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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manejo da fertirrigação e controle da salinidade para a cultura do pimentão (Capsicum annuum) utilizando medidores de íons da solução do substrato / Fertigation management and salinity control for bell pepper crop (Capsicum annuum) using ions meters of the substratum solution

Antonio Clarette Santiago Tavares 08 February 2006 (has links)
A produção agrícola, de maneira geral, sofre ação direta das condições climáticas e da exigência em insumos. Dentre as olerícolas cultivadas sob estufas no Estado de São Paulo, o pimentão destaca-se pelo volume total comercializado. No entanto, o manejo inadequado da irrigação, a adição de fertilizantes em altas dosagens e a inexistência de chuvas promotoras de lixiviação destes sais podem causar salinização e desequilíbrio nutricional dos solos ou dos substratos de cultivo nas áreas sob estufas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estabelecer uma comparação entre a fertirrigação que é feita de forma convencional e o manejo da fertirrigação via monitoramento da concentração dos íons na solução iônica do meio de cultivo, assim como a definição de níveis adequados de N e K2O na prática da fertirrigação para essa cultura. O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” USP, no município de Piracicaba-SP, em vasos com substrato de fibra de coco, em uma estufa plástica com cobertura em arco. Os tratamentos foram compostos da combinação de 4 doses de N aplicadas via fertirrigação (N1= 200, N2= 300, N3= 400 kg ha-1 de N, N4= manutenção da concentração de NO3 - na solução do substrato entre 7 a 15 mmolc L-1) e 4 doses de K aplicadas via fertirrigação (K1= 450, K2= 550, K3= 650 kg ha-1 de K2O, K4= manutenção da concentração de K+ na solução do substrato entre 3 a 4 mmolc L-1). O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições, arranjado no esquema fatorial 4x4. Os tratamentos não tiveram influência no crescimento da planta e nem no diâmetro do colo. O peso médio dos frutos diminuiu linearmente com o aumento da dose aplicada de nitrogênio e potássio. Conseguiu-se as melhores produções e com os mesmos padrões comerciais, com doses menores de nitrogênio e potássio O uso de extratores de soluções associado aos medidores de íons NO3 - e K+, mostrou-se eficiente no manejo das fertirrigações para a cultura do pimentão. A produtividade referente a dose de nitrogênio e potássio obtida pelo manejo proposto esteve entre as maiores produtividades conseguidas. / The agricultural production, in a general way, suffers direct action of the climatic conditions and of the demand in inputs. Among the cultures cultivated under greenhouses in the State of São Paulo, the bell pepper stands out with a great total marketed volume. However, the inadequate irrigation management the addition of fertilizers in high dosages and the inexistence of rains promoters' of leaching of these salts can cause salinization and nutritional unbalance of the soils or cultivation substrata in areas under greenhouses. The objective of this work was to establish a comparison among the fertigation done by the conventional form and the fertigation management through monitoring the ions concentration in the ionic solution of the cultivation, as well as the definition of appropriate levels of N and K2O in practice of the fertigation for that culture. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Rural Engineering of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" USP, at municipal district of Piracicaba-SP, in vases with substratum of coconut fiber, in a plastic greenhouse with covering in arch. The treatments were composed by combination of 4 doses of N (N1 = 200, N2 = 300, N3 = 400 kg ha-1 of N, N4 = concentration maintenance of NO3 - in the solution of the substratum among 7 to 15 mmolc L-1) and 4 doses of K (K1 = 450, K2 = 550, K3 = 650 kg ha-1 of K2O, K4 = maintenance of the concentration of K+ in the solution of the substratum among 3 to 4 mmolc L-1). The adopted statistical design was randomized blocks with 4 repetitions, arranged in the factorial outline 4x4. Treatments didn't have influence an the plant growth and in the lap diameter neither. The medium weight of the fruits decreased linearly with the increase of the applied dose of nitrogen and potassium. It was found better productions and with the same commercial patterns, with smaller doses of nitrogen and potassium. The use of solutions extractors associated to the ions meters NO3 - and K+, was shown efficient in the fertigation management for the crop of the bell pepper. The yield regarding doses of nitrogen and potassium obtained by the proposed management were among the largest productivity obtained.

