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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Berufliche Leistung im Kontext dynamischer Arbeitsumwelten - Empirische Untersuchungen der Struktur und Korrelate von Adaptive Performance / Job Performance in the Context of Dynamic Work Environments - Empirical Studies of the Structure and Correlates of Adaptive Performance

Findeisen, André 22 July 2020 (has links)
In einer komplexen Berufswelt, in der ständige Veränderungen den Alltag vieler Unternehmen bestimmen, ist die Fähigkeit von Mitarbeitern, ihr Verhalten den veränderten Bedingungen anzupassen (Adaptive Performance) eine bedeutsame Facette der beruflichen Leistung. Es ist jedoch bis heute unklar, ob Adaptive Performance sich als eigenständiges Leistungskonstrukt von anderen Formen der beruflichen Leistung abgrenzen lässt. Ferner ist die Befundlage hinsichtlich einiger Antezedenzien inkonsistent, während andere bisher noch nicht im Zusammenhang mit Adaptive Performance untersucht wurden. In der ersten Studie wird ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Adaptive Performance sowie von Proactive Behavior, einem etablierten Konstrukt der beruflichen Leistungsforschung, entwickelt und anhand vorhandener Skalen validiert. Die Studie (N = 196) zeigt, dass sich adaptive Leistung von proaktivem Verhalten empirisch abgrenzen lässt. Es können emotionale Stabilität und (wahrgenommene) Autonomie als differenzielle Prädiktoren nachgewiesen werden, wobei emotionale Stabilität erwartungsgemäß höher mit Adaptive Performance und Autonomie höher mit Proactive Behavior korreliert. In der zweiten Studie werden anhand der aktuellen Forschungsliteratur Anforderungen an eine Instrumentenentwicklung zur fähigkeitsbasierten Erfassung von Adaptive Performance in Form eines webbasierten Postkorbs abgeleitet und die Entwicklung des Messinstruments beschrieben. Die aufgestellten Anforderungen werden anschließend anhand einer studentischen Stichprobe (N = 104) geprüft. In Studie 3 wird in einem Experiment (N = 185) der Einfluss von Intelligenz, der Fähigkeit, rational zu denken sowie von Routinestärke auf Adaptive Performance untersucht. Hierbei wird Adaptive Performance mit Hilfe des vorab entwickelten Postkorbs erfasst und die jeweiligen Zusammenhänge unter kontrollierten Bedingungen betrachtet. Entgegen der Hypothese ergeben sich keine Hinweise auf einen bedeutsamen Einfluss der Intelligenz. Hingegen zeigen sich bedeutsame Zusammenhänge mit der Fähigkeit, rational zu denken sowie mit der Routinestärke. Die theoretische sowie praktische Bedeutung der Befunde wird abschließend diskutiert und darauf aufbauend werden Implikationen für die weitere Forschung und Personalpraxis abgeleitet.

Digitalisierung in Bildungseinrichtungen des Handels: Fallstudien als IST-Stands-Analyse im BMBF-Verbundprojekt VOM_Handel.

