Apis mellifera and from stingless bees (Tetragonisca angustula), popularly known as Jataí bee. Samples of honey were obtained from Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula bees in the same botanical region. In this work the methods used were based on the Brazilian Regulation for quality control of honey from Apis mellifera and the values suggested for honeys of meliponíneos of Brazil for researchers VILLAS-BOAS and MALASPINA (2005). The majority of the samples of Apis had presented in accordance with the regulation while the Jataí honeys had presented: humidity (23,40 - 25.60%), acidity (21,65 - 63,85 mE/Kg) and reducing sugars (44,78 - 67.54%) are out of the standards for honeys of Apis mellifera. However, they are in accordance with the values suggested for honeys of Brazilian meliponíneos. The physicochemical, polinic and nutritional analysis were determined, and the honey of Apis bee presented greater amount of energy value (43,58 - 66,32 Kcal) in relation to the honeys of Jataí bee (36,83 - 60,52 Kcal) (p<O,05). The sugars for HPLC, electric conductivity (uS/cm-1) and analysis of color (mmPfund) were determined. Samples of Apis mellifera had presented greater values for glucose (%), frutose (%) and electric conductivity (uS/cm-1) in relation to the honeys from Jataí (p<0,05). Regarding the color analyses, it was predominance of the coloration clear -amber.

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