Desenvolvimento, validação e aplicação de métodos para determinação multirresíduo de agrotóxicos em pimentão por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas sequencial / Development, validation and application of methods for multiresidue determination of pesticides in bell pepper by liquid chromatography to tandem mass spectrometry

Morais, Elisa Helena da Costa, 1984 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Isabel Cristina Sales Fontes Jardim / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T03:13:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Morais_ElisaHelenadaCosta_D.pdf: 9967369 bytes, checksum: ea8d16d7416102a344421831d13e0740 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Os pimentões destacam-se no Brasil como uma das hortaliças mais cultivadas. No entanto, de acordo com o Programa de Análise de Resíduos de Agrotóxicos em Alimentos da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, eles têm apresentado o maior índice de irregularidades com agrotóxicos não autorizados e/ou autorizados, sendo encontrados em concentrações acima do limite máximo de resíduo (MRL). Neste contexto, métodos utilizando dispersão da matriz em fase sólida (MSPD) com um sorvente constituído por poli(metiltetradecilsiloxano) imobilizado termicamente sobre sílica aluminizada, Si-Al(PMTDS), QuEChERS (tampão citrato), e cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas sequencial (LC-MS/MS) foram desenvolvidos e validados para determinação multirresíduo de agrotóxicos em pimentão verde. Ambos os métodos apresentaram seletividade, limites de quantificação (LOQ) menores que os MRL, linearidade, exatidão (recuperações entre 50 e 120%) e precisão (coeficientes de variação < 20%). Os métodos foram aplicados em amostras de pimentão verde do comércio, e pelo menos um dos analitos foi detectado na maioria das amostras. Embora ambos os métodos sejam adequados para o emprego em pimentão verde para determinação destes agrotóxicos, o método QuEChERS-LC-MS/MS proporcionou resultados mais satisfatórios com relação à exatidão, precisão e recuperação, e LOQ mais baixos. Também foi possível transferir o método desenvolvido por HPLC para cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (UHPLC), demonstrando algumas vantagens desta última técnica como menor tempo de análise, e reduzido volume de amostra, consumo de fase móvel e geração de resíduos, bem como menor efeito matriz e LOQ para a maioria dos analitos / Abstract: Bell peppers stand out in Brazil as one of the most cultivated vegetables. However, according to the Program for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Foods of the National Health Surveillance Agency, they have shown the highest rate of irregularities with non-approved and/or non-authorized pesticides being found at concentrations above the maximum residue limit (MRL). In this context, methods using either solid phase matrix dispersion (MSPD) with a sorbent consisting of poly (methyltetradecylsiloxane) thermally immobilized on aluminized silica, Al-Si (PMTDS), QuEChERS (citrate buffer), and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) were developed and validated for multiresidue determination of pesticides in green peppers. Both methods presented selectivity, limits of quantitation (LOQ) smaller than the MRL, linearity, accuracy (recoveries between 50 and 120%) and precision (coefficients of variation <20%). The methods were applied to samples of green peppers from market, and at least one of the analytes was detected in the majority of the samples. Although both methods are suitable for employment in green pepper for determination of these pesticides, the QuEChERS-LC-MS/MS method provided more satisfactory results with respect to accuracy, precision and recovery, and a lower LOQ. It was also possible to transfer the developed HPLC method to ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), demonstrating some advantages of the latter technique such as shorter analysis time, and reduced sample volume, mobile phase consumption and waste generation, as well as a lower matrix effect and LOQ for most analytes / Doutorado / Quimica Analitica / Doutora em Ciências

Complexação de carotenoides de pimentão vermelho com hidroxipropil-β-ciclodextrina: caracterização, avaliação da solubilidade e estabilidade em formulações alimentícias