Jörg, Neumann, Lisette, Hoffmann, Baumgarten, Kerstin 30 November 2018 (has links)
Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht spiegelt den Ist-Stand im BMBF geförderten Verbundvorhaben VOM_Handel wieder. Die Untersuchung, die in Form von Fallstudien angelegt wurde, dient dabei als eine Informations- bzw. Datenbasis mit Hilfe derer einerseits aktuelle Veränderungsprozesse identifiziert sowie notwendige Veränderungsprozesse abgeleitet werden können. Zielgruppen waren dabei alle MitarbeiterInnen der unterschiedlichen Hierarchieebenen (Geschäftsführung, mittlere Führen, Dozenten und Verwaltung) in den beteiligten Bildungseinrichtungen des Handels. Ausgehend von 18 Leitfadeninterviews wurden Thesen und Hypothesen gebildet, die weiterführend durch eine Dokumentenanalyse sowie einen Online-Fragebogen bearbeitet wurden. Grundsätzlich soll im Projekt VOM_Handel die Organisationsentwicklung auf allen Hierarchieebenen von Bildungseinrichtungen im Rahmen der Digitalisierung mit besonderem Fokus auf der Veränderung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen adressiert werden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 2 Abbildungsverzeichnis 3 Tabellenverzeichnis 4 1. Ausgangssituation und Aufgabenstellung 5 2. Methodisches Vorgehen 5 3. Entwicklung der Instrumente 6 3.1. Interviewleitfaden 6 3.2. Online-Fragebogen 8 4. Ergebnisdarstellung der Interviews 9 4.1. Vision, Leitbild und Strategie 9 4.2. Einstellung zur Digitalisierung 10 4.3. Infrastruktur 11 4.4. Lehren und Lernen mit Digitalen Medien 11 4.5. Medienkompetenz der Lehrenden 12 4.6. Medienkompetenz der Zielgruppe(n) 13 4.7. Bewertung der Gesamtsituation 14 5. Ergebnisdarstellung der Dokumentenanalyse 15 6. Ergebnisdarstellung der Online-Umfrage 18 6.1. Deskriptive Statistik 18 6.1.1. Beschreibung der Stichprobe 18 6.1.2. Digitalisierung und Infrastruktur 20 6.2. Inferenzstatistische Auswertung 35 6.2.1. Computerbezogene Einstellungen und Computerängstlichkeit 35 6.2.2. Gruppenvergleiche und Regression 42 6.2.3. Weitere Zusammenhänge von Variablen 45 7. Zusammenführung der Daten 47 8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 49 Literatur 51

Projekt zur Stärkung der regionalen Leistungsfähigkeit bei der beschäftigungsadäquaten Qualifizierung junger Menschen in Sachsen (Regionalprojekt): Bericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung für den Projektzeitraum 1999 bis 2002

Günther, Thomas, Zurwehme, Annikka, Müller, Kirstin, Witt, Ralf 01 July 2003 (has links)
Bericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung für den Projektzeitraum 1999 bis 2002 Kabinettsbeschluss 02/1376 vom 29.6.1999 auf Antrag des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Kultus. Laufzeit: Oktober 1999 bis Dezember 2005. Träger: TUDIAS TU Dresden Institute of Advanced Studies GmbH. Finanzierung: ESF und Landesmittel

Gesundheitsspezifische berufliche Rehabilitation von Menschen mit Epilepsie in Sachsen: Ist-Stand Analyse und theoretische Darstellung individueller Alternativen der Umsetzung von Leistungen zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben vor dem Hintergrund der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität

Brückner, Sabine 27 June 2023 (has links)
Aus der Diagnose Epilepsie ergeben sich viele psychosoziale Belastungsfaktoren, die Lebensqualität und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe beeinträchtigen. Um eine berufliche (Wieder-)Eingliederung erreichen zu können, bedarf es geeigneter krankheitsspezifischer rehabilitativer Maßnahmen. Welche soziodemografischen sowie epilepsiespezifischen Aspekte beeinflussen die Erwerbsfähigkeit? Wie sind die Zugangsmöglichkeiten zu Leistungen der beruflichen Rehabilitation und können Menschen mit Epilepsie in Bezug auf eine (dauerhafte) Wiedereingliederung ins Berufsleben davon profitieren? Im theoretischen Teil werden fachlich relevante Begrifflichkeiten im Bedeutungszusammenhang mit beruflicher Teilhabe analysiert. Empirisch wurde der epilepsiespezifische psychosoziale Fragebogen (PESOS-Fragebogen) von 117 Menschen mit Epilepsie aus unterschiedlichen sächsischen Regionen ausgewertet und leitfadengestütze Interviews mit Fachkräften von 7 Institutionen der beruflichen Rehabilitation geführt. Prädiktoren für die Erwerbstätigkeit sind Anfallsfrequenz, Medikamentenverträglichkeit, Mobilität, Anfälle am Arbeitsplatz und Schwerbehindertenstatus. Die Erwerbstätigkeit ist niedriger gegenüber schwerbehinderten Menschen ohne Epilepsie oder der Gesamtbevölkerung. Die Interviews zeigen eine heterogene Rehabilitationslandschaft, ein Zugang zu beruflichen Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen in Sachsen besteht, allerdings sind Eingliederungsmaßnahmen zu wenig zielführend, da sie epilepsietypische Faktoren und psychische Komorbiditäten nicht ausreichend berücksichtigen. Das bestehende Rehabilitationssystem kann der Forderung nach einer Bedarfsorientierung und Individualität von Leistungen zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben bei Menschen mit Epilepsie nicht zufriedenstellend Rechnung tragen. Berufliche Rehabilitation von Menschen mit Epilepsie erfordert eine hohe sozialmedizinische Kompetenz und Anstrengungsbereitschaft. Diese besonders von Erwerbslosigkeit betroffene Personengruppe benötigt mehr Spezifität in der Ausübung beruflicher Eingliederungsmaßnahmen.:Vorwort Einleitung 1 Behinderung und Rehabilitation 1.1 Behinderung im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Anspruchsdenkens 1.1.1 Gesundheit und Krankheit 1.1.2 Behinderung im rechtlichen Kontext 1.1.3 Lebenslagen von behinderten Menschen im Spiegel der Gesellschaft 1.2 Rehabilitation 1.2.1 Historische Kernpunkte rehabilitativen Handelns 1.2.2 Zur Notwendigkeit der beruflichen Rehabilitation Bedeutung von Arbeit und Arbeitslosigkeit Behinderung und Arbeit in statistischen Zahlen Problemlagen der beruflichen Rehabilitation 1.2.3 Handlungsmöglichkeiten durch Leistungen zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben 2 Epilepsie und Lebensqualität 2.1 Epilepsie – eine alte Krankheit in der modernen Medizin 2.2 Gewitter im Gehirn 2.2.1 Steckbrief Epilepsie 2.2.2 Beurteilung epileptischer Anfallsmerkmale 2.3 Komorbiditäten – Die Bedeutung der anderen Erkrankungen 2.4 Lebensqualität – Ganzheitliches Denken der Moderne 2.4.1 Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität als multidimensionales Konstrukt 2.4.2 Psychosoziale Besonderheiten epilepsieerkrankter Menschen als Zugang entstigmatisierender Bemühungen im Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe Der Schwerbehindertenbegriff in der Epilepsie Mobilität als Grundbedürfnis sozialer Teilhabe Differenzierung beruflicher Perspektiven Rückzugstendenzen im System sozialer Netzwerke Die Bedeutsamkeit weiterer Erkrankungen und Nebenwirkungen auf die soziale Teilhabe Krankheitsselbstmanagement und Förderung sozialer Kompetenzen 2.4.3 Die Bedeutung Lebensqualität beeinflussender Faktoren im Rehabilitationsprozess 3 Lebensqualitätsforschung als Wegbereiter sozialer Handlungsansätze 3.1 Instrumente sozial fundierter Lebensqualitätsforschung 3.2 Aktueller Forschungsstand zum Thema Epilepsie und Lebensqualität 3.2.1 Charakteristische Determinanten der Lebensqualität und deren Einfluss 3.2.2 Krankheitsspezifische Faktoren epilepsiebedingter Beeinträchtigungen 3.2.3 Stigmatisationserleben und Epilepsie 3.2.4 Erwerbstätigkeit als eine der wichtigsten Determinanten in Bezug auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität 4 Territorial begrenzte Untersuchungsgruppen zur Bedarfsermittlung rehabilitativer Handlungsansätze - Fragestellungen und Hypothesen 4.1 Integrativer Forschungsansatz quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden 4.2 Soziodemografische Kenndaten des Freistaates Sachsen sowie der Regionen Kreisfreie Stadt Dresden und Landkreis Görlitz 4.3 Fragestellung und Hypothesen der Untersuchung 5 Die Fragebogenerhebung anhand des PESOS 5.1 Forschungsanliegen 5.2 Quantitative Forschungsmethode 5.2.1 Das Erhebungsinstrument 5.2.2 Operationalisierung von Variablen 5.2.3 Durchführung der Fragebogenerhebung 5.2.4 Statistische Analyse Die Ausgangsstichprobe Repräsentativitätsrelevante soziodemografische und krankheitsspezifische Merkmale Die Analysestichprobe: Demografische Daten 5.3 Ergebnisse 5.3.1 Globale Lebensqualität und epilepsiebedingte Beeinträchtigungen 5.3.2 Erwerbssituation und deren Prädiktoren 5.3.3 Berufliche Rehabilitationserfahrungen 5.3.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 6 Experteninterviews vor dem Hintergrund beruflicher Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen 6.1 Forschungsanliegen und Forschungsplanung 6.2 Qualitative Forschungsmethode 6.2.1 Leitfadengestütztes Experteninterview 6.2.2 Einrichtungen beruflicher Rehabilitation in Sachsen 6.2.3 Methodischer Zugang 6.2.4 Durchführung der Interviews 6.3 Inhaltsanalytische Auswertung auf verschiedenen Ebenen 6.4 Ergebnisse 6.4.1 Expertise mit epilepsiekranken Menschen im Berufsleben 6.4.2 Die Bedeutung kognitiver und psychiatrischer Beeinträchtigungen 6.4.3 Methoden und Werkzeuge im Handlungsfeld beruflicher Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen 6.4.4 Erfolgskriterien beruflicher Integrationsversuche 6.4.5 Vernetzung und Finanzierung der ausführenden Institutionen 6.4.6 Visionäre Zukunft der beruflichen Rehabilitation in Sachsen 6.4.7 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Untersuchung Schlussbetrachtung Abkürzungsverzeichnis Glossar