Petito, Nicolly de Lima 14 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Farmácia (bff@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-03-14T18:47:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Petito, Nicolly de Lima [Dissertação, 2015].PDF: 2998524 bytes, checksum: 0048771f6748f57c822ca4612196e146 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-14T18:47:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Petito, Nicolly de Lima [Dissertação, 2015].PDF: 2998524 bytes, checksum: 0048771f6748f57c822ca4612196e146 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Carotenoides são pigmentos naturais amplamente distribuídos na natureza, responsáveis pelas cores vermelhas, laranjas e amarelas. São substâncias amplamente estudadas por apresentarem potencial antioxidante e atividade pró-vitamina A. Devido a seu caráter lipofílico, são pigmentos naturais de difícil aplicação em alimentos como aditivos, além de apresentarem alta instabilidade frente a fatores comuns no processamento, como pH, luz, calor e oxigênio. O uso de ciclodextrinas como agentes encapsulantes é recomendado a fim de aumentar a solubilidade dos carotenoides em meio aquoso, e possivelmente, protegê-los dos fatores químicos e ambientais. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi conduzir a inclusão molecular de carotenoides de pimentão vermelho (Capsicum annuum L.) em hidroxipropil-β-ciclodextrina visando o aumento de sua solubilidade e estabilidade frente a fatores envolvidos no processamento e armazenamento de bebidas isotônicas. A extração dos carotenoides de pimentão vermelho foi realizada por meio de maceração em solvente etanol e água (9:1), seguida de partição com hexano e evaporação em baixa temperatura. O perfil de carotenoides do extrato obtido foi determinado por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE-UV). A inclusão do extrato de pimentão vermelho em hidroxipropil-β-ciclodextrina foi realizada por meio de sonda de ultrassom em quatro proporções (1:4, 1:6, 1:8 e 1:10 v/v). Misturas físicas nas mesmas proporções foram preparadas para efeito comparativo. O extrato de pimentão vermelho, os complexos de inclusão obtidos e as misturas físicas foram caracterizados por espectrofotometria no infravermelho (FT-IR), ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN1H), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), difusão dinâmica da luz (DLS), espectrofotometria de absorção na região do UV-visível e ensaio de solubilidade. No extrato de pimentão vermelho foram identificados cinco carotenoides, a saber: β-caroteno, β-criptoxantina, 9-cis-β-caroteno, capsantina e 13-cis-β-caroteno. Observou-se que a inclusão molecular foi efetiva para as diferentes proporções de complexo ao compará-las com os resultados das misturas físicas, principalmente pelos resultados dos ensaios de solubilidade, onde foi identificado o aumento de solubilidade em até 660 vezes comparado ao do extrato isolado. Devido à relação custo-benefício, optou-se por dar continuidade aos experimentos com os complexos com proporção 1:6 (m/m). A estabilidade de cor dos complexos e do extrato de pimentão foi avaliada sob o efeito combinado das variáveis pH, tempo e temperatura. Os resultados demonstraram que se pode esperar maior retenção dos parâmetros de cor com o uso do complexo do que com o uso do extrato. A fim de avaliar a estabilidade de cor dos complexos em condições de armazenamento durante 40 dias, foram formuladas bebidas isotônicas adicionadas de complexo ou de corantes artificiais, adicionadas de conservante ou pasteurizadas, submetidas à 10 ou 25 μmol de fótons.m2.s-1, ou armazenadas na ausência de luz. Os resultados revelaram que as amostras armazenadas ao abrigo de luz apresentaram menor variação da cor, tendo as pasteurizadas apresentado melhor resultado. Em conclusão, a inclusão molecular permite o aumento da solubilidade dos carotenoides de pimentão vermelho, permitindo assim a sua aplicação em formulações alimentícias, e atribui o efeito protetor a estes carotenoides frente a fatores inerentes ao processamento de alimentos / Carotenoids are natural pigments widely distributed in nature, responsible for the red, orange and yellow colors. They are known and studied due to their antioxidant potential and pro-vitamin A activity. However, due to their lipophilic nature and high instability under influence of common processing factors, such as pH, light, heat and oxygen, it is difficult to apply them in food . Use of cyclodextrins as encapsulating agent is recommended in order to increase their aqueous solubility and protect the molecules against chemical and environmental factors. The aim of this study was to perform molecular inclusion of red bell pepper carotenoids (Capsicum annuum L.) in hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, in order to increase their solubility and stability in front of factors involved in processing and storage of food. The extraction of red bell pepper carotenoids was carried out by soaking in solvent ethanol and water (9: 1), followed by partition with hexane and evaporation at low temperature. In order to characterize the extract obtained, analysis by high performance liquid chromatography was performed (HPLC), identifying β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, 9-cis-β-carotene, capsanthin and 13-cis-β-carotene. Inclusion of red pepper extract in hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin was performed using ultrasound probe in four different ratios (1: 4, 1: 6, 1: 8 and 1:10). Additionally, physical mixtures in the same ratios were prepared for comparative purposes. The obtained inclusion complexes, red pepper extract, hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and physical mixtures were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic light scattering (DLS), UV-visible spectroscopy and solubility assay. Molecular inclusion was effective for the different proportions of the complex, by comparing them with the results of physical mixtures, mainly the results of the solubility tests, where the increased solubility was identified up to 660 times, compared to the pure extract. Due to cost-effectiveness, it was decided to continue the experiment with the 1:6 complex. The color stability of the complex and of red bell pepper extract was evaluated under the combined effect of pH, time and temperature. Results demonstrated greater retention of color parameters using complex than the use of extract. In order to evaluate the stability of complex color storage conditions for 40 days, isotonic drinks added of artificial colors or complex were formulated, adding preservative or pasteurized, subjected to 10 or 25 micromol photons.m2.s-1 or stored in the absence of light. Results showed that the samples stored in the absence of light had less color variation, being the pasteurized the best condition. In conclusion, molecular inclusion allows increasing of solubility, thereby allowing its application in food formulations, and assigns the protective effect for carotenoids against inherent factors in food processing