Biographisches Lernen im Berufsfeld Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft: Ein Beitrag zur Gestaltung von Lehr-Lern-Arrangements in der Ausbildung zum/r Hauswirtschafter*in

Uhlmann, Carolin 07 March 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Staatsexamensarbeit widmete sich der Forschungsfrage, wie Sozialkompetenzen von Hauswirtschafter*innen in Betreuungsleistungen gefördert werden können und welchen Beitrag das Biographische Lernen dazu leisten kann. Die Analyse der Domäne als auch der Kompetenzanforderungen in den Handlungsfeldern der hauswirtschaftlichen Betreuung und die kritische Betrachtung der Beschäftigungs- und Ausbildungssituation konnte abgeleitet werden, welche Fähigkeiten für sozial kompetentes Handeln in Interaktionen mit hohen Kommunikationsanteilen erforderlich sind. Für den notwendigen Perspektivenwechsel in der Betreuung sind besonders die Artikulations-, Empathie,- Konsens- und Konfliktfähigkeit von Bedeutung. Für die Gestaltung von Lehr-Lern-Arrangements mit dieser Zielsetzung wird das Biographische Lernen vorgeschlagen. Dafür wurde eine thematische Methodensammlung erstellt, die über die gesamte Ausbildungsdauer zum Einsatz kommen kann.:1. Einleitung 1.1. Problemstellung und Begründung des Themas 1.2. Aktueller Forschungsstand 1.3. Aufbau und Ziele der Arbeit 2. Definitionen relevanter Begriffe im Kontext des Biographischen Lernens 2.1. Biographie 2.2. Lernen 2.3. Biographisches Lernen 3. Beschäftigungsfelder und Kompetenzanforderungen von Hauswirtschafter*innen 3.1. Analyse der Domäne Hauswirtschaft 3.2. Berufsbild und Kompetenzanforderungen im Deutschen Qualifikationsrahmen 3.3. Analyse der Ordnungs- und Arbeitsmittel für den Ausbildungsberuf 3.4. Handlungsfelder hauswirtschaftlicher Betreuungsleistungen 4. Konzept für Biographisches Lernen in der Ausbildung zum/r Hauswirtschafter*in 4.1. Makroebene: Lernort Universität 4.2. Mesoebene: Lernort Schule 4.3. Mikroebene: Unterricht 4.3.1. Implementierung der Methodensammlung 4.3.2. Rahmenbedingungen für den Einsatz in Lehr- Lern- Prozessen 5. Resümee Literaturverzeichnis