Aspects of quantum non-locality

Pironio, Stefano 17 September 2004 (has links)
La mécanique quantique prédit l'existence de corrélations entre particules distantes qui ne peuvent s'expliquer dans le cadre des théories réalistes locales. Suite au développement récent de la théorie de l'information quantique, il a été réalisé que ces corrélations non-locales ont des implications quant aux capacités de traitement de l'information des systèmes quantiques. Outre une signification physique, elles possèdent donc une signification informationnelle. Cette thèse traite de différents aspects de la non-localité liés à ces deux facettes du phénomène.<p><p>Nous commençons par un examen de la structure des corrélations locales et non-locales. Nous dérivons dans ce contexte de nouvelles inégalités de Bell, et généralisons ensuite le paradoxe de Greenberger-Horne-Zelinger à des états quantiques de dimension arbitraire et composés de plusieurs sous-systèmes. <p><p>Nous abordons par après la non-localité du point de vue de la théorie de l'information. Il est possible de concevoir des théories non-locales consistantes avec le principe de causalité mais offrant des avantages supérieurs à la mécanique quantique en terme de manipulation de l'information. Nous investiguons l'ensemble des corrélations compatibles avec de telles théories afin d'éclairer l'origine des limitations imposées par le formalisme quantique. Nous nous intéressons également à la quantité de communication classique nécessaire pour simuler les corrélations non-locales. Nous montrons que cette mesure naturelle de la non-localité est étroitement liée au degré de violations des inégalités de Bell.<p><p>Nous nous tournons ensuite vers des aspects expérimentaux. La faible efficacité des détecteurs utilisés dans les expériences de violation des inégalités de Bell reste un obstacle majeur à une démonstration convaincante de la non-localité, mais aussi à toute utilisation de la non-localité dans des protocoles d'information quantique. Nous dérivons d'une part des bornes quant à l'efficacité minimale requise pour violer les inégalités de Bell, et d'autre part des exemples de corrélations plus résistante à ces imperfections expérimentales. <p><p>Finalement, nous clôturons cette thèse en montrant comment la non-localité, principalement étudiée dans le cadre de systèmes décrits par des variables discrètes, telles que les variables de spin, peut également se manifester dans des systèmes à variables continues, telles que les variables de position et d'impulsion.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation physique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Residual Bell Nonlocality

Azish, Parham January 2020 (has links)
This report provides a new theoretical measure for the nonlocality of an arbitrary three-qubit pure state system similar to the method used to describe tripartite entanglement, resulting in a concept referred to as residual nonlocality, η. This report also investigates the special cases that can be encountered when using η. This method assigns a numerical value between 0 and 1 in order to indicate the degree of nonlocality between three-qubits. It was discovered that η has the characteristic of being consistently larger or equal to the value found for the residual entanglement which can provide further insights regarding the relation between nonlocality and entanglement. / I rapporten föreslås och analyseras ett nytt teoretisk mått för ickelokalitet hos tre-kvantbitsystem på ett liknande sätt till metoden som används för tredelad sammanflätningar. Detta ger en koncept som vi har valt att benämna residual ickelokalitet η. Rapporten undersöker också specialfall som kan påträffas när man använder η. Metoden som läggs fram i rapporten ger ett numeriskt värde mellan 0 och 1 för att visa graden av ickelokalitet mellan kvantbitarna. Vår undersökning visar att η kommer under alla sammanhang vara större eller lika med den graden av tredelad sammanflätning i samma system vilket kan ge en bättre förståelse av relationen mellan sammanflätning och ickelokalitet.