Langfristige Verankerung der englischen Sprache in mittelständischen Unternehmen : Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für das Personalmanagement /

Lévy-Tödter, Magdalène. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss. 2006--Hamburg, 2006, u.d.T.: Levy-Tödter, Magdalene: Ein Konzept für die Weiterbildung von Personalverantwortlichen mittelständischer Unternehmen im Bereich Fremdsprachenförderung - am Beispiel des Maschinenbaus.

Convergence, persistence and diversity in male and female careers does context matter in an era of globalization? ; a comparison of gendered employment mobility patterns in West Germany and Denmark

Grunow, Daniela January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Bamberg, Univ., Diss., 2006

Integrations- und Segregationsmuster von türkischen Migranten : Menschen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Moderne ; die Ford-Mitarbeiter in Köln /

Steffens, Friedhelm. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Hagen, FernUniversiẗat, Diss., 2008.

Die Kooperation zwischen Berufsschulen und Unternehmen im Rahmen der beruflichen Erstausbildung am Beispiel der Volksrepublik China

Csepe-Bannert, Eszter 20 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In the light of youth unemployment and increased transnational mobility practice oriented vocational education and training get more and more importance in the international cooperation in education. There is a broad consensus among educational experts, that one of the possible measures to reduce youth unemployment in the world is to provide youth skills and competences, which are needed on the labour market. The school based vocational education needs to be updated with practical skills. The fundament of each practice oriented vocational education and training system (VET) lays in the cooperation between the main actors: the enterprises and vocational schools. Dual systems in countries as Germany, Switzerland and Austria offer many good practice examples on the benefits of the engagements of both actors in the vocational education and training system but nevertheless these examples cannot be taken as “one model fits all” which can be implemented in each country. Therefore each country interested in the redesign of their own vocational education and training system needs to identify possible benefits of and challenges in their system, to be able to specify the opportunities and threat for future development. It cannot be presumed that enterprises can be forced to take apprentices and train them in their facilities. It has to be evident for every educational actor willing to cooperate with enterprises, that enterprises first strive for growth in profits upon others to be able to secure their existence and secondly they may support additional, non-economic activities; for example the vocational education and training of future employee. Although to ensuring the quality of future employees may partly be seen as their social responsibility this fact will still depend on their economic situation and their need for skilled labour. However, making profit does not collide with the idea of the engagement of enterprises in the vocational education and training. It only needs an in depth-analysis of potentials and needs of enterprises and vocational schools and an adequate planning as well as development of the educational programs and activities. The following example on the PR China delivers many interesting basic approaches on how cooperation between enterprises and vocational schools can be built up, managed and preserved. Thanks to the over thirty years of multilateral cooperation between der PR China and other European and Asian countries, the PR China already knows what is needed to modernize the vocational education and training system. Further education of teachers, redevelopment of curriculums and the redesign of the infrastructure of the vocational schools are those activities, which enriched the Chinese vocational education and training system in the last thirty years. There is still backwardness in the economically weak part of the country but within the “go-west-strategy” of the government innovative measures are offered for enterprises to foster the development of the western region; for example cut red tape or tax and duty exemptions. In the course of the bureaucracy development of the east-southeast part of the country and through the increased perception of the country in the international business the quality of labour become more relevant also for the PR China. Products with low-value-added and unskilled labour were not sufficient anymore for the competitiveness of the country in the international environment. More and more enterprises realised the shortage of qualified labour because of the rise of progressing technology and of the availability of qualified labour. The commitment to quality in the vocational education and training laid on the market orientation and therefore on the establishment of cooperation between enterprises and vocational schools. The PR China can consequently show good practice examples from cooperation in the vocational education after more than thirty years of learning from other countries. The constructive element of these cooperation was identified by the actors as the consensus about the mutual benefit of cooperative activities. Although there are many good practices in the cooperation, nevertheless, more persuasiveness is still needed for continuous fostering of quality in the vocational education and training. The cooperation is not only influenced by the interest, need and the level of cooperation between enterprises and vocational schools, but the nature of the directives of the government are crucial