Towards testing Bell's inequality using atoms correlated in momentum / Vers la réalisation du test d’inégalité de Bell avec les atomes corrèle en impulsion

Imanaliev, Almazbek 30 March 2016 (has links)
Ce manuscrit décrit des expériences d’optique atomique quantique utilisant un détecteur résolu en impulsions d’atomes uniques d’hélium métastable. La première partie du manuscrit décrit la mesure de cohérence de deuxième ordre de la superradiance à partir d’un condensat de Bose-Einstein d’helium métastable. Bien que le condensat soit cohérent et le gain du processus de superradiance élevé, celle-ci montre toujours une statistique thermique comme celle de l’émission spontanée. La suite du manuscrit est dédiée au test de la non localité d’une source atomique corrélée en impulsion. Le schéma du test s’inspire d’une réalisation faite par Rarity et Tapster sur des photons intriqués en impulsion. Les ingrédients principaux d’un tel schéma sont la source atomique générée par instabilité dynamique du condensat dans un réseau optique en mouvement, le contrôle cohérent des atomes par diffraction de Bragg et la mesure de la corrélation des atomes dans les différentes voies de sortie du schéma interférométrique. Un point clé est le contrôle et la manipulation de la phase des ondes atomiques. Le chapitre 3 décrit les tests sur le contrôle cohérent par diffraction de Bragg et leurs résultats encourageants. La nature non classique de notre source atomique est démontrée par l’observation d’une interférence à deux particules en les envoyant sur une séparatrice atomique. Cet analogue atomique de l’expérience de Hong Ou et Mandel est le sujet du dernier chapitre de ce manuscrit. Le résultat de cette expérience ouvre la possibilité du test d’inégalité de Bell avec des particules massives corrélées sur des degrés de liberté externe. / This manuscript describes quantum atom optics experiments using metastable helium atoms with a single-atom momentum resolved detector. In the first part of this manuscript, the second order correlation measurement of the superradiance from a metastable helium Bose-Einstein condensate is presented. The superradiance effect is the collective radiation of dense ensemble where a strong gain of the radiation is expected. We have shown the thermal like statistics of the emission even in the presence of the strong gain. The next part of the manuscript is devoted to the quantum nonlocality test using a pair of atoms entangled in momentum. The protocol we came up with is inspired from the one of Rarity and Tapster with pairs of photons entangled in momentum. The essential ingredients of this protocol are the atomic pair produced by dynamical instability of the Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving optical lattice, the coherent control of the atomic pair by Bragg diffraction and the correlation measurement of the atoms in different output modes of the interferometric protocol. The experimental characterization and preparation of coherent control by Bragg diffraction are presented showing the proof of principle of such a protocol. The last part of the manuscript discusses the realization of the atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment using the same atomic pair with an atomic beamsplitter. The non-classical interference result of this experiment has opened an opportunity for us to realize Bell’s inequality test with massive particles correlated in external degrees of freedom.

The Digital Sales Bell : A design proposal for a digital, motivational work tool

Petersson, Christina, Perkins, Malin January 2019 (has links)
This is a study within the area of computer science and industrial engineering and management, with focus on human computer interaction and management. The focal point for the thesis is work motivation with a digital approach; the possibilities of creating a digital tool that can increase sales employees’ motivation. The motivational effect of the physical Sales Bell, a tool used widely to motivate employees within sales, has been the basis of this project. A qualitative data gathering has been used to determine which functions and features the equivalent digital tool should possess. The collected data has also been the basic for creating personas and scenarios displaying the needs and potential use of the product. The agile design process has involved user-based testing and evaluations in order to develop an optimal design proposal and gain further understanding how the user perceives and interacts with the features and functions. The final prototype is presented together with a detailed specification of both interface design, software requirements and the estimated development cost. Thecase study and testing process has focused on the start-up telecom company Telness. / Det här är en studie inom området datavetenskap och industriell ekonomi, med fokus på människa-dator interaktion. Avhandlingens kärna är hur ett digitalt verktyg kan öka anställdas motivation på arbetsplatsen. Motivationseffekten från den fysiska säljklockan, ett känt motivationsverktyg inom säljverksamhet, har varit studiens utgångspunkt. En kvalitativ datainsamling med säljare som population har använts för att analysera och bestämma vilka funktioner ett motsvarande digitalt verktyg bör ha för att uppnå en motiverande effekt. Datainsamlingen har också fungerat som en bas vid skapandet av personas och scenarios, vilka visar vilka behov och vilken användning produktens framtida användare potentiellt kommer att ha. Den agila designprocessen har bestått av användarcentrerade tester och evalueringar som använts för att utveckla ett optimalt designförslag och få djupare förståelse för hur användare uppfattar och interagerar med prototypens funktioner. Den slutgiltiga prototypen presenteras tillsammans med en detaljerad specifikation innehållande gränssnittets design, krav på mjukvaran samt estimerad kostnad för att utveckla och integrera produkten i en säljverksamhet. För fallstudie och testprocess har start-up telekomföretaget Telness använts.

A Parametric Study of Formation Flight of a Wing Based on Prandtl's Bell-Shaped Lift Distribution

Lukacovic, Kyle S 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The bell-shaped lift distribution (BSLD) wing design methodology advanced by Ludwig Prandtl in 1932 was proposed as providing the minimum induced drag. This study used this method as the basis to analyze its characteristics in two wing formation flight. Of specific interest are the potential efficiency savings and the optimal positioning for formation flight. Additional comparison is made between BSLD wings and bird flight in formation. This study utilized Computational Flow Dynamics (CFD) simulations on a geometric modeling of a BSLD wing, the Prandtl-D glider. The results were validated by modified equations published by Prandtl, by CFD modeling published by others, and by Trefftz plane analysis. For verification, the results were compared to formation flight research literature on aircraft and birds, as well as published research on non-formation BSLD flight. The significance of this research is two part. One is that the BSLD method has the potential for significant efficiency in formation flight. The optimal position for a trailing wing was determined to be partially overlapping the leading wing vortex core. For a BSLD wing these vortices are located inboard from the wingtips resulting in wingtip overlap and have a wider impact downstream than the elliptical lift distribution (ELD) wingtip vortices. A second aspect is that avian research has traditionally been studied assuming the ELD model for bird flight, whereas this study proposes that bird flight would be better informed using the BSLD.

A Transnational Look at the Modern Women

Hardesty, Isabella 01 January 2020 (has links)
Spanning forty years apart, the short story “Miss Sophia’s Diary” (1926) by Ding Ling and The Bell Jar (1963) by Sylvia Plath can speak to one another in revealing the position of women in a revolutionary new era. The two stories may be generationally and geographically distant, yet both hold a collective female consciousness in the context of the emerging modernist epoch. By examining these two pieces of literature in relation to one another, similar attitudes and stylistic trends emerge regarding the treatment of women. The common archetypes, for each respective time and country, imprinted onto women are at some points accepted but also rejected in these two female-focused stories. In disregarding many of the traits associated with the modern woman, Ling and Plath mold a unique feminine persona to capture the essence of what a true woman can and should be. Not only does the likeness of the works contribute in establishing a global feminist ideal, it is in the differences where cultural and generational attitudes can be investigated. What the pillar of feminism represented in early 1920s China differs significantly from 1950s United States of America. Though these differences can be signs of progression for woman’s rights, there are many of the same anxieties surrounding women that have lingered on for decades. This thesis will conduct a comparative study on how the “Miss Sophia’s Diary” and The Bell Jar posses the unique variations of the modern woman. Furthermore, with the use of a web-based corpus analysis program, this thesis sets out to probe selections from both works linguistically. Doing so will uphold a clearer image as to each texts’ word associations when discussing women and can further reveal how the construction of each female persona compares to one another. Overall, this thesis dismantles borders of both time and space to expose the true meaning behind the modern woman’s role in a largely demeaning and patriarchal world.

A Test of Bell’s Inequality for the Undergraduate Laboratory

Betchart, Burton A. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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