for the cooperation too. For example, the decentralized implementation of the directives of the government may endanger the uneven development and quality assurance in vocational training. The transfer of responsibility of the state in the hands of the provinces ensures on the one side more freedom for provinces, for instance, it allows them to adapt the vocational education and training to their specific needs and to implement it to local circumstances. This means, to offer labour market oriented vocational education and training. On the other side it needs in the context of quality assurance to archive the knowledge gained through the fragmented implementation. This implies, that already developed teaching and learning materials should not get lost but it should be used as synergies and transfer these to other provinces, schools or enterprises. One of the exemplary efforts made by good situated “model vocational schools” is their willingness to overtake a sponsorship for other less developed vocational schools that are located mostly in the western region. Previously mentioned schools support the improvement of the teaching quality of latter mentioned schools and help them especially in the initial phase of the redevelopment of their teaching and training system. More concrete, “school sponsorships” allow to share knowledge, experience or to share technical equipment. The further education of teachers, the establishment of training facilities, the adaptation of curriculum to the labour market needs leave space for the consideration of local needs on the one side, and the dynamics of market development on the other side. It is only possible to take over responsibility for less developed schools, if there is financial support through the government too. School sponsorship is mostly subject to model schools therefore there is a significant need for recognition and promotion of education activities of these model schools. The high dynamic of the labour market in developing regions may cause challenges in the cooperation between vocational schools and enterprises, especially in the time of recession. If the cooperation with a vocational school gives rise to concern because of the limited time, personal availability or financial support in the enterprises, than the support of enterprises may decrease. Therefore the model schools strive to mobilise all actors, ask for financial and material benefits during the time of economic growth to be able to implement those benefits targeted and lay a solid fundament for the performance of less developed schools. This fundament may consist of well-educated vocational teachers, well-equipped training facilities as well as practice oriented curricula. A solid basis allows vocational schools in a economically weak period to use previous investments and benefits. Additional created supplementary services, as further educational offers for enterprise employees, well-educated vocational teachers as consulters by building up of new production lines or by doing research on the effectiveness of human resources, are examples for reserves to bear itself. The redefinition of the role of vocational schools as “service providers” in a wide sense, allows setting quality standards in relation with the pedagogical requirements and economical needs in the vocational education and training. The school administration and teachers need to be equipped with additional management skills in addition to their educational and professional skills to be able to initiate, build and maintain cooperation systematically and analytically. Enterprises need to be aware of taking responsibility for future skilled labour while cooperating with vocational schools. The openness of enterprises for cooperation allows determining one's potential within vocational education and training and look for benefits for both actors. It is necessary for a successful cooperation to be a "win-win" situation, so the motivation for all parties should be maintained. Finally each cooperation needs competent teachers, well equipped training facilities also strategic planning (AIOC-strategy) in sense of analysis of initial situation and the possibilities for the implementation of practical vocational education and training, optimisation of available capacities and resources, the interdependence of responsibilities and competences of both actors, and the consolidation of pedagogical quality criteria under economic premises. The PR China has tried in the past thirty years to modernize its vocational education and training system; this happened mostly in the technical occupations. The challenge for the future will be to do the same effort for the service occupations. The reform and open-door policy of the Chinese government since the 1970s brings many opportunities not only for the economy, but also for the society. The rapid development in the technically based fields brought the anticipated economic upswing and leads the PR China from a development country to the second biggest economy in the world. Now, the current government aims more to increase the life standard of the Chinese and strengthen the domestic consumption than to focus on industry production. Through the emerging middle class the quality and necessity of services gain higher importance in the society and it is seen as an integral part of increasing their quality of life. Chinas new generation remained from the destructive revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s, which have slowed down the development in the country. It has now in hand to bring together identity of the country with its traditions and modernity not only outwardly in the perception of the world, but to strengthen it also in the Chinese society.

Die Kooperation zwischen Berufsschulen und Unternehmen im Rahmen der beruflichen Erstausbildung am Beispiel der Volksrepublik China

Csepe-Bannert, Eszter 21 April 2015 (has links)
In the light of youth unemployment and increased transnational mobility practice oriented vocational education and training get more and more importance in the international cooperation in education. There is a broad consensus among educational experts, that one of the possible measures to reduce youth unemployment in the world is to provide youth skills and competences, which are needed on the labour market. The school based vocational education needs to be updated with practical skills. The fundament of each practice oriented vocational education and training system (VET) lays in the cooperation between the main actors: the enterprises and vocational schools. Dual systems in countries as Germany, Switzerland and Austria offer many good practice examples on the benefits of the engagements of both actors in the vocational education and training system but nevertheless these examples cannot be taken as “one model fits all” which can be implemented in each country. Therefore each country interested in the redesign of their own vocational education and training system needs to identify possible benefits of and challenges in their system, to be able to specify the opportunities and threat for future development. It cannot be presumed that enterprises can be forced to take apprentices and train them in their facilities. It has to be evident for every educational actor willing to cooperate with enterprises, that enterprises first strive for growth in profits upon others to be able to secure their existence and secondly they may support additional, non-economic activities; for example the vocational education and training of future employee. Although to ensuring the quality of future employees may partly be seen as their social responsibility this fact will still depend on their economic situation and their need for skilled labour. However, making profit does not collide with the idea of the engagement of enterprises in the vocational education and training. It only needs an in depth-analysis of potentials and needs of enterprises and vocational schools and an adequate planning as well as development of the educational programs and activities. The following example on the PR China delivers many interesting basic approaches on how cooperation between enterprises and vocational schools can be built up, managed and preserved. Thanks to the over thirty years of multilateral cooperation between der PR China and other European and Asian countries, the PR China already knows what is needed to modernize the vocational education and training system. Further education of teachers, redevelopment of curriculums and the redesign of the infrastructure of the vocational schools are those activities, which enriched the Chinese vocational education and training system in the last thirty years. There is still backwardness in the economically weak part of the country but within the “go-west-strategy” of the government innovative measures are offered for enterprises to foster the development of the western region; for example cut red tape or tax and duty exemptions. In the course of the bureaucracy development of the east-southeast part of the country and through the increased perception of the country in the international business the quality of labour become more relevant also for the PR China. Products with low-value-added and unskilled labour were not sufficient anymore for the competitiveness of the country in the international environment. More and more enterprises realised the shortage of qualified labour because of the rise of progressing technology and of the availability of qualified labour. The commitment to quality in the vocational education and training laid on the market orientation and therefore on the establishment of cooperation between enterprises and vocational schools. The PR China can consequently show good practice examples from cooperation in the vocational education after more than thirty years of learning from other countries. The constructive element of these cooperation was identified by the actors as the consensus about the mutual benefit of cooperative activities. Although there are many good practices in the cooperation, nevertheless, more persuasiveness is still needed for continuous fostering of quality in the vocational education and training. The cooperation is not only influenced by the interest, need and the level of cooperation between enterprises and vocational schools, but the nature of the directives of the government are crucial for the cooperation too. For example, the decentralized implementation of the directives of the government may endanger the uneven development and quality assurance in vocational training. The transfer of responsibility of the state in the hands of the provinces ensures on the one side more freedom for provinces, for instance, it allows them to adapt the vocational education and training to their specific needs and to implement it to local circumstances. This means, to offer labour market oriented vocational education and training. On the other side it needs in the context of quality assurance to archive the knowledge gained through the fragmented implementation. This implies, that already developed teaching and learning materials should not get lost but it should be used as synergies and transfer these to other provinces, schools or enterprises. One of the exemplary efforts made by good situated “model vocational schools” is their willingness to overtake a sponsorship for other less developed vocational schools that are located mostly in the western region. Previously mentioned schools support the improvement of the teaching quality of latter mentioned schools and help them especially in the initial phase of the redevelopment of their teaching and training system. More concrete, “school sponsorships” allow to share knowledge, experience or to share technical equipment. The further education of teachers, the establishment of training facilities, the adaptation of curriculum to the labour market needs leave space for the consideration of local needs on the one side, and the dynamics of market development on the other side. It is only possible to take over responsibility for less developed schools, if there is financial support through the government too. School sponsorship is mostly subject to model schools therefore there is a significant need for recognition and promotion of education activities of these model schools. The high dynamic of the labour market in developing regions may cause challenges in the cooperation between vocational schools and enterprises, especially in the time of recession. If the cooperation with a vocational school gives rise to concern because of the limited time, personal availability or financial support in the enterprises, than the support of enterprises may decrease. Therefore the model schools strive to mobilise all actors, ask for financial and material benefits during the time of economic growth to be able to implement those benefits targeted and lay a solid fundament for the performance of less developed schools. This fundament may consist of well-educated vocational teachers, well-equipped training facilities as well as practice oriented curricula. A solid basis allows vocational schools in a economically weak period to use previous investments and benefits. Additional created supplementary services, as further educational offers for enterprise employees, well-educated vocational teachers as consulters by building up of new production lines or by doing research on the effectiveness of human resources, are examples for reserves to bear itself. The redefinition of the role of vocational schools as “service providers” in a wide sense, allows setting quality standards in relation with the pedagogical requirements and economical needs in the vocational education and training. The school administration and teachers need to be equipped with additional management skills in addition to their educational and professional skills to be able to initiate, build and maintain cooperation systematically and analytically. Enterprises need to be aware of taking responsibility for future skilled labour while cooperating with vocational schools. The openness of enterprises for cooperation allows determining one's potential within vocational education and training and look for benefits for both actors. It is necessary for a successful cooperation to be a "win-win" situation, so the motivation for all parties should be maintained. Finally each cooperation needs competent teachers, well equipped training facilities also strategic planning (AIOC-strategy) in sense of analysis of initial situation and the possibilities for the implementation of practical vocational education and training, optimisation of available capacities and resources, the interdependence of responsibilities and competences of both actors, and the consolidation of pedagogical quality criteria under economic premises. The PR China has tried in the past thirty years to modernize its vocational education and training system; this happened mostly in the technical occupations. The challenge for the future will be to do the same effort for the service occupations. The reform and open-door policy of the Chinese government since the 1970s brings many opportunities not only for the economy, but also for the society. The rapid development in the technically based fields brought the anticipated economic upswing and leads the PR China from a development country to the second biggest economy in the world. Now, the current government aims more to increase the life standard of the Chinese and strengthen the domestic consumption than to focus on industry production. Through the emerging middle class the quality and necessity of services gain higher importance in the society and it is seen as an integral part of increasing their quality of life. Chinas new generation remained from the destructive revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s, which have slowed down the development in the country. It has now in hand to bring together identity of the country with its traditions and modernity not only outwardly in the perception of the world, but to strengthen it also in the Chinese society.

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